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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1939, p. 4

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ill. ,, E? m: were made. man and wile Rev. C. mums the bride’- pastor performed the marriage ceremony a- Wedding took place at Zion Lutheran Church. Anon on Selma-y ,June 10. when Irene Annie. only daughter of Mr and In George Helm of this locum! and Mr Harold Henry Horton son of In Ted Weber and the late Salami. Berton of Mount "than. Mr twenty-Inn wedding anniversary. Mum in “applied by the local musicians. and after midnight lunch was served. Mr August Mans pre- nemed Mr and In. Schenk with a purse of silver in honor of the oc- mion while.- lra Andrew Marshall read an nppropiato address. Both bride and groom voiced their ap- preciation in well chosen words and than “other merry evening wan open: in Hampden’s history. Annivemry unites are dated furl the 25th at June attemoon and even~ dwelling when "itrtted, the Job. Mr and Mrs Noah Schenk enter. tained their guests Iut Thursday evening In the Community Hall at Ayton when they celebrated their twentr-ttfth wedding nnniverury. limit was ”applied by the local Mr A New visited with friends in (help): u {at days last week. Mr Albert Kraft is renovating his house and will have In ulna-date E! acttic Washer In A. Hunter, In R. Sin and and Mrs 8mm of Heinlein were Its last Thursday with Mr and Osborn 'tiettintt and Mrs A. ”ITO" - PFEFFER $69.5o Bear" New I "istted, with a Mr Hanover superintendinx A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE and pretty Mr and Mrs William Leith were were host and hostess to some 150 friends and neighbors at the hcm; in Egremont in honor of their son Arthur, and " bride, who were showered with ttins. A large danc- ing piauonn was erected outside and music was provided by neighbors. Lunch was served. Priettdt, from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs John Cuahnie, Mrs W. Cros- ker. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams. all of Toronto; Mr W Williams. Ken. ilworth: Mr and Mrs John Taylor. Hamilton; Mrs James Lavalle and Mrs Robert Moorhead, Palmerston: Mr and Mrs Campbell Mitchell. Mr J. Mitchell, Hamilton; Mrs J. Hud- F. w. MOON but». son Hanover in the Arms of Jesus" were snug The Bora', tributes were carried by James Lawrence. George Williams. Thomas Cock, James and Emmerscn Peart, Thomas Glencross. The re- mains were laid to rest in Durham cemetery by John Crutchley. Charles Mcore, J. W. Ewen William Willi- ams. W. J. Ritchie, W. J. Green- The funeral aervlce of In Nei? MoKeclmle was held in her late re- !lllance on Albert Street tn Thurs- day, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith. A favorite palm of Mrs McKochnle's. "The Sheplmrd Psalm" and Fanny Cnosby’a 'tBate After the ceremony the guests. 1:::1'ti',i,rrsn,',:,1, some eighty-tive, motored to the home of the bride's parents Iwhen: a sumptuous repast was spread and were waited upon by three of the bride's girl friends, Mia- ses Violet Fritz. Eilene Kreuger and ,nemettn Kraft dressed in white. i'l‘he ushers were Messrs Charlie and 'Melvin Pleffer. The bride's mother wore flowered chiffon and groom's mother was gowned in royal sheer. The happy couple left smid show- ers of confetti fonLondon and Niaga- ra Falls and on their return will reside in Mt. 'ttrest. A reception is being held Tuesday evening in the Com, imunity Hall. Anton where some three hundred are invited. FUNERAL OF MRS N. McKECHNIE The winsome bride was dressed ir white tatteta, made with Mor length princess elect with the customary embroidered veil draped frdm a cor. onet of seed pearls. while the brides. maid, Miss Dorothy Weber of Mt, Forest. was gowned in mum’s blue made on similar lines. Mr. Luke, Moyer attended the groom. mid banks ct spring ttowerg and torn. Mrs Melville played the wed. ding march. HOSTS TO ISO FRIENDS The Bruce Couhty children fared worse. After coming from Taber- mor'y, Wiarton, Wnlkerton. Lucknow, Chesley and other points, brollinz and ccllapslng in the hot sun in a. five hour wait, the royal train sped past them lining the tracks going tn. to Stratford. no King or Queen visible and it failed to stop or slow down till reaching the station. Little won. der the Bruce County newspapers and populace are sore over such min-i management and treatment l , The Royal couple are not to‘ blame: they would gladly have‘ greeted tho extsurtsionistr. but the: omcials responsible for the bungling- ot the View of thmnds by permit-I ting the train to speed past. should be revealed and apolozies demanded. Far more important that thousands travelling most of the day for the' event. at much expense. should get a proper view which would have' taken Sttr4 minutes more, than that the time be used up st the stetions,‘ giving the city otBeiaU and other big: ”*- "-'"'anout " was" of age. Interment the royal train “on?“ for tr minutes; takes place on Thursday in Oslwllle for servicimt, only those lined close tfleemeterr. the rear car had axood View ot their ____.I..___ 1thuestiea. Then when trtartitur, in. WILLIAM LED'NGHAM stead of slowly passing the crowds. r, l t the train quickly picked up speed. wile r'e','r"te,'""e,tLttgi, Il', going " to 20 miles per hour rate! f passing the Durham quota. The Kine! Bill Ledingham the ""je1 2,",/', and Queen could not be seen till ot Mrs Ledinghtgrn and t e a e . directly ht front of you an d in inMam Ledfttttharn of Russell. Me was ' _ r A. C. moment. were out of clear visibility. 1"l'l' relA/ttta." M tt Many chlldren failed to see them.: as he. . most had Just an instants View andI He was prominent in the business ' d p,. further west along the tracks. the '21 an: 'Ill":',,'"),,',',",': {Rubin , a .. _ $1: let,': tspeed made the sump”; Alumst M, 1902 and lived all his lite good View while presentations were being made there, for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile the special train excursions carrylmg thounnds of school children were shunted out to Guelph Junction, where they lined the tracks for a mile or more. When At Guelph. the city people and many motorists crowded around the the station where thousands had a is the dire ditstopointtuusnt of many thousands of school tttttWert-- yes. adults also who last Tuesday at Guelph, Stratford and Windsor, after waiting for hours in the heat and coming 50 to 150 miles on excursion trains, never had even a glimpse of the Royal couple, and thousands mom only a fleeting glimpse. l THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN NEVER SAW ROYALTY The greateat blot on the continent- wlde tour of their Mat'etstiea, King George and Queen Elizabeth, who won such popularity and Wion throughout Canada and the States. ilihe any“. Bimini: P. RAMAGE. Editor Ind Pravda" THE DURHAM REVIEW Grade Wu-rh.te Miller, Freddie Noble; Gad: w-, Hume lunar. Layman Ritchie. Dort- Noble, Vera Vessle. Grade IW-Donald Inner. Jeanie MacArthur, may lamb. Grade IV B-%smott We. Melvin Vania .Gndo ll A-ir Noble. an.» MeCOMBrr---rn Durham Honpml on Thursday. June 8th, to Mr and In Lwnard MoCombe, a. daughter, (Mary Lou). . ‘FARM GROUPS HOLD I PICNIC AT INVERHURON ' The Edge Hill Junior Farmers and Junior Institvhe members spent Sat- ‘urdsy afternoon at a picnic at Inver. hump. Over forty were present and entered both beach and water sports and supper in Robert Burnett’s cot- tage. In the evening they were guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Jackson of Ghmls where they were she'Wn paving pictures of bee life and were served tee cream and honey. l The ehureh was crowded for the funeral service the fot1owintr Tues. !day. Interment was made at Russell (cemetery. f He was prominent in the business and sports of the town, being a drun- gist there. He was born in Bunsen lAmrust M, 1902 and lived all his lite there. For many years he was a member of the Russell hockey team. and in latter years prominent in curl- ing circles helm: president of the club at the time of his death. He was also active in many communitv enterprises. He in survived by his mother and one brother, George, of Russell, and one sister, Mrs B. L. (Irene) Me. Leod, of Neepawa. He was prede- ceased by his father in 1933. and one brother, Russell. in 1906. I GEORGE KRESS l The death of George Kreu, man- ager or a hardware store in Oakvllln. _ and a tonne! Durham .boy, took place 1in a. Toronto hospital on Tuesday. 'after a serious operation for bowel trouble. George was the only son of ithe late Mr and Mm Mike Kress and leaves his wife (formerly Irene Me. Phee of town) three children and one sister Sadie of Durhatn. He was "strout 44 years of age. Interment {takes place on Thursday in Ookvllle II cemetery. ROCKY SCHOOL REPORT, MAY l Apropos of the visit ot Their Mn- "stietr, King George and Queen E. ’lizubeth. it might intorest them to Ilearn that the village of (Hamil in Bruce County, near Paisley, was named after Glaqu Cutie. where the queen lived. in fact Bruce is " led with names now familiar to Beots. 'men: Pwisley, Kittettrdltte, Dunkeld. Cvlrrstr, Kinlosa, Tobermory, Bervie. G'reeatoek, Lovat. Holyrood, Inchalal' and many others, enough to intrigue the mm! couple had they had the ttttod fortune to visit the county nam- ed reciprocally After Robert the Bruce try his exiled compatriots. Tho United States holds tittr eight per cent. of the world's gold. Britain has eleven per cent,, and France has ten per cent. Yet. with $14,000,000,000 of gold, the United States has also 11,000,000 unemploy- ed citizens. Ciarkaburg hit directors Ire pinn- ing to have baked I. huge apple pie as a novel Mature for their Fair. this exhibit to be representative of the fruit belt of Grey County. _ Consider the cow. [ti-Iain ttme. 'tion in to an milk. To give unit it man dome its hunger on the [tab gnu of the meadow. There in no interferon“ with the work of na- ture. If milk giving pint-livid“ were regulated u hummus m "unloved there would be a pot of gold between it. mouth and its iood thus limiting and curtailing its supply ot milk. " is only after the milk leaves the cow work . In: left . sour tut. 1n the month- ot my emu-slums. via Introduction: to m. ' 'hat the manna: tlaaeo,tt- the bungting COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION! 1149 on" rm” man has a chance to set in his ONTARIO ARCHIVES} TORONTO Lean 1nd In Elmer Rear. Mm bury Muir. R. N. Toronto lemma!“ by [in Annie Hobklrk of lulled: spend an mtttrratrte any Int Friday a the home of In Dom " Chalk I‘m. Glenda. In. lemme m with“! to hunvkltm'hufrluda. no In a wry chm me- an! who se. tire for her m. l The assistant: wen In l Kennedy, In Royden Ray, The Ladies' Aid of Mulock Bap. Mr and tist Church held s. very successful were in K tea st the hm of In Jos. Rear, and Queen Thursday afternoon. Mrs Easy and Mr Joe daughter, Mrs Kennedy, welcomed Cathenines the guests. In the dining-mom the lsabc-ils. an table wss covered with s [as cloth sud Queen and center with s bonnet of ttow. Mr and on, undies and silver appointments. frtnily or Mm. George Tumbuil and Mrs. E. and” wit when presided " the to; tables. Colin Item The assistants wen In Waiter mu In Mr and Mrs Howard McCanum and tttnity, Mr and Mm Neil McCal- lum attended the Macbeod family rn union last &rturday at Erin and re ported a pleasant time. Mr and Mrs Clitrord Ad'run ac- companied by Mr lam AdIa-m epent Sunday at the home of Mr And Mrs Thdmu sunson of Crewford. I Mr and Mrs William Cook of Elm! wood were talents of Mr and In Dougal Rude Sunday. Mrs William Adm ls visiting this week with Durham friends. Visitors " the parsonage over the weekend were Mr end In. Jackson and funny of Tilleonburg. and Mrs C'rfekiagton, Gordon Hac- Lean, Misses Catherine, Sarah an! Florence MacLean. my: MacDonald and Lolita Mignon and Rev. C. Saunders. Among thoae who attehded the Baptist Convention " Toronto lust week from this church were Rev. Mr Arthur Wells, wife and datum. ter, are leaving to take no “min! on his father, Edwin Welln' hrane. stead, 19th com litrremont. Melly acquaintance. or Mrs Nell McMillan of Swlnton Park will re- gret to learn she has entered a stroke of mink. Ill-a Oscar Bell, of New Ontario. is visiting " the bowel of Mean Tho: and George Bell, Glenelg. Mr and Mrs A. W. Rios and Ion. Reginald, attended the graduating exerciaes in Hamilton General Hoe- pinl where their two daughters, Eli:- abeth and Magnet, received their diplomu. i Mr and Mrs Ted My!“ tad daugh- ter Patricia. Kimberley, vlsltad the tormeru mother and sister. Miss Ruth Mylel attended the wed. ding of her cousin, Min hullne Flint in Toronto. Rev Robert Hon-emu and Mrs Honeyman and her sister. In Aran, strmg from Western Canada vulted In Klncardlne this week. Rev W H. Dunbar of Owen Sound was in charge of Trinity Anglican Church Sunday evening and Rev M. H. R. Farr m in the pulpit of St. GeoryN Anglican. Owen Bound. Mr and Mm Stephen Irwin and two sons. Ind In Harold Wilkes of Woodstock were visitor- with the Parr family " Trinity Rectory. Mr and Mrs Gaines of Park Hill visited Mrs Csines' sisters. Mrs C H Moltst and Mrs C. G. chll'lvrly the itrrt of the week. Dr. T. H. Snead: and In Snmh were allied to "ke4leid owing to the “Ines: of Mrs thteath't, brother, Dr. Edam Renwick. Mr and Mrs C. Helena. Prtee. ville. were recent visitors with Jim F. McPherson. Mn. M'. A. Mollvrlde. of Brandon, and her daughwr. Min o Mcllvrlde. of North Battleford. Sack, visit-Mil" and Mrs R. G. Hopkins. Mr and Mr Robert Burns ttttd family of Well-ml visited Mrs Among those who {redacted u up. w Boyce int Wedneolli " nunel It Hamilton hospital, rytdar, lemoon tor the June meeting. The June 9th, vex-e mue- Input and [an clamor of the study hook "Beth. .Eiluheth Rice. daughters of Mr and honing Frontier!" Wu presented by Mrs A. W. Riee. They have taken um M. McGillimy with In Bovee positions on the stair of the Hamil. takintt . part. needing: were given ton General Rupiah by In D. Inbound and In Ash In P. Gibson left int wrrk to ton. The July meeting will he held spend two months in Neutron]. . n In Georle Fisher's. lrand In much!“ a,“me “Mm. no “wood, vuttuta-t-diiu-trina-est-rPttt If. GOO. - and - W, chm II can“, even!“ 1..” In R. Barber. ova- the mkend. Mr Steve Stir- at Wye! Mr and In lien! "can“ with troetie our the week end. MI! Memdnr to M the wedding Mr and In mu man 'tttmeth of the - couole'e hunter. Brant mind the Xenon-nu end mm on Wednesday. to a you: no”. muses on Sunday. Alvin-ton resident. . Ir “a " m cold-nun of an and In R. Honeynnn have been“) were "an: at the - " u their also: the Intel”- - Mrs Mr end Ida D. J. MacDonald man w. P. Arm-mug ol Dauphin, umi- . w " 1 m. The wants. not " the home ot Among those who granted as up. an" Boyce Int Wedneeluy " nurlee at {human hospital, Nd”. lemcon for the June meeting. The, June 9th. were Mines laurel end tttttt clamor of the study book “lick? Ellubeth Rice. daughters of Mr and koala; Frauen” Wu presented by Mrs A. W. Klee. They have taken um M. Mchhruy with In Bovce. MULOCK mu u. mnur" -w- lsabclla. and Violet. to lee the ttttd Queen Int “Mae-any. Mr and In Colin Manta" {muly or Owen Bound, went fund” with his man, It and Colin Mehethur. Br. mu Mm lie-up spent 1 Wet'kl with her Rhee. In War. Hutu- Illchul Ronny local weekend with In. maln- " Mr Ind In Joe were in Kitchener and Queen. Mr Joe Walker ducted I content with a trent of may following. in Hart and " Iuhnu named a dainty lunch. The next meeting to be held " the home Fire." Mrs Heft then n: on “Hints for Oman“); I an Jenn wuinon. Manitoba Andi“ In hue: Minn. Clifton Sprint”, lNew York, were visitor: With their " .mothor. In John Venue In Watson h III spending a month here. 'tl i In Alex, Mitchell. Human m a 1a. recent guest tor I few days with Mr and Mrs Malcolm IleKechnie. ' ROCKY IAUGEEN U F W o own The monthly meeting ot the Rocky; to Sougeen U.F.W.O. Club met a the) te the home of In John Hen. The! on roll all was answered by Use- tor, w empty tin can: Ind mny good lug-En section: were hard. Plan- wene so made for decoration. tor the tri tot union picnic to be held in July. An " interesting sketch wu read by iii) " Weir on the history of 0. pin. Ural“; Atkinsrn read a stony of the lite off nr. "A pale race MM?” ot the ChicuzoA " In... n In» .. -‘ -- met spending her vmtlon with her parents. In“ Norma Relay lett for [An-lug Inch when she has ac- cepted I. position tn the hoopla! -- ---. -“'--m - “w m“. "I” hunch lot 15 con c, .t- tht f In“..m Bing I ' ' 'dull,','.",),',',", her no“: its.“ “an reduced "00; Rotiben lil: laud m. ' lot tt, on... tt, Mullen! rem“. 2tlhT P to that Mr $t00; m “Milk. Itat " can #T men ter 'l'd,','el". plum: tmmed W..G.l. use-amt auu' m... the 'i',','.',; u mu I "mm 't diiii/iG uni-non Thal- t! mm. - q: .11 In and In: Hmld mum I . ”Mt " "med by Co4irt o' zonal! Iran wank-n] "an“, mung. "tmittet be "teteqted tad usesmm Mr children of 1mm" won weekend visitors with their parent.- Mr and htm L. New. Mr Ind In Ted mm, Ind little Ion. Daub". In Hugo In staying for a loner visit with her puma. Mr and In Art llama-I. um In Gordon loci-1e returned thten GraveultttrBt when the had spent the out couple ct Nveeln with her as follow: The topic “Chrllt on our bond-ye" token " Robt. Hutie and In Geo. Rune; reading by James McDougull, “Why we go to church"; and a poem reed br Duncan New“ gall. A duet by In D. Inbound and J. McDouglll. end I. choir of several voloee an: “Wonderful Love of Jesus." The Y.P.U. benediction} wu used to close the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home ot Mr Ind In M Camu' Sundny evening, June 25th. I Y.P.U The Y.P.U. meeting held lint Sun- dny events»: at the home of Bounce 3nd Ronald Inbound own well at tended. The program wu pmlded over by Cum-won McDounll and was In Ichn Watson. Crawford naive-nu W " beheldnonmmu’w'l’” $).M. W" W. - antteutt* af Woodford u an and - 1" Mon W in connection with the Weekend visitor. with Mr and In ’. - were Mr and In J. A. loll were weekend vittttatrs with And In Bryce Dunlvel. mmnom :3me “new! Andy Herbal-n and two child. Hell“) up“: . tew “all" and flmlly to use the Wng motored from 81 t, lmt Int I. Mr cud In daughters "I”, FT.' In"! Bonk. Emwmd mere collecting nun. M750: Ger man [mm-nee. hull, 35.40. Va“ Nd ' m M um 01 mama. " ”Muslims, to; "tending mural ”hook, 315; cu and 8 luau; “ vatuntor, 31,50: Belief accounts were ordered pm I would" to 386.30. fence “PM!!! ttntmod to unite lgfmem bv till. date. HM! my te made H! mm Bank a: More. count" ”(and an. Pe Go of [Aden through “no A um - Campy-ll: That 'tr m" and humane and policy fo forks-fa compensation with 11.. [onion be "teteqtt be ttaid his nun. Int-M. lot- "and 80,ron 1' amt eanttimted; C.N. Raina) tu., on but. men: eoMrnwp. The follow-g appeal: wen hand and decided: Mat Lockhnrt. In! l M13, mun: eoMtmed: r? Into committee court of "vision. W Conn“ met on Mom; In.” m. u a can of revision, u m. all when mt. the m Vtatt wen Mr and Mr 3. Matt and If M. A. Vnnrw Ir MI! W of Oshawa “an a v“ m with his pun-ms. ”.mg the low Re-um'm u Din on My. WM)" over the weekend \\ u the all“ matttieo were Mr and M W. P. emu: and (We dt"ttthters, or mm and Mr and Mrs J It tltqith and two niece: of Chatham In ad In A. D. Inclnmsh m,’ m ehtHmtt of lmmoll, were rem-w mm with Mr and Mrs w. l! land: and In K. Macintosh. Then whq "sited “lumen dun- the lull VII“. were In A, Liv, "tae, and dunner Shirley. Mr [flu K. anion. least-I Winn-"n E. B. Duran-I ad [wily “m. Kr and In K. M of "139er It and In Victor Swwnoy mm small one " Detroit spam! m. “and! with their mother Mr, " 97m and Mm. unlo- " Ed- on Emu-any In". Wuhan "In with Mr Ind M who” be In. .eeqmd I with”: " and III M Vac] have (8km my 3. s.. to the Ila ChlIdn-n WI. m. for enchant. Thole who valued Guelph dnm Wow, " .60 viewer, 81.50; JUNE!“ 1989 Brmttm& CW an. "r. F. H. Rmuv "-50: 'taler's moor); ”.07: "tat priuum nmw "03.07: J. K. Chittirk '5: W. " Adhthtt, sta'nns. fall tmttt Mme Mth and I. and Mr Dom) v. That Counril m of the "hair a: It m. K. Ibode ' 31.80: R-‘winnld '. ”I.“ and 'oe, equalizin- llama. 5 shown Mlolph Meyer I'm-1r Knuth-r I That this 'mv'rn of I tw ll DURH M HANOV con . 15. liar new: . Good ”low on." 'U'MMF1tt l Lake-{mun miles Tron mm or week or w FOR BALE-. Toro. engin, "It. Cot, W169. “75. 0am. Port E an). 2 S) Rut-mend I} I. A. Camp! Vim. Ehrcrh “thin! bond to P Rama: Revi " close In on the West Jack-own 91 Durham. tht pulp, one-(h Tolopbr‘m The FARM FC "

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