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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1939, p. 5

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- V ' -- - -', 2’“ JTrr.. " , C-', l. .1 332%.: , j l 'f' if ' _ 23:333.: _ he! If” FA I R _ (ii.?.?,-'." ; a' . w. tAli. F ' .", . -' M, I Lair» F , fr. . wt) REST immune? I INCLUDES We . >_A,._ 4‘1““ . in? l it ’3255. “The World of tomorrow: [tl? --ro0Art my it Eben INCLUDES . _ In ant CRAWFORD Taamley, never”! and 'tP an» among those on ntvke of the excurlln t. on Monday am) had the t Jae-m: their Majestic- at F s mm! 1150 visiting my .u x; plat'es in the city. .. ' taunt Toronto tm 'voOions must be mod. i as? a week in mm. mphve folder 006m information of LUDES new" “5 I s2fc? art MA Y 25th 1989 ' a Drug Mole PHONE 3 “I W Hotel H crtrsl Accommdoiion. I n; to Fair Grounds. -'\g Tour of "ir of tho Ontario r-. m Service at no Come and hear Mm. on of Harrinton I: , vacation wlth " ther here. 'Immull and III!" :runto. visited tb (It, ‘- uncle. Mr D. A. N BC. Broodcouing or of N.8.C. TC... at): Toronto - ”up: in the Unit-3d r Sunday a”!!! q Tour of New York. N BC. Broadcasting ole , Eur of New Yuk. WE 1 Tour of New Yak. ". W ' Trip around ' Jami. was” _ 0‘ MS _' -our of New York. . 3 C Broadcasting :r of N.B.C. Talo- telActommodotiet. " to Fair Grounds. Hg Tour of Poi! udios or nrssl Accomr,todV rNs '0 Fair Grounds. "9 Tour of Fair el AteommodoF s to Foir Grounds. g Tour ot Fair the ladies' prize mm" the gentl'. juniors: went to , bountiful [with cocial hour 0.0.1. h" WWI-5 ot Trip around n Island. J of Chinom and Groonwicll dict M730 spent In! M ' W.ht.B. enter. at a promo-Ive the home od Iter fall. Mildred efOITmOMI of N.B.C. 10h- =eeuri f By ngiew Small his. Bring 'fii'iiiiiiiii FOR uLaAsemor Bullion Strut- , berry plum. Apply M. Gmnwood_| PT'REBRED HEREFORD 3014.;011 §ALE, " mos. old. Apply to Oren FOR SALB-pttem Walling Tudor. Toro. engine, new, will do harm work. Complete with tools, half price, 8175. Apply Durban Review RESIDENCE NRSALE - The Laid- law property, corner Bruce and Lambton ttts., Durham. Apply to In; Jessie McIntyre. Duham. SEED FOR BALB--ated Clmr $7.50 bus; Alamo 87.50; Alla": $14; Red Hover & AIM!- mixture $1.50; All Government Grade two, roamed, on. uric grown seeds. A.C. Mum‘Ceylon SI’MMER COTTAGES TO RENT - Lakefront, at Whaga Beach. (48 miles from Durham" by week, fort. night or month. 850cm rates by week or week-end in M ' June and mm. Electrically can! Splendid bathing beach in front. Am!!! early ro P. Rummage. Durham. FOR SALE I Serge Elect c Refrigerator, large size, 4 ya old, new price $325, tor $125.00. 1 Electric Stove, three burner auto. matic oven A"i'it for $50.00: three you: old, item ttnd black. 1 drop leaf Kitchen able And tour Chairs. cream and set, $10.00. 1 poreetnin top Bahe Table, ttour and sugar bins. 87.50. \ TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Salad Tenders addressed to the un- derstgned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received until .12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Mon. day, June 12, "39,tor the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. l-‘orms of tender with tspeemeatiomr and conditions attached an be ob tained iron the Purchasing Agent, Mpartment of Public Works, Otta- wa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide st. East. Toronto, Ont. Tend-org should be made on the forms supplied by the Wen! and in accordance with departmental spe- dilution: and conditions attached thereto. 613. r 2, When the amount. of a tender ex- raeds the sum of t6ty00.0fN--whettter it bo for one building only or more -the tenderer: must attach to their trnder a eertified cheque on achart- u-od bank in Canada. made payable to the order of the Honounhle the Minister of Public Works, equal to " per cent of the amount of the the lander. or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada of of the Canard!- an National Railway Company and it! mnstituent companies, unconditional- ly guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, M the aforementioned bond. and a txttrtitied cheque. If required to make I'D an mm to demand from any successful trunderttr a security devout in the form of a eertiiled cheque or bond as above. equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of his bid. to truarantee the mover mmtment of the contact. Dominion of Canada or of the Cana- T'Opartment of Public Works, Ottavn. Mar 10. 1989 '_'--'" -- 'rqNmM"""'""" -- The first mu of the Court of although it is n . my. Mr John J Revision on the sun-meat Roll for ordered the Rod 1939 will be held the Town Bull. Durham, on u tho Emilia MONDAY 29th DA or MAY 1939 - " w“ ttot , ' public buildings. at 8.00 p.m., for t hearing ot my Jack m lab-til appeals that have tued in writ- to use the Unit: In: with the Clerk, on or before my m. 20th, 1939. Another oMeta .__ ._.......... no that should that of ttyr Ga" ”; www- - --_ ' . M. WILL". M Dated my mi. 1039- matte oven cagtrol. fs three you: old, hum t drop leaf Kitchen able Chairs. cram and not porcelnin top Btu Table sugar bins. 87.50. l MAY 25th, 1989 COURROF REVISION 41W TOWN ltr DURHAM E. J. BENNEtT, Durham . SOMERVILLE. Secretary . also reserves the FARM FOR sALE‘on RENT The James Bumbon farm. lot 16, con. 15, Efremont, containing MW acres. Good buildings. Apply to Review Ofrtee. Dog tags must cured at once from H. D. Scott, plleetor, or at Clerk's omee. Owne or harborers of any dogs without t s on or ar, ter June In will be p outed. B ORDER Notice is hereby given that aCourt of Revision Till be held in the Town. ship Hall, (Nanak. at One o'e1ock-pan. SATURDAY, MAY 27TH, 1939 tor the purpose of hearing all com. plalnu against the Assessment Roll for 1989 that may have been tiled in writing with the Clerk, on, or before May 15th, 1939. The Assessment Roll is naw open for Inspection. All persons interest- ed will please govern themselves ac- cordingly. s will be paid by 25 Reward the mfg. of ' LLOYD'S THY- MOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn or callous THEY cannot remove with this eiiicient new treientitle treatment for Gem and Callous”. Lloyd's com- bination treatment (Salve and Pads) removes and keeps them away. De. lendtisee and relieves with Brat ap- plication. For sale at During the Royal visit to Cana. du we are seeing a blaze cf color from coast to coast. Banners and bunting are flying from homes and business and public places. Water craft and land carriers are decora- ted, the Union Jack predominating. It is the flag of Canada 99 well as of the Empire. Every British domini- on except Canada, however, has a ditstinet've ttag ot its own, and all but the Batt of Eire include the Uni- on Jack in the design. Three ensigns will be observed-- the White, the the Red and the Blue. These originated when the British tleeta were divided into centre var and rear. Each divisiou had its " mini, vice admiral and rear.admirttl, and so that each ttogship might bo distinguished, the three separate en- sign were designated. The White Ensign hears the red cross of St. George on a white field with the Union Jack in the upper left hand met. None but the ships of the British or Dominion navies is permitted to use it. and severe pen- alties are imposed when any other vessel does co. The Blue Ensign to is eontlned to vessels in the public service. The Red Ensign is for the Merchant Marine. Ships of the Royal Canadian navy fly the White Ensign at the stem with the Canadian Blue Ensign on the ink mm " the bow. It has the Canadian motel-arms on the ilv Canadian Government shins. or shim _ -- ~4---A u..i-., Upper Town. with: "1U pun "..T'* ___ _ the Canadian enact-arm: on the tltr Canadian Govemment shim. or shin: of the Canadian Merchant Murine commanded by Canada: or British ‘ . --- AL- 131.... reservut‘a- nr at the stem t Emil/n with the Canadian "In: on the Br. No doubt the Red mil“ seen on land during the Royal Visit. although“ in not. properly a lam" my. Mr John A. unwound firtrt ordered the Red Ensign to be used as the cumin an and for mny you: it In: down over on Canada's public buildings. wet the Union Jack m "tststitttted. It is improper .- ---- nu. ".nlon Jock u a marine to' TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG COURT OF REVESION NOTICE itt DOG OWNERS TOWN t DURHAM H. H. MacDONALD, Clerk FLAGS FLYING McFadden's Drug Starr R. R. l, Durham gu is much Ron] visit. my a lam" Comunlon service. as announced Sunday, will be held on the 2nd Bun. day in June, in m. Column United Church, (June 11th.) “Birds of a feather, Mek togeth- er," as evidenced yesterday by the visit of Miss Anne Hanan to her parents here, Mr and Mrs H. B. oc- compnnled by a. wineome eocloble friend we. Janet Perkin. They left for Toronto to be in tune in the afternoon, for the big the expected today. A new rope has been placed through the pulley at top of the flagpole, taking the place of the rot- ted one. The climblnz was done on the siender last length, by Mr Kidder Molnnls. A daring wonderful teat. - We were pleased to greet and wer come home from the city. Mus Laura McArthut of the Glen, in the pink of health and loveliness. The brick pillar of Mr Ramnge's verandah. being undermined by the drops from the eavetroutth,har been drawn straight by the use of rhtyitig. The work was done by Mr. Walter Turnbull, in making a solid cement foundation. Station agent, McBride here, has" sold over forty tickets for Toronto tor the big "shine" today Miss Belle Weir, together with her three clever newes and young- est nephew, moved last week 'tsnto their awn farm, lam lot on tittt con Eeromont. Douzlas now being able to do some farm work. They are wished success by all. We noted reference to the death of Mr McKemie. the gentleman ot over T feet tall. A ftne eonver.ttation. iat. which we enjoyed very much of his life In New Zealand and eige- where. Another dear friend has pound to the Great Beyond in the person or MrsAlfred Haas.'wlth many years of acquaintance. Our sympathy goes out to the Borrowing husband and the two boys Bobbie and Arthur. Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams, two boys and Bernice, were visitors at the home of Mr w. W. Ramage, on a short visit. May 28th the 61st year of con. tinuous leadership in the service of praise will be completed by your correspondent. W. W. Ramaze. Mr valid Mrs Alex Macintosh of Midland, Ontario. visited with Mr: Rd. Everist on Sunday. Mrs Jack Parker. Toronto. tment a few days with her mother, Mrs Ever-lat. Mr Crmrrav McLean and friend. Kitrhener about the week end at his home. Mr and Mrs Archie McKechnie and NW: ttrtrurt' wpMrprtd In Toronto and saw the King and Queen. _ A number from here went to 'l ronto to see the King and Queen. er and Mrs Stanlev Williams and famllv "I "01:00!” vuttM with hirt sishr Meet T. (Saddam. Mrs T. Nichol spent flrat of the week at the home, of bar son. John. Miss Muir of Toronto mm a vial- tor last week at her brother's. Allie Muir. Nr and Mrs A. L. Hincks and family vislted Sundav with her par- ents at Swlnton Park, who are both under the doctor’s care. Mnand Mrs Alex. McLean. Toronto spent the weekend with their par- ents "Miss Beth Hincka of Atwood spent weekend " her home. Miss Elda Frook, Walkerwn, was a weekend vlsltor with her parents. Mrs Dan L McArthur was hostess Tuesday to the w.w.s. and W. H. Societies. with a good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs J. Whyte presided. After the usual opening exereUM, the roll call was responded to by an exchange of seeds or plants. Mrs A. MmCuniz gave a splendid runner on "How to Make a. Perennial Border." It was decided to have a Lilac Tea. the date to be set later. Mrs D. L. McArthur. Mrs A. Mat-Cumin. Miners M. Nichol and M. McArthlir were appointed a arnAdittee to look utter it. Mrs Sutherland presided over the W. M, B. Mrs J. A. Nichol and Miss Donelda McLeod gave interest- reodinn. Min: Milestone from the Bible College, Toronto and a meat " the Manse gave a splendid talk on Missionary Work . Lunch was served by the hostess! and her an- mums. The June meeting will be held at home of Mrs Allie Me an - --'vee" od the Mttntet MW! in thrBat Sound on m. Mr. and In. m. min Ind It!!!" visited on Sum!" ,ritti Mr and In Geo. 'ttmttMt. B-tttteh.- fu-. A-‘nhnr Mr m m N We had 1 much nestled PRIGEVILLE a 30V THE DURHAM REVIEW King and Queen. Mr and In Joe Keller locom- mnlod by Mr and " not Vuey and Mr and In like Cue: “mad with Mr and In John, Kennedy of Cheney. ' Mr George Dunn and son Stephen and Mr Suminen nnd son of Vine land spent Sunday with Mrs Braun and (may. Mr Clarence Vaughan spent Bun. day with his patents Mr and Mrs James Vaughn. CongratuUtion to Mr and Mrs Fred Abbott (nee Marion Boyd) of Toronto the gm of a. son, on May the 20th. Mr and Mrs Sheldroth of Chesley and Mrs Donald Clark and rm: of Durham spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack McKenzie. Miss Ada Banks entertained " a. birthng narty on Sunday in honor of her shun-1- Mrs Man 'trerd 'trtrl Minn PM” MrftttJWtm. The meat: warn Minn '0mthor Raw! and frtettd Mr an'ev. Mr and Mrs Chan. Steer and dmwhtor Ahfrhsv. Toronto and cousin Mr Harman Mn" and Mr and Mrs Nam" of “manhunt Mr and Mrs John Bowl and familv of Durham. huh-m: tho afternoon Me nnvd'n dmwhvor. of nah-nit ttttttttod and eetondM eon.ermtathtrong. Wn t-., 'hetergsTrtdtesq wttt - mnnvmore $torttusr visitors writ, Mr and Mrs Wealnv Bowman and MN E. Ron. nev were Mr Lorne Bowman M Tet, ronto. Mr and Meat Wrestl “awn" and Mr and Mn, Manlev Berrv of valnh. birthdays . Conwav Pirlml Io Win 0m 0'ulim, " Frida! Me Wan» Ttotmst. In employed with Mr Bradipv of Holland. Friday, May 26th. all roads will lend to he Durham Arena, where (Red) Co way and Jack O'Sullivsn will exc blows. Conny is ts- vored to i in, as he has fought the best in th world. Against champlon Joe Louis n Toronto, Conway was knocked d 11 three times the first and second unds and it looked like curtains fo the Mry redhead; but he trot up 0 so the distance, and in the last and, he surprised ev. cryone, inc ing his handlers. by taking the ii t to Louisi and making him back u . Conway has also fought Bott tor, losing a hairline decision in New York city. About a month ago. while Jack o'. Sullivan was going throth his train. ing grind in “Singer's Mala gym,’ one of the world's greatest boxers casually stroll Into the gym, wat- ched Jacko be a couple of rounds. and immediate? enquired forJocko’s board of strut F . It was no other than Mickey Ti; former welter- weight, middle ight and 1ittht-hoavy weight chm-11mg: of the world. He ottered Hec. Oliver s. cool $2000 for a hatt interest ' Janka, saying 'you have something here' by. Oliver just shook his head and laughingiy rep- lied: “Mickey, I 0 not believe there is that much m ey in the world, but anyway, ho about a picture of you and Jocko gether?", to which Mickey obiigingl consented and also spent some time! giving Jack a few pointers on ho to box an elusive cagev boxer. O' ullivsn has had 22 pro. fights end h 3 lost one. He has: everythinz to n in beating Con- way. Jack has beaten some good boys who wer considered tops: George Burke. 1 7 Dominion champ and Danny PaulTin , rounds. Jack will have. about 8 lbs. on Conway. which will tell er the long route. Jack is M. Con y in M. Will also and experience umph over youth , The semi will be worth the price of admission, as these two boys are clumps. in their own rights and nei- ther cares much ahout the manly art of self-defence r science of the some. Eric Cry ennui won second White Hope to went in Toronto. while Spensley h yet to lose . pro bout and also Id the 1938 Dom. middleweight tit . The other hours will bring ton er Walter Min-my. clever hard‘hitt 9: youngster who boys who ward George Burke. " and Danny Paul,‘ wlll have about which will tell d Jack is M. Cowi and experience t The semi will of admission. as champs. in their ther cares much of self-defence GLENROADEN All) "can? ', and remained ; PREOBYTERIAN W. M. 8. MET _ 1 AT HOME OF MRS GEO. SHARP The regulsr monthly meeting ot the Presbyterian w.u.s. was held Thursday afternoon " the home of pm Geo. Sharp. In the shiaence or ‘the president Mrs letlA presided " the mung. I Hrs Hepburn ted alternately in Ithe reading of the scripture Men 'from John MV.i--06. In Hirtle led in prayer. Mrs McPherson wu up pointed in charge of Home Dept.. :pro tem, Mrs Grant being silent. Arrmzemcnts weremade for hole. A committee composed of Mrs J Mor- rison. Mrs Eugen and Mrs. Keller i1P" annotated to arrange for quilts. :‘l‘he roll call answered by giving the the name of s missionary in India. .‘l‘he Visiting Committee. Mm Leding- Ehsm and Mrs J. Sham reported 6 !calls. The study book "Goforth in China" was read by Mrs Mount. Ttti, lowing the Gleam' was the chapter "itie. The part allotted to Mr Go. forth in opening up new work in Chnnte was a. great region north- east. to northwest of Chsnte, with many towns and countless villages. A suitable place was rented for the family in a compound. They were to stay a month and carry on inten- dive evangellzetion. Mr Goforth with his men went to the villages or held service on the streets while Mrs Gotorth received the women and preached to them in the courtyard. The evenings were given to Joint meetings with Mm Golorth " the organ and plenty of gospel hymns After a. month'sl services an evan- gelist we: left to carry on and the Gotcrths went to anew held, return- ing once or twice o year to visit them. The towing months wereliieb till June and BepttMrer till Decem- Who meets Jack O'Mivu; Friday night In mm Aunt. In t top nomad bout. Conway is, ("and to but the Durban boy. bet. Every phce visited Inter be- came . mowing church. Mrs Geo. Sharp gave a. momma paper on “What faith ere you living by t" We are apt to think of the gospel u a great mm: to die by but Paul was sure It “gavel". neuter faith to live by. Many mm to fol- low or live by desire. In Industry we are aggressive lndivldudu, 1n daily life we no whit we desire and so after it. “As my Mar hath pent me, so send Iyou". but mmko our lives " a clunphir gm. know- Inw (Sm-I'- mnodom ran fome'. and can ourselves ta It. comm: 1nd win iivlVio V": standard. mammal were read by Mrs Keller Men from tho an"! "WNW". "WHO-GW- ot thr Prestrrteritrt meeting were discussed AMONG THE CHURCHES Thou who say u lot don‘t chm tun Baton mutant», in an that " a, summon iCihiiiiiiiiiiii? iv-ic-in" um EARL (RED) CONWAY Mr: I H Hermann led In payer. closing the unsung with the Lord's Pager 1nd God Sue the King I'll IN DAYS OF VORE ls $1,312,145. The populttlon I: 2600 or about 100 less than in 1913. On Wednesday Mth April Int. 3 quiet but pretty wedding lock place at the home ot Mr and In Thos. Wilma. the contractlng parties being Mr John Wells and Min Hume Whoa, both of Durham. Dornoch Corr: Mr Wilt Slam: Ind Ptmrqt, m. g "lhtfeqt m the mutorttme to [one one of hig: DURHAM a “on"... horse: by colic on loudly. l PM " PM , During the electrlml atom of last . " Saturday, a close charge of lightning 2':,t':'d,',',',,',2',,,,5lr1e'.elltl'L. shattered the rafters, Ind almost. -----. -. W V --___ burned a corner post of Mr. Wm.‘ GEGRGE E. DU'CA‘ O’Mum's tam. m...“ “can... 1. can In... Pricevllle' We welcome Mitts Brown, now Mr: Neil lit-Plan. of the Durham Road, Glenelg, who Join- ed heart and hands on Wednesday of last week. Hobteln Corr: At the meeting of Hamilton Prehytery In Knox Church, St Catherlneu, on News! morning, the all at M. B. M. Smlth at Rev. Dr. Harsh In In th Marine: um week “(ending the mama Presbytery In support ot the all of Rev B. M. Smith to Dromore. Mrs John [unlock spent new days last week In Owen Sound “than; Mr Fred Mad [In inane Torry visited with Wautertmt {death our the weekend. of Clmbrulll. to Dromore coma DAY" ‘m. Veal. M. m. -. Daily May 16ttt to 2m. I.” “an m Physic-I cum. and Return Unit: " darn. Col-u for “meal m In!“ gum Calm and Ar- om. Br Excursion new - In You.“ Put. lol- and “and.” “up!" an I... unit-bio "payment of -tttr Muh- or - hm, was who a - tgToPovrgRtr-wtthtiat ttmit of tierbst. both going and "tttmV- " Port Arthur. OIL. AmtretmrtB. Out. and vat; also a Oh”. m, M Me. In“, men. and was! aw '10 a“. d UM sau- III.- a VEAI. A“ (I‘m: Review the, my T, 10") The uni-meat of Bentlnck Tp Special Bargain EXCURSIONS ”WWII!“ TICKET. 0000 To TRAVEL m “ACNE. WESTERN CANADA Could!» Paettttqt “A”. Yu- an m " 'tttru- ALL CTATION. IN ONTARIO Ana-was and w Omeo and Residence: Caner _ to“ and [AI-bun - 'Mrs- muun: "trtoM.Fars. flatly: Honor Guam Toto-u Uni", Graduate Rom Coll. Donal In!" W. C. PIOKERIIG. Ito Room: Ovarian! But Duh. a-.mamtttt69.tr" Onutrio c Dominio- [and .- new PM“ w Lieu-u mm for (In, $taarrtq Salo- uken on ran-mil. 0... Due. arranged a new Ola. I.- dau, “so chm-ch Durh- w. “mum-mun. Buyout-locum. once: Mitt BM 0mm. out. . I. CHARLTON. A. A. s. I t mm. , to I p... t. F. (MAIL 0.0.8.. cats. W. PIERCE ELLIS VMMry W. m - WOO-“Ohm O 0.0". III-I. 00m OOIVIIIII'. .00... 0.. no. com-u I!" “I I can no In... 'OII I " tOIC ”(I u w on “J T ll. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EAGLES“ BESS'E “Milt “V 113.... I...

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