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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jun 1939, p. 7

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Goodbgggoé _ :" Q57} ' 47/ ';t,1ifl'i,l,.(i'irfiiijh1 'ii-iii-ii-lit-ji!,!",!!" Ar; I l " How Women in Their 40's an Attract Men A ttk; I sr,r:t,,",l,'ii'"t GET SOME IODAYI .'t'l,,,.1,i," 'iiit8eei, 353ml MG iiiii1i.t t bright we with {IGLEY'S IR( A large part of the tourist re- wnue was accounted for by visit- ors from the United States, who event an estimated $259,000,000 against $274,000,000 in 1987. Visitors from overseas countries spent an estimated 314,683,000 compared with 816,972,000. Tourists visiting Canada in 1988 Ipent an estimated $278,48t,000 compared with $290,581,000 in 1937, the Dominion Bureau of St:- tisties reports. $290,S81,000 Spent Ono ot the curious features of the hoary mid-May tourist move- ment, which he says was much greater than last year. and fore- runner of what he believes will be Ontario's greatest tourist year. Du- gald H. Macintyre. Ontario Gov- ernment director at Fort Erie, pointed out is the large number of American hunters going north to tho Sudbury area for bear hunt. ing. This is due to a special re- duced license tee put into effect try the Department. ot Game and Fish- eries. and nearly twenty hunting varies trom various parts of the U. s crossed the first hall of May. Some From South America Mr. Macintyre referred also to the fact that South American tour. ist movement is already being not- ed. This month Brazilians register- ed at (In) local bureau. and the party informed Mr. Maclrtyre. oth- or; were coming from that coun- try also. A party or lexicon no wrists have also registered this month. D. A. McIntyre, Official at Fort Erie, Reports My Parties Coming Into Canada From Following the solemn dedication of the new national war memorial at Ottawa, the King and Queen are seen as they descended the steps of the monument, followed at the RIGHT by Hon. Ian Mac- kenzie. minister of national de- fence. Fylywinsr the Tourists Go North For Bear Hunting Peed the pallets all they will eat all the time. Peed grain carefully. so that they will have to eat mash to satisfy their appetites. Att They Can Eat The pallets should he accustom- ed to eating mash while they are [rowing up, so that they will eat it readily when they come to lar. lug Me. This may be kept where they can get to It at any time in n hopper. Where meatscrap must be substituted tor milk, it may be mixed with the mash. Make the "tt.qlt by using 100 pounds each ot bran, shorts,, barley, oats and meat- Icrap. The grain should be ground so fine that the hulls of the oats will be reduced to powder. __ v ,__ V”... " [MICE to sleep where they can get all the fresh air there is. For grain feed provide a mixture or wheat 3nd barley and it milk ls available the them all they will consume. It milk is not available they should hue mealscrap, Give the pullets the freedom the tarm while they are grow: up and supply them with a nh 'o,'PttyherIaEnoruu. a, me Thet Come to By Tourists in '38 Feed Erwin; Unveiling Completed are growing with a place Canadian dairy production reached a total “has of 8220, 163,527 in 1988, on ileum at about two per cent. over 1987. Statistics were recorded showing that'moat accidents in one large Canadian company occurred be. tween 10 o'clock in the morning and noon, and between 2.30 and 5 o’clock in the afternoon. The re port concluded that both employer And employee benefit from the rest periods. ' Failing the opportunity to sit down to tive meals a day, the re- port recommended a. live to " minute break in the day's work, preferably in the afternoon rather than in the morning. with an om portunity to take some light re- lreshment. ot A recent survey ot rest periods tor workers conducted by the In- dustrial Accidmt Prevention As. sociation Indicated that it the ov- erage person had live meals a day instead of three he would be less tired at the en" of the day and would have aeeomplitshed a better day's work. The report said that' it was assumed an individual would eat no more food in tive meals than he would In three meals. Survey of Rest Periods For Workers Shows That More Frequgnt Meals Result In Five Meals Daily Would Be Better THE WEEK'S QUESTION: How is great Britain now proposing to settle the Palestine problem? Ans- wer: The British plan calls for: l, a permanently Arab-dominated state with a frozen Arab majority ot two to one; 2, restriction ot Jewish immigration tor the next five years to 75,000, bringing the total Jewish population to approx- imately 525,000 (Arab population, 990,000); 3, restrictions on the sale or land to Jews; 4, an independent Palestine with guarantees for the Jewish minority, following a ten- year period ot increasing self-gov- ernment. Needless to say, the plan isn't very popular with world Jewry nor with the extremist Arab ele- meat in the Near East. m0 barns, at any rate, Then the Frus- her will have another try at pinging one more plum out or tho inter- national pie. Personally, we think Mr. Price is correct. Hitler will either take Danzig unopposed, within the next couple ot weka tbetore France, England and Russia have signed their irrpowetr pact), or he'll have to shelve his ambitions in that dir- ection, till the harvest is in the Lear Fatigue CRISIS m AUGUST: G. Ward price, representative of London, Englattd's, Daily Malt on the royal tour ot Canada, and himself a tor- eign correspondent ot note makes predictions concerning the inter- national tsituation which are " good as the next man’s guess. Pro- phesies Mr. Price: "I see no war in Europe this summer ...... no war over Danzig at any time ...... I took tor another crisis about the tirtt or August. At that time I expect the axis powers to make threaten- ing demands against Hungary and Rumania." Remembering all the nasty words so recently said about the Federal Liberal leader by our provincial legislative head, we marvel. Are the two really getting together once more in the normal way.' Or was the display of affection a one- day wonder? We'll have to watch the papers to find out. "awn“ CEREMONY: The Roy- at Visit has accomplished some- thing concrete in Canadian pol. ities, it we are to Judge by the evidence ot a thousand eyes at Woodbine Park, the day that the King and Queen were in Toronto ...... Basking in the sun- light of the royal smiles, two leu- er hearts were seen to warm to each other .... Prime Minister Mae. kenzie King and Premier Mitchell Hepburn, celebrated Liberals. cele- brated enemies, in {all View of the public buried their onlitlnal haw-- el HATCHET CEREMONY NEWS - PARADE "No fruits have missed tire this year," said Mr. Palmer. "Every kind of fruit tree was loaded with blossom. Prospects for an excellent crop of cherries. pears. peaches. plums and apples are exceedingly bright." Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario min- ister ot agriculture, said "it looks like a bumper crop of fruit in the Niagara district this year," follow- ing a trip through the area. Every Prospect Bright Mr. Dewan was accompanied on his tour by P. W. Hodgetta, dir. ector of the Agriculture Depart- ment fruit branch, and E. P. Palm. er, director ot the horticultural ex- periment station, Vineland. Follow- ing a tour ot the experiment sta- tion where 10,000 trees were in full bloom, the party motored to Niagara.on-theLak, and visited the orchards of several growers. IF YOU TAKE FIFTEEN FROM Crop Thriving Bumper Yield Is Seen by Agri- culture Minister Dewan and Miami: On Inspection Niagara Fruit Mien-est; ls not forgotten when the nicknames are chosen. It she keeps a keen eye on household ac- counts and tries to prevent "squeeze," she will undoubtedly be dubbed some such thing as "Count- egu." 'Save-tea," or “Scrlmp- coal," unless her personal appear- ance calla tor such an appellation as "Fat-lege," 'squint-ere," What's in a name? A good deal --it your business and home han- pon to be in China. for there your peculiarities and servants will surely find you out. Nearly all for- eigners in China have a "weihao," or nickname, but these are given from no ill-feeling. Chially Descriptive Although they are supposed not to know. master or mistress can- not at times avoid overbearing it the homeboy, ever the essence ot politeness and deference when in the august presence. calls cheer- fully to the kitchen that "Old Red. tace" or "The Large-cared One" has returned and wants tea in a hurry. They may console them. selves by reflecting on the Chin. ese proverb. "A horse without nightfeed will never grow tat; a man without a nickname will never get rich." ' Chinese Names For Foreigners Visiting the Indian village during their visit Arthur,' their majestic: were greeted by this sented the Queen with a bouquet of fiowers, nit Nicknames For u, Are Sometimes Futterimr--. But More Often Thev're Not Vacation Mathematics Their Majestic. Meet Indian Subject: "Those who still advocate the construction of battleships c'annot give a convincing argument as to what service they will be in de. fence operations." Cure" pointed to the “enormous cost" ot building battleships. and said: "Eyu" Ot Defending Force. from "They would be the eyes and Intelligence ot our defending forces," he said. John W. Curran, of Washington. who also designed the tracer bul- let and other military weapons, said last week that dirtgibles would be "ot ittetttitnable value" in defence operations. The man who Invented one ot the most deadly ot modern war weap- omt--the aerial ,'aomtr---beliereg dir. igibles would serve America best in defence of its shares. Bomb Designer Suggests Their Use To Guard Coats 28 29. 30. Says Dirigible Best Defence go, 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 15. 16. 17. 18. Mr., (a IO, ll, 12. IO, M. WEIGH YOUR FISH BY THEIR LENGTH The following Sturdy‘s table weight for length of trout has al. ways been found useful and accur- ate by the writer, who passes it on for your inrormau'on at a time in the year when it will be most. needed. We suggest you cut this clipping out and paste it in the in. side of mm tackle box. on the side of your boat or in your summer cottage or fishing cabin, or in some other equally suitable localiuu. TROUT In om:- HUNDRED AND nnv, ROBIN- WHAT DIFFERENCE N DOES rr MAKE By VIC BAKER to Fort William and Port little Indian girl, who pre- N T A R l O UTDOORS Ltr " o 15 ll Oz, 15 12 12 15 "The morons read sin-h." he said, 'hut I don't know 9. single intelligent person who isn't {and of murder stories." Discussing adult reading. Phelps condemned "sentimental garbage," but praised detective fiction. "Don't try to stuff books down their throats." "Let them read a lot of trash it it Is exciting," the Yale scholar and critic said last week, "And by tact and sympathy they can be led to read better books. are your guide to modern liv. ing. They bring you today’s NEWS about the food you eat and the clothes you wear, the stores you visit and the home you live in. Factories every. where Ire turning out new and interesting products. 0 And the place to find out about these new things is right here in this newspaper. [ts col- umns are Med with important massages which you should rea . William Lyon Phelps thinks "trashy" reading-it it'g httiturttis. itttp--doesrn't harm children. Well-Known Literary Critic thrs 'Trash' O.K. For Chil- dren If Exciting Hait-Ryuing NEW IDEAS We do not pretend to be an eco. nomist, but we have a foolish idea that no one country can solve the woes of today. It is a world con.. dition. Until the world settles down to peace, eats down the mad armament race, and na.ion.s trade attain with one another and forget ultra-nationalism, there cannot be a solution of all our dimculties. This does not mean that we should not try to place our own house in order as far as possible. We should. But we should at the same time be prepared to co-oper- ate to the uttermOst with other de- mocratic nations in restoring world "rsity.--London Free Press. FOI MEN or GOOD WILL MILKING THE PARKER Writing an essay on "Coms", a student rises to the heights of wit when he says: "The most import- ant part of a cow is the receptacle in which the milk is stored. This is called the udder. By I. clever arrangement it is divided into four compartments each with a separ- ate tap. By this means the milk is divided at the source so that one part goes to the landlord, one to the mortgage company, one to the government, and one to the farmer." .--- Bowmnnvi'le States.. man. It is reported from Ottawa that the Liberal Government is becom- ing alarmed over rumors of I new powerful political party to be for- med immediately after the term- ination of the Royal Visit and which is to be composed of people who didn't get a chance to see the King and queen,---T'oeonto Satur- day Night. THAY DIDN'T SEE ROYALTY In New Brunswick a church was moved six miles no as to be neuter the people. What churches need merywhere is to move nearer the people, but it can usually be done without moving the bsildittg.--To. ronto Star. The royal tour has achieved a near-miracle in inducing English newspapers to print new: of Can- ada.--woodstoek Sentinel-Review. sigma CHURCHES CLOSER A NEAR MIRACLE Maybe Chink can keep on losing the war longer than Japan can go on wituting.--Brtuuion Sun. WED LOSES. WINS Books Favored VOICE ADVERTISEMENTS PRESS of the 9.304 trat', so." $.ltVegts.'ert ----_ YES! I THINK n”: PPfr, Export of Canadian newsprint during Much had a value of $9,- 388,061 compared with $8,685,337 in the eorverpouding month of last yen. LIFE’S LIKE THAT During 'he has: mo uceks of tat. teuing. the per cunt of melted mut- ton or beef tct should be addtd to the mtxture. This is accomplish- ed by melting the tat and mum; quickly with the mash white not Mt u to in)” large lumps. In preparing poultr' to weigh, when dressed, " to 4% lbs., the birds should have nor-Isl treat. ment up to within {out or five weeks to killing time. thst is to my. s well Dal-need stsrter rstion tololwed by scntch (rein end A suitable (rowing ration. At the per- iod referred to, the cocherels which sre intended for whet should he pieced on a limited reuse so " to restrict their sctivlty. shade sud msrketln; weight is ruched they proper roosting accommodation be. in. provided. From this time until should be soft ted using skim milk or buttermilk as s mixer. Such a teeding, three times I dag, should permit ot satisfactory growth with s srester proportion ot tat being laid down than under ordinary rat'- in; treatment. Since white flesh- inx will he desired the limited range should not hare green growth on it and feeds which pro- duce yellow tat Hit'll as yellow corn should not to fed or it Ml should be given only in small quan- tities. Since corn is the most sat- isfactory grain for rationing pur- poses. it should make up a por- tion ot the fattening mash. ground white rather than yellow \‘Ui'll being used. lluritw'su-nt und “but are the nut, tlitJrt sa'isturir.v grains uitlt Hits And hut-lo) bring summvhat inf-"MW and of similar ctficiw.rry. A unttlri'mlinll of any l ot the ninth": new In the basis of their n-nnw'irzlt'w mine and of l availabii, 'o"tl rut! should form I the 'tily:',.,,' for " minim-fury lurinn. "Wait until be shown ”no pact“. I '" “find? Within Four a Five Week. of Killing TimeSerttheFas. Feeding Govern: F owl’s Progress l he satisfactory ration. 1 mo “can or tat. cent of melted mut- t should be ttddcd ONTARIO Jams, III.»7~...., me; au, By J. MILLAR WATT s before H" “I'm proud of I! no-aculdpot record." all Hawking who has “rolled" n has through every mate in the Union And In Canada and Mexico since first setting whim! the wheel or 3 common I'url'h-r m 1921. AU il" BEE HIVE "There are too Illy '0.an alec' driver- on tho rou- today," In "id, "They give the more exper- lenced drivers the Jitters." It I: harder to drive safely to- day-twest with all the neck-lieu impmvemams and had-aurtaced roads-than it I'll the or no year. no, bellows H. B. Huvkhn. ot Cleveland. o., who In. driven Inn- on more than 1.000.000 an». in 16 yeau without " nccldem. Pawn-hummus.” Dame-theMGrm E'Cwulmvmh Saf Dri q 1t'i'l'l'J'roa, By Fred Nehsr guy money

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