West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1939, p. 6

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A friend presented him with a huaca taken from a grave) in Peru sen-m] years ago and which bore the tribal mark of the prince with whom it was buried. The marking consisted of a number of angular Rims. Some time later he discov- ered pottery near Clearville a few miles from Blenheim, on which a similar design had been, imprinted. He has found what he believes is a deflrtite link between the na- tives of Kent County and Indians of Peru. Similar 0.0"" Imprinted The entire Miller theory is bar. exl on the faet that the Indians had trade-marks similar to those of business firms today. Each tribe. according to the minister, had a different mark which mem- bers used on pottery. “It was in fact a piece of Peruvian pottery which first started Mr. Millar on his hobby. Numerous theories have been advanced as to the origin of the North American Indian but from his investigations, Rev. Hubbard Millar. of Blenheim. is convinced the redmen migrated to this con- tinent from South America. North American India Rh)! Have Come From There To "Nowadays you can buy tanttttt arid m ppwder) cheaply. Otto ounce of this added to a pint of water which has been boiled for ten min. utes is convenient for many appli- cations. Still more convenient is tannic acid jelly or ointment. These ran be bought from any pharmacist and are reeotntgttsttded hammer they help unsure cleaner healing of the burn m- mould." the dean expmnd. Claims Redskins Mierated From South America He added that in casc or severe burns. or scald: the first thing to do is can a physician. Bat for many minor domestic ac-cidonts of this kind it more modern form of the old remedy in available. A how owned by H. Roe.. man of the Laurentian Moun- tain viilage of Ivry Nord. Que.. did a neat job of "pacing" a train during the week-end. Frightorted by the headlight of Esmudizm Pacific Railway ht- comome there, the horse dash. ed up the tracks dragging I light s!eigh. renewed by the train the horse covered nine and I half milee in " minutes before being stopped at St. Fania. At St. Faith, the station mute: and helped men-ed to and the “We at.» and tab it of track. The trail. M hed eartght " m I In .. he been {and a Modern pharmacy researches unmetimel titre-aniline ancient rem- edies. Dean R. o. Hurst of the On- tario College of Pharmncy unit! In an address at Parkdnie Coliegiate in Toronto this week. pointing out that the ancient Chinese used an infusion of tea loaves for burns and sex-ids. Boiling six teaspoons of tea in six mp3 of water tor ten min- utvs makes an infusion containing from Ir, to 27 per cent. of tannin. "This infusion used with a com- press ot " layers of gauze is one of the most "leaeeotts and smith- ine remedies tor minur Dunn and guilds.” he said, Ancient Remedies Ofter Modernized Maniac-pt Franklin D. Roosevelt o: the United States who has re- peatedly and foarlessiy spoken nut against the actions of aggres- sor nations. Minister Finds Clue In Pot- tery Near Cleaning Ont. Today’s Use. Boiled Tea Cure Foe Burns Sleigh Race d at St. no station named to night and no train, "Well. how have you been treated"." Herr Bloom asked his friend, who had just been released from a concentration camp. "But, Frita," said Ben: Bloom, "I spoke to Ernst, who was in the same concentration camp, and he said he had I terrible time." A very earoful driver ap- pruchd . Idlroad crossing. Ho store" looked and listen. " '0?! ”fully. All he heard wan the car behind him hitting his [an tank. Young Douglas had reached the age of seven, when he was pro- moted to the dignity of having a room to himself. His parents had furnished it with great care and showed it to him with no little pride Ind satisfaction. "Oh, I can't complain. We had very good food, four meals a day, music on Sunday played by the S.S. Guard, elem lodgings, good treatment . . . " Mother--ilie, why did you kick your little brother in the stomnch?” Willie-Nt was his own fault, He turned round.” France.' Its wings and tail assembly removed to facilitate handling, the first of an order of 250 Lo'ckheed bombing air: planes, built in United States for Great Britain waits on a birge in New York harbor for the crane whith will load it aboard the steamship. Andania. The shipment is particularly interestimf in view of the futre.ra.itsed In Jyasrhintrton, and in Germany and Italy, over the United States" policy of bui ding aircraft for Britain and The author, world-famous lee. landic explorer, (born in Manito- bat, seeks to solve these hitherto unanswered questions. More than any other person living today he is qualified for the task. He ms spent long yenrs in the Airetie, mapping, exploring, living with the Eskimos. "Unsolved Mysteries of the Are. tie" . . . by Vithiahrtur Slal- nmo- . . . Toronto. the Mae. millan Coup-Dy of Claude, Limit.. HAY" "Yes, but he isjn again." To the maidservnnt giving you. Kn. On perceiving his plight, He Ingloued in fright; "What I no" inconvenient mu. Illa." A man was once caught by his 3.. ,oll it Off to England-First of n Bumper Crop of Bombers A, Just before laundering, pour some spirits of camphor over the stains, and they will disappear with ordinary washing. Q. How can I clean the waffle iron? . Q. How can I prevent tarnish. ing on the neck or arms from gold or silver coatume jewelry? Q. How can I easily remove fruit stains from table linen? Q. How ban I mend the finger tip of l glove more easily? 1. Try slipping a thimble into the finger of the glove, and a neat. er job of mending will be the re- sult. I know my wife will like it?" "What animal am I im'tut'"m 99-klonk 99-klonk 99-klonlt?" “I give up." "A centlpede with one wood- en Icy." yolk dry 'l A. By eovering the yolk with milk or water. A. This can be prevented by first coating the Jewelry with c01- orless liquid nail polish. Douglas viewed it in silence. "Now, son," said his father, "this furniture is of the best. It will last you a lifetime." Still Douglas kept silent. "Don't you like it, Douglas?" "Oh, yes, I like it. But how do Sir Kingsley Wood, British min.. ister for air, tries the latest in machine guns destined for use in Britain's new bombing planes. This new gun has an automatic movable turret which will aid the gunner in coping with the new high speed combat planes by shift- ing his position for him. France is developing an artifteitrl teeth industry, but finds it diMeult to compete with the high grade American product. Try the active mum" treatment for the relief of bleeding. itch- lng piles. In use nearlg half a century. l'se half the tu e and it not satisfied return tune direct to the Company and receive the full purchase price. If your drug- glst does not have EUCOZONE RECTAL 1JIN'r.ME.NT send sev- enty-five cents by money order and tube (with applicator) will be mailed to you in plain wrap- orr. poatpald. . Emu [alarm latest Aerial Wenponi' ' . :gP2li=ai1'tliiB GUARANTEED RELIEF! (Cg-uh) Limited WINDSOR. ONTARIO How can I prevent the raw of an egg from becoming A. The waffle iron should be given a good cleansing at least every sixty days. Make a thick paste of three tablespoons of bak- ing soda and two teaspoons of water. Apply with a thick brush. Q. Hoi/ a, I make the leaves of my rubber plant green and glossy? Lightning in the streets of Ce- lendin, Peru, ripped the clothes off a woman, and left her speech- less. The surprise of seeing the victim suddenly nude restored speech to I passer-by who had long been mute. A. Sprinkle a little sweet oil around the roots of the plant ev.. cry few weeks. Answers 1. The cut of the suit is prob- ably the most important feature. Loud or striking patterns should be avoided, as well as very light colors and extremes in fashion. 2. A meat, fowl, or fish, and one or two vegetables. 3. The invitation is usually given verbally, in per- son or by telephone. 4. No. Mere- ly wait until the coffee or tea has cooled sumeiently. After stirring, the spoon should be placed in the saucer and remain there. 5. Yes, it is rude, and always profitless. The success is never worth the ef.. fort. 6. Usually the wedding ceremony takes place in the church which the bride and her family attend. 5. Is it rude to insist upon hav- ing the last word when conversing with others? 6. Who should sclsct and engage the clergyman for a church wed- ding? 2. Please suggest what would be the most simple and suCscient main cougse for a guest luncheon. 4. When the coffee or tea is very hot, isn't one permitted to use the spoon to sip it? things for a man to consider when selecting; business suit? 3:“How should one issue invita tions for a motor drive or trip'.' Speech to the Dumb I. What Are the important Tn. in “WWI-M7 -. "d'lGflrhlt'"oLt't 'rt.ct p... CII. Ton-to; u "Three wars ago I was in bed for six weeks with inflammatory 'heumatism. Since that time I have been taking Krusmcn Salts. and have not had another attack. But the complaint left me with in- flamed feet, and it hurt me to walk. My hands were also some- what stiff. I took Kruschen every morning before breakfast, and shall continue to do so, because I am sure they have kept me in good shape for three years. Excuse this writing as I am ninety years old, and use both hands to write,"- J.R.G. The pain and stiffness of rheu- matism are often caused by uric acid in the muscles and joints. Kruschen helps to dissolve and re- move excess uric acid in a gentle way through the natural channele. Renewed health and wgour is. the result. He asks us to excuse his writ- ing. We do more than that-we congratulate him on being able to write at all at his age, especially as he has been suffering from rheumatism. This is what he says in his letter:- Letier From a Man of 90 “in this age or trtyterttific advance in all walks ot life, panda. can- not afford to ignore longer and lose the tremendous asset which it possesses in the latent ability tor trained leadership of the bright- est ot her young people." USES BOTH HANDS Ti) WRITE "the scholarships would enable the students to obtain undorgrdau- ate or post graduate training in universities. agricultural colleges and technical schools. . “Help Brightest Young People" "The important industrial nations of the world are spending large sums annually in scholarship sys- tems to ensure that the most bril- liant ot their boys and girls may not be prevented, because ot a lack of finaneial resources. trom secur- ing adequate academic training to enable them to take their proper place as thoroughly trained leaders in industrial, professional and pub- lie life of their respective coun- tries," the resolution said. The govornmrnt should Investi- gate the 6ceirabillty of a system of national 'scholarships for out- standing students who are financial. ly unable to cammuejheir educa- tion, according to a resolution. spon- sored by Paul Martin, Liberal, Es- sex East, appearing in the House of Commons votes and proceedings. Brief rent holidays will be giv- on 24,000 tenants at Shciheld, England, because housing loans have been renewed at lower. rates. Paul Martin, M.P., For Essex, National Aid T ScGiarutrp, For - ll But Needy Canadian. TORONTO For f'Stildents . ls Advocated (mun t muggy) 1j'.ArtMs, FOR SALE 7‘ \VIOS. TUUI'Es. TRANSFUNMA- mom. sullen". Carla. and all up“ of “an all-Ill, Hair Hoods. Writ. for lllunnted eettttttgtte. Carma”. ml term. urnnud. Toronto "on. an "air Supply Co. '" Subaru. Toronto. SHIP YUIJK FURR To THI estttNished house. Over years In bus'nesn Imwln A 189 Talbot St. Ft. Thnmum GOOD 15rsACrtE FAR“. GOOD brick house. big bunk barn, silo. Apply Gideon Schneider. Moore. tield, Ont. POULTRY FARM. TOWN OR Vlb Inge Morn or stuck nnd grain farm wanted in exchanw- (or modern Tot-onto house rented tttty dollars monthly und rush. Write Tuplln a; I“... 3333 Yongc Flt., Toronto. I'UTASII FERTILIZER (CANADIAN Hardwood Ash”). Write for Free “irculur oxplainlng use. George SIFVr-ns, Pmerborough. Ontario. Ql'ALlTY GOVERSMENT APPROV- rd China from blood trpted bund- rl'F that “Misty our vusnnmeru and sold at n low price. Standard Quality Hum-d lint-ks. White Hooks, New Hnmpnhire Reds $9.50, l'ullus 310:.95. Lughorns 89.00. Pul- lrh- £19.00. Mig an; Quality from 'ct, ammo "RPM and larger slightly Mum-r. Noni tof.cotttpltatt pripe biM".C'rmC MU'NHLS AND MACHIN- "ry bought. mid. oxchantred. Ford lbw-hint”. 1619 King East, To- run“... TOWN HOME-2. POULTRY. 2000 LAY, in: "apathy. Orchard 10 "(than £2,5uu, or rent Rare opportunity. H. A. Furquhur. Hortotidine, Nova Hunt!“ LESLIE SKIPPER. MERRITTON. "mt-win. lost only 4 out of 450 Pruy White Rork t‘hivkr. ('ovker. I]! aver I; lbs. at t, months. Put. lots "i.rlrnr sew-my per cent. at t tnnnthe. The ”my nhick doc-n the nit-k. Write for t-nlulogue today. ”my lintvhrry, I'.'." John Street Ft_tr1h,_Hruttflton. Ontario. WRITH FOR A TRIAL BOX OF "Old English" Composition Cap. Milli-S. Brings quick relief. Malt inn coma tor C,he box of " t'rttt- rules. Old English Herb Co., ro. mum. "All the cattle were slaughtered tor tood, " there had been no feed tor them anyway. Hay wan ship- ped trom Ireland for the starving cattle about Quebec, and it sold there tor $45 per ton. Even next spring, flour was selllng tor $17 per barrel at Quebec and potatoes were a penny per pound." DUN (‘h tle Albert Clark, of Russelville. ky., observed that one of his chic- kens seemed hypnotized and would not take her eyes from an over- head light. When Clark turned " the light, the hen ran around cackling furiously. Several duys later she laid a bulb-shaped egg, which Clark sent to Washington as proof. A HAPPY REMINDER! m “RAY ”MARRIED ROCK PUL- Mts. laying: at 1% months, hit 75'? production 'rt t months old for Bob nnd Roy Mynunl. Armdnlv. Nova Scott, Huh-1' your “my "hlrktt to. tin). [my [mu-hwy. 130 John St. North. Hamilton. Ontario. Tums at 4'2. No (arm sold wlth- out reasonable carh payment. I'leu,ce state your requlrements fully. all.” mumy or din-trim pre- term-d. Ifommlsninner of Agricul- tural Loans. Parliament Elan. Toronto, Ont. mi. mam Elwin-Kc ctiickiiu.i. try. Limitrd. Baden. Ontario. IIN'T “UNFI'SE T W I: " h r, I; “hicks with cheap chinks with lit- llu or um brooding back ot Ihem. Twodttle Cttirks are an Gown:- mrnl Approved front blood tctrted lmrdvh "nd sold only at low prim-s lu-ruusc we have reduced uur “penning mats and our moth- ud of marketing. Mixed Mule and I-‘mmle than: from $10.5" up, Pallets $18.uo. Write tor vnmlmrue and full details, Tweddle Chick Hutu-hu‘ivs Limited. Perm". Ont. I’ll!“ 0R _"ronF. WAAN'F." Hypnotic Influence mucus “a "r:rvruiiiiiG otin l'0l.l)‘ All]? "tNGH.ttotr. run um: an mix"; ELI}! "I'll "' MOT'ottti FA " M.% FN)" S A LE Classified Advertising " un' I'll“ Ky "All! (“MIDI '1}le S"et yea; THE "LE Jonei, SEND Us THUR THU m and 'htneratoF Rel ,vnu money. Allan- Mnnfr.. RS!» nay FU., -.--'-...LlL'rP, Dummy ,‘ QUIT TOBACCO. ENL'FF, EASILY. Itysspenssiveisv. Home remedy. Tus- Hmonlnln. (Eu-ranted. Advice "we. Hartleu'l. Box l, Winning. S""-'"----"-'-;---"'-'-".:,"?',' 1'RtutiTrs. [Tn] "eNum. etc. I Proved quot-our Punk-ulna, w. Huh Avo. v..." ,‘__ WANTED -- LIVE AND DRESSED poultry. Pay above murkel rumin- Ilom. Write Export Packers. 0M “011920. Toronto] fl“ FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH RW. my roll film developed and R high gloss nrlmu Me, Reprint:- Mme price. 8 enlarged prim. tGe. “Hamill“: Studio, Torhnto. - ----- .._.k MArtnr--tvocLD YOU HARRY IF suited? Hundred. to choose trom. Sumo with mean». "any (arm-arr daughters and widows, with prop- erty. Particulnrl toe, eonftdehtirit. Canadian Correspondence club. Box 128. Calgary. Mu. WANT}??? Tc LIVE NEW RUSEH tor your unrdrn tron, England. Send tor fruc- catyrcure. tive hundred vnrikl‘mn. Morav- wtother's annux Rm". bmnph m (-ulluml dirootiunr. Write lam-y. I'nnudinn "rpm. Brush] Nursciu. ire, Box H0, Ridxevllln. Ont. "L"'"=t.-=eu-ieGGa'.-2L"iEvP, BREAK OATR - EARLY. HIGH yiroldinr. run ranlsmvn, Tim. Imu- m-n lenmnld. Ethel, Gnu-win. --t---'-._i__" PORTITNER HAVE BEEN REAI'ED trom "ttttll lttvrrtmiyntm. Panic“. Mrs-n. A, Mitchell, 1123-07 “mtg St. Toronto. CHOICE Httxri-tux ' LB. I'Alld, Amber 83.00. Buckwheat 83.00: " lbs. Ambor 8190. mrehwheat £3.50. Hutchinson Bros" Mount Forclt. ()nturin LEARN HAIRDRERRING UNDER I'he 8tt.'ryal_rt1ttervis.iort. ot My. N. AN “FIN-2N TH EVERV INVEN'I‘HR. 1.19! of Invention! In?! In" Infor. mation sent tree. The Rummy com. uzmy. Romney-M PM")! Attorneys, 27., Rank Rt, ”this. Cen. ---.---.-u_ 'tr'rCH.itt's N0._l CUHI'ER ttAsfc HIGH MIND PlttCtgtlitE--WrtTTe for free booklet and full pnrtlvu- 111171;)?ng M.l.tur f"Y' 'tmoitwl.v_es Turkish women live longer than men, according to an oiBeial re- port issued It Angora, but eman- cipation has shortened their lives. Dinning“ in M3] throat. never e neglect. qua y can up when acquaint. winning Mu- l I I ' gttpgth muted plum; um (ea nation beau-e " NOT just I ulve. l.t's . ~01; and_belptul in 9mm loo! can: lemon and [my Used by miliiom toe 80 yuan. Rreommeiidtd by my doetois and nuns. Made in Cam. in that mun: Begum Strength, Chil- drenh(tpild1, iutdgAtm9tmye. ap- dyed; (mild ' and Extra Binnie. Ap- ved H B - a. 'i'titii'iif treg.'" u pnul t ii. n tro-rum,.",.'; Write Stork. tet. l'ntr Toronto. -e-"e._ " run! At in um. " ilCr%d; sue. tera. igclritosh. Rt.. Shirim,' Out. o. ' . r-izhfs V tdim'. uiiiJiiiiiCihi"t/i; flan-r 81.75. _ Robert “Hobie 'Vompton. who winnlmz hair- dreH-er. Booklet on request. Sohnnl of Modern "airdrceistuq, MA', Toture Bt., Tomato. ©1IWE \\_(-od Hyyot.v." , T'toivFfrrGiis or o-moot/tiii-af-tFarrar/ir/iii-. grewd Products, Saskatoon. Fink. “(MARE Fort -'--.- TIIII'TCNC MAGNETIC if”. GENERATING “HI'AHOS ----, mg“. "tttttrio, "Hill BLIND" Ph'c%yt Ill} nuns "Minimum“; [Elli rot urn y "irieF.irii - --.. - T! "In" no. IAIJI: --- um- run IIIDKEV Hm h"ALr-". “(new 'rejiGuiui' curs “min”: t'"o'roGrt A I'IIV "t'vottrr9Fir a Vannnuvor“ -- DUE " PERM.” ll. t'A‘I‘EN'I I IT‘EIJNG "r _ . ~v- nun‘l‘\l'o. or Repair! w. lav. Minn-on Armature r RI . Tut-onto. "" R “ARDEN lt" l ly I). mmssnn en. 'yiisTiirTe%'. 'ntrick'n Mn t keg -. mu“. trentment ha. '"efyenlh'o. T,tit ”paw-z. £13191 Axys, 'R Gi: pix In " Shorterl For“ of It'll Be I The coi Wearing,

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