West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1939, p. 1

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pwmo DOM ‘ssions of a Nazi MOUNT For: m Wests EGREMONT COUNCIL I"TONOLULU' Mt ROXY tt JUNE 8th, 1989 , G. ROBINSON Luv" Paut "PCHARD n ‘mv " iriiiiiiiis) reamery tut Stars" Ihry h " "4 White the ballots were treinigravms were decorated by fronds. manila. De J. K. Blur, Liberal The cemetery in one of the best manner for North Wellington. guest kept country comma-lea in an. lo speaker fer the afternoon. detivereeheatitr. Hoe-pm. for Grey, and Robert Sioux Beer. An nmondmnt to the constitu- tion. brought in try w'. K. Harris. no "reed to, giving both Grey and Brute counties representation on the “native by having a vice-president Election of otBeem wu proceeded with at the clone. Dr. t K. Sneath was miected as president. 1nd John McDonald. Chester. acting Seer Tress. wu elected as permanent Alter being chosen the candidate, Mr Harris made a neat reply, expres- sing his warm thanks to the dale; gates for their strong support and confidence in him, and promising that for the next tour months (hetore the' expected election in October) i; would give his best efforts to re-i deem the Riding. counting upon thel hearty cooperation of all friends of the cause. " would be n bottle from bmtinninst toend. but it was sure evi- dence the Liberals were not {siding when (our candidates were willing to run. , ate would probably be low man a- gun, and the lady candidate should be fought with her own weapons. W. R. Harris dnfended the pat" ronage system, which had been (long rided by a previous speaker. mr' "mat” is an evil only if pmotlsodthntf way. It is all right to help those who need it, if tair and abovei: board.. He thought a man from the East side of riding the only candid-' ate who could win out. and believed a winning organization could be built, up in Grery-Bruee. The Tory candid-L J. A. Paterson referred to the small attendance or members in House at Ottawa. on two occasions he was there recently. Miss Macplmil not helm "men: either time. A ramiidate with energy. zeal and all": My should be named. He had not ttstr-i' ed a soul for support. but was prepar- ed to '.raeritlee himself. Delegates should come with free open LLL, no prevons promises. weigh the eviy deuce. and decide on the merits or the tour contestants. I John Burro". Ayton. told of his business interests for the benefit of many (Isle-gang to whom he was a stranger. He had " farm in Brant in, operated mills in Ayton and Hanover, and had consented to con- test the nomination. m me new. I The C.C.F. the speaker stated. J. ll. McQuan-ie had been urged had insisted an investigation of a by some or his friends to stand. and perfectly legitimate deal, causing was doing so. He hoped the eonverlatonttv, of delay that was very cost- ton would pick the best man, to nnp- ly to the people of Canada. and had port our great leader, Premier KimmiI accomplished ttuolntely nothing by who was alt for the unity ot Canada/their action. Dr. MeAUster thanked his LIL) In conclusion. the speaker sounded mee, but rrwretted his health did a stirring appeal in favor of trade not pom" him to allow his name to; treaties, stating that this was merely 20 before convention. ‘liberaliam in the broader sense.I John Burrell. Ayton, told of his Canada, he declared, must have an, business interests for tho benefit of open metrhet to mt _ V Dr. T. R. Sheath. {president rf the Grey-Bruce Liberal Assn, was in the chair. After calling for and receiv- in': the above. six nominations. the movers of each were asked to speak on behalf of their candidate, then each candidate was called upon. _ D. T. Wright reterred to the time his brother was the Liberal, randidato in 1917, but he was not in thm netd. i i. ll. Riemann- had been "rsred, by some of his friends to stand. and, was doing so. He hoped the conven-, seven votes, by Dr. W. A. Hall, then tho 3min: member. 'nation, on A necked hall at Thursday'. nam- inating Convention of the Liberals o' Gmr---Bruee riding. chose Walter E Harris of Markdale, as their candid I ate by a decisive majority on the first and only ballot. or six nom- inees two Dundalk men, D. T.] Wright and Dr A. n. Inc-Alister,“ retired (ran the field, and the other' tour went tc the ballot: J. H. Mae. kmarria, Durham: J. A. Patrsrson,‘ Hanover, John Burro". Ayton, and W. E'. Harris. 277 delegates voted, reprmenting every part and corner l " the ridine, and of these 160 votes were cast for Mr Harris, giving him 1 a clear lead. Messrs Paterson and McQuarrie " once moved the nomln- I alien be made unanimous, amid wild ' acclaim. v a F'cur years mm Mr "s-G, -.m....- t W. E. Harris, sua/iii-iii-iid," - Chosen liberal Siuilariuharer VOLUME LXI, N o, your: ago Mr Harris proved il; Glenelg Boy wins Trophy srl' for Best Bacon Hog The Durham Band ted in the Bing. inx of the hymns and played sacred tteteetittttt, before and after the ser- vice. A silver collection realized over $60. which will be added to the fund for cemetery care. Many of the The annual decoration service took' church wh, place at Trinity cemetery, Giertele lent disoou on Sunday afternoon. when over 200,W. HirtIe. were present. Rev. M. H. H. Farr.' not that m in charge ct the service. spoke in 1 Cor. 8:it behalf of the Trinity cemetery board Minnie, w Rev. W. H. Dunbar of St. George's Solomon t Anglican Church, Owen Sound, spoke every Hal: on observing the day at remam- plan of an brance. mu --" I A young junicr farmer. David I)... on Tv'mulay. ttttd two Judzmnnt sum- 1Allan, R. R. No. I, Durham, won’mons cases. 1sitrnal honors at the Ontario York-1 Pred Cook Vs. Norman Dickson was Congratulations to Davie. Spoon" winner was W. Mathetrcn of Hi'ls- burg, third Edgar Ash of Choslev and seven other winners were scab treed over Western Ontario. DECORATION SERVICE HELD IN TRINITY CEMETERY The prize host was 190 days old weighed 198 pounds live, 156 pounds dressed and obtained an almcst per- feet score. His advanced registry pig was also first when Judged alive Monday. best ba petition shire Club field day at the Ontario Agrirulturo Cclterre, Guelph, on Tues. day. when he won the trophy for the The meeting, try resolution, went on record as hoartily approving the King Grvernment, and pledge their whole hearted support to the Liberal He expressed an opinion that Lhei visit of the King and Queen to the, United States would do a great deal, to cement the friendly feeling be-f between these two great English! speaking countries. and might mark the flrtst step in a real reciprocity. programme for both Countries. ; The speaker rated the C.c.P. party for their attitude in tho Bren Gun Inquiry, declaring that thev were destroying the actual spirit of democracy in exercising their rights in a manner that was definitely a hold-up to the government. He de. clared that the sole worth of this party lay in its "nuisance value." It was the aim of Liberalism, he stated, to put the burden ot taxation, rn thc shoulders or those who couldf afford to pay, and spoke of the in. creased taxes being levied on the large Income earners. l Canada was, he declared, dennito. ly goittrt ahead. In the past five years. she had cut her war debt by nime million dcllars and had export. ed 250 million dollars worth more than she had imported. a tine address on the broader aspects of Liberalism, tel-wing it a "religion" rather than mere politics. Canadians he declarcd, must learn to be liberally minded, be broad enzzlzh to ccnsider from the stand- !point of “but is best for Canada,) 'rather than 'what is ot most benoiit, to their own selfish interests. In this: rezard, he spoke of the East eo-cr,' crating to take the burden from thei Western farmers during the time: when their crops had been poor and ( they had been faced with starvation.! Canada was, he declared, detinito/ ly going ahead. In the past tive;' -----_.- --_. hog in the carcass com- iiiht tho, Bren i 'ot Durham Lodge A. P. k A. M. Intended Divine service In a body "tunday evening in the Presbyterian ‘church where they heard an excel- lent discourse by the pastor, Rev B. Greenwood rendered a thte "Wee to Face." not that " are the temple of God.":! (By our d. 1 Cor. 3516- The trrent Jerusalem) thrr pastor Re Marple. which was left to King stating in pair Solomon to build, was the joy ot with Arch Pow every Hebrew heart. God gave the mtortunstely Plan of and dwelt In that temple. 3 when a part of The speaker told of lessons from he was on has the building of the temple and its striking him on contents. Goo Nana nct only for ls since In stun our religion lhut for our Ml and wu not ttvaNtth 111(1th life. Hg has tl divituy plan ham or Holstein. of life for everyone. He comes and um... -- - wants to dwell in the ham 3‘ Only two short actions twere before jJud've Morley at Division Court here Masonic Brethren at Pres. Church Wflkinsorr.Kmnpass of Hamilton vs James Miner of Rocky, was action to rccover balance of judjmont and in- terest amounting to $103. It was transferred to Hanover Court for June let, pending settlement. I "Am I as good-looking as Queen Elizabeth?" tho mother asked with In twinkle in her eye. , "Well mother," said this tlon, "it irou had the clothes on Queen Eliza. .beth had, you would look Just as l nice. " an action to recover $10 balance due for ploughing. Den. claimed 1 acre lens was ploughed. and only $835 owing. Judgment was given pithfor $8.25 without costs. A bright young Durham lad was In Guelph Tuesday of last wank to man Their Majesties and came back full of his imprt-ssicns of the royal pair. About thirtrtive of the members He is giving up teaching at Dunes. san this, month, to commence r course in Theology in Toronto in the fall. SLIM DIVISION COURT DOCKET I The Presbyterian General Assembly was in sossimi at Midland tram Jrt " 7th to 14th. and has been well at. tended throughout. Monday evening was Young Pecplos' ninht and that evening Rev. E. W. Thomson o" Elora, Convener ot the Sabbath Schools and Young Peoorw Soci- elles., introduced Mr Dan Firth of Durham, Provincial Int Vice-Presi- dent. Dan. spoke of the work or this large organization, with its 15,000 members in Ontario, and said that during the past year 3.800 younz men and woman enrolled to read daily portions from their Bible. 5 Dan Firth Addresses _"' General Assembly A LOYAL SON OF HIS MOTHER REV. ARCHER WALLACE, Assistant Editor, United Publications, ot Toronto. and minont Canadian author and who will be the special spea‘ Knox United Church Anal Services, next Sunday, Juno Barttiipm Ramp: WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED le special speaker at Church Anniversary Sunday, June pth. text “Know ye United Church wrt Cer, " Those taking part in the musim! program were a vocal trio frcm Ayr- ton. Mrs E. Holm, 12 Baetz, G. Wid. meyer. and Miss Fisher at piano: (Mrs Thea. Bell and Mrs J. McCaan (sane "Keep on Smilinq." Commvnitv isiturt,tur was led by Mrs. J. Petty. Durham Branch served dinner. 'l I The newly elected aim-“rs are: Hon. rPreudents.-ugrs Thos. McGirr. Mrs. S. Patterson. Mrs V. Domm. Mrsan'J 1Mrs Knerhtel. Preaidont---Mrn, J: S. W‘vev. Aberdenn; Vine Pregittants-- Mrs E. C. Thy'nr, Hanover; Mrs C. W. Arnett. S. Glenelg: Mrs N. Me. Guire, Holstnin: Mrs W Davidsrn. Dornoch. Sec'y Tretur.--Mrs. Cr. L. Sharp, Durham. Amittorts-- Misses Margaret McGirr, Leah Metyea. Co. Representative-ans G. Mackie, Cam. Corners; Federal Retr.-hfrt, have" Aberdeen; Alternate-Mm J. C. Cook, I Zion. DURHAM, ONT., In the business period, $25 was vnted to Durham Branch for dinner and rental, and the. 'Aee'r'rreatusror's salary was raised to 850. Mrs W. A. Lemon. Balaclava. Fati- ,erated Director. gnve a eotnprehen. 'slve roman of the provincial Board. Miss Edith Hopkins of the Institute Dent. gave a short talk and conduct- edthe vote on what leadership train. ing courge would be taken bv the Women's institute this year. “Fruits for food and flavor" was t.he subjectlI chosen. I Miss Flora Drr'nin. repretsentiturtuo' Dept. in Junior work, stressed the, importance of Juniorwork and asked the assistance of Senior Branches. I r"" Each Branch was Riven mo mip. utes to Five 3 summarv rt tho yt'ar'r, ‘work. Some of the work done has "proved most interesting. Ono. branch remembers an invalid youth each week in some tantdttietway; ashcwer ‘was given a family whose home was destroyed by fire; one Brawn i" Vaislnrz money to buy a picnic zrmvndw :fnr use of tour school sections: Pun“ (tie Sneaking had been sponsored and! smiles plven; runs wore nurchnscv’: Mr animals: milk supplied schn'l' ‘childxcn eye glasses pri' Thased for; clildrm: swings tNeed in schM'I "Hinds: donations sent to Memorial' Fund Md Children's Shaker; than curchannd tor schools; First AidkitC so nrlied schools; demonstrations modo, on cooking and fancy work;; makipr ot quilts for exhibition Sum“ mary Day; armistinz Mark-“l 911:“:va to build retaining wall; herd men's "ssehtittse, the man servinz the meal“ and Elvin: addresses: and marv'w more worth while things. _ l -"--ev -. - "ml". my-Lrea5.. Kt1vo a full report of the year's work and ren'rted one new branch organized this year, making M Branches in the District. " senior ttrd 4 junior. The total District receipts were $307.03. and (“09mm $206.19. leaving a. bai- nnce of $100.84 in treasury. in the Branches. total receintsdvere $1927,99 and expenses $1271.34, a balance ot $656.45 on hand. i The 37th annual meetlnr: cf South Grey District was held in Knox Unit- ed Church schoolmam on Wednesday with the president, In J. S. Davey, at Aberdeen. in the chair. Devotion- al exercise: were taken by an. s. W. letle, who gave a thoughtful dis. course on "Work." Mrs. J. Mather Rave the address of welcome, and the reply was given by Mrs H c., Taylor of Hanover. Annual Meeting Women 's Institute: Iii:,?,,"" Now 22 Branches in South Greytzm Sharp, see'rtreas, ' gs VP 7H: marlin LEADER JUNE 15th, 1939 1'? HASTIE - TURNBULL tl' The wedding of two well known n Durham young people. Miss Annm CMrqtae Turnbull. only daughter of a Mrs James Turnbun ot town, to Dav- :lid John Hustle. an) of Mr and Mrs. Wltlnalll Hustle of Sullivan, was sol- "Vomnlzed by Rev. C. H Searle on Sa- q turday last in London, at the l'nlted l; Crtd.eh mama. The attendants, were "the armm's brother ln-law and sister (iii. and Mrs Harvey Austin. London. l, to Toronto and Niagara Fa':a, re turning Monday. They have mun After a 'ttttttttttttttttr tenant, the hatr " couple left on a honeymoon tour of Miss Margaret Erwin and Mr Donald Tove". both of Durham. Rev. Mr Herbison of Thametrvitte, oMeiated. The young couple Wero aslsted by Miss Edith Erwin, a cousin. as bridesmaid, and Alex To veil, the groom's brother. w TttVELL--EttwiN At the home of the bride's uncle, Mr Wm. Erwin, the marriage “an solemnited at , p.111. last Thursday The bride wore a travelling dress of navy sheer, with corsage bouquet and navy accessories. After a ahcrt honeymocn to Sarnia andctherpolnts they have taken up residence on Lambton St.. Durham. _ hour ,_-_-.., ... Instrumental trir twl Durham Public School Board Tum Kisses VemLauder. Jean Metyrrotriyay night engaged Mrs Orville Ht " Helen Renwlck; vocal solrs by Mrs 3mm (nee Mae Merihurhern, u Urn:- 2t"t Skiing 'tee, 'lg,?,': It“ 3 er teacher on the stair) as teacher of' ue y uses eon enwle an F . Vellum Vollett. Mrs Padtuld amlMiss'n "ritnys mm: ','U',t: 'l,,,',,'): Norma Oman were accomtzmlstn. _." atx?thy Piekerin " “ o "" t . l, The guests were rrteeived by Miss, “d. The others ot the mm are u Marion Calder, rezem, Miss Mariet,teetttrrttred: Prineipat Noble, Jno. Mo. Hunter, Mrs Burtreas and Mrs Hard, Keclmle. Norman Greenwood. Ben J. ine. Mrs Lauder, Mrs Irwin, Mrs.lr'irth, Misses M. Morttn. M. Mull; Calder and Mrs Webster poured tra. _ Icy. N. Gannon. i, A short meeting was bold after ten; m. “a..." m-'" L h . . ’ Inn". A splendid program cont lug tea hour. lnatruhan played by Mrs. Harry Kr Gordon Greenwood, Miss McLean: an lnstrumenlal Misses Vera Lauder, Jean 1 Helen Reowick.. vocal so" Irving Sharpe, James Mort -'-'-..-. """""" Le" held Tuesday in the Town Halt, was a pleasant social event, with a fair crowd of ladies, present. The hall was tastefully decorated with red, white and blue, streamers. white po- onlea predominating in the ttoral de- corations. The table locked lovely with mauve, iris and yellcw helinht n and yellow handles ENJOVABLE BIRTHDAY TEA June Weddings handles. 1 program continued dur- r. lnatruhantals Were Ira. Harry Krona. Mrs. lnstrumenlal trir I.O.D.l:3. birthday tea last Thursday l lghter of5= n, to Dav- and Mrs. I was so!- rle on Sr l he ['nltml tt ante were md sister [ London. 1 in: dress! , bouquet! r a shcrt l . her points n lence out a Florence ine, M the In as. in Work. I "'%b'V neuter-m7, Who Ina: madam] ------ “d. The other, of the Mail are All” Power will be shut oft in Durhet,, reengpged; Principal Noble, Jno, tn"Yrttit " next Sunday morning. and Red-um, Norman Gwen-wood, Ben I. I imm “195.00 o'clock in murmur": In Firth. Misses M. Moran. M. Mr,t.t.lpeeantt tho local Utilities Com. to lop. N. Gannon. Ihurl": nek. primarim [mm the main No clump will be mwle in the arm" It Royal Bank, tn the Slam High School stair. All am manna-l punt. The 1otut of Ill-WW at thwn ed: Principal Robb, Miss M. Picker; hours will not meet chm-uh Hervim'os. ink. "in Carrie and l. B. Sharpe .nmi should cause no inmnvmimm- the latter two taking summer erv/ to tutrmto ereept radio 'i'mteaers,wlto ea. in Home Economics and Shaman easily forego thv panama: for Work. -timu hours. khi Staffs Complete for Next Ter- .up mldence in the tuner Erwin: Pome on Countes- St. nouth, the; groom being tut employee " Noble's; [set-Hoe station hem. We extend MeCAw---ALLe A wedding of Intorest in Norm Glenelg, was nolemnized on Wednvs- any, Jim! 14, when Min Jean McNuL Iy, younger daughter of Joe wh and Mn McNally, con IO, became the bride of Jam McCaw, only son or Mrs and the lute Wm. McCtew, Mount Forest. DEANNA DURBIN and HERBERT MARSHA“. in Town Hall, Durham. Wed., June 2l Power wilrbt from 5a.m. toll ' Notice to Hydro Users Durham Pulmc Utilities Com. 2 SHOWS FOR THIS PICTURE ONLY lst at 8.00, 2nd at 9.30 'Mad about Music' M will be shutoff on Sunday morning . m. to ll! m. and frrm I to t p m. mum Weekly a no» a year In ndvnnm. sum. 82.50 I year In advance. Paw Rum-39. ONTARIO ARCHIVES POWER WILL " I'ERNANEN 'AVING- Arthur ot T to, 23rd at voliett'e on"! on Thursday Int-moon, June M, 1930 All former muck-Mr. of Durham Iwid in: in Tomato or vicinity will be tttado "doom; The Annual picnic of the Durham Club ot romum will bes Edd ttt the Bloor sun-1 mtttqutee of Hugh Park July 6th COIN EVENFS IEN 'AVtNG--by Mr M 'i,"i',ii1t,i,'il',, Friday, Jur Vollett's “my Parlor. CUT OFF ON SUNDAY and his '. F. o, Monk. and evening of will

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