West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1939, p. 2

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Caribou Meat Keeps Trapper Armed Only With Arse, Veteran Carri” On Four Months Alone In Arctic Armed only with an axe. Carl Arline. veteran nonhluld trapper, lived tour months Heritoy meat - at Maehar Lake, 150 miles northeast of Yellowknife. N.W.Y. In"): became stranded when his B.rtner, through . misunderstand M failed to arrive with winter clothing and camping equipment. Ate " Of Thom A search for the trapper was or- ganza! when Ole Leo, Arhus' part- m-r, , nd other friends became an:- lons. McMillan said he picked up the trapper and new him back to Te!lowknite. apparently none the Icl‘sf' for his experience. Yellow- knife is on the shore of Great Slave Axlms was flown to the lake in trpwmtser with only semi-winter erotltititt and camping equipment and Two weeU' supplies ot food. He ran out ot shells in a month but in that time killed about 35 uribou in the country surrounding his camp. He had no on]: to season the meat and often at night. he told Ierllan. hungry wolves howled around bl: light tent, attratted by the smell of game. tot Spiritual leader of the 15,000 Dnukhobors in Canada, Peter. Ve- rigin. ABOVE. died in Saskatoon in his 54th year, after failing to rupund to medical tveatment fol- lowing an operation. He was born in Russia and came to Canada 12 years ago to succeed his father is leader of the "Christian Commun- ity of Universal Brotherhood." Mining Town Moves Entire Fear of Further Rockslides Brings Evacuation of " . Ptoreety And Residents from Mascot, B.C. All residents and property were “amazed last week from the Mas- cot townsite of nearby Hedley, Bi., scene of a rockslide which caused two deaths and smashed houses and buildings as authorities ore'.icipated new slides. "i-itjt repens the summit of Stemwinder Mountain showed signs of emekine._everr precaution was taken to safeguard the lives of residents in the townsite area, condemned by ofrieials of the Hed- ley Mascot mining company. All houses in the area, except cue damaged beyond repair, are being moved. R. H. Stewart. man- suing director of the company, said. At Queen’s Park - Will Be Used When King And Queen Necessity tor auction of a new Speaker at the coming session of the Ontario Legislature has provid- " a nice solution ot the govern- mnt'o problem of providing two thrones when the King and Queen visit Queen's Park next May. There ia at present only one throne in the legislature chamber but " becomes the property ot Hon. Norman o. Hipel. who resigned the ”eater-ship to become minister of but. Br tradition the throne be- en.” the personal possession of a ”tiring mater. A new :hrone is b" kinda tor June: H. Clark. P."'.. Windsor. Sandwich. who is to be the new speaker. visit. - Therefore both these thrones will to Mannie for Their Majestien’ Kuvm u "Old Man Fang" n - of 72 with long white lard, "leth'i 1 name for himself u I leader in Onhwei province, “when he leads 4,000 sold- Douhhoboe Leader Dies Pay Visit. /iis miles north of Edmon- Are Available Plans for the re-modelling of the Chesterville, Ont., fire hall, un- der direction of a special Commit.. tee of the Village Council, include a meeting place for the local band and the Boy Scouts. A St. John Ambulance Associa- tion first-aid brigade of six divi- sions is being organized at Snint John, N.B., around a nucleus of Rover Scouts and other older Scouts. It is planned to develop and maintain four complete stretcher teams for any emergency service. Polish Boy Scouts of Montreal celebrated the anniversary of the founding of their Group in an en- thusiastic and largely attended gathering at Polish White Eagle Association Hall. The young Po- lish Canadians ve-dedicated them- selves to the principles of the or- ganization as Canadian Scouts. Rescue and relief work by Scout leaders and Boy Scouts following the recent landslide catastrophe on the island of St. Lucia, B.W.I., was officially acknowledged by His Excellency the Governor. Wrote the Governor, who is also Chief Scout for the Windward Islands: "it is with considerable satisfae- tion that I learnt of, and saw for myself, the excellent work per- formed by the Boy Scouts of St. 1. When a young man becomes interested in a girl he has recently met, should he wait for an invita- tion from her to call? 2. Is ten cents a sufficient tip for one person, when checking une's wraps? _ 3. Should the Women be served first at the dining table where men and women are seated alter- nately? 4. When a bride has no family, near relatives, nor guardian, who should pay her part of the wed- ding expenses? G. Is it ever permissible to brim: a guest when invited to an brim: affair 6. How should unfrosted cake be eaten? Answers 1. No. "Faint heart never won fair lady." The period of wait- ing might be indefinite. He should ask permission to call. 2. Yes. Of course some will give more, but ten cents is sufficient. 3. No; the guests should be served in regu- lar sequence whether man or wo- man. 4. In this case the bride should meet these expenses her. self. 5. Only when the permis- sion of the hostess has been ask- ed in advance. 6. It should be broken and eaten with the fingers, the same as bread. WEIGHT REDUCER A pituitary extract produced in McGill University research labora- tories has been shown to be suc- cessful in practical tests as a' weieht reducer. The extract does its work by speeding up metabol- spceding up metabolism and thus ism and thus burns up fat depos- ited in excess in body tissues. WHEAT ELECTRICALLY- SHOCKED e The yield of wheat can be in. creased by electrical treatment of the seed, according to Professor Benedetto Rieeioni. The profes- sor‘s experiments at his laboratory at Tecni, Italy, are stated to have been verified by the Italian Min- istry of Agriculture and the Con.. federation of Italian Farmers. He claims that the method is simple and inexpensive, applying ohm, the electrical unit, to increase the energy contained in the seed it. self. FEVER BOX Medicine has a new trick. heat- ing the human body to make the medicine permeate better. The University of Pittsburgh. after 1 year's study of artifieiallrindue- ed fever has developed a new kind of "fever box" to heat up human bodies. M. Makes real high pie Sm class syrup, re- Evnporlton tainxng the maple ttttTor you like so much. Evaporator: that will matte profitable Four ample bush for a small Investment. Write {or cnialoguo of equipment. It is in- unsung. TWEED What Science * Is Doing * iatft'riti ONTARIO Lucia following the disaster." In addition to numbers of rescues made at serious risk, and recov- ery of the dead, the Scouts col- lected clothing and bedding, and gave valuable service at the hos- pitals and refugee camps. organized among the Basque (Spanish) boys at the Laleham Refugee Centre, Margate, Eng- land, and registered at Imperial Scout Headquarters as the 36th Margate (Lalehem Basque) Troop. "These refugee children were so undisciplined that I was certain Margate would not put up with them much longer," it was ex- plained by Rover Leader Angel]. "But Scouting has brought them together in the most marvellous way imaginable, and everyone is astounded at the result. The Centre, which only a tow weeks ago was a flying mass of undiscip- line, is now run on the lines of the English school prefect sys- tem, and everyone is better for it." The Troop is running so sue.. cessfully that every one of the Spanish boys has passed his Eng- lish Tenderfoot tests, including the Scout Law. It is said that the whole atmosphere of the Cen.. tre, at which there are 80 child- ren, has been transformed by the introduction of Scouting ideals and ideas. "This form of treatment," the inventor Mates, "produces greater absorption of the drugs and more rapid results than the former con.. vent.ional methods, thus shorten- ing the course of the disease and preventing later complications." ELECTRONS DO RHUMBA By causing electrons to do the rhumba, three young California scientists have produced a new type of radio which may give avia- tion a formidable "life savev," and perhaps revolutionize the whole field of ultra-short wave transmis- sum. Radio engineers have pronounc- ed it the most important advance in that science since Dr. Lee de Forest produced the vacuum tube in 1906. It generates extremely short waves both powerful and easily contvolled---an impossibility with the usual ultra-short wave equip- ment. . How can I mend broken china? A. Stir plaster of Paris into the beaten white of an egg, to the consistency of paste. Apply this to the broken edges an] allow to harden thoroughly. Q. How earfl iemeds soup that is too salty? - - _ - A. Add two or' three pinches of brown sugar to the soup. This will remove the salty taste, but will not sweeten the soup. Q. How can I avoid getting rough hands on washdayl.' _ A. Add a few drops of vinegar to the rinsing water on washday, and it will help prevem the hands from becoming rough. Q. How canyl make a good but- ton receptacle'? - _ _ - A. A 1arge-mouthea bottle is a great improvement over the cus- tomary button box. By turning the bottle around, the desired but- ton can often be found at a glance without emptying the entire con- tents. Q. How can I remove water stains from furniture? A. Use a tablespoon of powder- ed pumice, mixed with enough lin. seed oil to make a thin paste. Rub on the spots until they du.. appear. Then wipe off with a cloth dampened in polish. Q. Hoi. can I prevent the hot fat in a frying pan from spat- tering? - - - A.-sprinkh, a little flour, or salt, in the pan before using the fat for frying. T Britain is spending $00,000 on playgrounds for schools. A troop of Boy Scouts 11th been Issue No. b-'39 Salvation Army Head's Successor May, The name of Commissioner John McMillan, chief of staff of the In- ternational Salvation Army, has been mentioned several times late- ly as the possible successor to General Evangeline Booth as gen- eral of the Salvation Army. Commissioner McMillan is well known throughout Canada. He started his career in the Salvation Army in Toronto some 50 years ago. He was on the Canadian Territorial headquarters staff for some time and 1896 went to Aus- tralia as private secretary to the commissioner. . Known To Canadians During the Great War he Was in Canada again as chief secre- tary. Later he was transferred to the United States where he was in charge of the Chicago territory. Another transfer took him to New York, the biggest Salvation f any area on this continent. Then he was made a c: mty.i.s sioner for the Canadian unitary, which includes Bermuda, Alaska, and Newfoundland. Sheepskin rugs can be washed at home. Soak for an hour or two in a large vessel of warm water, with a small quantity of washing fluid, ammonia, etc. Press the rug into the water and stir about. When most of the dirt is extracted put into another warm-water bath with more ammonia, and press with a vacuum washer or a dolly stick. Rinse the rug in three or four clear warm waters, and pass through the wringer with a very loose tension. Then shake vigor- ously before hanging up to dry in a good breeze. Shnke continu- ally during the drying process. The lining must be washed separately. " Sheepskin Rugs 33.3. L',. “Succeed Gen. Evangeline Booth mud‘fadmofmnhgfndrhidthmngwcmbom owner. you: gunmen t greatest Mummy bu. Gi ,mrhiimethethHiit Fr.mtfore.yndfdeato T4'd'aAlh'2", mm. 'al'lhl1'd 'll'M'l'lg ' tr DOMINION SECURITIES cameraman mum) TORONTO MOMIEAL Grnioorso VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON. ENG. Order from your “are" ‘blua coal' dealer today. Ask him aha about the ‘Mua coal' Heat Regulator which providao automatic heat with your present equip-neat. CANADIAN SECURITIES Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds Municipal Bonds Public Utility and Industrial Financing " King Street West, Tm a-" any 8. ' m4 Ctt Tough. or 0.30 I... 'at-att: t, M John Teacher turned away from the blackboard, where the had been writing. “Rash out that sentence. Willie," she said. J Tiii/was bent on seeing his old "ho6l,' " read Willie. Cltesvlntt his pen. Willie regarded the blackboard. Then his race lit up. Buslly he wrote: "The sight ot the old school doubled hlm up." "Now children," continued teach. er, "I want you all to paraphrase that sentence." New Minister - "And what did you think of my sermon on Sunday, Mrs. Jones'.'" Mrs. Jones: "Beautiful sir, and so instructive. We didn't know what sin was until you came hue." O'Rcilly and Murphy were look- lng in a cake-shop window. What's that bowl of water' there for?" asked O'Reilly. "That's for the flies to wash their feet in before they walk on the buns," replied Murphy. "Are your neighbours honest?" the old negro was asked. “Yasir, dey is." "But you keep that loaded shot. gun near your hen coop." "Yams, dat'g to keep 'em honest." was deposited in Winchester Cath. pzlral: though by other authorities it is connected with doom in the sense of judgment. The survey cov- ered all England, except Northum~ berinnd. Cumberland, Durham and parts of Lnncashire and Westmore- land. GOING TO TOWN? HAYE Clothes In the tropics are be- lng made of bananas. They should be any to slip on. Some sort of a prize goes to the man who convinced his wife that a woman looks stout in a fur coat. “Hens always strike me as anxious-looking creatures," a writer says. No wonder, when they can hardly ever find their things where they lay them. AEXRD roo your copy of IMO tveeh', Toronto Star Wooldy. Rama“! ht no Fungus Causes Lumber Losses Seuoning Yards Must Be Kurt Clear Of on neared Wood And Other Sources Of Infec- When an unsllghtly blue mm tn sum: lumber causes louse: of thou:- ands of dollars to Canadian lumber- men through lost sales. the forest products laboratories of the Domin- ion Minas and Resources Depart- ment tracked the nuisance down to a minute fungus. Windaorne spores. investigators found, germinated in the summer months on the moist surface of the freshly-sum lumber in the unsou- ing yards. The thready growths all worked deep into the lumber n It dried and produce the dark. tell-tale Main LESLIE SKIPPER. MERRITTON. lint.. Inn only four out of 450 "my White Rock c‘hickn. lart your. 1'ocRore1s weighed ti lbs. at “v. months. run." luyinz seventy per mm. nt T months. Order your "my "hicky now. Bray Hutrhery. 130 John titrrwt North, llummun, ()nmrlu. FOP. IDEAL HROIIJSRS on LIGHT may-turn (suitable for export trttde) you can't bent Bray White LoOroim Cockervir, “per-lulu whm cuponizcd. Write for full de- tails today. Bray Hntrhrr.v, 130 John 1-"er North, Hamilton, Ont. LEGHORSS '.y'.HlULLEITr1 ”9.99. SPEND LESS MONEY AND GET more uust1it.v in your whit-ks Doe- HIS ot nhh-k buycrs haw ucclahno pd Twodd‘le'n Now Low regular prim-s. the bert new: thoy have hud in a 10m: time. Compare Twoddlo‘ prim-s and quality. Grnde A Heavy Brteds llc, Punch: "e. Light hrvr‘ds 1mm. Pullout tte. Send for common- price lint, Twed. dle Chick HrttcVviot, Limited. IN rgus, Ontario. Fr.'rt runny: = pnom’mnu: wJ3.!.'rfl...r").r., _ , jump auxin)? ('ASADIAS CoRttPAsPoh't"r.kt= comm-ma MATrtrr'tixT1o.N. SHORTHAKD. and hookkoopinsr. " 'rttrr' c-xper- ienve. You still have time to write two or three paper: in June. 601 Kent Bldg, Toronto. anon ONTARIO “mm ma SALE. Terms at 4%. No farm sold with- W,1t _retyyyabre cart, payment. EHT.rruc. sporpytik AND MACHIN. GOOD LEO-ACRE FARM. GOOD brick home. Mr bank barn lilo. Apply Gideon Schneider. Koon- field. Ont. ,‘ Wits. TUUPEB. TnAnsnmnA- tion.. Switch". Curls. and ill "on of “no" quality Hair Goods. Write {or Illustrated catalogs; Uottttttett. an gonn- unnce‘. aroma Ila- M. yylr Supply Co. “I Bum-m. ItE-RHARPEN‘ HORSE CLIPPER mates, Hm. 35c pair. Sell new platen $2.75 pair. Horse - Sheep clipping machine 313.50. Sheep late: ”.00 warn. AnlmuhDo. garner 825.00. Rom! Snow-Plow- 80.00. Wilfrid Fontaine, Pierre- vnle. Que.” Heavy Dru-as Mic. pullPtF 816.95. All tloverntttettt Approved from b1oodtetetrti breeders. Complete pri 'e list m1 request. Hem-y Mill- cr. 11min" Electric (Think Hatchery. Limited, linden. Ontario. busineU." -i;iuOsook 11;);6-2-Sx-FFF Farms Publishing Co., " Arcade, CtLcr_N.Y., “Old English" Composition Cap- sules. Brings quick relief. Mail ten cents for Me box of " can- :ulen. Old English "orb Co.. To. ronio. indicates a constrpcgi There are but I limit copy sent on request. cry haunt}: Vofd.TiaiaFa7yia- Huchiucry. 109 King East. To. ronto. bel 67 Yonge Street Please stale your requlreuenu fully. also county or district pre- ferred. Commissioner of Axrlculo tural Loans. Parliament Bldg.., Toronto. Ont. 'oréiftii. "0oti'i oh' Fr" I’AR‘IIVG Cota" Alli: DANGEINII'S Classified Advertising mai-nies-icuii' F .utaoo'oiriEiTie- "A I!" ('IIICILH EDI $'A'r"t.XAr, "All Fon KAt.F, . i.. MORAN COMPANY WAR SCARES! ruetive Coi,rse for anxious investors to follow. limited number of these booklets nail-bk; Frec "Prepare F or Way" ELgin 7357 The remedy proved fairly simpiu. The Icientiata found that seasoning yards must he kept clear of old, de. cayed wood, mill sweeping, weeds and other source: of infection by the aporea. A. an additional precau- tion, donning (real: lawn wood in an luexpenlive chemical solution has been recommended to prevur growth at the tungi until the wood haa been thoroughly dried out. $",iiii?,ll,tehltyt p. . Jtel.%,ttllt'l'.te, 2,gt2tmt1"2ttfhuTlra'l'l'r'.7l,' 'llGl,' , 'iiitii5iiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiia ans-uncut a. ttht. " POTARH FERTILIZER (CANADIAN Hardwood Althea). write for Fire (‘Irculnr explaining: use. Conrpe Stevens. Peterttoroutrtt, Ontario. CHOICE Ho.i--tl_ 8 LR. FAILS Amber ".00. Buckwheat $21.01»: 65 "n. Amber "tut. Burkwhenv trho. Hutchlmon Bram. Mount PHIL-l. Ontario. CHOICE CU'H'FJK HONEY IN ir, 1.17. net lim- N.20. w. Marvin. “RH. HIGH tuAt0n PnRs.RtrttF.--wnr'rr'. tor free bnnldet and full harm-u- In” rrtrnmMtttr our amnzlmrly Hw- restful h.vhiood Irnntmmu. I'M-di- greed Products Rnrkmmm. Sink. PARTNER WANTED, At'TlVls' HP. LEARN HAIRDREHSING UNDER the personal supeniskm or Mr. V. Crompton. or!" winning hair- dresser. Booklet an requl-rt. School or Nodnrn Hairdressing, '" Venue ttt., Toronto. FORTUNE!!! HAVE BEEN DRAWN) from "In" Invenimemn. Partiru. 'tarts-rt. Mitchell. Room 1123 o " Yonge St. Trqronto, -__e_ AN UPPER To EVERY INVRNTHR Lin of Invention. one full Infar- mation new free. The Rum-nay Item- gnny. Registered "my" Aunrneyn. " null“, ”HI-I. “In FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH l-:\'. err roll mm IT'."t,', nnd 8 high [Ion print! 250. oprlmu rum. prim». ' enlnrlted prim- 'csc. n-rLEttt1lnrrtudro. Toronto. MARRY-tVout." You MARIN IF nun-d? Ht"tdre0 to ehoore from. Some qrtttt mum. Many tnrmorf (hunter- and widow: with prop- erty. Pal-Ural". we. eottttdentirtt. Canadian "orreBportdenre Club. Bott 123. Calgary. Alla. QUIT TOBAGO“. tt.'0JHF. EASILY. inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonlnla. autumnal. Adm-o free. Bartlet“. Box t, Winnlpng. WANTED - LIVE AND Durham-tn poultry. nluo (oath-n. Good prtres. Write Stork. St. l‘nlrick'n M'nkol, Toronto. NEW lfllfiEfi tor 3 SEND tltr Hum ‘l‘NM'THIt MINNE- to uni donor-0M mum- We can Pl', an“? all-mow Armature mm. " I!" at... Toromo. WANTED CT mini: as" mn-tssxzn Lirsit9_ri,L9jtiaiio, silent. 02.000 required for ovum- otlon. Returns, Mummy. t‘nnndm- u-l. no: it, " Adelaide St. W., Toronto. I‘VHWI‘IEV'I‘ "I'I‘HIITI hi'd Y FEED! AND FERTILIZER.“ pouniy. I-ni'h‘b'dvé' in"; rilii "iid, .114: tion.. Write Export l‘m-kcrs. Iitr4 Cullen. Toronto: KW ROSES for your ward. n h..m Enclund. Rona tor frre onlhlw'lm, the hundrr-d Halon". Mun- wettther's l-‘nmnun Hum-F, oomph-'0 cultural directions.. Write many. Can-dun aunt, Brush] Rum:- Ia. no: no. Luftetrut, Ont. "ll'Autd'lriT.TGG7a TiFiiuGr. ii. In. an): the - was “any“! unsucs’hm nu n LriTtiTil Spores - On Wind HIGH "IAN"! PRFsrt INC " A"t"RF.htuhti TAt I.II'I‘ " “min -ti -iiitTih'iCis"" claim: “an: «mums 'N"NNT' v-k sn' Hum "03E" “In 5 Att'. PMoroG'" AI'IC ' OI'HOITI'S'IT" I'MMO'AI. 77A7RT‘ITI Toronto " aside: Sowing " ($053101 Ind n Mon

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