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Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1939, p. 1

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MARCH 23, 1939 We Tot fag APRIL 6--80titgA HEM: My Lue ity Star spams TIME " W0 WARBLE FLY VARNF.V 2n rmnx time. ' their singing. sound 3M... . lote its my. am the tMgt. n be 303M. that it brim he Noam. i h Buys in Social], f om ttte " at " u in: stoma its wha- " love it Kids w inter wings’ remind Spring . Holstein Ml ary Baum! tor " " " no a. 23 At wood; the local society by Gordon Greenwood: Toronto Presbytery. by Mina Kitson: Hamilton Presbytery by Elsie Thompson: Guelph Presby- tery, Donaldn Clark: Chatham Prep bytery by Miss Meoeortte; and Bruce Pnsbytery by Mervyn Hamilton of ('hrsley. Rev. Mr Mills made his in- irmluctory theme address which proved very interesting and inspira- tioml. A skit "Pat's Matrimonisl Adventure" presented by Miss” Jean F8rth, C. McMeekin end E.. Leding- ham, conclwled the evening's pro- m " the church. This me fot. lowed by a recreational period in the Town Hall under the capable super- vision of Misses Jean Mrth and Farrt Miller. About 11.30 the dele- gates started in aesrch of their hoetesees’ homes wishing for either "mbber boots" or “water wings". On Sunday morning at 9.30 the amnion began with the service of Holy Communion conducted by T “MM by members of Executive. " ' my Bible." quoted the weak on “becanw It frankly exposes {arts that I know are true." Ho " m ”and that " was the young Rev. Mr. “mic. The regular smday mornine svrvice bad Rel. Mr. Mitts as the than. speaker. He was The tmurtanaaterr, Mr. Daniel Mrth, on posed the toast to His Malestr-. the lung, which we; responded to by the singling of the National Anthem; the next toast to the Church In. nmpoeed by Mlle Luella Barber. Church and Presbytery by the Rev. Rev. Mr. Hirtte replled. Greeting: were extended to the gathering from the Church and Presbytery by Rev. 9. W. letle: the town by Mayor Bell. who spoke about the rational- l-lllty ot the young people of todoy in the preservation of the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy: the Ptovineiat Executivee by John Stephens; the had eatet autumn, (or maybe a little more) the tmtmuter of the evening eanmtthottatherimr to order. 1. Y. P. U. by Lucille Trafford: the '. Y. P. U. by Norman Grun- bountiful banquet of good things to eat which was served try the Ladies' Aid of the local Church. After all About 6.30 the happy delegates as- sembled in the. church bucmont, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion in Presbytery colors. Rev. Mr. Mills". "happy uni." (Thomson). emu. Cunningham and other friends from ditstant pushy. teriea. The brttteat distant repre- ncmuive came "on Chatham, Miss McGenrge. F't'L and THOROI’GH cumin- atkn at regular intervals, and suture vou of SAFE vision. at C. Sat-cf: More DIR-AH. 'uuslly. April 501 v.1 PATTERSON. ID. YOUR EYES Deserve the Best amble- suidanee of Den Firth. ut Prov. Vice President. It wen u: out- standing event " we not our old friends, "smitimr Ernie" (Mood). "mlelnn John" (Stephen). "1on Desptte the falling of run the re- praenhtivee from the various Boer eties of Sewn And other pmby- teriee assembled " the Prenhyterien Church to participate in the ”and Weekend Conference to ‘be upon- Pres. Young People In Conference a-drtt-t't t-6.80 D... Vol. LXI, No, Fauna of the Occasion Molly McIntyre, 'oieat-heiae loo- oio Mcuurchy, masonry on mar. Penn Central 'ndu-Errtte and Chart“ Cunningham, “on, and Banana were r". to partake ot a tt CARE. l3 8PWaker- f “11.1 {new PT"- no“. flatten, Injund on Toronto Strut. While Thou. H. Binnie. formerly at - law editor ot . jewel- JOHN A. BRADLEY Word came to Miss Phoebe Wolfe last Saturday, advising her of the death of her brother-n-law, him A. Bladlvy. at his home in Winnipee that morning. He had In "n in [an health tor serm- timo. lithium" '. N :1 60 years ot age. and “a; tr 'n l, Flesherton. the son ot the lute Mr and Mrs Wm. Bradley. T'uirtyu'ivrt years ako he man-ital Miss [mm Wolfe, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs Wolfe of Durham. who survives with one sen. John E. in Winnipeg and three daughters. thnltred in Torsnto, Mrs Stafford Pelton toert. rude) In Toronto. and Mary at Toronto. Mrs. Quinton Psalm ot Maiden. Sunk, la the accused’s only sister. After nan-Inge in 1904, they turned Per n you near Orehnrdvimr, thence moved to Western (hand... where he been!” I mat auto denier. Ian week, he we. knocked down brink-med by Inspector Heuwe tr um en. New *re'nth""t0eretitt't.o'seoettte and be recited boom; mum. He'roonl adapted in that taught by we: aka to kennel.» “we!“ Ion. e When My. hung-show Tomato. m " "ettatqaMersdatttaroemttoatreet MRS. RACHEL HARTFORD Tho death of Mrs Rachel Hartford, long a resident ot Durham, on hill east of C. P. R. station, took place at tLe heme ct her daughter. Mrs R. J. Pla.vrord, Hepwcrth on March 27th. She was in her 77th year, and loft Durham about fifteen years rio. Her husband has long been deceased, and three daughters and three sons survive: Barney in Dertoit. Sara in Gait. and Jim in Owen Sound. Buri- al takes place on Thursday ot this week in Orchardville cemetery. to. He was in his son: year" and married Ahigail Valle-u. who died 35 years ago. . [is is many years since Mr. Dean lived here. The fun- eral service in to be at 10 a. m. Thursday, Mar. 30 at the home of his daughter. Mrs Adeline mothers, Ti..rontn. and interment will be un. der auspiccs of Durham Masonic Lodrze,, of which he was a member. at 3 o'clock p. m. at Maple wood cemetery south of town. EMERY DEAN The death ot Emery Allen Dean. an old-time Durham resident, task place suddenly on Monday, March 27th. in M. Joseph's mu], Torm- on furlough from the Bhil illusion Field in Central India, Wu the speaker. She very vividly reveal- ed the true sense of missionary need in the foreign fields. Ree Mr Hirtle concluded the Conference with pray- " and benediction. The climax of the Conference was in the form at a Fellowship Hour " which Charlie Cuhningham con- ducted the Song Service. Min Bos- nia McMurchy, a Missionary home At the evening services the theme speaker. Rev. Mr. Mills gave an. excellent address on "A Look". Miss Molly McIntyre min rendered a beautiful solo. mus Dodge. ' At 6.80 the Ladies' Aid served a bullet gunner ,tittiett In of in ex- cellent standard ot cooking. ship Training by ElsiKThomaon. At 2 30 the afternoon sessions were opened by s Song Service con- by Ernie Moody. Miss Sadie Me. ducted by Ernie Moody. Miss Sadie MeEaehortt capably conducted the Worship Service. This was followed by discussion groups " follows: Adminitrtrathtn, by John. Stephens, Pres. Prov. P. Y. P. B.; lander- people of this use ud generation that should strive to make Smday " God would have it. Miss Moll." McIntyre, Toronto, rendered a beau. .muum solo. Mrs Gordon Green- wood acted as pianist during the con iiht B arltttm Review. assisted by a Young People's 0mm ~M“ a full when] enjoyed the humorous play “Mama's baby boy," which was in three acts. The out. were Misses Dorothy I. Ritchie, Jean Firth. Myr- tle Gleam-om and Margaret Edge, Mm D. E. Ritchie, Thomas Firth, William Glencrou. Elli-on ind Dani- el Edge, William Anderson, D. E. Ritchie. The Junior Fame-w orches- Etra played between he“, San] lee Vinni- ung a into and T. A. McGIrr " MM. HELD ‘LADIE" “06.11" 1 Durham Lodge A. P. & A. M. I held a most enjoyable "ladies, night" , in the Mrrnnic hall last Thursday . evening. When the wives and friends . of the local brethren were entertain- f cd by program games and dane. , log. Clarence MeGirr, Worshiphzi ' Master, was chairman for the even. ) ing. Misses Helen Renwick and , Jean Aitchlson rendered a piano du. 1 ct, and two young girls from Wing- ham, Misses Anne Vanwyck and Mar. lgaret Council, in costume, danced .“Shuan Tratrhas" and "The Sailor's Hornpipe", while the farmer‘s moth- [ er, Mrs Vanwyck of Win.rtham, gave two readings. They were excellent entertaine‘s. Terr solos "The Rose "rt Traits" and "Eyes of Blue" were sung by Mrs Gordon Greenwood, and a quartette, Mrs Clarence McGlrr. Mrs Harold Mekeehnie, L. Aitchison ".ttnd P. Ramage rendered two num- bers 'The Fortune Teller," and (r-rink to me only with thine eyes". An orchestra eornpritrimr Miss Helen Renwick, Robert 'Wine, John C. Me. ichlanie and James Sullivan inter. !spcrsed several good numbers on the :program, and provided tine music frr the dancing which followed,- lsnstinz until 1.30 a. m. Lunch was served, and various games played by those not dancinrz. Besides the local hrrthren and ladies, guests from l’rieeville. Flesherton and Wingham mere in attendance. PUT ON FINE PLAY The Junior Institute and Junior Funnels members put on a success- tut play in Edge Hill school. when JUNIOR INSTITUTE Cttrt A. Rowe, Durham, was coun- sel for the plaintiff and Roy Grant, of Kllgour & Grant, Mount More“ for the defendant. tor $29.65 and costs, subject. to any slight variation in cost of material if Sharpe's catalogue was not the latest at time goods were ordered. Mr Sharpe had based his prices charged on thine of a Hallway cata. logue he had, 'white Foster also had a Halliday catalomge. an earlier one evidently, with prices slightly less. The bench ordered enquiry as to time catnicgues were lulled. as no manth or year appeared on them, and gave Judgment tor the plaintiff WW Shame except a balance ot 829.65, which they refused to pay anneal: some of lumber was de- tective. not being No. 1 white pine as Bpeeitied, also that the frames did not ttt properly. Mr Sharpe testine»! that NC. 1 white pine had been new? as ordered. but this cannot be so cured free trom knots. He suppiic ' good materials and had made frame" etc. exactly in accordance with measurements furnished him. Lorne McNaiiy and Albert Pure. ere witnesses for plaintiff, while deit's. son Clarence and a neighbor, Mr Brcwn gave evidence for defence. The only case to come up for trial before His Honour Judge Mor. ley at Division Court sitting' here on Tuesday, wan Alfred Sharpe. Durham, VI. Hugh Poster, ot Ezra mont, tive miles east of Mount For- eat. Floater built tt new house last summer, and had purchased 3051 and doors, window frames, ete., from Mr. Sharpe's mill here. Foste: and his son Clarence built the houSe. and paid for all materials secured h. Sharpe Wins only . Div. Court Action DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH 30,1933 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLITIIN LEADER Miss Kate Ritchie of Post Ollice stalq, has been laid cft duty for three weeks with influenza, but is recuperating steadily and wilt be back on duty next Inc-nth. Her cous- in, Mrs Bessie Ritchie, is in attend- ance. Rev. H. V. MINA High Park Pres. Lytorlan Church, Toronto, theme weaker at Pres, Y.P. Conference wan a weekend guest of Dr. and Mn: Sheath. Mina Bessie McMurehy, missionmL' home on furlough {rem John. Cent. India, ugliest weaker at the Presby- terian Y. P. Conference; Miss Mina Kiwi: of Patterson Presbyterian Church. Toronto, Pres. of the Toron. to Council; Miss Mildred McFadzean of High Park Pres. Church, also a delegate to Y. P. Conference, were guests over the week end with Mrs P. McPherson. Mr and Mrs R. R. Cattou. Made- leine and Bruce were Sunday visiwn wlth the farmer's mother in Toron- to. l Mrs James Peart and Dorothy, ct Palmerston, are visiting Mr ttttd Mrs. Thomas Gleam-om. Mrs Thea. McAlllster return) John C. Templin, for " y our: land -n- lo ed vi it with owner and editor ot the “M" 8” om a pro n: s . Newaateeord, died " the home of her two daughters in Toronto. his daughter, Dr . Kuhn Malia. Stewart Boltcn. Toronto was a I weekend visitor in the home of Lu. in Hamilton Wedn y night. ‘ 'l h I t . who and Mrs Pickering. . T t ye Mr Tannin. m Mr and Mrs Joseph NObIe of Abots deen have moved their household e!'. 111=cta to their house in upper town, and are now resident here. Messrs Alex and George Hay at- tended the Colatpvood--port Col- borne hockey game In Owen Scund on Friday last. Their wives visited with Mrs A. E. Rudd there the same evening. . Mrs cm: Bunchlm of Bnlaacls, is a patient. in Durham hcspltal,. tor a few days. teeubemtitur after an cperation there. Bert Har, St. Thomas, is a visitor " the home of Mr and Mrs J. H. Robson. n tow days with her parents, Mr and Mrs W. G. Firth. Mia: lsabclle Fifth, who attended the conference of young people In the Presbytertan Church, will spend Min Marian Huge ' Mould Hall, Guelph, was Aweokc-nd visitor in her parental hole. 1m: mans Wilson " In 'l'orom. this woe]: autumn: . me conference branch meetings (ot the Women: Masasouary Society ot the Uniteu Church. k In” W. a. sum: returned new a Wank” mp to Hmnuuru. The older generation of publishers In fut passing may: all men of stcrllng character and integrity. In recent months Grey and Bruce's oldest publishers. W. H. Thttmton or “(alumna and W. McDonald. L'Z-9sk-y, joined the Great Majority. Hamilton . Educ-Mon. won clerk of Melville United Church teNttrlast for " yarn. and taught my you: In the Bun. day School. He was s Mum and a member of the LO.0.P.. He is survived by one son. Hugh, editor of the Fergus New-Record. and two daughters. Dr Marian and Eor 12. yen: the deceased taught on Fergus public Iehool tttatt before buying the News~Record. served al- born In Fem- In Mm), I ion ot the late Mr and Mrs John Tempura. He received his early education In Ibr- gus public and high uchookl before attending Elam model school the first year it l"" in operation. l President. Mrs R. Campbell; Vice President, Mr: Jame McIntyre; Sec-Treas.. Mrs. W. G. R'tchie. _ Games Committee: June --Mrst W. H. Smith, Mrs Pickering. In C Me. Girr. July-aa" M. Hunter, Mm Me. Kr'ehnie. Mrs mrgnvel. Ant-mt --, Mrs Dtteid, Mrs Aiteheeon, mm McIntyre.. September - Mrs Cross, Mrs Henderson. In Sneak. Tea Committee: "tte-tera Sneath, Mrs Crass. Mrs Barfrot. Mrs. Hay, Jutr--Mrs P. Lawrenee. Mm Gem, lurksch. lira Irwin, Mrs. J. Law-l mare. August-am, Henderson. Mrs! McIlnith, Mies M. McGirr. Mrs ij,',) ". ld. t9etrtettttrer--arm Jucluch. Mm. W. H. Smith, Mrs P. Lawrence, Mrs Ream. Mm. Bennett. October --l Mrs. McDonnell. I ore-eat. The prajdent. In P.! Luvrence presided tor the electioni or owners for 1989, which resulted; " follow: I their ct M Lady Bowlers mucus EDITOR asses 1e Ladies“ Bowling Club held r mnual meeting " the home In Rom. Campbe‘l may Mter. L, Mar. 24th with eleven lattes - - ___ m, p-.. _ a was a Mason and a. ' t.0.0.P.. I ad by one son. Hugh, Fergus Newt-Record. "in. Dr Marian and Have Reorganized Templln. both of III r. , Will (Slur mn I“ IIDCK MIDI“ “Eli -- -_---_ "' -_- ... “.c C"22 electioniremove Balance to his own Norah; m. ""fa"d It" mar; reunited: Mr. Gledhill in now here in charge. l summer mom. A to-- ”by During nearly four decades of; Otthtse, mm, ; Vice business life in Durham, Mr Me. -- tttttgre; I Ilraiih In. made mummy and an" new SALE new :chie. dawns. m. wuciawurdd. and ham " The June: mum hm. tot Mi. In w. ways cudeveumd to drivc tad Ber. can. 15, " at, containing 100 ‘0 Me, vice to his customers. Owing U the new. 1Mod bu incl. Amy tar "'s Me. increasing dWeulty of maintaining Review 011m. rqrat - an uo-todeie lime store in I am“ ------, -F--- -ee-- - __-_ "t - -t Mm. town. as well u to edvuucing you: FAQ. ”I “L! Cross, he bu decided to nelinquiah business od mm mm an m here. but has made no defhtite plans [when 15) tn the Fir-t Comedian Bneath, for the future as yet. South of Durh- w. in the it," Both Mr and In Krill-nth have mm, Gteasettt, mmnIII‘OM , La: pmed to be the highest (We at mm 00) am- and mm .. leitiwne, supporting every more' memo. one one no. We It, Jet cause, being wave worker- in Km." with cellar. u been, ecu-rd. a _'","",i,i,".'j Church and at. cranium, while mung ad m. g in; Mr Helium: served nearly 80r your! W to 1. m mammal"; her _ion Public School Board. and lira I Bum. On Solicits for the dlcllreith an Ag. Society lPd Noni , Adtttitthrtmtrtx Cecil Edgar ,culturel Bonnie. The awn boner: wan- mute. [they will decide in remain tsate m [on Public School Board, and In; t Helium: IMI Ag. Society ot.td Hort! ,cululnl Boards. The awn boner lthey will detide to tannin “in u, itor may year: yet. 2-yr . old Lem. but In: mule no defhtite plans for the tutu": us yet. an uo-todute shoe store In u um“ team, as well u to Advancing years he bu decided to mountain!) business During nearly four decades ot business life In Durham, Mr Me. llralth hu mule mummy md rm dawns, In: wuclawordu. and ham " ways cudeveumd to xiv: tad Ber. viee to his enamel-s. Owing U the Increasing dWeulty of maintaining After thirty-nix year- In Durham. Mr. J. 8. Helium: has dimmed of! his boot 1nd shoe store stock to Mr; H. W. Gledluu of KInurdlne. who will clear out III stock possible an}; remove talancc to his own More: Mr. Gledhlll In now here In charge. l J. S. Idlrzitl S Reliving " BII-ess ;'i7,1'r, Added Futurettu. . Town Hall, DURHAM Wednesday, April Sth .. 8.l5 it. III. luck Jones in ONTARIO - " y lt Nttte, , -"-..- ~Wll~wun l. old due Mag lit: one NINA“ magma: moo "MDE EM, COWBOY" PttMiatsetd%reehtratttatt.rearttodmnee. Tau-nu States. $3.50 I you to “mac. Peter Mo. “with: I _r, ' i., in? ma BALE OR 'uric-ir, more (an and wok them over. I will have u man here up uphill um dttterent Iyemonstrtuiolt Day PM» no ADMICNON 26: AND "e. SMALL ADS. Ind. " FARM FOR SALE April 6th

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