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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1939, p. 1

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not brill an! m." tnth “a an very d: u m. in b can. but not human! ret ARY M, 1939 Ytttatd othsarts’ me ee . you In new helm humming in my. RCH WOMEN'S INST. MONTHLY MEETING 0N M Sam's Gala H nod Nth ior Mart Manolo» - XY Ragtime Ralf laying rot FOREST “a! latch to Their he m 1. . . .Ttmr by. M Him, Many W M Which MI “do“- " In may very MM wt; 10" to t God revel _ Eddy . never so. W 'emna 'ARC R Ro M ttdom M; “It! rho I! In». G. E. manna. Hanover. was the omin'. weaker. his tonic Mine. "The new curriculum in On- tnrio schools." The master. he said. used to be overythintr: now boys and girls do the work ttnd are every- thing, nnd tho teaeher hires a book not. tt used to be u memory teat for pupils learning so many names. Discos. dates, mum. Now we don't need to con hon and triru---it's a pleasure to so to school: all hon. or to the Minister of Education tor mah'me the ounRe. Health is now tho first consideration: a famous hioIoIiu any; the time in eotning when Mo will be 3000 years. Aver- an expectation of We in now 59 years- instmd of " as in hits bot/hood days --sttmont doubled. The people refuse to think about the new course of tttttdr-sore par- ents oven don't want' music and soonnmirs tarevht in schools. Last fan he had shown throuzhont 9mm Grey. urging the ratepayers to Mom the township area plan. romhininz tour or five sections Into me. and transport")! pupils but sad to TPIRCP m4 " qirtertes rm-al school had approv- ~l of it. Trndor this Nan. earh ser- HM "wow" 8100 Mira mnt and PAunoation Mt. pays 60% of cost of has to brine pupils. " five notions mammal. thev would not 3500 in “no erattttt-gnore than enourvh to nav their sharn of bus. and pupils would mom much more intonsiv'vo "amine. but not a school will try it. The mtntrv hora snd tirls are just as clever as those in town sud Til. Taro. but their parents won't stand im- H. 9. course. It's smasirrr the dim-rem in A school like Durham's. compared with country schools. From the whole six townships of Grey Inspectorate. there are only 6 students " college: Hume:- town alone has 14. Who gets the best jobs and positions in life throughout Canada , of 1786 considered. only mended. After alumna opening mens- an n to purpose of gathering. a piano Instrumental "The Glowonn," van well rendered by Helen Ren. wielt, end up dutch: by Edith and Marjorie McDonald. Inez anrenco and Munro! Chane“ sang "An through the Night," and a mixed chorus, “Old Folks at Home." A one.L net play “Tawny and Me mndfath- er," was stared by senior studente. then Jean end Eileen Teeter nan: in a duet. with mm neeommutiment. i Monday evening in the Town Hall, anh was almost Med to hear " dress-o: and opinion- on the new cow-sue of study. as well u a pro- gram by the pupils lntmpened. Mr Wm, Erwin. chairman of the Board Inspector Regrets Ilmt Trustees Reject Township Area Plan Durham Public School Ital. pupil- and trustee. were hosts to the pn- em and other citizens of the town Vol. LXI, No. Dr. Carr’s not for EXCELLENT ADDRESSES ON NEW EDUCATIONAL COURSE AT PAIENTS’ NIGHT DUB HAM PUBLIC SCHOOL YOUR HEALTH WIT PATTERSON, KO. Severe erertratn often comes eomplete exhaustion by using up an of your energy. Make sure Four on. are safe. Con- is dependent on whether or not your eyes an work encl- ontly without fatigue. DURHAM. Wednesday. Mar. Sth Appolmxnenu t--5.80 p.111. sacrum! in Eye Examinaum at c. Satan's Store El“ YOUR REXALL art’s Cough Syrup In sizes. 25: and Mtg. Stubborn Cough! and Bronchitia Fools good on the than. McFADDEN’S REXALL Examination. Dr. Rovden Burnett. M. o. H. stated the most important thing in Faafr'tuardirte pmlls' health is pre- ventive medicine. Teeth. tonsils and eves are the cause of almost alt juvenile ailments. Of 31 pupils in 1 room in Durham school 28 were present and inspected: ' had bad teeth 5 diseased tonsils. 2 needed eyes checked. 6 were o. K. it the eyes require attention. teacher sends a note to parents. sndan eye special- ist should be consulted. Unless giv- m cooperation by parents, all exam- ination to improve health of child- ron mes for naught. Crooked Joints stir! knees, neuritis. neurslgia. arth- ritis, lumhago. rheumatism. all are mused tn bad teeth and bad tonsils. No honest doctor believes in whole- sale removal of tonsils. If smooth. not diseased. leave alone; it pitted. thev shoud be removed. Another one act play "The Trial of Mr Gumdrop" was cleverlv staged hv senirr students. Principal chum. ter were Ranr McQueen as Mr Gum- drrrs: Alan Lander as ludze: Elmer Clark and Charlie Mofrat as defence and prosecuting altomevs. He hopes amine! hone that rural ru-rnle me"; see they’re standing in their own light. tmt It may take a. lone time' We have " tine a net otteechers in South Grey as any- where on earth: thev're keen and anxious to better conditions. We can't get the rural trustees to do murh. Iradernhln I: needed in even-r oommunlty to point out to the people what is mrst worth while. Principal neon A, Noble smite rn "Tho old and the New: a Study in Contrasts." Brzerton Byerson had in- aueurated tho Old system less than 100 yeors ago; he had nothing to build on, bat went to U.S.A.. Prus- sia and Ireland for ideas. then evolv- ed his own policy. Ryerson was in. thteneed by the militaristic point of view,-the state tirat, child second. Mustard and Watson. founders of the New system, modiBed the curricul- um-they chose from the Mother country. 40 or 45 years ago the child was considered something to be toi- erated; in many homes, the child is now master; it’s not always a good thing, but it’s there and this was an intiitenee In shaping the New course. The New course does not change the fundamental aims of edu- cation. which are In general. the same. Ryerson had started subject matte r and adapted the child to it; Mustard puts the child t1rtrt. The (inference is in the approach. We used to absorb or shed verbal buck- hsts: method now is to allow the child to do the work', inquisitiveness is Inherent in all children; the child groWs by virtue of its own ac- tivities, and retains facts by virtue of having used them. Health and social studies (history, geography. civics) are indispensable branches of 226, or barely IS % cane from the rural parts. It never will be true that country boys and gills get best jobs in our had until there is a change in the attitude of the people. With predominant rural populatlon 30 to 50 years BRO, when these had school (lava. there should now he 7 out of 9. lnstead of only 2, from rural Canada in best position. ht oountry schools only 31% of pupils passing Entrance no on to High School: in last 3 years 93% of town pupils began H. s. Work. the new course. The Old system pro- duced ttreert men and women. Let us here the New will equally. Rev. J . system tt while Now Gina iitititrtd'tiiit 182nm. onus stone PRICES m III New WallPlPC“ in in a hue as yet tor your tsome-Bright colovirgs & deans Ir, " modern SUNWORTHY Patton: a 100 and up. See our Nov Samples. thought Old g definite, " yet. He DRUG STORE Rev. M. Farr thought the good wine was kept to the last! He had meat faith in New course and edu- cational leaders in Canada, which will stand up with anything in the world. We have come a. long way; knowledge is the gathering of ex- perience of the past. This new devel- onment is in capable hands; give teachers every encouragement. Clen Rowe. barrister, thought New system would impress individuality to a greater degree than Old. He was 100% tor Now. We should have tnith in our leaders who are doing what they think best. He paid tri- bute to the late J. A. Graham. great. (at ct all teachers to him, who lm. rx-eued on every one his own char- acter and personalite'. Irving Sharpe of H. B. staff. said meh Yahoo! name. means nothing--- ith just a continuation of primary school. Two Fbrmn of H. s. are now changed to New system, and he heartily agreed with it . The H. B. course is being changed to meet new pupils. New "stem is honed on knowing how to do things. not on facts. Facts are tools to produce re- sults expeaed. A letter from Mrs Dargavei, li. brarian. stated Juvenile reading in Library has increased M.88%, the children are taking real interest, and discriminate more in books chosen. There was no further discussion, and a chorus of ftve, led by Jean Lauder and Velma Vonett. nan: "Down by the Old Mill Stream." for lcwed by National Anthem, to clone a most informative and entertaining night. was in sympathy with the dot-t to get somewhere. believed hue would disappear and things improve. Rev. W. H. Smith congratulated the Principal on his address. To solve the rural problem. he said, would not be by University training but by making life more interesting in rural districts. We should give boys and girls opportunities to use their lingers. as the University does to use their heads. The highest ideal of an education is doing the thing we're gifted to do and making a success of life. The Jews taught new boy to make a living try his hands-a wonderful training. In these days of shortening working hours, there should he a definite place in New system for the leisure time of tite-fit people to enjoy life and society in hours they don't work. A suit tor $600 damages has been entered in the county court, London. by Herbert A. Fenner and Frank A. Penner, of London against James Braithwaite, of Durham. In the writ Issued on behalf ot the plaintiffs the damages are saw to be the result of negligent" of the defendant in operating a motor car on the main street of Hanover on December 4th of laat year. DURHAM MOTORIST SUED FOR HANOVER ACCIDENT Herbert Farmer is a technician at Medical School and .Frank an elec- trician. Frank was driving a. car owned by Herbert when the collision trtrtt place in Hanover. According to the statement of chum. the car was damaged to the extent ot $270.81 and Frank Fenner suffered personal injuries. The claim is for $600. Presented with Club Bag. The members of Durham Interme- diate hockey team enjOyed a social evening last Wednesday " the home of Mr and Mrs C. W. Zilliu. Dur. ing the evening one ot the players, Carman Noble was made the rectpl- cnt " a leather club bag, before leaving next day for mm, west of London, where he has been mov- ed by the Mal Bank. IttletiAtt. "io, " MAR”! 2. I939 WITH WHICH I. lNcORPOIATED THE MOI-8TH" LEADER Mr J. A. M. Robb. High School princloal, with Mrs. Robb and Ms daughters left list week for Whit, by to attend the tuner-J of his hither, who died there last Thursday, In his Mn. Mr Robb la the only son. and his mother ll not in good health. He is takintt this week oft from teaching duties. and expects to re- turn to start Monday. Mr Powell of Toronto is lupplylng during hls ah. scnco. Mr Wm. Thompson has sumciently ranm-MI from Ms In‘luries received in a. fall on Friday, Feb. 17th, as to tw- tthtp. to have the hospital on Tuesday, and I: now reetrpetttintt " the home of his nephew, Mr Albert Thompson. upper turn. 'ihnnn lcicle' Perfmms: Pulls Truck with Teeth Mrs. M. H. H, Fur was called to her home in London Friday owing to her mother', “Incas. Live stock, implements, furniture and merchandise changed hands at good prices at tho ttmt community auction sale last Balm-d”, arrang- ed by Durham Bulneu Men's Aa- sociation, at manna We. Fann- nrs and townspebple intermingled in the big gathering, and tor my articles, blddlng_was brisk. Auction- eer G. Duncan wan in charge: while Rev. M. Farr acted " sale clerk. Mm J. T. Priest was In Hanover cu Friday addressing the meeting in tttttittttetion with the World Day ot Ptwrer, Turnbull have returned home after an ”tended vial: with relatives at Font Hill. BIG CROWD AT Barrister J. H. McQuurle was a lucsnital patient for a low days with ittfittettgtt. _ Kriker Hakimian, a young Armeni- un from Windsor who possesses a wonderful physique, visited Durham on Monday, and gave some start- ling exhibitions of his stamina and strength. In the afternoon. clad in his bathing suit only. he aeampered down on the ice just east of Gara- tram St. bridge, chopped tr hole in the ice and sat down in the frigid waters ot the Sangeen. At that place it was tco shallow for swimming. m his meagre attire, he jumped tV round and lay down in snow banks, and incidently devoured an ice Min Ann Hohhrk of Crawford in with her ulster, in Hugh Int-Don- ald in town " present. She Is not In good health ittatd 11 receiving medical treatment. COMMUNH’Y AUCTION jPtte Again Visit I Durham Service itatian In Mount Forest two service st.- tlons were humanized the same night and small tum: of mono] tak. en. Going north to Witiinntuord, the. thieves broke into Moore's gen- erat sine. stole some merchandise and a small amcunt ot money. then on to Chatsworth. Service stations sermed to have been their model hobby, for in Chatsorcrth, they fort ed entry into Louck'c service Ita- tion, and agnin tsecured some money. Flittinr-r new“ the country to Men. ford. the thieves there entered Eagles“ service station, Ind carried off the 1500 pound safe with them, in which was a little money. Ind some tobncco. Next day, Sundny, some cash drawers and documents were picked up on the highway " Minesing, just west of Barrie, and these were identttied as being from the stolen safe. . For the third time this winter, Smith's - was burst-riled early last Battrtdery morning. This time the garage was not broken in- to .but a look was brcken on one at tho gas pumm in front. sud ten gallons of was taken. We. Noble'- service station immediately north. ncrosa stroet WM broken into the same night, and a. radio swieni Nothing else appears to be mining. Provincial Police and local police all over the province hove been ncti- tied. and while they have no trace or description of the night raiders. . complete list ot the “Men goods is being sent cut. The Police believe that there Ire several robbers in the patty, that they are experienced in the game. and are probably from To route cr Hamilton. travelling in a Itolen m’or cars. " is hoped n tow arrests will soon follow. Cheater hockey team must have had a bad attack of the jitterl when after leading 4--1 at home last wr day, they allowed Owen Sound Trev. per Cubs to more 5 goals in last " minutes, to lose by 4-4. In second game Monday in Owen Bound, Chea- ley had the best of it winning r-o, but lost the round by 1 soul. ir-o. Owen Scund Cube now enter 2nd round of Int. B. semi-null, meeting Arthur next Friday and Wednesday. We still believe Cheeley has the best CHESLEY FELL BEFORE OWEN SOUND TRAPPER CUBS int. whereby mall loom Durham 3900mm and leache- .Vancouver in .lcu than a day. The air postage is 6epermmeser,oetV8ernote thanor- ’dlnary pounce. j To go by alr mall letters muet be wasted to Durham poem“ below 2,00 p. m. daily, so an to leave on the afternoon C. N. R. traln. The» survive In Toronto In time to connect with the airplane leaving. Mellon airport for the West at 10.30 p. I. daily. mu thus mache- Wlnulpeg " tr.80 next morning. a gala ot The courier of R. R. No. t Dur. - ham. begins summer Male on MARtgHALV-Att Norm-nu. on loudly next. leaving Durham pout- Mth, to Mr “a In Ami" oMce utter arrlv-l of noon mil. Mtusttartt, n (hunter. reaches Vuwover " tt.M, I all: at (tit ttouta--. “no“ t days. over ml ‘On Much m, lunch] dellvery fee on - was reduced from 20c livery by "ii new nun service to Women Canada. In Inaugurated by the Pan New Air Hail Service SHALL ADS. Town Hall, Durham, "arch?' I I Sound Motion Flown-es FREE--ror Fume" onlv. that wives no! names "" "tter-ttat ”Win. MM Cadmium Customers " work on - Farm The Latest in Farm 0‘an comm: - “was: EDUCATIONAL Town Hall, DURHAM Wednesday, March (MI-- 8.l5 p.‘ luck Jones " “Boss Rider orGun Creek" Added Fenian”... ADMISSION Me AND tse. Stand Wed-uh! “J my... W. I... no. Local Della- fttr cockohutt mtg, Lu. deuklyuMamllum. hm m.sz.unmuum ”In...” mum FOR surf-soc was. Buildings. ”can eeeet. M Fifteen (15) the Hm (moonwa- South ot the mun new. In the Township of ' conumlng Otto Hundred (100) res and mum: [new one and one room tto-t with cellar, u and t'tt, what. a “Will OM Wt It . Apply to s. H. M l'Alqu. Durham. Ontario. icltor for thr Knox tted on; m Am: tttoy will the IIIIIIII BL Pee “or. In - It. dim! Rat. No. I, “mm-mum of Wolfe Faun- _ “an to: SALE Jennie

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