West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1939, p. 8

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Saturday morning in from or Then;- bury but-ball park. Mr Mitchell told witnesses that he was 11de along Tho motor car driven by Allen Hitch" ol Christan; was utmost BAGGAGE checked. Stopovers at Pt Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago & West Similar Excursion: from Western to Eastern Canada during um. period. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations a nd all information from any Agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL. T20 .----.L_-i", TRUSTS GOOD IN Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions can BURNED ON HIGHWAY TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at ism STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fare, FROM ALL STATIONS m EASTEEN CANADA “in; Daily - Feb. Mr-Mar c, 1939 inclusive Return Limit - " Dare Mount Forest Branch: is.- B. YULE, Manager Hollis: (Sb-Agency): Open Monday and Friday. "A 'IISONAI. CHIQUING ACCOUNT '0jrotv'-uarruuttr Huron! when names and - ”mm- '"""'""""--twT_ciCir.ur"', 5.1%.: .Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain . . . but you’ll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- perience...you severed money. . .you get a swell selection ofmagazines and a full year of our newspaper. That's what we call a "break" for you readers . . . no wonder grandma "r--ioUnat GOT SOMETHING THERE."' 'io-te. untrue" nun)“ "Inc: ""hoetta-"ir-"i-atebaiii.V.' nus 1Pfraf9, l vtaiiiiiiii"hiiiiiiik MAGAZINES ------ALU.rAMn.y OFFER----.-....- THts 1PJ,,stt?9tltyt!tyy., RAW 7HREE MAGAZINES fy,ttti'/titu': m‘aHmCu-um‘ 'tyr, t3Cutier'utVr. ' Dhaka-MAW. Lo. Meme-P553». s Mos. GROUP A - S CI Noni-WOOL ' Mag. D 1700 Shaw. I Yr. C) 'errnkmd. t w. CI Canadian MOMI "" OF MONTREAL THE BANK or MONTREAL will be glad to dis cuss with you at any time the borrowing of funds for personal or business purposes. " rues approximate! y 1% eta. f, I Yr: I Yr. 's, t Tr. ”IAILIIIIID I I l 1 early SUPER-VALUE OFFER car will be a heavy one. car and In a short time the entire body of the auto was shine. Dozens of main; motorist: wuched the burning car which was completely gutted. The loan on the 1936 model denly shot from the engine. He stop pad the motor and Jumped from the ares approximately 1%c per mile fares approximately use per mile. Sleeping Care Additional a oJGTiiid (FL am). I Yr. Cl Canadian Magazine. t " ONLY D Chohloino. l W. CI Rod and Sun. I b. s C] Silver Screen. I Yr. Cl Picfwial Inky. t W. Cl Amorinan Fruit 670'". I W. === a Canadian HMieulOurn I Homo MIMI.“ , VI, snow 3 - SELECT 2 7 if -- Cl s"',','.'""" Magazine. " inn-I. Q 593.991 139.... gammy, I Yr. A5115?” 60mm: "oehtao............. lam dueling “who OHM hind vi”. a year's "ueebtuo 90 you ”not. CI Mm CI Super-Volvo '."."....o...-....... q............. "o'--.......-...... 2nd, Miss Ford. Earl Hunt. National Costume, 1st Miss Short, 2nd Eliza- beth Aitken. After the skating all went to the hall where they danced. Music by "The Knights of Harmony" from Mt. Forest. Lunch was served and a pleasant evening was spent. Clown, Ist, Dougal McMillan. 2nd Bryce Mercer. Best dressed couple lat. Mr and Mrs Hubert McDougal, The carnival last Friday evening was a decided success. The evening was all that could be desired. The crowd was 390d. Those taking part in the prizes were: fancy dress, lat Helen Builer. 2nd Minerva Mercer. This Tuesday evening, Dromore hockey team are playing Holstein team in Holstein. Mr Frank Norloeh of Suedbury is visiting his brother, Mr. Bryson All. FOUR ONLY Miss Clara Arnmretumod with thim and is spending um week visiting her friends in the village. . her a speedy memory. The McGuire family motored to Guelph Sunday and spent the day. '".'*...............r. We are sorry to hear ot Mrs John Mather’s illneos, but we hope for The Rev. John McKenzie of Bea. peler, preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The Women' Institute "At Home" will be held on Thursday, February 16th at 8 p. m. the Agricultural Hall. A good pro am is being pro- vided. A play will be put on by the members. Lunch \will be served. Come and enjoy an evenings enter, talnment. Miss Marie Aitken spent the week. end in Toronto. an Church met on Thursdai, 2ndatthohomeotMrsT.J to Toronto on Saturday to visit friends and returned Sandy. like Hue] Smith, R. N. at Lon- don spent the weekend with her Wont: Mr and Mm E. Smith. The Ladlea' Aid ot the Presbyteri. in HOLs'rl-zm LEADER somewhnt improved. In Irwin and mu Dyce motored Toronto on Saturday to visit The m upon: the week. tt with! her sister, who has been ill but reason“ - ', The community Club met on Fri- day night February 3rd in the home of Whyte Brom, with a good " tendnnce. Mr Kenneth"Rou uted as chairman. Fifteen minutes were spent in Community singing, with IMiss Sharpe at ihemidiio. The pro {gramme took the toiin of “Neighbor ENighte" pin, with its (mansion :groupc. The subject under discussion was the various wen in which "fl-1 culture my be impmved. l ed " very much. We I is motion] education. the young people - their undertaking. the result of the happy fellowship and stimulating “Mona enjoyed there by tur. Miem Laura, Mather spent the ten days at this Polk School. and enjoy- by ma the people from the surround- ing country certainly added a great deal to the success of the venture The Polk School was under the leadership of Mr and Mrs Leonard Harman of Klng, Ontario, the forin. er being the Secretary of the Pick- ering College Community Extension, , Arthur Hams proved to be a very capable assistant. Discussion groups‘ Were led by him on Art Appreciation, I Libraries, and Health Insurance. l The school was not etmtitted alone, to those who had come from dis-5 tances to attend, but was open for the benefit of the whole community, Canada’s first Folk School was held at Park Head when thirteen farm young people from Grey, Bruce and Huron took over a rural home for a period of ten days In January, in order to discuss together some of the problems of today. We believe that much good will be us. With Mr and In: John Anil, Mr “a "I" Inst, "an... The World's Day of Prayer will i be held in the United Church on Friday. February 24th at 2.30 p. m. The Indie: of the Presbyterian church will Join with the United Church members on the Day of Prayer. Community Circle met in the schoolwom of the United Church on Monday evening. The meeting open- ed with a hymn and wan followed by the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unl- son. During the business it was de. clded to have a skating party next week. If the weather did not permit, slides would be shown. Kathleen Eccles read the 101 Pealm as the scripture lesson. George Stevenson read the story of "The Beautiful Baby" trom Hurlbut's Story ot the Bible. Mr Tilden gave the topic. MDUMREVIEW their participation and enthusi-l as lone as they can as their help Is so badly needed. " was decided to have lantern slides in the church on Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Everyone welcome. “The World in Canada." Mrs A. Hunter read a. few items on Chris- tian Stewardship. A letter from Dr. Gordon Brown of China was read. telling about their worli in a hospit- al in a part of China where they could see the bombs falling. Their patients: were often victims of these raids. They intend to stay there The W.l.8. of th Church 'netintttoesttoermternoftuetntrett on My. February 7th with a. good utendance. lil- Stevenson. the president in the chair. The theme for the year is “linking tan. ade Christian," The Bible tending was taken from Luke 10:25-47, the story of the Good Samaritan. Miss Stevenson mentioned stories of peo- ple in our country and others which show the principle of the Good Samarium Mr9. Hawtter told the story of the Jirtst put of the second chapter of the new" study book. YEOV". . We are sure this ___ .WN.' "“" of ieckonlng. Mr Kaye gave scrip every. success in ture passage proving that God Is , Isupreine in power. He also gave an .‘h --. “Interesting talk to the boys and . l. AT HOME itrirhe. "What to Thank God tori. For r. r. " Home will homes, tor eyesight for health and 'il Hall on March many other blessings. PM!!! including Mrs. R. Noble and Mrs, MeAUster, by a dmce. Lucky Sn, visited recently with Mr and In an. Admiuion Albert Marshall. - .xbody' “women Mr and Mia Hubert MeDoutran and _ Ichildren of Holatein visited on Bun. :day with Mr and In Bert Wat-on. Mr. I Mr Emu Petty and Mines Irene Club met on Pri. and Florence spent an evening re- , an] in the home cently with Mr sud Mm Kean“; of “In. - -___ . A _. - - "Neuhbor In}! prmnt. n -e diam P" David Mamhatt um We Wish ccess in visited on Sunday with It: and in; Irwin Wrgtmon and may of Eac- of Hampden , Our pastor took for his subject on Sunday "The Sovereignty of God." In some of the nations of the world today the worship ot God and the study of the' Bible 1. forbidden, and it appears " it the powers of evil Pere ruling. . Perhaps the dark. est picture in history was the cruel? llxion of Jesus and the disciples were disappointed and desoondent. But the resurrection followed and out of darkness came the gloricus light of a risen Christ to bring up vatlon to the world. To the nation or individuals, who oppose or depart from God. There will come a day Mr TORONTO in Council adjourned to meet Monday March 6, at 1 p.m. for general busi- Dom. ot Canada Insurance Co. ' re. newal Trans. bond $16, renewal Tax Collector's bond $11.25: Mrs. Drumm, relief $20.36; Albert Wolfe, Varner, relief $7.80; Gordon Long. relief, (wéod) 33.50; J. C. Mercer, County Trees, hospital accounts $51.37: Pro. vlncial Treas., Dept. of Health. re insulin patients $12.84; Dr. J. J. Hergott, re treatment of indigent pa. tient $14; Peter McPhee. refund dog tax $2.00. The Reeve and Clerk were author- ized to sign and submit to the Dept of Highways the petiticn of the Tp. showing payments on township roads in 1938 to have been $8,926.25, and asking statutory grant on same. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: Members of Coun- eil, meeting to date $12.50; Mrs. M, Christie. use of rcom $2.00; Hu- bert McDougall, services as auditor, t25, postage and stationery $i.01;, Ewart Alles. services as auditor $26; J. M. Niehoiaon, Clerk. registering ll births, 6 marriages. 12 deaths $7.25; By-lsw No. 7 was passed providing for an estimated expenditure on Tp. mods tn 1980 or $12,000. Stanley Williams was appointed a delegate to the Good Roads Conven- tion in Toronto. The Road Supt. presented pay sheet No. 2, amount- ing to $55.15, with Supt. salary ot $11.20 which was passed and paid. $hrt.serurmtetoetom, The surety bonds ot the Tax Col. lector and Treasurer were renewed with the Dom. of Canada Insurance Co. The Auditors presented their report on the 1938 accounts. which was adopted, and 75 copies ordered Met In Holstein Wit. 6th. Mom bars all present. Minutes of prevt on: meeting were read and adopted. Mr and Mrs Robert L. Aitken en- tertained their neighbors on Friday evening, all had an enjoyable time. Arthur Hans and Harold Ghent. of Arthur Tts. were in Toronto re- cently. '. Her ttister-in-taw in ungainly weekend with her “rent. " Durhun. Mrs Whyte, ter. II a guest with her song here " present. - Grant Crisp“: went last week at his home in Minto. Mr Ciitt Roger- hu gone tn side " Oramtevi11e, where he its sued in Maine“, in company , Mr Wm. hum-on. mung. money maid be and to crater undue.” If the“ two Idea were promoted. it maid mum in that feeling or uni-anon in com- munity me wind: we so much need. Hydro was also mentioned. Lunch m served by the ladies, and I seem time spent. EGREMONT COUNCIL KNOX CORNERS Mttetday .to sum in the her brother, Mr Thom" In. M. Nicholson, Clerk went to St 72:10.... th. and " A. Valle" “any with When and . presentation was nude of n purse to Mm Voile“ and n pipe spent the to Mr Vollet. by three young WI _7_ _.... “um!“ “I. or it The lovelylmo an Who “your Jon have plenty of tune and money, m h “In. M AW tuaer'. “magnum. .'tlryrGio'amrtuidii -+qf-. lem: a living, keep out at It. It ml 6 In“. M -uet.- you- dorm." ' I Dr. Jameson also and our k L'.'." Dun”: ‘ymucdoetor. “mum“: m0. “VON.”- 1vttr'Ctttetr-aT"'; A0riteteet. ""'"""t-rairta".' I----,;, and on Ttumsarr-the any before " 83rd ttirthrar-- he handed out tome tdvlce on the “Viability of entering Donna! life. “I wouid not advise the "emge Inn of may to enter puma." de. clued Dr. Jule-on. who was sm- or or the Home have... annual "" m N-, - -.. - For 25 years Hon. Dr David Junie- son sat In the provincial manta" Hon. Dr. D. Janieson Marks His 83rd Birtlllay _ on, in Mmery instead of August. , A home made inking tutte will be held on March 4th, in the Ubrsry. , This will an the place of the usual‘ _ "At home." All members ere ssked to be present end to bring liberal , supplies of belting and undies so ‘thnt the sale may be e greet suc- ‘ccu. All proceeds will so to fund _t'or redeeoratton ot the Library. I Hrs Gloss ave on interesting P" per on current events. Misses M. Bourne and M. Middleton ‘supnl'ml the music and gave several t't't lions, Miss Boume on the pionovi aceordeon. and Miss Middleton on the, the violin. Mrs Essunsn uked that, ‘a vote of thenks be rendered the girls for their entertainment. I Mrs Myles, misled by Miss L.’ McComb. gave s demmmttat.ron on! Meat Cookery: part of which wen" served for lunch Inter in the after. l noon. A hearty vote of thunk. m l given them for their wrrk. Roll cell l was answered by question-s given by"I Mrs Myles, which " times provoked , much lsughter smong the members. t A splendid lunch we sserved at the ' The Women), Institute met " the Renwtee (ha-tel home or Mrs J . Mather on Thursday. new“ ttttttth on Feb. 2nd, with a large attendance ot -Graoe Vollett u members and Manda. In: G Sharpe Calla. Heleektn presided. in the absence of mu mmtsto-- lrvtnc I Renwick, owing to her father's tgetrf. (Wm M. on: Illness. Sympathy was expreu- NONI emnie.-gh ed for was Renwlck In her anxiety. (bill fold M " Achievement Day wot be held Gmcnwood "oelttrl In Knox Church this summer. M- VIDKSIIII‘DB (sum WOMEN'S INOTOTUTE MET AT HOME OF MR3. JAG. MATHER and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing, one feature being; step-dance by the groom. A very pleasant evening m spent by att. Vollett both replied in n few, well- (-hosen words. Lunch "u nerved lira Alfred Vollett gethened “their nit-it: in waltz. tan atop, em. drew home to celebrate with they: the the admiration at the an“. thirtieth nnnlveraary of their marri- Preview to this. A the. hall err. age. The early part of the evening hihitinn between dril' mine from Wu spent in progreuive cache, in town and furniture mete-1. created Arthur Mountain and mu Donetta halt an We in. The Are took Lengrill making high scores. About some energetic an!” at the hall. midnight Mr and In Voliett were often whiting. and slid and akitlded surrounded by their friends, and In around in great Ityle. " ended a Ttttyr. McAlister addressed the happy b-a tie. couple. At an appropriate time, Prim were donated by the mer- three little boys, Allie Mountain. rhanta tor the Mona race-s and cow Bobbie McRonald and Raymond Pte. tunes, the winner-a heiu: ken presented the bride with a hand. no" under " met-Bott Thomp- bag and a cream and sugar, and the non (hockey ma), lei Watt 1turtt groom with a pipe. Mr. and Mm. "amt h. min..- 1L1...» 0-x- On many evening, February am, the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mr Wesley Stormy and family on may. of the neighborhood. Both Mr and In Vollett neplied. we would join with those who were present in wishing for the euteemed couple many more happy waiver-cries. We spent Sunday evening pleu- antiy " the Weiieoe home. Mr and Mrs Albeert liar-hall visited Sunday " the IleAll-ter home. their wedding. In Imam spoke on behalf of then who were present MAmttaRandwatuee.qtrttgti.osd-re-ngth_." Ho'mrrtt"mtt"-thearer-,'; ttrgna-nidHnesehnttta. inqetttseThttatqmsah-. 's-tot-e-tFD- Neighbor; mam unborn! m.“m&ae’uuvhhlotf overrtoetrentt-edatthet- Mes-err-ri-tft-tttrn-t Mr uni In Alfred Vanna on My a econ: mum." he a“. “In “one evening to spend the main: With an [Jun put an. In the chair than: Ind alter 'sttqmtttHtittew to and naked out the tooth.” them on the 80th mum-cry of Dr. lecm'. but] new is u ”summing-t Mr visited I mama; swam Th? Shim"! Hour’ ('ikt West_ with the Lik WED. a THUR only. ' '" " M I“. “I. I”! The Dublin. (111 who “your but h “Ian M M Burl!”- "n.. ..;.-, " ADDED Hummus: their newest. adventure! When An. dy tries to In“: the Wild West wil. act! When Ila-Ion crie- to laws n bucking 'soMtor Into leve'u corral. ....the whole world open- lu been to tun, excitement and bout-throw? THUR... Palm, MT., FEI. O. 10, " The I.“ - Gmateet of Thom All! John Lloyd ttlttur); omen In} 'ritatm--aEr. John Lloyd tttttee).. Grecnwood (socks) . len’ur tousy--ttu vanShu‘pe ortgrtt, MIVollett (toil. " at). Oldest mm on Lu..u_ Renwtck (hunt of New), Inn Mann (book 0M1). We. comic 4m Vollett u Mn! (lump) Cam. Helm (co-net). Conic ~ROXY' minivan.) Girl: under t6-Wattees Cluche-y (slim). Old: tmdert6-E Hopkins. Hm (cloves). Couple mee-O. um and and Bertha Glu- (chocolates). Ducky dnw - Clyde McCallum (season duet). than tor the VII-tom meta and con- tunes. the winnen being: Ion unda- " met-Nt Thomp- Ion (hockey nu), Id Watt Itutitt light). Boy: undu- lek Cain (with). Menu mete--43oeutttt McDon- nld (damn cute). Gordon Mean-r Durhnm'a nut carnival In two or three winters, last Tuesday night, - a crowd of about six bandit-d. who enjoyed the "can of the night, particularly the big Won. the [lacy and “an than: numbers by mum at the Stratum! Shun; Club. Mr India and two men com. prhed the any (we of whom was mu my Clarke. m at Nelsen Cloris of the Dominion m here.) Carnival was a Big hams can! of longevity." be Rolled. (Sir William I. "t. “I've told Sir Wil- llun I'm out to but “I. least " door. Re In plum “0.000 teoeeintttqott4reameasdMoek- ed his late with but and "out. And Dr. unioni- ambition , Now Playing futon! I. In! tr' , O cue). Norman C. McKechnie of lr-M, In tire open" mane. Chealey'n on: Durham Iron- a mom but the Colts have 1 I" mint-r opposition. Durham'n l od the Utrit the Chmley lea-mo dot-w Monday night S--2 Win om ill Fir: I" St Kuhn lirhr Grant-r for Hams Durham was m, 1 N1 N)XEM‘ ourtto FITCH sumpoo _ liar bom It the Colts I "tttest. on!“ Both mums v Deciding a Walkerto; ll ly "I Vol. LXI. N ' Ihr Che BUR". Wednesday, I Chmrtes---Pttittip. I Cam+rr--tkttttimter ”mm -- {Awmnw “flunk Mon»: Burbank-Mom "trtutgtt-Moews Che 6'0"qu MOS to " WI Ctr ottt he M OI My If You T PATTER M Ik ll ut tl M thrive lo M tltr M Ind " YOU CREAM, HtNDS " the ti ll on H m frun1 when TI , In 3 an [in thank!“ If! " tt bel racy unlou mu unohnn " Ir Colt Inked nr of ml l Hurt Por ttts M t4

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