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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1939, p. 1

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BRUARY 16, was [amaged Coods’ I!” not admit!“ Nate ROXY Chihtren you t.inners' ded for the ”M'- .-nss‘ money to - rat story g“. oci-u'n fetr ll" obtaining this u-ss for than- n dollar order. FOREST and" " m of norm SAX Fl, SEE "eat ora etch! Y'I'l high " pic ot Bee. she came out to Cnnada with her mother and brothers. They tirtrt settled at Orchard, and later on the farm on 3rd eon. Bentinek. In De. cember 1904 she was united In mar- riage to Mr Will, J. Ritchie. one of the Neeiranermt Ritchie Bram. ma- sons, and took up homemahimt on the south line, Bentinck. just out side of the southerly town limits, when they lived until they moved to Durham in the mn of 1987. She invest to mourn her loss. her sor- ro'ing hushond and two daughters, Ihrham of the Bell Telephone tstatr, and Anna of CoOperative store stem. both It home, Three brothers also survive her: John Picken of Dur- ham; Andrew of Normanhy. and William of Beotinck. Another bro. ther Robert predeceased her two months ago. Vol. LXI, No. It can u I shock to the citizen of town and community to lam of the death of Ills W. J. Ritchie, alter an illness of a few tim, only on Sundav, Feb. 19th, from a heart attack. Mrs Ritchie has been in vow health for over a year, but The deceased was Sarah D. lichen, daughter of the late Mr. and Mr, John Pickrn. Che was born In Pmwieh, Scotland. where her father died. but In 1875 at tour years the end came suddenly. She was but two (kn post her 66th birthday. 'me late Mn Ritchie was of a quiet and kindly demeanor. an ideal homemaker. and possessed a wide circle of friends who will deeply re not her passing. She was a mem- ber of Laban! Presbyterian church. latterly Knox United, where she was a regular worshipper when in good The funeral service was held in ----_---- Knox Church Tuesday afternoon. Hanover Council has struck a “M was largely attended. Her pas- 50 mill tax late four mills lower tor, Pi'.'. w. H. Smith, preached tt than last rear. romfortmz messing» to the bereaved. Mrs Austin Bail wife of Reeve A male “ugtte' Mtg?!” Thos.Bell. Ball of Hanover, has been elected Bailey, Pa Id and amaze, sang chairman of their Library Board. "That Beautiful Land." The pan hearers were Messrs. Jas. A. Browne Grey Presbytery of the United A. Rodford. wl J. McFadden. John Church . meeting in Owen Bound, W. Petty. Murray Ritchie and James Tuesday, strongly opposed any prc- ---' .A “mm“! 0hn 'worT'e, nav Am Rutherford. The flower bearerswere a erntsitt Harold Fowler. and eight nephews: Ctitt Ritchie, Walter Bay- Iey, James Picker). Will. Clarence. Raymond, Clifford and Gordon Me. cm. Wmniful ftorat otterings were from the Funny: Knox Choir: Knox Y.P. 8.: Women's Institute: tlets' Bridge Hub; Durham CoOperatlve Co.: Bell Telephone, Co.: Mr. Redford and Eva; Mr and Mrs. T. C. MeGirr and fam- ilv; Ritchie and Blythe families: J. Pit-ken Br.. Jean and Mrs. Bauer; Mr and Mrs Reg. Fowler and family. Mr and Mrs D. M. Saunders, and R. L. Saunders; Mrs Nell McKecbnle; Norman Greenwood; Jim Armstrong; Ruby Vol-in. Pttends from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr ma Mrs Reg. Fowler. Mr and Mrs Harold Fowler, Ml". Mr and Mrs Harold Fowler, Mrs C. Hunts, all of Brantford; Mrs E. Molt”, Mm Lizzie and Mr. E. Ferguson. of Fergus: Mrs W. Brock- lebank, Mmmt Forest: Mr and Mrs. Rom. Sim and Mr and Mrs Nelson McGuire, Holstein. After a M dayl' Illness. Miss Mary Mullen died on wedneodar at. terncon. Feb. 22nd. " the home of Mr John Heft In Glenelg. just can! of Durham. where she has been since takinz m. succumbing to dropsy. She has lived across the road from "en’s. with her brother John, for the last 35 years. Had Blue lived un- m April 3rd next. Iho would hue seen her Mth birthday. me pd “I born in Emilton. “our. and formerly lived in Normanby and daughter. NOXEMA CREAM, r09. g HINDO H. a A. HIS. W. J. RITCHIE MISS MARY MULLEN 03mm YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PRICES MOORE McFADDEN, Druggist, Optometrist BEAM. r09. 25: tor "e POND'I GREAMB, we was H. A A. CREAM ........15c ASSORTED Pam SHAVING LOTION .... tht " LAX FREOH ttMtttMtLATE6.... 15%;: "I. AQUA VILVA ........ "e ITALIAN I! OUTDOOR CREAM A POWDER, "e mm 1 she lived tm- BORN gland 1am sum-nay any» n... a%f" would have 'rtfCKER-- In Durham hospital, on turning from a Badminton tourna- Feb. 23rd, to Mr. tad Mrs. Roy ment In Buffalo. Min Crustal) is a In Hmilton. Tucker. townline Emont. a great niece of Hon. Dr. Jamison of At the horn“ of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, of the 3rd Con, Normanby. on Sunday avonine, the death took place of Milton Melville, their twelve year- old non. Since the use of three years. when he was a sufferer from spinal meningitis. the lad has never had good health. although the! par- ents took every means in their power to bring about recovery. He was never able to attend school and has for nine years been an invalid. On Friday night he became seriously ill, succumbing two days later. on and con. N.D.R. Glenelg before coming to the environs of Durham. She was the second daughter ot the late Peter and Mary Walsh Mullen. and of their family of three daugh~ ters and two sons, only John now survives. He will henceforth make his home at Heft She was a member of St. Peter's R. C. church, and the funeral will take place trom Kress' undertaking parlors to the church at 9 a.m. on Friday, where service will be held. Interment will be made in St. John‘s cemetery, Glenelg. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The Women's World Day of Pray- er, will be observed in Durham with mavlces in Queen Street United Church on Friday atternoon, Feb. 24th 'pt. 3 o'clock. All the ladies of the town and district are invited to attend this interdenominationai meet- ing. Surviving are the bereaved parents, one brother Clarence and a tritstcr, Gladys. both at home. Sincere sym- pathy is extended to the parents and family, upon his passing. Urey Presbytery of the United (‘hurch ' meeting in Owen Bound, Tuesday, strongly opposed any pro. posal to amend the Loui's Day Aer. which would increase business and un on L-Jndays. or permit commerci- alized shows or entertainment of any kind. An incident stinger than tietion happened in Owen Sound Hospital 'ast week when two brothers met. Both men are former residents of North Eglemont. Wm. Henry of Durham went to o. Sound Hospital before Christmas BROTHERS MEET IN OWEN SOUND HOSPITAL to receive specialist treatment for his me, which had been injured at Lawrence's sawmill. A cataract slow- ly developed, which was removed last week, leaving him a fair vision. in this ward ot the hospital are two other beds and last week there was brought to one of these beds, a man from Allenford who had his leg outmed by a falling tree, while at wozk in the bush, This leg was later amputated. The morning after the latter's anival, in a friendly spirit, Wm. Henry asked the new comer where he was from and what was his trouble. On being told the place and name and identity of newcomer, it proved to be his brother, whom he had not seen in some time. Thus two brothers had a happy reunion, if under adverse circumstances. DEATH OF MILTON CALDWELL Gills HOPPER. CREAM . . . . 15: mus CREAMS, 15c ASSORTED neurons, as. tht " LAX ...... tge ITALIAN BALM .... 15¢ MILLIANTINE . . . . . . Chesley Takes Group Honors after Tough overtime Battle Tied in home and heme games in final int. B. playoff round, a third game Monday night on Walkerton's neutral ice sheet between Durham and Chesley, was won after ten min. overtime, 3 to 2 by Chesley Colts. That overtime goal gave the Colts the group championship and elimin- ated Durham in 1939 hockey. Hutt. dreds from Ohesley and Durham, Hanover, and district viewed the hard-fought battle, in which both teams, evenly matched, gave their best, and the "breaks" finally decid- ed it. Refree Kuntz cf Kitchener was about the best aty.'eia1 seen in these pants. dishing out the penalties im- partially to force the contenders to play clean hockey. Chesley drew 11 of the 18 penalties, one a 10 min- misconduct to Schnledei, the hero of the game, fcr back talk. Marklevitz in Chesley nets, played a smart frame, blockinrr Durham at- tacks consistently, while McDonald in Durham neta was also a stand- ' .n, with meaaTe chance to stop the 3 which passed him. While Durham had a slight edge most of the firgt two periods, Ches- ley shcwed most in third and over- time, with a little livelier team play. At no time was either team more than one goal up. The score sheet reads: First Period Minutes l. Dutham-TuekPr (Elvidge) 7% 2. Chester-Ebel GSrehnieder, Mur- " phy) Second Period 3. Durham- Elvidge (O. McDonald) Third Period 4. Ches1tr-A Phillipa (Schnieder. Ebel) 10 5. Catetnoy-getutieder " no. Durham-Moat, E. McDonald; de. fence, Noble and O. McDonald; cen- tre, G. McGlrr; wings, G. McDonald and Lawrence; alternates, Tucker Elvidge, R, McGirr, Moses and C. McGirr. Ches1ey--Ceoa1, Marklevitz; de "mee,. Morton and Allen: centre, B Murphy: wings. Bohneider and Ebel; alternates. B. Phillips, Graper and D. Murphy. Chnsley ale worthy champions and we wish them luck as they enter the tutrni-tlrtals play-ans trail. Their first opponents will be the Trapper Cubs of Owen Sound. and we pre- dict the Coltg will rout the Cubs and travel on. Owen Sound‘s Int. A. entry-the Trappers were eliminated Monday nieht also, by Comngwood. in two straight r'ratrte8. It is a heavy blow to Owen Sound's new arena, when the Trappers ale out so early. A. Cranaton Presbyterian Minister, in that city. was killed In a level lcrossirrr, railway accident near Wel- Hand last. Saturday night while re- SNEATH - RENWICK l A quiet marriage WI: solemnized; at 5.30 Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, at the home. of the bride in Durham, Dr. Thomas Herbert Sneath and; Miss Agnes Wells Renwiok being the), contracting parties. Rev. R. Honey-', man was the ofrheiatintr clergyman.‘ Present at the ceremony were the’ bride's aunt, Mrs. Cushnie of Mount Forest. and sister, Mrs. Litster, of Alberta. ISABEL CRANsTON KlLLED IN LEVEL CROSSING CRASH Miss Isabel Cranston aged M, of Wetland, Co., daughter of Rev. R. town . otJfttiAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23, I939 WAVE "Y .......... 15: JERGEN'S LOTION Me for ..15c Overtime WITH WHI¢H " INCORPORATED THE NORTH" LEADER Mr John McGowan. Vouthompton. spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs John McGowan who is recovering from an illness caused by a (all on the stairs. Those attending meetings held this week in Toronto are. Reeve Samuel Pat'terson and W. H. Hunt- ier. Egremont, Reeve D. MacDonald, Bentlnck, Reeve J. A. McGirr, Glen- ele, Reeve w. B. Hunter, Durham. Messrs. C. W. Amen and E. R. Mrs Jno. McGowan who recently fell down some steps " a friend's home and was unfortunate in break. ing a blood-vessel in her staunch. is able to be up and around again. Her son-in-law Mr W. G, Breen who had a close call to being elec- trocuted some time before Christ- mas is still a patient in St. Thomas hospital. He has had one tinger ot (am hand ampuuted, and an ret requires one head operation. Mr and Mrs CJIcGIIUmy and taan. ily were weekend visual-s in krona: Mrs R. J. McKnight, ot Waln- fleet, Welland Co, 1: Visiting tor a week with her mother, Mrs c. Ram- age. Mt and Mrs N. Young, Toronto, spent Saturday " Haywards' Falls where they are having a summer cottage built. Mr G. Pmyet of Pene- tang with five men is in charge of building opeusuonts. Mr Carman Noble of the Royal Bank stuff, after over three years in banking here, has been transferred to Inmbeth, six miles south-west of London, and leaves Thursday. He is succeeded on the staff here byMr R. T. Gilmore of Nttenham. Miss Jean Renwick. R.N., return- ed to her duties on the stat! of Han- mar hospital. Inspector Pentium! I: on his other cial visit with the sum of Durham Public School. Mrs Orville Hopkins ls supplying on the Public School staff for Mr Norman Greenwood, who is ill. was Agnes Morton returned r Guelph on Tuesday after a visit te' her home in Bentlnck. Miss Agnes Renwick and her sis- tor, Mrs P. Litster of Alberta, re- turned Monday from a visit with Toronto relatives. Mrs. J. C. McLean. Shelburne, spent over the weekend with her mcther, Mrs Thomas Meal". Mrs Dan Kimble and son Ronald of Edge Hill, returned Monday after visiting her parents at Dundalk. Mr Carlyle Brown is a patient in Durham Hospital. Mr. Ernest Rose/ borough has recuperated trumeientU', to have the hospital this week. 6 '9‘ Alex. Murdock Dies from Monoxile Poisoning The town was shocked Friday " temoou to learn that Meander Mmdock, who operated s vulcanizing and repair shop on Manhunt St... was found dead in his garage from cu- hon mcnoxlde poisoning. He was in his 56th rear, and came here six yeaia ago from Mount Forest to Mart a business for himself. He was a Great War veteran snd st times suffered nervous trouble. Friday morning he had opened his shop as usual, but left about 10 o'. clock nnd did not return. He usually informed Simons' next door when tttr. aent. but had not this, morning Mr Simon: closed the shop at noon, but Muxdock not returning after noon, Stanley Simona went to his boarding house. W. J. Lawson's about 1.30. thinking him ill. Mrs Lawson was alarmed when she lenrned he was not at shop since ten, and not home for dinner, end Stonley went across street to Murdoch's rented gouge. where he found the door partially open, engine ot car running. and the lifeless body, moody diatstrtortng, lying on the ttoor. Quickly stopping engine, sunley then nrtitled Dr. Jamieson end Con- stable f-rott, who wtth Prov. Con- stable Cook of F'lesherton mundan- ed and had Coroner Dr. Rutherford of Owen Sound down to view the corpse. An inquest was deemed un- necessary. Mr Murdock was I. native of Gordonville. near Conn, and wu un- married. He was a good wortamut. had built up a nice busineu. and was highly respected in town. He enlisted some " year: ago in the 158rd Battalion for overseas nervicp Battalion. u _ The remains were taken w the g home of his sister, Mrs Langdon, of It Kenilwcrth. where the funeral was; a held on Monday afteroon. and inter." ,gg ment made EVENING AUXILIARY HELD SUCCESSFUL TEA A successful baking sale and after- noon tca was held Saturday by Knox Evening Aux., over $23 being realized. Misses Helen Genie, Msry E. Mcrton, Mrs D. McQueen and Mrs. W. G. Ritchie were in charge of the baking table, and the tea tables were looked utter by Mrs. M. Bteinaeher, Mrs Raymond McGIrr, Mrs Lawrence Whitman, Mrs C. McGirr, Misses Myrtle Manley and Barbara Ritchie. in France. served with the 1itth . 8“".an lulu. to View the' g I deemed un-E ' native of: and wu an. od workmaml business. and. , ii Nday morning Int, Mr thuun Thompson. an elderly bachelor re- siding alone on Lunhton Street one mile cut of Dmhun, pnlnfully nude his way acrou highway to Mr Cluchey's his netxhbor advised them he had been usutlted and robbed the previous night by unknown men. in the ham. He was hudly cut on both sides cf fo1eheul, side ot (we. wrist and hands. univery week from his lnju'rlea. Neighbors Investigating could find no trace anyone being in barn. which was locked, but found a broken Iunp with broken mus Ind I pool or blood, lying on woodshed Mor. it is surmised he fell there when unav- ing the lump. gaining himself in the (all. and broken gins when attempt- ine to rise. He ibrtunnteiy had been able some time after to get in his bed, his wounds unntteuded, where he must have passed a painful night. thereby escapin': mime death in m. watch was found. but not his purse. and white possibly It In: assault and mbberv, it does not ap- pear probable. other than for his many cuts. He m amended by neighbors and relutlves that day, and la since recuperating in Dar ham mum. lamblol St. Resident SMALL ADS. FREE-F" Fumcrs onlv. their wives and "trtities 1930 Intern-“ml "out" Match Cochhutt Customer. at work on their Farm. The Latest In Fun “Mindy comes: man tuveu: EDUCATIONAL Town Hall, Durham. March IO, ‘39 2.30 1-. II. More. . I... I0“ “LOVE BEFORE BREAKFAST" Town Hall, DURHAM Wednesday, March lst-- 8.IS Fl Carole Loubud and Preston Foster in Badly Injured in Fall Added Featurette.. Sound Motion Pictures Local Della for Cadmium New Co.. wwmuuuamhum. no.“ tttates,tt.Moreartrod-. mm” ONTARIO ARCHIVES Grey [40di quest all metal M. 27. "so. (remnants. " rick] Banquet In G Wednesday, '"gut I FAR]! NB ttALE-Me mm. and Buildings. spring creek. WI! to close auto. Apply Jennk- Calder. an. No. I. “cl-win. South at the that! Road, In tho Township of Ig, cumming Oua- Hundned (100) um and ttavittg thereon one am one room house mm cellar. I barn, orclumd. a Baking Sale. I! FOR SALE hot. N " human (H) and Fume-n (IS) I the Finn Conceal-ml South at the dull Road, In tho Townnhlp of lg, continuing oat. HW (100) um and having thereon one am one room house with cellar. I bun, orcluhd. a spring and trout a m. Apply to J. H. I I'ARIUE, Knox ruined munch menu; Acn- ilL‘uy will hold animal Bt. P‘- rick's Banquet In Bt. chm-ch ADMISSION 26c AND 15c. imply to J. H. M "MINE, Barium, Datum, t itor fothr Admittitstrntrix ot ml Edgar Wolfe Estate Women'- f; Suu hr the MM-

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