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Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1939, p. 4

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lj' a? y, .‘i menu coon m ' COACHES " Mes approximatelydl‘ cts. per mile l . tomusr SLEEPING CARS " fares turproximtttolr use per mile ' STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at tam approximately 1%e per mm. ., can .0 Accommodation in Shaping Car. Additional ”WAGE checked. Stopover: at Pt Arthur, Armstrong. Chicago & West "r---..----.. .hllar Em from Wooten to Eastern Canada during an. period. THE ROYAL VISIT Tickets. 3m; Car Reservation a nd all information from any Agent. Saturday next. 6th Mar, will Bee ASK FOR HANDBILL. . Tnil the departure from England for Can- . 'ada of their Royal Hishneases, King CANADIAN NATIONAL Gerorgsrand Queen.Etisaboth, where they will be royally feted for several q-------------" week'. When we a, royally. it Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions are providing approximntely 1,'attp,- Mo beds with . daily avenge of R- bout 1,000,000 patients. It takes an annual expenditure of about one bil- lion dollars to melanin and operate My non. my 18th. North American continent. Some consolidated American and Canndinn Statistics brought to light at the Inst Ontario Hospital Ance- Itioa Amhtion Convent!” portray the “Imus of hospital enterprise on this continent. and the important eaatribution it b, muting to the Mjife of four people. Such is the amazing growth of hospital. during the ”at eegttmr, that, My. if the combined hospital Bomt mhtrtgttmttr. FACTS qgouybtrsdmdairmtsdbhstq "All WHEAT 10W atm" “in; Batty-- May t6--Mar tr, 1939 lacunae Rum Limit - " Day. ft_ei-_earastarIt.dar-sr-tHamrest how-defiant”. Whittle! WuhMthw-yuduhm o-ieerem"trNgNdthtai"_a"-. -eme"-isa%-,thosashhdeqr,ett. salon-bola. ear-the new "" Chunk" mouthwash-walnuudh ”IOU-hmdqun --4tra"'ateehretV"ttabdtmhhttg,ftrat badb-dpH-r'eqtaMtee-r-oat'td thohhdul -tmre* M than “he! low-wk“ an! "'ir-ow-hlh_entoo--rtwett 'hvolorl - know you've riding th. ,'&-'ttoirtahn_ettttesa'ettkt-- "ttSeah-hs-thoe"'- AatdroaNhere "oehrsétre-éotometartteaaveromhtt mmmwhmmI YOU“ out the Helm”. Monk“ 5......“ v...‘ L..... ““0.- -n.n_- AL- si.??.))','.?.);:.;:;;.':,?)':.):):"; FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA ("""jlgtiil' . Jriltf__' warm-m l t5si? m; Hm. cumma RUN W In Keller to-a-r-ar-tes-ttHS-rd WW"... CHEVROLET or (”5'4" ‘u . . 1w "rm J mum... DURHAM MOTOR SALES. 'tNey cubism” IN saws .I T _" levers Ct seconds, and a baby waa born in the hospital every 44 seconds. :0! outstanding importance, however, ,is the patent of decrease: in the average time the patient remains m 3 the h rapital, from 26-30 days in the beginning of this century to 12.6 in 1987. Mortality rates in the same period have fallen from 9 and 10 per cent. to 3 or 4 per cent. and less tn many instances. During the want year more than 10,000,000 patients will enter the HOSPitals of Canada and United States, and require approximateXy 400,000,000 nursing dlys' care. Statistic: show that one, out of 'os eryiourteenofourpeoplezo ton hospital each year. In the you 1937 these “Pulls. The daily pg, roll . . almond-ate: . million and a Inn IR" Barb]. atetsm, dollars. Real Eagle, buildings, and P. Inner. umr ad m Vic. Bly the FADE-R at for are Monday, May 22nd. is the date King George and Queen Elizabeth will visit Toronto. Many places in- cluding Hanover, are proclsiming " a public holiday and will observe that day instead of Wednesdey, May 24th. While 24th is the legal any. we believe the lute Queen Victorls's birthday can be better observed by honoring our present King and Queen on Monday, which is also the best day of the week for s public holiday. We will be pleased to see Durham Council proclaim the 22nd the holiday here also. giving all citizens the opportunity to glimpse our Sovereign: or including Sunday, a longer holiday in the city or else where. ville Tribune. Mr Nolan some twen- tyodd years no wu With the Ches- loy Enterprise. SHOULD NAME MAY a Our hesrtiest eottttrtttttUtittna to iiia, :JL, ii; araa Wt. edltor Funk McIntyre of the Dun- ler . new '-Mttrt M the term dell Herald. At the thttnrhr-4tue- mU' hec weekly neVspeper convention in . “h... Ottaws last week. the Herald won s prlu for Job printing; end etlbtrM' “In. MAH - second won; " or more papers Judging by press reports. the ne- entered for the Jos. T. Clark Ilen- tlms Vite!!! Interested In Hillel“! orlsl Cup, [Wen for the beat tttl like-lt-or-not attitude, In his recent round Duper published in . village speech. no studying his return of less than 1600 people. The Cup from mi uncles. Hitler u " die A PUBLIC HOLIDAY 2r?ii, THE DURHAM REVIEW 2F2 and ere highly esteemed " e deli. ute food an. The lake tmut, however, is the greet eommerciel type. " in the lowest of all the trwte and is com- man to an inland JnkeI. In use it rennet from 1% to " end 30 pounds,. the trout caught in the fell tannin: new lam. The annual eeteh is ulued " over one million dollar- but the bulk of the ceteb cameo from the, Ontario lekee. Luke trout in enli-i able " war. with limited supplies) trom Annunt to September end from, December to April. It, too, is blah-I ty married " e {Md nah end in marketed fresh and frown. It in munuy audit by mean- of new! it in e very bountiful an: end vies with-sultan u the rewrite an: of: the snot-tint futtennan. Canada‘e sea. Batteries are so ine portant that one is apt to forget that the inland tUheritst, of the Dominion are of great value. Not many peo ple realize that trout tttrhintr in On- tarlo Monty has a. market value of almost one million dollars. These trout are marketed fresh. The two popular varietiee are the lake trout and the brook trout. The letter in n ml] some on: beloved by the u:- ler. which frequents freeh water streams all over the country. The supply in email and the oeuon rune from May to September. Brook trout even-e tghortt one pound in weight and ere highly esteemed " o deli. His real life began with the out- break of the World War in _1914, vah provoked him to transports of almost rellxioun delight. "God is witneu that the war of 1914 was not imputed on the masses. but was desired by the whole people" Upon his mother's death he went to Vienna to seek his fortune, and spent four miserably wretched years as e usual laborer and would-be wtV ter colorist. He lived in msphottsetr, and in America would have been cal- led ebum. It was during this period of frustration that he learned, he tells us, to hate the Jews. and ac- quired by the time he was twenty- three. the "granite hues" of his thought which tmittee him to this day. in 1912 he went to Munich, and did rather better there at tinting post cards and occasional house painting. He remained, however. as he still is indw, a soiiiarv. moody creature wit‘wnt an intimate friend. He failed at school became he would not study, failed of entrance to mt school for Ink of talent. and was barred from architectural schml for want of edmtion. After his father's death. he ldled away four or ttre veers mm mother's house in the “so" down" of an "gnaw existence." on April 20. IMO, " Brennan on the line (now the NtterMart Mid” Inn. Just moss the river from Ger. Line) in "TL Alt the sthttting world mmy_ m. father. . petty customs were convinced that it would he s. ofBeiat of the mrtinet type. ind tenure. " Maine-I beln: Men by charmed his name from Schicklmber lace! stem-Mp commutes. But to Hitler in 1817. He was married the opposite happened ore had to three times. and had seven children. Ienve height on the dock in Sing:- Adolf was born tttth of the seven,of pore and Bomb-y we were so landed the third wife. Hem Kempf contains up) end the run has been kept up no mention of the existence of apy ever since. Lest fell the U. tt. Meri- of his brothers or sisters. time commission took over the Dol- (in his own shorting. Hitler's early In Line and renewed it the Ameri- tire is a story of maladjustment and can pregnant Line. The some sh"): failure. He retina-lied ear-Iv against a and route were. kept intent. domineerinc tether. snd there is some The ports of all in the Mud the question whether his whole lite has World route are New York, Heme. not been I. reoetltlon of that child- Panama Camu, Les ‘WSH Watt. "h “NW” chem. Honolulu, rotations. Kobe, He failed " school becsuse he Shenghni, Hong Kong, Mull, m_ would not study, felled of entrance pore, Penang, Colombo, Bonny, Sues tru,",',',','"',,,,',',': t1g',t,tJ2tin,ti,ll',',,d, camu, new. Naples. Genoa, ' ' Merseilles 1nd Boston. The middle- for ll'". of trdueatton. After his tunes is 26.440 neuttul miles and father's death. he idied away four or takes 103 days Going westward we ttre yesra in his mother's house in the . 11-505 A-.nvn" a! an "An.su .3‘....“.‘ n lose a day each Circuit. ofBeiat of the mrtmet type. Ind changed his numb from Schicklmber to Hitler In 1817. He m married three times. and had seven children. Adolf was born tttth of the seven,“ the third wife. Mein Kempf contain: no mention of the existence ot up! of his brothers or sisters. (rem mi eagles. Hitler u " die tstor, has made more history than any since the den of Napoleon, and itis interesting to know hauling“ he springs. His only life was ex- ceedingly ordinary. u witness the following hots: "Adet Hitler wu born an Austrian on April 20. 1889. " Brennan on the Inn. Just serves the river from Gee. may. His father, a petty customs 'r-usd-tn-tttttte-ht met the viMtrnartrerrsomodanetr- dame. tout “the to”! not... Mural-park” ”Mal q r‘pv- "U" A WFFY and" rwuu LAKE TROUT ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO '5! m see we're on the hon. streak now with " days to go. Will the you a little more "mm dope" next trip." New going heroes the Ieditemne- u See we except something out of the ordinary (let's hope not too drastic) to happen. what with the the war between [My and Minnie. Homesickneu didn't hit me until after we left Singapore then t kind e longed for "the hill- of home" or I ahculd any the "WLL" of Durham t think [she'll recover though you "an of cm... com which us dish. A hymn and mm cloud the smuggled (how is mu a mystery) motttine tenured by n um out of China tor N. Y. The shipment ttratr.ttae gate. weighed 495 tons. Two “been In Thomm VII In the an" left the ship In Hulk (m we for the W.)l.8 meeting. tn the lb would be torpedoed by 11mm "mee tte the Widen! “d the do. wanna». led in mun “all m manna. New going acres-a the you“, tf _trr . yam on “Joy". In Huh The trip so hr he been quite ex- citing. In Yokolnm one of the col- ored cooks tried to (Implants one of his uni-tents mu: " m., Bod: ended up in the humid bully cut and bull-ed. In Manila we took on "it million We , cadets have quite nice quart- ers. We wear uniforms and eat with the omeernr. We are here mainly to learn to become oilicers In the Merchant Marine. Our work consists of from painting end steering all tho wav down to checkinz “no and stamina! nmsv watches with a little animation besides. In three The crew is divided into ' depart. menttr- Deck, Engine and Steven. Stewards consist of cooks. waiters, bellboys. bedroom atewnrds. etc. . The Engine Department - Bremen, engineers, ouers etc. The Deck De- partment - omcers, qttttrtermaaters, cadets. seamen ete. The deck and engine department work 4 hrs on and il off. hem: divided into , mm. The watches are "--4, 4-8, and R-12. 3rd mates tickets . The President Gttrfleid is 522 feet long with a beam of 62 feet and a gross tonnage of 10,495. Built In 1922 she has a. speed of 15 knots. rather slow for these dun but new -ships are be"): built to replace these. She has aeeomodationt, tor 120 pa:- senaeers and a crew of 190. or less except In New York, Ban Funclsco md summon. when they tie up tor 10, 4 and a any: mpectivo 1y. The seven sister ships in this run follow each other fort nlshtly. Be- ing mail. passenger and express freight curlers the ships hue very brief stays in port. Usually 24 hrs}. “This Round the World nan m started by Cam Robert. noun the founder of the Dollar Steamship $aiiiOiglilie" ‘mmummmnx ----- Rove m hold m- thq but db! DAVID uvuoun TELL. "wan my mm. In an no! at Mr. or rm nuances Boll Int m. and - m C."id'i.%uGrr-.c.r.o- ROCKY ”HOOL REPORT Waikiki REPORT am Durham - Club: 1. N. llama rld and funny; Mr and In Cauldyud I. family; Mr and In o. Hahn and " Otto-Ila: Mr “VIII"! C. Barfoot: Mr, tut Ind In R. Mold National Grue- to m. Branch 17: In H. W. Wilson, 9. Marearet and Ken; Dr And In Pte. led kerlng 3nd famllv: Mr and Mn. T. up Henderson and funny: Mrs. Harvey M. and um Ruby Vol-In: In W. Coo. bol- my and Bitt Snider: Mr and Mn R. M. Patton and Mm. Ritchie; Mm. Kate In: and John Mchvden: Mr and “at. “comb; Mr and In home Smith; he Mr and Mn Geo. nae; H. Omit“: an ‘Gordon McCrae: P. B. Hill. Hamil. ' ton: Bunions Hill's tsattery,thun11tott m- Among the friend: mount M . q. disunce " the tuner“ were: Mr and I" In Hum Rowe. Hamilton: Mr and Treuumr’a "you in. and. An Enter story was and try Von Suw- nrianda (an) atrttestesttadttotedbr the honest VII enjoyed. In busy being the winner. necked n dainty dish. A hymn and payer cloud the Burmf Church 1adW Aid and here, a week from tlt WALS. met Jointly " the home of n" Nth. Mrs “than IcKochnle tNt AMI Mr "m Mm Bryre Da: Mth. Mrs Tum“ ttr-tded and tntnitr hare moved in to Mm 1(me led In prayer. Boll home south of Domoch. eatt "I “MM " . - N It an! In wm. Mac Easter. Darla: the ”he. W don ma their daughter f It W deeided to w . ttttet-de m m -1...- llnl- I‘M]: ture read!“ by Bury Bourne. Flor once McLean read u piper on the lesson. Manuel: Dem read I poem on 'Meditation.' The topic The value of duly meditation' we. uken by Norman Greenwood. The meeting closed with the Hum benediction. The remlar meeting was held on Monday eveninz. During the busines- period. Allie McGlrr ttttered the moi» ety an invitation to a lot-ill evening " his home, which we: weepied. The meeting was then turned over to Miss Florence McLean. eonvener of Chrlstim humility. The worship service opened with pnyer by Rev. Mr. Smith. followed by the scrip- BURNS' LADIES’ AID AND W M I IAUOEEN TIMI. IANGCRO Weekly meeting was held in bane ment of the United Church April 2t. Vernon Alice read the million. fol- lowed by roll all. More the - ing a tent wu continent! M some of the boys. Next night n crotinole social was held, " table- beinx in play. Nearly " m taken in,which will help in buying Ruler clothes. mi Geo. Rowe. nu cram Me. Toronto; Mu Wm. Creighmn. Watt Lillian and Ernest Dale. Mum: Mr Ken Ends", Thelma and - Bell. London: Rev. trnd In C. I. Own. Princeton: in St. Claire. Chicago. Don't Mrertue nor not “on We colon": a; an: to - " "tther too "Liz" no “an. Adekq u a. ia', nu a help. Only I III-ll Lid,,. I. Ian In” I". It. Cure", Kan W. Many mum Bora' (that were (mm: The - It and In. A. Bell and funny: Me with and Mr ”no drtee " “an. Quanta: ”urMM-G "27A: FIRESIDE "in-25.9mm KNOX V. P. U. Ir ALI-ugh“. t may mu cm: te, - have movéd in to their w STOW wtthttt "tit of lick” beth DH. and "tttming-- u Mm Arthur. thet., Ali-trons. on. and M: Ibo u aM-, Ill. Sum Mr aane I“. and can humanism» “a a " [JIM aute- “aw. 51cm.“ - in TouristPar I. III ”I “a. can list "with any” of away my ”mm‘umdparlcr " “I. no Mind-hon MOTH“- MM! VII Pt Arthur. Ont. Am. Out. Chin. .., m, 00' Cull! Ste lurk, returning VII. In. an. ad line only. thr. - 0mm lulu-cl. coma onus may 'ur l6".- " 2 "man-muem. Inn-arm's...“ If nnd In Will. McGrezor. I. w an Mid Mr daughter from ll 'r..,t nor were M thin week with tttrr" “at It. In! "ease. The Sun“! School will rum-h next Sunday for the summm' mnm}.~ and we hope the parents “ill b.rr the children an In nttendanrr. The mu of the Lord's in: per WIII be qbterved In tho damn" hem. a M from next Sunday Mar mu. “I and In Bryce Darttavol an? Mr and In. Home. More In Rm ”chem, “mum-k .. turned to tee home after spondnw the winter month-s with her snn M' s. P. ”clan and funny m PU" The weather for the past \hwk 11h- been good 1nd most of the farm» are buy on the tend. We molt hearth mnmalulun Mm. W um on twine arr of the - chosen to dim 1rrrh the King And Queen when Hwy um t8tagtMre KW. Tomato and MN DIV.“ All“ 1nd Mir, Adm": r,? Durham. If s. K. Cm“, {Nu-how kl I HM mt the weekend with Ms "i - - mu. Mr M Mrs Andrew Pump” ' of mum. . i" the It” In “in of Hanover “4.1-- lln W Rune. Mn: EI mum and In Donald Ruth. ". "ts. ‘Hm by Mr. Marhn of M. I: an": akin: meh Srhoot mum (to. lunch. Huber-mew. hm: ml: and Allan Park. Winning Mor any m. In ht. M “In. during the Mm! ' an, m Mr. In sum, Mr. Mir-.1 - I“ [III I" Sibbald of In}: In“ I.“ In Cannon and sun Flux:- of Cram. Mt.. but I. very Ill It the home at but ”in. In M. Show. Gag-te " the blue of Mr and Wry Willin- MII- and Mr and Mrs, (m: In " 86aet-8ttt - In. Chas. I.“ w M W. Mrs. m a m on Sunday. " - III n. “NIT ot Owon a... a. w VIII her tsister, Special Bargain EXCURSIONS council-n 'Nettie TOOK!" 0000 To TRAVEL "I count. RWYY SM iCFl-‘N To ALL NATION. {N MAY 4th, 1989 o..- (I. this dismm d the funeral of CANADA Bony “Ara m parents .030 to see T mums “113cm . was in thud: w r human y (tuber . d the t'omn' mourners: _ m [Mam Must Jo "Mt of B were: t ham. r Hector Mr. All)" l the an!» m 1' day, took h” I. In homr i a umber in Mr and My In Mary) and "It to her 1 MI "01.0% In: wvll 'trv. Gamma! ml! in St. At the oventne tn G.etir nnd This!“ Mr Lauer “I "ternoo The ttttteral Us late I'I‘F ..U. Theo thyme wimp the Me tim Were carl the prom In". En We knru and "AM! The {um lean (00k The ”Him Mr. Taylor, I“ Ruin!” mm." " " solve lo“ Le TOWN AGEN TENTATIVE to cum» ' Ra an PR "

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