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Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1939, p. 5

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over the stock and will sitcr the Eatire Stock for ‘ asle at Bargain Prices t «t Two Weeks. GET % ON THE FIRST RUSH TO t sEST SELECTIONS. We have decided to give up business in Durbam afâ€" ter Jo vears. â€" Mr. Gledbhill ot Kincardline tbas taken Ciosing out Sale MeFA IL LARGAINS far. 31 , Aoril 1 OU ? 4A M ROCKY SAUGEEN letroit hicag adian Pacific ALL SALES FOR CASH. Di â€"MecMHLRAITB DEN, Town Aq Phone 21 MARCH 30, 1999 a° train from Detroit, d from Chicago 11.3% term of the Sale. chell of Hamilton, is eek with his davigh 2 cD H Ask for Handbil i ruUn HONORED TO ABERDEEN AS URL Aw Trip «l two daughters it the funeral of on Saturday. has been workâ€" eville for some his home here. la sapending a so far there hap ds were playâ€" ple while the ed dancing to nidnight everyâ€" vingroom with ind their soms circle, _ while read an ap | Mr. Clifford loran â€" presentâ€" wool blankets ad a purse of _ Mrs. â€" Barfoot ‘r thanks and For They Are \ supper waltz tion and then ©ing and cards n _ early hour is quite $12.75 ‘y Reay, Walkâ€" _ were gueats vard Reay the rmers have is a weekend turned to his n« some time er Mrs3 Wik Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs3 â€" arrival of a MUr Wm. Bel! carby points »m _ Teronto. week _ about «1 _ neighbore Mr and Mre »nsend Lake, cial evening b.00 ith McCrae â€"and th relative nia and is . Hope to i his condiâ€" THE REVIEW, ~DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Jolee a Paxouta P We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year And Any Magazine Listed â€" Both for Price Shown. m (AU subscriptions for one year) MAKOH 30, @ The alert reader will recognize at once that here is a golden opporhmi? to obtain the outstanding subscription bargain of the year. Mr and Mrs. Art Richardson, ¢f Svinton Park visited Wednesday at Mr Alex. Carson‘s. The W.M.S. and W.H. Societies met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jack Whyte with 12 ladies present. Mrs Whyte presided over the meetâ€" ing. A splendid paper prepared by Mrs T. Nichol and read by Mrs. Sutherland on "Interior Decorating" was much enjoved. Mrs A. L. Hincks gave a reading on "Happiness." Mrs Sutherland presided over W.M.S. and opened with silent prayer, folâ€" lowed by repeating W.M.S. prayer. Mrs Sutherland gave a very interâ€" esting paper and Mrs Elmer Watson a splendid reading. All quilt blocks for the W.M.S. were asked to be brought in for the April meeting. 16 X 16 inches. The meeting closed by singing, "Still on Our Homeward Journey." Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. TheApâ€" ril meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Nichol. We are glad to report the sick. Mrs Wright, Jim Sturrock, Mrâ€" and Mrs Sam McDermid and Mel, Mr. and Mrs Archie McKechnie, Grant Muir. Harold and Gordon Nichol and others are improving after Flu, and Mr and Mrs Thos. ‘Tucker, Gienâ€" mont visited ome day last week at boys visited Friday at her parents Swinton Park. â€" At last we have a little indication that winter has some intention of folding her white tent and moving out. Certainly Spring will be accordâ€" ed a real welcome. For on the whole, we have had a severe winâ€" ter. Mr Stewart Carson spent Saturâ€" day at Orangeville. Mr. Dave Hincks received word from bis sister Mrs D McKinnon. Invormav. Sask. that they have sold their farm to a neighbor, G. Mcâ€" Don~!4 and they will move into Invermavy. Miss Jennie S. Cameron hair dres ser of Toronto, formerly of Priceâ€" ville, had the misfortune to fracâ€" ture her hip last week, a serious accident for one getting up in years. Tr. Frank Williamson of Hep worth, visited Sunday with his motber and brother on O.D.R. Miss Marraret McArthur returned home Saturday after spending some time at her aunt‘s, Mrs. Donald Mcâ€" Lean, South Line. A number fromâ€" here attended Mr. D. Smellie‘s sale on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Smellie are moving to Durâ€" Hearty congratulations and best wishes to Priceville and vicinity‘s "Grand Old Man", Mr Donald McMil lan on attaining his 90th birthday on Wednesday of this week. One cf Nature‘s noblemen. Mina Fiarance Copeland is assistâ€" in in the home of Mrs D. Camp bei! & The agent with proofs of gran‘pas‘ and gran‘mas‘ darlings, was around Monday with the pictures of the precious hopefuls. ' Yesterday we were favored with an address by Iola Peever, Toronto, a representative of the Upper Canaâ€" da Tract and Book Society. With a pleasing addressive manner, she dealt with her early religious exâ€" periencey and her natural anxiety as to her salvation. She described her S. S. experience which led up to her present life of servin‘g. She variâ€" â€"ed her talk by singinz, "Come into My Heart Lord Jesus". An interestâ€" ing talk then followed, accompanied on the screen, with pictures of where the work of the Society isâ€"Sailors‘ Rests, in Toronto, Port Arthur, Midâ€" land, and other places, Locks on Welland Canal. "The Light of the World is Jesus," shown on the screen was mung as a closing piece. after which Rev. A. R. Muir, gxpresâ€" sed satisfaction . and _ gratitdde of all, for the pleasure afforded. A great bank of snow is still in evidence wyet. (Messrs Jim Oliver and Denald Mcâ€" Kinnon went to Orangeville on Sunday to see the latter‘s dawmzhter Miss Christine McKinnon who was oprated on for appendicitis over a Miss Lottie Whittaker visited Sunâ€" day with Mrs Ben McKenzie. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Joe Turnbull on the occasicn of their marriage in Orangeville on 15th of March. Their honeymoon was sment at Chatham, Windsor, and Oshawa. Mr and Mrs A. L. Hincks and PRICEVILLE :2 are expected here early this The pupils of No. 13 school are havin« an enforced boliday until afâ€" ter the Easter vacation." Their teachâ€" er, Miss C McKinnon suffered an atâ€" tack of acute appendicitis and was rushed to Orangeville Hospital where she underwent an operation over a week ago. Latest reports tell of gond progress. Her pupils remembered her with flowers and Jetters. (Miss Alice Stewart. Torento. and Mrs. Allen Stewart‘s sister, visited with the Stewart families in the vilâ€" lame. Artificiality is woman‘s greatest curse, Agnen ‘Macphail, U.F.O.â€"Labâ€" or member of the House of Comâ€" mons, told a group of women. Assessor W. R. Jack, Ventry made his official rounds in this disâ€" trict last Wed. and also visited his eousin Mr Maleoim McPhail. Mr. iovd Christie has been cutâ€" ting wood for some of the residents with his buzz saw outfit. Evidently we expect next winter to be lonr and cold, judging by the supplies of wood on hand. Mrs Ed. Scott spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Thos. Walton of Dundalk. & We are pleased to hear that Mr Archie Clarke who has had > severe sieze of pneunwania is makin® a gond recovery under the care of Dr. Lindsay and nurse Greer. Wedd‘ing Bells are ringing east of the village ! ! ! Hartley Irwin of Markdale, 26. died in Toronto hospital Monday of injuries suffered in an automobile accident near Markdale last July 17. Lorne Teeter, driver of the car, was killed in the crash. Teeter was in charge of a grave! trukk and Irwin was one: of three out for a joyâ€"ride with him, when they collided with a car driven by Dennis Ryan of Glenelg, accompaniâ€" ed by Mrs Ryan. and niece, Eileen Dorcey. They escaped serious injury. ‘April meeting of the W. Institute will be held (if weather and roads permit) on Wed. April 12th at the home of Mrs John G. Russell. Cedarâ€" ville Institute members have been invited to this meeting. An inquest into Teeter‘s death wias accidental and no inquest will be held into that of Irwin. Some of the syrup makers have tapned the maples. Spring sunshine with many of the birds back to their old haunts i; much enjoyed. The roads are not very gxod, they «will certainly be worse before they are better, Mr G H. Gilkes with the road grader is out every day helping to clear off scme of this year‘s surplus snow. The United W. M. S. will meet April 6th at the home of Mris. Robt. Craw{ord. Died of Injuried in Crash. Messrs Alvin and Dailton Scott returned to Gananoge last week where they shortly expect to have employment for the spring and summer. heavy losses take some of the joy and profit out of the farming cecupaâ€" Mr. Walter Benkham had the misâ€" fortune to lose ‘mix head of cattle from the effects of sweet clover poisoning. Mr G. H. Gilkes lost a and Mr J. A. Nichol, attended the funeral service of the late Rev Mr. Bennett in Toronto recently. Mr. Lioyd Waller, Ceylon is enâ€" gaged with W. J. Hincks. Henry Tucker‘s. vICIKI1IY THE DURHAM REVIEW At the meetine many present apoke on the question of radials and posâ€" sibility of their being built in the townshin. All nresent were in favér of anch althanch some nressed for more information . know why men do not go te church. There are seven ‘ rqasons, to wit: Sundavy newsnaner, the automobile tiresome, sermon‘is, the collection basâ€" kdt. failure to reach the barher shon meetine held in Holstein hall on Tuesday afternoon, called at the inâ€" stication of Reeve McArthur, it was decided to have Eeremont representâ€" ed in the big delegation that goes to Ottawa this week and waits on the government to ask a subsidy for the building of electric radials in Ontario. Reeve John MacArthur W. Ha«tie. J. R. Philn and C. W. Robb were appointed and leave for the on time Saturday nieht, _ misnlaced collar buttons, and the lure of Sqnâ€" dav morning nan. Almost anvone should he ahle to select a suitable exense from this, list. (wer ninetv of the fridnds and neirhhare inolndine enme from Mark. dale. Priceville and PDurham, asâ€" semhled at the hosnitahle home of Mr. Tian. MeFavden,. 2nd con.. Glenâ€" ple Fridav and enoent a mast eninv. ahia\ ni~ht in #ames ~and dancine. Fxcellent vinlin music was supolied by the McArthurs and Ritchies. for the past year has been a clerk in Tavior‘s stora, left on Triesday for Winnipeg, where he has secured a por‘tion in a store. Fred Knox, §. Park has hbeen .engased in his place . North Egremont Mr Austin Hann sold a couple of 3â€"yearâ€"old colts at the recent Horse Fair for $121 each, Mrs Jones Harrison ‘eplling one for $120. NOTICE TO c°o°N»"T \ _ AND OTHeEenRs Cangratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Weir who, on Sunday last, completed 55 years of married life. They were married in Duyham by the late Rev. Alex. Stewart on 22nd Marnch, 1859 and have lived here ever since. Mr Wetherall, Irginector of High Echools was in town by arrange mants last Thursday and in company with Chairman Hartiey and some members of the High School made an official inspection of possibla sites for the new Hiâ€"h School building. His dorision is deridediv in favar nf the FAve) site on Mill St. and there the Hich School will rise in 1914 if possible . * petition signed by almost every man, woman and child in the cohigregation. Mr John Burgess, having decided to improve his residence by bricking it has this week purchased from Milton 15,000 of their famous pressâ€" ed bricks and as soon as the maâ€" sons can get at it will proceed with The report of Insp. Wetherall on the site for the new High School in Durham, the Edge property north of the skating rink, has been ap proved by the Edi@cational Departâ€" ment and the Secretary here®© was Mr and Mrs R H Issac and donehâ€" Maggie formerly of Dromore, have taken up reasidence in the Black At a meeting of Stratford Presbyâ€" tery on Tuesday last, the call of Durâ€" IN DAYs OF YORE (from Review fyle, March 26, 1914) Holstein Corr: At a representative Thanke to a Kancss nditor wo naw 25 YEARS Ago RS Systems Recommended Suitable for Rural Homes once a week is more benefcial than light sprinkling daily. Be judicious in your use of the hose. Leafy vegeâ€" tables do not mind having their tops soaked, as well as the roots. But fruit bearing plants and vines, like tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, pepâ€" pers and melons should not have the tops soaked at all. It washes away PLUMBING AND SENAGE The extension activitiese of the Departinent of Physics assist those seeking advice or assistance in conâ€" nection with the regular branches of the department‘s extension activities, including: Installation of water and sewage systems, lightning rod instalâ€" lations, drainage surveys, farm cold storage, silo construction, antiâ€"freese mixtures. Blue prints of septic tank installation, bydraulic rams, protecâ€" tion of wells, small ice cold storages, types of ice houses, water supply aysâ€" tems and farm plumbing have been prepared, and are now obtainable upâ€" on request from the Physics Departâ€" ment, Ontario Agricuitural College. Hot and cold water on tap, kitchen sink, laundry tubs, bathtub, shower bath, and water Aush closet, and the necessary pipes for carrying away the wastes to some suitable sewag« . .sâ€" posal system in the yard outside. To perfect the plumbing system just referred to it is necessary to build some suitable ¢onstruction for disposing of the sewage and waste from the home. In the country this must be elther a cesspool or septic tank. The cesspool may be all right for a time in porous gravelly wellâ€" drained solis, but usually it is a menace to health by contaminating the water supply or becoming a nuisâ€" ance whenever it overfiows. The septic tank is the modern method, and gives good satisfaction as a rule. We have a very fine working or demonstrating model of it installed on a large table in the Physics Building, and it is very useful for showing people just what the system is like and how it operates. We supply bulletin and blueâ€"print to anyone wishing to builld a septiec tank. All necessary information is given in these, and by their helpful suggestions any handy man can build it. Cost for cement, siphon, fittings and tile amounts to about $52%. ‘The tank may be located closs to the house and the tile laid under the lawn or garden. Extension Work of the Department In the Physics Building, O. A. C., there is installed a compicte plumbâ€" ing system for inspection of students and visitors interested in this work. It demonstrates the simplest method possible of putting the various parle together, thereby saving both materâ€" lal and labor to the greatest pussible degree. If you are interested «rop in and see it, and maybe we can assist you in getting that very necesâ€" sary equipment in your homeâ€"modâ€" ern plumbing. Sewage Disposal. matter. When the liquid accumuâ€" | * "** GA lates to a certain @mount a nonâ€" | Office: Mill Btree mechanical affair called a siphon | empties one of the chambers into a | "*â€"â€"â€"<"===="=* system of feld tile, called the absorpâ€" W. PIERC tion bed, laid shallow under the ground. Any remaining sewage is deâ€" | Veterinary Medic stroyed in the soil by uot‘her kind | Dent of bacteria that live near e top of Prompt, courteous the ground. In this way these friendâ€" : ly bacteria are enabled to do a very | DURHAM _ & valuable work for us. ‘This is sciâ€" | Phone 68 ence applied to a uscful purpose. Tinrhum iÂ¥iline: A very good system compiete can be put in the averageâ€"sized home for $350, and in view of the fact that it will last a lifetime with very lituie outliay for repairs, it is one of the best investments one can make . It will give you real worth while serâ€" vice every day for a cost of about 8% cents a day figured on interest and depreciation. The Septic Tank. It consists of a large concrete tank divided into two compartments by a vertical partition. (The size for a single house is about 4 feet x 8 feet and 3% feet deep. This tank holds the sewage long enough for a certain kind of bacteria to destroy the solid Hot and Cold Water on Tap is a Boonâ€"â€"Sewage Disposalâ€"â€"The Sepâ€" Watering the Garden. ONTARIO Honor Post Graduate Ailma College Pupib of Parnell Morris, A. A. C. ©. Piano, Vocal, Theory, Harmony, Mie eution and Physical Culture, Spectal Course for advanced pupils, including Mand Culture and Arm Gouches Be ginners a apecialty. Kindergarten sage and Vitra Violet Rays,. Bee your local Chiropractors. age. Hours 1 to 6 p. m. April 10, 1939. Return Limit to leave destination not later than midâ€" night, Tuesday, April 11, 1939. J. 1. SMWITH, M.B., M.C., P.S. Ontatrio & Dominion Land Surveyer Registered Professional Engineer FOR EASTER Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in United States for the round trip Tickets good going any time Thursâ€" day, April 6, until 2.00 pm. (Monday Take advantage of this long weenâ€" end for 2 visit home or away with Special Low Fares Dates arranged at Herald Office, Dunâ€" dalk, also through Durham Review, For fares Office and Residence: Corner Cour tess and Lambton Streets, Durham Office hours: q to 11 am. 1.80 to 6 pm., 7 to 9 p.m Sundays excepte® Office Hours: 1.30 to 400 p. m. 7.80 to 9.00 p. m. Graduate Royal Coll. Dental Surgeons Rooms: Over Royal Bank Durham. Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Prompt, courteous & efficient service W 4. PICKERING us § kX RAY GAS ExTRaAcTions Office: Mill Btreet, DURHAM, ONMM. . M. McFADDEN, Tewn Agent, W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Canadian Pacitic FARE AND ONEâ€"QUARTER Room nOTELâ€"O6 wiTte datu ‘ _ Wwms ron veupsen Taut a of iavie Taw: PROM OEPOT OR WNHARTâ€"BSe &A QUVICT, WELL CONDUVCTER, GEORGE E. DUNCAKN Oontistry in all itt Branshes ‘CO PLACES" T H#. sSNEATH, M. 4. . GRANT. 0.0.9.. L» . F. U. EAGLESON H McQUARRIE, B. a. BESSIE McBltuy=ay SPECIAL FARE: Bs A. A. 6. M ;

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