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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1939, p. 8

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cifiw In Ireland, the lady hands you the bowl to help nurse". In Scothnd, the good lady usually suggests that “maybe you haven‘t In England, if you ask for more sugar, the, hosteas ashes out an ex- Of the [our million dolhu’ worth " meat: exported in May, the Unn- od Kingdom took over 8% million. Western Canada Special Bargain Eggnrsinns noun - In -rru--h-t""""' a R-te""'"""""""""-"" mmeanammmâ€"mmmmz. album. Tao mamd.mmunm.m.cwaww on, mmmwmu 22"2/iriiaaauur1ei"'l,t"f, !',i),i'it MI” ..,“__. oo-ea-tttinf"" m. one: l n W tc.,,,,.",-,,)-" I tlt-bttahod "" ... Mt You-elm Open“ Mount Forest Branch: E. B. YULE, Manage: Holstein (Sub-Agency): Open Monday and Friday -Ahi'B-hotMtrqeeeakAao.dtrsee4hsHi-r-f8erueorfaeNAer6Met-t' Over 1m 60de account- . . . . GiiiiirG%amrma cm " me- “HELLO AUNTIE" - V FRO“ ALL STATiONS IN EASTERN CANADA “in; WI, - Pets. ttr-Mar 9,1939 inclusive not." leh - a my. BANK or MONTREAL is determined by its history, its policy, its manage- ment, and the extent of its resources. For over 121 years the Bank of Montreal has been in the fore- front of Canadian finance. a um um”! 1% ettt. cm'QHm- Grew-tr MO who In Chopin. an mm: at omtor--Who has done moat to reuse the working classes HeeMer-The inventor of the al- of Farm St ' Implements and Furniture. at IO, Con. 17, Egre- mont, on Tuesda ' Feb. 28. Terms Cash. Estate of late Thou. Ren. wick, Props. B. . Patterson, Ad- ministrator. Geo. . Duncan, Auct. AUCTION SALE " 1%c per On Thursday evening, Feb. 16, the At Home ot the Women's Institute was held in the Agricultural Hall. A good program was provided. Art. Hana spoke on the Folk School " Park Head. Mrs. McGulre gave a. reading. Hugh Cocklmrn sang two tine solos, Marla Altken accompany- ing him on the piano. A play, entit- led "Jack Glrun's wife" was wellgl- ven. Rev. Mr. Mercer was chair- Mr and Mn Snively entertained 1 number of their friend: and neigh- bors on Friday evening, Feb. ITth,it being the fourteenth tuutieerrtsar, of their weddix, duo Mr. Sniveiy'e birthday. A plenum! time vs: spent. Friday evening a. hockey game in Durham, Durham vs. Holstein, was played. Score Ir--4 in favor of Dur- ham, in overtime. Saturday afternoon another game. Dromore vs. Holstein at Holstein re. sulted b--6 in favor of Holstein. Mr Jack Irvin of Chatham visited his home here over the week end. Mr Jack Cockburn spent Saturday in Owen Bound. man. Lunch was served at the close ot the meeting. Mr and Mrs Jame: King of Barrie were week end visitors with the lab ter’s parents, Mr and Mrs John mm. They returned home Sunday after- noon, Mrs. with accompanying them to spend this week at their home. The Ladlea’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church are holding a social Friday evening. Much 10th in the church. A play entitled "Mary comes home from college" will be given. On Friday Feb. Mth, at 2.30 Fm. the World's Day of Prayer will be held in the United Church. The ladies of the Presbyterian churchare Joining with them. Mr and Mrs McGuire attended the funeral of Mrs. McGuire's aunt, Mrs W, J. Ritchie of Durham this Tues- day afternoon. Community Circle met on Monday, Feb. 20th. in the aohoolroom of the Presbyterian church. The president presided. It was decided to hold an men meeting on Feb. 27th and to show slides. Harry Mather read the scripture lesson taken from Matthew 20: 20-34. Laura Mather read the story from Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible on “Jesus in Jericho." The topic "The story of the Diamond" was prepared by Hubert McDougall, and was read by Miss Ramsay. The Coon Frolic was put on by Claryon Snively and Kathleen Eccles, accom- panied by Marie Aitken at the organ. A number of games under the direc- tion of Elmer Love and Laura Mather were much enjoyed. The annual meeting of the Public Library Board met on Tuesday even- ing. Feb. let, in the Library, the president, Nelson Main, presiding. The secretary read minutes of last annual meeting, also gave reports of year's work. The treasurer gave her report. All obligations for the year were met. The omeert, for 1939 were then elected: Pretsidenb-Mrts Hustle vieePrqm.-Mrts C. Fenton Secretary --Jemes Calder; Treasurer - Miss Dyce: Lady Direetors--arm. Hustle, Mrs C. Fenton, Mrs R. Treleaven, Mrs Hetherlngton. Mreetortr-- Nel- son McGuire, Louis Woodyard. It. 'l'reieaven. R. B. long. N. Main, Geo Burrows . 'Book Committee'--) . ' Vice-Pres" Sec'y. Trees. Resident Ministers, Principals of Schools, and Honorary members, Mrs. Hostetter and Mrs Tuck. On motion of Rev. Mercer and Mrtr'rueh, a vote of thanks was tendered the retiring president, also the sec'vy and treas- urer, for their faithful work through- out the year. Adjournment was made to meet in the library on Tues- day evening. Petr. 28. to plan for jetting more new books. Sorry this omission in last week’s budget: At the annual meeting In the Presbyterian church, a pleasing feature was the presentation by the ‘Managers to Mrs. Brebner. the or. ganist, of a purse of money for her faithful services throughout the year, and to Lyle Smith. a china tray, H OLSTEIN LEADER of the Junior Eben. Mr Jul. Nichol- son read the address and Allan Alb hen made the presentation. ANGUSJQ loving memory of Aural ho med any on Loom. AND PERSONAL i IN MEMORIAM -77. _ " , a,-ttn.omitoett"r-'t"' Pr'"""""""'""""' THE DURHAM REVIEW a Velenune nodal Wider. Some or, WEEKLY LETTER the yotmger children came so sue-u ---- in the anon-noon. They exchanged val-7 um um and important entinee. and thoroughir moored thing- have happened this week. themselves. mu Shape Rented though my thet tendon of the Bren them to candy. gun debug. the atmosphere ot the Messrs. Arthur 1-1ch and he. Home seemed mun, peaceful. Buneton so to Owen Sound on Tues- But the ttmt of the week was de- day Feb. 14th to serve us jurymen. voted entirely to the Bren gun mat. One ot the popular croklnole Boer ter, with Mr. w", Conservative, ttlg sponsored by the ladies of Amos Montreal, making . dnmguc ”pen! church. was held in the home of Mr tome Prime manner to absolve him- and Mrs A. Nicholson on Friday Belt and m. government from blame night. The nttendnnce was fair, by demanding the reeritrnation of the with some eight or ten tables in Min. for National Defence, Hon. [an play. Mackenzie. The government put up One of the popular croklnole Boer ali, sponsored by the ladies of Amos church. was held m the home of Mr and Mrs A. Nicholson on may night. The nttendunce was fur, with some eight or ten tables in play. Miss Adeline Hm. Toronto is a guest: with relatives here. Mrs John Mather and Mr Donald Mclnnia are on the nick list " time ot writing. We are pleased to report an improvement in their condition. Mr and Mm Thou. Ellis entertain. ed their neighbors on Wednesday night. eudhre and dancing were en- joyed by those present. The people of 8.8. No. 9, after a canvas: tw the trustees, are still un- decided about having a re-union this Variable weather, com. emtmmely high winds, and again almost spring- like. Miss Dorothy Kelllah is visiting with Mr and Mrs Walter Park. Mr. Douglas Hallway is helping Mr Bert Lewis to out wood. Messrerohnson and dornon have been busy cutting posts for Mr Michael Morrison. Miss Margaret McNamara spent over the weekend with friends In Mt. Forest. We are sorry Mr. Wm. Thompson sustained head injuries in an un- known manner at this home in Dur. ham. Mr Thompson is well-known in this section having done the butcher- ing ion the beet ring tor many years. His many friends wish tor him a speedy recovery. Our sympathy is extended to the Caldwell family in the passing of their youngest Ion. Milton. Many trom the Corner: attended the tun. eral held Tuesday. Mr and Mrs J. A. McVenn spent sunday with Mr and Mrs B. Haber- mehl of Holstein. Mr Wm. Park buzzed wood for Mr Nelson Hallday last Saturday. Mr Thomas Park visited with his son Kenneth, who lives near Hanover, one day last week. . Mr and Mrs Reuben Watson spent Friday evening with Mr and Mrs J. A. McVean. Miss Elsie Hallway spent the past few weeks at the parental home. The A. Y. P. A. met at the church on Tuesday of last week where a social evening was spent. The next meeting will be held on March 2nd, in the basement ot the Church. A crokinole social will be the chief entertainment. The ladies. are expected to serve a. Jigga' sup- Rev. C. J. and Mrs Queen ot Princeton were recent visitors with their respective parents. Mr John Allen wanted a few days in Toronto recently. Mrs Milford Matthews accompani. ed by a. new baby bor, arrived home on Sunday last from Oshawa. She was accompanied " Mrs John Matthews. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Milford Matthews. Mr and Mrs w. Atcheaon visited on Sunday with relatives, in Holstein. A number of the homes on the 20th Concession have had the Hydro in. stalled in their houses and burns, are enjoying good lights. alien's hoping they travel on. Mrs Davld Davis is spending a. few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs Harry Sales, in Durham. Sorry to hear, of the Illness of Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini sat tubing together on one Bids. ot the lake, and Mr Chamberlain on Mrs Bent. Woods Br. Hope to hear ot her speedy recovery. ALLANS CORNERS RLYTH'S CORNERS THE POOR FISH I A "rdttrteehtr awn-unto you do it, Neville 2".bo continued " . -trnegstttotier, d mouths '""rHtt""t"Aa"etutu", Ill-Gu- antebellum ”diner, totdetaBottre,Mt unite! (ottsi--sstn-toutsttrw mum's tttruttt,"redtmedhrnmroftFttoetsttttat.n mm, “but t"r,qrtt1mt'o'rturetPet"dt"m Premier lads um MAcPHAIL'c ‘ Gerry MoGeer as their last speaker, to defend the Minister and the sow ernment. Then came the vote which freed us from the aound and fury. It TORONTO goes now to the Committee on Public Accounts. It will be a warm Com. Mr Mackenzie King. as head ot the government, introduced the trade treaties to the House of Commons in an extended and. on the whole, pro vocative speech. He lambasted the Conservatives on what he called their opposition to trade and reviewed their shortcomings in that regard from early days until the present. It sounded to me as though the Prime Minister still has hope that the trea- ties will be the election issue, with the high tariff, low tariff. straw being threshed once more. To use hism words: "It may be said that the trade arrangements completed since the accession of the present administra- tion to oMee have effected a major reconstruction of the Canadian tar- itt. The rates of duty chargeable under the British preferential tariff on United Kingdom woods are on an average lower than thoe have ever been before, and the rates chargeab- le on United States goods have been reduced in two stages to a level that on most commodities is below that effective when the Liberals were last in power in 1930." He referred to the treaty between the United States and the United Kinndom as "the most important az- reement in modern times." and clai- med that the treaties were a. great contribution to peace. There never had been he said. a "more Important contribution to internattotutt goodwill. After a foray into the political fleld .-Liberah, winning almost all bye-el- ections. having today 180 seats in a House of 245, the largest following any government in Canada ever had -Mr King returned to the treaties and gave. in great detail, the bene- tIts which will accrue. "The producers in Ontario will be neflt from the reduction on lumber, cattle and calves, cheese, bacon and pork. barley, clover and grass seeds. fresh water fissh, paper. nickel, ferro- alloys. leather, and various manufac- tures of wood.... Manufacturers re ceive benetittt as welt. Manufactured products receiving concessions in- clude whiskey, patent leather, harn- ess leather, skating boots. gloves made from horse hide and cowhide. hose and tubing of rttbber...eatrtimet linings for castiron pipe, iron cut- lngn, ... electric dashing machines. electric atovetc..." The trenMttt he claims for the con- sumers are too many to be reviewed today. but the largest ninth (Inces- slon In the proposed removal of the three per cent excise tax. Dr. Manion, leader ot the Opposi- ion, didn't take seriously the Prime Minister's extravagant claim for the treaties. He said there had always been peace amonzthe democ- racies and that Mr. King's flights of oratory reminded him of a saying or the Rt. Hon. Mr. Fielding. in reference to a member of the House not of his own party: "He makes a hogshead of lather out of an ounce of soap." Possibly the keynote of Dr Manion’s speech was. that the price paid by Canada was too high and that we had thrown away "the Brit- ish substance for the American shadow," that the Americans were shrewd traders. usually got the heat ottttettartmintutdhaddonetto in this instance. ' John Blackmore, lader of the Boeitu Credit group, new some bene- " for the West from the gree- menu but claimed that trade we.- not everything. People couldn't buy If they didn't have WM power. ttomrruttteeruorotourtmrMette Trade Treaties most needy were neglected. The new in; swsy m the truth legislstion would remedy that. He no to it tint w. I... intimated silo that e Whest and and gHettttgt a... Mr. mntuidtretsetturtotauenroot on tothe boys “as“. a etnermmetr---iinq wot, i aloud neon" um interesting think, end that building of homes. lllustrste. one being (rel rather than what has heat termed boyhood der. "wheat mining" would be encouraged up. lit-Alister went to This maior pronouncement cane visit with her daughters between ten sod eleven o'clock " Seturdny. night, which seemed very odd. Men. Our slant-re ”mutiny hers informed on the Western at. tothe Csldwell {smile um titude and on when. generslly think will mm the musing t the government was tMug & kite. to and brother Hilton, who see what the reaction of the prsiries home here on Sonar. T would be. before the sctusl resolu- “to wss over twelve ’1 tion is bought in. hes been in detfente hes Mr. Stevens sud Mr. Tucker hnd most of hh ”I" tim, I Getting into the realm of monetary policy, he stressed the need ot more currency in circulstion and pointed out that Cnnndn has only half " an much. per capita. us Great Britain. the United States and Australia. He wouldn't go so far so the irttermttiottal conference of 1088 made poseible (a dollar for - M cents gold) but he would go a measurable distance towards it. Mr Tucker agreed. " we issued the same amount of money in Cenads " they have in the United sum, we would have 220 million dollars which could be used to retire interest bear. ine debts. at a saving of 7% million dollars, he said. He called our chart- ered hunks "Little Hints." because they can " present issue ten dollars in credit for every dollsr they have in currener. if this practice on the part of the banks threatened inns- tion, the government could provide against it by demanding s - coverage of currency. Mr Tucker argued. A bill to prevent the intlmldntion of workers who desire to belong to trade unions was introduced by Mr. Woodswmth. The matter is still be. fore the House. " is s piece of legislation whirh, in my opinion, is very much needed. A laborer should be as free to join his union and work freely and proudly for the well~being of himself and his fellows as a manufacturer Is free to join the manufacturers’ tuuMreiation. l second- ed Mr Woodsworth's resolution, but have not yet spoken on it. l Mr Cameron McIntosh bmuriit M perennisl resolution setting for a dis- tinctive Csnsdisn ling. pointing out that sll other British Dominion have one, While we hare to resort to the red ensign. which is - s msrine as; sud should never be flown on lend. but it is used to dis- tinguish us from Greet Brian. M instance, In Washington. if we do not use this merino tine, the reden- sign. there would be no distinction between the British and Csnsdisn locations. The same thine; occurs " Geneva and sny other piece, where s ling is the distinctive symbol of a country. Mr Lspointe supported the resolution tor the sovernment. He said that some time we would get s. neg. lathe meantime the menu-hes been refened to s committee of the House. Tonight, in the City of Quebec, a great dinner In being held tn honor of Mr. update, who bu completed 35 your: of membership In the Home of Common-. Of M In! Parliament only he remains. Either his 001%..qu of thnt day have gone none return or have retired from the: turmoil of the Common. Mr. tw. points has, more can my other per-l non of today. tutu-proud the Met speak nothimt but Mini. Re to universal In his can has: “I. was. And we join our Met can. patriots In with: M- halt. in» omen and furtha- - of m iiiiii 5515 can wig arsd Murat-Inuit“ H4 au. Willa-H: lag... n.1- sm.“~n--¢-""""" iiiTii'"tiGora--ette- .LWBMW‘“ " auiueie-otaf't"t't ummummmh“ 'u,rt-t-tomm.'"'ltr_ dungeon“ “mm ummdodnllhm a..." um mun-um m“ to Illustrate. one was (”In W m Our “more ”tummy In emcee tonne Cnldwell anally and " who will mom-n the mining of their con and brochu- KIM. who died at his thee." This In the nomad “ve- nom. In the home In 1 four months. Lulu we would extend our am- my “If Andra. Men Ind tam. lly in the death at u. onlv ulster, ed t'lv It her but lam Sunday evenlnx. A150 to the - and friends of deceased who will mourn a am We and mother and a kind friend. A Who:- of damned W cm two “an no. A My boy ”lived " the honed Bunny. M. 19th. We vtettdyd on “and" u the Mr Mfg-t for some use. We would hope am the night soon be one HELD WIN MEET!“ The monthly meeting at the Sunny- view Institute was be“ at the home ot In W. Deny, Ir. With " mon- The rollctll m meal by “a l wouid like tat was" when t an 60." The members decided to nuke a. quilt and I committee was Ip- pointed to punch-u the IMAM”. Mrs C. noun-m - a splendtd SUNNWIEW WOMEN. INC? . J. Petty padded um! In N. Me- 3 in View W's places.” Useful truck-I donated by tho member- “no auctioned on by Mrs Guava-ll, and the an of on.» them closed the moan; and lira Derby and incl-mu mad 1 Minty lunch. In 'tut2m.tt - "What does your husband eatt your can?" Mrs Dam -"0tt you non when he itteatttngtttmtntqtAeh-or when he'- cllulu him out t" low Playing FRI. a AAF, ttttLV-re.. a g " A “unwinding millionaire on . million donu- alumnae! rid um Mum-0'. yarn "a... 'trt"a"tho--.-.. "ttimuo-t-rt...hiLriia ”mu-mum“ ...Au Mama“. Marjorie VIC-vec- mom, wet. wen; ttttet.- um an. FEBRUARY " 't'tt Give a Million PM“. the Canon's M 001'! ------ROxY, 'Sweethearts' WARNER BAXTEB Wetq In Mum and can“ u . oft Inspector the m NORMA Vol. LXI. Wr Mom l I'I hint EXCELLENT A Tl , r ft Dr. Car 'ttot Best YOUR W.T PAT Wedrrs MM ett? M mm km a life I'III ht ml: 101ml: (I Fee " DU d PAR Stu " " m

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