West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1939, p. 6

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" I1 I]! if The astronomers. also will [at a duet took at Mars' canals r I dust A decade or two r: not long: to astronomers. who do I nice job of "term Inning. A long wait will be our tor some ot them next July 27. when Mars wlll approach with!!! 36.030.000 miles of the earth. the nearest " has been In Ir, yem. mono Mlle: Away They hope to learn whether the clue on which ”our: first at - mm and then at m north pole. to winter comes, is composed o! It. and snow. vapor should ho ruin; fu- " and with a spectro- mh no: my be able to lean on: u is - of. tt might be car- bon dioxin. lndlcotlng the real- dolts od Mars, it any. hare a mt. tural supply ot "dry" tee. July 27 Red Planet Will Be the Nearest to On: World In " Years Matt Its Cgming Iron any counlvy and where most of the taclory chemo made in Cam I!!! is sold. l Issuing instructions to pro- vincial police to maintain A dose check on motorists, Mr. Conant said: "Any drivers found without their licenses will be prosecuted, even though they have licenses but did not have them With them. .Under the law "hey arc required to carry their licensor." I The principni purpose or the Act in to maintain and improve the mition at Canadian cheese on the United Kingdom market. where for many years the best typo ot Can. ndinn cheese has been rated as the finest Cheddar cheese imported Attorney-General Conant last week warned that drivers of motor vehieles must carry their operators' permits with them or fare prosoetrtion. The Cheese and Cheese Factories hipmvement Act which has been passed by the Dominion Parlia- ment is not only designed to im- prove conditions in Canadian chese iactories. but to raise the proportion of high scoring cheese produced in Canada. The milk pro- ducers who supply milk to cheese hetories in which " and 94 score cheese is mtutttttttttured will benefit to the extent of two cents per pound for " score and one cent. per pound tor " score. Start With Clean Mitt: Naturally the cheesemaker has a great deal to do whh the quality at the cheese which is marketed. The milk producer, however, must cooperate to the fullest extent " no cheese maker can make high scoring cheese unless he has clean, pure milk, which has been proper. " cooled. to start with. Drivers Should Carry Permits It I: Designed to Improve Con. Jilin-u In Our Cheese Fac- twig, liaise _the Proportion Ntsyr Ltgitslation Close To Egrth I'm- niggmt and most (laborate reception in Ibo-history or Morris Township is planned for Walt Dire ney and his father. Plans are al. ready being made for the “ch- come home" celebration. Originally From Holmesville The first Disney arrived in Hur- on County in 1818. and that was the mount Walt Disney's great- grttrtdtather, Elias Disney. He set- tled ttt Holmuvme, about six miles from Goderieh and started a grin mill and a sawmill. The biggest and reception in them: - _ ,w 'v‘I-Iln "all ou-ner to la the old Disney home. stead. when his 'r"t-erattdtttttter gamed in 1848. Me will be accompanied by " father, Elias Disney. The famous cartoonist was born in Chicago. but tho (unmet regards him as one of its native sons. Two Mites From Wingham Morris Township. Just two miles from Wingham. is Walt Disney cum scious. The dog owned by Sandy MeEweu, who now tarms the old Disney homestead. ausm-rs to tho nam'o of Pluto. Down tIso road there is u real Donald Duck. His Majesty‘s Mai! i. 17m! n by a horse arrswe:luK lo the my»: ot Home llursvcnnm'. Aims To Improve Canadian Cheese of High seoring' 61.5; Walt Disney. “not: ere-tor ot 'tttttttated “noon. who» motion pictures have Ital-led new (road: " the film Industry. will visit Mor. Pitt townahlp. Huron County. this 'deI' I 1heetliHi,i'i.a7i'i,'T,l' tt,teyna0iii'iri'i'a" See WEI: galley to " the old bGiir" home. .- ....... v‘v acwn-m rezugees trom Germany at " vans, Cuba, the Mfynburg-AntiGGi liner St. Louis sailed from Cuba to cruise in the Caribbean until some other port was made available for the landing of the refugees. Failing this the liner sailed back to Ger- many with its eugo of human misery. Many of the women refugees became hysterical " the M. Louis sailed from Havana and had to he restrained from throwing themselves overboard. They would rather jump into the sea than return to Germany. um, um. me '1Hntrurg-Anteriea liner St. La cruise in the Carribbean until some other port the landing of the refugees. Failing this the l many with its cargo of human misery. Mnny became hygterical " the St. Louis sailed from Refused germission to land 915 Je vans, Cu tt, the 11tqnburg-AnGiii cruise in the Carribbenn nnHl n... Refused I Little Arthur: "What did the cat want to know. Father?" Father: "I wish you wouldn't al. ways keep asking questions. Didn't you ever hear that curiosity killed the eat?" Teacher Wanted, Protestant; sili- ary, $550; 11 pupils; English-speak. ing district; nine teachers married from school in last 19 years. Poul bilities not exhausted. Give phone numbers when replying. Address. Teacher. Box 175. Hanley, Sash. Progress ot romance in the wheat belt. deduced from the Reg. ina (Sash) Leader-Post classified columns: Cupid may be a good that but he makes some awful Mn. "You all can't pray tor a tloat. ing, kidney? Then how come you all prayed last Sunday tor the loose livers?" Father: “I "Sub, Ah's got a flaming kidney, Ah has. suh." "But, Rastus." replied the min- later. "t can't pray tor physical things like that; I only pray tar spiritual things." Hysteria Reigns As Refugees’ Ship Driven From Cuba It makes me no To think that we Can - see Our Vertebrae. you t" “Sub, Ah has. "Parson. sub." he wants you all to Dr in a bad way, sub." An old ddrky approached the minister oautiuusly and very light- ly tapped his shoulder. Ist Kangaroo - Annabelle. where'. the baby? 2nd Kangaroo-My goodness, I've had my pocket picked! Titus C") p ica y il sunken B men aboa Have hi, Heard 'rarszon. suit." he said. "Alt done nts you all to pray for me. Ah’s a bad way, sub." Well, Rastm. what's wrong with composite photograph. made My illustrates the desperate, I an British submarine. Thetis. aboard the ill-fated craft am wrong with Jeszh efyteertrom G Fail ToRucue ”Men Tnppod'SIn Wham tis, which GiiiGil succeeded in cum r -- .... nun-3&5 ur, ' but vain, attempt; of " ...I_:_L . _ "The consumption}? milk has almost trebled in 10 years," she said. . Miss Katherine Krug, Wilson College's dietitian, is not certain whether "emaeiation" has ceased to be fashionable, but she does know that girls under her care "eat far more sensibly than they used to." Although there is no college rule on the subject, Miss Krug said, the girls "attend meals re. trularly--even breakfast." Emaciation’s Out Of Fashion _ - _-_.w...-..vy annulus. Every province in the Dominion will have more 0: loss rt‘ esenta- tion in le school C "ttpetitions this year. Ontario representatives al. ready have arrived from Sault Ste. Marie, Picton, Amherstburg, Kitch- ener, Owen Sound. Simcoe, Walk- erion. Ertglehart," Brighton. Dry. den, Stayner and elsewhere up of an v ....t, ,m... Northern Ontari mining and ag- ricultural areas will be represented in a very large way, in the Kirk, land Lake district alone five schools have sent 800 entries and there are more to follow. Entries embrace writing, drawing, model- ling in soap. clay and other mater.. ial.s, and all the wide variety ot work covered in the Exhibition‘s educational section. Marked itt. crease in t1.: number ot exhibits trom all parts ot Canada has neces- sitated shifting the location of the educational Sr 'on to the mezzan- ine of the Automotive Building. That so-calied "now Canadians" are quick to take advantage of the facilities provided by the Ontario system ot education is strikingly reflected In the extraordinary num. ber. of foreign names in the more than nineteen hundred entrie". al. ready received in the school er. hibits and competitions at the Can- adian National Exhibition this year. Northern Ontari mining and tag- Every Province In Dominion Will Hui: Eerie By Schol- Schools Compete . At Exhibition an In C. N. E. Competi- tions This Year artist's dry wing and an muses an wine andytn actual teitoti,r,ast :tempts of salvage crews to rescue t e " & to the bottom of the Irish Sea while escaping by using the Davis lung. _..--.. m... or uncut. run Ooh in brlu_them back to norm] the and 'ft',,,',',' T, mu you " fowl. horde f Mom, ' ttgt at In organ tt u Emerald Oil " any diurnal“ Plum-do: and?!) it nirht and nearing to the en- larg vim. n I short time the vein I should begin to not Inner and by regular ! use noon Iowa-ch normal. I People_ who want to reduce uricone nin- ' at” Tallinn, 'tte not bait?“ to d", I l nuance. snowmen": In eco. l nomical that a null botite was 1'u't due. A Simple Home Treatment The rid nun. Toda nn like: yit.ll1tl'Tla't't% reeks. to s',,',",',',',,',,.' an be helped much more quickly. If you hare varicose vein: or bunches. nun Pd.y 00 brhrrtuis' hack m an...“ .x.. __. . 1ktifailttarttaiim hnUse or Swollen hhr--ged "lam appearance, -__e- -- -_...,.. so tar " it is possible. parents can encourage a wholesome pride In Bl See That They Are We" Made So They Will Stand Wear and Walling Selecting Your Child's Clothes Rate of Fingernail Growth Two doctors trom Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, have informed the Royal Society ot Canada, that they are studying the rate of the growth of the human fingernail in hopes of illuminating certain phases ot cancer research. a potent cause ot disease and of death during the summer months. This "dynamite" is the virus ot Rocky Mountain spotted fever, car- ried by dog ticks and transmitted to man when an infected tick bites a human being. It is so powerful that the amount which could be picked Up on a pin point can cause death. "Dynamite" In Bugs "The "hidden dynamite," carried by some ot the smallest bugs which infest man Is declared today to be Civilization causes many degen- erative diseases, and many of these are accompanied by overweight. We are victims ot both hurry and inactivity. _....- qpc Ul Mer- son ls likely to go through life with normal, or even tow, blood pres- sure. but the "pyknic" type, char. acterlzed by short. broad body structure, is sucepuble to high blood pressure, a medical survey shows. Slim Types Safe" The slim, "aslhentlc" tyn What Science is as Doing as ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO ph of rescue vessels. gm. 99 men entombed in the la on a trial run. Four type ot per- CHICK BUYERS SAY ME BRAT Chicks ue the biggest. henlthlent chicks they've ever "on." wrltu Misc Jane 1ferPheraoti, Dundnlk. Ontario. It. R. 2. Get your order in for sturdy. fut-grown): Bray chicks today. Bray Hatchery. 130 John Siren North, Hamilton, On- uric. -"_- ELDER CHICKS NEW Low I'RYCES AFTER JUNE 21at. Standard Quality Barred Rocks, White Rocks. New Ramp. tthire Reds. Hybrids 88.15, 90% Pullets $11.95. Cockerell M.M. Leghorn: M.M, Pulleta $15.95. Big Egg Quality hatched from " to 30 ounce egg- Henvy Breed. "Ali, Puilets tttsg, Cookerell ".00, Leghorn: $8.95. Pallets us. " Free et9itttrue.-LBUU, Mee.. tric Chick Hatchery. Limited, Bad- en. Oahu-IA a SALE OF LEGHORN DAY _ OLD chicks from blood-tes-ted breeders at rock bottom prices while they last. Standard Quality " rents; 90% Pulleta. 13% cents; Large Egg Quality add .01c. Bigger Pro- fit Quality add .020. Shipped c.0. D. tutwhprp.--'rort Notch Cttiek. erlpn finnlnt. rm. en," 6riTii.iC' ti.--When I man is forced by circumstances to send a girl whom he has been 'Mleompattyintr, home in a taxi, should be pay the taxi fare? 6.---Should a person nutter the entire slice of bread " one time? Antwan 1.-He may consider it helpful, but it is certainly not good form to do so. The dishes, should re- main as they are until the waiter remove: them. 2.---No. The Inn should register, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- D. tutwhVd.2DriG' cries, Guelph. Ont. V mgher. Free iroyujiai-rriiii; Notch Chickerles. Guelph, Ont. -"--- TOI' ROTC-ll CHICKS 'OP NOTCH QUALITY AT ROCK Bottom prices all from blood teat. ed breeders. Prices effective June 26th. Standard Quality Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hump. shire Reds. Hybrlds $8.25; 90% Pullets 811.75; Codkerell ".00. Large Egg Quality Heavy Breeds 89.25: Pulletu, 813.75: Cockerelo. 89.00. Bigger Profit Quality slight- ly higher. Free Circular.-'; d _ 1.--When a person has finished eating, isn't it helpful if he will stack the empty dishes? 2.--8hould I man and wife re.. gister at a hotel as "William L. Allen and wife"? a.---Could you please tell me it old sawdust is useful as a fertil. her? I have a large quantity of it rotten and would use it on the land if it would be of any value to the ltutd.--s.rc--Leed, County. A.--in reply to your inquiry of the 12th instant, which has been unfortunately mislaid until new, I wish to say that sawdust is not looked upon as a very high grade fertilizer.' I have one analysis of it which shows a content of about .1% Nitrogen. .2% Phosphoric Arid, .4% Potash. This is how it compares with Oat Straw. the lat- ter is 6.2% Nitrogen, .2% Phos- phoric Acid and 1.04 % Potash. I presume that a light dressing of this material on a heavy soil would tend to open the soil up. On light soil it would tend to bind the soil together and give it body. Sawdust does not rot very 1 nuinlrlv Inn __-.,-,. . - As to putting hardwood ashes around dahlia bulbs, records show that dnhliu thrive in I slightly acid to neutral soil. If your soil is slightly acid, then the addition of hardwood ashes will correct this condition since they carry 30% lime. The potash in wood ashes will help the formation of starch in dahlia roots whcih is also de- siublc. puv cmcxs A.--Aa to lpplylng Hardwood Ashes to your lawn, this will mean In application of Potash and Line. If you like a fair amount of Clo. vet in your lawn, it will be quite good, however, if the soil is slight- ly acid which I surmine it might be from your description, In nppli- eation of Hurdwood Ashes would sweeten it up and make it a more desirable location for valuable grasses and clover. Pyt-theruaiiG"ttGuoTe "Vial to and! loll. also would tt do to put Around dahlia mtout-- K.W.--York County. if it would do" Iain Ti" iii; hardwood "hes (lifted) on my l.._ - LL . - “All I' CHICKS 1,t:--iy.u.r" please tell no Farm Forum Ter " Tttiii/ _ .-...uu-uu-A' "can. gnu-hen. Curls. and all no of "out all-Ill.) Hall "on. 3m. for 'ysutrhiiit" ell-log". COMM.» tht tor-o "maxed. 11ttbttttt 'nmi. " in" Uncool! Co. "I Bother-l Toronto. "w mum. rRiriGaiir. 'W"estejifitiiii'. Curls. and f}. 'halt: “AMAZING OFFER -.PREE SUIT Would you like u rename $8g Re- tail Vllue Hide to lea-are lull. absolutely free for only I little of your spare (line? Write [MAY for full details. The TTudndn Con- pmy. Lnbelle Bldg" Monti-ell." Sal“ “at: Iowa Clint" BOYS! GIRLS! We'll GIVE YOU A a cenulue lovlnt Plcturo In- chlno (complete wlth '.!!Ty.urtriir: eve, Clnrue Chpoitii,' Buck Jon". Laurel & Hardy. eta. elm AIL Militia-- v ----2-= _-_. Wu: ume? Write to“; for full details. The HIM-on Col-- pnny. 1aabeiie Bldg" Manual." 3.5“ FIRE I0|’IE CAIHAI! BOYS! GIRLS! We'll GIVE YOU A a (aniline Moving Picture I:- chino (complete with "hymen":- eye, Churn. m..-u_ " _ Jr-"""---- FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ery roll mm developed and “(In high glou print.- "e. I cull-reed print. Me. Reprint: nine prices. Brig-11ml): Studio. '" mph-u: no -~A - V..- “my-m. mack Jon“. Laurel & Rudy. em, etc.) An- SOLUTELY FREE for ullluc only ' yacht" Shampoo! Rlllh “no And “are" todny~we trout you! Sharm Studio. n..- Baa ... ' tAlt £9.03 “THIS IS MY FIRBT with a broader Ito have u runny chick after 1 Weeks." " Bell of Apohmui. chicks nrrive alive living. Order your Hatchery. Ito John Hamilton. Ontgrio. h ,__..-..n old-(lib. St. East. Toronto. "_'"-..-.-' uuu' YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Every dollar sale brings you Fee. 'rnty-rlve cents Prorit. Write Ee. onomy Dlatributlng Company. Cur- lil Avenue. numb-L -- u. Ivan; at ii “as A youth, summoned for riding 1 bicycle put trattle lights in Lon- don, England, told the Court he Quick Change Police I shall see you again. too." li.-- He should ask the driver the ap- proximate nmount the fare will be and pay him, adding enough for A tip. 6.--No. One should butter I small piece at a time. ,,_,-... sun-ll name Iron todny~we trttat you! Studio. Box I“. VlctorlL FILIS DI’J VEIAM'ED -----, Ham L. Allen. Chicago. Omit the street address. 8.--Abottt twen- ty minutes, never Inter than ten minutes. 4.-"Thank you. I hope -- v --- B"".-.-" “a INDIAIIMIS may net. J, ,W 'riiir7iiriiit Ji'i'1',"l It! FIRST EXPERIENCE broader no". but I um runny cinch u I In” (or weeks." ny- Url. A,. M. Apohnqul, N. B. any trrive alive and keep on Order your: now. Bray v. 180 John Street North. 1. Ont-rm 77-... w..." Huntington ori-owwm'rv "I", --- law". '" meuaa tteo" -iiC' may. Cui. ' Ontario. LT-CIT"--.--. QUIT “mum. UNUl-‘F. EWLI. 1rtpitiii.'ait, "i'i'td.iiie?"i"Jii-' non n I. I nor-n ' o tred. Bartlett's. Box t. .uriuii". my Bur-mm FROM ACID mm. caution. Heartburn. an. fun “Ar-u Anne“ Tablet." for quick roller, 85c box, I bores $1.i.T. Armo Productn, "" Oxford Ave.. ,l,9atiK, Que. QUIT 1'1yurfiiiG"ii77r"E'r/ ot blob And an... ”a.” unvElDPED. TWO PRINT. of each and FREE ENLARO. KENT coupon 2ftt.toriiiit' PM!» Eran-y Den. "A" . “-N __ Al FEVER. ROSE FEVER HUD. fer-era. Money Back Remedy. 81.... their“. Herb Co., Windsor. Oat. u o. dam A new British liner In: I no. exclusively for the playing of watsi6,sotheenaeqmaaeutto the Juvenile Court. There M- tntea had to wait until the police oMeer in the cue changed latte civilian clothes. Br that time the youth could not be found, so the policemen had to change back in“ uniform and go in search of him. Eventually he turned up. end It. policeman hnving put on civilia- clothea once more the case welt on and the lad I'D. fitted Me. M'H' (hr could Bat tttut be: -ltttte w and crust "tt "Be tom be of (h tier ., " ll Rum Ae1 m

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