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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1939, p. 1

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ouglas ROXYV Certain ANNA DuURBIN THE ROLL CALL APRIL 6, 1939 aM â€" MERCHANT JOC.iQ c.o"r Atful APRH Age’ & w t ar‘ held _ Monâ€" st Presbyâ€" tv for Wil meD Easter Cards, 5c. Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Etc. New Wallpapers â€"â€" stwworinv & 10¢ per roll FANCY CHINA GRAB BARGAINS â€"â€"See our Sale Connter Je Fadden‘s PRexalt Drug Store HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Mrs. T H Sneath presided for busâ€" iness period, and for roil cail which was answered by a favorite hymn. Supper was served by Miss Charl ton‘s group. spoke and said there had _ been a wedding of great interest in the branch since the last meetings and called on the president, Mrs T. H. Sneath, formerly Miss A. W. Renâ€" wick, and she was presented with a salad bowl by Mrs J F Giles, on beâ€" half of the organization, to which Mrs Sneath replied. Misses Mar-‘ jorie Middleton â€" and Mary Bourne played a duet with guitar and pianoi Priest and Mrs J. : cided that the debate ful and the points such _ diversified ar were ties, bate which was "Resolv. manent waves were inju buman race." Those u; allirmative were Miss M and Mrs W. D. Irwin a porters of the negative â€" Campbell and Mrs 8. P The debate was exceed jJorie Middleton each taking sole singers came in and the parade. and Easter thous ist and all the singers ioned dresses and hats The first singer was M DURBHAM, Wednesday, April 19th W.T PATTERSON, R.0. A song in action, Uther Days" were v Miss Leah McComb Don‘t negiect it because it is free. ALL EYES need CARE:â€" FUL attention at regular in tervals. _ Give your eyes the eare they deserve. Consult Specialist in Eye !.‘nmfiution. Eyesight® was given free to «l of us for working, study, and play. position ‘"Narcissus," brought him before th but he wasn‘t content atudied in Rome, Pari At the close of her tal played several of his sang one of his hact at C. Sarney‘s Store 1"° T C+ #. PHesL told the story of Ethelbert _ Nevin, a composer who was born in Pennsylvania. Early in life he showed signs of musical genâ€" ius but his parents didn‘t encourage bis talent and wanted him io take some line of work with money . makâ€" ing as his aim. But the day came when _ Ethelbert Niven decided he was going on with his music even if be was poor all his life. _ His comâ€" position ‘"Narcissus," _ was w hat The Durbam Branch of the Woâ€" The disastrous fire which swept men‘s Institute held their April sesâ€" Ayton business section Monday mornâ€" sion in the home of Mrs Aivert midâ€" ing of last week, was partially reâ€" dieton with over gixty ladies present. sponsible for the death of Valentine Miss B. M. Charlton, convener of. Domm, who passed away early Satâ€" the group planning program and urday morning in the Hanover hcsâ€" lunch presided for the program . pital. At the time of the fire Mr. Mrs J. T. Priest told the stcry of Domm was suffering from the flu Ethelbert _ Nevin, a composer who @04 @ heart attack and had to Appointments 1â€"5.30 p.m. Durham W. 1. Hold Ayton‘s Oldest Business Man, High School Broken into Enjoyable Meeting _ Valentine Domm, Passes on Sunday Night Vol. LXI, No. 15 Floor Wax . ... 39c Furniture Folish. .. .39¢ Dy ola Dyes . . . . 10c Moth Crystals .... 39c of his best known pieces the e in for the last verse ade . Community singing thoughts preceded the deâ€" was "Resolved that perâ€" D. Irwin and negative were gebate was so wonderâ€" points gathered from iction, "The Hats of vere very well acted. ‘Comb was accompanâ€" ‘ singers wore old fashâ€" and hats of other day‘s.‘ r was Mrs J. F. Giles accompanied by Marâ€" 1 and Mary Bourne, plos and a chorus of fore the public eye content and .later he e, Paris and Berlin. her talk, Mrs Priest of his _ pieces and J. 8. Melraith deâ€" _ S. F. Dargavel. exceedingly humarâ€" of Sight areas that they injurious to the e uphclding the s M. J. McGirr viceâ€"president the supâ€" BORN RAYâ€"In Bentinck, on April l1th to (Mr and Mrs Colin Ray, a daughter. ENGAGENMENTsS Mr and Mrs Weilington Henderâ€" son of Lucknow. announce the enâ€" gagement of their eldest daughter, Marjorie, Kathleen, Reg. N.. to Mr. William Malco!m Grakam, of Wingâ€" ham, _ ("Mac" who was formerl the Bell Telephone lineman in Durâ€" ham for 8 years) son of Mrs George Graham and the late Mr Graham of Mitchell, the marriage to take place the latter part of April. f On account of bad road conditions they will celebrate in June. CeXen IZ InC Dapust 1el@. MP McGil-I Dr. A. A. Backus, Mrs Backus livray is the well known thrasher|and daughter Beryl, of Hanover of a few years ago and the son of ':’;‘;egt:‘ken up residence on Counâ€" the late Jas. MacGillivray an(f- Maryi Mrs Heughan, Milverton, Mrs. Ivâ€" Mcinnis of Glenelg. Mrs Mac(.nllivrnyl an Edwards and niece Marion Ken. is the third daughter of Jno Cuff and | nedy of Shelburne are holiday visiâ€" Mary Torry of Aberdeen. ltcrs with Mrs J. A Aldrad Mr and Mrs Robt. McGillivray, of Glenelg Centre have attained 25 yrs. of married life on Saturday April 15th. They were married in Bentinck by the Rev. W. Prudham as their pastor, Rev. Wm. Wylie had not loâ€" cated in Durham, althoush recently called to the Baptist field. Mr McGilâ€" MRS. LORNE LIVINGSTONE DIED TUVESDAY The death of Mrs Lorne Livingâ€" stone, Townsend‘s Lake took place ‘at her home on Tuesday. She has been ill for some months with an inward trouble, and spent several weeks in a Toronto hospital, the last three at home. Deceased was in her early 40‘s, and was formerly Mary Ritchie of Berkeley . She is survived by her busband, a son of the late Neil Livingstone of Glasâ€" cott, three daughters and one son. The funeral takes place at her late | residence at 1 p. m. Friday. Int'er-’ ment in Markdale cemetery. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his passing, three sons nameâ€" ly, Earl of Toronto, Russell of Hanâ€" over and Allister at home. bout 37 years ago he was united in marriage to Luella Rcedding who is left to survive his passing. Deceased was a respected busiâ€" ness man and public spirited citizâ€" en, and was a faithful member of the Ayton Evangelical Church . He was also a member of the choir and took an active part in Sunday School work, where he was a teach-‘ er. Mr Domim was Ayton‘s oldest busâ€" iness man, fhaving conducted a busâ€" iness there for the past fortyfive years, and at the time of his death he conducted a general store, which only last week was razed by fire. He was in his 65th year and was born in the Township of Normanby. _ Aâ€" and a heart attack and had to be carried from _ the burning building. He was removed to his son‘s home and later was taken to the Hanover hospital where his condition became gradually worse, and he passed away quietly. MARRIED 25 YEARS ChC " m â€"amabine Wmam The Couriers of R. R. No. 1 and No. 2 Durham commence their sumâ€" mer schedule next / Monday, April 17th leaving postoffice after distribuâ€" tion of noon mail. _ All routes will then have afternoon service. Mr and Mrs R. G. Savage and| Miss Ottilie Pearce of Stratford ; were Easter .weekend guests with Mr and Mrs E. W. Limin. On Sun-] day they accompanied Mr and Mro‘ Limin to visit Mr and Mrs Hardinz and family and _ the McLau-zhllnl family from London were also presâ€". ent, making quite a family satherin~‘ age Miss Jessie Priest, Belleville, Miss Thelma Priest, Hamilton, Mr Jack Priest, Stratford. Mr E. A. Robinâ€" son of Brocklyn, New York, were Easter guests at the Baptist parsonâ€" Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hopkins of Toronto, visited with Mr and Mrs G. A. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs R. Hopkins . ‘ Mr and Mrs William Buchan and Ewen of Dunnville, Mr and Mrs Ewen Buchan and son Ewen, Lloydâ€" minster, Sask., were Easter visitors with Mr and Mrs Clifford Howell and other friends. 9 Mrs Heughan, Milverton, Mrs. Ivâ€" an Edwards and niece Marion Kenâ€" nedy of Shelburne are holiday | visiâ€" tors with Mrs J. A. Aldred. Miss F. B. Nichol, Toronto is holidaying with her mother, Mrs J. C. Nichol. l Miss Ada McLean spent over the }weekend with her aunt Mrs McPherâ€" son, returning to Toronto, Tuesday ‘ Miss Waunkel of Toronto visited her sister Mrs John Baker, Glenelg over Easter. Mrs Don. McArthur returned home last weck after spending the winter with her sister in To!edo.‘ Ohio; her son Stewart meeting her in Sarnia Thursday. On Sunday Mrs McArthur accompanied her daughter Mrs Gordon Coutts and Mr Coutta,’ to their home at Conn for aâ€" few' weeks, till the advent of warmer, weather. 1 Mr Archie MacDonald of Glenelg was an Easter visitor in Toronto. Miss Ethel Boys and Mr . Harold Davis of Toronto, spent cver Good Friday with Mr and Mrs Raymond McGirr. Mrs W. J. Ritchie and Miss Doroâ€" thy are holidaying a few days in Toâ€" ronto this week. Rev. C. J. and Mrs Queen of Princeton, spent the Easter vacation with their parents in Duinam and Egremont. Mr Murray Smith and family of| Windscr spent the holiday with‘ his parents, Mr and Mrs Jolhn Smith.‘ Visiters with the Lamb family at Aberdeen for Easter were Mrâ€"and Mrs Sterling Lamb, and childran, Pavid Geo. and Barbara, Biggar, Sask and Mr and Mrs George Bayly «/ Bienheim . ‘Mrs Robert Milne is spending Eas ter week with her son and daugh ters in Toronto. . Mr and Mrs Wm. Broughton and four children of Listowel; Miss Cath erine _ Dyers of Kitchener, â€" were guests aver Easter of their mother, Mrs Mary Dyer. The incident was reported to the Chairman of the School Board upon the discovery of it. However it may appear a small matter but neverthe less it is punishable by the law as destroying property; or even houseâ€" breaking or tresvassing, or all three Last Sunday night, it is thought ton, spent Sunday with his mother, a gentleman and his lady friend Mrs T. Banks. gained e:itrance to the High S-chqol Mrs J. J. Bowden of Petrrolia, : d?)w;m?hen;htr:':leer:lr;?nz a l;fc];r :::,: spending Easter holidays with her to the teacher‘s room on the first PAY@Nts, Rev. W. H. and M”f Smith floor and there enjoyed a jovial time while Mr. Bowden is attending the smoking and throwing matches and O.E.A. in Toronto. cig:rett: ‘:‘l'ltts :’“ htjhe fl:)or.u;!‘l:e izd Mr. Joseph Byers After spending pa 0 e incident is a e e C ; young lady unfortunately left a very the winter with his father Mr. .J‘.a. useful article behind her. This may BY®"% at Williameford and | sisters be redeemed for the asking for it in Mrs Andy and Mrs: Barl Hastic VURHAAM, THURSOAY, APRIL 13, 1939 WITH WHICH 18 INCORPORATED the dale, Sask. _ Mr. Clifford Youn: of “rf::f_ town, taking his car, accompanied ‘"the. him to the West. as Miss Elda Hastie returned to her ouseâ€" home in Sullivan Saturday â€" after hree spending the winter in town. Miss Helen Tottenham is visiting her cousins Vera and Freda Dewar. 'nnd Misses Clara Aljoe and Margaret ‘ath McKenzie, teachers of Toronto, are‘ "°C hane for the Easter vacation. + her, Misses Jean and Mary Moffat are spending the Easter holidays at Fas the home of their parents, Mr anl "8" mrs Chas Moffat. | Mr _ and Mrs Howard Middleton "a.nd family of six childfen, from near Tara, moved to Durham last < week lcnd, and have taken up residence aâ€" | bove his tractor warerooms, . in the stone dwelling at No. 4 highway corâ€" ner, upper town. Previous to their gdeparture, the mneighbors tendered them a large farewell presentation, lof two fine chairs, with an address.‘ ‘ Messrs Don McQueen and Roy Matthews visited Hamilton friends on Sunday. Miss Nora Baird, who spent a few days there with her sisters Mrs, Alex. McQueen and Miss Ella Baird returned with them . 4 Miss Marion Morton, Mount Forest is holidaying at her home in Benâ€" tinck. Miss Mackie of Durham Public School staff is spending vacation at her home in Lansdowne. ! Morrison Smith, Toronto, was an Easter visiter with his father, Dr. J . | L. Smith. | °0‘ _ Mrs J. J. Bowden of Petrrolia, : !O"Y» Frincéton, when Ellene Mae, ;::; spending Easter holidays with her ©!d¢8st daughter of Mr and Mrs t barents, Rev. W. H. and Mrs Smite Thos. B. Tucker, of Varney, was me while Mr. Bowden is attending the UNited in maerriage to Clarence Ray nd O.E.A. in Toronto. t younger son of Mr and Mrs Victor ad _ Mr. Joseph Byers After spending C Adams of Holstein. _ Rev C. J. l:s the winter with his father Mr. Jas. Qu"een, Rector of St. Paul‘s Church, _ _ Byers at Williameford â€" and | sisters Princeton, of:ciated. The bride wore in Mrs Andy and Mrs) Barl Hastio 3 "3VY tailored suit, rust accessories, Durham, returned last week to Tis. 304 & corsage of Talisman roses. e dale, Sask. Mr. Clifford Youn:;: of Her sister, Miss Marjorie Tucker, of‘ :f town, taking his car, accompanied CUOWP®, was her only attendant. She _ him to the West." wore a grey silk frock with black is â€" Miss Elda Hastie returned in ho 3CC°®8®ries and a cersage of Ameri-‘ Easter. Mr and Mrs Ellison Baker of To ronto, visited at his brother‘s, Mr: John Baker, 3rd con, Glenelg over Mr and Mrs. Harold McFadden of Toronto spent over Easter with his parents,, Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadâ€" den. They have recently â€" returned from a moenth‘s holiday in Southern Florida. Master Nerman Pierson â€" entor tained a number of friends on Frid=>; the occasion being his fourth birth day. Anenjoyable afternoon was spent Miss Margaret Dewar and bro thers Andrew and Donald are visiting frineds at Owen Sound. Postmaster Geo Banks of Flesherâ€" weee tee ns a THE noLsTEIN LEader MA | Miss _ Margaret Marshall, _ who apent a few days in Toronto was de lightfully surprised at the home of bher aunt, Mrs Edward Smith, 316 Wychwood, Ave, when some twenty friends showered her with gifts, She was seated on a prettily decorated chair before the mysterious parcels which were opened by Miss Beulal, McKenzie and Mrs Roman Braun . The good wishes were read by Mrâ€" Spriggs. Music was played by Miss Flizabeth Brown and games and con tests conducted by Miss Janet Mcâ€" Ronald. Tea table was arrayed in pink and white. Miss Margaret Brown poured tea and Misses Beulah McKenzie and Ethel Hill, Mrs Wim. Clouston and Mrs Roman Braun servâ€" ed tea to the guests. § _ April Weddings The happy couple will reside on the grocm‘s farm near Priceville . _ A quiet wedding was sclemnized at the home of Rev. and Mrs Honeyâ€" man, Durham on Saturday, â€" April 8th when Rev. Robt. Honeyman unitâ€" ed in marriage Susan Margaret, eldâ€" est daughter of Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall of Normanby to Charles Arthur son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Leith, Egremont. They were attendâ€" ed by the bride‘s sister, Miss Eleanâ€" or Marshall of Copper Cliff and the grrom‘s brother, Mr. Harvey Leith. â€" The bride was charmingly attired in princess blue chiffon and â€" wore the gift of the groom, a pretty locket. Her travelling clothes consisted of a printed silk dress with tweed coat in Duchess of Windsor style worn with navy accessories. | PARKâ€"LEITH In Toronto, April 5th in the Glenâ€" view â€" Presbyterian Church by Rev. R. McGillivary, Mary Isabell, dauchâ€" ter of Mr and Mrs John Leith =cf Hclstein, to Harocld John son o° Mr and Mrs Wm. Park of Milton, Ontaric . can Beauty roses. _ Mr Kenneth Mcâ€" Arthur was sroomsman. After the ceremony, the young couple left on a short honeymocn. They will reside in Durham. ADAMSâ€"TUCKER A quiet wedding took place cn Saturday April 8th at St. Paul‘s Recâ€" tory, Princeton, when Eilene Mae, eldest daughter of Mr _ and Mrs Thos. B. Tucker, of Varney, was | united in marriage to Clarence Ray| younger son of Mr and Mrs Vicmrf LEITH â€" MARSHALL FARM F:R SALE OR RENY The James Runston farm, lot 15, con. 15, Egi t, containing 100 acres. Good builfings. Apply to Review Office. Town Hall, DURHAM Wednesday, April 19 th =â€" 8.15 p. m. "100 MEN AND A GIRL" with Deanne Durbin, Adoiphe Menjou, Alice Brady Added Featurettes. ADMISSION 25¢ AND 15c. ONTARIO ARCHIVEs A ER ENT WAVINGâ€"byâ€" Mr Mcâ€" FOR 47 Yearling Cattle, 2 Arthurh of ‘Toronto, Tuesday April Cows, 6 . old, due May ist; one 18th at Mrs Vollett‘s Beauty Parâ€" ] 2â€"yr. old one 12yr old Horse. lor. i Wallace , phone 21, Holstein Auspices Durham Veterans‘ Association ' TOWN HALL, DURKAM Friday Evening, April 14 With a Select Company of Entertainers Tom Hamilton Famed Character Comedian ‘"Like a Brecze Frae the Heather Hills" Published Weekly at $2.00 a year in advance. To United States, $2.50 a year in advance. Peter Ramage, Publisher at 8.15 p. m. Don‘t miss this Grand Concert Grain Drill. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Come in and find out how ourdrill will help you get a bigger crop. B« sides many other features they hav the famous Grain Drill Week Special ! Flash i Also see PRESTON FERTILATOR e attach them to your present THIS WEEK is COCKsHUTT OIL BATH GRAIN DRIVE 140 "\Mw-

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