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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1939, p. 8

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Iii! CANADIAN NATIONAL In, M. "-" tha "ar, To Montreal 9.95; to GM CITY 't8.06 To an. All. do “up", $14.55. by "-" e. I. I. “an.” In the Hum-e Provin- a... Pun. d Quite, Now mun-w in. Prince Edward td., Nova Scan Holsteip Creamery Pretty Md. w The Men) Wells Inn , Ink. After he. service Church. In. text “If a mm M?” Re 3.1 Harry Watts, butcher tor the heel-ring, wants the cattle delivered at the ring in the morning or the "tst before. This Wednesday Harry in held up till 7 o'clock at night waiting for the cattle beast. He tune hack to the ileld where we were working. and say Harry was is angry as Hitler. Tsk! Tsk.’ Last Sunday, Mothers' Day, we listened to two sermons: at Amos in the morning; and at the Hall at night, Rev. Brodie ditrpstrtr:rintrly re- ferred to the mothers who frequent the dsnee halls and beer parlors 'tnd: smoked _ettmeettes. We Dads must be pretty good. we don’t have s day. l The tuners! o! the lste Mrs Edwin Wells use held Thursdsy of last week. After I short service in tho he. service was held in Amos Church. Rev. R. Kaye chose for his text “If s m die, will he live a- m?" He gave three answers: the uheliever ssys "No"; those letditter. out say "uneertain"; the Christian! says "yes". Hymns chosen by the family were sung: “Jesus Lover a" My Soul," and “Asleep h Jesus." ' "It's all right---, see them coming along the road now! When you've got a telephone you can reassure people quickly. In the country. tom homes are for away from each otur--it takes a lot of time to send somebody “next doete".-- but it takes no time at all when you've got a telephone. Then you are in touch with your neighbours, with the stores in the village-and if your grown up children are working in nearby towns-you can hear their voices too. Every tum home should have a $+gshesete- because it coets so little. Round Trip Bargain Fares from DURHAM NORTH EGREMONT If you intend going to Toro to by' coach on Monday, May 22nd, pleas' helr determine in advance the anh " coaches necessary to provide selvice or PLEA E BUY TIC ETS BeforeFRIDAY IGHT Holstein TRACTOR WORK WANTED-- Apply Allis . Chalmers dealer, Howard Middleton, Phone 149 W, Durham. Martin Vail-on was: in this lesng with “MIL-am: Marnn took his cattle down Mrs Geo. A. Watson and son Joe visited with us the tirtet of the week. Hoe says he is min: to Toronto to :see the King and Queen. } Mrs Martin Wilson tell and hurt her foot the first of last week, and was ronfined to the house for a, week. i The Hvdro line was ”tended trom) SS. No. 12 norms Gen. Wilson's alder-oar! to the Lake and east to Ari Ian Brown's Inst week. I was” Pearl Watson and Beulah McKenzie of Toronto spent over the weekend at their homes here. Chas Watson delivered the woo to No. 9 school by truck last week Violet Moore missed three weeks from school, she having been threat, “mat! with tutpenditieitr. Hope you will soon be well main, Violet. Mr Jtttt. Whitmore arrived- home from Mal-hauls hospital this week feeling better. Mrs Earl Mead and little son visi- ted a few days hat. week with her parent}. Mr and Mrs Abe Hooper. Mrs Goa. Young returned to her home itrButtaio, Sunday last. Mrs Gordon Lem: and babe arriv- ed home from Durham hospital on Mnday last. Flower bearers were Geo. and Car. men Wilson and Lewis Wells. Pal bearers were Wm. and Thos. Moore, David Hooper, John McKenzie, John G. Johnston, David McKelvie. We Extend sympathy to those that mourn, especially to the son-wing husband now in his 83rd year. , pleadt help us to 1to bi motor " Toronto Adams. Mr and In Alex Benton were Sun- day visitor: with their parents Mr. Ind In R. amount. lost at the “more are thronlh Sorry that Mm. Wm. Dickson is Ta not gaining in health " her many “an, Mend: would wish her to. from Mr md Mrs W; Nelson spent Sand-y rm, with her manta, Mr and In Wm. 1939 Voile", Durham. " R Mr and In Pete Cornish spent of Ju Sunday with Mr and In Norman tt.M. ”Ankau Mother's Day was observed last Sunday. Glad to see so many out to enjoy the service.. with Mr The sun is out. nice ter the recent shower. visiting their sister Mary; also Mr. Bill Bourne, who is coming back by G'rand Valley to his old home. Ho is loading up his furniture and other, belongings and moving them by truck to his home here in Dromore. Mr and Mrs Harold Atcheson of Toronto spent the weekend with their mother Mrs Major Eccles. .Mr Thos. Ateheson, who spent the win- ter in Toronto, is back in this Hem ity for the summer. to forty or fifty acres for each farm. er so if the weather continues the way it is, there will be a lot of seed in the ground. The Eccles brothers from Conn were in this neighborhood last week with their tractor and cultivator, get- ting the f1el0e ready for seeding. Ala: Mr John McLean with his tractor and double disk. and Mr Kerr from Cedarville with his tractor and disk. They are doing anywhere train ten Mr and Mrs McLean of Trenton are holidaying with their parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. McGilllvray at present. (Arrived too lam tor last week) Mrs Robert Taylor was visiting triendu in Durham last week. Mm W. J. Robertson and sent Mr Allan Robertson. and Mr and Mrs David Mitoheil ot Toronto spent tho weekend with the farmer’s sister- ln-law. Mrs David.AlIan. Miss Vera Allan accompanied than back to tho city for a month’s visit. The Dromore Women's Itutitute. will meet with the Holstein Women’s} Institute on Thursday at the home of Mrs Plastic. Further particulars‘ next week. , Dr. Hergott has bought the house Mr Lloyd Behenk has been diaeing whlrt, formerlv belonged to Mr JothWHh his tractor tttttlit tor several Philp in the south end of the village. around the corners.. trom the estate. and is moving in Miss Elsie Halllduy is assisting next week. tun Gunn ot Mt. Forest with house- l The W.M.B. met " the home or Mrs Brehner on Tuesday 16th with } a good attendance of ladies. Mrs. P"?? gave the report ot the. Presby- lterial meeting tor the morning ses- .sion. Mrs J. Nicholson gave tho. re- !port of th e afternoon session. Mrs Geo. Aitken ,our president, was made 'a Life Member. Mrs Dyer sang solo. ‘The scripture lesson was read re- :sponsively. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and pray" 'er by the president. The hostess and her assistants served a dainty lunch. I! Mr. James Walker of Harriston., {Mrs Thos. Walker of Harriston and' {her son Robert Walker and his wife (ot Listowel were visitors with Mranl' 5Mrs James Mclnnis on Sunday. _ Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter of Knov Normanby were visitors with tho latter', sistpr. Mrs Geo. Brown cr Sunday afternoon. a new car. Mr. James Reid of Cednrvmo spent Sunday with his mother, Mn T. J. Reid. Mrs They and her son were the visitors at the same home Sun. day. HOLSTEIN LEADER I Mrs It. Finder vuited! and Mrs J. Whyte recently? ORCHARD Hergott has treated himself to LOCAL AND, 'Psnsomu. "D nun»: out nice and bright " "---.. -- - "That's why many vision to: the hearing of appeals] A Mn: ' from the mutant Roll of the ehmehoedls and-y Township of Imam for the year ttrst Prince I Wm. 1989 will sit in the Council (manner ty - he: at Holstein our loud”. the 6th dariatd he may. spent of June 1939, a the hour of , o'clock' thtttrtttt h. 1.. mm: D-m- [forces for lot The last day for tutng "ttmis in not "tattg" I: and writing with the Township Clerk will buying them, thm. be the 20th dar of my, use. Thelma: nu! mil THE DURHAM REVIEW Assessment Roll In opiit to: 13.5“. Mr Nelson Bowling, years ago a resident of thin locality, visited Mon, day at Mr Jag. Patty's and is also visiting Mr and Mrs A. Smith, town. Visitors with Mr and Mrs James Petty on Eundny were Mr Saul Stock- ley and two sons or Toronto; Mr and Mrs Herb Brianna of [Amine and Mr and Mrs Melville Petty and children ot Bentinek. stein. Were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs C. McAllater. Mrs Andrew Picker: visited -teith friends in town on Saturday. Mrs A. Sprlggs ot Toronto ls spend- ing a. few weeks with her parents. Mr and Mrs Albert Marshall. mod this ttth (In! of Mar, 1080. JAB. I. NIGHOIAON, Mr and Mrs Hubert McDougall aha children visited Mothers' Day with Mr and Mrs Bert Watson. Mr James Marshall and daughters Mary and Betty of Kincardine visited Slinday with Mr and Mrs D. Marshall -'Visitora with Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall and " the Wallace home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Ed. Smith of Toronto Mr Dan and Miss Kate McGee of Kenilworth. Mr and Mrs Bryson Morlock. Hot. stein. were Sunday visitors with Mr COURTAOF REVISION TOWNSHIP or seamen Mr and Mrs C. McAllster visited re- cently with Mr and Mrs George Bell of Glenelg. There was agcod attendance at the service Sunday. The program in. Mothers' Day was followed. Our pas- tor spoke on "A mother's secret long. ings for her child." A true mcthci wishes her child to be regular in at- tendance at the house ot God, IL read the bible and pray daily, and have some part in service for God. May we examine ourselves and see how we stand in these things that we may honor our mothers, whether they be living, or have passed on. Mr. Kaye regretted that so many of the children do not remain for the church service. It is In youth the habit of attending church is formed, and Jesus left us the example of being in the house of God on the Sabbath day. It is claimed that people and even some ministers do not read the bible or pray, and have family worship in the home as they did once, but without these means of grace, our lives will be a failure. Take notice that the Court of Ite. recently. a day last week with Mr and Mrs Wm. Lewis. Mr and C, B. Adlam also Mr and Mrs R. Campbell spent Sunday with Mrs_Alex. McVean. MFCharles Hallway purchased a horse from Mr Duncan bf Dundalx Mr. and Mrs. Simon Habermehl ot Holstein spent. Sunday or last week with Mr and Mrs J. A. Me. We are sorry Mrs Geo. Eddington has not been improving as rapidly as her many friends would like to hold duties. Miss Ruby Matthews of Ottawa. with Mrs D. Bell. Oshawa motored home to spend Mother'n Dav with their mother. Mrs. Robert Matthews. Arthur Matthew's is indieposed with a sprained ankle at prasent. Mr and Mrs Jars. Hargnve ot the Lake Were. recent visitors with their son C. Hargrave. Miss Helen Llndsay.ls “stating with the household duties at Mrs Hu- bert. McDouzall of Holstein. don . E bereaved . Sundny School commenced Sunday lut " St. Penn Church with In 'attendance of over 50. Teachers and other: were present. Hope this nt- tendcnce may continue. Mr. w. Horriaon received the and newn of the death of his brother Jog. who underwent “operation in St; Jo. seph's Hospital. London which proved fatal. Mr and Mrs Morrison attended; the funeral over the weekend in Ion-i Miss Irene Ball, Owen Sound,spent. Mr. KNOX CORNERS At YTHT FOR NFRG ALLAN'S CORNERS Sympathy is extended to the TORONTO than be had man with them:- lforces for tour you". because he had not "has" and didn't (eel 'ttstifled In ‘buying them, with ”much unemploy- ‘ment and when to be momma. l 'rtt-dthnthermttartrtt,tmttse "idttexrmsMnereretoerseto the. num- mlnr of the C.0.l'..who has been who“ to - oval-(l clothes for the dinner. can they is personal decorations that worry some of the M.P's. The other days‘ Iknot of Liberals who sit in the'rump' l--tttty overtiow to the left of the 'c'oeaker--were chatting and laughinz as I passed behind the curtain ttear, them. When I enquired what the, Joke me. one of them said: "MT?' [have flu-at been downtown to the tttit-' liner's buying Walter a ailk Tut to wear to the sullen party." I and [I would watch for him to see how hel looked in it and they charmed: "Theta why we are going." I A young eon-em. mp; rather) shmeheedly laid to me: “I got myI Arst Prince Albert. I hope my cum. ty - been of it." And a C.C.Periu aid he mart no to the dinner, il')," With our six invitaubns to formal functions. with prescribed attire, " has been made by hanging a repro- duction of the Imperial Crown, seven- teen feet high, above the main en- trance, nnd smaller copies of the King's Crown over the Commons en. trance. and of the Queen's Crown over the Senate, the jewels hem! colored limits, and all three flanked by the tttup, of the Empire. It is almost an impossibility to de- corate buildings as immense and beautiful in themselves " the Parlia- ment Building-s, butavaliant attempt laid, public buildings richly decorated and the routes over which Their Ma. iestiea will travel made guy with bunting, flags and banners. a No one would charge that Parlia- 'ment has not been busy. Committees sit morning and afternoon, the Com- mons morning, afternoon and even- ing. and even the Senate does two sittings a day. And the subjects be- tore Parliament have been important: the Mortgdge Bank, wheat and more wheat, acreage bonus, national de. fence, as well as many odds and ends., But through it all there is a feelinw.‘ ofdistraction; asense of expectation. The King and Queen are coming! Ottawa is working day and night to make the Capital beautiful. Miracu- lously. full grown trees appear where none were. Street car lines are torn up, new pavements put down, unsight- ly buildings demolished or screened with evergreens. acres of new sod MISS MAG PHAIL'S ti. P's. Worry over "?emml Decorations" "dd 1651i "ttttSC, " ran A RID!” my mum "qetoPom" - --' Elle-git thu‘i‘ H“ o Irs. .9. in. o WHO-Via” "Stvlo Loo k' Body by "hee. WEEKLY LETTER Wm Keller, Vic Blythe DURHAM MOTOR SALES (our 'tttaB-ated tt--Ward, hula, madman... ,rttAthe"eits-ee3-aa-oes' “Wu-human.“ led brWeatom 'r-st-ora-iii"';".",','.! (,t,s,iigititiijriiFEi,iiiiiii)itii'ii'e) ‘uunmeduthobvolothum'l eutttremotttrtm.tturn um' merchant... Tho-“.11.: The whole problem of wheat, tta price and the reimbursement ot tar. ners mamt. gran-homer Mm: awoken m, “unwanted mono! the week. The Initial moo um mu. ad from may to seventy com, unto but no: In emu-of Mott Daniel-um 5 Dr. Manion said he did not think: this protection rhould be given only: to his mortgage companies and point-1 ed out that it was 1 cutantrophe for; the individual to bee I. euhstnntinl portion of a mortar-v. as they bud; done under the Pet-mew Cteditomr Arrangement Act, and he naked tho I government to consider further an" which ofthe individlul lender. This! point will he Itreued much more} when the Bill come: in for second! caged, the government through the central mortgage bulk will relmhurne such a. company to the extent of one halt of the loss unnamed. Unfortu- nately. “does not apply tolndlvlduul mortgage holders. If a mortgage company will we to adjust Interest rate to live per cent. to write off all "rem of interest In excess of two years and to adjust the princlpcl downward to a point when! it does not exceed eighty per cent ot the Mr value of the property mort- eat charges against farms. and Irma: in town and city not in Home of 87000. " works something like this. had suggested that l 00 to neutral on Saturday morning and when I came tomy sent in the Commons that ‘morning. she called acroas Mr Woods. worth, who sits between us: "Why didn't you no M . . ' "n 'M' "t couldnt," l said. "National defence estimates on. Lunch at the Country [Club with Rt. Hon. George P. Gmhtrur, innd this everlasting newspaper tttul yiete to do." Wherent Mrs. Black. shook her head sadly and said: "You: do take yourself seriously." Pi) Womhsworth pooh-poohed the idea of, taking time on tor such frivollty. out: the question that haunts me ls,whnti do I wear to the dinner t ' But, to get heck toserious business. A central morgue bank is to beset up, controlled entirely by the Domin- ion government, which will ennble montage computes to reduce inher-1 Mm. Black, who always dreams beautifully. is greatly concerned over the dress I am to 'wear to the most important function, the government dinner for the King and Queen. She clothes . DEALER a foot of a man-the evertitttrlott the Bill Open road! At your command you’ll and 9541.9. att mnco that doublu the iunotddvtng. You'll b handhnqmyou‘nmhmbohb. You'llnlu in tuiusrturotOidainahtU'. Ho, loo-11304151!” --" tho revolutionary new Rhythmic lid. loch you overthaooughqtot.. Munchkin today. Gd acquainted with the Inw-pdcod Old- "Sdoct Sid'- the popular-plied "Subs Semif' airs-anal the great “Serial Eighty" Straight Eight. Lo- noalhlynr-uu on tho Gourd luau WP“ .triiiil \PIH , Ptrtrsto-iutiraa-,, "autumn! any...” 2'."1urArrtaGGGUiTai' 101mm: :THUI" PM. CAT... MAY 1., to, 20 [The Miracle Chow! ' You’ll In“ up and Cheer'. Wall-e. .- not”: Yuylor An irmvNtmt In“ of the Furious Antares been“ the 3mm: mxou drum mince "Mum on the Bounty" AND ON Till “It: PM. . let 1irrd, the Cut-u" I .1 ‘Stand up and Fight’ lens. In each of not less than ler, 'wwnnhips In myone province in the [spring wheat men, IIICII we. my be declared to be a crop [Allure urea." -Pu't of the cost of the bonus is car- "ted by nlevy onnll Weetertt farmers. l An Interesting debate on national idetbnce In In progress. but cannot bra idea: with until the Hun-am In nail- jlhle. Am C. [mph-i! Ottawa, m changed to include crop failures trom any cause other than lull, which in Already covered by immune. much like our ttre insurance. The bonus I. not paid on the but: cf ran um on In Individual fun but, in the. words of the Act. "When (MIWI‘ILW’ yield of when. u: result of anything but hail, In tive bushels per acre or some tsubatantat changes we" Inn-Ia In committee. The Inc idea Was that the bonus Ibould - only " drought awoken um. but thi- lam “THE 811”?" Phone M In. Paying MAY tau-.1009 FOREST two old m The tutu-i tho 'Few, l wound up i PM'NMIR to n RESULTS 01 HID H0031 " "my. Bond lion-I H, hunk Ind 81101.. [old with low "aehms In "endow-on hummus In hi"! ttati, "awn-m. The 9mm Gin spoke in the wort 'ttT' Society Rev. w, paid trim held In " low I k" may; H)! mm; Nola“): hi N‘s in "ttt lu-IVIM in wink- mug non held toe Knox l "GIG! A mm mm: 9. Neural an y land .c-rvico- ulnr d] “I Inhpr the " "WT. it?!" human non Mr 1'OLUlil M Hm W.T I it C. " Wedne WI TH MM Appoltw an" Yo to b In! ie', II Ll ur M 101 y i mid Ion! i In. mid M tttNY .uctt1 "

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