West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1939, p. 5

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" “VOCH ft' mu [939 , Baden. up” when In M. Hrs Wilt Kauny Im HM") for M to “Inland. .11 a position. wy have like. Aick (Thimen’s 'n-ntmoat. M N Micah of I Mr Dunk] McLeod Re. 'lay In”. w Mr and Mrs family were of "tttemott. S“ wney and ,tsent their 'ther Mrs J. Oshawa In. his Parents, my! Manon w ho M Found! In 'shotrx as a lph during "and Mrs. r'halham. "Intosh um warp m. " w. H. M lion during A. Living- ‘Iirloy, and "Him. w. en: heard art. tot I. med " con It, Railway oMrmed ; w! 3200. That tho cottrt of with be n Ben. reduced h mm by " nd with and Mrs Mars of R3808!" th. and Monday. on. with HRC‘V Moat. , " Mer " Cort " for h the Me " " hee" , (In this of FIT? P M " DURHAM: Sm; HANOVER: Dc. 5H‘rrs, Good Review Olin FARM FOR SALE OR RE T The James Bum-non farm. lot If Inn. 15. Egmmont, containinw 1 "is. Good buildings. ADDIV t, :<I‘ll.\ll-:R COTTAGES To RENT - Lam-front, at Irssraim Beach, (48 mum from Durham), by week, tart. nwht or month. Special rates by um-k or week-end in' ar, June and f-pt. Electrically eia'utJi. Splendid taming beach in front. “My early to P. Ramaxe. Durham, run RALEt-Petem Walking Tractor. Toro. engine, new, will do fourrow work. Complete with tools. halt price, 8175. Apply Durham Review ,u the West side of Coetntesa Street, Jackson's Survey of the Town of Durham. thrmsroot, "In. house. hump, one-third an am of land. FUR SALN: mu. 2 Regid Hammered Do: Iggyiew Slit" Ads.BriTfliésfit;§ omee , A. Campbell, Rink Frown St'n ’I‘uluphcne 129, r212 Dundalk. To Blue (hiii every kilige FOR SALE JUNE 15th, 1989 920 out of 1069 motorists reported better performance than 30 other gasolines, including 13 premium priced fuels! -PmotLocD ucau. l An honorable defaat is to be pre- Dated at Durham t a 26th day c" ferrod tr a mean victory. . May, 1939. The grace of the rich jewel, know- W. D. HENRY,' Esq K, C.. ledge, is lost in concealment. DURHAM, NTARIO. A sunny disposition gllds the Solicitor for the Administrators edges of life’s blackest clouds. All persons aving claims kgninst the Estate of A nie Meams, late ol the Township o Nc-manby, Marriot Woman, decease are required to me the same wit the underait,med, on or before the 1 th day of June, next. possibly tt represent tive from Dept. of Education, Toronto address the meetinrr. y . By Order o the Cm H. H. .s)'ituoa1t; Tp. 1 ""'==""ao-a-ume, NOTICE To CREDNJRS """'""--o-=,,,,,,, t'STFIN’: Rnbt. Watson AYTON: Val. (Hebe, “T. FOREST: Smith Brat, Res-Rooney] the Council (OE. Clerk the will All peii 3 having claims against the Estate Alexander Brown, late ot the Towns p of Bentlnck, Fann- er, deceased, a F required to tlie the same with the u dersigned on or be. tore the 15th ot he, next. Dated at Durham his 26th day ct May, 1939. teenth day ot Jul A. Di 1939, utter whieh date the E: e, 'wm be dis- tributed having reg only to the claims of Which th undersigned shall then have had not f. Dated at Durham, this th dis ot June, A.D. 1989. . l, J. H, McQUARRlE. i Durham. Ontario, _ Cotieitcr for the executor.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS .. --- w-uu the estate George MeKeetsnie. late ot the Town Durban, tn the Coun. ty of Grey, Gentleman, deceased, who died on nbout the Seventh dat of Mar, A. . 1939. are required to _tilts proof of he nine with the undersigned on r before the Pit. IN Mt NOTICE IQ QBEDITORS w. D. HENRmEsq K. C DURHAM, tee,,'.: Solicitor for the xecutors Hwy has every promise of being a br'mper crop. All crops are looking well. What a contrast to two mos. Then on the 22nd, St, Colutuba,are holding their garden party, with strawberries and cream. Eeme A program will thereafter be given by comedian Mchl‘t, and another Me. Duff, a violinist, both held in good repute. The usual sports, races, ball games and other events will be called on. The representative of the Bible Society will hold his meeting on the 20th in St. Andrews church. His address will be illustrated by lantern views. all, on n violin held in minnow Winner! summon. The neona- tiee too, were may him-vellum. All this was preceded by a movie pic- ture of the Carnation. Sacrament Wu solemnly and fit- tingly observed in St Columbia. church on Sunday by a. Bne turnout of the congreytion. The Y.P.B. of st. Columba. are presenting their play on Thursday evening, June 15th, " the hall.. Thoeomsertrmteettrttte, 3m Bell Ringer- pmvod . decided Inc- ceu In the "rhtetr.heastegttes of en. tertainment provided. mu: with the bolls, with gluten - Med with water, on bottle- ditto, on a hand THE DURHAM-REVIEW PRICEVILLE 3:3 ,', um above of Mr John McKenzie and Hrs A. Knisley ot Bentinck viliud with Mr and Mn Alex Kai-Icy Ind (may on Friday Moon. . Mr and In Cecil Brunt amt the weekend with Mr and In but and our friends of Mt. It and in Cecil 317‘! m VIII- tttte with tho WI "ter in mm. Farina spent the Weekend at the Mchrlme home. Mrs Lamont of Eamon: visited with Mr nnd In Cecil Brynn on Friday afternoon. (Intended for Inst week) Most of the people Hound here went to Guelph on Tuesday to see their Mnjestles the King and Queen. Mr and Mn Treieaveu end Hazel. Amy Baxter end Mm Edith Trutord of Owen Sound visited lut week 'with Mr William Edwardn. Mr and In Jack Calder. Fair. haim visited Monday with her sister Mr and Mrs Rosa Smith and fam. ily, Mr and Mrs Isaac Smith. Mr and Mrs J. A. Henderson and son, Miss Doris Taylor. Wharton were re- cent viaimrs " the home ot Mr Allie McLean. Mr Murray Hellman spent a few days in Toronto. Rev and Mrs Taylor were guests for dinner Sunday with Mr and Mrs Joe McKee, 8. Line. Mr and Mrs A. L. Hindu and tam. ily spent Friday in Owen Bound. Mr and Mrs J. A. Nichol and ttgttt. ily we" recent nuts with Mr and Mrs J. A. MacCuaiz, Durhnm. Mr and Mr tr Thou Tueker with Mr and Mrs Chas Tucker and funny visited Sunday " Mr Henry Tuck- er‘s. Mr and Mrs Thou. McKoown md John. Markdule. visited Sunday at Mr. [award McKeown's. Messrs John and David Nichol spent I {aw days visiting their sin- ten, in London last week. Mr and Mrs 3mm", Fergus. visited Sunday " her old home here. The W.M.s. Ind W. H. Sodom" will be held Tuesday June 20th at the home of In Allie Multan. Lunch com. In Malcolm McLean. Mrs N. McIntyre. Sandwiches. Mrs J. Nichol. ST. Mrs McKee-kin. Sr; Mr and Mrs Archie Mutual: were to Hamilton ind Mann. Falls. on Wednesday and nw the King and Queen. The Holdtut U.P.W.0,. Club meeting will be held Wednesday. June 14 at the home of Mrs Sun Me. Mr A. McKechnie ttnd Mr E. Best each took a thick load ot par- ents from this vicinity on Frtday to Midlmd, Wmm and other um. All enJoyed the outing 1tt$tttetttsety. Anniverury services will be held Sunday, July 2nd in M. Andrews Church. Garden party Monday, July Mr and In Bill McKenzie and famiiv, Mrs B. McKenzie and Neil. burt, Mr and Mrs Dan Campbell. Mr and Mrs Jim Sturrock were to Guelph and 31w the King and Queen: Mr and Mrs Archie laconic visi- ted Sunday at home of Mr Robert The Y. P. of Durham presented their play, "Aunt Dido shoot; the Works." in the Agricultural Hall her Friday night. Everyone thor, oughiy enjoyed the play, all acting their mm we“. and was delighted, " were thou] sand: of others. Welcome back again Mr Dave Hlncka spent a'few days visiting with friends " Gpelph and saw the King and Queen. The amiable Mm Runadell of 6th Ave., New York. after a ten dav visit with her‘bmwar, Mr Jrhn scothart. left for her home this morning. When here she paid I visit to their Majestleus at the Royal city, Guelph, on Fridny evening, dealing with Judas, [seniors perttdr. in a manner never before hand. The pity was. there were so few cut to hair it, all: us- uzlly the cue. The woman. dear bless them, were any itt' the major- tty u mud. Mr mm Mann ml Mr P. G. Kn- cudt hushed: remodelled. and now- er and Inner mm. manna, In keeping with new!“ mm... Mr and In Ham 31mm ur- rived on Saturday hem. m. Huh- Rtt8t ROY VICIII‘IY Me. no at tunc-ai'" Int-I. (diam-d the bottle in I Click In the lee out of the Incubator. and tobe Mrlml "n at Oahu. it out have drift“ on Into his "In. and In” that the chain at hie- m [an Ont-H0 Mk!" I. NW“ m in nth; the mo. no wind On February 25th lust Robert PtquttttinNttrow an empty bottle, con. tuning his name and address, into the Gmrdan Bay mot out of the lento"! Imam-Aer tad temtot I" tt. bout it. Thu weak be received a letter from I Mrt residing in Home! mu. mm. Btntitut that she had picked tmthebottHtrtoettawnon Sunday list. than the compend- closing dly The Entrance w: All the schools In this imqreetortrto will chose frr the summer "cation period of twe months on Thursday. June 29th. and will reopen for the Hal-tom Corr: Glenedeu football team aided by the superlor lurking of Tracey Metathan, In imported Mount Forest, player, wu able to to tie the score in an exciting game played last Friday night. The local line up was: Goqt-.H. human; hacks .-B, Ecol”. tt Hunt: half-hacks - T. Brown. C Runny. C. Caldrr: centre -tr. Smlth: forwards. H., mm. w. Coburn. R. Dickson l Column. Amid a profusion of nature's rich. est blooms In fRtwerts and evergreens on the lawn It the home of the bride's puma. Mr end In Welter Ferguson, Emmont. the cum-ac ot 1 well known and populor Ego» mom munle was trrtetttttiBed on Wednesday. The bride wu Ma, Isa belle Anton Perm-eon end her chosen partner in Mr. Alex. Althea. i PtfeevtBe Corr: A lune turnout wu in Attendance at the pulling down the old shed- " the Presby- terlm Church In! loudly ma non" um way In clear tor the mtettrtetor to no to work " the fmdsuon for they Domach Corr: Mr Don Campbell of the 2nd concession of Relaunch. mined MI new hem on Thursday of Int wok. The frame work Bttod to- gether with an enctneu which pmv- as Harry Heft to be I competent mechlnIC. The side: were “mined by two experienced hands, 1 " Alex- ander Ind Chen Honky, the Inner winning by a substantial mush. For participating in. or being phea- ent at the chain.“ at Mr J. Pilkey'n home Tawny of [at week. about twenty boys and young men of tho town raceived cinnamon: to - in court loudly night. Thee or tour of the number had evident»: to prove that their lumen were entered by mistake. not being lament, while the nemeindvr. I." :01th privately by each [lying 31.00 and costs. a- mounting to $3.50, which included Alone with tho. bowling. lawn tem nis will be a populnr sport among young Durhumltes thin summer, n tennis club ttavinq been ornnizml with a membership of about Mt. A legal" schedule ot names will be played on six ot the town lawns. otBeem Ire: Ptssidenr-P. Maze: Wee President. A. W. H. Lander: f're'y- mu Magnet Hunter: Tron. -8ld llama-on; Commun- lliu M. Harris, Jim lent-Mun. m. seven by procession of nun. "“3 . C5iteh+rtt--gtmt 1 _ Pastor Whatey mined m [upma- kt. " A m; . G-Aa-att In- Mee and searching sermon from the M N" ' I“ when u. & text "Do this In mmembrunoe ot TM; also the - m I. my .hu- Hay lander. mo lana- han- s-mmn 13m... local Ford ”rental tereast tttan "r ttttterr W "than lave recently sold then more model "we" to be . N am. r 5 [bu-eager warms can. the buy-' We also hurdle Realty limo. Hay en being Dr. Smith, of Banach, IP"'" and Stable Eel-lament. W. Hunt Wicker: and R. E. Env,. Ilsh, of Glance“. Mr Hunt in the! "'""rU'fflfl'fd.'f" ttmt tanner to break the ire m nun-l Pttoate t40 DOWN, ONT. curing an auto and now doubtletutl more wlll full In line. l -- I W “V""" wow-inf. " mm 1ee31rrU1ty_tyoiFiiii"r"Gr=i, areal.- rm can nun-emu: (from 1teview Me, June It, I’ll) M a.“ m neSogttttie M! MM and We... Moon. WemthemeemofCh-a. P. MM(wv-mvun I‘m-co of Vim. u bronco Uni. "In. agtd in. an. away. he vouuy. He has it, um secured Tstr. ‘:m with Im up his B. A. with honors. being. Good-A . Leu', -, -7 IN DAYS OF YORE SCHOOLS CLOSE JUNE 29YH ONTARIO ARCHIVES t “g "e.Ehtumttoqtr.m. Puto 1:ande m. A. A. C. o. Telephone 81. Ora-mills, on. Ontario & Dominion [and Bum Registered Plural-tonal Engine-t an and um Woke See your loot] cum Dm- "meta" at am out: date, also throat mm- w. ‘ Its will to mu 3, ma the In. a (it,!ig, MIN-A. _ tT'* TMY. B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. G. M ' Llano“ mm for cm “W Prompt. com-Imus c Ues-t - BURMA! a woman J. L. SHIT“. M.B., M.C.. PS. W. c. HGKEMIG. tttte. LR Honor Graduate Totem Untmm'tr. (hula-u Royal Coll. Dental 8m mum: Luau..- "9to"..m. onloouulllooldcnoe: Cor-cc. (cumin-ammo.- otthmtttmmtetortaarc 110.. x RAY 0A3 EXTRACTION. once: Ill! SIM. DORE“, 0.1. I -. 'Itt couuono. ”GUI-ICUI. COOCII IO. no. com-u '0'. .0. , can an M 'Ill l " t... "I! m an" on M‘ CHIROPRACTIC C. tt. All] BESSIE tttntts- HIV L F. BRA". 0.0.8.. s.. liming-tummy" W. PIERCE ELLIS "Win-fr quad-n. “may at ML. t to I p... GEURGE E. DUICAI Win-“Ohm J N. McQUARRIf-I. B. A. F, ll. EAGLES“ T. n. SNEATII. M. 0. '. Over Ron! am but... “of”. Dru. M

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