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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1939, p. 5

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hm "chum: in on“ . ks with her mm In M. (s. In Durham.. i. Mrs (“from Adh- d Ab 4an the week n. m rm" parent". Mr. m In. otma l'nruh of I“ b Ht the heme of Mr u 1k twamley " m. Wo "aesl to report that .1. .a {Winn much Mm. At Mrs tIsp “all” d m v ..-r9n! visitors with It may Cammidee. rnluh Klaees of 1m ‘- -r' Iv» (mm! MI:- W n! h” week 0nd. " I, held their my v'H) month” meeting u w“ a: at the home a! Mr. #1140” The scripture buo- i h; [mum numb." up. t- “"545"! try Mr. Am w." x-w answered be g .. Arvrr the bun-Incas you. “Minna-s ltr. mod. in r I “min! t crtne,hinr on Honda" and having quite . M d " Mekerttnte. Mn Archie MeArthrgr and N? '0 man this tool In ' farm in (Hench. Mri.ean was a visitor a n1!" bov- gfgtpf Item I.“ of Dnrham. my Timmy has loved 'west,-. to tho home or it tnto Mrs Elia “My l0" vv QAIanr' I. we "~an Payback” "7: work with Mr and M ARCH I, "" weak 4t A;r-r-an our “I!” A,.no nd an. mprovlng Med! T hm” Mrtrthttr who - _c4vvmith'_ "are for the ”aka. w» are men- UnliPS' Aid and W. y at the has. at "hompscrt on M I attottdttttee. In tho scripture fro- Airlwrttt Hunt M in fl “1.4 responded to A "eestry Fuzlishman "on ur' "an settler at [ H?" a In" at" wed from m M mare and here, tho run Mr Crcu in! "*-v I in oxtoed “A" up that In. M: 6 months of bt m-nsinn. r0” "'_rt'_ "a of the v0.- 'sr" lam. After Mr. 'va kept a you --! He was very mm violin and m t "'31 church it 'l-, a quiet man. Yuanxs , . "a "M" b .. _ '0 and - to., ttrr VIM " t an enemy." 1 they weren’t no o-err' tt , <‘lk bat an“. " mavtinz, Mm n-r T (cheddar tt with. A read. rrivert try EXPO. w mlmh Deno- nzht the moot- ( was served by “haunts. . Tho we held " the Hunt on Maren Louise school Is Chester Ett. tha fol”!!! N. grandfather U! Mwerte. M also Ind wh ho rd" " work beeamq meetin Dr Business an " lies (Jamal up Priceville Hockey Team MMttttt i. "" Huts on to Neil Aldeorn our war worthy conch, Who look: titer the hon, their equipment and such. Always good natured, but sometimes looks cross: More power to you Neil. let them know you are hoes , There is Jimmie leDoupll, who tends Knutedt's tar, A hardy young “devil" titqth full of herd knocks: They genernlly have him Mix the door. And it you try to puss him, you'll minute the Bttor. There in Jimmie Mchcer. you nil know him well, Along with his father. they run n hotel; They sell ice cream and hot dogs and i’ll tell you plump The most of their drinkable: come, out of the pump. There is Odell and hook. Duke Turnhull and Bell; Can sknte round opponents like imp. out of Hell: They glide down the ice while the crowd yell and ronr With team play and mains they're sure for to score. There is Carson end Turnhull and Cameron McLean, Those three hunky lads make up half of the team; Their smoothness of play and handling of sticks Would make anyone think they were trained try old Nick There is Johnnie McMeekin, the team’s greatest pet, And he well deserves it for tending the net: Whene'er therds n ecrunble. or something goes thud. Please don't get excited. it's Jack stopping the puck. There is Archie McKechnle, why hurdles the truck, Takes the boys to and fro, though he don’t chase the Tho' we are not poets, don't think we are green We have done many towns but the best we have seen. Is our own little burg on the banks of Saugeen. Now we mustn't forget our good old friend Joe, Who always is willing and ready to go, And take- all of those who might he left behind And he’ll get you there for he drives like the wind. Ro now I have told you something at our team: Now there is Bert AMSQIII who tends to the gate: He looks the: the "mud thine", come out, or lute: As you me In More him, not one he lets pus. ' So shell out your gunner, each 1.ad and etch nu. And there Is the harbor who trim no your hair, It he been tett of hockey he's me to he there: He's Pricevllle team's venom, I'd UV. you to know. While the hon they ploy hockey, he'. counting the when he hauls out the gang plank, here folks, getinllne; You can always depend he wil get there on time. Ctrate all of you hockey an: wherever you be; Please pay attention Ind listen to no: I'll tell at Prloevllle the ttnest town men, That over was built on the River Surgeon. This town sports a hockey tum. I'd lave you know; No rink to pmcuce In. nothing but. .m- No rint to practice In. nithlig'bh; GG,."" -..., But our boys they are husky. on that you my bet, As they only hue lost two hockey - m. by Sandy McPherson or slowing our 'te.sommodatMtrt.. Rotr'r'Wr--'rtekerts good going m Pt. Arthur, Ont, Armstrong. Ont, Chico- tyroPovBRt'- within limit or aim, Excursion ticket. good In Tom-M. Par. lor and Standard duping can also available on payment of IlluMly high- or smug. hm, pin. prim of parlor On Thursday evening a presents tion was held for Mr and Mrs Bert Irwin. The disagreeable stormy night prevented a lot from attending. However. those who were present had amost enjoyable time dancing tt good music supplied by George Haz- ard, With accordeon, I. B. Whyte and Robert Pleater with violins. At an appropriate time, the newly weds were called upon. An address was read by Mrs I. B. Whittaker, and the presentation of a lovely studio couch was made by I. B. Whittaker and Bill Campbell. Both Mr and Mrs. Irwin ilttingly replied, thank- ing all. Lunch wss served and a social time spent over the ten cups. Cmmtulntiona to Mrs. Menu!- of Elmwood, who celebnted her mom birthday Md” 17th. She is a grand aunt of Mrs Archie MacCuulg. Mr Neilburt McKenzie returned home Tuesday after spending over thtily Feb. 18ttt to V arch 4th Return Limit: 45 dun. Mr. John Woollu‘d is ganged with Mr. multichannel: of Swinton Park for the summer months. On Friday afternoon Mrs J. J. Lyness sale was held on Stone's Line. Despite the stormy arr, s fair sized crowd was present and good prices were realized. Geo. Duncan was auctioneer. Mr Ben McKenzie spent a. couple days with his son Wm. u Dmmore. roll macabr- from any - r. M. MADDEN, [can “on. by repeating the Lord's Payer in Lunch m then named by the hostess and mutants. The Much meeting will he held at the homo of Mrs Inch Whyto. Mr Bob Lee has ranted Mr. John Aldcorn'a farm " Quinton Park. Mr Jack McCannell Swinton Park visited his sister Mrs HittttU last week. I Mr Murray lcuillsn, Toronto wss s recent visitor at " home. Mr. Archie [dun spent s. few few days visiting in Toronto. On Tuesday stternoon Mm Suther- lsnd Ins hostess to the was and W. H.. Societies, when " indies were present. After the usual open- te', exercises, Miss Margaret um- Il""' gave a splendid paper on Valen- Pr"' Day. Mrs W. J. Hittektt ave a psper on Current Events. The roll call was snswered by-“hvorite supper dish.” It was decided to have a pork and been social on Wednesday. March 15th. Mrs Jock Whyte, Misses Margaret Nichol sad Margaret MeArthur, and Mrs A. L. Hincks were appointed s committee to look after the progrsm. Mrs. Sutherlsnd presided over the W. M. B. sud opened with prsyer. " Chap. of Acts use reed respon- sively to 43rd verse. Misses Munr- et Nichol and Nellie new gsve very interesting resdings. Esch mem- her is asked to make . quilt block " by " inches for the missionsry quilt. The meeting closed by singing "The Lord’s my Shepherd", followed Mr and Mrs Cecil Pawcett and family of South Line, have it rented and will move shortly. . Mr and In Buds, Irwin, “In line visited My with Mr. and In. mu Margaret lieu-mu 1: mm ing her mt, In. Donut! lichen. unsung will be held on Wounds! larch 8th a the home of In T. A. Nichol. A m/o, Burt Ste Marie. returning via some route ttttd line only. Gen- emul optional routing.. who, lick. and wed in accordance with tum: of United sum linen. both going and mtttrtsing- " Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and west; “so st China, p, Sum: Ste. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Canadian Patettiet TIGKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHEB WESTERN CANADA TO ALL STATIONS IN PRt%nfllLLtt GOING DATES m" _ A Mm" ".rrttenNtmnatMrtmder, mandate Put later of ttt AW!" VIM occur-tad“ ciao-16mm MMN Btu-rundow- Ltdtre.No.88.A,P.&A-Wed-rortttnt vent. d-troped tttet.toMr.w.3.NMer.mtatrrtft- M. MenraahMdtnttttt1t-tattemWttte - muo- In this VIII-co "ttttsn-trr) Witttameeei1thot-resettttsetnrdteat-oqraredtrteratttn-,-tmast. "net-tOtt-mi-troses-ttm-ttslr-tat-s. noun. A.M.vnnettoeAM-B.er..dtatget.bttttt-tettth-aatdnatttrt.d-irreTtre-- atttteh-eeeh.%t6.u gBsther,-ti-ttr.. “(1&th - mw..mno..vm.l.o. gown-mu u-a-trd-a.-.. o A wedding Migtterit toting. circle cf Mend: wu admixed in Vnncouver on at. Vuleutlne'l Dar. Mr and Mrs June. 0mm are mov- in: from the former Wade property to the Fraser hm. lot 8. roet. 10. Miss Marlo Sinclair upon! the put week in Guetph. Mrs c, Wale held the lucky ticket for the [mutate quilt. A Moe blue and white design neatly quilted. Mines Janet nnd Ethel Scott and Mr Wallace Scott were visitor- [at Smdny " the home of Mr Alan Sin- chit. On Friday evening Feb. 17th friends and neighbors spent a pleu- ant evening with Mr and Mrs Archie Clarke on the occasion of their re- cent marriage. A eomrratuutory " dress was read by Mr. John Recliner while on behalf of the neighbor- hood. Messrs Vernon Christie and Howard Ridden presented them with a beautiful cedar chest. Under the auspices ot the United Church a social evening will be held Frfiday March trd " the home of Mrs G. Glass. Games, contests and prommme. etc. wftt as far " pos- sibie'M of an irisb "Tor. The regular monthly meeting ot the Hopevllle Women'. Institute will be held on Wed. March 8th at the home ot Mrs. Chas. Wule. Mu George Shnnd 1nd son Don- nie were recent visitor: with In Earl Walton. The middle puma new Prtee vllle get any to In only lend, Me. Lean nearing from a scrunhle at the Beat minute lurk. One minute later, McVIcsr from whit-on count- ed the locale’ second goal. About tummy throught the period, Teeter scored for Fleeherton. After ten minutes of the third period. had been played, Seen! from Russell tied up the game, than forty tug the heme Into overtime. The overtime was Just three min- utes old when Teeter notched what proved to be the winning got] for lead in the best of the me series. The second guns will be played tn Puestterrton on Tuesday night. The lint period was scoreless with both teams going wide open. Although PritNMmr pvt-cued bud they were unable to score and emu the last m‘nute desperate move of uslnz six forwards failed to much victory from the visitors. Fleshorton: Goal, Henry; defence. Johnston and Hopkins; centre, Lea- veil; wines. Teeter and Welton; al- ternates, Morgan, Russell. Seem. Referee --Bttett Singleton of Mark- dale. m the tirtrt ”mo ot the Semi-Pro. V 7 . V . . an]: plnyed in Pricemle arena on --t.- "tttrdtty night, the mum “an“ . NORMAN ALFRED McLean ton team and out a clone 8-a det. Norman Alfred McLeod 820 cislon over the locus In a M Twentrffth Avenue, N. u}. Cat. romzm. clean me. which required my, mom. am In an mam overtime to break the deadlock. only your. tnthq CattmrrGeeteeat Httetrltat one penalty. that to “out!" In the on M. m. after a lengthy mm: second period WI! handed tttgt. - survhingnre: one son In D McLeod. erton will now - I Pricevme: Goal, McMeekln: de- fence, Frock: and McLean; centre Bell; wings, E. Turnbull and D. Turnbull; alternate, McVicar, Car- son. Ibbitson, O'Dell. Sunni-v in Hume. Friends here were very sorry to learn of the death of Dr. o. E. Carr ot Owen Ssund. raving went ' yen: hero. Mer. Reid spent the weekend " Hoilteln. '.Tc"=,i"i"2r"ii",,T.'"ii7,,'",': . lmuum.mm' _ . n-woakinmm. (heroin annoy. ml.- Jul: hm not. tNru'dotoAntsothrttrtmthres. . mum-inmm titstiedftr1sst-t Sorry tom In. Ann-Io- umuummbyhukmoi) M "I'M on " Owl-I'- Wear h lurid: m. Dram". antttuatumrttte-ti-tbid all“! out...“ 'P"t"tdh"e*"rv'nothe--d. 'ttot-nearest-ttmetre" lulu-inn: whohtnlnlnctorsnunein'roton- mm Instinct “my! a...“ In Ge-am-tth III- to, mini um. All will“! 'rttttne-ofptgthmeotltd Muncyatmw. Show?! her . 'greedy WW- 1iii-f.ttterntterr. no mud. rem old. “In 11011103.}. lemma-and mm mammnww.i "mun mu M II Nettttsbitaan ofTtmtestoint mum: commandant. immmuiotmmm weekend with friend: 3nd Nared The weddlnz music VII PM u the M ttnd m m.“ to hr tsoeker on 3mm night in - In.- muei waded with In: Jun bed “no. mi, mm. oe Into tyrtmt, with the w “m against any u wont. At the mention her condluon m become more uri- Putthertott. Ttte MRtht '“ 8--a in which followed the may the on. ad death although in» mm- hvor ot when”. Better “wk bride's able '.. eentmd with . ed me u . Ihuk to my 1m“. next time boys'. three-tier wedding an nil - u. m. In mm... m Mr ttttd n" Roy “mm “a and with pink mu ad ““0006 m“... “a... m In“... new... Mrtt Wttttturta, lu',', .'t'ef'ta21, ttte-meter. non was born our under, I dash- at',,",',,',':",',',,'.':,',,',',',,:,";,,,,' . longer G'. _t?"ur1'h"e.fe'.'CUr'Sr. "1" ter of the WM“ "tPeo" agtd an. Mr vANETTA--BAtLEY HOPFV" I r 'lmllDOWEANRtMntiMr AID. 'KIIHY went f" - When the Great War broke out in 1914 he Irv-Munch 00!on MI unic- en u a mull-ml ofRror. and thov were accentod. We want 'tRrertee." with the In Canadian Withnarv Me. and -rret as a MIMI ofReer dur- In: the ertttre duratIon of the “r. " I. mum of theme service- his health was Immlrod to some adult. but new“ trraetleseetettutrrt tergion " Prtt-tttr.. when he no- muned for, time was. and then came to Owen Sound. and m up minted H.011. for the mm of Brdentmm. whirh mum be hold " time of ttin dean. He took an - tive "an in the mm of the Cun- dian Mon. and m ubo . Mn out member of an! Masonic cider. and " the the of " death In Woodrord. attended Collechte Ind Model School in Owen Sound. (ought u Walton-'1: hill a short time and umduated In both Am and Iodidne from Toronto Hum-nun. Followlnz his ttrtttofrtttttettt " Med- iral offirpr of Health for the City of Owen Sound he announced his in. tention of zivin: up his medical unc- tice altoeether and devoting his en- tire time to while health work and he exam-ed himself " being plena- ed with this opportunity of serving the people of the community in that wooeitv. He was intensely interest- ed in the. work and hoped for great thtnn having monedout a mom for the yes: which would occupy sll his time. His death mute the third Medial Oillcer of Health for Owen Bound to pus on inside of the past year. Dr. R. G. Hurray. who held the noeition for man rem. died in March. sud " successor, Dr Frank Campanile died suddenly in the early mm of December. last. Survivingnre: one soil In D McLeod, Vancouver: two sisters. um Gerr. trade New Ind Haunt. In James Meme, both of Camry: one brother, Donald of Vancouver. Norman McLeod wa- the ”unseat son of the Int. Rev. Donald lobed of Pheevttie. F‘unerul services were conducted by Rev J. Rex. Brown on M9. The null bearers were: Mr R. B. Inc- Many friends .ot Pricevillo and vicinity will remember Norma Me. Lood and his cheerful spirit, in spite ot constant ill health. DR. o. E. CARR Dr, O-Mrne Blunt Curr. Owen Sound Medical Omeer of Health since Jammrv 16th of this veer. pu- sed any late on “and" uter- uonn an the result of a stroke he suffered about noon the previous (lav, Re was seized with an attack of the fin one day last week and was cr-ntined to his home, but it was than!!!“ he was fretting slang nicely until \l’ednnsdav when he was seiz- ed suddenlv and later becnme un- conscious. after which he sank mpidlv until the and on Thursday. He was in his 'S8rd year. Prieevilte, P, H. who". mamhuwblne.i mmln mum-a were: mums... immune-tummy... Theweddinl municwupleyedbr til-end In! “can.“ ”be! In" Hue] Welder: with XIII Jenn bed since My been”. oe Into Grey u ”but. At the reception her tyttetdIUtttt had new more eeri- whlch followed the ceremony the on. end deem elm not unexpect- brlde'g table was centred with 1 ed cone in & “my to my (may, three-tier wedding cake and decor- ttod with pink mo. and “limo!- the-valley. After Mun-Illa: (mu t motor trip south Mr and In Vulcan will u- aids In Vancouvor. The ttride-ttld in a manneq- ot Mn not. now residing In Viscou- ver, and the late Tom Jack, former resident: m Glenda. while the groom's mother was the former Mlle Duh of Glenek. 'TuteMAlonmngtvartinannru -no.muuv Buldu her husband she have: mducmd to mourn her pal-lug. one daughter. " The Maggie May, In - Hunt of Cer. B. Mae. ten; two listen. I In [and ot once of Not-val Ind In Archie lemma: of M E. Cevlcn: two brothers, Dunk! not: Prleeville and Noll at W. Ila and One son Thoma.- Albert died In 100. In Me. and two brothers {chum Charlo- in mite predeceased tter. - Corr. Oakland the WWII 0"“!de . moon: 'Foeagqasttesmteratr. mum-tour “In!“ Mr- trams, an, who no cow-lung their Mr no. AM. at Unlock. In emtted A,iiii _ To} ira-iaa - with a bed mum-me In! mm In Corn: "mgteteq null. but... ttett1nqttseftottttt- "ttinit HatnIOtdtttreandaga.tg-. D land cut ort with " Mac uw- mm I m. m 1nqutaetttrteMtnererttunemtod. 'rreth.dfBreeHmateegmm- Mhrtt Lyn Kelley mm: to m-MID‘I-I- attend I Mstttortmttheftt convention ""'""-------- in Tomato ad will spend a month tgoc,ti.r,uiuTug,rerCr " -A.‘ - I referood the gum. Durham's man ("In and out. were Strum. V. " video, Geo. mm W. loom. I. Sanders, A. m. m Bun- Superior condition and weight en- abled Hanover hockey mm to put it over the Durham. by I 6--2 score in an exhibition me have Int Thur-any night. Geo. Canon "tteattott and new Into manhood. marrying George Arrow-mm: " you! no N 0th Int. and nettl- tnz on I hm In menu. In mo they hum-d to Danna raiding their until 1918 when they no to Ink. their home at Gem. Two years no the condo celebrated their Where‘w they are Dun-hem lac-yr - - VT ___ Home“ Auctioneer W 'utr'tq are invariably out in (mat. At the Bel ter Valentine promenade It Owen Sound e- m on m 08-. . Detee unlined at was... h» Collardate. e number ot Wm were duh. use than. Dem- Inlet. given. Tint for beet looking couple . and lie-norm Advance. Gee. I. on the Boor tell tom" Magnet Duncan. mm M " r " Crouor and Mr Arthur Hutton. . . . . m After conducting a livery mane-e . . here tor three and e In" you-e, taftttt Wk T, 1tt “ace the death of the lute w. Celd- " remove the can d _ well. Mr. Jno. Schultz lut week sold try WW “I” I. outtolr AuattCtrtttermt,m"t or-mmummm the pmprleton of the Central may lee your lead cum. who he. taken over pone-aloe. Hr; , Selma rm en unto-date livery end: u. G. Attt kept hone- end equipment In ttood, BESS“ M, IilLt "at" mum.dOIul-.l.vh' non w“ born new Lindsay. u dust- ter of the lute John Hellman Ind luv Km and cute with Mr por- "ttatrttttet-ofttmrtooeetNits than m "tt home” to a lune cir- cle at m. The demand was a -- 'seNhetrt Unwed Church and when tteatttt mum m and"; In " chunk and casualty underut- Inn. dupe-Mon Ind M bond! to " wlth when “so an. In enact, tusdhert-tnttmrtit bedoeply re netted by I but a! - h the village and strrrxtmsdirtq community. Mlddsugh House Int may night but no illegal liquor was discovered on the premises. tr, litre-co. u an on... n; A party of three otrteiutr, Home lnurnctor Alum Cumulus Pew- grew and County Con-able Cook, IN DAVQ ttc WWE (from Review trie, Nb. 26th, "14) "i - AGO AfntstgFoetMrB-r.aisn-tr.Ilgtr etrtteasnatdPFttt- w lecummm mumm.A.A.o.o. J. L. Silt“. 'LS, 'uk. ontatt'tr&rhmintaatunat-. WWW 0.0.1”: “at“ minimum Ole-Noun ‘Jbugn. "ot.M..ars Honor mm In...» nun-w. and“ null Con. Dam It" Baal-n: ONIHIIIn-km PM“. courteous: & on“ who DURHAM a “GLOW!“ A an m cm on": um um. Dunn, on. “Hyman $ikrr.,ar3mirs1Se out.“ [out his a “.75 te...--.-.-- ”ma-M“. “that!" m an Nut MOON“ d hnghllmmbd ”JO-Omlmm W. new: ELLIS chrlury Indium. “new no. A on - UNI. not: mm . ..- p I -. 'Ctt mm COIII'ICI'. IO...- '0. a... '_--" I... an “II "tt - . YICI I O. L." “I. u - on ”d. 1$.tkIllthlM1 I. CHARLTON, A. A. I. I ' GEORGE E DUNCAN -errmoeee.q-ta. Couch-Id I II MIAMI“; B.a. IIDAIIIM " - ' ll. SNEATII. I. ID. F. I EAGLES”

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