West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1939, p. 5

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Wqtdauettter. In M! in Wuorioo ulv'Ls. brings results. Ttr partmenul M I of Health, 91...; summery 814.90; I refund dog tax. I 4 at Council, 12.70: JJIXKLH, 36.00; D. J. MULOCK 3mm! t6, 1m uMPnrN M _ _ 1UGEEN J H, mama M Imu- Noreen Hop fortune to "[1me SIviKh-ridlnl I. the .y last week. Sb. a herbal in a an "otsverttimt. 86.0t. "ned to not - 'hay of Aprib " " -etirtq of tho I. l at the norm week, with t fate nbees and Visits“ mnald of Tomato vrul home on me hum of her mother "lasing View”. V93 "Bush WW P1.vers.' To III. ' .Wost and East fast and Mb. a tie until tel Iett than .--s sterners. When " again will be the future. was moving day when Mr Fan! " Mr. William on Harold and min father’s Into nd Mrs Henry Markdale to the which they Md ', that In Elia at the home " - Jerry Allord. Miss Smith - n- ladies ot the .‘w sceiat I“ lbln to an.“ .Valkm’ton DWI! h her parents. J Stone, w.m h, $1.88; WHI- , "4.90; I“, tiott tax. 81.0.; wil.12.70; W. LN); D. J. In. 32.00; _ T 1m”, wntion. $5.”. I to meet - PM change. t Lawto- m th their daun- uh Slinson of latter part o! Jautrttttrrs,Mrs. Clinch) Milan. mere-sting and I hockey Wu Warns on the Mr Andaman I: while the put to Miss . c. Pfeffer. do a Maine“ nsday. nlland. is I her Monitor. t a few dun Mrs Will- Ratio-(y Matt- r Friday night March. when rok‘nole uet a late hour. carried on Round r! MeArthur and Mr DM- " attended mush). Mill Toronto I“ um unfortun- . bush. TI. bad gash II a: very nit. m off work 'h " the the home Want-34h! M. Gordon, maker tor ladies t of Knox the putoit returned pent the Sunday WITH” 90" nd n F“. ""' lIl‘uua; Wm.- - saw the value of the County Library onea who have actually formed a ttprl donated 1300. That mean the County Library are Lambton, ma- County Library now has $800 cm dleaex and Ettitin. The other: have ty want. #300 Government grant trtmitrttt cooperative will tthuts and $25 from " “Marlee making . but tune“ are not separate organ]- tntal of $1050. :adona to which the books would be- Tho result is that the own coun- long. A Wm" Dian tor "Ir ty is now library minded and my “do: ha.- not the advantage rommnnitles are ready and wining that it can grow and expand out Into to have deposit gum“... but "" the smaller centre: the way a Conn the report 1... ttsit each book ty Library can. It can only serve had nlrrulated " tr--whiett looks thet 11me whieh are We“! e.v " though ”my my. “my; like twinned and u, of Course. a great to read. help to than but it does not so The County ot Middle-ox baa " tar min. For rural dutrieta Public “We. of 'm " m which an ,hthttqt I“! all ,rithttett memtrerserethethmrttr 'llc,',';;.;'-?-'.?'.,'?.'."?,',?,',',,',' ldb sociatlon. at.t'l1"',d'dl'1'dTiiFrr.ii-r'"'"""'"""' that.“ was metallic out 1WM' Vandals-5..., mm“. 'thMt. momma-l! “in! the The result is that the out!" conn- ty is now "Mary minded and my communities are mdy and willing to have deposit sum. Lu! you' the report In] that etch book had I'm-ulna! " --ortsleh look- " though run] people would like to read. The first County Library to be or- tive agencies. so that as more and :nmml in Ontario was In lambton of the county people recoszmze the undo-r the supPrVislon ot Mists Doro. value of becoming part of this move. thy Carliale at Sam: Public Lite ment and take action to do BO there HIILV about eight years tttro. At first will be no lack of library service in out or the 17 libraries In the county Elgin County. . Nil) 7 ioined. eaeh donating $25 for Waterloo County adopted a differ- lor cooperative buying and s quart- ent idea. They have divided the Mlv owchange of books. To begin county into three grouptr--tsenior, in. with they had over 1000 books do. termediate and Junior. The senior [mimic Wilthin the first year the group takes in the larger centres. !7 libraries had Joined and one tho intermediate such libraries as new library had been opened. Each Preston and Elmira. while the Junior library now Home": entire satis- takes in the smsller centres. They faction and each library receives h'nve adopted s plan to buy books l5" limits at each exchange, which and circulste them smong their dif- mmns that 600boohs resoh eschllb- fer-ant groups. From this is grow- rmy within a Fear-an for sn snnu- in; the idea for a County Library, al fee of $25. At Brat the new”! which they expect to bve very soon. were held in the Ssrnis Public Lib- In Simcoe there are three lib- vary. then in different parts or the rules cooperate in buying of books. rural districts. now they have s In Dutmrin-Peel, Orangevillo snd book van sud the secrenry of the Brampton in“ s cooperative non- nrznnization mites s visit to esch Betioet buying scheme. in 1htrmt- 1ibrory every three months and de. Perth an organization including Mit. livters and collect. the MI. ehett, Seniorth. Benn". Exeter and In regard to the funds for the Brussels is working for the tmr. first two years att they ttad W“ the CMQ snd 0131111180 d clused books. $25 from esch of the librsries with Kent County hss eight rural tite a small Government not but the rsries which is the total amount in work Jttttt m... After two m the district and they ore buying co. mm. this was tn the m. of an operstively. Norfolk hss s coopera- experiment and the Depsrtlnent ssw tive plsn in which the books sre cir- that it was proving successful, I culsted “non: the different lib grant of dollsr for dollar with the rules. finslly being left with origin- county Council up to $600 wss sur- at purchaser. aranteed. Tho County Council” - Of att the" mu” the mtir new the vsiue of the County um M” who m" setuslly formed ,5 and donated "oo. That Inssns the Cm" Library m Lambton, , - County Libra" now has 3300 Coun- diesex and Elm. The others “I; s t mt straight Wnuv. tngring p " Hunt. 8800 Government . but these "0 not mu omni- and $25 from " libraries Instill: 'tatimgt' to 'm m m. would be. total of 81050. - __ . “mu“..- ' (m. " It is quite obvious that in Grey County, since 59% ot the population 1m- without library service. the flrtrt 4- ir-- ready access to booktr--has um been taken and cannot be taken until a County Ubnry has been t cruUlished. Grey County is some Mm: below the average for the Province of Ontario since for the whole province there are 37% with.. out library service. COUNTY LIBIIAHIES IN OTHER COMMUNITIES [Joust-y work In the future means planning not that one type of work best suited to that district. The ttrat aim of a County “but! it to 500 that every individual in the county ha. fairly ready access to books: the second in so to Md u to also th" standard for reading, and to rl:1'n.:raze people to read and study w 1s to form their own opinions based on fact. rather than on pre- Judiee Spring filled Mattresses Reg. U.76, Special $9.95 12 only Cotton tilled Mattresses Full '0 lbs. new soft cotton, covered in attrahtive art ticking. roll edge. Reg. 0.25, Special $4 85 High ri~rr Cable spring Mattresses Neighbor Nights runny Mattress Sale Feb. tt 2. Feb. 28 PEER can 16, "" Some Finishers, Dutham PHONE 41w v (by bLLL & BENNETT Containing IN oil tempered coil springs, all new first-grade felt and sical filling, Belgian damask ticking, roll edge and ventilators. tedtsoture'"11'rTt: - - mm... tthge. ammo-1741950! tttermtt-attre'tttorhtttr"r-t ',ttl'n'dlg'li.rirariiuus-""""'-"""""' . who construction, Reg. 6.95, Special $5.75 Kent County ha eight rural tity raries which is the total anoint in the district and they no buying co. operatively. Norfolk has a coopera- tive plan in which the books are air- culated nmong the diferent lib rat-lea. finnlly being left with origin- al vurchaur. Of all the» counties the only group takes in the larger centres, tho intermediate such libraries as Preston and Elmira. while the Junior taken in the smeller centres. They Have adopted a plan to buy books and circulete them among their dif- ferent groups. From this In grow- ing the ides for a Canny Library, which they expect to hue very non. In Essex tt different system is be. ing tried. Each of the libraries co operating purchases $25 worth of new books annually. cataloguing them ttttd they remain the property of that library after they have cir- mtlated among the other libraries. Each one provides amicable box for transportation purposes and retains its own selection for a. period of two months after which the volumes tro to the next library. In this system there is the danger of duplication. in Elmn County there are nine libraries and six of these have torm- ed an Association with the annual fee being 825. Shcuid any library wish to increase its tee it may do so and, secure extra collections of books. Books, are distributed at each quarterly meeting of the association. Provision is made in constitution to allow subject to the approval of the Minister ot Education the exten. tirn of library services within the county by the organization or library deposit stations and other distribu- tive agencies. so that as more and of the county people recognize the value of becoming part of this move- ment and take action to do so there will be no lack of library service in Elgin County. ' Waterloo County adopted a differ- ent idea. They have divided the county into three grouptr--sert1or, in. termediate and Junior. The senior In Slmcoe there are three lib- ru'ies (to-operate in buying of books. In Dutrerin-Pee1, Onngevlllo and Brampton Inn a cooperative non- " books. some of the larger librar- les having more than one unit. Each unit consists of about 40 books. WE DELIVER On Wednesday the Hoidiast U. P. Vin o. Club meeting ms held at the home of Mrs Mel. Knuth, when nearly 40 were present. The Pros. Mrs Archie Stewart presided. Con- munity singing was much enjoyed a reading was well given "An invit- ation." by the president. Mrs Cam. eron Smellie gave a spiendid paper on Current Events. A debate on the subject ,"Resoived that the country is more prefersbie than the city," was much enjoyed. The entrust!" side was taken by Mrs Dan Campbell and Mrs Ednar Patterson and the negative " Mrs T, K. McLeod ind Mrs C. Smellie. Mrs Earl McLeod Mrs George Jaynes and Mrs T. Bradey were appointed judges and gave their decision in favor of the af11rmative. It was decided at the December meeting that a new drive tor members he made. Mrs Ben Mc- Kenzie and Mrs Geo. Fisher were chosen as captains and the losing side had to put on a socisi evenindg tor the other side. Wednesday even- ing was the last day. The members were counted and now they have 54 members. Mrs McKenzie’s side won, havinrr 10 more than the other side. A question drawer created much fun. Lunch was then served by the hostess and her assistants. The March meeting will he held at tho home of Mrs J. A, Nichol. Conditlnna are very ttliet in this loramv. neoph- rn'rw out only when ream-MW but thankful there ht not much sickness calm" for-n doctor, " roads are just passable. A vm few were out to church on Sunrh" "'va "r. Tavior rot over In good time. He has decided that he cannot car" on with " urge I. new. renaming of Marhdate, 'Price. tttto In"! QurIWOn-u For? A 'olrtt moon" M the nonmdons in to be he"! one at these days to try to arrtt'""' name “1&3le tttart up” More the Prel‘wterv. can It bedone and nun no one. Primal. 3nd Swinton Park not “on; together; to" forty years: In it not MI. yet ' " not. we must row on the radiator the than mm. Ind they no a was will meet Tuesday u the home ot Mm Sutherhnd, Fob. tut, All ladica are welcome. $MNMHm to my kind ot - ur- etee it in not only I quantum of git ing the We lathe» centres better service but of giving the people who hue none " .1] some tort of library service. Next week -Cotuttr 111mm. and Rural Schools. On Friday night considerable (-Voitamrnt was can-zed when W. J. Finnlm’ rhimnov “me an fl'ys. Mrfth the help of neighbors and are ex- tinvnhhm-q " was: ohm-1:04. Astrnng W’nd u-nahinwinv ttt thntime towards the ham. the Maze was coming out of the chimnev and (marks were ftvin'r. The Hinoks’ family are very grateful to all who came and assis- ted. While we worry on through the und Mrs Frank McLean during the The w. n cold. stormy weather and bad roads, illness of Master Roderick McLean held their we often think ot the yeah: that are who is now much improved. Thursdny in 1 gone; also of our my old friends, The contrnot for the yesr's supply M. Moon-r I " we read in the Review week by of " cords of 14 inch wood for No. singing of "h week. of their mains. Ihtteeiailr 4 school was let to Mr William Nob letter was rel has Drornore neighborhood lost so son at 82.25 per cord. present n pm nanny worthy citizens this last year. Wtulntions to our loco! tmek- loge hospital In the passing of Mr. Roht. Renwick er, Mr Archie Clerk and bride gratitude for who was " wett known and respect- (formerly Miss Rhoda Greer). who ters sent her ed bv everyone in his long business were married on Jun. 28th. We wet. W.M.S. Mrs career, all the older people at least. come them as residents of our little leader of the will qttNr ‘an horet man has gone when and wish for than hnnniness Hunter mnv Mr "awn-a MIN-em! and We mother of Swinton Park. visited Monday at Mr TM. J. Hlncka'. Mr and Mrs H. B. McLean, Neil- burt McKenzie, John Ritchie, Alex. Weir, John Barnett, Innis McLean, Jack Livitumttttte, Jack Shortreed and Stewart Muir and mrhans others we havon‘t heard at attended the Prirpvilln dance in Toronto last Fridav nieht. from our midst. who ever SING jun. measure in - transaction} All will nvmpathm with those left to mourn Mr Stuart Carson spent last week Nathan Haw at Hopeville. Tho h'ide and Whom. Mr and Mn Bert Irwin unwed homo Hop- dar night from their honeymoon and were met " the station with Mr and Mrs: Allie McLean and Mr Ch. McLean spent Thursday in Ownn gn'und‘ Mm Art Bell and little Thelma returned home from Plesherton. a ”with load who a" had music-.1 instrument! and followed than " the way home. SWINTON PARK PRICEVILLE daughter Saturday Mrs lichen McKinney who visited in: of the W. several weeks with her daughter. home cl In In Mrs W. P. Ills. Holstein has re- with " Indies turned to the home’o: her son. Mr. Ritchie pmiduu iWilliam McKinney. Hams end In , A m; of Hydro workers cue to “tended the in the village Inst rweek to put the in Honour. . long overdue tlttisttinq touches on demonstration, 4 this local line. Soon we expect to pore meet tor c have more light on the subject Be. cooking, which fore setting aside the old reliable and plum tt coal oil lamps we would like to ask While the meet our good Swinton Park correspond- were read, also out it he doesn't think we sot o. treats received. much brighter light from the cool and Miss Kate oil med twentr or thirty FettN no us with s duet. than we do new. Nearly every home Mrs W. J. Gre in this locality has used gasoline an “Canadian A lamps and lantern- with mm or and assistants ' less success. u... “M“... " mm mm s9Pru"ttMt+P"rMtG.tt"eNtoet "Thou-hut 1oostteaeetamdtttermtrttsmeant. no mum-mu. fltcl,'d'",'d','l'C't'l',r 'e'tlt"rhottsdrtrotawastt-e.etoiG-r.r-. “a... 1"t1r"e?r.mnttmaetstr.overeraGan.toreikirtiG Mr Nell Mesntrhneiottmtdingtase Ricotta! Ind [Imam-o. 'YrNe,atrrarur-tarretrtatr-r. manl- uchuanwuloudwavook. "'NeWoruinCanadn." 'unmehoteuanirtstrt.tmwtret.- '5h-tttrtrttsrntsd-,stamobrttse '1"re*eteAttmeiart-eovae.aaettGGer- mmmflmmwmmu,mmm_¢ Dawn: event ”or days with their sister In Me Clan. ur.1.nmm. A.'da1tttriurystt m mu M. Icon»: gm the auction] 59nd 'ege."tt2Ltt"2,'g,tr.T,t'atetr, “Thoulhdt Ian and mum. "Ft'" mmteta u thy umber.” The “My book wan Mr Fred Benham who has been employed at Richmond Hill is at present visiting his parents Mr and Mm Walter Benhun. Bortnr to hear Mrs John Perri-a bu been laid up under the care of Dr. Carter and nurse Rune]! of Dun. dalk. A PM!!!" Euchre My "I Church. All women in town ere all. B. A. of Tevistoch, who preached held at the home of Mr end In ed to sttend end fill the church. who. 1, on the hut vote reeeiveds Welter Ewing on Fridsy evening of The roll cell for lurch will be decisive majority of ell voting and Inst week end motley evening of payment of fees. no second vote m neceseery. this week where everybody ind s Regret was expressed thet the W. The new Ito-distribution Bill hes real good time. The ttmt prizes on 31.8. will lose " sctive member been introduced into tho House of hidsy evening were won by In Gr when Mrs T. Young leeves this Commons and Ontario is to lose cil Brysnt end It? George Bell, the week for at. tombs; In Young four members . One of these is to ronsolation prizes going to Mr Neil was Supply Fs'r, end her piece be m from Grey County. Best Henriette and was Blenehe Benton. will be taken by Mrs. G. Yum. Grey being divided between Notes On Monday evening those winning Mr,, l. a. Malnith sue e - and south Grey. Motorise- were Mrs George Stewart on "8terwatxUhitt and Fiance." The Damon Corr. Rev. Dr. Marsh and Inn-Den Mr! the eonsolstion allocetion for the W. M.,B. for brewed the m on My and mom to new Dell and 1980 is 8400. with .m n. mun. mm, mm. The Young People Society of Christian Alitance Church spent a pleasant social time at the home of Mr and Mrs. George PtM1hrter, Friday eve. Same eveninr, another group from the United Church held a jolly Valentine social at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Scott. tt so happened that All were returning home at the name hour in the storm. were married on Jul. 28th. We wet. come than " residents of our little Village ind will: for them happiness, and prosperity. Miss D. Kramp, has been aunt- ine her aunt Mrs. W. Scott. It must surely have been one of those old fashioned neighbor nights, to lee three alelghioada coming down through the village about 1 o’clock in the morning or maybe the sleeping villagers thought it was an invasion. Mr and Mrs George Slum! spent Thursdmv afternoon with Mr and Mrs Fruer Mack“. can. 10. Miss Mary McLean was home from Thronto with her parents Mr. und Mrs Funk McLean durum the illness of Master Roderick McLean who in now much Improved. A bit or news that is becoming very stale this winter is -"The weather has been very stormy and Mr and Mm Archie Shand. Fair balm went an afternoon last week with his mother. Mrs George Shand. Mr. and Mrs. Crichton Ridden and two children of Snelg-rove Vinit- ed recently at the home of his moth- er, Mrs. James Ridden. A Valentine social under the auspices of the Women's Association of the United Church will be held Pridav evening. Feb. 10th at the the home of Mrs Bert Scott. Born in Dundalk on Sunday. Jan. itnd to Mr and Mrs Herb Agnew cf Hopeville, a daughter. (Intended for last week) Rev. A. Brodie spent a. tew days the past week in Tomato. Several families have been un- willingly entertaining the ttu. Alex. Mikes was also suffering with ear trouble. Mr Geo H. Gilkes has been laid up with blood poisoning in his leg. Glad to hear he is improving. The United W.M.S. will hold their regular meeting Thursday "temoon. Februarv 9th at the home of Mm Ed. Scott. not; ROY THEDURBAM REVIEW AI. "cm", tot-them annotations. thrttietrrmrtren_sd-ttrot 'nowretemtheueAnnd.. Orin; to the mm. and “I: ot In J. C. Cook'- mother (In. Ju. Atian of Cheney), the monthly meet- ing of the W. I. wu held " the home at In John Baker. Edge mn, with " India preunt, In W. J. Ritchie presiding. In Victor Will- attended the meet cooking project in new, sue a meet cooking demonstration, ohowiw how to we pore meet tor cooking and “no the cooking, which " present enjoyed. and trrotited by the demttnatratimt. Mrs W. J. Greenwood cove paper: an "Canadian Authors." Mrs Baker and “shunts served lunch, Our next meeting will be a social in Zion Church on Thundny evening, March the 9th. Everyone who wish- es to attend. men and ladies, are welcome. Mrs H. Allen in in charge of the program, were read, also letters of than tor Owing to the condition of the road: last Friday and Saturday, our W.M.S. Mrs MoCnllum Wu elected leader of the My Band. in“ M. Hunter my so u a delmte to a conference, which I. to be held In Toronto in the Ishtar put of March. The World'u Du of Prayer will be held this month In the Anglican Church. All women In town are uh. ed to "tend and ml the church. mai'man was not nble to make the round trip. Graham Tlmmins. with other men were busv this Monday, nhovelline! some of the snow banks on the road. to make them passable after the wimtorms the Inst of the week. Thundny in Queen St. chuck. um M. Moon-r presiding. It opened try singing of "Lon! of the buds." A letter was read from In Tracey, at present I patient In Women's Col- lege Mental, Toronto, enrolling gratitude for the may kindly let- PREttBYTERtAN w.M.8. MET AT MR8. A. W. H. LAUDER'S HOME The Senior Auxiliary met in the home of Mrs A. W. H. under. Mrs Patterson opened the meeting with prayer. The scripture reading, 2 Con: Chap. tr “he led ultemtely by Mrs J. Lawrence, followed by the hymn , need Thee Even Hour.' Mrs Hepburn then led in prayer. Mrs Keller gave a reading “India's Past' The roll call was answered with keyword "Hope," 20 members present. Mrs Mahmud reported Jr all: on sick and shut-ins. Closing hymn: we: "Stand Up. sand, Up for Jesus. Mrs Ledlnghnm and Mn Bur. gess led in about prayer " the held their monthly meeting on Nominations were made for Prea- byterlal Treasurer, due to reaigme tion of Mrs Grant. Mrs Hirtle and Mrs Hepburn were appointed to meet with committees of other W. M. Societies to arrange for World's Day of Praver. Mrs George Sharp was appointed delegate to attend the Provincial meeting to be held in St. Paul's Church, Hamilton, April 1g--AN)th. This is the Silver Jubilee of Ontario. W.M.S. Mrs Morrison, Supply Sec'y re- ported hate sent for Western Ite. “of in remonae to special request sent out. Mrs T. M. McFldden nag a beautiful missionary solo, which was much appreciated. Mm Mottat read (rem the study book. "Goforth in China," dealing with persecution from the rebels. Mrs Ritchie and KNOX W. M. 8. HELD MONTHLY MEETING IN QUEEN 8T. CHURCH (iii2siiiiiiiii'ihas Mchyden favored Mme-rm. “I. Raul-null: lun- atic-“3“!“ Dunn doc: “auburnmmmmn lorthotouc. AsNeetdHtr-tinq Tho Young Wm'l Auxiliary held than ml- monthly mean; In the home of In Cinema Du- with a good Moe of new. Tho devotion” period sun in charm of In Barfoot and In Wlllnce McGowan. It". B. W. Hide ".5 talk on our new work in lnd‘n. par- uculnrlly that of the Bhil Field end some idea of the condition of the country out! its people More and since Christianity was introduced. Kory Tobin then gave a - on “lndh and it: Cumin," which Vin {owned by . - "Behind Mud Wall: in lnd'a" by Dorothy Picker- ing. Both pnpern proved tteetedteinI to nil mum. um! nrnvm‘ Ow MY“. R. tr. “(Arthur PREOIYTEIIAN Y. P. CI HELD 1fALENYt$tE COMM. The regular weekly meeting of the Durham Pros. Young People's Boer ety was he'd in the Sunday when! room of the Presbyterian church in the ibrm ot a Velentine 30cm. It which Priceville Pres. Y. .P. S. were the guests. The opening exer- cise: were conducted try the local president. Mr Gordon Greenwood. Ho bu ttttrehaasd the has on Bruce Bt,, formerly oeetttriod by Mr. In. cum and " m met! by Mr John M. no will “my move Into town In the sprint. Greet unanimity we: displuyed by Durham Presbyterian in the voting for n mininer. Rev. tr. M. Willey. B. A. of Teviuocl, who preached on”. 1, on the drum received. decisive matorftr of att voting and no second vote vote necessary. The new Redistribution Bill nu been introduced into the House at Commen- ud Onurio is to lose will shovel In cutter. wanton» Mutt Jun Bhth read the scripture leuon sud Rev. Mr Hirtie led In prayer. The devotlunu put of the meeting was concluded with the Lord's prayer. (from Review me. an. It, 1924) Salt. also an. Mr WI. Ritchie Mr. Edge mn,4 lbs-um- A ttassoMhutmsmmsn,oawattNew MOI-Ink. rouden to Joe McNally and the mms:,'"""----- The remainder of the evening was spent In a splendld variety of games and contest- under the cup- ahle leadership of Ills: Sadie Ile- Fachern and assisted try Mlntt Elen Miller. An enjoyable evening was brought to I. close qttittt the serving of . delicious lunch. secrotnry, In D. Donnelly; unint- ant. Mrs J. Pierson: Li's-Juror, Mrs tr. Punt; uni-taut. In W. Thomp- son; mm. In“ My Whine!)- The T.O.G. Club were in charge of the prayer service in Baptist church Wednesday with Miss Dorothy Whi- stencroft presiding nod taking part in the offering of prayer. Mr: J. Pierson read the 34th pull end in the season or prayer that followed seven] of the audience took part. A story of "The Bea of Life" was read by Miss Eva Redford and papers on "Prayer" and 'Ptstiettt?e' were read by w" F. Havens and Mrs. D. Donnelly ttttd I very inter- esting talk on the lite of Job was given by Mrs W. G. Ritchie. The pastor. Rev. J. T. Priest, clued the service with prayer. At the business session that tot. lowed the following woepted ottiee for the year: Honorary president, Mrs E. Gibson; president. was Eva Redford; vice-presidents. Mrs. W. Barter sud In W. G. Ritchie; Volm, In E. 0500!). IN DAVQ 0F VORE The meeting cloned with n hymn PRE‘IYTERIAN V. w, A. " - A“ chl and News oom- ONTARIO ARCHIVES upmammm' “mum, sleep. And lean In iss:: to mourn. Wodtdrsertk-rNt'trrraittttsF. We did not we Nu die. We only know he pained away Lie-mammogram... , -- mun-awn. r nut-Mummi- _....' 1 e?u.t'P"emm-_ t J. L. SHIT“. ML, M.C.. PS. --tudtr mined by t Not-nun and human Rm: Over Royal Bank Durban. Mountain-colds.“ comm a NW Ollie. cad Mace: Our-or - to" and button It”. Du. Ollie. noun: ' to " L... 110 “C 9.3., , to ' 9... Sum” one... Honor Graduate Toronto Balm. Graduate Boyd Coll. Dental Burp- mum: t.8tttooatt.m. r.89to"ttFm. W. G. PiCttEftittu, 003 V x RAY on em on»: um sum. pm “1.. (llqlitrltthE,thaq 31hor.or3mirsaie “on“ In M a $1.75 tfee.o-temtd-tastmt- and-duhmm Intuit-dour WOOL and CILK AtltBtthNti.MetM, a C. an» t. F. awn. 0.0.8.. La9.t. A “a IOVI' LINED MULE “I". . ”It I. W. PIERCE ELLIS “hm-w Nod-In. “my and a -. am. 00.00.!“ COCVIIIIIY. Iona. no no. com-u I"- n can 0. III- uu a u LII. an In. an: an I'ag'.'?lau ME YOU mutant: IN J. l MIMI“! Mound 680MB E. DUICAI Whnllmlvm 1 It McQUARRIE. B. A. R‘PACIIN. " 0.0“ T tt. SNEATH. M. B. Ladies ! BESSIE WWW“ E.)

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