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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1939, p. 5

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UGEEN TRAIL ”LNG." rpaz‘J'ux' “rvkly meeting " m -:. i'ra:l Rangers Wu hold I. rirr't ,'r .:-v~h on March "th. . :.- 'ivot-ortttl period. the Biz bnndlu of old I)”. - " R- m». but the mu M "was: am, Iaytrtg carpal, ole. he. here a». here M ARCH 23, I939 nun!"V‘L. I ., " nt‘K "v".. Mek-rhino of nun-I wk v33 recently with I. WKFRS M , S A USHER instructive tam - rribing how one]: um, At the conclu- Doyle of Own “wkend - with D. Madalyn. Durham in visiting "t Mrs A. 1dvtate tlttert We!!! of the wertend with tts. Mr agtd "I" -1 Walls washed . knew he had been .1th of . cheer- m'l will be "may i) made his “mil. m s.xtrnditW henn- Mrs Trim - , daughter 3or In vine husband n4! z. the Mentor, Mr. on tying do“ blowing Morrison of Peter. w, l Elliott and \Vilnamsford we" vith their puma. Harrison. nth Mr and Mrs . Miss M. C. and life we are in mv was shoe!“ sth of Mr. Both y want” “It. 9th ghoul " nitiated rollov- whieh increm- about 30. At. rinole was on- Ivv'hnw was in at. um'ml of the m "son in Toronto. Miller ot UV” ,ond visitor at to! on and ll!“ of Spring " roads are " still the snow mbers had I social " tho nudity 079nm ' huge number rum won the Hon Tom the 1 prtzet were " Lois HRH.”- H served ntter- hv ande M mum and Mia'hton. by the has returned spent a fur Owen Sound in the death A ho passed tF r sutrerintt a " collision OI why of the FIRM to Mr moved from PR. after be. She bathe"! , all, and i! " move her . runny .d th was - is svmmthv winter with ‘nv time du- Swan” [Wat's can a now on tho .Rtimeort of nrw-d over passing in famlh in THE REVIEW, DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS MARCH 23, 1939 We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices C The alert roador " recognize at one. that here is a golden 1g',g,t,'ll,r to abfain the whianding subscription bargain a the, your. And Any Magazine Listed - Both for Price Shown. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year Mrs D. A, McIntyre returned home' Saturday after spending a week. with her ulster, Mrs D. L MeArthur, and mother Mn Nichol. . ' Mr w. Aldcorn and son Chan. " tended the funeral of the late Wm. Haw on Thursday " his late real- deuce. Sympathy is extended to his wife and two sons, Jim and Chas. Mrs Dave Nichol spent last week visiting her daughter, Mrs Jno. Cook Fietthertott, / (there will be no Y.P. meeting this week owing to so many cases of measles in the vicinity. Snow! Snow! Snow! and still "towing hard this Monday moring. Mr and Mrs Angus Merarettlan, visited Sunday at the home of Mr Edgar Patterson. adr and Mrs Sam McDermid and familv are all indhposed with the measles. Jackie McMeekln went the Week 0nd with his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs 13de Irwin. Wm. Haw “ah."v Wicker» wl-i'v Driving “a: Mr Murray McMillan of Toronto is spending a week at his home here. Our writing: this week are and. as the tragic passing of William Haw weighs upon our mind. Willie Haw had been very ill the latter part of January and beginning of February, Under the care of Dr. Martin of Dun. dalk, and good nursing in the home. he had recovered. and since tirtrt ot March has been going out and at- tending to buoineu and helping at home. On Tuesday, 14th March. a . fine day as this winter goes. he drove t live miles to James Wilson's at Boothville to see his sister. Mrs. l Wilson. who was m, and found her l lmnroving. He called as was his ', habit, on his old aunt and uncle here ' and had tea with us. and for 911 hour sat and chatted. seemingly feeling very well and hoping to be 90011.th ito usual health. ‘I About 6.30 he said he would go," Ihe wished to be home by dark, as (roads were not good. We stood at i,the. door and watched him tro, little ithinklng he had gone out tor the last game. Opposite Black's Beach. he ”was met by Ed, Heard who enquir- !ed how he was. He said "hne.". A . 31ml: mile further. Ge.oree Black met ghim. end while he sat up in the cut- ter, George thourht it odd that he Edid not give half road. Later he ‘was met by Jimmie McLean. who ul- Eso noticed that the home held the jm road. " was then Bettina dark. {The horse took him home. had gone ‘up to ham door, then turned and lweni. to water trourrh, ntrikinz the lcutter and breaking: the hamees.hui lit", "was cmwlvt on dashboard. and Lthe horse stood. supposedly the bet. .ter part of an hour. l an the house. ther had thought it gwaa zettinn: lute for no to be out. :Charlie went out. to an up for the taught, and found his father sittingin the cutter. unconscious and helpless. ;He ran to the house and called Miss :Corbltt. who has been assisting in ithe house. and thev carried him in spam-,1 (by our Bwinton Purl Corr.) PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE (member of suntan. "re Pmbyter' PREII ', in church. He has served tor rt) oral years on theBoud of Manners The always being willing sud axiom to members ”mm one " their lead- help along the work. For several en " their meet!“ " mm “am he ttaa been 011 the Proton Mrs 'r. H. tgneath with a dnintr gm. Council Board; a nun with . mind Lora: Cain read " sddrsu oe eon- of his own, which was not swayed try mtulsiion sud Janet Cm- mule every wind, yet llWlYl ready to the presentation, Mm Bttefttt tepti. change it something better come up. ed, Ptarteett Clucbey presided for do Ot a quiet, kindly disposition. he vouml and “tidy periods. Jetan loved his home, his neighbors. and Darling read the Berttrtttm lesson. his country; always willing and Able Mrs. W. l. McFadden and In. to pull his share of the loud; ever Sheath told the million”! “a”. busy, yet he had time to - to, 7 r) 7 help a neighbor or others in. need. GLENELG CENmE BAPTIIT He will be mined in the neighbor- hood, in the church. in the Council, and by a. greet but ot routine. but oh how he will be missed in the home, by wife and none. The lym- pathy of this whole community goes out to them, and long will his kindly smile and little joke be remembered. Mr Bert Hay of Bosetown. Sui who has been living in the East tor for sometime is at present visiting with Mr and Mrs J. H. Robson and soon will also visit with other friends in the neighborhood. Mr Oren Pearl. had the misfortune to be thrown out ot his sleigh while he was at J. W. Ewen's mill hurt- ing his shoulder. which will give him a. few holidays. Mr. Gabon Timing, Jr. attend. ed the farewell party at Mr Nicholas Melosh’a, baton: In! may even- ins. Mr and Mrs Stewart hex-on n- tumed to their home " Gum]: an (Intended for last week) Miss Clara Jack of Ayton spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs W. R. Jack. Mrs. M. Davis had the misfortune to step on a piece of lee In tho porch of her home one day last week falling and hurting her back. from which we are pleased to report she is reooverinz nicely. Mm Davis will Celebrate her 90th birthday the tint of next month. The Women's Institute "Bean Mini" held in Zion chum but Fridav Margin: was wett attended hv the mole of the community. Mr Victor Wfttitttttgt octet! " chairmen for the woman: prewar-ed by Mm H. Allan and her ttetenntittee. The ottomitttr number we: “Mania Lea! ‘Wrever" followed hv other Bonn and mode. A mm Album: . Pan- tmlmn “Vanna. n We": a rod!!!- tion. a Malena and a counie of 9010: In: Tom Firth. Lunch was aer- od. Wrth a ten cent fee, $7.35 was add-Id to the treasury. er Thou. ("enema was laid up with an attack of the t1tt for a few darvs last week. Mine Katie May Firth of Durham visited for a. few days with Mr and Mrs Ben Mays. The people ot this communlby were sorry to hear of the death of Mr Wm. Burnett, Enndlne. Michuwhoee chime ry appeared “EDP? . Concession 4, Glenelg. son of the late Mr and Mrs David Burnett and his bovhood' days we“ spent here. We extend "mun" to his hunter Mrs Ketur of Detroit and two son: David and Joe of Eugadine. Mu would: unwound; alumina we Lumen“ or her name in wmguuu mt week. mr tutu " hat. an) ot the no“; were recent visitor: with Mr cm. :umaerer and nanny. Hesuhietrt eotttpatuiatiout' no ex- tended to Mr and Mrs Bowed Buy who were named a. few week. If A dunes val held at the home of Mr Archie HeArthur In! New” evening to' welcome them to the neighborhood. Mr $6.».qu Halo-h had a lace spending a few weeks with Mr one on the 17th lurch end - thing sold well. In the evening a re- eopuon we. held for It Heloeh and nanny. They were presented with e gold wntch and . purse ot money and the evening us went In anc- mg. coma and cards. We wish them good luck in their new home in Owen Mr Jack HM of WNW!“ spent Sunday with Mr 000. MOI-I'D- Inm and thatttr. Wm Tuttgt" “It the m may won Mr M want. In. ir,Geeu,-.rrarsnrere WW'M'” wmlrudlnho 'tM6nttt-8tmr' termini-w. ' . WM” "" " mmwm All!) VICIIHY THE DURHAM REVIEW ZION In “It week's PRESIYTERIAN mmou BAND MNOR THEIR LEADER "iris can: "A", selvee except the lenses and have mums cIncLe user made m” m’m teuaesottes dur. . in; put yearn. The workshop of The Glenelg Centre Baptist Min. the son John and the study of the Mon Circle held their lurch meeting (other are perfect wonder worlds to " the home of Mn Archie Benton the novice in constructive astrono- with twelve indie: present. The my. meeting opened with . hymn. the Tuesday evening Mr Hugh McAr- Circle Payer end the lord's Pnyer thur, Glenelg. penned over to the in unison. The roll all m unswer- greater number, and suddenly. Hie ed With the word "Prayer". Mm I. brother Dunenn. with whom he had T. Priest read the 17th chapter of been living. found him in bed and M. John. and it we. followed by a. life extinct, thoueh not long one season ot nrnyer. Munv Interesting viouely he had spoken with him. ptWetS were read tusing “Punt" " Swinton Park Corr: Mr 1nd Mn the theme. Robert. Aldcorn. of Toronto. um titled, "A Day of Prayer In Cumula- donzo." The buyer: of Jesus Chrllt, Our Great Bummer wu read by Mrs E. Blodzett. The problem of primer was given " In N. Kmar- lmo. A Bohr. “Ivory Rhee." m sung try In J. T. mm. In H. Example in Player. Blanche Benton read the beautiful poem. “God'- Hizhwnv." Mrs. A. Beam rend I. paper entitled “Payer". launch was Y.P.U. m in chem ot Mr Nor. mm Greenwood. ounvener ot Chris- tian Cl'imnehin. Thirtydhree nem- here were nrenent. The topic we: “Does Canada went Datum t" Gem Pram lead in payer. Gordon McGirr read the acrioture and Del. hart Mm". the radial on the "mum. (‘er Gian read n poem. “on Kenn” ave an interesting moor on mnent events. Roman Greenmwi at». “new on the mic fesmtwyad M a dinmnim on one:- tiana thin! from the tonic. The meetinx dosed with the benediction. For a 'tr"srsttiott or more we. have become so accustomed to mding newnnmwru and hooks m4nted on Dimer math of wood that we think Caller n Telephone otBCe--TtMyMb little or nothlnz " all about It. It ls itoqmrg m for the phone “In, no mom a worid'll wonder. We are Supervbor --o dunk you. Ilr. you also Kettlnz unmomod to the tutter our gen-lee, “Mk" mot-Mun of the ladies, who cntur--rutter nothing, I thought noomtrthe, unmml ofthem :5an they were .11 dead. Tetiraboth---ahe of the alrteemh oen- ----- tttre-mt"", when she mulled on the ' ttrat Mllr "mum anvhodv had ever I a, f'“§'m seen in Endand. We are ee.ttinq unite mm! to them and the onlv By In the ointment. of the how-mid nurse-bur" In those tbomInnble "mm” that brim a. wall at alum“ when (M mm mt- nhvful around the anti». We unit the coming of the non-run sock. tt is oruv n at». of course the swim"! tn other cloud“. dream In" “no M had, and lantern! for their cheI. I Jolt come. from the Orfemt. Unicorns Ind Mann's for than Janna” any have ten munufnetnrod out of rum null). hm orders hw- hoen than! in both the mum! sum um Cann- da, and m MM In other countries " won. My 11mm. Jun-n in My the Int-mt elm-mael- of rum pull! in the worm. Come to think of It then would he nothing FO ll'onIanl in the no spect that m will new“: in wan-1n: etothea nade of wood and sleuth! under Munich of the - foundttttmt MIMI. Host of our bedding and much of our mm“ In a! -oGtet "Martha mmv. We haw man than! m Mutton for . tone tte--" on In mun-h ttTtorutqt. mm "an. tho. m"; mt m? of woodo,ooeeartetrta-trttedto om " mm curt. VIN-1h than " Manon doom. ttt which oar thl mm at. want a m. m “not! 8% 1min doll-u. 'ttet-io""""'""' 0".“ a8PMt'Y' ('QU‘“! KNOX Y. P. U. PAPER CLOTH " F‘O'T a W9C" If it w moan". that m rover annex-Ibo to the new IN DAYS OF YORE it V” "tit (from new" Me, lurch " 1114) Willie In Holstein on My the Editor had the privilege of u look through Rev. Dr. [mir- his new ses-ttith-tek-theirs"' Snuu-n'l ring: wen beautifully an- tlnct and the Eocene-cope attached to the talcum showed us the beau. um! solu- Ipoctmn. Both ot Mr Imh'u no we experts In the con- Aldeorn, teaeher " Camille. and mu Bertie Aldmm end Mr Will Aldcom. of Prieevithe, spent sand-i with friend- here. North-But Norma» Corr: Mr. Archie Hominid end Rudd Ber- ber have been net-tin: It R. R. Watson In the but: this [at not. Samoa Val!" Corr: Mr Thou. mum. bought a meet from Mr John Holmes ot Owen Sound. Yeovll Corr: Into Lane hnu been Township Tanner min. We wish Mr T. R. Philv ell success sad inve‘i ronttdeeteo thst he will make s good: Fin-nee Minister. q Holstein Corr: The Conservstive l psi-w in Holstein ere st vsrisnee with their leader. so am Whitney 1 in the nutter of his tempersnre poli- l " and wish him to sdoot tho mess- ure of N W Rowett, the Liberal ehiei- [ um. and hue the her malady wiped out. Bo stronx ere ther in feel- inc in the nether. thusoetition is be. in! drculsied end slatted snout the Conservatives here to he sent to the Premier muestln! him to submit s plebisriie " the neople to abolish the ttar in Ontsrlo. 8.8. No. ' Ben-mom. hes decided to erect s new school sad will re piece the structure which hes render; ed emellent service in en oddes- tionsl we! ibr shout to years. How, ever some frfrOoet in aid to edit .. monx the section neideots, some de- airing to have the site chosen on the PM term. All srhitrstion meet. imt is being held this Thunder to , settle mtten. not. who a: a we don't than not NOTias to CREDITORS _ AND omens Mm nut-9391““. in II" “N " A nub-'- In. was“! no. In an char war at m ettte. OI. no“. a lot a nun-cm to oven-co: In on when. cm a. null ot menu! " ml, and In WWI In II shalt the. oi.U, .2. a“ It. - WIS} a, FIRESIDB PHILOSQngER' IT wum’ m DURHAM ONTARIO a, :LFIIO um J. L. sum. u, M... u. onus-II“: “I.“ mun-unmou- onus-nu:.uu;-..muo mequJO-ulm (k+alitrlteiE,thaq mum: Lit-“p... lug-Olga. Hammond-u“- "reettrteqtatdtmemtta'tM" “loud“! WOOL all SILK AND WOOL MOO... " Honor 0mm rm Univ", Graduate Ron! Coll. Dom! In!” w t. Hutu.» do: Room: Ommmm tktar M: at $1.75 AI! V00 QNTEIHTCD "' Man's Work "rt....Me to “o PM“. own-nu & "heMqt mt. DURHAM a HM": A Cow IOVI' LtHEtt RULE “I". q ..Me I “and mm tee an m 0M: am “not. 00ml. on. Datmar-d.tENmMoqhet.,B- duh. momma-var. “momma-ya. treerrntrhoentChle-tm.. Onumemhu“ WM“ mummA.Lo.o. m.v.al.m.lll-.Ib Manhunt!” HI. Cmtuumww Humane-“Arum b l l MIMI“! Omaha“ W. HERO: ELLIS vandal-y “let". “my - B. I. CHARLTON. A. A. s. I ' , tt WMWIE. B. A. HEPAIII“ " 0.0“ r mm 00.8.. La' a. M in " M -. Ladies ! T II. SNEA'I‘II. fit. 0. EIORGE E DUI“! >.BunlbOD-I- t.,u3uiu75c “Ohm/t . com. a» 299mm coin-int. nom- no no. can... out... “an.“ an n u was can no can - Inn-In F. I EAGLES" BESSW InBILLwM'

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