West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1939, p. 2

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Professor M. Urbain has return- ed to the Vincennes (France), no with three gorillas, eight chimpanzees. 80 monkeys, 12 ov triehes, two eagles and may oth- er wild animals which he gathered in Equatorial Africa. The Wane. of today has lost much of her old folk songs, In. and ttamiierafts, bat is - them in French-Canada “ugly as they existed 800 - .30, she said. France I. own looking to Canada to w the “purest French langu- - h the world.” Rumored livestock is also sold B6trgrer to permit the auctioneer to build " each animal“: mow re- cords, pedigree. merits and prmlms "on. In real "tttte sales. he mu, an muoneer talls slower and in a mal tone ot voice. Inasmuch as I. has only one article to sell and all any to do " in. France is rediscovering her- self in Canada, said Juliette cumin de la Yerendrye, au- 'ttl', on French-Canadian, India and Indian nits and ratrdierafu, who arrived in the I‘ominion last week. Not all auctioneers use the sin;- - :echnique. Lou Tom Of Voice "They we a low tone ot voice - it " musical and pleasing to the ears as possible. and cut out every unnecessary movement " the lip. to gain speed." he said. Canada, Home Of Lou French Arts Happen revealed several trade “new. He said auctioneers use a muons chant merely to make at. more pleasant tor buyers who I.” “and in "on of them all I” long. How Do They Do It? A vent-an at the block who has not! auctioneers come and so for you", he operates a school tor this [or this specialized type of work. Rapper! revealed several trade oeeretg. He said auctioneers use a " you have an idea auctioneer- " technique, including the sing- mx comes naturally, listen to M Bennett. "Attetimteerg." Rapport said “only, “are made-not born." Trade Secrets Raymond Massey, distinguished Canadian actor who is making such a hit on the New York same as Abe Lincoln in "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" flew to Toronto the day the Kina and Queen were there to be present at the luncheon in Hart House given for Their Majesties. to " hours. syroviaitti" a; aii nuance:- conforts as modern ocean linen. he said. Speaking before the Affiliated Engineering and Allied Societies in Ontario, the designer of nanny suc- cessful types ot airplanes said plans had been completed 'or 100- ton "clipper" ships and manufac- turers could guarantee their per- balance. Luger Home Successful He told the meeting " hsd been discovered larger airplanes gained ettieieney rather than lost it be- cause of she. He said large flying boats were the most successful and lost effective 'planes of today. These machines would travel be. Pet? Quebec and England in 14 Airplanes capaole of carrying 100 'assrerttrers on special week-end cruises to the North Pole and urea-day trips around the world were engineering realities, said lg. aor l. Sikorsky, noted aeronautical "zinc-er. in Toronto int month. 5.1.. niacin Declares; A}: tio- MattU--Nett Born ... “a"! 1mm Week-end hunts To Pole F oreseen Tulglique DoeWt Come Of Auctioneer -L-u.a- Kglychen Goff; the Cause SHE WAS l VICTIM iF HEADACHES A.~The elements that have to do with strength of straw appear to be Calcium and Potash, hence it is that we find a judicious amount of Phosphated Potash Fertilizer usually results in giving a strong- er Itraw with an earlier and more even crop than where no fertiliz- er had been applied. The Super- phosphate contains a considerable Q.--, have not been sowing any commercial fertilizer with grain and while I am getting crops the equal of any of my friends who do, I feel that could I obtain a fertilizer that would stiffen straw it would be of advantage. While grain does not lodge badly, I think a small amount of fertil- izer of the nature to stiffen straw would improve sample and per- haps the yield. I recognize the fact that 125 lbs. per acre of the usual fertilizer would stiffen the straw as desired but would not in- crease yield suMciently to offset the cost. Twenty-five lbs. per acre of the proper ingredient should, I think, do the trick. I would like your opinion and as to best avail.. able information re this matter.-- W.M.H., Wellington County. th Conducted by Profelor Henry G. Bell of the Ontario Agriculhlr- a! College, Guelph, with the co- operation of the .tatt of the 0.A.C. Answer. I.--. Yes. "He who has most pa- tienCe best enjoys the world," says an old proverb. 2.--No. 3.--. "May you live to be a hundred ---and, after that, make up your own mind." 4.---Yes, but do so as quietly and pleasantly as pos- sible. If they resent the request on ignore it, speak to the usher. Only the most rude and ill-bred people are guilty of this. 5.-ch; a person eats soup, but drinks anything in bouillon or consomme Cup.. 6.---T'his is the tin anniver- "rr 6.--What kind of gifts does the tenth wedding anniversary can for? 6.--lt, there any ditteienee be- tween the ways one should eat soup and bouillon? 4.--When peoplé -perSist in talking at the theatre, is it permis- sible te as}: them to ttopt - a--WhaGrould be a good toast to give_§t a birthday party? 2.---tf a woman's stationery is engraved, Hrs. Arthur Davis, and she signs a letter Ethel Davis, is it necessary for her to write (Mrs. Arthur) in parentheses? 1.-Usn't patience a virtue that everyone should do his best to u- quire, in order to get the most out of life? --- -"-em'm"' v. nun-nu, WIUWHIC Inf-K. new. George and Queen Elizabeth at Halifax, June " home to Bylaw. PejiFwermof Bria-23:23 mam. c.P.R. ThkShirWilrnheTheKingandoseenHoene Butcher (smOuthly): Nt was a happy and contented chicken, madam, and had nothing to wish for." Customer: "That chicken I bought yesterday had no wish. bone." "I can’t say," replied the assist- ant. "I've only worked tor him 100 years." ant. "Look at me," he declared. "Hale atid hearty, and I'm over 300 years old." "Is he really that old'.'" asked a listener of the youthful assist- a. has: in, nu.- How long it took to 10"' Hi. tail of “a motion; The quack was selling a tonic which he declared would make men live to a grgat age. "Very well," I'ejo'ih'éa'Yhe'Tnd lady. "Just add, 'Until we meet again'." "l'm sorry," he replied,"‘but they_have already been Carved." In the meantime, her late hus- band's will disclosed the fact that she had been treated tether bad- u. She immtdiately hurried to the mason and told him to omit the words "Rest In Peace." Having lost her husband, an old lady gave instructions for the Wording on the tombstone, the ending to be "Rest in Peace." Soco'ud Cannibal --Sorve. him right. We warned him not to eat that gran widow. First Car"xiUt-The chief has hay fever. Taking part in celebrations to con International Bridge at Alexandria maple tree on American wil. A h to the vegetable gardenranrd shown the mint. A pet lamb belonging to the daughter of a locnl farmer tn. vaded Bower beds and ruined dozens of tulipu. As n warn- ing the animal wn taken in. Have IG, Heard Naturally we could make sug- gestions more to the point if we had a sample of your soil, but I presume that yoqurectise a good crop rotation and apparently use eonaiderable manure. I would suggest that you try 200 lbs. per acre of 0-16-6. This would cost you approximately $3.00 per acre. Applied at the rate I have men- tioned, it should give you an in- crease of approximately 15 to 20 bus. per acre of oats or barley; about 6 bus. per acre of wheat. mount of Calcium Sulphate from which the plant is able to get Cal.. cium. w“ a chukka-J. on steamship, is calling for King um: 15, to carry them back ., _ i..-..‘...,, _".".-." uuy outputs are S dria, N.Y., to plant a Ggorge Washington black walnut tree A large group of American Scouts did the same on Canadian commemorate the King's birthday, Canadian Boy iyirt, N.Y., to plant a George Washington blank Scouts of Two Nations Unite lit Celebration Finest Quality 600 Ind 650 foot mic, Largo or Sin-II Batu. Speck] him on Pure Dining Rm and Wire Cable So. yo: can: Sunk-7. Iss on I. I. r, m. The UNITED“ FXRMst' CO-OPERATIVE CO., Lhottod Cor. Duke and Gouge Sts. TORONTO, ONTARIO 8llt0iilA0.1hllliii V 7 __...°... "r""'""" """""""t5% and other designers endorse Main. bocher’s vivid yellowish aviary- pink gamut " a welcome change to the overworked ayclamen tones. Lelongs salmon, peach and banana tones fall into the same color trend. Many hrlght reds are shown; they avoid the purplish cut. Pinks are introduced by many houses for summer afternoons and tall evenings. Chanel, Balenciaga, PARM--The midseason showings indicate that black is again su- preme tor tall. The browns are next in importance; they are large- ly in the reddish range. running from very dark tones to rosy farms. Auburn: and tawny shades are continued. Beige looks season- able when trimmed with beaver. Greys are featured. Allx's new "Rembrandt" greys are stunning for evening. This designer's dark bottle, myrtle or moss greens are also interesting. Numerous Aut. umn-leaf. grape and ptum téhesvére presented. Black li Supreme Again For Autumn Seven hundred loaves of bread and 700 lbs. of cheese were pur- chased for the occasion and the residents of the reservation were served from long tables in the Community Hall of Oheweken. Each received a slice of bread and tt' liberal helping of cheese. Started in the days of the reign of Queen Victoria, the traditional bread and cheese ceremony on the Six Nations Reservation was ob- served May 24. Ceremony With Bread, Cheese undue-:7 7 His little tail went Imaging on Became of preview glndnen. ManuGeturerU Prices A.--In answer to yours of the 19th, I would say that we do not advise the use of Suit as an ap- plication to the soil. Salt does not supply any plant food whatso- ever. All it does is to liberate a certain amount of Potash, hence the continuous use of Salt simply means the impoverishment of soil. Some farmers have used it on mangels with some results, but there is no logicsl reason for its use, and we do not advise it. And to it hapened. while his eye: Were futitm with woe and Q.-Could you irh'ie me any in- formation in regard to sowing salt on land. I gm dealing in salt thin spring and quite I few former: bought salt to put on land. Others are inquiring about it. 1 land had no experience with it what- ever. If you can tell me how to sow and what it is supposed to do, I would have something to show. -A.B., Oxford County. - Lesser quantities of course, will give you results. -- " Pink. for Summer BLUEBELL For TORONTO re! £4814”! YOUR ”RAY CHICKS FOR SALE EBAY CHICKS ARRIVE ALL Ab ive and healthy at Trinity Bay, North Shore. Quebec. In mid-win- ter. tn hot weather you need hardy, vigor-out chicks too. Order Bray chick: today. Bray Hatch. cry. 130 John Street North, Run- Hton. Ontario. _ -'-""---- TWHDDl.l-: (“HICKS KOR “ALE: GOVERNMENT A P Ptt 0 V E D Chicks from blood tested breed. ers at the right price. Prompt de- livery. We hutch 65.000 per week. Grade A Heavy Breeds 810.45: 90% Pullets 816.75; Cockcrels " 00: Leghurns. $9.95: Pullets 820.75; Extra Prom: Grade the kind that weigh two pounds per hundred more when hatched. Heavy Breeds $11.35, Puller: 818.90. Cockorell 89.00. Leghorn: $11.45. Pullcta 823. M. Special Mating nightly high- er. Free Calendar and Poultry 'Pride-eddie' Chick Hatcherie- Limlled, Fergus. Ontario. "ADI-2W CHICKS FOR §ALE SAVE MONEY ON [OUR JUNE chicks. Effective June tith. Bar. red Rooks, New Hampshire Reds. White Rocks. Hybridl 88.95. 90% Pullers 312.95: Cockerelu 88.00; Leghorns 38.4.5: Pullcta $11.45. Big Egg Quality hatched from 25 to so ounce eggs. Heavy Breeds no. 25. l’ulletu $16.45. Cockerell 89.00, Icghorns 89.75. Pallets 819.90. Prompt _drelrverr.-maderi Electric t'hick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. - T'--'--. nvun K"hJ.9ra"N lay the more money you stand to matte. N_0w--yoe need the tut growth (or which Bray chick. are famous. Order Your chick. today from Bray Htteherr, 130 John Street North. Hamilton, Ontario. --"--"--. CHICKS Poll ILLS i WEEKS OLD PULLETS Me-. Large Type White Leghorn, Hock Leghorn cross [Words and Barred Rocks. Day old chicks Sc ulna. 2 werks old chicio and cockerels. --Lakevir.w Poultry Farm, Wain "ms" Exeter, Ont. ut,'ED CAR AND TRUCK PARTS. Buy with confidence. A minute deal always. Your mail order giv- en prumpt individual attention. lined para for all makes. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refund- od. Ouler Avenue Auto Parts, " ()slrr Ave, Toronto. -"-'- -- ”awn"; hot dish marks from polished tables is to make a paste of salt and oil and coat the marks thick- ly with this. Leave on n hour or so, and after polishing in the usual way it will be found that all the stains have disappeared. Two-year-old Dyokitza Kastrat- oviteh of Vinitzka, Montenegro, is believed to be the world's young- est smoker, his father, a chain smoker, having taught him to puff at a cigarette when the baby was only 18 months old. TO SAVE LAND FERTILITY The Royal Society of Canada, was told int week " Montreal, that a large-seeded. drought-relis- tant plant will be produced short- ly for Western Canada; designed to ard in maintaining fertility in dangerous dust areas. An intensive study of 880 in. mates of Mate asylum: and of their parents. brothers and sisters, and other relatives has failed complete- ly to show that the diseases fol- lowed any pattern of inheritance such " the patterns which hold true for physical characteristics. New proof that insanity is not inheritable In announced last week before the American Psychi- atrie Association. Another method INSANITY NOT INHERITED The treatment is simple. It in. volves only the use of adrenalin eye drops over 5 period of months, and it my be done at home. It bu been discovered that my- opia, or progressive near-sighted- ness, which he inttieted blindness or thiek.hrnsed glasses on thous- ands, may be checked by the me of adrennlin. HALTS NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS walnut tree and I CaGliian' on Canadian soil. Scouts are shown crossing the -c, A . _ - -- What Science M.tt" CHICKS Doing of renaming HANDY GREASE CONTAINER AND Gan lander. autumnal. Clean 253-22%... Jot}. WI". u. B. A. WIGs. IHUPES. TRANSFORMA- uonl. Bunch... Cut-ll. um! All you ff (Inca! quality Hair than: me or "ltutrbteit 'it/JIT,',',; Confiden- tlul term arranged. oronto a... an am :09on Co. “I Bantam. forcing. _ SPARE TIME INCOME " OFFERED To RESPONSIBLE woman with good local comma. Leading mag-sine publisher leek- neighborhood subscription work- er, Experience unnecessary. com. minions liberal. generoul bonus " than: use. Give retcrcncen. n“. 1 M.-.-- ... -- - _ GARDEN PARTIES. CORGI Lancer. Assured success. Try Mia's most Musical Famous ily Versatile Juvenile Radic Iatrt. Write Thompnon Trio. tow“. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH l "Pt' rnl! fit... 1..,,- - s1WHI mm a“? Classified....... Advertising.. - V_..._.‘ "In. "I“. " Mulchow. Stanly. Albert... Tho King and Queen arrive in Washington at noon Thursday, June b' and into a stay ot two days and one night there will compress; Sojoum in Washington The greeting at Union Station by President and Mrs. Roosevelt and an official reception Commit. tee; a luncheon at the White Housc; sightseeing in Washington; a garden party at the British Em. oassy; a state dinner at the White House, followed by a reception and musicale; a reception at the Bri. tish Embassy tor members ot the British colony; a visit to the Capi- tol; a visit to the Washington Navy Yard; a trip to Mt. Vernon aboard the Presidential yacht Po. tomac to lay a. wreath at Wash. ington's tomb; a visit to the Chr. ilian Conservation Corp: Camp at Fort Hunt, Va.; laying a wreath on the tomb ot the Unknown Bat. dier, Arlington, Va.; tea. at the White House; and dinner at the British Embassy for the President and Mrs. Roosevelt. To President's Home Prom hero they will so by train to Red Bank, Na., then by auto- mobile to Ft. Hancock. Sandy Hook, where they will embark on a destroyer and proceed with no» val escort up the bay to the Bat. ,._ ....w ..c. ulv. reverent-en. Box " Room "i. " Adelaide tR. lv. Toronto. "_-cr"'"-""""..". '..." _ My roll film developed and eight high gloss prints '25c. I enlarged prim: 25v. Reprinu- same prices. Brick-{ling Studio, 29A Richmond St. East, Toronto. ----= fl, -"i... ‘1"5‘ " Every dollar sale brings enty-rlve cents profit. V onomy Distributing Comp tis Avenue. lmnnlinntnn And the minutes have been so carefully allotted that, to meet their engagemenls. the King and Queen will have to keep exactly to schedule from the time they cros the border at 10.35 p.m.. E.D. T. June T, until they leave Hyde Park, N.Y., at midnight, June ll, to return to Canada. Not a spare minute is left tor Britain's King and Queen on the detailed program ot their visit to the United States. Every Mimate of Royal Visit Across the Border I: Taken Up F our-Day Tour A breeding program to produce this. perennial plant through con:- bining favorable characteristic: of when: and wheat gum in being carried out by the Dominion experimental farms and the Nur. onal Research Council. A FE)! ALP, new '-r.N..2s-....t BUSINESS ohN"trt.aary y-rlve cents orotiiCiv'riG ny Distributing Company." Avenue. Lenmington, ont FILM S " E . l-IlAII'I-ED Of US. Packed BNTERTAINERS IACHINBIV nun com}; PA .et E_S. CoyTEnrs, """. - wad... In, lee". TrvAsnd W A STE!) 19.13013; BUSINESS. Write Re. puny. Cur. ' Ontario. 'pu rev- ma.. Lt/s, EV- Alene... col-leac- an be itt. {minced Into Lttttuttttia. ---r- THOSE GREY “REAR: IN Hutu halt are Gold noun-l you. Ugo. doubtodly the finest Mindy tor grey halt In Morgan's Potluck. TM- l- not I dye, but scientifical- ly brunt-ed nut-nut which re- I”all”! the hair. , ounce ”.002 t"2'2/.,S"i:'t'Pu1ty._ttTssurti, " . Write for Free Sam. ple of Glrfield Meotr. ache Powder - also Grsrtield Ton ' used 0 for constipation, mad Indication. and to keep clean inside." Write: Gurfirte Tut Co., Dept. 61. 1 Close Avenue, To. ronto 8, Canada. Tonight - "Clean Up nude" - Feel Dunstan! Tomorrow'. [one that let-down [cell-c. Let Our- tietd Tea clean away undigested wine- "--itttostirto "ten-overs". Act. gently. promptly. thoroughly. Dunk like or- dinary tea. 10c. -- "c. Tired? Irritable? No unbl- lion? Look at your watch --notc the time. The same time tomorrow. compare how you feel then with um '.W you do right nowt In - --- M.9F --.u| uvwi "I the meantllme. 'stop at your drug ”or. 4nd. toni'ht, drink a on. or 1Ntptietd ya. --".--- QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF. BASILY. Inupenllvcly. Rome remedy. Ten- umonlnll. Ityaranteed." Advice tree. Outlet“. no! t. Wit-moan M sauna alumna-37 FOR SEWING MACHINES. RE. ours. 1l.'rn'l"t.,tge,e mallet. new or tttde. n. reconditloued much- inen In stock - Writ. A, (when & lion. Mtt House ttt.. Toronto. "iii-ii-_-Gi-Lea-utr...)', -'---."_- "or-ttumm-rent, ro CHUUSE from, llnnu ”an; --- __ .- JrrvFrGhrr,""l,1Tr,rrrt.-trt FILMS DEVELOPED. TWo was“ of Mich and FREE ENLARGE- MENT coupon 2tre.-ottaei Photo. Kraphy Den. "A". t Russell ts't.. Tommo. J-Crt""-""'""---.-. RERIDENTS or ONTARIO BLT Tires tAt the Budget Plun. Low weekly payments. For particular" write F,ntrap The Company. 3:! “eye. Avenue, Toronto. "ll" {BEER [was ..-....-..- nu- “air. I OIHCG 11.00; largo (our our-ac. ”.50. young. ”and. Order from-R. A. Tuthitt (Canadian “can on Bloor BL West, Toronto. I“. and sold In England tor so yearn. melt nul‘VUNUMNI) sTAllPl-L " an. ferent 60c. catalogue value $2.50; Price Hutu furnished. Ed. 801mm- mell. Botwood, Newfoundland. ,,,.--- 'P_re0rWe".'-ONq nu UHUUE- from. Many mm mung. Parm. eru' daughter; "Mov- vim pigagr: Particular! 10c. Cots ggetmu. Box Ill. Cull-v7. Mo r t. Germany's sunny of tree labor Is practically exhausted. In the days when king- couldn't read or write it was indeed india- pensable. But gradually, as the keepers of the Great Seal became too powerful, and the experiments of the Privy Seal and the Sign Manual also put too much power into the hands of a single servant of the Crown, the once became split up so that now there are sev. eral Secretaries of State. fe re 'iHiGG Canada Herb jnrlo. If the Crown were to leave Great Britain this yen it would be for the first time in history. But the Great Seal must - behind, " without it the machinery of government would, " least theor- etically. be unable to functicn. Rltisur ms VERY MIN HowlloYou 531'? in the Ines-noon they are to will: Columbia. University nnd then drivo to Hyde Put. urivlng at 7.15 pm. They will spend the night and the next m. Sunday. at Hyde Park Ind in": at midnight by train for Gunman, crossing the ttttgs der during the night. Afterward. they will drive through New York City to the World'l Felt where they will have luncheon and mm the Canadian. Irish Ind Brltllh Pavilion. later tern New York City. Governor mun 3nd Mayor Lacuna“ will welcome them. FILM; Seal Of Power wuw no can: PEI! B“. A L "' IF. I ENC " ROBE FEVER tet'F. Blck Remedy. 81.00. Co., Windsor, on. ICI'I'IJ E. Illm perk Ana (mu 1 mike Ind 0V1: Can Get M Walking I Than Otha ling the GI Some F The l " TN " 14ml“ an to Ann Mor then any noun. Sn working on " You 'o-Jof1 inc“ Chalk t.u timt ltr. A

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