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Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1939, p. 1

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IDANIING SERVICE gain, April 28th [HAM priced lowest ! land. “REAL WWW ttet C Ill. BARGAINS April 28, 29 " ATIONAL Yl Ll me adian Pacific Inga! t Round Trip APRIL 27, 1989 " " Ma Y) the low things o Slalions t [his O W Me was sentenced to two months in jail. Ms sentence to date but to April 20th. by the magistrate if he had anything to say before sentence was passed. declared: "Vee learned what Jail in like since I was arrested. and won't be in there min.” TAKE Pcptona at.. stool, TM, anus. IRON. Lloyd. who had previous convfc- Hons aninst him, was sentenced on two separate charges. one of break, ing into the creamery. and the other cf stealan $19 ham tt Durham cm- nn'a home. He received one year on the first charts and six months on the second, sentence: to run concur- rently and to date back to the time of arrest. April Mth. Fain. a 171nm” lad had never thn in trouble before. When asked gtltter Me Jris, oz Dr.Can’s Wine of Gl liver Comp. The two Durham lads. Jack Lloyd: and Ross Cain. who confessed to' breaking into and robblnr: Durham Creamery of approximately 3100. were sentenced in Owen Sound police. mutt Tuesday morning by Mnmstmtel Rpereman. l MY'S lath m CRYSTALS, per lb. Tum... Me.. Wm ruoon WAX. reg. so: for ...q............ ...... 89e GARDEN SEEDS. " 10e, CERWAN ' 1.00: FORMAL“! ' Me, 19c. "sumo TACKLE. NIILSON'O CANDY, PURETEIT DRUGS 'Re3iaddett u Wexa/l 'Brus Jim-o ti There ere usunlly aumcient well- ditsooaed people in each section to lend their cars for the day. and you are requested by tho Executive of the Teaehertr' Association. to gee how many of your children will be able to attehd. and to report tr me. not later than Monday. May 6th. I can- not guarantee, reserved some after that date. Please get as many can: as you possibly can for the day. We may be able to leave for home about, three o'clock. l! you go by car. Those who wish to go via the rail- way, are informed that there is thus far no word of a special traih on the? Canadian National Railway, but one will run on the Canadian Paeitir 'eavine Mnrktlale at 5 30 tt.m., and there is also n probabllitv that one! will leave Hanover on that line at 5 a.m.. and this will connect at Snug Kern Junction with the train trom) Harktinle, and will arrive in Toronto at nine (ft-look. and will leave Toron-j eo to return at 5.30 p.rn. tn your reply. which should come to me not _ later than 6th of May. please let qrte 1 know the number #:0an by train and, by our. The adult fares from Han-F] over will be (return). $2.75. and trom', Markdale. R2.3S. Children's fares. will be half of those. l, l have been hrtunate In securlnv raserve accommodation In the River- dale Park for " the children in South Grey who may desire to so to the City tone Their Majestlea. This will muses-lute their being " the Park promptly at one o’clock, in the afternoon. " the Kinrt and Queen will pus along the lines promptly at, two o‘clock. I Ill-vector Pentium has kindly ar- At Mcnday’s town council session mused an opportunity for South Grey a deputation comprising Dan McCal- boys and girls to see the King and tum for the Veterans, Prin. Geo. Queen " Riverdale Park, Toronto. Noble for Public Schocl and Prin. The following letter, which he has Robb for High School addressed sent tool] teachers, explains the trip: the Council, asking that plans be “You are aware that their Males- made to take the school children to ties, the King and Queen, will visit Cuelnh to see the Kim: and Queen Canada in May. and that the day for in June. Mayor Bell and Reeve the Thronto visit in Mcndny. May 22 Hunter were appointed tr, see about School Clildren's I Excmsion to Toronto VOLUME LXI, NO. 17, Received Sentence WI”! WINE. a! Me n. Hypomospmns i Mrs E. W. Limin received word What her niece,, Mrs Garfield Clem- ems (nee Fodle McKinnon), died in Pasadena. California, at the home of ‘her mother. Mrs Charles McKinnon, ‘on April 23. Mrs Clements’ married lite was spent in Winnipeg and alter her husband’s death in 1826, she (went to reside with her parents in I Pasadena. Fodie was born in Durham in 1890 and went with her parents. Mr and Mrs. McKinnon to Port Arthur in 1907. She is survived by a son, Jack. and a daughter, Bernice. also her mother In California. two sisters and one brother; Anne (Dr) Ritchie: A. (la. Mrs Gordon MacDougall; and Pvnrett McKinnon, I" in Port Ar- that. Rev. T. H. Farr united in marriage his son, Rev. Beverly Huron Farr and Verna Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. E. McClary of Arva. Rev. Maurice Farr of Durham wag best man. Mr R. W. Hughes, uncle of the groom, was also present. On behalf of Council. the Clerk was instructed to canny a messazo of symmtthy to Councillor Geortte McKechnie. who is ill in Durham hospital also expressing hope for his prompt recovery. The Trlwn will not grant any tur. relief to able bodied men this sea-:- Reeve Hunter reported re the County Road rebate. The mutter was left open. The Property Com. was authorized to arrange sale of M) feet of town property to Chas Graham, adjoining his service station. The Propprty tttmt, wan requested to see what could be done towards having the stock pens beside the Clerks' omee, removed. The constable was instructed to investigate the dumping of posts, eta, on the street allowance near the pump house. Lent-win Bros. of Kc-nora, had written for information re es- tablishing a motion picture theatre. The Clerk replied, giving information as to poasible sites and other data. Permission was granted the I. O. D. E. to hold a Tag Day for the Blind on Saturday, May 6th. General accounts totalling 3519.08 1nd Relief accounts of $107 .25 were passed. . in June. Mayor Bell and Reeve Hunter were appointed tr, see awn" it. but " the Rotary Club is expect- ed to cooperate, and no representa- tive was present nothing has yet been arranged. An excursion on C. N. R. In anticipated, thcugh many May Take Dmhzm School a Children to 611th MR8. GARFIELD CLEMENTS {Rn-nan! Room lots MORE NEW Wall-papers ('iltt Bat1igpiip, Regime. FARR-MILARY at half-win "rind {0-day nt ttte and up F955 “ ln poor health for the past several months, Robert Webber passed away Thursday at his home nearby the family homestead on the 3rd con, "3entinek, where he was born. The late Mr Webber was in his late 60's and was a lifelong resident of Ben- tinck. He was well known and high. ‘ly esteemed. Mr Norman Helium: he recently purchased the equipment Ind busin- ess cf the “Excelsior Bake Shop". and store, 10th St. Owen Sound, end along with In Helium: and his ruente. Mr and Mrs J. B. Melinith, win remove to that city the end of this month. He takes mention June “it. All Durhemltee will regret the departure, on they have been ideal citizens here: the parents for Bought Owen Sound Bakery The funeral service was held from his late residence and was largely attended. It was conducted by Miss Vickerson and Miss Miller ot the Foursquare, owing to the absence of tho family pastor, Rev. J. T. Priest, Miss Veasie sang "The Old named Cross" and two favorite hymns of Mr Webber. “Jesus Lover of Mr 51-1111" and "Rock of Ages" were sung. The pallbearers were John McKenzie. Gordon Geddea. Elijah Armstrong. Jr-lm may. William Shouldice, wn- linm Picken. The remains were laid to rest in Durham cemetery. Present from Chesley were Mr and Mrs w. Shouldlce. Elmer and tra. dine Shouldice. William Henderson. The deceased was the son ot the late Robert and Sarah Webber. After his marriage in 1906 to Ellen Davis he moved to the farm across the road. Mrs Webber predeceased him in March, 1928. Two sons and one daughter survive, Elmer and Irvin, both ct Bentinck, and Mrs John Caswell of town. Six sisters and two brothers also mourn, name- ly, Mrs Douglas Mountain, Norman. by; Mrs James Browne, Durham: Mrs. John Ritchie and Mrs Charles Ritchie, both of Bentlnck Mrs J. A. Sirrs of Unity, Sank. and Miss Bessie, Albert and George all on the homestead. After a brief st‘rvlce at his son- ln-law's home, Mr M. Ritchle, the main service will be ln Knox Church at 2.00 n. m. on Friday, May 5th, (cnducted by his pastor, Rev, W. H. Smith. Interment will take place in Durham cemetery. N'early fifty years ago Mr MarniL ton married Jane Craig, who proved a faithful wife and mother. passing nwnv 13 wars new. Surviving are twn daughters, Mrs Farr Lawrence (Mary) Ezremont. MP3 Murray Rit- "hip (Maud), north of Durham; and mm son John in Gienelg. Another (izui'vhter Mame died about thirty years ago. There are three grand- "bilrlren. m deceased's brothers and sisters. mu, one survives: Mrs R. Porrd (Mamie) of St. Thomas. The Inte Mr Hamilton as a wal- informed man. an industrious farm- er and a ioval neizhbor and friend. Whott rmident in Ezremont he was tt member of Amos Church. Dromore. and sinm: moving near Durham. has been araithiul member ot Knox Unit- ed Church. ’ Another of the older pioneers of Egremont. .in the person ot David Alexander Hamilton, paused to the Great Beyond on Wednesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Murray Rimhie near Durham. He was in his eighty-fourth year and while in fair health recently, he con- tracted pneumonia a week ago which he was unable to overcome. ,The late Mr. Hamilton was born near Per,quu and when nine years ot one. came with his parents to North Egremont settling on the farm now owned by his son-inlaw. Parr Law- renee. In young manhood he purchas- ed the well-known ianm north of Wil. ds r's Lake, now occupied by Joe. Harerave and in 1920 he sold out and purchased the Wm. Smith farm, one mile east of Durham. now owned by his son. John. The part three or tour years. he has lived with " two daughters. ROBERT WEBBER ITE Irno CM! DAVID HAMILTON WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLOTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1939 is,, Robert Miahtcn and family have moved to John Legate's residence on _ Saddler Street. i Mrs P. L. Gagnon and Miss Nor- (ma returned this week from Cali. fornia, where they spent the winter with friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Ruddock, Lon- don, Ont., announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Crystal Gertrude Ruddock, Reg. N., to Dcnald Fiddes Young, M.D.. St. Jacobs, Ont, youngest son of Mrs. Helen and the late Thus. Young ot St. Jacobs, tor- merly of Durham. The marriage will take place the latter part ct May. Dr. T. H. Sneath and Mrs Sneath accompanied the formers sister to her summer hcme at Shanty Bay on Friday. Mr P. F. Metlraith, Toronto visi, ted his parents this week. Mr and Mrs. Arnold Noble, Mrs. George Noble, Br., Mrs Charles Lawrence were in Owen Sound on Friday attending the funeral service of their cousin, the late Isaac Fian- nigan. Miss Jean Remvick of Hanover hcspital spent _ Tuesday with her Imi‘ontm Mr and Mrs R. Renwick. Mr J. W. Ewen left on Saturday to visit his son and attend the World's Fair. Mr and Mrs. John Kerr have re- turned to their home in Varney " ter mending the winter pleasantly with their scn-ln-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs Frank Hopkins, Dromore Dr. and Mrs D. B. Jamieaon, sons Bowman and Starr, and Miss Isabel, were in Owen Btund the first of the week. where they attended the silver wedding reception ot Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowman. Mrs. Jamieson poured tea at this function, while Miss lsabel assisted in serving re- irr-btttcttts. Mrs. Jan. Hepburn is visiting with Toronto friends this week. Congratulations ate being warmly extended to Mr. Ii P. Hunter, who, on Wednesday, May 3rd, reached his 87th birthday. We Suppose that at some far future date, the iMrmitdes of age will descend upon him, but at present it is “business as usuai"lcok- in" alter wrrk on his Gleneiz farm. putting to shame the activities of many men half his'years. Meg. C. E. Seymour will go to New York this week to see her son David who has arrived in that city on the merchant marine, "President Gar- field" after a world cruise. While there, the World's Fair will also be visited. Mr. Clark Watson has left for Gait. where he ity engaged with a farmer In that district tor the sum- mer months. Mrs. M. Cordick narrowly escaped' a serious accident on Saturday,‘ Washing a woollen dress (for her] little daughter) in gasoline it Bud. denly went on fire, She immediately squelched the tire as it raced up her arms and then picked up the tub and set it outside. The only solution to the cause cf the fine was the tact she was wearing rayon and ttsing, a small galvanized tub. and leaning _ against the tub and washing a" woollen garment. The three oomhln- I ed created friction. In. Cordlck’s! eyebrows and hair were_trin7,ed and] she suffered a burn on the ttrm. 1 um and Mr and Mrs Dickson Kitchener. Besides the neighbors and friend-s nearby there were present Mr and Mrs. John Bauer and family from St. Mary's, Mr and Mrs David Gib. Music for dancing was provided " Mr Berry, Mrs. Cartlidtte, Mr and Mrs R. Wiggins and J. Petty. " cal solos were contributed by James Park and Roy Wiggins and Miss Fay Pollock tap danced. A delightful event took place in the home of Mrs V. Bauer when the neighbors gathered in to honor her on reaching her 87th birthday, Mrs T. McAllister voiced the good wrah. es of the community and Mrs J. W. Petty presented her with a purse of money. Mrs Bauer is enjoying good health and keeps house on the farm for her two sons George and Elmo and not only does the daily tasks but makes mats and quilts. House j Each member of the Legislature is entitled] to two extra tickets to the luncheon at Hart House, Toronto, on May 22nd, at which King Gecrge and the Queen will be present. Mr. P. R. Oliver M. P. P. has invited Mrs Robt. Lawscn as one guest, and asked the Veterans' Association to' sclect another. They have made " gccd choice in Mrs Wat, Calder‘ wl we son Rey fought through most) cf the Great War, to lose his lite, in the closing months. Mrs Calder l and Mrs Lawson are very trratetut, to be thus hcnored. They are invited; to the Legislative Chambers at'; 11.45. and from there go to Hart' MRS. V. BAUER GIVEN PLEASANT SURPRISE Durham ladies to Meet King and Queen W...“ i: I, , Coming Again to Durham! I W. J. Ritchie, Edge Hill. had an unusual experience Saturday evening !April 29th " his lane gntewny. when his car was marooned tor I he." hour ,in a snowbnnk. He Ind been driving ‘thrcugh the orchard u the latte be. comes drifted badly. " is a record for lateness of season. i now WITH US r After March-like April, the month of May comes in smiling on Monday. with but a trace M tmow remaining in amt-lured corner. to remind us we had passed thmneh an old-timer as far as winters were concerned. The transition from winter to spring has been tutecmtrtiahed with little or no mud and at this writing the dual‘ ot summer is ttying. 1 REAOHES "ttt BIRTHDAY To live for " your: am keeping his "sunny side up". is the record of Thou. man of Owen Bound, "he is passing the (venude ot life " the heme of hi- non Harold in that city. Forty at these yen-s were spent in Durham and vicinity. SPRING LIKE WEATHER EX-DUIHAM‘TE THOMA‘ MOFFAT ONTARIO Town Hall, DURHAM Wednesday, May I0th '" 8.I5 p. m. rusrou rosnx In "Westbound Limited" Added Futurettu. ADMICSION 25c AND 15c. The Musical Ti\eat of the Year Orpheus Chorus of Walkerlon E " Voices - New Music a Knox Church, DURHAM, Friday, m 12 ll Under auspices of Knox Church choir You engoycd them I ye" ago l ttear tte Published Weekly " ".0tt a you In advance. " (III. sum. 82.50 A year In adv-Ice. Peter W. Publish" Fi', The mmben oi thet.o.o.r. No. 169 Grey Lodge and their friends men! n plenum evening many in their lull when cud-s and dining were enjoyed. the music being sup- plied try Durham orchestra. Att . um: owing the arm of Cm“ & (herhnd Hardware of Durham and nover must be liml by June 1. Arte that date ttil unpaid account- will beN [laced in other NortcK-' All accounts owing must be settled n or betctw June In. “39, after I h date [My will be placed in other dc for "tttttttou. I. N. urdock & Sons. 0080 MateLEAN---ttt BtrHtrtgton. April tint. 1939 It the home of her 'tHer, In George "Mr. 206 Brant at. Martin Mud Ila-Loan, widaw AuoK-o Durham Hulmul. Mom day, Mar t, to Mr and In lam.- of Neil tr. Mikhail formerly of Bentlngk. in her huh your.

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