West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1939, p. 1

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rum in 0 here, Pub-en: may in "0N; L Mme n MOUNT Fort; Ottti Demon' " ”in ROXY - N. Lion. Club Bon tre "'t'-'ue, The U. "Ink and MARCH 9. I939 seam. TI. In!” heated and not! - is sitting or not. the In- the ”no. no matter whe- ssionjs long or short. so weeds " days; the per- I hizhlv mid unis an , mean t Club Box Seem New, Thea". gmy paid at“: a!" I; the scum a” . amount. All an. GRAM amount. an all web mung 93000 ' little My. " 'mg and sinmitb .-ttttt what ahnd?) Joan Vain Nev the b lack of dtfree speetaMeitn" but M " tl k) H H by radio Ht teat M you . The remains are resting in a vault at Examine. and will be bromrht tho end of the wrath to Glenelg, for burial In Ebenezer cemetery. In 1396 he married May Hooper. n daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Hooper of Glenelg who predeceased him 14 years htto Two son-u and a daoqhter survive: Jortetrh and David of Enstadine, and Mrs Harry Kegley (unsure!) of Detroit. in Wading. Micbimn, on Sunday. March Sth. He was u native of Glen- olx. t non of tho late Mr. and Mrs David Burnett. and was in his 69th your. He in the In! of his family and a cousin of "our: Robert and George Burnett of Durham. WILLIAM BURNETT Mr. Angus Hooper, Glenda. receiv- ed word that his brother-in-hor. Wit. Hun Burnett, had died at his home era were Lawrence, Vincent, and Malcolm McKeown. J. D. McAumre. mum! Wan-maker, David Burns. The remains were laid to rest in St. John’s Cemetery. clone]; Centre. ulc-nelg In young manhood days, and thirtr4ivo years ago, removed with his sister who recently predeceased him, to the outskirts of Durham. The funeral service was held on Monday morning in St. Peter' R. C. Church. requiem than being sung by Rev. Father Rm. The ball-bear- DEATH OF JOHN MULLEN After a week's illness, John "all!!! dlnl on Saturday last, at the home ot Mr and Mrs John Bell. (opposite his um home, just east of Durham) In his 83rd year. Only on Feb. 22nd last, his sister Mary passed away. and he Is the last of the family ot tho late Peter and Mary Walsh Mul- len. Deceased was born In Pusllnch Tomuthirr, near Guelph, came up to Ncmnnby. and 2nd con. N. D. R. (He-nag In young manhood days, and thirtr4ivo years ago, removed with his sister who rocemlv nrmlonon-mi BUREAU. Wednesday, Ma r. "" And-mu '--'." p... at C Saney’: Store is darendent on whether or not your eyes can work encl- eally without fatigue. Severe ”outrun often enm- complete exhaustion by using up an of your energy. like sure YOUR eyes are SAFE. Con-alt v.1- le!50l, ttAt. YOUR HEALTH The dorms“) was ttmt married to Mm Corner of Malboume. who am a nnMMv' or nan no. Latest. he was mam"! to Miss Madeline‘ Mable-Man of Toronto. who survival Mm: aka two sons. Waslov B. non; "Wt Nov-son T. of Durham. and on» dnmehter. Kathleen of Toronto.'; to. Last summer. during Rev. W. tr.' Smith's absence on holidays. he ably: Meet the nulolt of Knox Unite.di Church. Durham. for two Sundays. I ms had been ”audit: the winter in, Florida. but when taken seriouslv' m thorn. returned to Toronto. I Mr and In E. J. Bennett of town l left Sundoy morning for Ton-“0.! to her, with his father in his closing, . hours. I . Vol. LXI, No, Toronto University “all; at! Robert In 1898, he received trom Knox ether machinery, having the agency College on examination. the degree of far Grvy County, and will open about B. D., and ten years later while in April I. Durham. was honored by receivin: Bought Young Farm. from his Am Mater the honorary Mr Alex. Lawson and his brother. degree ot D. D.. in-law. Mr lance Rumble of Tomni Shortly after his ordination. he to. have taken up the option and untried Annie chonnld Cantu. d completed purchase of Mm Thou. Tilbury Eturt, who proved 8 Ion! Young's farm, on But aide of upper and faithful life partner, predooene- mu. formerly owned br the late A. ing him in 1929 after 1 long mad]. B. Hunter, and hive ensued and To them were born one deuchter 3* Fveenev of Dornoch to men-u it. six none, three or whom mud . who will reside in the former Young way many you" go. Surviving one home. Alex has put his on: form In: Joule Y., public health uhool in and they have formed n tttr) nuree in East York. who meldedvrlth te be known no “lama Mn”. ed a can to Durham Presbyterian church, and here he labored for four- teen yells, beloved by his own con. gregation. and held in the highest regard by all denominations. A breah.down in health r orced his re- “nation here in November 1913. his last pastorate. After a rest of two years in Aginccurt he was ap pointed immigration Chaplain repre- senting the Presbyterian, Methodist. Baptist and Congregational Church- es at the ports of Quebec and St. John, New Brunswick. which office he retained till his retiring from ac- tive service in 1929. Since then he has made his home in Toronto. trom Toronto University in 1283’ with honors in Philosophy. and three; years later finished his Theological! course at Knox College. He was or.l dained as a Presbyterian minister!I at Dover in the Chatham Presbytery, from which he was translated to Claude and Mayneld in Peel Coun. tv. in 1899 he received and accept- ed partly by gall and partly by steam. The family settled near Chatham, and William took natural. ly to books and study. He graduated Dr. Farquharson was born in Cro mar.Aberdcenshire, Scotland, coming with his parents to Canada as a boy in 1866. travelling on a vessel power- " Many old friends in Durham and ‘.community were saddened to learn "t the death of Rev. Dr. William fi'arquharson at his home in Toronto [on Monday morning, after less than " week's illness. in his 86th year. 'He, had been able to go around, and atttnd church, and do as he wished until the Tuesday previous., Two or three years ago Dr. Farquharson had a critical illness. when his lirel wns despaired of, but he made a sun] prishrt rally, and enjoyed good health until the last few days. His daughter, Miss Jessie writes, "He was very much pleased with his trip to Durham last (all. and has always been happy with his friends from Durham, who are so kind in enquir-, ing fm him, and remembering him] from time to time." ( Rev. h fatqubarson Passes Former hes. Pastor lim THE LATE REV. DR ho passed away on Monda: iiht mm film [Review Glob. Ind kept more. EV. DR. WILLIAM FARQUHARSON Monday morning, at his home in T home. Alex hu put his own firm in and they have Mined t Conan“. te be known " "lama hm". Thee will remodel the stables In the Ytmnr, burn. ind ”you mull-lug "eexrttrPtsrebredmmfttrds,ttstre New Tractor Agency. The former Dalziish & Grant, lat. rr the MeArthur store stone building in upper town, at corner of Durham Read and No. 6 Highway, has been leased for a year by H. G. Middle. ton of Tam. who is converting the Min“ Mor into a show room and omee, and will use upper Mor as a rmidmre. He will sell Allis-Clai- mers tractors. and tteee%rories, and ether machinery. having the agency for Grey County, and will open about April 1. muons cf lachute and Browmsburtr, Que., to Rev. E. Orsburn, pastor or Thornbury and Meatord Presbyteri- an churches, to become their pastor. will be considered next Tuesday by the Montreal Presbytery of the Prea- byterlan Church. Subject to the ap- picval or Barrie Presbytery, Rev. Oratorn will accept the call, and take over his new charge in Quebec next month. COM .-To Edge Hill Sc] House and Joy a riot ot laughs the three act medy, “Mama's B Boy," which is ti ng presented the Junior Institute d Farmers Mar. 24th at 8.15. Add 5 Me, ch ten free. Dr Farquharson since leaving Dur. ham twentymve years ago has sever- al timmr, been back to occupy the pulpits ct the Presbyterian and Knox United Churches. . In "vent summers he has holidayed at Bruce Beach, and usually called on old Durham friends en route. The funelal service Ma held In Wcittmimrter-centrat United Church. Wtdnesday, March 15th and Inter- ment made in Agincourt cemetery, where his wife and sons were buried. the Canadian West. Their third sen Edgar died in 1895 when in his Bee. ond year; the fourth, James Menon. ald, enlisted in 1914 as signaller. 'was wounded in action in 1916 and [invallded home, dying in Nov. 1919, and the second son. William 8., died fifteen days later in same month. Dr. Farquharnon was the last ot his own family of two sisters and tive brothers, one of whom, Miss Mar- garet lived with the Famuharson family when in Durham. Aceeptc Call. An unanimous call by Mall editorial stun, now his home in Toronto Edge Hm School ' a riot of laughs in medy, “Mama's Baby tlil': presented by WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE the congre- writing from 3. child. , THURSDAY. MARCH lo. "iii and butternut, twexity-two In all. The trees listed are: White, red, jack and Scotch pines; white ioruee, white ash, rock elm, elm, hard and sch Innnle. basswood. Carolina pop lar (cumm or rooted), white wil- low, white and red oak, balsam. hem- For the Itrtrt time in Grey County school fair history, teforestation measures are being introduced with the distribution of a variety of wind. blmk and [crest trees to the school children, in addition to the usual grain and Bower seeds. Scbnol Clam, Visit with Mr and Mrs lam Miller of Ba. den were visitors with Mrs Miller's parents. Mr and Mrs J. R. Harding. Mrs T. E. Blair returned from n the farmer's parent; Hugh Firth. Waterloo wet e Mitts Elizabeth Rio: left last for Hamilton, having spent a day in the parental home. Mr Md Mrs Lawrence Hopkins, Tr-onto, were recent visitors in their parental homes, don, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Geo. Smith.” Mr Geo. Smith spent Thursday and Friday In 81min. last week. Miss Marjorie McLeod attended the skating carnival in Toronto. _ Mr James Lawrence was a Toma-5 to visitor on Thursday. 5 Tr, “id Mrs T F. House spent Thursday in Toronto. Mr. David Holst. B Toronto friends weekend guests with Wi'l Gel Tm; left last week spent a ho". Mr and Mrs son Hugh, of "was." Luau varieties A. or Iam. Mr Duncan Smeme. con. l, N. D. R., Glenelg. has sold his {arm to Mr Arthur belch of Egremont. and purchased the Robin- realdence and property on Durham Road in Dur- Durham's second Commun'iy Aue, tion Sale will be " 2.00 p.xn. Sutur- day, March 18th. " chrthur's barn. Farmers or townspeople having any stock, implements, furniture, or any- thing they wish to sell. should list the goods or animals with C. B.Law. rence, E. J. Bennett. or D. M. Baum ders any time before sale. George Duncan is again the auctioneer. 3 WELL KNOWN ENTERTAINER GONE l The death of John H. Cameron in' Twrnto last Wednesday. will be te- grated by many who enjoyed his} talent as an eioeutionist, humorist' and monologuist. He tttus seven!- timu appeared on the concert plat. form in Durham and vicinity; his] entertainment was tttways clean and‘ attracted ' good audience. He _iiiii'il bout in Owen Sound over R0 years ago. and there are few places in iii') province he has not waited. during his many years in public life. I cemetery. Another Community 54. M WnMM In 1905. and as it memhor; of the Ontario Inelslature tcr elwhv years. 1911 to 1919. Mrs. McDonald predeeessed him a year am. Tho tunreal will be held on Fruit-"after- noon. with Interment in Cheeky He was a school teacher tor " years before buying the Enterprise in 1891. ind he has, since guided its destinies, latterly with his Ion John C. as Junior partner. He was nec’y treas. of Chealey High School Board hem 1904 until taken ill. served his town as Reeve, served Bruce County "en. editor William McDonald ofthe 'Enterprlu, died early on Wednesduy ’mcrnhg, following a make a few hours previouolv. He on in his i77th year. and though Ininvnlld from 1 stroke since five wars ago. his mind was still vigorous, and ho kept “on pasted on all local and world events. While bedrast. he continued weekly tolurnioh local and editorial copy tor his paper. William McDonald Passes; - Well-Known Chesley Editor cue-nor. Citi. appointment dire upper Vin served. The three "crew weddlnx aka graced the centre of the table. The happy rouule will take up residence near Durham. Ont. ..u.‘.- ‘. nu un- l‘lll‘l _N"TWW"8"rto" ' $tEAY-aMMtttE South at t Durham Road. in the (‘uictly Wednesday afternoon at Township of Remain, contttiningOuo , o'clock at the home of Mr and Mrs Hundred (1 arm and havinu Thomas B. Moore, Varney. Ont. the thereon one a II one room houso marriage Wu aolelnnimed of the eld- with cellar. a barn, nrcllrxl. a .rst daulhter Boonie Victoria Ind Hiring and trout . J" Howard Wellington Bray, non of Apply to l. H. mum"; Mrs Rear “d the Ute Thomas Inn-ham. Ontario. livltor tortho [Ray- or Rocky Samoan, Ont. AdtttittterttttMx of Cecil Edam . Rev. Arthur Brodie ot Hopeville. Wolfe "tate. Ontario omclated in the presence of 'q'-"------------ immediate relatives. The lovely bride unattended was ." - '80. attired in I dreaa ot blue sheer 'GeMateer “I Snte 1v1'U',1t'1c',T J',':'.'?,,';,? de. I my "eubator, oit ttrated, 3tttt wallowing the ceremony a wed- TIf -, lty. Fwy“, one season. _.‘_._.., _._.-... u w u. an“! it. Much fl, when Mar, Helen. young- q , , . IN" ----. m daughter of Mr m 1" m" (man “be. While, af we“ been the wire Red Clov w. B. Cr? Clown ot Mr John Duncan IleCullum, Timothy. - tt (ha, hobarb Barley yCutteetst Bctt of Mr and In. Neil “u need; a! 1928 Model A. Fun XchIIum ot Unlock. The cem- Coach, in ttvel l,"',',"'".?'.': monr tooh m in the Baptist w- R . I,.',"."',',':',':':,,, son-39. and was trertomned by Rev. PI- 611 r a ' . ' Char. Smuden. The bride wore a - -. -..- _ .-_- ------- becoming gown or wine triple ctetre mm BALI-2 0R RENT - ",T, um (um, nun Ind brilliant: Ind carried pink good land. all rrtmuvd, amid build roses. Letter the donned . coat of inns” Also Nimble lm-niion tot blue with mun-lg. m numb. At. hummer n-nori. Apply to-- Bowie“ ter b short wedding trip, Mr And OMre, "uthrtm, - In locum... will mice on the _ "m," SALE union's (can It unlock. " A marina- of when“ to my in [his district was tttttet- gamut-M Town Bait, DURHAM Vednesday, March Zan-- 8.IS p. l Robert Taylor aged Punk Margin " "There's Always Tomorrow" ONTARIO ARCHIVES Added Future“... larch was,“ luau ADS. Me0AUAm--tetrrtE Wednadny evening ""tiatserdur-ttsmarearm-- Stntes,$"oareert-oer. hut-M Victori- lnd spring and trout . Rwy. Ion ot Apply to J. H. m Inte Thom“ Durham. Ontario, M n, Ont. Adtttittietttttr4x or c of Hmvlllv- Wolfe Esme. l Percheron, lCIyde. rising two. yru; {You‘ll-(l. lPercheron mm. rising 4 yrs; lnriwr. 2M Whom: DURHAI uncut": SHOP 7 mod [cloth Cun- 8mmtorn,w- mind, mounted and guaranteed. "1toteEB m “L! t PM. , CUM, , Saddle hor. sea. In ruling dame your: old; hots burs Pourtoon (H) and micron ( in the Firm Conan-anion South ot t Durham Road. in the Township of Imvlk, minimum Ouo "unlined " mm and hn-inc than" one a ll one room honor with collar, I burn, ttrettqtut, a wring and input . cheap for cut. me. ADMISNON Me AND tse. Med Clov W. B. "we! Clown Timothy. - n (has, Hobart My “u need; a! 1928 Model A. Ford Coach, In ttvel t qtmtditiott. The “Mar G ot Trinity Chum um holding their In! M. Pam-k5: Tea at the home In t. W. Eh. videe cu may noon am rt, (mm ' to 6. Admin 25c. I40 DURHAM. ONT

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