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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1939, p. 6

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itil ’3? Momma Will - Guard Royalty Summer resorts of England no haunting all-upon. nation it”, which include railway (are, tft',,'."'.',, a enter- t, “I. up. gnu you and me u but chin: entering or leaving railway or other coaches and Mort persons from attempting to climb on the running board of any motor car in which the King and Queen may be riding. In can of necessity they will act literally u 3 personal body guard. They Po will act " mes- length! when' required by the To cm Public lath-ulna» Their duties will be to prevent enthusiastic persons from getting too elm when Their Injuries are The tour Monume- chosen to act as orderlleu were Sergeant Hugh W. H. William, of Saskatoon, lath; who will be noncommu- uoned 0|!!ch in churn: Constable Joseph A. L. s. mum of Hem. .luford, Que.; Constable Juno: C. thlilu of Rum. and Con. stable Robert Portetaneo of Mont- At the request of the King, {our scarlet-coated member. of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will act " peraonal orderliea to the King and Queen during their tour ot Canada this spring. headquar- ter: of the force announce. The King u Honorary Commissioner of the force. At “it Gene'- Rm“: Four no»... Of The RCMP. an}. _Ad .5. Parson! Or- The orthodox disinfection of mattresses and bedding was aban- doned in Brixhton. England, in 1910. The boiling of sheets. wash- in; of blankets. dusting ot bed. rooms and scrubbing of {loan was substituted. " is a generally anmptvd fact that infection does not live in 'hed. ding. clothes. old mattresses and other inanimate objects. and that disinfection of such articles is a waste of time and a needless ex- pense. The discovery that diph- theria carriers and mild overlooked cases or scarlet fever and the car- riage or infection by sprays from the month and nose were the chief routes ot transmission in these " toctions has discounted the value of terminal disinfection (that is the distttteetion used at the termin- ation of the disease). loll Chute, lionkeil The genus which cause disease in man fait to thrive outside the body unlees they exist under mn- ditiohs of moisture. food and warmth conducive to their lite. The only ones that rennin active out. nide the body are those like anth- m end tetenus. which possess I spores. and perhaps that of typhoid tever. Germs do not live long in old mattresses. bedding or cloth- o...- Thek "ha iii.“ also“? It’s A Wash Ot Time In The Case Of "my Diseases To Bother About Bedding And Chiba At The Termination Of Aa, ntnes, - Germs Thrive In Body, Wing Advisable tended for __---v'v‘l, mus-e peel are being kept, and production has increased from 15,300,000 pounds in 1924 to " estimated total of“ pounds in 1938. " ht. crease of 118 per cent. The crop tte ms wss s record, exceeding the previous highest production of 1031 try approximately 4,500,000 lb... stated G. B. Gooderham, Do. llsios Apisrist. Central Experi- Iestsl Tom. in s recent address. More lees Icing Kept Increased production. he said. had hmusht about problems other than production. and one ot these deals with the care and handling of the crop after " is produced. A iew years no there was no dim- culty in disposing or the honey crop on the domestic markets; to. day, however, the question of mar- kets is Perhaps the most important one the beekeeper he to face. in 1923, the Bee Division. Dominion Experimental Forms. was asked to l tor-mate classes and grades for l honey. and also to establish an in- l In the wt ll years name out- lawing changes have taken place In Canadian beekeeping; new areas “V. best (Invaln-AAJ- --- _ “WGIIUP 'i',"j2tauii: " Made New Rim To Disintiitt unico for all tGG" iii, developed; more t total of ttr, In In- The crop exceeding Ir-, _ __ 'r',u,,l,8'lnelhttttt't, 1fiiitlltttiryt Tne wise question is not. “Is Christ Divine 2" but "What is God 1ike'."u-Wiltiam Temple. quist t" Fred was showing his sweet- heart the old family album, and pointed out I particular photo. graph of which he was very proud. It depicted him as a small boy dressed in a sailor suit, sitting on his uncle’s knee. "There, what do you think of that one?” he said. "Very nice," his sweetheart said. "But who is the ventrilo- been "If the train had run " it should have run; if the bell had rung as it should have rung; if the whistle had blowed u it should have blew both of which it did neither, the cow would not have been injured when she was killed.” The following was by an Iowa jury in a a railroad company: "Out," he rep%i,uiiiimg his hat on the same peg. Three year: 'iid;" he returned and his wife greeted him: "Where the digksqs have you been t" "But, nadir. t all wari-g a hat. It's on the other "ue." A very henpecked husband reached the end of his patience, and, after a final row with his wife took his bowler hat from the peg and said: 'Wm going." m- . m ' ,3; 33.7.; in the ova-i..." for ntroit Ali“: An Arctic explorer records that he lclullly found an " arm clock in the ”union of an Eskimo. How wonderful it mm be to turn u, "r, in mature. After seven years of careful study and selection by the Divi- sion of Forage Plants, Central Ex. perimental Farm, Ottawa. a soy- bean progeny has been obtained which poassesses in a marked de- grep, the desired characteristics, of early maturity, high yield, desir- able plant type, and yellow seed color. This progeny has just been licensed as a soybean variety un- der the name of Pagoda. Pagoda is as early in maturity as Manitoba Brown, has been found 'superior to this variety in plant type and yielding ability. and has yellow seed. Pagoda ripens at ot. Iowa in 100 to 105 days, " com- pared with 120 to 125 days tor Mandarin. It is obvious. there- fore, that Pagoda is adapted to a much wider area than Mandarin and can be used in districts where Mandarin could not. be expected to "uy, 'e "any ought to HAVE Eastern Canada Grows Soybean Lieutenant-Governor veloped tjvitiruii,"""ic'" Rarity. High Yield .1;ka 1111‘; in a mi; iiiiiiii 10“ the verdict Hon. Albert Matthews is pictured here as ing of the third session of the 20th 0 ,77 ---- an“ EU" Avenue, Toronto I. Cant“. You’ll HIZII' tht, wuy it sunny. 3m] buck. awn-might. to the fwimg at "rarin' to tro" fitness and inside cleanliness! Helps eliminate the left-our wastes that hold you back, cause headachu. indigestion. etc. INtrtieid Tea is not a miracle worker, but if CDNBTrPArioig' bothers you, it will certainly "do wonders!" 10c and Me of 4rumrtorlirF WRITE FOR FRI-'1: SAMPLES of GarNid To. and and.“ Heat-lulu Powder- St;' GARFIELD TEA co., 1 Close vaun- --A- - “ - 'ttere' (-992; KEEP can IttitiitE! has absolute check over this foundation. Weather, soil and lo. cation may be ideal but without good seed, specially selected to suit Canadian conditions, the gar- den is going to be a failure. It is impossible to over-empha- size the importance of good seed. Other factors are practically all beyond control but the gardener L-- _I_,,- . . - ’ When a large number of early plants are needed, these can be started from seed in a hot bed. The latter consists of a bed of fresh horse manure, which sup- plies the heat, about 18 inches deep. On this two or three inches of fine.soii is placed and after the bed has heated up and then cooled down again (a matter of three or four days) the seed is sown in New a few inches apart. The bed is protected by rough boarding along the side and on top and sloping toward the south about 10 to 18 inches shove the bed is plac- ed a window sash well glassed. When the plants have developed their second set of lesves they are thinned out and before being trans-planted outside they are hardened in a cold frame which is simply a hot bed without any heat- ing material. In every reputable seed cata- logue and in most special govern- ment bulletins there will be found along with descriptions of various plants the height when full grown. This can be used " a guide in the planning. Roughly, space between plants should equal mature height. Thus a shrub like the ordinary white Spires, which averages about 6-7 feet in height in most parts of Canada, should have 6-7 feet between it and its neighbor and be this far away from walks and almost " far from fence or wall. In. No. "-'" - ROOM ESSENTIAL Most common mistake made by the new gardener is that of crowding things too close togeth- er. In planning layouts it is es- sential that the mature height and width of the flower or shrub or tree be kept in mind and sufficient space be allowed. While firing the furnace he came onto two of them at too close range. He laid his problem before Biological Survey and re- ceived the comforting information skunks are excellent mousers and harmless except when annoyed. Snow's immediate concern is how to keep the furnace in coal until the animals get the spring Wanderlust-if they do. After months of suspicion, Val. S. Snow of Salt Lake City knows the horrible truth-he has skunks in his, basement. Man Has Skunk, In His Btttement USE GOOD SEED Gardening 2 HOT BEDS me as he inspected the guard 20th Ontario legislature. " -- -. %rq.Y_MWet more flies than a hogshead of vinegar fEnglish Proverb. next door. An embarrassed relief project wrecking crew set out for the sec- and time to rue a ttttee-tstorey frame tenement in Brooklyn. A bank which owned the building asked the city housing authority to tear it down as part of a slum clearance program. A crew was dispatched. Later bank oMeiah, called up to inquire why the build- ing had not been tom down as promised. Investigation disclosed the crew had razed the building have Ann“ Wreckers Rage! Wrong Building A.--a'ry basting a piece of ma- terial on the wrong side and then darning through the patch. It will make the darn stronger and will keep the shape of the gar- ment. Q.--How can I renew the metal tops of salt and pepper shakers that have corroded? A.--aive them I coat of enam- el, allow it to dry thoroughly, then follow with a second coat. A.--Why not try a clchznte sandwich? Mash one large banana to a cream, work in two table- spoons of cocoa, add mayonnaise, and place between buttered bread. Q.--How can I make labels stick to tin cans? A.--Gummed labels placed on tin cans will adhere readily and securely if they are first moistened with glycerine. 2--How can I mend a large hole in a sweater? mm Bixtyer.1ttpgramretmrrms Q.--How can I make a sandw that is "different?" q.--How can I relieve an irri- tating cough? _A.---Preimre a mixture of the juice of two lemons, one teaspoon of water, and one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Take a tea- spoon of this mixture every half hour. drop of. hon_ey catches CANADIAN SECURITIES Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds Municipal Bonds Public Utility and Industrial Financing "3““qu of honor at the ONTARIO ARCH' TORONTO more open- A tp'eat deal of interest has been aroused among poultry breeders throughout Ontario by the spring program now being car- ried out by the Hatchery Approval Association of Ontario which bu sponsored four baby chick shows in the province since the begin- ning of this month. The last show is being held at the Ottawa Valley Seed Fair, Arnprior, Ontario, the last three days ot March. fjttl,iP,tii,ioi',',iiiit 'i'iii'i ac car In. In 'l"Uit modifier la the feeding of 't'g,t,tt,tt,tl u an cue pr "cha for 'l'rf,'a%'ft'tt CHILDREN of " “a . thrive on “CROWN BRAND", CORN SYRUP. They never an of in detict. on. tUvur and it muy u no good foe them-eo hte, the Children E‘CROWN 't - dar. 1939 Chick Shows Are Very Popular pm energy amounting to kilowatt hours. If every atom in I be exploded with 1 200,000,000 volts :'t .,____.._, v" tall-Ulla ur. G. Hahn of Berlin is reported to have found an energy of 200,000,- 000 volts in an exploding atom of uranium. ENERGY TO RUN THE EARTH Recent advances in atom-smash- ing have started scientists on n new and nppuently narrowing hunt for the secret by which, they any, a few pounds of uranium may be made to run all the light, heat and power plants on earth. Dr. " "-1... _» h .. - . _v.. ur-v-Iru vn In" of beet bone to fill a groove L In upper arm bone after an operation for disease. Use of animal bones in pen, patches and tiilittes in hum limlymendimr operations are de- scribed in The Lancet by Dr. E. W. Hey Groves, emeritus pmfes- sor of surgery at the University of Bristol, England. He explains, how he used a wel- rus tooth to fill n hole mode neu- the head of a thigh bone by scrap- ing out diseased bone, use of I. peg made of stag’s antler to pin the head of a thigh bone to the shaft after it had been broken oe. an ANTIDOTE FOR mucous Three Toronto doctor: have re- ported definite advance in “tak- ing "'lieoh---dreaded lung dinette of miners-by using metallic elu- minum u a direct preventive un- tidote uglinlt deadly quarts perv tides inhaled by miners in the com-u of their work. They have conducted extensive experiments at Toronto and in the McIntyre Porcupine mince. my“: _HUMAN BONES What Science * Is Doing * one gram could a discharge of , would produce to 10,000,000 oe, tue ' ' . BECOME. A DETECTIVE. MEN over " wanted everywhere. De- tective: earn road was”. R0. wnrda. Work home or travel. Correlpondence tulnlnc cont-Q. Write tor free information to Box M. Station Y. Montreal. at" mgr: a a1'd',i."tg . .0. . ' ati, ' ,"Aui','ht Ro i'i's"i Club... 0mm." . ' wms. “DU?“ 1'ttAyyttyptttrid tions, switch“. Carlo. and any". of "no" quail!) Halt Goods. hte tor mounted analog“. U'gtettideif. tlll term. arr-and. cronto Run. an Halt Runolv Co. "I mtthurA. Toronto “n..." "nun-an. VIIJTUKY. (LAC. Out. It 56 hurt. Erin» Ind Vllll’llll‘d at 31.00 bun. numer- ed No l Grimm Alf-Ila It .88 lb. itttPt tank No. t Guam Al- llfl It At I No. t Rad Clover at .15 ttt. No. I All“. at .18 lb. St t fun awiet "." lb. Tim. a - a n. " " mi _ __ - Te"""-- - 100 ALRES, WITH OR WITHOUT stock and Implements. m: bulld- Inu 1nd good unlu- bush. Box " Anna. Ont. 'royS_Deaeri AND COCKEREL BARGAINS WHILE they Inn. All Iron Government Approved blood touted breeders.' Two week old Barred Rock: .09c; New Hung-hire Reds .08c. Three Week old armed Rocha. Jae: Red. .tre. Bitr Egg Quality Kc more. Order at once it you Will! then. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery,' Limited. ou, FILMS DEVEIDPED WITH two prints of such Ind FREE ENLARGEMENT cougar: Me. OFFSET COMMERCIA PHOTO- (IPA'?". , RUSSELL BY., TOR. UMXTEI) SUEDE“ BRA! START- ed chicks for sale. Also 8-week- elC".retuur-rGGr' canons. Won- .W -_..... null - nUUNDS from one to seven years old, sunr- unteed. alto Bird dot: and pure scotch Collies. Write John 8. Wilson, Merrickvlller “no â€"" HIGH GRADE DEED 0‘" A!!! GIADVEII WES. CLARKSON. MAPLE. ONT., bought three hundred Buy Bats red Rock chick: Int yen: Cock- erelu weighed " poundl It " months; " pounds at " months. “Nothing like Bray dllckl". any. be. You Won't mm Anything like them. either. Order your Bray chicks now. Bray Hatchery. no {chin Street North. Hnmllton. Ott. ar o. HIGH PRESSURE SELLING HAS tooled the most of In once. Don't be high pressured into buyinx cheap inferior chickens. You don't have to pay a bitt price for high quuiity (-hirks. With Tweedie large Production at one place, no agent's cummiasion to pay. We can sell tor leis. Extra Prottt Grade hatched from M to " ounce can. Heavy Breeds 812.45. Puiietl W',!-,': Corkereil 69.00. Leghorn- ll.95. Pallet: 824.90. Cookerell 84.00. Grade A lower. Special Mating and Started Chitin Blight- ly higher. Free Cntulotue. Tweedle Chick Hatchericl Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. um "randy-made" canons. Won- dertut meat birds. Order early. Write for further details. Bray Hatchery. 130 John Street North, Hamilton. Ontario. BANTAMS, SINGLE COMB GOLDEN Sonbrlghts from priBe-wtnnintr stock, $1.00 each. Grace Huston. Glanl’ord Station. Ont. IF SUFFERING FROM AsTHMA or chronic brunt-hm! mend 100 to- ft.1c.rotv.r'sut of ASTUNE TAB- m..Cte!P'.-.Tps,yu' epyoeirti, REP- AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY district to sell a product used In every home. This I. a money 'lhhtr. Box an. Toronto Pout l' WClassifyigd_é‘dv¢rtising " l-Jhl' WAVN?dgD HALE Jack explained that he was no- toring to Campbellford, and about half way on his journey the mb. bit appeared in front of the cu- and kept running Ahead of it. The race kept up for u quarter mile LETS, the remarkable nritish Remedy which is giving imam]! India! to many thousands. Litera- ture free. Antone Products, " A Adelaide West, Toronto. Sold by Itrutrtrisus at tdie and $1,00., ran over it. The neiidiinii"e mbbit was mod n u delicious mom] for dinner. resenting lending Canadian. Am- erican, British publications. Dept. A" Fidelity Circulation. Box 100. Toronto. Although Jack mbbita ore quite uncommon in that action of the country, Jack Brinklow of Hut- ingu, Ont., chased one in his car one night 1yt 'e." and cvgntunlly ofticii, I'll-.8 DEVELOPED Rum Down Jack, Pie For Dinner " I. Fol. - __,__... IIIIIE I z. Merrickvllle, Ont. f""' 'MM"'. “nun. umni‘iilns AGENTS “'AN'I‘ED "AMY (HICKS BANNER. VIC'HDRY ll L..- - . SPS? ygunns 'EiiiiiFa' wan-m mu om: pale” later alt kind. " n--- 7, _ NEW Emma for (our garden from Barium. send or free ftlqotote, an banana "mu... Harry- wuthcr‘o Famou- no... complete cultur-I dirmttau." Writ. today. Can-dun cue-n. Bmh'u Nun-ur- ter. Bott '" RM "Mlle "m "Ir.egL-siiiu_e'Ai'-"ieie my: uni? FOR 'Ha'-iteirtri on“ Il pint nightly" for 31-1512: T7==er_"rr---- FREE '?ytv.aetometmT WITH av. or] roll Blm 'tttit, and ' high you print. "t print. I... won. I nursed arm- '" A.'k!e_tg1ispTiai?CroS'il't'd' J-"-'"--. UR NEW RADIO BALE. SHED! In now ready (or dlctrtbuuon. Wrtt. for copy. Plan. and” whether dealer. all-tour cervica- nm or let owner. Italic Trade supply Co.. but. an Yonle St. Toronto. mum? lr, Wi'slyunvum -- -- ...~-uuvu- Ill' "III “for. union out "a. The luau: Co.- vuay. Kahuna. Patent Attorney; 218 Rank st. man. an. A---"-'.-.'-"-. fl“â€" SEND Us YOUR SNAI'BHOTB on old photos. We npecluue In Innk- In: enlugetnentu direct from In! print. 5" x P enlu‘unenu cot. oured Me; I" I 10" Huntsman! coloured Ne. Bump. accepted. Tru Pom Studios United. New Blrlu mum-.3. Iontrul. -e-.-ak.=L: _A _ ,‘__ -v quI "on. [any with IMHO. Par-- era' daughters. Widows with Propel-tr. P-nlculnrl 19e. Con- any“. Box 128. Cll‘ll'y. AG " I AP, ,, n.-. ... - uni-Ill! teed. In»... would illutttrat cutting“. over 500 "mu“. " Rudy Plan! Numry. lunltobl. DON'T sun-mi mum Tttd, 595.!!! an l Ana; AND UNUSUAL URNAIBN. all. mu than. Ind veteran!“ noirer.. hurl: trun- for cold" dint-ion. Plant- exportly melted. nrrlvul in good conalttou turqu- (and. In"..- ._--i-a= -. _ FOR SALE - FOUR YEAR UL!) Yorkshire Sire. Best lurk“ l'eu Royal Winter Fun and other Boar Winneru; Yearling boar lire, Grundslre. and two neuron Gran. damn In Advanced Iceman-y. Four months hour: and 'towe. Shade- lund Farms. Eden. um. NV _-_. go‘s-Inn“ v“ AU'IU- mobiles. Prom-Mo 1fl'ar""r',!2r: ample: 10c. Propo- tlon free. l'etthtck'n Manon-nun. "tr, Tot- on o. tGFdiia". V -- ---" nun-u VII-Incl“. only $iAt0--ttte bottle] Llama: 'rReM--Ftrrt order only. Your money back If not ulna“. Plea-o writ. to Andy'a Salve & Llnlnent Manufacturing. 101 Alexander It... annn'n, HIGH Bum» PnEtrtRJRK--wtttT'n tor freq booklet and full yu‘llcu- Inn rug-rams our amazingly nuc- ceurul hybluod treatment. l'edl- Breed Products. sulknluon. Sack. urea reel. Try the new no}? Halve at ypeyit., largo 9inty'tint Grand Champion Yorkshire Biro. Bent Market Pen “and Winter Fair and other Boar Winners: Yearling hour mire. Grand-Ire, Ga two nearest Gnmdum in Advanc- ed Rexlury. Four months hour. and sown. Shadeland Fur-u. Eden Ont-rte. - aai'i7ard'iri “In". a wagon; 1991:1413 ON - $NMNr I”. 1t,,ttd2,,,'tithet9P2h5,t Menthol” nth-outrun. Benito. tttttttttgetty','.".",',,',",'":'.'.". would ... um... t"ey,','$,ttl'ciid f ' my: '36? in- of Mysitthoutmn My. Mid than six pound: sad deemed a little better at forty lulu per hour,» until the Jul: VII run down. faiibii"G.". I" ' L. l'sth't'r'lli: J. "-gtyyij.EiFrixr?rsii7ira Int-v mm. ---- _ fmo vtii No nun "you.“ runway. .75; I'""' alum» unnatural: IEDICA L II 'I’I'LIEI orofiiiFiiFiG mums“. IONWIA-l ram“ ttev, Miehuei Mar brought mil m min“ Mrs. Mo .tleeed {Ivan-3: rs' _ the "ll.iu‘ oil More May I, am: '21 WI Ilium» in !trt."ttr, Wynn! Prevent Re "The dairy ifM‘h‘Lt) m to dew-Irv at; am _% toe Which vmuid own cation “1'” [Haida 1 lithuritivs in plv‘Vril' ill We a rep‘fiilu; ol a1 “Md this gum. 'r'o Nets tha, Iiu- ";rssiq Ml win [H‘Ilf't-1 "tiris! minimal conduiur: 1 In. Hum m run. ir " that in tteoded in {IY‘I'W Gluing hum.- s‘w-rmx a "Thu M" "I. butter. "tect;. SL " the may br "r.rttlat M in Ili, ”85911 I Ontario l I. I- Chr', Doormat-y than! “a Butter Prir" Will fi Serum-ax» htonn. C'l,',', of ted t, the Kiln; Canndn I Coughlin boxing l depot in member duty of overly P getting i ties. The, direct ttereq “new; dine-sew tr obscured by “In which are a the original (-aunm PM. Bernhard l fruition. mm" “on of the Sod .r+tntitrtr' and iht h Berlin. Th0 (“mm " In the ky) How tltr on " I metor in to be re: the wane the th" or yrs dis [ind m (mu " Mel-A It Is Experked t We Surplus ( Inc! ht Prrscnt Individuals Af tt To Be King] epid phic m'de pa "ot M "

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