West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1939, p. 1

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l Marsh to make making but of Canada Ict T0 CREDITORS d Feature“ ebnrry Finn' UNI: lst, 193S T NO w Playing " IOREST tLeil --igb-. m Creamery Holstein OXY " Home Say Die' 'ttt to Burn' Ttte than H T. The following was omitted from last week's report of S. Grey Teach- ers' luncheon: A ductt was BUW'T try Misses Helen Renwick and ver ma Vollett and a solo by Helen Rear wick. both accompanied by Miss Jean New". The numbers, arranged by Miss (lemon. were much appreciat- Hon. Mr Justice C. P. Merague at tho non-Jury sitting of the su- prune Court tor Grey County, on Wednesday dismissed the action brought by Charles Mighton against George Mighton, both parties being lesid‘nts orBentinek ttwnship which occupied two full days. The action was one involving the payment of certain monies by one party to the other. 'the claim being that the money was paid back. There was a great confliction of evidence by the large number of witnesses called, but at the conclusion of the trial His Urdu-iv dismissed the action. which had been before the court for more' than a year. C. R. McKeown. K. C. Toronto was cwnsel for the plaintiil. and Campbell Grant. Wnlkerton. was the defendant's counsel. ' tracks for a mile or two. had a good view of them for Bve minutes. Un- fortunately. Durham's space was half way along beside the train. and not until the train was passing after Martin? again. did we see the King and Uueen. The train was then tra. velling " to 20 miles per hour, and while thry were clearly seen waving to all a few feet, . in front, it was only a passing glimpse. Others from town were at Guelph station, while a low frrm town and district went to Kitchener, London or Hamilton. , The special railroad to Durham about 6. to. but most motorists were home a couple ct hours sooner. I WIT PATTERSON, l.0. mntBAM, Wed-cuoyJIu mu Appointment. 1--6.80 mm. _ Specialist In Eye Exam-lion at C. Sarner's Stan are worth my than“. of dollars to you. CAREFUL AT- TENTION " regular Inter- nls in essential to their .101! TXIOROI'GH and ACCURATE High"!!! Case Grey Irene among the titty thousde who peeked Guelph streets and lined} the railway tracks Tuesday to pee; . our Kin: and Que-en. There were! tive special trains Iron) the North) alone. each carrying 1,000 or more] while hundreds also went by motor;, car. On the Durham special 589 en; trained here. the greatest crowd; ever to l ave here ty train. Thesei included about 200 adults, and 400; children trcrn Durham High and PM}! lite Schools. Williamsford school} (Pump. McLean, teat-her), No. 3.1 lientinck (ii. Milligan, teacher) and! a few from other schools. " was; a glorious outing for the kiddies.‘ perhaps half of whom were havinz; their first train ride. Some 20 Pt; ml in at Varnm, abrut 50 trom Holy stein, and 400 at Mt. Forest, l Arriving ahout 11.40 at Guelph! Junction. truckloads of schcol child-x Your Eyes Guelph Drew Immense Crowds for Royal Visit VOLUME LXI, NO. 22, Hundreds trom Durham OMISSION s. and South llil’dl I Di Theirl "tfreer atom] 'ii'cilrs. somcy lining; I ttood 1 PM Out in ‘ Thog. V. Bell was on a tour of Western Ontario tor a few days last ’wcek travelling as tar as Welland. E Miss Eva Redford and Mrs G. A. Thompson are delegates from the .Baptist Missionary Circle to the ttr -bilee convention in Toronto. PM Rubber cheque. lot the United C Before Magistrate Sven-emu _ ministers were pl police court Friday. P. D. 'tt'i.'tt') byte”, the tran ot Goderieh, pleaded guilty to pay Ju'y let: Wood sing a "rubber" cheque to' Grie, Halon}, c, D. Cluck”. Slalom here. Morrison Sound . Centre). made restitution and mid costs, and Heathen“, I. I was elicited on our suspended "e" toe, G. E. - tenet: end three months' bond. 'ra. (tau-n. a... Mr. and Mm. J. Lee of Langley Prairie. B.C., and Mr and Mrs Cot. lins of Toronto, were callers at Mrs R. Renwick's and Mm T. McGlrr's. Mr. Iaitetthut New. Rocky Sau- Been, haunt-m In Durham hospital}. Pleased to say he I. improving after undergoing a serious operation Mon. dty " the hand. or a Toronto spec-o Surviving are one sister Agnes, Mrs H. Williams of Glenelw, and two brothers. William Jack of Gin-new. and Sam of Winnipeg. A brother Thon. died ten years ago, and two sisters, Mrs. Rutherford and Mrs. Cushnie, ttve and three yr-ars ago. The funeral service takes place at the home at 2.30 p.m. Thursday. in. terment being made in Durham cem- etery. i The deceased was formerly Marz- ,aret Brown Jack, eldest daughter of the late Richard and Agnes Jack of Timpendean, Scotland, where shc-was born 82 years ago last February. in 1861 tho family came to the States, settling near Ogdensburg. New York. for two years, thence moved to the, Jack homestead in Glenelg township.‘ In IRS!) she was married to Neil Mc- Kechnie. who predeceased her 35 years ago. Since her marriage Mrs McKechnie has lived continuously in Durham, where she has been a true nelghbor and friend to many, and an active member of Knox lfnitcd church ( She has also been a prominent won, ker in the WM Society of the church. ' I Out in her garden ten minutes pre. ,viously, Mrs.Nell McKechnie ot town ‘had come into her home on Tuesday morning, and was carrying a jug of cream down cellar. when she mMtered a hemorrhage of the brain and fell down the cellar steps. Her sister, Mrs. H. Williams. who was at her, home at the time, and her niece. Mrs/ J. Rutherford, heard the tall, and, rushinrr, to her aid, found her suffer? ing and brought her up. Medical aid was promptly on hand, but of no avail, and she expired ten minutes after. She had been in fair health all along, and had attended service in Knox Church as usual two days: previously. -‘ Mr. " Neil McKechnie Died Suddenly Tuesday -_ _ H... - mun cnpressea men in the magnificent scenery surrounding the famous playground. Photograph shows Their M Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King on the terrace Hotel, and enjoying a view down the Bow River overlooks the "Mile High Golf Course", with Ca: ha..l........._.l baCkground V - _.., ”mu-um ”Lulu m. WS may evening. May 25th and remained until Sunday morning, May 28. Both King George and Queen Elizabeth hiked and drove over Dunn's trails and roads and both expressed their delight and pleasure in the magnificent scenery surrounding the great internationally famous playground. Photograph shows Their Majestlns Mum-m whi- n. In“. H, . .. . - H on 'rneir Majestieu thoroughly enjoyed their rest from when they visited the Bantt Springs Hotel in m "Helen Rockies at Baum Alberta. Tho ann'l 13..-... Friday tyefurFitrr- it. iifht iiihttltttit Their Majesties at Banff r Bantt Springs Hotéi iiTie"iiii'ii' IAlberta. The Royal Partv rot-ohm 5th r,""""'"""""". -c any“; [:9le- gm, G. K. MerMittnn; luv." E. I Hanover girla’ bull team are right in clover, when it comes to being ottttitted: Dep.-reeve Clit.Speer In do- nating the white sweat shirts; Allen 1mm. Co. are donating white awok- [inn with green 'stripes'; 0rv1llc Me. lCallan is donating an: and a line aeration from Eaton’s goes towards green velvet shorts. l Mr and Mrs P. Btoneouae and idattghter of Dundaa were weekend 'visitors with Mr and Mrs B. Monet, ouse. T At the meeting of the Settlement 'Commee of Toronto Conference of the trnited Church. the following ministers were placed in Grey Pree- bytery, the tron-ten to take place Jutr let: Woodford, H. C. levee; Maw Mil-Men in any Pmbytery. On Monday the congregation en- joypd a social evettintr, when a pre. gramme consisting of an interesting paper on the hiptory of our church from 1859 up to the present year was prepared and given by Mrs E S Me. Arthur. Other numbers Were: duet by Mesdamea Howell and sheath. piano instrumnntal by Mrs Gordon Grernwood and reading by Mrs John A%xander. Fcllowinz .the programme refresh- ments were served by the Ladles’Aid which closed another year In the work of the Church and Master. Mr Hirtle chose for his evening mcssaze Hosea 1 verse 1. During this trtsrvipe, tho Wear Male Guar- tr to, sang several numbers. and at the cloae the quartette again favour- ed the large congregation with Bevpp. at we" rendered selections which were highly appreciated. In the evening the Baptists kind? cooperated by withdrawing their survice and Rear Priest. along with Rev Honeyman assisted Rev. Hirtle in the service. In the morning Mr Hirtle took as his text, verses 20 and 21 of the 14th chapter of Zechariah. which was tol. lowed by a very fitting tsolo "Build ing tor Eternity," by Mr Miatele. The quartette composed of Messrs McGiillvray, Misteie Stoner and Jae. obs, who have favoured the church; on former occasions, sang in their usual pleasing manner several num/ hers which were much enjcyed by all present. rrounaing the great Internationally shows Their Majestics chatting with on the terrace of the Bani! Springs the Bow River Valley. This terrace mrse", with Cascade Mountain in the The with anniversary of Durham Presbyterian Church was celebrated cn Sunday June 4th, when large congregations were present to hear the Kitchener Elgar Male Quartette, and listen to lnaplrlng measar'rs from the pastor, Rev S. W. Hirtle, Successful Arukersary : at Presbyterian Church Royal Pan-p" Fiira Bantt WITH WHICH IS INCORPOHATED of the DURHAM, out, Markhle it “new Aux. 1-aeeatet" u Wm. '--txetora, at Infant Wa’was at Indy orisss M-Hanover at Meatord 27--Markdaie at Wawas 2il--Hanover it Harriaton 29 Meaford at Lady Greys 8(r--Htsncver at Markdale July 3-aauhr Greys " Hanover Durham at Markdale 4--Harriaton at Mnrkdlle b-thaw" " Durham Hamston " my Greys 7~Markdale " Meaford tt--tranover at Wawu Playoff arrangements were made and the tirgt tour team; will play oil. The first team meets the third while the second team meets the fourth, both in the best two out of three series. June 19--Hartoton at Hammer at-_Durhrm at Wawn - 22-Harraton at Durlwn No team is yet in sight, but the girls will probably get going soon. In the schedule drama up, no dates were arranged tor games between Durham and Lady Greys. All seven girls’ teams entered in the Tri-County League this summer will compete in one g'oup. instead or two as last year. While Durham Is again entered, no reorganization has yet been effected, and no local 1epreBattttttive attended . Ill Teams in he Group in Tri-County league Mr and Mrs Roy Hympce and Mr and Mrs Clarence MeGirr" were in London Wednesday tor the Royal visit the Rovat visit, then Journeylng to Princeton and thence to Toronto where Mayor Bell Is a. delegate to the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Com ference. l I Rev. W H. Smith attended Toron- to confernnce‘ of the United Church. Rev. C. J. Queen and Mrs Queen ot Princeton vwere'viaitors inst week in their parental homes. Mrs Queen remained over with her parents. Mr and Mr: Bell, who motcred to Lon. don on Tuesday. remaining over for, , Mr and Mrs D. L. MacArthur. Priceville. and Messrs MacGillivrnv MistePn, Stow-r and Jacobs were din. ner guests of Mr and Mrs E. S Mac- Arthur' on Sunday. Dr and Mrs T. H. Sheath entertained the Water- loo quartette in the evening. Mr and Mrs J. Nichol. Priceville. were Sunday Quests with Mr and Mrs J. A. McCuaig. Lady Greys " erkdale Ir-Durham at Hanover Mouton! M. “dale -aady Gran " WM"; 1.b-M'tttthrd " Hurluon "--hraredale " lady Grey- N-Wtortta At Keaton! "--mnttver at lady Oren mini-kale at Durham Wan. at Kingston 26--tgertttemt " Hanover 'T-R-i-tet " Inhale "--udr Grey- at lam his cousin, Miss Ruby Scarf. Mr and Mm Fred Giles have Tuesdvrr mrrning tar london where they will spend three days. Mr Moss, of North Errzland. who is engaged in aviation training. is in Canada at present and is visiting: his cousin, Miss Ruby Scarf. Hanover at Durham 'I-ut cm at K‘s-mum Nelson Bowling, visited with Mr and and other relatives. ‘ Congratulations, to Gordon Grant, son of Dr. and Mrs J. F. Grant, who has been successlul in his fourth year exams. at Dental College, Toronto Gordon will be engaged in practical work In the cituy tor a few weeks. Mrs P. Graham left last week to spend two months In Montrear. l Markdate at Harriston 18-4Rhrritsto,n at Mealord 14-Wamu, at Hanover bud-fan it In!“ B-thrr4t- " HM Hound It Dorian Miss Norma Kelsey. R. N. is home tor a couple at weeks' holi- days before leaving ter Lansing. Michigan, where she has recanted a position on the stair or the hospitaloi that city. l girls' teams entered in unty League this summer te in one g'oup. instead last year. While Durham Bowling, Portland, Orogon THE HOLOTEIN LEADER and Mrs Alex Smith; JUNE 8th, 1939 'The pearly gates “k: opened, A gentle voice said one," (And bidding us a last Nrewell ‘She gently entered home. r,'catr"rc,HLEe-rn loving memory of _ our Mar anger, Mrs Elsie Crutch. l ley, who ted away June 6th . 6th, 1933. John Derby, Guelph. was the first of the week with er and sister. tr FExpect Favorable ‘3. Fire Iturteitrr's Report bought tags. Prosecu follow If not attended Reeve Hunter criticized the habit of bicycle riding without lights at night. Bylaw may be amended to enforce this. _ As Consclidated Sand & Gravel . Co. are abandoning and removing their Durham plant, Council at: a " Court ot Revision reluctantly cut as'. }mssment over half, down to $1650 on land and $5,000 on buildings, a total ‘of $6650. Their representative otter. md to deed the land tree back to the town. Council endorsed reset: London City Council re re ot transients. Durham Ag. Society were given tM grant instead of $15, and I free night hall rent. The Red Cross faci- ety were given two nights in hall fire for home nursing classes. General accounts Relief for May of t sed. At Durban Council Monday, Conn. McGowan thcvrtht a wry Favcuruble report would be fortlrr-omlng from the Fire Inspector. He had tested hydrants Itere, and there, and seemed well pleased with the fire hall, equip. ment, time and tests made. 'I Grey-Bruce Liberals today, Thurs- . day, chose W. E. Harris, barrister of 'Markdale, at their nominating Com ‘vention to oppose Agnes C. Maephait "H'., at the coming Federal election [He rncelved a clear majority on tin iiirst ballot rver John Burrell, Aytcn J. A. Paterson, Hanover. and J. H. McQuarrir-. Durham. The halt war: crowded with deVsqatmr. I W. E. Gris, larldalc is Libenl Candidate accounts of “17.35 and May of 8102.69 were pas- MEMORIAM owners have not Review. ‘ruelph. was a visitor week with his moth. resolution of re registration out lights at remark: "You on pay for your own amended to meal." The man departed. later. (when the clergyman tried to spend we not yet the bill. he m Informed that it was on will soon a counterfeit. to promptly. I 'e-e-y-ee---...-??.-!-.--.,.--.-...-" I The Brampton Conservator triver us this story of a "down and outor' _ who appealed to a clergymm for the price of I meal. The clergyman told him to so to a restaurant and have a real meal promising to tele- nhcne the restaurant and " ll up. Later the man returned and thunk- ed the clergyman. He and he had a, lninetyoent meal and hoped that was not too much. As they were talking.' the man pulled a paper out of his pocket and a. folded ten-dollar hill dropped to the floor. The clergyman pounced on it. He gave the man quite a lecture for begging a meal when he had ten dollars in his pock- et. Then he took out his purse and gave the man hack 89.10 with the "i Somewhat similar to that of a f year ago, which was mmcceaaluland " helpful, I!” Nursing Classes for ' girls and women, lasting about ten) l weeks (meetinr: once weekly in » evenings) will to begun next Mon. "day evening, June 12, in Town Hall. VDurham, when all ladies desirous, oi ', this fine training are asked to meet I for ortrtutizatirn. Girls and women from rural homes are osmcially in- rvited. Graduate nurses and medicnt I jmen will be instructors. and tht ten I gis only 500. These classes are under l iRed Cross sponsorship and tltost :1 [desirinrt to attend txttotud speak to IMrs Seymour. Vice Pres. and be l 'prt-sent on Monday. , Mr William Nicholls now has a mechanical hand. supplied him by Durham Rolanv Club. to replacs the one lost In an accident sorr- timo Hale has Training _ Classes to $tarf Wednesday, June Nth '" Double bill mum BELLAMV in 'The Crime of Dr. Hallct’ Also Sally Eilus in Town Bail, DURHAM Publuhed Weekly It 82.00 I your in otv.ttee. To can sum. 32.50 I year In “mace. Paw nuance. Pam-In.- - - M""'--""'-'-'-.'. ""':\J"““ "hee fun Blookhn" F Prepare Now We also humus Benny Ems. Hay Trucks and Stable Equipment. bar my Louder. This land” In an rerun than any other loader andha: [woven to be a. great success. Save your hay the right may h) using u otek.ttutt-.-Phtst & Wood No. M) A Mower; . "orAtrtttttt in Moved No. ' am Delivery We d Tedder; also the new cylinder push PERMANENT tturrmr--or Mr Mc Arthur of roehpto, F'riday, Jun. 23rd at \‘ollou’s Emu ParIor. LAWRENCE-in Durham hospital or. Tuscany, June uh. to Mr and Mn: Thus. hwmnce. Bonunck. I non Trinity Anniicnn lkrornlion Sn- vice ll Trinity Charon munch-r» June 11th, at ' pm. Spoon] swam: ttrv. w. H. Dunbar of Owen $tcttts' Durham Band In attendance. The Ree "o.ttg (“minty um mmm ing tttMMtte "(r- Nursing Courts. mmmmclnw. ne um at F' pm., in Town Hall. I, Mutt. Open to no women and girls. town and mm. try. Total can of. “no. 5t) "mm. The mun-Imus of th Gre, District of 1vi 'I hummer Ill b hold in Knox Church Durham. West. nenday, Juno mu. sessions u." open at 9.45 mm. and 1.15 tun. D. K. will hold r Annual Bitth day Tu In the “I "all, Tuesuiay June 18th, from a to .m. Adam- aim " mills. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP I40

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