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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1939, p. 6

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" H .3! I. in 1.37. . .‘lapy new: war given tirttt -_;d treatment is... hr'Jil'r'o'dl'l Cuba mm - on. the: no In) when to but: but you Scotland, for I {am gum-£116 mundane. being 26.000 do" the ground" Mu recod- v.,vuv.v.. , was." null-null, 9000,. 025; Royal Canadian Mint Itefht- Pry, $459,088; tailing disposal building, $24,860; industrial min- erals and ceramics laboratory, $137,786; on dressing laboratory, may”, Buildings already erected since the first of 1985; Justice Building. 9136.381]; postal terminal, 8886,- estimntid at tt8utkmGrdi' G 'het' city post once building 8686,- buildings now under construction will coat 34,046,500, according to a return tabled in the House of Commons in answer to A. B. Byndlnnn, Conservative, Carleton. New Supt... Cm EdtSee Cost of the new Supreme Court Building, including terraces, is Buildings costing $2,967,457 have been erected in Ottawa by the Dominion Government since the first of 1935 and additional Mi11ioatsBehistooFedemt Stuck-Iain City ofOttnwn Capital Boasts major enemy to health and happi- ness of children today. "Lieeg of children today are too crowded with extra lessons and their days are too tuled." Dr." Stoltz said. Edtteationhsts heard Dr. H. R. molt: of Oakland. Mich., warn par. ents that mental strain is the “Physically and mentally they an above par." Dr. slat: said. “Environment has made them what they are, and we are blessed to have such a fascinating experi- ment. It will be of inestimable no to science." The Dionne quintuplets are prov- in; to science that environment in more important than heredity. Dr. William E. Bin: of the St. George's School for Child Study ot Toronto told the Progressive Education A:- sociation's conference in Detroit last week. Doctor Dock“ Dionne Girls 'hr,rrrtmtt hnroetanee Of or MAY AID PARALYSIS Delicate surgery on a monkey's brain nerves my reveal the path infantile paralysis virus follows into man’s body. Dr. Howard A. Rome, e neuro-anatomist who has been working on the problem three years at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. aid his study "is to test the theory that man acquires his immunity to infantile paralysis by sliz'nt attacks which progress no further than his olfactory bulb." The bulb is a clump of tissue where the nerves from the nose join be- fore they enter the brain. Din-oven of a chemical treat.. rent by which fir trees can be - from cuttings is anounced by-Prof. George B. Itimt of the University of Washington botany department. He dips the slip in a special “growth compound” for 'a few minutes, sets it out in a green- house and treats it thereafter In an ordinary seedling. Professor Ring said the process worked " per cent. of the time. (4....” u. an“; CI"- cor. butJvith many'industrial use: tho planned. It is equivalent to more than all the radium now tumble in the world. It is small, less costly than any high-power tubes heretofore. It was made primarily to treat ean- - L.“ __.-. _ a...” all now mus a continu- ous supply of 2,250,000wolt X- m! in a new kind of tube an- nounced from the Munchusetts Institute of Technology. I. ----, . 7 ---_V -.vvv,vvv'vlula an. medicine’s great luxury, are “out to be put within reach of everyone. It is small. Int: urn-0"- ac-., ---- From QuintupiZts calm- X-IAYS Eight cents worth of 1 threat " hour nuke: a m on 'Prrrlr of 2,250.000-v TREES FROM CUTTINGS 1.000,Ooo-von electric All civil aviation new!!!“ In mm. have been plant! under let? at the Ministry at Mr And Tender vegetables are those that are no" qnlcily. therefore the expert- (on. their: along with a chemo.) tertitisor, ettttimtiott and. tun room at am and by the timé they do, the early crops will be mit ot the way. For very small resembles like lettuce and radish. the rows " ins. apart will be 'ttttitrient. Beets, beans. carrots. peas and spinach need at least 15 inches between, while potatoes, corn and staked to. maioes must have a. couple of feet or thirty inches. Space may be sav- ed with the latter type it something quick maturing such " lettuce, and spinach are planted in between. The bigger things will not need the VEGETABLES The mailer the amount ot space available for vegetable; the more intensive should be the production. When the upper plant starts to develop it will be neceuary to sup- ply tome climbing support in the form ot brush, strings or chicken wire. Sweet Peas must be planted very early. This plant develops its ex. tensive root growth and upper vine structure when the weather is cool. it it does not get its feet well down into the soil. then, when the days turn hot, it is liable to wither and cease furnishing its daily quota of color and fragrance. Planting directions are simple but important. Successful garden- ers advise a trench, dug at least a foot deep, tilled within two inches of the top with rich soil. mixed up with well rotted manure or old leaves. Seed is planted just " early in the spring " possible, about an inch or two deep. Rains will wash more soil into the trench, filling it up gradually and thus adding fttrth. er to root growth. VINE: There is a mistaken notion that clinging vines will harm masonry. in England where houses and the churches have been so covered for centuries such " opinion is ridio uled. On stone or brick or stucco walls. they will do no damage and their foliage keeps out oppressive heat in Summer because the wall is always in the shade. SWEET PEAS L.lii.iiiiiiiiiiiiii I The severe pain which is char- acteristic of sciatica is often due to needlepointed urlc acid crystals in the sheath of the great sciatic nerve. Two of the ingredient salts in Kruschen dissolve uric acid crystals. Other salts in Kruschen help Nature to expel these dissolv- ed crystals through the natural channels. . l When sciatica attacked this woman six years ago, she couldn’t move without great pain. Treat- ment after treatment failed to help her. She tried Kruschen and got quick relief. "Six years ago, I suffered ter- ribly from sciatica,’ she writes. “I tried everything, but to no WOMAN AGED WITH SCIATICA The Stone Turret: of the vast bar rise above Toronto at the crest of with tinaneitu reverses, Sir Henry 33°" Ptaires Knuchen 'rate-ue-tttati-ai-orarie-E"".-,',""";',","";,",;';" vast tttro_rt.ia.l., hope "tlasa - ---_ v"... “val“, uuu y DIP " rest of a hill. It took three years to“ s%i' and Henry had to put with the cutie in 1928. 6. Yes, it 'teiGGrr,%t it should be used " inconspicuous]! " is possible. g. No. It a guest cannot enter with zest into all the games, he should not so to the party; nor will he be very popular. 2. No; it is customary to have the rehearsal the day or evening preceding the wedding. 3. Yen. 4. Merely say: "No. I do not as- ree with you. I think. etc." How. ever. one should do this pleasantly and avoid provoklng an argument. B. Is it permissable to use one's handkerchief at the table? Antwan: 1. Reverse the names. The man should be presented to the woman. Say: "Miss Wilson, this is Mr. Marshall." - --- --'"". unsung-swan 5. Isn’t it the privilege of {guest to stay out ot some game at a mm ty when he thinks the game is too childish and silly? 4. What should one say. when talking with an acquaintance, and the latter makes some statement with which one heartily disagrees.' 3. When calling to see a friend who is ill, and one is not permitted to see him, ls it all right to write a short message on otte'g card? I. Would it be proper, as an in. troductlon, to say: "Mr. Marshall. thls is Mitts Wilson"? 2. Should the wedding rehearsal be held several days prior to the wedding? It may not be generally known that the collapse last winter of the famous Honeymoon Bridge over the Niagara river produced a tree library for the village of Queen. ston. When the great ice Jam oc- curred. and attracted throngs of visitors, Rover Scouts ot the her. oric community pitched a tent at the scene. borrowed a stove. and sold "hot dogs." In a. few hours they netted a 'dy sum ot 8125. And with this fund they turned their "den" into a library, with shelves. tables and standard library record equipment; and lst its formal open. ins displayed a selection ot some 700 volumes. Books were secured from various sources, chiefly " do. nations. Rover Scouts in uniform act as librarians at stated hours. The saccesssrul raising of a fund ot 250.000 pounds toward endow. ment of Imperial Headquarters of the Boy Scouts Association was announced by the President of the General Council, H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, at the annual meet. ing in January. There are 460,284 Boy Scouts In Great Britain and Ireland at the close ot 1938. The census showed 58,891 Scouts within the London area. . Lama," built b. Sir Henry Pellatt, grand old Canadian, rec years to bunld and con nearly $1,500,000. Meeting he cutie in 1923. The grass revenues of the ali. inclusive Canadian National Rail. ways System for the week end- ing February M, 1989, were 83.- 547.323. " compared with 33,- 622,202. for the corresponding period of 1988, tt' decrem of 874,879. With a population of 28,000 Kirkland Lake has twice at. many live births a year " Niagara Falls, of the same population, and more than either Brantford with its 30,- 000 population, or Kingston with 25,000, Mr. Carter said. Canadian National Railways Revenues F Highest In Domiiion "We have, I believe, the highest birth rate in the Dominion-88 per thotuand--and one of the low.. est death rates-9 per thousand," he said. Gold is not the most valuable product being produced in Kirk- land Lake, Reeve R. J. Carter, of that municipality said last week. "Of far more lasting benefit," he said, '% its production of 37min} Canadians. Kirkland Lake Baby Capital "I do not believe it." stated His Excellency. "Nobody cver muddled through anything. In the Great War we muddled at the start. and stuck fast in the mud. We won in the end because we had learned to use our brains better than our om ponents. Today's problems will Be. ver be solved by unstable. clever people with quick brains and noth- ing else. But neither will they be solved by honest stupidity. Chanc- ter is a most important thing in life, but it must be illumined and directed by intelligence." That no one ever "muddled through" anything to success. not- withstanding the old British tradi. tion, was a declaration of His Ex. cellency the Governor General, the Lord Tweedsmuir. Chief Scout for Canada, addressing the annual ban. quet of 1.200 Junior Scout leaders and guests at Montreal. Young European refugees finding asylum in English homes are being invited to join Inca! Boy Scout troops. or special troops in refugee camps. The Southeast Lancashire County Council is sending Scoum to personally invite each refug' , youth arriving in that area to Le. come a member of the nears! Scout unit. nmsn nomumus summon 500E" British people dcair'in F G bring out to Cumin lull Wins. families, “hum or friends. ""gg fdi'tt'pgt/,t I""" We In prepared to Advance plunge money (without in- tern: or other charges) to Fifth}: pooplo_ desiring to ("all “an Lee., h} REUNION of . BRITISH FAMILIES his no; tt--'3. (haw-M“ 755"" 3173-!“ n MARIO But none of them knew it. They could only speak Englilh. "All right," said the 4ilm man, “speak English.” Then, after the pow. wow, they reversed the sound- track-and now it sounds like real Redskin talk. Anyway, picture-goers will take it " "read." You can’t stump film folks. They'd hired a Red Indian tribe to give the right background to a Wild West picture, and wanted I. pow-wow scene, with the brave: speaking their native tongue. IovaiaiiiiaiGTiri, "iFiTiri- m 41.2% usual-u. “He's Just like ods of the hun. ily," said the pup's proud mistress. "Which one.'" asked her hostess. Some people were visiting a couple, and happened to mention their dog, a big mongrel. LAD-16L"; 2airiTiia, mm. Lula and os-trg. h Lulu tmqrrtttT-o a... I " """ u . in , mm and alumna" and... nominal) - soul-nu." a...“ m all-lull. Non-d. Lttuxltt “will “In! Watt. Analog a.ttt_eettiiinraat. Egg-i994... an The shopkeeper disappeared be. hind the barrels, and a little while later emerged with a small box which contained some stamps and copper, and two small exercise books. He turned them toward the inspector. "Here," he said. "take your old post ottlce and get out!" Daughter: “U did, and he told me what beautiful teeth I had." Mother (to daughter): "Why don't you yawn when he any; too long? He'l: take the hlttt and go." etf, and coin-Ego 'i;iir times of mass fear. ‘EQEjW-I- In “a... Not "Look here." he said angrily to the shopkeeper-postmaster. “You're going to hear about this when I send in my report.'" Fortunes have been made following depression per- iods by purchnsera with ability tq recognize bar- Low Priced Sham The slipshod in It was manag- ed snrprised him. A pout ottiee inspector. on " nnnunl round. called It the little post otiiee of Mudville. which wu run behind a few barrel: and sack: in a grocer”: shop. Who-momma“ wlthtfak_e.if_tettkm-l Kate: “Really. my dear? I don't think I would have recog- nlxed you either it it mam been for the can." ”that... Kitty: "It's tive years since I Int saw you. You look lots older." -_ -.'--'-..'-- - 'iiitiiifi,'ilfftii?,t'.t?.ft" on. lac-H h In"... I‘M. "Yes, ma'am, 111:9: the natural result of speaking with an empty stomach." Natives of South Africa are be. tug made aviation-conscious by gir. ing them free trights. "But, my good man," said Mrs. Smith, dubioualy. to the tramp at her door, "your story has such a hollow ring." "if we continue to grow weeds by the millions, of tom anally. what hope in there of bettering agricultural conditions by use of good seed alone?" He described present production practices " "extremely mteful." Improvement in and quality is to no avail in agricultura if an producera retain the idea that the land is an “inexhauatibla m-otr of plant food," W. T. G. Wiener, of Ottawa, secretary treaaurar of the Canadian Seed Growara’ " aociation. laid in an addreaa be. fore the Ontario Crop Improve- ment Auocintion. no BAY mm HAVE Watch] Practioc TORONTO AQXRD 10" _-'-'-""-'""-- NO. 1 ALASKA. BANNER. VICTORY 0.4.0. on. at .65 bus. Brian Ind 1rPtuifChtDj7trtGh. next-ter- COLLIN}! MATRICULATION. SHORTBAND. end bookkeeping " your exper- tence. You um In time to write two or three omen in June. 60t Kent Bldg., Toronto. FOX, DEER AND COON ROUNDS from one to seven years old, [unr- nnteed. also Bird don and pure Scotch Collies. Write John tk Wilson. lerrlckvllle, Ont. COULD A SMALL MANUFACTURER make and sell a cur " good an Ford at Ford prices? or course not. Our large froduction com- bincd with our p0 ivy of only sell- ing direct try mail. not through agents. enables us to sell our was chick»! at the Iowert price: ever quoted. Grade A Heavy Breed. 8ll.00. Pulleta 515.00. Cockerell 88.00. Leghortus 810.50. Pulleu 822.00. Cooker.“ “.00. Extra Profit, Sgecinl Hating 3nd. Start- ed Chic I slightly higher. [no Catnlolue. Tweddle Chick Ratch- erln. Limited. Fer-tun. Ontario. HADES WEEKLY STARTED CHICK Specials. We offer the follow- ing tor immediate delivery only. standard Leghorn Pulletn. , weeks. tti.M. , weeks. $25.95; New Hampshire Rodi two weekl. Mixed 812.50, Pulleu "9.95. Cock. oreln 810.75. Three weeks “.00 more. Baden Electric Chick 'dy/i.'""'. IJmitod. linden. Ott. tnr o. OUT OP it" “RAY NEW “AMP. shire chicks. bought lust Spring. Jnmeu Russell, Gin-ring Cross ont., toat only 2. By the tttart irl Augusi. at 6 months. " It',?),',' were up to 70% production. envy Full production spells mum Ja',; my. Bray Hatchery. 130 olm Street North. Hamilton. Ontario. f3.A.C, on. at .66 GTC" 'iiti1G%'d PtrP, " 31.00 bill. ReqirteFd od q l Grimm “all: n .88 lb. (lulu bug-LE No. 1 on“ Al- am It .81 1 No. 1 Rod Clout " .15 lb. No. t “all. " .18 lb. Nay! lPMtt.'t tu", tb. ha. tt . Ah. . A Ah. My. (no: Out with 'leq%,."if'l,t, ttt I.“ I.“ 0mm . I . an“... Ontario. . ‘ c"a""Ctr."ArtEy'os"jarTii fl JAB. RUSSELL. CHARING CROSS. Ont., bought 164 Bray New "age shlre Chicks last leuon. Coo . ere]: dressed Ilk to 1% pounds cuch at 9 weeks and " to " pounds each at " weeks. Bray Cooker-ell are tir" clan meat pro- ducers. Order your Bray Chick- now. Bray Hatchery. 180 John street North, Hamilton, Ontnrlo. BIO SPARE-TIME PROFITS. REP. rexentinn lending Can-dun, Am- erlcun. British publluuona. best. A., FIdelIty Circulation. Box I 0. Toronto. fl not) Ian-401m FARM. 0000 brick house. his bank turn lilo. Apply Gideon Schneider. "ihs'i"rT.' theld, Ont. “313:5qu Aijeru IN Cj iijri, 4124; idgtlgg#it) D _ 'StGa WU D. D. mm": MihBW, 4:44" I. A. By sprinkling ground cinna- mon on top ot the range. it will leave a pleasant aromn. Q. How can I soften the hair? A. After washing the hair, try adding a half cup of vinegar to the rinsing water. It will soften the hair and give it 3 pretty sheen. A. A little blulng added to the aoapsudl In which cut gina' II to be washed will produce a. apnrklln‘ elect. Q. How can I take away any dil- agreeable odors in the house? Q. How can [give . brilliant shine to cut gnu? A. They cm he and. Into pillow slim. Take the width of one out of each corner. There will be I new on each side which nuke: the hem. and it will an only a few minutes to finish on the sewing machine. man can)” also an" {In cmvuu 6riikk, ,,. .. ...-.._u .., avian! diulrict to sell a. product axed In every home. Thu II a Inc-nay walker. Box " Toronto Pout Q. How can I use sheet. that are too worn to be used u bed cover- imrt tumu- Fun "u, slassifieiédvefifl Mucus WANTED EDUCATIIII‘I. nine]; -rr%iiGir7fihrr'iit' llAll" CHICKS EVERY oqn mm; NEW norms tot lyum nrdeu 'eyrieiji.] 9090 or tree cum Gulf Jet-'"""""---.- FREE ESLARGEIENT WITH EV- ory roll all: 'tgt/nit and 0 ma [Ion print. 'ht. earth“ “In. Wit I enlarged prim. "e. rlthutn- nmmn- .Ba-V...d AN "FFts'tt In thNV INVLNIUM. but ot Invocation. um um Infor- muon nnt tree. PM Runny com. our. “cabaret Hum Auomeyo. 178 Bank tlt.. may; on. Hugh: (NT) ‘- DON'T BUFFER FROM BORE on Tired Feet. Try the new Andy'. Salve & UnMnent. largo 19ittttmint only 'LM-ttte bottle. Unlment PREh'r--FirU order only. Your money back if not unwed. Please write to And)”: Salve & bitumen! Manufacturing. 10) Alexander 81.. Toronto. --'---- Hum mum 1't9MtttJiat-wrttT= for In“ Ann».-. --" -__.. Wins. TUUPEH. IMHEFUKMA- noun. sum-hen. Curls. and .1139" of "nut quumy HI" Goods. rug for [Hunt-ted fiya?'R,t Confiden- tial term. arranged. oronlu “an. In Han dummy Co. 628 Durham. Toronto _.V "my“ not {our garden hum 1ihtttiatiii.' Bend or In». cululvuue. In tuner“ "Hutu. Henry- we-ther'u Famous none: coupler. gaming.“ auction; Writ. Ind-v Jug ...- ---,, - -."."'. , Toronto. Jie-"'"-"""----- 1"P21th'tyt'y: 'fh4r9tptr-.-t!tpvii --- UR NEW RADIO “we SHEET In now to“: tor distribution. Write" for copy. Pie-u apex-Hy whether duler. unclear. service- man or "t owner. Radio Trade gupply Co.. but. an rm.-- u- "_-__ -"--vw. 1fytenilFifi'. "treoitLtisr. (in tdiiijGtC" ARE AND UNUSUAL ()HNAMEN. lull. treel shrub. and perennial Howe". Hardy fruit. tot' colder district; Plant. expertly packed. arrivui in good condition guaran- teed. Enron prepaid. Bend for illustrated Malone describing over tum vurietiu. The Innilubu Jirtfrptiirt Nursery. Dram-wr- in: foe. and Fat, lather. ltd. Salt Rheu- nnd other can “this. Remember that Moone'c Enema ON k a clean powerful. cementing Antiseptic Oil that do” not. min or have a ("any mum. Convict: limitation at none: but. The v bet application will w you "MU'.":,')','!,', of Emma is gin-my 'totrped-ruptuid dry up Ind Oak " In . Ire few d: I. The - is mu: of itch. ite, 'IG' In! 'hh [Idiot's ltd. Salt Rheu- - _-_- -"'"wqe I "?"""'H"HV"tWm tor "a. booklet and run unmou- lar. usual-nu our amulnxly euc- ceurul hyblood treatment. Podi- Breed Products. Ra-krnoon. Auk. For Eczema - - H“... "v...- '"y_"e-ol EUR 1 douar, In? selection. J. White. home, Mt lctorlu. Toronto. A. Wet the can: with I'm milk. than cod-kl. on nit. Let tt rennin tor two or an. hours. and follow by will" will clear cut Q. How can I remove an In stun from u cut-pet? Ice. - 'C‘TnTEF'u 1rt1tyycisiiair.' An established concern . bu an opening tor a sober. reliable mamas-e 35 to " who Is well and {Mommy known In this com. munity. Reply, giving one and exsverlence to Box Ttio, no Concourse Bldg., Toronto. Representative cinnamon: HIGH V -_. run. I‘. P1"_U-E, unholy. Home away. Teo- tau. Gnu-mud. Advice Bartlett“; Bott I. Winnipeg. h IEDILLAI. kl 'N'LF PIQOMI a ”I V oust-cesium II... 600”. O‘I'I‘IGUI . "0er “LINDEN .6595 "'.-b_.' urvlco. m. ladle Trad. " Mt Yonae tlt.. I'IMUl3IE EASILY. my. Tea. star are turn tlt open a tie park menu (“an m fereneo larger " card su.‘ ”lair-m ni‘rhtnm "I We Sky Archie Citi H If Has ti year." test-h on I lead“: EC ser Dr kn th yeti ting coul on i the sum Mon resh bum ot Dt.it hir Tm in Ht

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