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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1939, p. 8

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_ I " O a 3 I4. , , if Rail Travel Bargains, March Mth from DURHAM to Mt Town: on lines 'rr. n no. Railway, Niphraintt Central It and bayou! Cochnne on C. N. Rlys. to Knpuakasing and Hearst. ------'""'"-" m. Train Serves and Information from Agents. T8313 ILQCALDEI. Town Annie-Phones DURHAM 6TATi0N--Phorte " “Dill. EXPIIIIICID IAIIIIG SBIVlCI .."hoo-o13r-'8hso-iorseatsoas... CANADIAN NATIONAL Equally Low Fares from all adjacent C. N. R. Stations Mount Forest Branch: E. B. YULE, Manager “clash tsub-A-ery. Open Monday and Friday “vou- IANK AND Mon. You MAY tr" ""-A" In bull” eReview to New Subscribers, to Jan. I, 1940, only $1.25 Phone " DURHAM MOTOR SALES PONTIAC‘S got the bigness and smartness to attract admiring eyes-wide doors, level floors-solid comfort for six husky passengers-the nimbleness of a cat in mac-handling ease you’ve never experienced-silent - poser-tlashing performance-matchless thriftt TUh the Pontiac "Arrow"-astd prices are down with the ttmeat-dorm as much as $100 compared with last year! m, if you want to pack extra value into every 'iiiL,auGd-elear,hesuretose.eanddrjre the Mt "amm"--d its great companion car, the Putin: 'rietsiiiaik', the most idvanced rear in the low- pdcc tieH. Convenient {em amused through the Gala-l Noun mm: Man. m- Then is a spirit of service and cooperation about the Bank of Montreal which appeals strongly to the holdels of its more than one million deposit accounts. You will enjoy banking with the Bank o6Metotreai1tecaaseitgivesaekindofserviee that custom“: appreciate. BANK 01‘ MONTREAL mun-an "" a----'-"""', or VALUE t tht might have been I serious accident happened on Tuesdey night as llyene Essie and Keith Dickson from Orchardville were going home trom school. As they weredriving over the railwsy track Just north ot the village the runner of the cutter caught on the rail. The frightened home jumped and up set the cutter throwing the young people out. It ran up the truck, across the rail. way bridge to the slderoad, then turned and ran home. Fortunately no one was hurt, only ashnking up. The cutter was pretty well smashed up. The miracle is how the horse crossed the railway bridge without breaking its legs, HOLSTEIN LEADER There was no Community Circle on Monday night so many having the flu, that it was thought wise to skip a week. Miss mstsrktsrr of Toronto was visitng her mother Mrs P. Jordan who has not been Well for some time. Mrs. Geo. Fentnn has been very sick and her sister, Miss Crawford of Alienford is waiting on her. We wish for all a speedy recovery. Sorry to learn of the death of Mr D. P. Coleridge another pioneer gone. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved ones. especially his wife, who is nearly blind. iTlhe Women's Institute postponed their meeting until a later day on ac- count of the mt. Rev. Mr Johnston had charge ot the services on Sunday in the Pres- byterian Church. He took his text from the Acts 12:5. Herod, the King had put James to death by the sword, but put Peter in prison and had soldiers to guard over him. On the one side was Herod with his great army of people and on the other side was the little church praying In .verse 5 it tells us they prayed without ceasing. With the turmoil in which the world is in just now, how much need there is for prayinez churches and a praying people. Mr Treleaven has bought the creamery from the Cockburn Bros. We are pleased to know that they willbe permanent citizens of our vil- Iago. Mrs Allan Reid of Moosejaw who -qAro-- "-t.uatr-ttterxs mans rebut- 't LOCAL AND PERSONAL t gone to undon to mu her mm. ', '40"- o-, Mr tstd In Mettteeingtttrt, Jun at might hm been . tserious and Jon in" returned tron their em. happened on my night visit to Word. They report no yene Rule and Keith DIchon - in that district. Orettardvitie were going home was me: Allen In! returned from school. As they weredriVinx Toronto. where she was attending the runway track in” north ot the m.” of m uncle, the we Illlage the runner of the cutter Mr. W. J. Merton. Her sister. bt on the rail. The frightened Vera remained for e longer vitrit a Jmmred and up let the 'y"".', with her aunt, In w. J. Robertson. Wm. Keller Vic. Blythe THE DURHAM REVIEW Attgttteet1tgnettua shower for Mr and Mrs. Howard My was held in the Hall int Thur-any night. Good music was [uni-bed by David, Jim Geo. and David Hooper. Br. also Bill Snail. Wm. Gordon. Mrs .W H. Wells and Mrs Thou. Moore. After lunch John Emil trang" When the Roses Bloom Again," and Wm. Gordon favored the crowd with some step dancing. All report a good time. Mr and Mrs, new re. mained for a few days' visit with her parents. - Miss Gertie Wilson visited hot week with Mr and Mrs Fleming Reid of Yeovll. A large number around here are on the sick “at with the Bu at present. l At a meeting in B. B. No. " school last Friday night it was de cided to hold the Old Boys' and Girltfrtrunitm Civic Holiday, Monday August 7th. John Eccles was appoint- ed president and Baht. Taylor. Bee. Allan Hastie, John McKenzie and Charles Watson will endeavour to have all the names and addresses of former old boys and girls of the Bee. tion handed in to the sec'y, by April Isl. Next meeting will be held in June. Mr Carmen Wilson has rented the Date farm from John Henrv. Mr John Ferguson from the West has been visiting with his brother Irvin on 18th can. and also his mother in Mt. Forest. Our pastor took for his subject on Sunday "Anger" from the scripture passage, Mark 3:5. in the Bible we read much about the love of God and we like to dwell upon it; but we find His anger also mentioned many times. We read too of the kindness and long suffering of Jesus. Yet in the above passage we read of His Anger. But it was right. eous indignation. Jesus was never an- gry at anything done to Him personal- ly and though He sullered all kinds of tnsults. even the shameful death on the cross. yet He makes no com- plaint. But when God's House is dishonored by the money changers, He drives them out. Bo there is righteous anger as well as sinful anger. and do we not and ourselves prone to the latter. Let us then serve and obey God that His anger may be turned sway from us. Mr. Kaye had a. good talk for the boys and girls on "tytrviee." Mr Elgin Petty, Misses Irene and Florence and Mr Wallace Marshall, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Marshall. Miss Jessie Marshall assisted Mrs Harold Watson a. few days lastweek Mrs. Porter Br. visited recently with Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter. (Mr Howard Marshall spent a few dava last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ferguson of Enemont. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robertson of Markdale visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs .135. Petty. Miss Florence Bryan: of Varner. has been assistinx Mrs Andrew C. Marshall in the home for the my two weeks. Mr and Mrs Wm. Marshall, Billy and Gordon. vuited on Sunday at Mr D. Marshall's. l Mr and Mrs James Picket: visited on Sunday with Mr 1nd Mrs C. P Kinnee in town. 3! HDTV 1 we "VMe'NBrT" Mrs. Harold Wntsou and Bobby spent over the week and with her parents. ' i Pm"rt'r-At General Hospital. Brant. ford Thursday, March 16th, 19394 to Mr. and Mm Donald Pettit (nee Ada Morrison, Rag. N.) a son, Don- ald " Roy. L Pom _ M or dry. Write for " metuttMm and prices. Over‘ 12000 page. PM. mud “can! mm to tune A. m. as Bet.) not Are, mm. mm. l KNOX CORNERS ONTARIO ARCHIV? TORONTO “OH '" INT 1 "I“ MAC PHAIL’B Wall My Elation; /7: The M.P.'tr who ere on the Bren em: I. an m w... - W“ gun committee (Public Account-Mn ingly.” He said that - " in Toronto may, inspecting the Inn speech was tttttshed he would - ingu- plant. where wr Hahn end eleven constructive Ingestion for company ere ensued in linking Bren the relic! of unemployment, but the gum. Since the committee is en- adjournment ot the Home deterred denvoring to decide whether or not " speech until a inter sitting. the contact we; . good one and the but year, “Chubby" Power. the plant tmitatt% It lg Mum to lee Hon. c. G. Power. Ilininter of what and t mu will do now. Eight Health, introduced n am the object hundred and forty-four Wild dor ot which ‘-u to purify elm cm. la" tk government MOI British neigm. in reintroducing n Iinihr and Canadian. hm been spent on am the other day, he and .the am the old John Ingli- pinnt. extending, one wu too good. It N been cel- renovating and will»!!! it. since ed "The Lily-white WR" the "tmrttr the contract was let, no that by now purge," and had died in committee. the old “broken-down boiler factory” He hadn't, he said, taken the cynic, will he lost in the new, modemly equipped plant. Whether the committee would so to Toronto or not occasioned a. warm debate. All opposition members were against the idea, on the ground that it was "too late now for the Jury to visit the scene of the crime," but the government mem- bers, with the exception ot Harry header of Portage la Prairie. were for it. And, since they have a ma- :ority, they are gone. What they think of it we will hear later. Judge Davis, who investigated the 0 Bren gun contract as the govern- . ment appointed commissioner. recom. I mended that a Purchasing Board be , set up to control the letting of con- ' tracts fer the Department of Nation- t al Defence. The legislation lmple- , menting this recommendation is now l before the House. The government’s t claim is that the Board will prevent ', any undue profits. On close examinv ation, their claim looks extravagant. It’s true that on contracts let with I cut tender. proTit is limited to 5 %, but, if the current practice ot the I Department is continued, not more l than twenty per cent of contracts ' will come within this provision. , That is, eighty per cent. of all con- l "nets may have profits untouched I by regulation. , _ it seems hard to understand why munitions cannot be manufactured in government-owned and controlled factories. Many leading otBeera in the Department of National Defence are tor it, as are members in all parts ot the House. We have a gov- ernment owned arsenal at Lind- say. Ontario. The Prime Minister as- sured the House that the goverment hasn't turned its back on the policy of publicly owned plants for the manutaetute of armaments. But, so pearsnces are against him. The long-awaited debate on unem- ployment was initiated by tho Minis- f ter ot Labour. Honourable Norman , Rogers. in a lengthy. academic i speech. He used reams of Mures and l dealt more with the past and the i present than with legislation de. l aimed to relieve unemployment in , the future. He claimed that sub- . stuntial progress has been made ov- ' or the last two years, despite the set-back which occurred in recent l months. For example, 180.000 fully ' employahie persons received relief l in January 1939. that this was 6 it per cent more than in January 1938. a but 22.9% less than in January t 1937. _ ionic: and were now at home Wait- IIt": for wormed commons. Pm- tmttintt the dre quality of the linin- t-r's smell' In Hum said: "rt Ammo-ted In that the whole nutm- I? M0 which the mam u on- Menomin- to dent with " "temo-.. liurtm.---...... N I. the He dealt. too. with the dillerent work projects which had absorbed the unemployed to some extent, such as the Housing Act, the Municipal lmprcvement Assistance Act the elimination of level crossings. the building of roads. but it was a cold speech. For instance. he talked of “projects designed to retrain and phvgivallv rarondition older unem- ployed men." I have bend of recom ditioning machinery but " was the first time l had ever heard the phrase “physicallv wooudltion" as applied to hum beings. The only speaker who followed was Denton Massey. He didn't like the Minister's speech. He will it wu a complete confession of failure and that there was no dodging the met that in this month of January 978.000 people were on relief, an Increase of tt per cent. over the some period in lust year. and that did not Include may of those who were ttttenrtttoved but not no relief.l He thumped none and hunters or “w, ”m” CLir'ir""ciaiiii huh the and: at Spring a hero. less hae-st'. b a. .. a. m " m .. the m - nu ' on.“ I- up my In the new, modemly WEEKLY LETTER Itoeottttteetettfttftyii: The mammal-IA tttt about - t After all. we now. the situation I. M. Met m - ement It not “In: with It accord- Intly." He said that Home " eleven constructive suggestions tor the who! of unemployment, but the adjournment of the Route deferred " speech until a later “was. purge." and had died In committee. He hadn't, he said, taken the cynic- ism of the Home Into maiden: Re. count. But this year he was new ing the sum end by more rail-tic He wishes a. limitation to the u- mount of money that an be spent In my eontrtituener for election pur- poses; detailed amounts to be kept in each constituency of expenditures and the-e sent to the Chief lectur- tionnt and provincial federal politi- cat organizations be required to keep damned accounts of money: " caved and went and these also be published in the Guild: Guam. He wan“ he said. real instead of ed publicity. In Mr Power's opinion. there is .no necessity tor all the ex- pendiiuro which has been eutxtmnttre in political alumna. Ho holleven that these changes can be made by amendments, to onlv two muons of the Dominion Eieotlons Act. Titus etteet on the local politicinns Mr Power lllualmted " follows: The candidate. in mover-notion with mn Smith, from the Fifth Range in the Second concession ot Blink Townshlo. "Weti, mn, how Ire things going this your t" Bill: "Not so good. you know; not so Mood. The omtoaitietn are hut-hint up the mound with their automobiles. Thee are go- ing from house to house. We'll hove to nuke pretty mod premonition: here." The andldnie then ”in: “What is it not»! to be this year t" And Bill an: "Two or [hm hund- red MIMI-s wont haw to Mwnbrus band, you know. and median and this and that." Then tho candida!!! wm 89v “It epn't ho done nnv more hot-mm: some foot in Parl‘mnnnt him just pun-9d a Bill to mvent me from nmndinz more than three thousand In this oonmmannv, and tho other side In In oncuv the same The Mlnlater think- Bill's 1trtrt re- actlr-n will probably be the same " one of Illa frlend’s. when told that no llouor was to be used In the eomstittteneyr bv either Mde: "Well. [hank to ho" vau'll both MMM." Whieh, Chubhv saw. I: the vernacu- lar for the smkenmnn: "a plum“ o' both your hams." But whe-, W" " orovtnr'M.rh'" ft'n tho lum- T, , "‘l" fittttiN come mound and do tor """r lna tho work “an“ In M: I'vultv, he had alwavs boasted he had done for nothimt anyway. The whole Houte ptrid trittute to [U " "8"Tk"Fbt'0 I! ”le. Mr R. 9'. White, Cottgervatfve Mem- ---t---.r-t-- her from a Montreal constituency. tiw on the occasion ot his eighty-third birthday. His own party nut red ------ROXY ._- roses on his desk. the Shaker of the House had a ten Lad cockmil MOUNT IORES' party at six o'clock in his honour, -itx-- and Mr MMKe‘nzio King, Dr. Mullen and Mr Wcodsworth paid special Mow Pinyin: mum: to him. But the lovoiiesi THU!" Flt. “11. MAR. " part “a! Mr WNW! own Weh- ThHN.t.. Action.... 5m. .. “Bob" White, as be is still cam-d, Crecucle in Technicolour: mien-d Paj'nment in 1888, succeed- A cavaicade of 35 yams of Aumu ing his father " Member. or the lean aviation truned in 90 pulse- eleven Prime Ministers Canada has pounding minutes! had since Confederation. he Bat in Feed $'eMee'rar RI, "m.“ Parliament with men. and his nmbi- - in - tion in to sit under the eleventh, his 6 ' present seat-Innis, Dr. Halon. in ”=1. . "h tltnntrts acknowledging the may exam . -4tt nmtrrt-trrs- Mons of woodwill, he acid he “.3 en- com-aged to hope that he had iii;"""" COMEDY and J"'"'" thinner um which should accompany ---_-- old Mo-honor, love obedience Ind ION. Ttttts, W55. Matt. er, 23.8 troops ot Mug." ‘M of friendl ' m can? "aT ' - . 'mes.- Mr SpeakerJhevoqult and um - - - would be bled: and barren Indeed." tt ave me great pleasure to meet, " I. six o'clock tee pert)! In a priv- ete home In thin City. executive ol the Weekly Newspaper heeded-u ne" ttf - m “a in human, and redu- of M Mi. Wanmduu-ua. ot"'m"-umautt,riii' .r 'ttwars Into an boul- when existence [a In this mica-dimm- "mmnmumm. (Mt-1 Mummm. In” a My tn- the Sun. "esniiatt-utosetortu1, [or a. new We that it brings. A. to look - the Magma. Bore-Mn! [mace on in WIN! Bttritttr " m and - we h” SWMWMM'WeIweit. " we wateh the dancing some. he. the am waste of winter, ., _ " the cleansing an: of Spring. ' .-a. P. newer, Holstvm The “no In: new arrived for up- pumm- ot Darrin Powder or its derivatives to control the ranges of the - Mr. Row many Grey Conny turner: u-e tuning theit' mttU on. your , Undoumble the mil-ale lumps. cum by the pretence of the larvae. an to be seen on the cattles' backs It the present ttme. " too small to sea any can be felt sully um the Intonation In covalently delay- ed no that the bulk of the - do not show on the ”that has un- Wutle " Powder In envelopes, so am it In convenient and inexpen‘ live to buy. My the materiel to the lump. ONLY. " I: mascot-nary to M the w. tturtho-ttheenttle,rortt"' tmat for Wu“! Mr this spring. andNirat5earettttomt, gwmmm. :rlnc a but we love ita beauty. ' Albert CM. or Baueh'llle, Ky.. observed am one or his was” new-w" hymsud and would not take her eye- tm. an overhead " 'st, When Glut turned all tho ' lulu, the hen run around mum: l “Mandy. Several dun later we laid a bulb-sup“ an. which Clark sent 1 . to Washington u proof. Mr All Mn WI. W 9nd Mr. Wilton m and lane. Attended the funeral of Mr. and In. Ewen visited a we on My. A number at the an in this com- munity Mod the all! but on chasm." mm Mildly Wmoon with Mr and In Albert Hooper in Haunt Mt. i-i';,' Tull-Cm itt Sociely"l I XIII Harm Kerr of Owen Bound - ON CAME PROGRAM -- am Etmmtt Hm, 8mm“ 'te"tir'ttomoaeuaoaauarm. 'at. Louis BI 190' 1] Lucky Inf HVPNOTIO INFLUENCE MARCH M, ”no "It WAIILE FLY VARNFN so the NM: mind with If “I In C. and [on mus-H! the to: thr Klan. which the singing of d tho and tout 1 unwed by I Church uni h. RM. Mr. Mteqde Wrro mtrggdqd i the Chum and 'c. W, limb: 1 mn, whr. and": “RH! and WE bountiful bug. 'at hitch was; Aid or tho toral had an": III little no“) u walla: culls!!! Thr tmuttmtgat Ildkwrgw. About 6.30 " tumbled In It tl 'tev. Mr I (mo-non). C other friend. lo‘rim: terse- um (1|de to pan Weekend Com moral by the Vomit Mid MIN? midn- PM’. Mee Pm tttaatding new Mums. "ttttttttt “Glenn John' Kw. Ir Mi Draptto the Woman. "in of Swan my of hid YOUR hes. Rev. M. M. M) “0“! New soc mum '00.” "on '-foody and “as London Features a l Oeserre WI PAT DUI Wants“ Vol. IA n Quorum! tr mun-p rum the at C. Sir Appotu-On‘ ttive ttt H " th the soak: the y: Tho by l PIT-l In" mm MN

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