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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1939, p. 5

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DER ' eaassl Drug Store Phone 3 71035 SERVICE mmvda’, Ame m we U% tth. 1939 cue con on UN TOURS" N032 COACH $39.30 $19.85 mum.“ M“ IUST' wr h.NCE $39.30 M , mums wa uus Sound on.” ‘UION " I. " AN IAY won no IIOI munch d..7°ay. M w it. Atyplcu o-rut-say-dt-dept?'??, Unn- unsem mama-a P.iodsuuu.mmuwmnw Moan. ottheChrtndt" mun-I Funwinpnpm on food for the Inn-nu. who who: sou-M‘mmuammuactm theftommhrmw Tobacco growing under British rulel This year it was do ,- " production gradually reachedwead with the other H» pm]: in 1938 with a crop of ED [ and Herbert Atkinsm buwimatoly 96.000,000 pounds. It) out, is in charge of tin I..i..u'(~0 crown in Canada consists Markdale men are bei ‘v-unly If the typetr and 2r,i.et',','i,irie.e.t,s1t, on this wor' l mix-mod in the l'nited States. An ing driven back and f, :-\m’ption to this is bum! in the NW! work every day in tt r mucoos produced in the province 0'. The weather has bee NIH-boo. Those comprise a somewhat] the work, and growi 'h.\o-vl group cf varieties, the "Human considered exceiie Cr' some reaching back into the dayéftmcu of 500 acres e 'tl, tho French regime in canada) under the reforestati amw the seed of others was} will not be many ye “Mm trom Europe more recently, suits will be apparent -u the habit, partly because of Bow wnmntllal opposition. mentally, 'owever, smoking Name general um! farmnrs began tom the mm; but it was not untilabout .735 that the hang government at 'u..ny encouraged tobacco growing '. C'anada. The history of tobacco grown: in t‘unada reaches but into the early rrxlonial days. The French settlers un banks of the St Lowrance found v!» custom of tobacco smoking to be 1:. t.eral among the natives. hr Iona mars verv few of the whites mult- TOBACCO GROWING PROGRESS _ -v.-.-.uu. "camel". for Corn. and Callous... Lloyd’s com- bination treatment (Salvo and Pad.) removes and keeps than ”my. De. nnamsea and relieve: with Brat ap- plication. For sale at Columbia Victrola and De P Crosley 5 tube Electric radio tor .-‘m-ap. Apply at Review omce. MO] FARM FOR BALE on R NT The James Bunalon farm. t 15. con. 15, Egremont, contalnln 100 urn-s. Good buildings. Appl to lit-vimv Olfke. SI‘MMER COTTAGES RENT - Lakefront, at Wasaga each, (48 miles, from Durham). by eek. fort- night or month. Specl rates by week or week-end In May. June and ." pt. Electrically equipped Splendid bathing beach in front. A 1y early l,l,t,I,ittr, Small Ads. highs??? M to P. Ramage. Durham A FACT A WEEK \BDUT CANADA JUNE an), 1989 I "moves with ttrtrt ap- tr sale at McFaddon'u Drug Store meisi rates by May, June and “wed. Splendid nt. A Iy early am. E on R NT tarm, t 16, contalnln 100 '8. Appl to and De Po t , radio tor u . rw Omee. _ A large number of men are engag. ed at present in planting of many thousand treelets on the tract ot land, comprising 500 acres, in the northern part of Gleneig, in carrying out of the mrreement entered into some time ago betmeen the Ontario government and the County of Grey. The tract of land in the southem sectiOn ot the township has already been taken care of with respect to the reforestation scheme, and excel- lent results have been obtained. This year it was decided to go 3-} head with the other 600 acre tractl and Herbert Atkinson. superintend; ent, is in charge of the work. Twentyi Markdale men are being given em-i ploymcnt on this work and are be: ing driven back and forth trom their; work every day in the school bus.) The weather has been suitable tor' the work, and growing conditions are considered excellent. With two tracts of 500 acres each operating under the reforestati0n scheme it will not be many years before re- REFORESTRATION IS PROOEEDING IN GLENELG Dated at Durham thi), 26th day ct Mar, 1939. . All pernona ti vintt claims against the Estate of A xander Brown, late of the Township Bentlnck, Farm, er. deceased, are uired to file the same with the under gned on or bp. tore the 15th of June,\next. Dated at Duer this. 26th day or Mar, 1939. \ NOTICE We canormns All person} having claims against the Estate o "nnie Means, late of the Township?“ Normanby, Marriod Woman, deceased, are required to me the same with the undersigned. on or before "t 15th day of June, next. ' none}; TO chi-muons w. n. HENRY, Esq K. C. DURHAM, ONTARIO Solicitor for the Administrator w. D. HENRY,\Esq K. c DURHAM, 'ONTAmc. Solicitor for the Executor: ate. Part of Lot It ot Countess, Street, of the Town or l frame house acre of land, H. McQuarr-le rham, Ontario. Ie exeettenr of Walsh Estate "tum-ttttes-tttttet-HTF- nasty "can; at this week " the mummy home. This was couple will maids on tho In. WM (an Married-AM Saturday, June 3rd, by Itev." Mr Muir o! Pricevme at the home of the bride's mu. Mr and In Roy “any, of Swamp Col- lege, Hm Ilene McNaulty to Mr mo. D. Wilson. can of It and In June: Wilson oeBtmtttV The you: cou- We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Neil McMillan is under the doctor's care at present. We hope that very soon the will enjoy better health. Mist, Florence Clark ot manure is helping in the home. Mrs. Jim Sturrock is spending a few days with her sister and niece at Georgetown. Mr and Mrs Stanley Harrison and family visited Sunday at the {Lament Mr Henry Tucker. Mrs. Wm. Brown and son J. A. spent the tlrst of the week in Tor. onto. They were accompanied home by Miss Elizabeth Brown, who spent some time in Toronto. . The dwelling lstsly occupied by Mr P. P. Reiley new; been lately purchased by Mr Thog. Harrison. sowmiiier. of North Egremont, has been vscsted ,the family moving into 3 house on the 3rd Con, South . Line. Amid the many regrets of ill losing kind and clinging neighbour on it calls to mind the renal-k ot It'. George the Third: "He would be the or last to consent to the separation M (the United states). but the titat to lp welcome them " a new nation" (the "gnew comers.) , Entertainment s galore in Prlee. it. viliq. A movie on the tirtst ot June, td (past). The Swiss Bell Ringers or. " the 7th. a famous organization. well ill thought of in a previous engagement i here. "i! Preparatory Service on the 9th by 'k the Rev. G. It. Service. Sacrament. ,fon the 11th at St. Cotumtm, are . itiome of the meetings. Mr and Mrs A. L, Hincks and fam. ily visited Sundmv at her uttcle's, postmaster and Mrs Neil McCanneIl. Proton Station, it being their 15th wedding anniversary. The Lilac tea under the auspices of the W.H. Society was held Friday afternoon at home of Mrs. Archie MacCuaig with a good attendance of members and visitors. A dainty lunch was served and a social time was spent. Mr and Mrs Geo. McLellan, Niaga- ra Falls were visitors last week at Mr Don Campbell's. Mr and Mrs Alex.. McLean, Toronto were week end visitors with -their parents. Miss Jean Hincks and friend of Lisle and Miss Beth Hineks and friends of Atwood spent weekend at their home here. Miss Bernice Carson returned home after spending a week in To. ronto. Mrs Neil Norman and family of Orillia spent the weekend with her sister and father Mr Colin McLean. l The regular monthly meeting of the 1Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs Bell, Thursday, Junel. Mrs Moody presided. " was decided to send delegates to the district an- nual convention at Ravenna, June 15. Mrs Elmer Watson, Miss Mary Me. Enchern, Mrs Moody and Mrs. Tom Currie were appointed as a Sunshine com. for 1939. It was decided to hold the July meeting in the form of a picnic in Harrison Park, Owen Sound. The convener for agriculture, Mrs. Moody, gave a splendid paper on as" riculture and acontest, "The tanner's love letter." Mrs. Bell gave an in. tstrttntcntal. The meeting closed with the National Anthem after which a dainty lunch was served by the hos. tess and her assistants. Mrs John Parker and daughter Shir- ley, Misses Mabel Everist and Ella Riddagh, and Mrs Minnln Whittaker of Toronto, spent a few days at Ed, Everist'tr. the person of (nee Hattie Watt, af- ter many years, and Mrs W. H. Hunter (nee Mrs. Swanston), once of Fairbairn Church. Miss Smith. late teacher was alas a pleasing reminder of former assolcation. A very good attendance ot the congregation was present, and grow- ing, we were told. Considerable paint- ing of ”buildings has been done and that by Rev. Kaye, even to the ridge board, and beifry, we were pleased to notice. The levelling of the grave- yard is being proceeded with. Im. provements all around. A pleasing feature of our visit to Amos on Sunday was in meeting of many old chorlsters still resident there, and others from Toronto in SWINTON PARK in; an! m diaqre-t for the turn lulu. Just write, Guano Daub A., Department of Agricultural Eat. gineering. o. A. C. Guelph. These bulletins are mlled tree of charge. Prof. Graham discusses aids to finding underground water supplies, types of wells. farm cisterns and wells, water systems. installation 1nd one and other natural. The bullet. In: are plainly nuts-ma. The plumbing bulletin column. " use: and It": We and Inner- Those farmers who are interested in farm water supplies, and plumbing and sewage disposal. for the farm home, should procure two recent bul- letins on these subjects tor the On- tario Department of Animators. Tor. onto. They were both written by There is probably no equipment on the farm that raises the standard of living there, so much as a water sys- ten and bathroom. “Now that I have running water In the house, both hot and cold, thanks to cur Hydro t4ectrieal heater, I wouldn't give you 'thank you" for living In the city." said one farm wdman of our acquaintance recently. "tttatantane. ous hot water makes my job of wash. ing milk palla and utensils, no job at all." PRESBYEMAN LAMEe AID MET AT MR8. G.'OEDDIB' HOME The June meeting of the Presby- terian Ladies' Aid was held last Pri. day at the beautiful country home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Geddes. in the absence ot the president. Mrs Snesth ably presided. The meeting opened by singing hymn 139, "O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Bea". The scripture lesson was from the 125th Psalm. The minutes ot lest meeting were read and adopted. The Sec'y's and Treasurer's reports received and were very gratifying. One ot the groups having gone well over their allocation for the year. Considerable business was transacted after which a short program was given. Miss L. MoComb gave piano solo. Mrs Sheath and Mrs Alexander rendered a pleasing duet. Mrs Sneath conducted a contest, “is it true or false", which created much merriment. The meeting was welt attended and at close. Mrs. Geddes and her assistants served delicious refreshments . WATER SUPPLY, PLUMBING AND SEWAGE DISP'L AT FARM HOMES sung by Helen McDonald, Mary Bourne, Marjorie Middleton and Vel. ima Volleit. accompanied on the piano by Vera Lauder.' Azlhet was sung by Helen Renwicl: and Velma Vollett, the accompanist being lean McGirr.. Instrumental on guitar and piantrtueeordeon by Marjorie Middle. ton and Mary Mme. During the business period plans were made for the Peony Tea. A committee was JO Aim-mid am Jam Noor a: porno; carpet in the church. Lunch was served and a social half hour closed the meeting. KNOX WOMEN’I ASSOCIATION The Women's Association ct Knox Church met in the parlors ot the Queen Street Church, with Mrs Gag. non Presiding. The devotional peri- od was conducted by Mrs John Me. Lean and Miss Margaret McGirr. A short musical program presented by the girls followed. A quartette was In mum. i Mr Ind In Wilson and (hughter are retiring to their lune In Miler- ton. Mr. and In. Wham will be may mined in this community, end in the church, where they have always Men much interest in the Mr and Mrs Lawrence Irving of Sangeen Corners, have rented tttarm at Victoria Corners on No. 10 ngh- way. and moved there last week. Elva Corbltt. dauehter of Mr and Mrs John Corhitt, la in Durham Red Cross hospital this week. We are all hoping that Elva may soon feel better and be able to return home. Mr and Mm Seymour Heard of To. ronto were Suudny guests at Ed. Head's. Mn Heard Br., who had been In Toronto since going dawn to welcome the King and Queen, mtur- ned on Sunday. Mr and Mm Wm. Ednntttdtr, Rich. mond mo, event the week end qt Dick Hardy's. THE DURHAM REVIEW and in the church. where they have always Men much interest in the work. Mr Wilma being I. member of Benton. But with the going of the parents. we welcome thu youu cou- ple in their place, and all who have known John and llene all their lives have good faith in them and wish them every success. AWN} THE (lfllJWl8tis I LID VICIII‘IY To GOING- Flnt train from Toronto 5.25 pm. June 9. 1trrrURtG- un min from Detroit, 3.05 a... Ind (no cm tt." p.111. June It. Consult Amt. - All (or mun Y. I. MADDEN. Tm Amt. Pin. n, MI. on. BARGAIN FARES June 9. IO DU JHAM Council adjourned to Monday. July 3rd at 10 8.111. The Treasurer was instructed to erase from his books, arrears of tax. es amounting to 857.15. Mr G. E., Pentium, Inspector, waited an the Council re Township School Areas. A resolution was pused aut- horlzlng the Clerk to advertise a meeting of the Ratepayers in the Tp. Hall on Friday. June 16th " it pm. for a discussion of this matter. Mr. Pentium will be present. A am of Municipal and School Legislation passed at last ses- I sion of theLegishture was presented The following soc'ts. were present- ed end passed. Angus McCormick. 1 lamb killed and 1 sheep injured by dogs, 811.00; John Quilllnen Jr., 1 sheep killed 6.50; Archie Mekeetr nie, 1 Inspection 81.50; Jes MN3ats thy. l inspection 81.50: South Grey Registry oMee searches and regis- tering tax deed 83.23: Ontario Hos. pital, Woodstock maint'ce ot patient for quarter ending June Mth, 1939, $45.50; Treas., re collection of Tax arresrs, $10,00; Postage ace't, $15.00; Clerk for completing , applications tor Old Age pensions, $6.00 1 arm"- cation re Mothers' Allowance, $1.00; postage 87; Bank of Toronto, collec- tion changes $9.30: Assessor. 54 day Court of Revision 81.25; Five Coun- cillors. ditto; J. P. Cmtichley. 1 day re roads and car mileage tlp, George Whitmore, 15 deny re relief, 16 day Court of Revision $2.50; J. O'Neil, 1 day re roads, % day Ct. Revision, $3.75; Herb Timlnins. ditto $3.75; John McGirr, ditto $3.75: Searches in Registry Ottiee tl; Beta-Treasurer Durham Ag. Society, grant to Fail Fair $8: Pay sheet No 6, $149.72. Regulnr meeting was held at the Township Hall on Saturday, June 3rd. The members were all present. It was a shock to the community Tuesday morning when the news came of the sudden passing away ot Mrs N. McKnchnie. Durham, as the deceased had attended church service Sunday. We extend sympathy to her sister. Mrs H. William: and brothers William here and Sam of Winnipeg. end to other members of the family. A goodly number left here Tuesday morning for Guelph to see the King and Quean on their visit there. Oth. ers left Wednesday for Hamilton to see Their Majesties. Mr and Mrs J. S. McNaiiy visited with friends in Mount Forest Friday. Mr and Mrs W). J. Greenwocd spent an afternoon recently with Mr Angus McIntosh and sister Margaret, at Dor. noeh. Mr and Mrs. Thou. Glencroqs and son Bill visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Robert Aitken of Holstcln. Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie, Don. ald and Cameron, attended annlver- nary servlces in Durham Prea.church and visited with Mr and Mrs A. Mc- Ranald Sunday afternoon. A pleasant evening wee spent on Fridny. June 2nd, at the home of Mr and Mr: Adam Anderson, when their family met to celebrate with their parents, their thirtrtltth Wedding an- niversary. After the upper was served, the' family presented their parents with a lovely couch, wishing them many more happy wedding an- nlvereariee. with her ulster. along with other school teachers, tor n trip to Ottawa. returning he]: to Angus the follow. ing Monday, where her parents. Mr. and Mrs Thou Glencrou met her. Thar returned Tue-any morning. but Wednesday afternoon. the spent the night with her ulster mu It ed Sundny with Mr And In home may of neu- Durham. Mr Mu uncle Glencrou Mr and In Hugh mums: vat. Mr 3nd In Do.“ Helm alum Detroit . . . . 6.00 Windsor... . .. 6.00 Chicago . . . SIMS e - F -___ luv mun aunt well I I In Thou Glenn-oe- met her. I emu In no“; new“ r returned Tuesday morning. lwould be . severe [on to on L mount evenlug we! "ent ttet) sport. to have it removed. w, June 2nd, u the home of In On an of lily lut, m Mn Adam Anderson, when theirl Young meted any n the ' met to eels-brute with theirier, eon. Thom. Con IT, m its, their thirtrtltth weddiugan- at the ripe old m of 35 ya 33% te,".', ‘31:??? 1:3 Mr I e um .. ereeting Round Trip H. H. MacDonald. Clerk lea “mud” Inning TO Designed to fill the place in the fishing fraternity now occupied by Spanish silk-worm Rut, the new lead- er will be placed on the market u standard weights and lengths, both level and tapered. Actual field tests by expert anglers have shown that the new leader, made of nvlon syn- thetie iunment, . recent product of the chemical laboratory, is far su- perior in every way to the Spanish gut and is consequently in not way a substitute for the old-fashioned leaders any more than Spanish I!" was a substitute for the homhair. The new leaders can be tied dry and without new a! any kind will atmigtttaat cat perfectly with a slick: pull. The Mmrtgth of the In lulu mm B and b that of the but an.“ at and pea-alas -tieetnt m “like but INVISIBLE FISHING LEADERI, ARE ANNOUNCED A new fishing lender, which will not fray, split or become brittle, is invisible in water and possesses el- astic qualities permitting . uniform "ttive" of about one inch per foot and resuming norm-l length with much the same action gs 1 rubbel band, has just been made u’liluble to the Cnnldinu angling world. A. R. Hershey. barber, has moved He wluassist Mr Irvin in Iookinz " implement rooms. where I. put has? been partitioned of! for his busing-me He will assist Mr lrvinin Iookinz " ter the Interests of the many-Han rill Agency. Evidently A. R. is trt. ing to bring the lawn mower trade together. Findinw, Trent. Holstein Corr: We extend congru- ulations to Mr Alex Aitken. who to- day. Wednesday, in being nut-tied to Min Belle Ferguson. dotghter ot Councillor Walter Ferguson or Dro- ‘Inore. Rev Dr. Marsh oiliciued. l The Induction ot Rev. B. M., Smith takes place at Dromcne on, Thursday, June 18th. Niowinz 't cedent, the newest minister in the presbytery will preach the Induction sermon and this time will bn Rev. B. M. Whitley of Durham. On and utter the m of June tho “gun couch" for Walkertnn will leave Durban at , a. M. and "rive In Durham at 7.30 p. In. North Est-among Corr: A meeting under Bible Society auspices was held " Amos Church, Tuesday night.) other: were appointed " follmvorn: President, Geo. both!“ Vice PMLI Edge Hill Corr: Misses Karmic Ann md Irene Ritchie spent the 24th with friends in and around PMs-29y. (“on Review Me of May M. 187K) Priceville Conn: The contract for shed: was In at the Presbyterian Chumh and a number are. called to move the building- uo u to give tho matador 1 chanee to so to work on Mondny, June 8th. Mr Wm. Rosie purposes taking another trip to the West when' he will tannin for the ttttttttttor it home and other ties will allow him. ed. Half hour later it again mush! ttm and made a little more headway Vll'lley Corr: . The Ritchie Bros have just completed the brick work of the addition Mr l. W. Blyth hm put to his house. It makes quite an Improvement to the home. An inclplent are caused by sparks from an engine main: tt shingk mill " Smith‘s foundry was nipped on Monday afternoon before any dam age was dam. The sparks fell on the roof of the old hlacknmlth shop nearby untL started a blue which wa- qulckly noticed and extinguish- Mr I C Alums is erecting a allud- ttttit on John Brown’s turn in North lineman! this week. An mints of automobile registra- tion In Onario for the put year end.. lng Dee. M. 1913, show the number of automobiles owned by residents of the province to be 16.458, with a total sauna capacity of 7ft.9flt, or artx.8attttodatfon for orw out at every :53 people in the province 3,161 are owned In rural parts and villages, 1000 being the property of runners. [Imposition at present of ceiling the shunt: rink to n Co. of Elan men. who would tenure It to that town. The Rink hasn't been a flu-nick! success In recent sessons, but it would he . severe loss to our winter sports to have it removed. On 'tat of my Int, Mrs John Young [sensed any at the home mt her son. Thom. Con 17, Normsnhy. at the ripe old age of ttli yes”. at... manual. have been pm. “To: the m home- of Hours mhuunIhQatmt ill-Jot. in“ heat tord'l IN DAYS OF YORE " YEAR. no (fun Inflow Ms In. c, mm The (mark of It Alt m- J-u Snell, Beer. John ONTARIO 1&3.) _ L. sum. n.8, M.C.. as. outta and Physical Gum's. Snead Come tor advanced pupils. Including Hum Culture and Arm Gouchel. a. sinner: 1 ”may. mum an. Hour- l me. Ill. Pup“ ofhmell lords. A. A, Surveys. Repel Telephone " Ontatrlo a Dominion [and Sum Registered Hole-don“ Engineer “I. and UM Vida In“. so. your loan Gunmen Licenced Minoa- tor My may Elle- (than on m-tagau. R Date. arranged at Hon“ 0.0.. n.- dau, “'0 "I” Durham ”I... B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. O. M t mum!“ I.”um..., Luann»... Honor Graduate: Tomato cum, Graduate Rorat Coll. Donal Om x an m “tum Ollloe: mu sum. was“, W. C. PICKERIIG. 008. L0. once and Residence: Occur 00'.- we" and [Anti-a Stream. DI!- Olhoo bun: ' to " Q... 110 .0 Ftn., 1 w I p... and." M Jitter Dances Even Third-yin ' " DURHAM Town Hall Aucpicec Durham luau.- Moe'- tmetiee CHIROPRACTIC I ”CIT. UISL 00....“ OOIVIUIII'. .0...- ID. - '_--- '0'. “N t can on m "II I I. "" 'OII - w on --a.. - mind in “My mu mmmhuuuilynmo an] cut, a Iw tutu" for the dry " (than... 1nd Elvin: considerable his then. in In: visible When in me. The lender uteri-l it. al! Alp-orb- I very minute nemat- m of “(or and in resiliency re- nnin regal-alu- of how long it may be in use in alkaline and other del- human than «M c. a. All) BESSIE IcGILuum L F. Gulf:; thett-testrrtntrunooe- W. PIERCE ELLIS WWW"! WIN-0. “any and GEORGE E. DUIGAI apt. connect» & alleles! uni. DURHAM a “GLOW"! tre'eetrvhtattet.-te. J. ll. MCQUARRIE. B. A. F. l. EAGLES“ T. tt. SNEATII. M. 0. SII'S ORCHESTRA 3 Over new But Dunn.

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