West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1939, p. 4

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H " t' u E {k (lr', I}? qs-tren--- Liv1nttstmte: That the in Whip engineer be requested M draft plus tor the construction of a bridge an aide line 25. con. It. . Hequata--BeW That by-inw he in- when! at loci-bum by the Logis- huvo Ame-Hy o! Onurlo which VON mow-n may at the him- In} : mm ”has and toil ulcnl worn on Sold”: commerci- Can-en attthtteHe the signing ie L, The Candi not on Inch (with " when mg, Big Community Auction Sale 'ty nrtiiiiii"," MAR. 18 I”, In: - " not". by Friday, lunch Irth a. E. DUNCAN, Aug-um It Mani-['3 Ban, l p. I. than What have you , lot “other the Council adjourned to meet on Mon- day the 3rd day of April " ten o'clock. Brown, can. $8.00; James Cnttete lay. meeting W. N. Campbell. 50c: D. D. Brigham court costs at Han- over, 312.00; sum" Telephone Co., cells 35.38; Hanover Poet, printing 8129.59: Jenner & Brunt. regular fees and preparing try-lawn. $86.00; Whit. ler & Co.. stationery, 88.50: re- lief accounts mounted to $6t.M. Livingstone - Brown: That trp law be introduced respecting pound- and duties of pound-Uererts, given second and third readings and penned Geneni accounts were passed as follow-2 Thalen mocery, 87.22: one meeting of Council $12.70; W. N. Campbell, com. $2.00 Irwin trcducod reopening kneel tuuf"Tine hence- in the town-hip, be tend Bee. ond and third time and nnattr pu- J, H. Chittiek, Clerk " " fRefoi'esh'W crops and livestock. and farmers nutmeg for not..." an». Ant would be we" repaid for only re- chnrze of class Inhalation In ot forestry work done. tttBetts for nobody lose- by the form Nothing, pointed out Dr. Douala. m’ ma. could survive without water. Nature, in the beginning, had provided tV mm a shortage by we“! the an. B. new»: had with trees. This, um: had als- After a trhttrt Illness, Mrs Dante tan-bod. throwing the syntax out at 310mm. mother of In luv. M. H bounce-4t 1m up to m to at. Fun- of Durham died In View atop: to more that ulnar Hoopla] laden. Int "may In In: m bundle of old um only " 'trt-vt-tttBro. human-gar hut-slut WM“ mean.- of making money. Revenue from land planted in forest wu even higher tMn'from that mod to mr The speaker urged that farmers be encouraged to carry on reforestation, not only as a manure of precaution 39,!th water shortage. but u a One ot the chief reasons for main. gun of pomethlng worth while _ wining the forests of the county and it come from the County Court. wae the keeping up I plenteonn cil. Peterboro in: token the lead. water supply. Twenty-two you! .80. and leaned the challenge to other when 30 per cent. of the county's Ontario farmers; Eng: he. followed acreage had been in forest. the unit. They purpose to build a non. water supply had been adequate. political emulation at miner. Now, with the percentage toilet: to that can speck with one voice for only 14 Per cent, it we! evident that the Industry. Who know: our situa- aomething must be done to prevent tion. the problem end its solution. the streams throughout the county better than the former. or who has tron: tloading in the spring. and dry. a. better right to declare whet is ing up in the manner. The spake? good for us t Yet we have been the declared that four time: as much moot retttetant My amp]. in Can water is absorbed into the ground in ado, to assert ourselves. A start has forested arm as on denuded ground. nude in Peterhoro, the unnatural and it in only try means ot forests committee of the county took the in. and swamps that the water teble can itintlve. and who ttaa' 0. better right be maintained at * proper level. to lead. Here is h Job for the Conn- The speaker urged that former: be tr Councils ot Grey and W1trtltrtgtott encouraged to etu'r.v on reforestation, and let them prov. their worth. not only as a meuure of precaution (There ere plenty of tttttr-tions I- to be tho only way that the county could be prevented from becoming denuded of the valuable umber that had at one time covered I. Inge per. rename of its area. Eight thousand acres of timber were being slashed out of Grey County each year, and the best that has been done to date was the re. torestratlon of some 1700 acres in a. year. It was high time, dechred the speaker, that reforestation was made compulsory, for that appeared Pointing out that the timber re. sources of Grev Co. were being clear- ed away much more quickly than they could possibly i be replenished. Dr. Norman K. Douala: of Owen Sound. spoke to the Kiwanis Club, as (allows: The Review feels a venom! loan in his massing and “tends alnmre eondoienee to the bereaved family. His {zenial personality. his Weil- informed mind, in municipal and public matters. his keen interest in his church, and in politics made him an outstanding titrure; one who partlerpated in every movement for the benefit of his community and the advancement of his town. He was a man ot high ideals, and unvnrytng principles. in whom the public had every confidence. Though crippled by a stroke the last twe veers his mind retained its clarity, and weekly he Contributed to the last. his vigorous editorial page in the Enterprise. in fart throughout Western Ontario. he was held In the hltzhest esteem by all. OUTSTANDING WEEKLY EDITOR PASSES AWAY in the death of the veteran editor of the Cheslev Enterprise. William McDonald, on Wednesday morning. the dean of Grey and Bruce Journ- alists is no more, and this commun- ity suffers a distim't loan. Widely known throtwhout the two counties. score and ten. May his lite and ample be an itupirUlon to us all! Durham and its people, end this community rseiproeated the election and esteem. White s gifted scholsr and forceful preacher, it wee his sympathetic, understanding noture. his fund of humor, and his cheery disposition which ever made him I welcome guest end vieitor. in his career, more especially of: ter leaving Durham, he experienced much sadness through sickness end death in his (sully. but he bore it with Christian resignation and pe- tience. Ind kept in active work in the ministry until well past the three fairer realm. Though twenty-ave you: any from hen, he always re- tulnod a. warm place in his heart for A beloved mm, who - four} teen of the most "ttre year- of his; lite, In pastors! dame of Dun-hm: Prubytorhn Church, In: (one to I Irie 08-!!th anti.” P. In“: Him and m DR. WILLIAM FAROUHAROON af'swrr nv'n I”? THE DURHAM REVIEW IUIICU' urn neatly“, In. We! cloth or kntttat Into "tteu. or: After I Ihort Illness, In Daniel and In: Matcher madam the de. Duel. Dianna, mother or)". luv. M. H. “New enrolm- ‘l'helmd'n m 3mm no... My " “a. h Fan-o! Durban died In ,netoriaerinmtismteh-damost mecca 1'rtr:t're.au"iG'i""C,"t Human London, lut‘h'ldu in - M mount. loan. and lam an m... u the “an”. tettetotrrtwtdtrrher, -.- WWW-Wham“... husband. nix dtuttthte" ml fhtttrrNtMrttrtttAta- much-rt MI, was.” a. 'tteta.nttirttatttdttee-tHtsMtrr. m.mm.m~mtmm¢m.mauu.i 'hommttrtmartt1r-ttmnerrmst. Mal-u. tf,,':,':,,.""""""-..'.!:...'.?-)';.;'".".';"':";", 6ettaetfMtmtmrendDurttarrs. R.R.Nt.t.tg+ten. Iuttuhm'm “- “I broad that we could do without them.) A county Chamber of Aarr cnlturo in each county I: no men objective. It has 1rrtettrtaattratrte poo- atbilmos for mod....or than. Any chute of class Imuhuon In ob. solete for nobody lose- by the firm. The organization meeting was held in the County Council chambers and despite weather and roads several hundred taxmers were present. In the forum afterwards the questions and opinions showed a wide range of knowledge and a determination to roassert the importance ot agricul- ture to the Canadian economy. Sev- en] speakers emphased the need tor producers and consumers coopera- tives: others stressed the import- ance of producers commodity groups to regulate the supply and assure export markets ot a continuity ot produce. The meeting was inspira- tional. yet packed full of sound. com- mon sense; nobody spoke of econ- omic revenge on the Capitalist. none placed the entire blame on other industrial groups. but rather dis- cussion centredon what we " farm. ers might do to tttrnetit our position. without working a detriment on other classes of society; criticism was levelled sninst all parties. groups and individuals who had new er in their hands but refused to use it. The meeting. I believe. was the start of something worth while V and it came from the County Court. cil. Peterboro Ins taken the lead. and issued the challenge to other Ontario farmers; Essex has followed suit. They purpose to build a non. polltieal misstlm at farmers that can speak with one voice for iarniers' supply Cooperative in year'- hole. The " call m an- Peterboro , they held a two _ swered by the payment of fees. lies campaign ot cooperative education, Poorer. of the Upper Gen-do Wt just in order that everyone might Society. are an interest!!! tnth Mt become acquainted with rules, meth- the work done by this society. cds and possible achievements of especially among the Indians of the Rochdale principles. But this is Petmhorqmtth. In. lather-'1: men not the only form of scavity they not: the study book. “The work are taking. Their County Council done by the ette churches." Mrs I. has taken the initiative in forming Mather spoke on the work done in a County Chamber of Agriculture. Winnipeg and Edmonton; Mrs G. This Chamber is to be " organism Yiirs, that ly New Brunswick and tion of farmers of all shades ot poilt- Vancouver: Mrs R. Indium. t ical thought. it is to include Ill clas- brief review of oil the diluent see of producers. and on the provi- rtttotg. Mrs A. Key and In R. sional board of directors they have Milne spoke on the slums -err our the others of the Agricultural com- mat cities. Dr. Bruce's survey m'ttee of the County Council, the shows that 2000 families in Toronto oftlett, of the different productive live under conditions incompatible to groups within the county, such as a standard of health and decency. the milk producers, swine breeders, "Whv bill” thege cities Mortoms, " fruit growers and go forth. They man tmtmilded men”? have recognized that the producers Mrs J. B. Mollralth 33" the wor- of pork and milk, etc., are the one. ship period. Tonic “Inasmuch u ye best titted to govern the marketing have done it unto the least of these. of these commodities, but order to ye have done " unto Me." Min Me. train the right and privilege of con- Glrr closed the meeting with pray- trollimz. We must have legislation, er. and that can be had only by demand. - ins it as a_body of thousands of PRE"YTlERiAN Y W. A. MEET farmers. Several trtreattert, pointed The Young Women's Auxiliary was out how other industrial and com. held at the home of Mrs Cross. mercial groups had sought privileges Hymn 335 opened the meeting and and thee had been granted but due Dorothy Pickerlne led in prayer. to the disurNanized condition of Asri- The scripture lesson was read be ttttttttre, we have had no federal Elen Miller. taken from the Book of voice to speak for agriculture and Acts. The tonic was given be Mrs in consequence have been the soot Darling and Mrs Barfoot. The next of all privilezed classes. Land. meeting will he held on March M. which should be the safest of all in- van 795 and player in unison clos- vestments has proven to be one of ed the meetinz. Light refreshments the riskiest. vet it is the physical were then served. beeinninsz of all production. -.--.-.--..- not my; m 1 mm: qtrit a e- mu M. room- new". 'grs.M. bred. Some tin-rant-a-w-rut-ttoo-ttat/ttor siatineinasow-eamtmianortersmrtot-ro-uto. Wu odttent1tttt in mstmbteo, W.l.8. conference. In. Che. I and then luv the meet my». missionary bone from Knee. ,ritt " evidence of this “likening! have the weaker " be - M- yet met. One evidence of this to I. altering deelre to "W and following that In “in. Supply 8061. mad . W" "t1ttt AltelllllllRGhiliiS .,.......,...,.......w.... - - -. m- - 2 mama-aura .umu uranium-um“, tttr Mdiohont) KNOX mu... "can”. at out no Ne-." n... tall,'.'""',',',',:,,",',':?:,?.',,,',"':,',",',',,'," m w. M... “mam. It Y. “will all mmwmuwlmum tio. Tolny one'o ttnndontheheidthetr all -ttne “an”! Wm“ mu chow- . W , _ P ---= mu Irmm. Now an qMttr'ttq. mum. In - - -., --=- " un...‘ u... Neighbor Night i " Mn Andrew Derby. In Snail: Ind " the - on India, entitled. "man qt. Millions." " told ot their looking I " new religion. cloning especial» with or the "UntoudtatNtt," - the l--- ll' giving a detrehptittet of their lilo in n. the mountains tad their native 't " "lion. Hinduism. In Hit-tie Ind h, the chanteu- hom the “My book. he "Gofoettt in China" tellinz of the n night from the rein-ls. the printin- u gunned and through it tm, the an " of his Hesven'y Father. the keyword. "Nth." Mr: um fence, Mm Ichdyen. mu Outlet and In: Matcher conducted the de. votion-.1 exercises. The lord's PM er In nut-on cloud 3 non mecca twentv-One members. In hunt and Mrs Morrison renal-ted seven can. The Roll call was answered with Miss Power. mmentettve of the. trtrtrer name. Blble and M BoeRrtv was present. Thu Society In almost 107 year: old and I: doing a wonderful work mm the “no". onwlnllv " their Rea! Homes, dur. ing the winter months. Pass. W.M.8. HELD MEETING AT HOME o. MRS. ANDREW DER" The Much meeting of the War. en's III-loner! Society m held on Thursday afternoon at the home of PREMVTEtttAN Y. . 8 The weekiv meeting of the Pres. bvrerian Young Peonle's Society It: held on Monday eveninx. Mew-h 13th in the church with n mlv number of members present, tho nreeidant Gordon Greenwood. officiating. Minn Jean Firth. Worship Convener pre pared splendid materiel for themeet- in. The ant-imam lesson was red by Tom Firth foilowed by braver be Elsie nedinlimn. The topic “Choos- ing I Career" was my taken by Kathleen McFadden. A man. meeting m Monti: to s clone with the Lord'a Prayer in nnIIon. The result“- meetinx of Knox Young Peoples were held " a. soci- at meeting. After the business Mr. Smith closed' the worship period with braver. Pin: nous. Chinese "t"seeerg and 'thttftte-ttetttrd wane en- joyed followed by I delicious lunch served hv the social conveners. The Young Women's Auxlllery was held at the home of Mn: Cross. Hymn 386 opened the meeting and Dorothy Plekerlnt led In prayer. The scripture lesson was read " Elan Miller. taken from the Book of Acts. The topic was given In Mm Darllnrz and Mm Rat-foot. The next meeting will be held on March M. van 795 and waver in unison clos- ed the meeting. Light refreshments were then served. done by the ette churches." In J. Mather spoke on the work done in Winnipeg and Edmonton; Mrs G. Yllrs. that in NW Brummivk and Vancouver: Mm R. mum. a brief review of att the (imam! t-Mns. Meg A. Ray and In R. Milne spoke on the slums -ttt our great clung. Dr. Rama's survey shows that 2000 famine: In Toronto live under conditions lncommtlble to offering In “in. Supply tuefr, read 1 list of article: recalled for on: year’- bule. The riiteast m " awered by the puma: of tool. mu TORONTO KNOX U. y .P. A. 7,,Vw__,um answered with thumlnCmmtIm-dhtn 1." Mr: um rayon m 'rtsieh I: woven Into l, mu Calder with or knit-M Into Nude. of up sdttetedthede.ttamr. [GIMIW www.myahauu non mecca 1Ttr:tte.aa"iG'i"idt 1'tyttttteum%Tri."t"i: www.mh-mwm o “with about, maan- n- ”In "NWON, THE act'au'rmc NOR! Rayon. the IcIomlnc ittrrs. in a creation of the chewed Mn. Its hue ls obtained from W pulp or cotton Hate". It in una- made and the moat model: of In! textile fthe. Br the and: or the damn, the: that new lam no m In!» me next social main; will u the home of In Joe Way. RAYON, THE Murray Ritchie Mu; to I duet. The meeting cloned with annuity tutu: the IMMIM. The monthly meeting of menu-u Snuceen U.P.W.O. Club net at the home of In Joe Cmtchley. thr. iugto nickna- me ttettt. lien- benvennotlble tonne“. In Mr. leCunig in the chair Opened the meeting in the ml wny tr singing tt"roderandrermtin.tsou- in unison. Old end new Mine-e m dealt with and it we: decided to do some more charity volt. In J. W. loKechnie sue III . very interest- ing min: on "elem. In Geo. “to at St. Mr. Donald McDonnld spent an evening this week with Mr and In were presented. In Nell noun unwrapmtl thes eftrt and Mrs. James Mmm. read the ummylug vanes of mod wishes. Howard thaakedthe friend. on behalf of his bride and himself for the beautiful gift: and good wuttm. A bountiful lunch wu “wads and "MAN"! authored " me home. or Mr pm! Mm Clarence Thommon to mount In Rom "MW and ms brick with I miscellan- no": phnwov At In ""ttrottriate “me Mr Cam. "New rttttttd the author- ine to order and the bride Ind Broom were asked to come fol-Ward. Matte beautiful Ind useful gifts Mr and Mn 3m MeCrae and “an." mom a d" thin week with Mr and Mrs James Maine of lea- ford. Mr and Mrs Stanley new and little Ion. tron Walkman wen weekend visitors with rentin- hen. Mr and Mrs L. McLean um L A were supper guests on Wednesday vim Mr and Mrs Pied Inrdock of Althouzh pretty well on to the middle of Much we have not had many spring-like den. Hen-nest oonmtuhtlom are ex- tended to Mr Hmrd Remy and mu Bessie Moore, more who were married on Wednesday of In! week. Mr and Mrs Ed. Erb wen recent visitor- with Mr Clue. Wet and family ot Gland; ' Boyce and the roll all m w W. In I. It...” and broth. esdtrr Minuteman”! “PM”, new (Sandman. The W In. Week.“ Moon with Mr nnd Mrs the study book m ”M “I“ Wgte. “a m Ir and In. Jun elven bv Lvnne Putter. A lowly WI of Paisley. It and Mr, dttett entitled “MM Btorr" '0 my... new um um mm. m sun: by Lynne - and W M cm. Human. After the eMMtte - In an In}. L. Atelieoon, Wil , all joined In months the ““3 W mud may with Mr - T would; Madman. A no” “In. and Mea. A. D. Metntrm. In St. Patrick: nm- N mm Mr In! In mum of Toromn conducted " Mutt "M was won not-t weekend Vlaltors a: much enmed. A handful lunch and their 'M'.- be. tNyetee wan sound. The am -tigtgt m will be held on Kim 24th. r""'"""'"""""'"""-"""-"'"", MrrYuathT'qmrtMer III“. - fortunemlolemdu'mw MM. A plea-ant ovetit" “I "r' at themaur-MInWIIICl-D- bell tut mm M WV-P-U' met for their result? not“. and W“ 'nr-""""""'"""'" In Hub “mud ”Madam. t2"u","u"a"iiaFitttiytett,2t".' lutweekwlth ash-mt,“ taut-outta! umme and Ital. nanny-manna:- 4.m. an.” unrvv nmmwgm; e n I VI‘FFI 'ar-Et-r-el-h"'.'.,", an» new» all: on In“. - - ttietxc “can an” “an“ holes, a. "s-tse-l""""", are III “was”. MUM mumnwwul and "-ata-arrrar-e"e. Spud Good News by LONG DISTANCE: [at b you “a: dirce - u ”I." M that br W In K1abe I“ talso W“. - My) and M'w'dhy-ou can " " “h “I. or Prov. “a: 'raare* In. It. you -tpsrmet. um Uve waitrd fer “go before. the" Ind prod tle-ea-pu-ull-iid:.,. r. {trauma-1m o" af Fwy “Mun i, It's a Bos! And It. is ch. We of Aunt. (and Undo-D lid all the m- lmu. Home Baby is lull an h old Mn “VII is (TIP- m I. mad wide-end he is g ’19 " Jov) “new-urchin. Nam-nor "-theraeeeravhattimeit k-ag, aest impulse to to In “h! map-mugs...” It's a Boy) “fl-undies”... do. that... Into Th.-htittetiri mu THE R CO U thr rod mg Mr! " months ility for this yea lowest 1 P.R baie Lowes FIR am his

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