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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1939, p. 5

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,2 In iua-, _ 2 6 . be t I n , . _ . n. M M l-DAY TOURS A! "f ‘AY VACATIONS [if n nus» nexus. so: 'si, l l 18th, 1939 giaxing "LENA 9 Store v" meetintt will be on me home at Mr. and .Ynohnnald. “and Folk In lot-u“.- " Quinn " T EVERY PURSE $66.30 Huron and Superior } Hunts C. l'uiialo u. I'orollo clot {Illa C" ds '1'?“ng Yom hare who a . (‘nnforem hold w wk won- I”... , Harm. also " daughter Miss l) 8rds RHAMENT sun-l visitor m :wo-onoy. _uort visited to "r, Mrs W. J. HAMP|ON me letter as 030': " mason was read all. An interru- t.h India was rad nu a dramatiaa. " a Nanci" I” ma] members. A ' Day" was read and the choir n "Mother'l Pear- stor .ronto sspent I summer home. ‘on spent the mus " - m"! on Sign“, . of Mr George 'nary Convener, maid had than. The roll call in the name of a le whore nan. tony. Toronto. Richardson of .The Big cafe. M Mu'tttettttn and Snmlav with Pump»)! and "ir families. 'snn of PTesher. Qundav at the w-Kwhnio. I \rnam attar, rut 'm" of Mr and nd Mrs Camp 7 its. Phone 3 the weekend I" tro. “a! sitar to Meft4rr lancer: ttrt It. W. : II name tart Irvpnrtmont of Public Im Ottawa, Mu! 10, 1939 The Department no reserves the right to demand any tmeeeserfttt h-nclorer a new depot-it in the turn of a eerttBed cheque or bond :u above. equal to 10 nor cent. of the amount of his bid. to maranteo thru nrnner futMnent of the contract. Dominion of Cured: or of the Cana- When the mount of a tender ex- u-vds the sum: of "000.0o--whether it bo for one bonding only or more --tlte tendererii must attach to their render a certi cheque on achnrt- ormi bank In a. mode payable to the order the Honourable the Minister of Pa c Works, equal to 10 per cent of the mount of the the tender. or Benn:- Bond! of the Dominion of (tanks of of the Candi- an National Ttat " Company and its constituent can lea. unconditional ly maranteed to principal tttte' Interest by the nion of Canada. or tho aforement ed hondn no tt' rammed cheque. l required to make up an odd amount '; lt bn for one handing only or more --tlte tendererit must attach to their render a certl cheque on achart- orml bank In a. made payable to the order the Honourable the Minister of Pu ie Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the the tender. or Bearer Bond.- of the Dominion of (tanks of of the Candl- an National Rat " Company and It! constituent can lee. unconditional ly maranteed to principal aml Interest by the nlon of Canada. or tho aforement ed honda and a (mulled cheque. l required to make up an odd amount The Department no reserves the right to demand any successful h-nclerer a sect: depot-it in the turn of a eerttBed chemo or bond :u above. equal to 10 nor cent. of the amount of his bid. to maranteo 'I‘ondnrs should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance' with departmental spe- tjheationty And conditions attached thereto. ; Forms of tender with tspeeit1eations "nd conditions attached gun be otr ':cined from' the Purchasing Agent, (Mpartment of Public Works. Otta- “a: and the' Supervising Architect, " Adelaide St. But. Toronto, Ont. Sealed Te era addressed to the un- IfrrsiL’nc-d 11$ endorsed "Tender for' Hull," will Abe received until .121 n‘clcck nooanayligM saving), Mon-1 day, June 1 "39,tor the supply of 'oal and c}ke for the Dominion; Buildings th oughout the Province ot,' Hutario. I I Phone 41 W SI Il,tri,tst=r,, Small lt.A,llkiiiii 'iiiii'i'iziiiizi_ ___A,MPR_.' 1t,1ie,,l,,tll,!:e,!rsti. sum; r'ott BALB-Resd Clover $7.50 nus; AIME 87.50; Alfllfl 'tr, Red (Mn er & Am". mixture $2.60; Alt unwrnmem Grade two, rocleuwd.0n- ”no grown BMI. A.c. Maugham: Fort SALE-. uor Dunlap Straw- berry plants. 1y H. Greenwood, Durham. R. R. l [LBS-IDEXCE FOR SALE - The Laid law property, corner Bruce am Lambton Sm, tin-ham. Apply tr Hm Jessie McIntyre. Durham. Pun SALE-peter, Walking Tractor, Toro. engine, new, will do fourrow work. Complete with has. but g-rico. "75. Apply Dib- In!" tnttice. 'sNDErts1,Fort COAL AND COKE :mnmn commons TO RENT - “all-“mm, at Wanna Beach, (48 mill-s from Durham), by week. fort. nmle or month. Special rates by week or week-end in May, June and :2 pt. Electrically equipped. Splendid lalthlnz beach in front. Awly only to P. Ramake. Durham. SALE. 12 mos. old. And Poart, R. R. I, Mannie. n13, r 2, Durham. Norma Electric Refrigerator. large me, 4 years\old. new price 3325, for $125.00. l Electric Store/ three burner auto- matic oven control. for 850.00: three years ohtheretun and black. drop lea! Kitchen Table and four c'halrs. cream and black, $10.00. porcelain top Bake 'r'Nttie, ttour and sugar bins, 87.50. ‘1‘ E. J. BENNETT, Durham Ramage. Durham. l 20' SAL! l Elect o Refrigem 4 years\old, new i [25.00. l 'ic Stove.“ three bu oven comm]. fe years ohtheretun a leaf Kitchen Table t, cream ttad black, SALE MAY 18th, 1989 souimvnmn l Secretary A FINISH 'ii' TO RENT - 'el,', mica Beach, (43 I). by week. fort. Nor Speck! rate- by ham ',heri:""rrss tlrtrt at log or the Court u The Ho1rtttgst U.F.W.0. Club ore Revision on. th Assessment Roll tot meeting was held Wednesday at the new use will be he .111 the Town Hall, home of Mrs Wm Beaten with a good art. Durham, on A , attendance. Mrs A. Stewart presid- vtrte,' "orarAv,titt, AY OF MAY, 193t ed. Roll call was answered by nam- the! 8 00 f th h rin t in; a. Ganedian River. Mrs J K. Me 'Cir-Ita?-.-.'-, - on; or 9 es tr " an) Leod gave a splendid paper on Cur- speeds have been tBed in writ. rent Events. Mrs Allie Muir and Mrs tteine with the Clerk, on or before May J. A. Nichol had the m on “Has the. 20th. ms. t". " ' ‘Hydro Been Worth the Price" end it “it” Amy ”31891011 of mes that Bhouid was thoroughly enjoyed. A dtscus- it'.“ on ttttr ML or C “3” In prover _ sion followed. A question drawer, on: tr, should ttet fyled W the Clerk, tr crested much fun. A contest Wu ",,Ciwritimr. The Assessm t Roll is open then sponsored try Mrs Beaten and . EL.) let' .L.. l ........_. 'ttli ll d gm be and b: a m . o A' ”war LLOYD'S THY- MOLATED CORN SALVE for-any corn or csllou-s THEY cannot remove with this etBeiegtt new treientMe trestmem forearm and Caucuses. Lloyd's com- blnstlon treatment (Salvo and Padm removes and keeps them sway. De- sonsltises and relieves with first sp- plication. For sale. at Alt persons intere- an bomb.v requested to can not! and Act ac- cordingly. By order of the Con P. Dated May for The Assessment Roll is now open for inspection. All persons Interest. ed will please govern themselves ac- cordingly. k H. H. MaéDONALD, Clerk. R. R. l, Durham Notice is hereby given that aCourt of Revision will be held in the Town. ship Hall, Glenelz, at One o'clock-pm. SATURDAY, MAY 27TH, 1939 tor the purpose of hearing all com- plain! against the A5sessment Roll for 1939 that may have been flled in writing with the Clerk, on, or heron May 15th. 1939. The James Bnnaton farm, lot 15. con. 15.. Egremont, containing 100 News. Good buildings. Apply to Revlaw 0M0. Dog tags mus secured " once from H. D. Scot collector. or at Clerk's once. 0w n or hat-borers of any dogs without on or u. ter June lat will be pr ted. All account's owing the ttrm ol Cross & Sutherland Hardware ot Durham and Hanover must be settled by June I. After that date an unpaid “count: will be placed in other hands, for collection. PitiUAN T , Arthur, o Mar 81at, at Ptrior. i'OR SALE-White Blossom Sweet Clover, " $2.50 per bushel. Apply Norman Schenk, R. R. No. 3, But ham. Phone 157--r, 2. "--"N'..-- all accounts owing must be settled on or before June In. 1939, after which date they will be placed In other hand: tor collection. J. N, Murdock & Song. . W. MOON l ’12":VSHIP 0F GLENELG com 0F REVISION FOR EVERY “INK (ll? REVISIGN , .,s.i ur DUnHAM FARM FOR SALE OR RENT norm TO Doe owusns row)? or DURHAM All accounts owing ard the mfg. of Mr tutd Mrs Alex Knox and Garnet LIDYD'S THY- and a friend, Mr and Mrs Harry tRN BALVE WWW?!“ Pedlar and sons and Mrs Pedlar: a; 'i'ggu,'1')gt,2,t Sr. all of Toronto visited Sunday Gallon“. Lloyd'o com. at Alex Carson's. meat “I." and PadBt A number from here attended in” them away. De- the pageant on Sunday evening in l relieves with Brtrt " St. John’s Church. Mesherton and r sale at thorouzhly enjoyed it. McFaddon’o Drug 8torr Mrs Evans. Owen Bound was a re- WAvmtr--trr Mr Mc. Toronto, Wednesday, \{n Valletta Beauty B. H. warms, cum B“ORDER Durham SURFACE ed. Roll call was answered by nam- ing a. Canadian River. Mrs J K. Me Leod gave a splendid paper on Cur- rent Events. Mrs Allie Muir and Mrs J. A. Nichol had the topic on “Has Hydro Been Worth the Price" and it was thoroughly enjoyed. A discus- sion followed. A question drawer, created much fun. A contest We: then sponsored by Mrs Benton and the prizes were won by Mn Dan Campbell and Mrs Jnck Stewart. Lunch was then served and n sociel time spent over the tea cups. The June meeting will he held st the home of Mrs. Sam McDermid. Mina Aimed; much. and friend. Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs Eddie Wells too, has gone to the Grant Beyond. Sympathy goes out to the large funily, neighbors of ours for years. ' Mrs, warn nnHmI to WNW" at tho the "3::an of anothpr old ohnm. Mr David Hamilton. A notable imiden' we Mtnn rnmorkod. bow ha failed to pass the marina! examinatkm for the Sons of awn-ml Yet tho Doctor examiner and 19torett of other omeerit havo, gone lone mm while he has been wonderfully healthy up to his goth year and over. Such is life! Our sympathv goes out to John Hamilton: Maud, Mrs Murray Rit- chie: and Mary. Mra'rtsrr Lawrence. The toast to the visitors, of whom there were quite a number. proposed " Mr John Ritchie and responded to by Mr Grant Muir. This same young man favoured with a couple of bag- pipe solos, together flnftrhittrr, up Midi "The Road to the Isle". Mr Hutton, H. B. Teacher at Phstrherton. also spoke to-the toast. Mr Arm. stronz, once ot the neighboring town sang "On the Road to Mandalay" Mrs A. R. Muir gave a, reading. Misses Aileen and lube] Karatedt con- tributed a piano duet. and Miss Jane Karatedt a solo on the piano. Some of the old time community songs "were indulged in Polly Wally. and Washday Monday. Master Will Mc- Bride wou the lucky ticket. a Union Jack flat. Motheri Dav was dnlv observed on Sunday, the S. School children taking hart. Miss Isabella Karatedt roadinz tho material as set forth in the snnnlempnt. Five bovs. will. and \V'nnnr Nit-Bride. Ross and Jankie Mc- Conkpv and Tommv Mntbor Rams and aetod tho drama as set forth. We were favored with a too short visit on Saturday last of our grand- nanhe'w and his wife and little bov 'tmy-Mr and Mrs Elmer Wright or Port Credit. Call again. The toast to the winners was Pro. nosed by Miss Roberta Harrison, and replied to by Mr Stewart Muir, their delivery testifying to the benefits, derived from the social activities of the Y. P. B. Rev. Muir, toaetmaeter throughout. called for the Young People's Society, coupled with the names of Min An. na Connie, teacher here, who spoke t0wards its beneficial qualities, and replied to by Miss Marion Muir both at some length, and very cleverly. We're proud of them. The banquet held in St. Columba basement on Friday evening last, pussed off With great success. After a bountiful supper put on try the los. ing side, the various toasts were ear led for by Rev. A. R. Muir. One for the King and his lovable Con- sort, naturally came timt and was musically and heartily responded to. Mr And Mrs J. C. Cook end Shirley were guests with MrJames Allenand Catherine Sunday and also called 0 Mr and Mrs W, J. Cook, Elmwood. Anniversary services will be held in Zlon United Church Mu 28th at 11 tum. with Rev. Wm. Howey o' Owen Sound as speaker. Rev. W. H. Smith and members of Knox United Church choir will tie out for service st 19.13. On loudly, 30th, thymus people of Durban Pres. Church will present their play. hunch VIII be served IMI' the pm. . I was Menu Alton and friend ot Mr and Mrs John Baker and child. ren ot Edge mu were guests with Mr an! Mrs Waudby Bnker Sundny and also attended service in Zion church. Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie, Don- ald and Cameron, str Geo. Ritchie and sister Jane, viaited Sunday with Mrs Sarah Mount " Pinkerton, and also called on Mr and Mn W. J. Cook " Elmwood. Mrs 691; Penn, Mr and In Rom. Penn. and babe were visitors with Mr and Mrs Jae. Peart Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden and Gladys of Orange Volley were guests at the home of V4 J. Cook Sunday. and also attended service at Zion. Miss Elsie Mays returned toGuelph Sunday after spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs Buoys Mother: my service was held here Sunday afternoon with the Sunday School and Sunday service united. Mr and Mm Herb. Atkinson were mu with Mr and Mm Albert Mc. Natty Sunduy and “so "tended ser- vice in Zion church. Mr and Mrs Alex. Spence, Toronto spent a couple of dun last week with the Sneace and Run-ell famllles. We understand that Mrs John Rus. sell. Br. 'areomnanied them back to the chi. . Mr and Mrs Norma Synder and children. Toronto spent a few days " the Bantam homo. THE DURHAM REVIEW Pleased to we Mr Earl Walton able to be out " churrh Sundav mom'nz after his severe illness and operation. Mr and Mre Prod MM mm (1'10th. and (Hands: chum Hm thrut M the took no tho, .hnmp " Me Wan} Me. Lean. Mrs Gnome (3mm- :1 Int-mar rest, dent of the viltatte is " Drespnt P mutant in Toronto "nuni'ai. Mr a. Robert Cram. Mrs Chet ter Ww‘or. Mm. Bert Scan and Mrs J. Sinciair were m Owen Snund on Wednaudav nttondhz the nnnuat meetine of the W.M.R. of any Pea. hvterhl of "mm Ward. The "om villa Minion Band was tied with Mann-m! for Hahn}, award. The lead”. Mn: R. Crawford brotteht home tbs tysrtiftrutttt. Mr Chris. Whettter han hum Cu poor Numb for nompvlmn with .n rhrmmrtths mumum. Than: b, now some i-mnrmmmant. Mr and Mn “WI. “7min". wood. bridge were vinlmrs with his 'Oter Mm John Fbrrig. Mr “an Wiltnhire Toronto mam last weekend with his fathom Mr Andrew Winshire. On April 27th " mm: 1arttt ttrrivod at tho: homo or Mr am! Mrs Wait" Stewart. Mm Frank Hartman and sons Kon- neth and Jackie also Mr and Mrs Carson Hill (Evelvn Hardin“) of Grand Valley vicinity visited In! week with the farmer‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs D. Melanin. Mr and Mrs J. A. mumms and daughters spent the mkend in " tonto. Mn J. Knox. Cevlou has been visiting her dauzhtor. Meg GilIenble. Mrs A. lav!" and familv, Toronto Were ettrlv in tho wpak visitors ot Mr John ArMpztrnnn's Mr and Mrs Ham D Scott. son Jim and Miss BueIah Burnett. Dur. ham were motherg' Dar guest-a with his mother. Mrs Ms. Scott. Miss Tttttttet Mrtursrart spent tho the first of the weak with her aunt. Mm msnrtr Christie. Miss Alice Armstrong, Hesherton who has charge of the Proton an pointmenta for the summer months spent the weekend " Mrs Robert Crawford's. cent visitor with her dmgbter. In tteMta Cull“ Mr A MacCuaig. _ 40 Indie. present. Th Min Home: Lambert ot Toronto W. 3. Ritchie. VII in in holidaying " the muse. a" I _ of the I The Wien- family left the end of the nec'r. In J. R. the week to their than on the 19th the “new report. Dr. W. L. Christie, and Mrs. Christie and baby daughter. Toronto. visited recently with his sister Mrs, George Shana Jr. no we" nmuy ion. the end ot me new. In J. R. Baum. on.“ ”W” " - mt “mm the week to their run on the 19th the lunch: report. The camera 19"!“ V“ tttmn " thteUttat “001m con. lat yeu' were reelected for mother-l Pt- on the topic. “Canada Chai. Mr and Mm Jim sun-rock and “In. you. Mrs Adan Anderson at! In PHP the World" was taken by ily were recent visitors at her moth- POW! Greenwood were “W " Ktr$oe% Ilddlemn, K. Renwick and er’s, Mm Ferguson and other friends minim” Com. The roll eait 1tt'y.lsrise Grunt. The meeting closed " Suntan Put. “Sing, any or pay." In Wen. Macaw“; the benodiettott. l Mr and Mrs Bill McKenzie and from No. o, W - IN It” I l family. Dro nore were visitors on cruel all: which VI: and: enjoyed. --_---- I Sunday at his parents. Mm R. R. m ind a splendid moor SCHOOL REPORT _""""-------- on "mittmderrtmd children" and Mrs Howard Ritchie a. runner on “Houae- .-----. HOPEVILLE keeping ma home mMtitttp--"it, there', B. lull'. I, lee,'.?"' 7'0“ All) ‘- VICIII'IY Tram, Mrtt R. IcGllIlmy. in H Watson read Palm M. After n won of pnyer, In W. Ewing read t - on "Ye that Hunger." In J. T. Prfettt gave an Interesting talk on the work of Rev. and In Smith of mdia. In R. Hecmlvny OLENELG CENTRE BAPTIST M. c. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The Glenelg Centre Baptist uls- slon Circle held thelr annunl meet- ing at the home of Mrs Baht. Mc- Gllllvny. Wednesday. Mar toth. At. ter the opening exercises the electlon ot oftteeta followed resulting the some “1938. Fret, In A. Bolton. Bins on Thee." 'tnd It!!!“ president cloned the mating. Lunch was served. Young People m held loud-J em in. The "would“. mu Am Wt. A Joint meeting wee held in hue- ment of Presbyterian Church. In. Bartoot presiding. Prtt Honeyunn led in prayer, Mrs Howell read the scripture reading, Luke 10: 'lr-ot, and Mrs McFedden rendered I. vocal solo. Miss Meormtr we» pinniet. Mrs B. Patterson Introduced the guest spake:- ot the evening, Mine Lily McArthur, whose topic win "Re. collections of a Denettnesra." Mr! Min M. Pickering moved a. hearty vote of thanks to the speaker after which Rev. letle end Rev. Honey- men spoke in complimentary terms Lunch was served st the clone. Brief reports of the organization's bales and itntutee.q were read. The Meeting wu closed with prayer try Mm M. McGlrr. MISS McARTHUR. DEAOONESS, SPEAKS " W.M.8. AND Y.W.A. M “Tenn. Mrs J. Math”. Mrs Rev. Smith. Mrs P. Home». Each gave a ttrtet ttttit on thn needt, of the Soci- otv. Than are 6000 women in Grey United Church. and only 1000 are -tsore of tho w. (M R. tt was urzed that Asnwlate Helpers should Cooperate with the active members of tho WI. M. S. The W. M. s. of Knox United met on Thundey in Queen M. church with the president. wee M. MeCArr presldlnz. The Soclety will lose tt devoted member when In I s 116- Ilmlth leaves her to no to Owen Sound, and her place will be herd to M. The Society “she. her hep- brtrt,_TEmAat LADIEO’ Attt lira Gilbert McKechnie was tho hoatesa to the Ladiea' Aid for their May meeting. Mrs Honeyman pre- aided over the Devotional period. Plans were made for a congregation- al social to be held on Monday even- lng. June 5th to oomemor'ate the 80th anniversary of Presstrrtarritutitmt in Durham. Mlznah benediction and tea conclud- ed the meeting. any diffetettee t" A son: and music was let-Ott by Mrs Wm. rmndn after the prom-am. Mrs Baker and assist- ants norm-d hunch. The .hme meyetitw mm ho on June Rth at home of In J. J. Part. All indies welcome. ammo. were mad by members tr-hrs Wu! armada! the PmphWGNal held in Owan Sound on Wed, Mrs and 'artMrtat leng of time, on”!!! and mm‘mv is dawn! to mm'rm‘ Me mor. Mve"th an" “PW Il Saviour" to bro. awn 'tttronttmntrttettt. plness in her new surroundings A report on the hula was read by Mrs. G. Wm. During the summer the W. M. R. will meet on 2nd Wed. Mm P. (Eamon road Bible reading. and Mrs F. Home ted in prayer. Studv period on 'Stewardtrhitr" was tukan hv Mrs J, S. Mollrahh. De, termined Phrist’an stewardship could makes theh world ovqr. The W. M. ft. mule! km" on "no" tbo nerd of the work and otmeationo ot those mama 17m fnlhv no: An int-Inna“: in Inn-Arm“ )lu-kdde were new visitors with at em " Am. lcOln-‘c In - Irmdlnw.l.hck. alum. Themwutn The aggrtttat mean; Of Zion Wottt. chm at Henna Greenwood. con- en's but“; VII hold " the home - " "%ttrtntun Ctttseasttip". tttMta Clue“ M? Mar "th, “at In“ “an"... "-. n.-- “I.-- v, nn . review of the year'- 40 Indie- pment. The president In “MG THE CHURCHES '.nmdoudodmmm1- KNOX V. P. O. KNOX W. M. 8. “I will I” my Excursion ttckcta good In Tour-ha, Par. [or and standard duping can alas available nonpayment of “may high. or - tam. - who a! - or “009‘" car tteetta-tltret. RoUTe--'rieheu good going via Pt. Arthur. Ont. Armstrong. Ont, Chica- coma mm Daily Way t6ttt ttt thts, I”, BT0PovMt6-. within limit of hummus-unnat- tnwmnmm Every Saturday Night,9 lo Ill DURHAM Town Hall Auoplceo Durham Mum Men'. (lurch and Aprll) Grade 7: Clarence Atklmon. 43: Murmr Hell-Men. M. Grade 6: Mary Durance, 62; Newman Pratt. 65; Ivan Hunks, 61: Stanley Mar. ulee 62. Grade 5: Lloyd McFadden, M; .Clmrlle Pratt, 72; Dixon Weir, 62: Geneva Pratt, 68. Grade l: Vel- ml Marni". 74: Vern Marsala, 71. Grade t: Dell Chapman, M; Marian Paterson (at); Helen Marquee. M; Joyce Jacques, 65: Alex. Talbot. M; Alex Ellison. M. Grade I: Wal- lace Pratt: Ruth Bell. Grade l A-- Wllmer Hernia. Grade I B: John Patterson: Anna Mary Undsutr; Don. ald Brawn. Continual from we I 1 that the tendency than day: was for! parents to consider that they huh done their duty when they had looked utter their children's phylicnl need-Q but tint “thawing mention wan; to he 1 Healing. the cultunl nod miritunl nines ought not to be ne- glected. Mr. Ptfeat concluded within tribute to those [arena who were carefully taming their children tobe hononbln, foithfui and true citizens. At the conclusion of this address in Gland: Centre, those Scotch folk tor. mt It was the "tuwbath" and ap- plauded. Mr. Priest expects tolend a children’s choir of about 15.000 tor a 50-minute program on tho occasion ctithe visit of their Mujaitien. the King and Queen. vcur or W Clan-ship'H To m the run or Mr Tuner-Immanue- m mabymumun Ivy-Icon Harm-“Jam. Amanda‘- uloru the covet-of an 9|:th "Mather" was read by Flor- new telephone diroetorr for Durban no. Helm. A - on current recently aluminum] by III“ to loan "out. w given by Gordon McGIrr. unbucrlhen of The Bell Telephone m on tho topic. "Canada cur Company of CM. The Durham - the Win-u!” were taken by directory In among the lirmt to hear mm Ilddlemn, K. Renwlck and the new erect which " printed In Jet-Io amt. The meeting clowdroyal blue ink. co. m, Ot "ttlt Bu lute, returning via tune mum ad line only. Gen- erous options! muting. went; ad'resat chic-h m. M m. We. lick. and vent tame. with will of United sum “as. Rev. J. T. Priest, the ptttytor,prett- ched in the eveninz on "The message ot Mary. “is Mother", from melon John 2: tr, “Whnuoever He sum un- to you. do it." Phone L56--r , Jitney Dances Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Canadian 'Nettle Baptist Deans “and TICKET. 0000 To TRAVEL IN COACHES WESTEKI . CANADA SII'S ORCHESTRA TO ALL .TATIONI Return Hum: " an. ONTARIO ARCHNES Teaetter--Morru Matthews ad pen tor “In pply Rom. Hartley HH" 1 Durham, Dm- "mate" n was“. ' dllk. also "I” Durban In"... Lle-dtu'eh-rerSmrN- Ptmrqt.oter-&ettteseatt-tes. the tatntttar Greek and symbolic ot the Spirit of Communicate» u the only decorum on the cover of the law dire-, W. G. Hamilton, Bell Manager for barium and vlcin. tty, eprAuu-d to the Review. It In ttanked, top and bottom, by the comma)“: name, the dau- of lawn, and the points to which mun-mum Mr puns Jun-e been "ded to the atttttatretient section of tho cur. rent directory. making tt total of 40 pages. white the cinema! section cont-Inc ' pm. Mr Hamilton add, ed: Altogether. more are oq'er 2,20. chum recorded in the new volum. About 2,t(yt of an” new and ram iitrtttttttrattwtrttttewUte-orther Honor Graham Toma!» mum, Graduate Raul Coll. Dam 8m X RAY 0A. EXTRACT.“ 0300: um Ethel. BUREAU, om. telephone numbers. The “I“ change: twen- In the Yam has of the and“ section. “The need tor carefully comma“ Room: Over Boyd Ball Dun. culla. In order to "on Nrmgtg num- ber', to ohm." Ir "suntan con- one. Noun: I.” to an p. a. "' a "it p. a W. C. f'icitbttttu, Ms VISITING FIQHEINEN MAD UNOERNIEO TROUT J. L. SM m. tt.lt., trc.. us. once and Residence: Corner 0.. was and but)!” am. Dum- ofttms hours: ' m ll l.ll|.. I.“ O 0 C. W. has. Hunk-r. and Bit, ward Blades, mm. will have to do some examining to n nun-tn!» u to why they Ind a number of 1speettted trout under the mutton nun “what In length in their mum on Sunny. Game and Putt Over. weer A. L. Rolaton, white ”(rolling the dintrtrt In funnel: Muslim on Sunday ran moron the out with a number of the undo-"SIM trout in their possession. t. F. BRA". 0.0.8.. tut L Iktrtdquettimeter, W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary leach-o, “new and I -. 'Ctl. OOCWGVCW OOIVIOIII'. IOOCCI IO. - '_-.. '0'. m can an M VAC. a " LII! V... ~ - on M- 9.111.. T to ' p.|n. Band-n ”new. GEORGE E DUICM 0008.11“..th J tt Mctl‘APRIF. ll. _ T tt. SNEATH. M. it. Mk. M¢!,r " DURHAM

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