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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1939, p. 2

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; t 53 it: 31% " M H no new tactics involved telling 5, word ot mouth to customers " the " services. and to the gen- erat public through advertising. the m why there had been crash» " and the new that had been m to prevent them. This pro- - had mulled in new Conti. "ar provided the greatest re. lhtnce to the selling ot air trans- port. the speaker pointed out. Fol. lovinx a uric: of crashes three you: no. new tactics had been o-ployed. Up to that time those unlit; " transport had avoided -ttttrt ot accidents in air true]. "Within 10 years at the very most. and likely within tire, air transport will be the safest means of travel the world has ever tun." A record in air safety was ambushed last year. said B. B. Crux. notional sales director ot United Air Lines. while on a visit to Condo last week. It Is Predicted That Within Ten You: It May Be The Safest Means of Travel Air Transport Becomes Safer Above the windshield of the royal car in which the King rides, is mounted the King’s crest, ABOVE, with the royal standard flying from a short stat! above the crest. At night a blue light will illumin- ate the fluttering standard. Mr. Green suggested establish- ment of a farm on an experiment- al basis and also training centres to prepare the men for mining, forestry and road building work. I, Mr. Green raid, and there was some apprehervrn as to whit would beeome of these young men. In addition. the car must be seiz- ed and held tor thrtw months upon a second conviction for tailing to remain It the scene ot an arcident. and (or a third conviction tor any one of the following ofionces: Me erating an unregistered motor ve- hicle. driving without a ehautrettr'.q license. careless driving, racing. driving while under age. or drivlng without an opernor's ileensn. The Act was amended to provide for impounding of cars on It new grounds. Autos must be Impounded tor a first conviction for driving while the license or motor vehicle permit is under uuspension by the minister ot highways or by a mag- istrate; tor operating or being in charge of a motor vehicle while in- toarieated, and tor driving while pro- hibited under the Criminal Code iollowlng conviction tor reckless driving whilo the driver's license is under suspension. Mimi“: Establishment of a training farm for unemployed transients in British Columbia under the citizens recreatirnal council and in eo-operation with the provincial government was advocated in the House of Commons last week by Howard Green, Con, orvatirc, Van.. couver South. Some 4,000 single unemployed in forestry camps in British Co- lumbia would be dismissed June Seizure of an automobile for three month; upon the operator's third conviction tor driving with. out a license was stipulated in nu amendment to the Highway Trat. Me Act passed by the Ontario Leg. Isiature in committee in! month. On Federal Farm; M. Fears Closing of the Camp, in B.C. videsre.AdditiantG-a, ForIMAutm 12 Reasons Why Cars Are Pinched For TraGients King's Crest The meat ot the buffalo. once the principal tare of pioneer plains- men. is a popular repast with many Canadians who like extra tltwor and novelty in their meals. Tasty bnitalo steaks were served at one of the meals on the Royal train according to the Department ot Resources, Ottawa, which maintains great herds of these animals in two national parks in Western Canada. and from time to time periodic slaughter: are carried out by con- trtet under government super- Described as the noblest rumin. ant that ever trod the earth, the halfan was at one time nearly ex- tinct. but the establishment ot herds in Buffalo And Elk Island National Parks saved them from this lute. To-day It is necesnry to reduce the herds at regulsr Inter- vals to keep them within the curry- ing capacity of the park pastures, Choice Dish is Served At One of the Meal: Int the Royal Royalty Tastes Buffalo Steaks 6. The decorations ot the inform al tea are not so elaborate and the refreshments are more simple. The hostess at an informal attair also mingles with her guests and does not remain at the door to greet each newcomer. 5. It there is any distinction, he should be more alert and courteous as safety is a factor. 4. Phone the hostess and express how sorry you are that you cannot come. but do not go. 4. When one has been a party, or other man, accepting he contracts Cold. what should he do? 5. Shouldn't a motorist be Just as courteous on the road as he is at some social function? 6. What is the diitertyrure between the formal and informal tea? 2. No. But it is alt right at a home wedding. 3. Yes, it is the courteous thing to do. 2. Is it considered good form for a bridegroom to kiss his bride, tal. lowing the ceremony at a church? 3. When tt girl of eighteen is in. troduced to a woman of forty, or older, is It "PCPSSRFF for the girl to rise'.' ANSWERS 1 Think twice before you speak. "A word and a stone once let go cannot be recalled," and a person with this habit should train him- self to hesitate before speaking, un- til this practice is broken. t. How can a person overcome the habit ot saying luctless things without thinking? ---- - -i_-- A - Then- i,; no more glamorous name associated with the King’s Plate, oldest nee run continuous-{y or had its eisrhtieth running at Woodbine, Toronto, on May 22, than that of Seagram. And this yt watched the famous race. Tales of Seagram triumphs in this race reach back to the storied past t times, an age of fair women, fast horses and the placid contentment of the eountt'yside. Since 1891 steed. set the family star in the aseendant, Seagrams have won the Pitta 20 times. Twenty Winnel remarkable meant and one that is expected to endure for all time. In the above photograph are see and Gold fawn (right. entries in the Plate this year. At the top, under the circled heads is a rep! the King to the winning owner. There i illii)(li)ilii)ij5)aii)(iiliaiaya) “AU‘HVII _ me xamuy star in the aseendant, Seamams have won t e record and one that is expected to endure for all time J'uwn (right; entries in the Plate this year. At the tot to the winning owner. King and Queen See “King's Pkte"r-OhLt Race (Run Continuously) On This Continent Irwin-d to and aner a severe Eloquence is the child of know- ledge. When a mind is full, like a wholesome river, it is also clear. --Beaeonsfield. Twelve years ago Scoutmaster Irving Hart organized I Scout Troop among the boys ot the Lem er Colony ot San Lazaro, Philip- pine Islands. Today there are sev- en Troops, a Wolf Cub Pack and a Sea Scout "ship", and the Scout- master has become the District Field Commissioner. Not only has Scouting greatly improved the whole tone of the leper commun~ ity, but has contributed to the com- plete recovery ot a number ot the young patients. This was achiev- ed through the development ot a new, cheerful attitude, in place of depression, and a Scout's readiness to follow the prescribed course ot treatment. A Boy Scout Day at the New York World's Fair has been an. nounced for Thursday, June 29. All Scouts and Scouters in uniform will throughout that day be admitted to the fair at the special admis- sion ot M cents. A great gather- ing ot Scouts is expected similar to the record attendance of Scout Day,at Chicago's Century of Pro- gross Exposition in 1933. Om- ot the outstanding events at the big annual Parents' Night ot the lst Merritton, Ont., Scout Group held at the Merritton Town Hall, was the investing ot the Troop's two first King's Scouts. The im- pressive reattirmntlon ot the Scout. Promise and the "kutlghting" of the two young candidates with a stroke ot the Scout stun“. The world's largest Boy Scout. Iread Lovendusky, ot Force, Pa,, is dead. He weighed 527 pounds. SCOUTENG MIND'S CLOCK TURNED BACK Brain specialists can now turn the mental clock back to childhood to Beat Ten.uldisease. Short radio waves can be used to pop corn. as well as to send messages and treat persons who are ill, Charles Milliken, graduate electrical engineer at the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, proved in a demonstration. DRUG PREVENTS POCKS Treatment of smallpox with sui- The effect of the treatment, which is carried on under hypno. sis, is to put the mind in reverse, re-orient it from the time it be- gan going bad, and start it over again in normal channels. Milliken popped the corn right in the bag, but used a transparent one of cellulose so the popping process would be visible. Sufferers who have taken a few doses of "Uricones" hsve been ttratified at the relief secured. Rheumatic Aches, Arthritis, Lumbago. Gout, Sciatica, Neuritis, Fibrositls and similar com- plaints-all have been helped by 19icones", s relisble remedy for Rheumatic 1tire.ritt.F in the pain zones indi. tTig, cued " the diagram. iir':'.'ie:i Excess acid t the G'; " utrf.il':) ', ten: " very " uent y W31“ . the cause of angering. M, WM" "Uricones" help to 'Ill,,,).:,,?,,),.',,-,:??.!:,.,),:?.,,:',!!,::,:),, free the blood-stream a}: of these pain-causing " 'iiiiiiii)ilii,j'iii, l excess scuds,working B, "' . to rectify a condition b' “my M SHORT WAVES POP CORN have "Lat-Gare,, by .... uglcouis Malina-d Ad of mucous" mm on tit?,f'i?fiifi5i'lii u. m ItlilE8llium0 . AGNES What Science is gg Doing , hue No. 21 - ’30 UN I “HIV anru . by TORONTO rntfnTsu,cly on the North American continent. and which And this year, Their Majesties the king and Rue.en. storied Past and to the more leisurely age of Victorian _ of..- Intnu I -.. . I _ _ - m" "hr- 12 Janna“; a 1891 when Victorious, the aptly named Seam-3m winners under the colors of one family is I truly are seen the 20 victors, and inset, Sarlgossa (left) a reproduction of 50 guinuas annually donated by -___-. """-W'WA. III-I F‘I‘" uADEN HIGH QUALITY GOVERN. ment Approved Chick. that Ire Hold em low prices. Berna Roch. New Hampshire Reds. While Rocks, Hybridl. Standard Quality 89.25. Cockereln ".00. 00% Pull.“ 814.95, “thorns M.0, Coetosreta 88.00, Pallets CHAS. Bl: lg: Quuity hatched from " to " ounce can. _ Breed. .10.". Pulleu tie.", Cocteau ”.00. honor-m $10.23, Puma $20.90. Prompt ,itItrpttertf.--BUiii Electric g,',tlu"t'"rir Limited. Baden, u " o. - "nu-Juli L'goca" Fol! IALE NEW 10W PRICES FOR TWEDDLE High Quality Chicks. Effective May ttth. Grade A Heavy Breeds :ILAJ. Puliets 816.75. Cookers!- .0!c. Leghorn: 89.95. f’ulletn 820.75. Extra Profit the bit overalls. chicks Heavy Breed. tit.M, Pul- letl 818.90. Coekorela .09c. Lec- hornn 811.45. Pulleta 823.45. Start- ed Chicks two week. old Add to day old pricel, Cockarell " Non sexed Mic. Pallet: .06c. Three weeks old add Cockerell .090. Non sexed toe, Pallet.- Ite, Free cul- endnr and Poultry guide. Prompt deyversr.---rwad% Chick Hutch- eries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. PORT Pl The mountains they are folk, They stand afar-alone, And the clouds that kis brows at night 77 .. -. Hear neither sigh nor gram. Each beat? him _irt his ordered Four persons heated with the drug "reeovered immediately " ter the subsidence of the fever and the symptoms of the initial phase." Three suffered only pass- ing skin eruptions and these dia- apeared rapidly. The fourth had only three peck marks. their feet _ And bolster up the sky. -=Cre-----.--. JHWRLRY y1Firuiuoyr-wALFiikTe Pocket Watches. $4 up. Wrist- watches. "inn. etc. Violins. Sala- phones. l'nredoemcd Pawnbroker- pledges Catalogue. BIL-Tammy's. Toronto. ordered plaee 7 ""'_'-i9P. As soldiers do, and bold and high They fold_thgir forests around fl. AGENTS! STOREKEEPERS! his: prams selling our o, “no: of Drygoods and wares. Write today tor tre List. General murmur. fanihtmide--so successfully that ti.istiituvetmtt was prevented in three or four etoess-..-is reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. ‘ FLAGS. HUNTING. PLAIN Waterproof Trunk Cover Tents. Prices and samples quest. John heckle Ltd.. 'r w E TWEDDLE mucus mm L‘IIY 1 “II? ‘IrIIrII4A‘ _---- ,_-,_v ”nyrj. A. steer repcnu Bray Barred Rock pulletn buying at 4% months old. Early layers bring in bigger Full profits. Start your Bray chic-kn right away. Bray Hatchet-v. an --ee_ .-u run nnhl'i NE ONLY LOST THREE 01r I" Bray New Hampshire chicks. For wow'lh, We have never seen the like." says Harold Swanson. Wil- lmms Point. Nova Scotla. You can have rust-growing. early-laying pullots too. Order Bray vhlcku to. day. Bray Hatchery, Ito John Strep! \‘nrtl. u..__u. - - -ieWe. u...” uluy cent, day. Bray Hatchery, Ito Street North, Hamilton ft BABE!“ CHICK! FOR "LN - "IIII' AIDA- -.--- ., mx i“ "K" ('lIIrKs mm “we " l|\'l V Kin-m _..------, ARTICLES Fun {And 7...,. “an, In! Ire: toNee Genera} Outfitters Rez'd. 965. Place D'Armea. Montreal. ."_----.-a.aia=C'-if"V ‘ ‘ERHY, 2yTARyp--srRsi, In"? mucus --Harnifn Garland bring in Mfg-gt: Fiii ' your Bray chit-kn Petr Egypt-y. 110 ,7.” -uv uvllll Hamilton. Ontario. 1. “Email: tlil', I have}. Gia' samples on re- ) Ltd.. Toronto. kiss their ts.' Make over 250 td Small. (reej'rke silent AND HANDY GREASE CONTAINER AND Gun lander. Gun-mm, m... J-_-CL-'-'"-""---.- SPARE TIME INCOME IS OFFERED xo RESPONSIBLE women with good local canteen. Lending Inna-Moe publlnher seek. neighborhood Inhalation work- er. Experience unmet-gun. co.- minion- llbent, [enema- homu- en. Sate "tr. Give reference; Box " Room "i. " Adel-Me St. W. Toronto. Jirr-'"------ RASPBERRIEH. LATHAM. CHIEF. Viking. Fifteen for dollar. hund. red Pour Dollnrl. Btrttwttrrrieis, Door fer hundred. prep-id. K. Ts 0. Br mien. 0nmrlo.ir PURE -"-H-- ROLLS DEVELOPED. ETCHCRAFT enlargement - I prints 26c. Re. prints 8c. Photoart Service. Tren- ton, Ontario. Drawer 800. exis Carrel OUR PRINCIPALs OFFER PROS- perity. Independence. Security. within reach of all. Write "Home 'Wlthnlncome" Agency. North Hat. AV n- _--"..----- START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Every dollar we bring: you rev- enty-flve can“ protit. Write Ec- 'h"..'"',": Distributing Company, Cur- ".. ......... . _-_. - _., "Our cviilintion. with its demo- cratic ideal, is based on ideologies of the eighteenth century."--" ly".' Room-mate: "F i n a n c i a l- l y' 1nd there are two r's in 'ttttr. ban-assed'." College Student (wri.ing home): ."1ha, how do you spell 'financial. Classified....... f"; Advertising.. 7 The reply he received ran: “Congratulations. Your next con- finement will be in Grrtreks." The young ofheet gave up his seat and wired his C.0.: "Given berth to girl. Returning by next 'plote." A young once: returning from leave abroad was about to take " place in an air..liner when I girl ran up and nsked the passengers if any one of them would be kind enough to sell her his seat as her mother was dangerously ill and the liner was full up. Two boys were teaching a friend to ride a bicycle. After helping him on to the while they pushed him " downhill. As he did not return they went in search of him. Meeting en old lady, they asked heriflhehndseenlhoyonnhi- cycle. "No," us the reply. “I've not seen nnyone except a boy tsitting in I ditch mending umbrellas." ,__ ....-. "a unuur. urn! quuny. Write for prlcu. Order early. te,'.' M. (Jule-pie. Ahttotaforif. no. Liir,' tit, ,1 an lave Willard " mums. Human m. Inmates. ‘urII. and a! that “all” Hall noon ' "ittstfatid if/PRS cm I 2tr,pt, .511!!ng 350cm Wife: "t do, but go ahead with your “on." where I've been P' 0n rather claim. the hs. [o-uity of the Per-h- hu- band, who, wic- told by Li. wife to help with the spring- cleaning. got hold of the household magic and and brat it. FIE-ALE HELP I'AI‘I‘ED nrslxnss orm"teeiWiT Hubby (trivia; at my uulrmuung Company, Cur- Avenue. Leonuurtori, Ontario. m... --, DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET EG." MAFIA!) SfRUl’. first quality a "r II. "ms- I\_Al_~ . BUSINESS CHANCES -- _.-_u - Iv II" I itiiiirr"'N. 'ik'i"irhl1lrlt. IlClllIEIV lmvémme NI IALE THOSE GREY “REA“ IN foul! hair in do“ min-t you. Ul- doublodly an "an! remedy tor grey but In Kora-ar- l'ollnde. Till I. not u in. but ulcntlflcnl- V ”and (mt-cut which re- vlullua an hair. ' ounce £1.00: In“ (our '""h" IL“. pool-CI - on» 'tear-ut. A. Tatum (Ca-ulna Ann!) Du Bloor It. Wat. Toronto. I“. not no" In Ens-land for to run. mun U8 mun ruémn MAGNE- to t'"2P..tt.ritei. “on”; We nu - m.-- ABB--r,, - lll'Eoi’Ppr neuron "UNLAP, NEWFOUNDLAND STAMPS. " as: ferent We. caulocue value $2.50; Page yt" (uptight-q. Ed. Bola-- IEWIIG IACIIIICI t Ill'O'l-ll'll you SEWINU MACHINES. luc- plurl, 1"gt'luegr,tll nukes. haw or truth-n. rocondltioned much- tuu In .toett-. Write a. Gilbert & Son. 850 Ions. In. Toronto. IF YOU WANT AN AI-‘FECTIUN- no romantic sweetheart. with money. write: Mary Lee. ",5Al. 1t_?_l1i.oeissourt. QUIT TOBACCO. INUFF. EASILI. IDOSMIIIVCII. Home remedy. Ten- tlmoulalu. nun-mud. Advice tree. Butlon'a. Box I. Wttuttpetit. HARRY-HUNDREDS 1'0 CHOOSE from. tinny with mum. Farm- Il'l' “when. Widow: with 'git/ttgr Particular. toe. Con. Y1shtui, Box In Causal: Al. The pains and stiffness of rhvu mutism we often “used by MR acid crystals in the muscles and Loints. The numerous salts in rusehen [Stilt in stimulating the internal 0mm to healthy, retrulet activity. and help them to Clint inlte excess uric acid. "his mvnwu-Im FILMS DEVEIDI‘ED. TWO PRINTS of each and FREE ENLARGE. KENT coupon '2V.-Ottyet Puoto- Krnphy Den. "A", 2 Russell st.. Toronto. FREE: ENLARGEMENT WITH Ev- ery roll Ilm developed and ' high h't."a,"/t Me. ' enlarged prints 25c. print. same price. Uriah!- “In Studio. '" Richmond Sheet But. Toronto. "Then I was told to try Krus chen Salts, which quickly brought relief. tbo of course I have kept on with it, and l um now mull better and hive never felt so fit for years. I used to feel so mlsm able 1nd sluggish, tun now it " a ttit"" to be able to work.“ th . “l ind been suffering from rheumatism very badly." a mu: writes, "and had such pains. in my Joints that I could hardly hear it, on a wet day especially. ll mined me terribly to use my arms, and l w“ hardly able to work. l tried two different remedies. but I was still as bad after the treat. ment. Here is a noteworthy inetam, of the mner in which dam; weather can affect the joints ot om.I who is subject to rheumatic parity. "The bill " an eftort to help the 'rtttnietpntttiem um it wlll affect only nines with prams, determin- ed " the mile sue-sor- under the Junta. Tax Act, of $2,333.000 or more." aid the Minister. ”H“--. -.-,..... .r. you mottqr. Allin-on Arm: Knuth. "' any Mt., Toronto. lent parcel, 7335!:1 L1o21ii2yiouktAo.' The Town ot Timmins um yea. .hould receive "5.000 to 830.0% Added tax revenues because of a manure to mend the Ast"5titstttettt Act. which can: before the On- tarte ”than. Dunes mum" Paul Leann: attuned. Mr. Mlle predicted Tlmminl Took Tonehlp and man. Town. ship. " which are heated won ot Olurlo'l trrotitaukittq gold mines, would together receive $176,000 more this your from the In on nine prams. V _ -__ __.V.--‘... "L a...“ Btruwbcrry plum“. very tardy: thou-cud ".88; 81.15 tor 500: 8.000 for "ml. Pt!! orders promptly, Inn! n....- -_.-. .. . . A“ men, yj?.iLiLejiii.riiGrioG7au'ii, Higher Mines Tax To Benefit North ON A WET DAY menu: lumen: as» “Ellen”: uni-“In lulwlml‘ PLA Hrs is $trttgtoo or More "I! 00 CHEW! mun-mm A I'M ' VERNON Al. if." ,.._.... " ua mm: A FjGiii u" In")! are n the t aver! and and I have: Farm vivid an: Inn In uh he I 82 Si Bath " In M Am

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