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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1939, p. 2

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'_,'jili A} H»; it " a? 'iji't' " 3-} ti it H4 Ian's individual freedom. be my], tiapends upon the number of hi. ”my. porn and it is here that no “to plan it. part. It is this Inn-u- mt mm it possible M - to And the din-rafty they nu!" by trawl. Diversiy In Travot "That is the reason civilizations an" perished in the out Ind it is " "non our civilization may pert-h In the futon." the former mum "nod. lea long for lndivlduul freedom Ind are liable to tire ot being held to one job and one place. The w "an. Dr. Thompson said. is that the when. will conclude such I eiviltBaUtrrt is got worth defending. Civilizations have perished in the past bacau" they restricted Inn‘s movements and tied him do" to one [face too lunch. All The automobile is the safety valve which may Raye ttresent-day civilization. said Dr. J. F. Thomp- son. D.Paed.. retired high school principal. at a meeting of the Kent - Club ll Blenheim last week. Hay Big Pert In Spending Of Man's Leisure Time - “May Cars Are Called A Safety Valve " Ann Sayers qtemontrtrtttott the easy steps tor . col-rem home manicure. Clo-n inflate of l" soup or on with smother applicant“: or poll”: remover Ind than unruly "quid polish for the anal Itcp. - - - .. - _ For the visit to Guelph. Kitch- ener, Stanford and Windsor, on June 6, excursion tickets will be good from nations Tororto. Ni- agara Falls, Ont., Fort Erie and west to and including Windsor, Sonia. Goderieh, Kincardine. Southampton. Wiartm, Owen Sound. Durham and all intermedi- ate points and branches, good gm ing June 5 and 6, valid to return up to June . Viol! To London, Hamilton For the visit to London. Inger- soll, Woodstcck, Branlfnnl, Ham. ilton, St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, Ont., excursion tickets will be good from stations Toronto, Niagara Falls, Ont., Fort Erie and west to and including Windsor, 8nrnia. Goderieh, Kincardine, Southampton. Wiarton, Owen Sound. Durham and all interme.. diate points and branches, good going June 6 and 7, valid to re- turn up to June 8. Converge on Large Cities Durim: the visit of Their Majes- ties in Toronto on May 22. it is expected that an unprecedented number of visitsrs will much the city. and to accommodate these travellers. coach excursions will be operated over Canadian National lines from stations Port Arthur, Armstrong. Windsor, Sarnia, Ni., agara Foils, Ont., and east and in- cluding Hnwkesbury, Glen Robert- son, Baimville. Goodwin and all intermediate stations, going May " " and 22. valid to return up to May M. With indications that the visit of the King and Queen will bring about one of the largest mass tn- vet movements in the history of the Dominion, extensive mo- tions are being made by the Can!- dian National Railways to hurdle the was: throng of travellers who will want to see Their Majestic: when visiting Kingszon, Toronto, Sudbury. Guelph, Kitchener, Strat- ford, Windsor, Londcn, lngersoll, “Woodstock, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines 3nd Niagara Falls, during their tour ucross the Do- minion. A huge network of spe- cit] low exeursions have been ar- ranged. Yet Save Civilization." N. My Make. Provision EC Yin. to Poirata Where BEAUTY HINT See Majestic: ions To Will Governor Leverett Saltonstnll, of Massachusetts, ean't make up his mind. A woman in Santiago. Chile, wrote him: “I saw your picture in a newspaper. You look like my father who died year: no. A: I have no picture of him, will you please send me one of yours." 4. And. " fathers. provoke not your children to wrath. A parent. An ideal Christian home. Eph. 6:14. 1. Children. obey your pn- ent: in the Lord; tor this is right. 2. Honour thy father and mother, (which in the (in: commandment. with promise). 3. that it may be well with thee. and thou mayest live long on the earth. 21. Subjecting yourselves one to another In the tear ot Chi-int. "The primary point in the spiritual eth- ics ot the gospel is humility. Belt is dethroned " against God, and consequently as against men. 20. Giving thanks for all things in the name ot our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father. Tho apostles preached in the name of the Lord Jesus; they wrought mlraclel in his name; believers are commanded to pray in his name: and here we are told to give thanks in his name. We are accustomed to oppose ex- cessive drinking by the claims of abstinence; but here the alterna- tive counsel is the recption ot the Holy Ghost. The fundamental need of life is not a sensation, but an inspiration. It is folly to seek to spur the essential powers ot life by a stimulus ot the tletrlt, Filled With Holy Spirit 19. Speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. 18. And be not drunken with the wine, wherein is riot. but be filled with the Spirit. 16. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. When days are evil, Christians themselves are in great danger ot being allured into evil. and will be delivered from such temptations only as they keep near the Lord Jesus Christ. ever alert to witness tor him, and treat acting, with consuming earnestness the business ot the King whom they adore. 17. Wherefore be ye not foolish. but understand what the will of the Lord Is. g. And I set before the sons of the house ot the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I Illd unto them, Drink ye wine. 6. Bat they said. We will drink no wine: for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our tether. commanded us, saying, Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye. nor your sons. forever: T. neither shall ye build house, nor now seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days ye tthall dwell in tents; that " may live many dayl in the land wherein ye sojourn. 8. And we have obeyed the voice of Jonadah the son ot Rechab. our father, in all that he charged us. to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sans, or our daugh- ters; 9. nor to build houses tor us to dwell in: neither have we vine- yard. nor field. nor seed: 10. but we have (halt in trims. and have obeyed. and done according to all that Jonatiuh our (other command. ml us. Acting: under the command of (loll. Jeremiah called the repres- entative men ot the Reehabites into the house of Jehovah. and offered them wine. it was done in order to give them the opportunity to retuee. and thus prepare the way for the message that men are more loyal to the commandments of men than they are to the com- mandments of God. Through Evil Dar. 15. Look therefore. It believers are bound to dispel the darkness: from the hearts and lives of other, how careful they should be not to be dark themselves, but to walk " wise men. Carefully how ye walk. Not as unwise, bat as wise. Wise men are those who not only know the truth. but live according to the truth. Paul is writing to Christ- ians who have the truth, spiritual truth. moral truth, all centered in Christ. and because ot which they know what is right and what is wrong. as we do. The Rechabites were a nomad tribe. not ot Jewish, but of Kenlte race, 1 Chron. 2:56. and connected with the Amalekties. Num. 24: 21. The Lesson in Its Setting Time - The prophecy ot Jero- miah found in chapter thirty-live cannot be located with great exact- ness during the years when he pro. pheaied. but may be put, with a tair degree ot certainty, about the year 604 B.C. Paul wrote the epis- tle to the Ephesians in A.D. 61. LESSON VIII never-go Alcohol and The Home (A Social Aspect of the Liquor Problem) Jeremiah 35:5-10: Ephesians 5:15- 21; 621-4 Golden Text - “Drink no will. nor strong drink. thou. nor thy Iona with thee." Lee. 10:9. Sunday School Lesson . . had better sow tears in a field from which he expects to derive food for himself and family. than by " own ill conduct nurture evil in the heart ot " child. But nurt- ure them. In the chastening. The word here translated "chastening" refers to the whole training and education ot children. And admonio tion of the Lord. This last word means generally training by word, and in actual use. mostly, by word at reproor. remonstrance, or blame. Here is a brief but priceless word for the parent’s heart. it lays a fresh stress upon his retrtronsittilit. ies in the guidance and the tore warning ot " child: but that the spirit ot self must he banished from the work, it " " to be done hdeed. 12.25 p.m.-leave legislative chamber, proceed to lieutenant- governor's suite. 11.50 a.m.--Enter legislativs chamber. Route-South on Bay St. to Front, west on Front to Univer- sity, north on University to Queen's Park. Route-south on Yonge to Queen, west on Queen to city hall. 11 a.m.---Arrive at the city hall. 11.15 aan.--Leave city hall to proceed to Parliament buildings. 11.40 tt.m.-9rrive Parliament buildings. 10.45 tt.m.--The procession moves " to the city hall. Their majestiea’ car will be tuteompanied by the escort of R.C.D.'s. 10.30 a.m.-Theh. majestic: and entourage detain at the North Toronto sution and are met on the platform by the lieutenant- governor, the premier, the mayor and their wives and the district officer commanding. _ _ -.- -'"-.me u vuyuau, may £5. A detailed outline of the royal visit to Toronto is as follows: Detailed itinerary to be fol- lowed by Their Majesties On Their Visit to o.?ttriecapity,yar 22. This latest portrait of His Majesty the King ahawa him waning the uni. form of colonel-in-chief of the Cameron Highlanders. The Royal Visit To Toronto To HIV. “Escort utestPetrtmitofHkhkrutrKhttrtui.trrhn 6.10 p.m.---Het by an escort of Governor-General', Horse Guards at west entrance to Exhibition grounds. Drive along lake Shore Rd. through ranks of school chil- dren, boy socuts, girl guides. ete.. south to an $1.6; iiiG, Exltihition grounds. Route-North on Avenue Rd., to St. Clair; wast to Christie M.; south to Christie Street hospital. Guns Fin Salute 5.35 pam-Arrive Christie M. hospital. 5.40 pan.-M.etm, Christie M. hospital for Exhibition grounds. Route-aouth on Christie to Bloor; went to Puhide Drive; Route-EW. on Danforth to Woodbine, south to east entrance gates on Woodbine Ave. Drive around truck in rate lsndau Ic- compenied by an escort of R.C.D.'s 3.85 p.m.--Arrive enclosure. 8.66 p.tn.--Lettve land in state landeu; proceed ouch to Woodbine Ave., and then leave for Parlits ment building: in motor car. -iiiuiiLTiFis"it iii, 'iici'i, to .King St., west on King to University AVELnorth to, Queen'u Park. s.if -pGi.Criairir'"i;, . Edi-tie Str_eet hospital. 3 pam-Leave Winchievner Dr., proceed to Woodbine with motor- cy'gle escort. 2.30 p.m.--Arrive Winchester Drive; met by cuvnlry escort " Governor-General', Home Gum. Drive down to Riverdale Park and through lines of children in the park and back gain to Danforth Ave. Routes-East to east side of Queen’s Park Crescent; north on east side of Queen's Park Greg. to Bloor; east on Bloor to Win. chester Drive. 2.20 pm. - Their mjesties leave Hart House by southeast terrace door and drive to Winch- ester Drive with a motorcycle eo- cort. 1.05 p.m.--Bia majesty will pro- ceed to Hart House. Drive To Rind“. 12.40 pmv---Her majesty will proceed to west campus to present colors to Toronto Scottish regi- ment. ' scents. girl guides, Ad, ONTARIO 1., cut to TORONTO 6.45 Ftrt.-Aert've " dniiikiiu. tion, met by mm! of honor of Queen's Own Rifles. and down Avenue of Remem- brmce where trees will be plent- ed " pheilegjettiea pr. - _ Route-East on lake Shore Blvd. to Avenue of Remembrance, Fleet St. to York, north to Front; east on Front to Union Station. Bmkville Best Shooters And there are many expert marksmen among these, as shown in the final scores posted. Sharp- shooters of the No. 1 rifle team of Broekvilie Collegiate Institute and Vocational School posted second high score among the 169 entries to fall slightly behind the high scorers, the crack No. 1 Team of the Saint John, N.B., Vocational School. The Ontario teem scored 1486 out of 1600 points while the Maritime" posted a score of 1491 out of 1500. The Brockville shooters also he came the new holders of the Ott. tario provincial shooting cham- pionship when last year's ttnal. ists, the Peterboro Collegiate and Vocational School. failed to con- pete. The Broekville boys had to The most recent nationsl shoot- ing tournament to furnish such proof is the recently completed first round of the 1989 Dominion Msrlumen Junior Small Bore Rifle Lesgue annual competition. Of the 169 five-man teams, representing 846 shooters from all over Can.. ada, competing in the competition, 81 tesms or 405 shooters were Ontario muksmen representing sll sections of the province. Think of it, almost uit the entries in this nation-wide shooting tourna- ment were Ontario shooters.' ONTARI5 $60355 MEAN! Competitive ride shooting is without doubt one of the most popular sports enjoyed by Ontario sportsmen, both young and old. Al- most every village, town and city in the province boasts its group of marksmen who are continually participating in one contest or an- other. But it's when national shooting competitions are held that proof presents itself of how this sport is enjoyed and practiced by the average Ontario citizen. Vicky Morrison is a character you could wish to know, and that wish is I tribute to the succeu or the author's ettortg. The breadth ot Vicky“: immunity. as portrayed here, thaws that Miss Graham has what Arnold Bennett delcribed u the essential qualifications ot the great novelist, "A Christiike tad all-embracing compassion." A book tor thoughtful people. it is not one to be read hutiiy and set aside. Nor is the render likely to forget it, it has faults, but the most critical reader. will agree. from the tirgt page on, that Miss Graham is a born story teller with exceptional ability tor making real the trivia which amict the mind ot youth, and tor sustaining suspense in schoolgirl and schoolmistress conflicts. Rich in material (a more seuoned novelist would have writ. ten three novels, two or more short stories and perhaps a play with the same material) its greatest merit is the conversation. Rich, brilliant. ly entertaining, the conversation at some or the characters has a hard. bright, underlying quality of gaiety which perhaps not everyone fully appreeiatets. A first novel begun when the author was " and finished when she was 23, Swiu Sonata is a book ot exceptional maturity and depth. In England critics hailed it in most laudatory terms. The story is slight and not overburdened with plot. What gives it impact and in- terest is sharp insight into curs ucter and broad understanding of humanity. Placed in a. girls' school overlooking Lake Geneva, it tells what hsppens during three eventful days in this tiny, remote commun- ity where the conflicts which msr Europe and the outer world are re- flected among girls It school. Graham recognition n n d a second printing in now selling in England where three times more eopietr.ttave been sold than were sold In Canada. . ' , . KI a MiiWs." " -,,' , V I . " ‘ t 'NY, m = cs.,,-,, t I "I 'iae, r l BNN . . SE) g iiKF :2 _ . E if? I , " “3 L, * ' ' 2 l B lk , " PRIZE CANADIAN NOVEL PS Announcement " . lllR, 1ql, t h I t Gweunlyn { ' Grnhnm In: been 'iij:i'iiiai, nvnrded the Gov- Baa, " erttorA2ertera1'g no ot:)isr1t,,l.,iit ward tor the but "f1tvtlrti'::','i'i'.i'X L' Cnnndinn fiction .x. of 1938 make- re:)a rr tlmely I brief no- ',i/', tice of her book. gil _ 'i.iil,r,' Sum 8 o n a t n .3» ki)):, (Punt-had by W? I , k'""::,:',):', Thou. Neltrott & if no“, Bong $2.50). Pub- is%.' F: :'i7: . lished last year, It Gwothlyo won immediate Grain. recognition I n d By VIC N TA It I O UTDOORS " To hunt. " Stream. 20 T4: declare no manly. 2t Chooses. " Before. " To impel. " Putin's tottl. Sagan River, below Paisley, bu been restocked for the m. " A molding. " To habituate. " Wind. " Being. " IntoGrant shoot It out with so other mm from all put: of Ontario and tho ttee-tmn mm eertainlr outshot their 400 rial marksman. Second phce went to the No. 1 Team of the 80min Collegiate Cadet Com who scored 1464 out of 1500 ph. Place 100,000 Trout In Sauna! River 1',"l"A"fel, if“ a-topted-rt-Ie ' . ea ing [maintain EfCCl 'Jl',tih,. in Emma HELEN If-j Alim America. Tt?ltlllM'd'r11 “LURE "use NEW FEATURES Radio Conductor new mu: um um Cabin “in mun "rm: m; run an. F,tet WE“: ftrT.s Moteey tft, BelftttsL.ivetroo) mi Followin the policy of keeping "abreast of the times", shes Donaldson Atlantic Line have thor- oughly reconditioned and improved the accommo- dation in all three classes of these vessels. The new features include:--. 0 Hot um! cold running water in nllCabin and Tourist staterooms. mud in most Third Class cabins. 0 Beds instead of berths. O Controlled ventilation throughout. 0 Enlarged and rebuilt cabin summons in “Aiken". . New rooms with print. bath on the "Aehenia" fol- lowing similar improvements nude in the "Utitia", M the nu. u we 13;:ch Travel Agent. SI PigBt t"hgtttetd,trAetdatett"eetid ie maigchon Ki.“ "die'eGrrTiEririie"srriiiieTi “WWWIM "AYKEMA"and "LErmA" "i‘fim' - “a; In" boon M in the than, which in Income I favorite vi. ttatt- in Weston Oahu-b. Coming of milder weather has n. VIM what i. a bi "induatrr" ‘- the spring. Sucker aching no. on day and night In the Peach- - phyla All! It! myth. h few hours. thaw-let. Mot-ach- “4:1:anqu Pinion-an upon Dotti-c In tht"ortstheeottr""' love than 100,000 bran trout " was born

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