West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1939, p. 2

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One of the thumbs dresses with hemmed lung which was Intro- duced-In I Southern resort this “non. had I um made of 200 yards of gathered r!hbon monmed nu Itet. ' Hemline is with us again. This is s heavy fabric, with "iuled" crosswise ribs. " has body and a qrertaiat amount of stilness in the bud. countable to a tailoring cloth. no silo of the ribs. also called “qu." may vary from line to m " comes in varying weights on will be popular this year tor skirts. suits and coats. Another popular type of coat will he the little dressmner navy town coat with fresh white touches. Pit. ted and Mnictlly slim is the Bil. Ionctto with kind ot complicated (but always simple looking) detail. The town coat this season will be titted, itared but generally in I modiBed w”. squares as to shoul- der. onenest ettltar1esi, and always distinguished by 301mB kind ot Both tulle and braid are used In formal basins Well " a small round cocktail model ot black lac- quered nun ribbon worked to aux- amst petals. Several town bags for hummer costumes are made of gros- srnln ribbon, one of them elabor. ntely studded by large round motifs covared with the same ttrosgrttitt that nukes the square- basket we." bag. A new feature is handbags made of rough straw braids, often interplaited to give spiky surface. Some ot these. tor resort wear. are like baskets with handles, but one. ot the smartest is a navy town bag in plain rectangular shape with thigh base, and a heavy gold chain around it near the top, simulating drawstrings. Navy gatrardino trousers, of nar- row-tapered downhill styles. also natural, light gray or white cotton Windbreaker and visored can to match one or the other, a bright fltgtttte1 shirt or turtleneck sweater -that Is the favorite of the akler at Sun Valley, Idaho, this season. Apparently scheduled tor revival this spring I: the young-looking "baby blouse" in batiste and sheer. In use you've forgotten u-which isn't likeU--it's the blouse wi'h lit. tle round, lace-edged count. and pin lucked yoke. F o . it To - Feature Mode Soft Touche: En- On Classic Dre-Met Frocks When a tgttuttttaettrrer ot one of the most classic ot Americsn shirt frochs begins adding little soft touches to his spring collection. you may be sure you are in tor . femin- Ine season. even in sports clothes. By gathered necks. Impressed pleats. tucks. shining and very feminine colors. these under-cost dresses. which can all be worn on the street later. take on . new nnd utter look. They ere ideal tor the working women. the suburbsn dweller and snyone in town who likes s trimmed. not too dressed up look tor her daytime engagements. Son Pastel Colors Fabrics in these dresses are pure silk. light weight wool or Barutel or Jersey. and rayon. And remember that it is in the quality ot the tab. ric and the simplicity ot the cut that tin-y achieve distinction. Among- the wit pastel colors which z-‘(wm li"W-'.'~'l in these dresses Ire gray. " gray blue. pink. aqua. green and tut-halo. as well as biego. You can art some ot them in dark rotors. loo. ltut the light woolens bok especially well in these mid- It's any to be beautiful " you know how um Ruth Haney demonstrates In. proper way to give yours." a home facial The 'trtrt not! is to bind tho hair tuck tad smooth A rich cream over throat 1rd Inca, liar-tint at the hue ot the throat. upward cir- culatory movement. - Hanson months under tweed or fur coats. and they can so from an of- tice right on to a Cocktail party with no loss of tare. Fashion Flashes Please write direit to: Barbara Lynn. Room 421. " Advlaidn Wear, Tnmnm. Ontario. Write to me tor confidential per. sonal advice. The following detail. ed leaflet. are available tor 2. 3c stamp each: Face. Eyes, Bust, Hands, Hair, Feet, Supefluou: Hair, Reducing in Spots. Under- weight and Slimming. Women with a dry skin should keep immaculate. Wagh at least twice a day with Palmolive soap because this lubricate: the skin with essential oils. Rinse well with cold water. At night, massage thor. oughly with a rich tissue cream and leave it on overnight. Next dip the mask In the oil and cover your face with it. Lie down, leaving the mask on nylon: " is possible. When taking it oft, wipe away the surplus oil with tissues, then with eottott-wool pads dipped in astringent. Now mix six drops ot tincture of benzoin with (our drama of toilet water and mix this ln with the oil. Cleanse your face with cleansing cream, remove It thoroughly then smear the oil all over lace and the neck with your finger-tips. Give yoursel! a fortnightly face mask. Make a butter-muslin mask ot two thicknesses. with strings to tio round head and neck and holes for eyes and nose». Then mix equal quantities ot almond and mineral oils together. and heat. HAVE YOU A DRY SKIN? There are natural oils in the skin which should. normally, truth ply the moisture that our skins require. Unhappily. our climate is excessively dry, and gives most of us a dry skin. This is more prone to wrinkle. so we must provide an antidote. There was, she knew, only one sensible thing to do. Go out and lace Charlie Farm and throw her. self on his mercy. Ever since she could remember she had feared and despise-d him CHAPTER Vll Molorn felt like Cinderella mast have felt when twelve o'clock came and her tine ralment turned to rags. As though it had all been a beautiful dream, and must now all come to an end. SYNOPSIS Moleen O'Dare tired out from Job-hunting. her last dime gone for coffee and rolls that morning, seeks shelter from a sudden June storm in a Broadway doorway in the upper Forties. Lightning and thunder make the hedraggled girl cringe and Jed Patrick speaks re- assuringly in his southern drawl. When she lies, saying she lives with an uncle in Brooklyn, he sup guts she get her clothes dry in his room a block or so away. She feels she can trust this tall lean brown young man. He makes cot. fee on a hot plate. serving it with doughnuts. and, wrapped in a blanket, she lenrns that he came from a Kentucky farm determined to make Broadway like his singing and banjo playing. His Incl: has been poor. She says her parents are dead and she is alone except for her young brothe Pat who is out of the city. Weary. she falls asleep and he sings and plays and he node off waiting for her rest- hat nap to end; it is morning when they awake. Jed's landlady ord. ers him to move, lenving his be. Ionging: until he pays her three weeks' room rent. As they part. neither knowing where he or she is going, he makes a dinner date for the Fourth of July as an after. noon engagement with a hand at Coney Island will pay him "s. As Mo|een stumbles from a path into a Central Park roadway Mignon Laine’s ear knocks her down. The wealthy district attorney's daugh- ter takes her home. Moleen is not badly hurt but Dr. Meade says she hae not enten for IOVOrLl days. The 3irrets (_-, 5003 looks boJiiji1_iiN,iij, POW tue.e.y.:, Orange Pekoe Blend " ott tss/t V‘â€" e tttso" b, ALMA thouodSeasus- all! "Not " fast, Mollie, darlin". Aren't you being tb little foolish? You seem "Morse: I know who you are." flared Charlie reaehefoutakiJoi" Igor arm. Moleen got up, her knee: tremb. ling. But she said tirtnly, “Charlie Parro, I don't know what you no up to. But you're not going to get acquainted with Mignon Lune through me, I'm going. Good-bye'." 'Tee always wanted to meet an angel." Charlie blew a smoke ring from his cigarette. smiling. "Meet. ing you is a swell break. And in with the D. AN daughter would suit me swell. Au up and coming young lawyer. What lay?” "Not Mr. Lame!" Moleen shook her head. “He's a very tttMt man. And his daughter is an angel. They have been " good to me." "Who said anything about be. traying?" Charlie leaned toward her. 'We'll get something on him! Every guy has something in his past or his present that would hang him." "You mustn't talk like that, Char. lie." Her voice shook. "You know I wouldn't do anything wrong. I'd give my lite to see Patsy tree, be- cause l don’t believe he meant to pass that counterteit. But I couldn't betray Mr. Lame or Mignon." “And you see what I mean by be. ing in a swell spot. Why, baby, it you play your cards right you can spring Pat in no time." Moleeu leaned back against the bench, her heart [budding coldly. 'Ht - isn’t true.' Mr. Lame had nothing to do with it." Invitation To Betray Charlie laughed unpleasantly. "He started the clean-up, didn't he? That's how that counterleitlng gang Patsy was mixed Up with got rounded up and caught." "0h." Moleen felt very ill. "I see what you mean." "Why." Moieeu bit her lip to keep her voice steady, "Do you want to know so much? I am tel, ling the truth. I've got a. good Job. Miss Laine gave me these clothes. She came along and found me very ill in Central Park, and took me home with her. That's all. And it's the truth. I live there. l'm her ___ secretary." Charlie whistled. "Boy, arc you in luck. Tljs'll be swell news tor Patsy." Moleen whitened. "For - Pat. Why, Charlie'.'" "Why not? You hobnobblng with the D. A.’a daughter - living in his house! You know it it hadn't been tor Tom Lame your brother would not be in stir now." Charlie said rudely. "Keep your shirt on, Mollie', No rush. Tell an old friend about all this luck. A few days ago I pass you on Seventh Avenue going into a ham-and joint looking like something the cat had dragged in. Tonight. well, you can not blame an old friend tor being eurioug." "I‘ve been very lucky." Moleen swallowed the lump in her throat. It you'll excuse me, Charlie, I must go. They'll be wondering where I "It must be a very good one, the way you're looking. And stepping out with the daughter ot the dig. trict attorney. Sunny Tucker is in your party. To say nothing of your handsome baritone." Moleen made a subreme effort to sound natural. "Oh, no." She sat down obedient. ly. "l have a good Job. That's all." "Fancy meeting you here, Mol. lie!" He smiled with keenest am- usement. "And looking like a mil. lion bucks! Come over and sit down on this beach and give me the low-down. Have you found a millionaire?" . An Evil Influence Shivering a little, Moleen got up and glancing quickly about to make sure Jed and Mignon had not notic- ed her, hurried out the door and down the walk. Farm stepped smil- ing from the shrubbery. Even before his father made a fortune in wine and Charlie went away to college and came back pol. ished like a pewter dollar and so handsome most of the girls would have let him walk over them, she disliked him. Partly because he had always tried to annoy her with his attentions. Mostly because she knew, tor some reason she had he- ver been able to figure oat, her younger brother Pat had feared him, and that Farm. in spite ot all this, had an evil influence over him. does Miss Mina?" Moleen " ....V .wqu. Mignon detained Charlie grac- lonely. "Oh, don't go, Mr. Fan-o. You must join us. Sunny is terribly "You - must meet Miss Lame, Charlie." Moleen tried to sound light. “Miss Laine, I want you to know an old friend ot my family. Charlie Farm. And, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Farm." "Well, it was nice seeing you Molly." Bunny went back to the band as Mignon and Jed approached the table. Charlie stood up and held out his hand to Moleen. . other dance when they walked in. side. Sunny Tucker was sitting at the table. Moleen was glad for a chance to get her bearings when, after introductions, tho two men tell to discussing the Yankees' chance: of winning the pennant. It came about about because a tam. ous pitcher was sitting at the next table. When an easy b' inch crocheted square can develop into such luxury, any needlewoman is foolish to be lacking it. Pattern 1971 contains directions for making square; illustrations of it and of stitches; materials required; photograph of square. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this when to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 78 West Adelaide Se., Toronto. rite plainly pattern number, your name and address. "rm an old friend of the family and you bumped into me. I’ll do the rest." Make Large or Small Accessories of This Laura Wheeler Square Moleen was silent for so long that Charles said impatiently "Well, what is it, Toots? Yes or no? Do 1 meet the angel?" Farro smiled wisely. Ott the way back he issued rapid Instructions. Desplslng herself for her lack of courage. Moleen got up. "I gums so. Charlie. But promise me - you'll be a gentleman?" She was so sure Pat's innocence could be proved. There had been no money tor a lawyer and he was only eighteen. Maybe he would have been freed it he hadn’t been afraid to talk. A scared kid who had been thrown into bad company, railroaded to the retormatory along with ten other "Dung boys who also were supposed to have passed the counterfeit. Suddenly Moleen realized the opportunity she had tor helping out Pat. But in a diirerent way from what Farm had suggested. Per. haps when she had been with the Laine'g longer, and they really had grown to know and trust her, she would tell Mignon and together they could influence her father to look into Pat‘s (use. Prove His Innocence Again Moleen law all her lovely dreams at an end. She was back on the street. again looking tar a job. Mignon would surely think she had been dishonest it she found out her brother was branded a crimin- al and she had not told her. "Charlie!" she gasped. “You wouldn't tell her. You - wouldnt' do that!" "No doubt." Churn. gunned. "But does she know your brother ig .in the reformntory serving a ittitt sen- tence tor counterfeiting?" “It's swell stuff,” Parro laughed unpleasantly. "Daughter of district attorney plays angel to starving sister of troy her lather sent to pri. son. But I dott't imagine you would stay very long it the D. A. knew your brother was a member of the Rafettl gang." Moleon all down again on the bench. Mignon and Jed were having am CROCHETED SQUARE COPE an, NSEDLECM" SERVICE, INC You'll find all of the important new intro. ductions. as well u all Itendard varieties of flowers and vegetables. in (hie bunti- tuliy printed [0-9150 GARDEN BOOK. Many collections offered at special price- will save you money. Send for your copy today--thirre't, no chute and no obliga- tion. The ttneat book ot it: kind offered in Canada this you! REEL 2lu? 89 l NG GARDEN ttnit'" EDWARD WEBB & SONS, DEPT. K. (CANADA) LTD., 145 King Street Int. Toronto " PAGES IN FULL COLOR There you have it in e nutshell. After till, the greatest asset to the woman of 40 or 50 is that the has discovered that life can be Lovely any time, any plate, uny- ow. 9n ey . “Then spend time and buy lei- sure," came the priougpt reply, "From 30 to 40 you spend spending-on other people-but from 40 to 50, if you have a grain of sense . . . well, my dear, you just spend." 'IAnd, if you haven't the mon. "From 20 to M you spend working (marriage, my dear, is only another way of spelling w-o-r-k). Here's what one woman has to say: "From 15 to 20 you spend wondering, your main anxiety be- ing whether or not you'll marry. "Darling'." she cried happily to Moleen when she sat down. “you've Just introduced me to the most marvelous dancer in the world. My dear. he's going to teach me how to really tango'." It was evident from the first that Mignon and F'arro were going to click. Dancing, they were a, hand. some couple. the stunningly gown- ed blonde and the dark, almost too handsome Farm. Mignon came back to the table bubbling with enthusiasm. But he laid her distress to the tact that seeing someone she knew had made her realize what a small world it was. and that it had been a shock to have old memories ell brought back to her. It was natural that she should be embarrassed at being discovered by an old friend in her new setting. No doubt there had been embarrassing explana- tions. Certainly Jed had demanded that she explain to him when he met her in their doorway. More Leisure Time For Middle-Aged Only Jed sensed the change In Moieen and seamed that a cloud had fallen over her happiness. For he had noticed Farro trying to catch Moleen's eye and had seen her start when she recognized him. The very tact that he was an old friend of Moieen wan interegting to Mignon. She was impressed moat favorably with the fact that the charming Mr. Farro knew Moleen so well. It spoke well tor Moleen'l background. even it her family had been poor. Glib of tongue and gallant; a gentleman with brass knuckles un- der his kid gloves. __ busy m we and “other an. Bully. Are you alone?" "Fortunately." Furor smiled and sat down." This I: In unexpected pleasure." Gentleman With Brass Knuckles Charlie Farm was not disliked by husbands and boy trlendl tor nothing. He had an almost tatnt charm where women were concern- ed. Tall. dark brown eyes, black. haired. He was very forelgn-looklng and when wearing his beat manner he could easily have been mistaken tor a latin ot excellent family. TORONTO To Be Continued PATTERN 1971 on hand to let you knmx NEW Y0PsK.---The way neck. lines will go always seems to be I point of interest. The spring points to extremes of high and low, with very little in between. However. the so-well-liked square line of the past seasons seems to be giving way to In "oval" line. This last is noticed in the French things only, to date. As soon as the trend becomes apparent in American-made models. we'll be (about) li to li teaspoon almond e?ititt?t or pistachio fUvoring. Green coloring Combine egg whites, about 'i., of sugar, and salt and beat well. Add remaining sugar. ttlternntel.v with cream. until of right consist- ency to spread. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add fu. vouring. then add colouring gradunlly to give a delicate tint. Makes enough frosting to cover top and sides of 12x8x2 inch cake. ST. PATRICK'S DAY When Even “to Will Be Wearia' O' The One. " KATHARINE BAKER If you're the tiniest drop of Irish blood in you. you'll he want. ing. to observe the day that la aacred to St. Patrick. 8m and We an easy thing to do whether you give a large party or Just have the usual family dinner. For the latter, your favorite butter cake with white icing can be de. corated with a shamrock of green coconut. To tint the coconut, sprinkle "southern atyle" coco- nut on white paper. Dilute a tiny bit of vegetable coloring (paste, powder, tablet, or liquid) in a small amount of water, pour over coconut, and rub evenly through coconut. But if you're entertain- ing, make these Tara Chocolate Squares to delight your guests and honour the good Saint. TARA CHOCOLATE SQUARES 2 1/8 cups sifted cake flour 2% teaspoons double-ttethos; baking powder % teaspoon salt 'd teaspoon soda 2/3 cup butter or other short. ening 1% cups sugar: 1 egg. unbeaten 2 egg yolks. unbeattn 8 squares unswecttned cho- colate, melted 34 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup boiling water Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, salt, and soda, and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually. and cream together un- til light and fluffy. Add egg and egg yolks, one at a time. beating well after each. Add chocolate and blend. Add Mur, alternately with milk. a small amount " a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla, then add boiling water, beating quickly and thoroughly. Bake in greased pan. l2x8x2 inches. in moderate oven (325 deg. F.) 50 minutes, or until done. Spread Pistachio Cream Frosting on top and sides of cake. Cut in 2-inch squares. Makes 24 squares. PlSTACl-IIO CREAM FROSTING 2 egg whites, unbeaten 5‘2 cups sifted eonfeetioners' are your guide to modern liv- ing. They bring you More N Wi? about the food you eat end the clothes you went. the store: you visit and the home you live im Futon» every- where are turning out new And interesting products. q And the place to find out about these new things is right here in thin .tletmtaper. Ita col- umn no filled with important messages which you should more vividly i383} in; than have. .3 fl toe,t E!" Ittet Ego-I1 Inn'- [and Idvlee tor I won-n dttrhs bar churn (anally Iron " to ger, who in" the’l lone her upped to men, who word. about hot Huh... Ion ot pep. dilly span. "m.“"Y'" and, moody India. aw!" not llllnel, 10!. or pep, (“any Ipelln. up.“ nerve: Ind moody Ttlt Jun: get more; fresh In. hm. deep Ind it I.“ and I reliable “WOMAN‘S" tonic at. ydh E. Pinkhnn'l Vent-Ho Conga-ad. undo "pert'eW for Mu. lt Ml In". band at pity-led "tkt-se, than! 212 s",1"U2,tS.r., to nioy “to and "J. I- n n______ “A"... .. How Women in Their 40's Can Attract Men NEW IDEAS Of Interest toWomcn . Readers . sugnr. Dash of salt tttbleypoons light cream lam N8. It--' Oval Neckline ADVERTISEMENTS acai; a...“ moms falrrahrdr.6t, EEWCUC‘W. HIKE " you are nervous. g i, weak or have ':. ._ headaches or back. i aches, take Dr. _ MF Piercc's Favorite 16s , Prescription. It 15% ts l tones the female _ _ Tr, ti? organs. calms the i / A' nerves. improves mt. F. ' st ’ “W" "hin- 3nd so om-ngilwm um. Mrs. J, M. 'tot' (phulo Allan", 01205 Bu," Pt.. 'ranno. I, Um. an: "t w- " .tuull.s hrnuun Hm or .~:hm: lam-I end irritated mp. I felt “at. ("up and mun-out and aim Gd and: min mm.» L. A int." I could rrr. After min. Dr. Pi.-m»'. luv-um Ptr .cdptio. a ahurl Vhilr. my Inn-lin- human-L I fill than”. wait " lrnuun. Ind lac-1m! .tterdr uni "hot. I felt but” in .vrur way." My it ll liquid or nth-u at tour dug umr. NERVOUS WOMEN This ample way backed hy scion- titic ttttthtxitx has largely supplanted the use 0131mm medicines m easing cold svmptoms. Perhaps the easiest. most efteetiw way vet disc vexed. Charla C. Moore, oi Columbia South (Melina. sponsor of a state bill which would tax bachelors be, tween 25 and 60 the sum of " a year. and he did not believe the measure would - a rush to the alter. "A. lot of men will feel it is warm " I yen to retain than freedom '. Moore declared. lent-l and It! “ASPIIII ol What Price Freedom? The simple way planted above often brings amazing!" fast relief from discgmtcrt an sore throat acooxnpanyuu colds. Try It. then -sa¢ my doctor. He grpt grip can van to continue with “REM became it acts Bn fast to ve discontent at a cold. And to reduce tever. use staple an; Boom i' I u I. not fill I. DIME"! if I “I was-awn.- Tatiaotitraroliststofh'tt “Rubi-"ism“ Eases Pain and Discomfort and "Hint. lo Mottterr" at summat- 0 Co.. but! ', Glbylel 5L. Mount-m _ (ft . ft " ' 5 s.-" , . C J " "ttttt ‘ m't, “IN trim lamp I n keyhole nude in B .hAIn Le First The Ne PM: Yo Em our "I

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