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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1939, p. 8

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. . tli N LE " I? " 39* an an In "this; PONTIAC right in the lowest-Price Hold! 'tlESULT-peges are soaring to new high records! . Whaucppcd upthehoncpowcrof you: new cat dollar'. Here's beauty that "eyttittateehttrdeenatnnteviuiting araoHrasaidt'home. Adupticeawaydm "i_oaw...domtitsmodiisttoo -t"deithuserar.'Ar'oneur...enis. '-doittNmr-.p.chedrrititfeatGs. NeverbeAt-thegeaadtvahre.t I: mm: 'tttnttdijiijji'i" rm 6lltlilltt we 1t0til'lll'llllity This offer is limited. You must own your farm. Mail reply to BOX 10, THE REVIEW, Durham, before June M. A personal visit will be made, at your home to explain the business. We went to meet e meme number e! my who M " were.“ their annual Income by meal StttI'rtveekraaGTa.Te led I mmuuwmueum 7m dealer “on and cunning “any nee. Mfume derailed not eyeteme funnel-ed for In! on attractive payment teri. Lee! year, In Ontario. our plan-none yielded over 10,000 pm knee to the Farmers, Attention, cm “in: on the Count Mum [Ind-nu pus lam 7m tkgtter Guia, . . . lithe and steely powerful as a panther, on the stretch. Yet instantly obedient to the efhtrtiess controls. And the grand "New- test” Ride levels every toad! Get the full story had: of the wheel, My! Bitrr.yeek...sosiirrestiui. Louof room fotsix-."humpiess'uoogs...t,ettr, v"sie.et.aiiemsnd, Nhttttlttssnratintrattic min lumen Ontario, may a? fall planting Phone Wm Kanpr M Vie Blythp Miss Elma, McGuire of Mt. Forrest visited her parenta, Mr and Mrs N. McGuire on Tuesday. Mrs Thom Cielland and Miss Park ct Listowel were guests ot Miss Mor. rison on Monday. On Sunday at the same home Mr and Mrs L. Hamilton and baby, Perqus, Mr and Mrs Sidney Hill and family ot Listowel and Miss Sadie Hamilton visited there. I In, Mrs. J: Mrs Pe present " Alex Brom , Mrs Wm . Mrs Wm. Long of London was a visitor over the weekend with her parents. Mr and Mrs Jno. Leith. Mrs McDonald is visiting her cone- in, Mrs C. McMillan this week. Mr and Mrs Hetherington of Nor. wich were weekend visitors with their son and family Mr N. Hether.l ington, the former having spent the winter in Florida. It was enjoy- able to have a visit with them, re- viewing the trip and places that we had visited a year ago. , Mr and .Mr Jan King of Barrie were Iweekend visitors with the latter's 'rparenta, Mr and Mm Jno Lelth. I Miss Eater Gadd of London and ifriend from Port Stanley were week. 'end visitors with the former'. moth- ‘er, Mrs. Jno. McMillan. Mrs Petrle of Philadelphia Is at present visiting her tsitsterin-1aw, Mrs Alex Brown. Miss Audrey Brown of Mt. Forest HOLSTEIN LEADET? Ti "my plea-at the In. spent on LOCAL and ignore». - i than. Friday evening THE DURHAM REVIEW private amen. ready been controlled, under mom supervision. This as!" not Include. of noun. I _ On this continent there have been high winds in the long ago which have done somewhat the some thing and created fertile land. Bo perhaps. even though than I. different cause. what in. happened in the West may We I beatMt inter on. in my one the control of no" drifting ll in pro; trees and the latest statistics show: What leads to that thought is the [experience of other countries, par- ticularly China. long ago when storms raged eel-one the Mongolian Desert, they carried through the air clouds of brawn-yellow duht tha"etr tled on the lands ot Northern China. Thick layers of rich soil were tortny Rivers cut their way ' through and. with no high banks to keep the, thtodt, in the utreem, the waters have, apt-end frequently over Inge portions) of territory. The fertile Ukraine u,‘ another example of soil carried br, the wind. 1 We have been much worried by the soil drifting in parts of the Prairie country, not only in Canada but across the international border. but perhaps there is a golden day in store, when the drifting has been checked ttrtal1r. 1 Miss Beulah McKenzie at Toronto is spending _ her holidays at her home here. Visitors at Mr David Hooper's, Sr the ttrat of the week were Mr and Mrs Geo. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Hilton Mitchell of Vineland, Mrs Fil- by and Mrs Titmus of Hanover , Mr and Mrs Bert Sergeant. Mrs Ser. geant. gr and Mr and Mrs Booth of Toronto. , 0..-.” [ Mr Oliver Coupland of will have charge of the sex the hall, Sunday evening. Master David Lawrence son of Mr and Mrs Parr Lawrence was op- eratad on for appendlclts last Fri- day, and although a serious case ls showing a tum for the better this Wednesday. 1 Mr Crawford Harrison of Detroit' visited with relatives In this burg, last week. I Mr Lewis Welle, has been on the sick list the past, week with the measles. Mr Geo. Leith of Guelph spent last week at Mr Wm. 1.0mm. i The shower for Mr and Mrs V thur Leith last Friday night was wail attended and dancing was held outside on a platform. Musicians were Jas., David, and Geo. Hooper, Chats. McDonald and Leonard Me. Keown. A good lunch was served and all report a good time. I Mrs W.' Wilson of Brampton is visiting at Mr Wm. Moore's this week ' v- .v.. -- nun-lulu] [all Art so on which not! drifting hath! June tr. Those Interested, kind/The hon than controlled through the exam of,” Cooperate. "-“-‘ "l" . Mrs Howard Reay ot Domooh is visiting her parenta. Mr and Mrs Thou. Moore this week. Mr Harry‘Watts started last week as butcher for a beef ring at Mr. Angus McArthur's at the Glen. The ladiea' Aid of the Presbyter. ian Church. Dromore, are holding a social on Robert Taylor's lawn, on evening ot Thursday, June 29. Straw- berries and cake will be sold, follow;- ed by.a\play entitled "itl had a Million", who by Falrbairn young people. Admission, " cents. " Mrs. Geo. Aitken, who thanked them very klndly for the cm. Hymn “Blast Be the Tie that Binds" was sung followed by " repeatinglarret, Prayer closed the meeting. The hostess and her asslstants served " dainty lunch. John Alice and Mrs he. Nicholson which Were enjoyed. Min Marie Altken and Mu Margaret McPhaden sang a duet. Mm R. Christie save a talk on her recent trip to Scotland which was very interesting. A Life Member Certitieate was presented " Mrs. Geo. Aitken, who thanked them very kindly for the um um... visited her mother. Mn J. W. Brown on the beginning at the week. The Home Helper-r Department of the w.u.s. qt "ttte Wm Church met on Tuesday 18th " the home of In In Nichol-on with n good attendance of Mien. The president, In. Geo. Althea, presid- ed. The nuretini'iraa opened with I hymn Minted by payer by the Pres. Papers were given by In John All” and Mm In. Nicholson which Were enjoyed. Mlle Marie A PACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA NORTH EGREMONT SOIL DRIFTING ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO DROMORE um have at. the services in Toronto Mded . The Y. W. Auxiliary held their titat meeting of the canon in the church [at Thur-any with n tair attendance. In R. J. Mmhnli, president,, on:- Rev. Mr. Kaye had a serious accl- dent " Dromore church on Monday. P?.t1tthesmarsoontrJti'iii"t to usual health. Conmtulntmns to Mr. and In. John Boychuk on the birth of 1 baby bor on Honda In Hamilton. In B. was 'trrttter1r mu Helen Hay, whose mother was Eur] Hemmer. This. makes an. new-tor Br. I great-f mndmother. I The Y. W. Auxiliary held their am. Irompanlc-d them ‘home. Mrs Ma: ‘Ed with In on ' Mr. and Mrs. undels Marshall. son and daughter and Mrs Marshall's sister, Miss Geome, of Tisdale. Sank, motored from the West. arriving on Saturday at the home ot the farmer's brother Mr David Marshall. where they will visit for a time and also with other relatives and frrxres in the neighborhood. I Mr and Mrs R. Noble of Hutton Hill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Albert Marshall. Mr and Mrs June: Brown of town were visitors on Fridav with n...“- ! Our pastor gave a good message on t Sunday from the scripture text "And 5' as His custom was. He went into the I synagogue on the Sabbath 4ur"uske i 4: 16. Jesus is our Saviour and also " our example. The bible tells us that 1 His custom was to attend the church lor the synagomle, as the Jews called l. People have various excuses to. iday tcr neglecting the public worship, of God. Some do not agree with the, (preacher and his teaching. Neither idid Jesus agree with all that the Jewish priests taught. Some say they can worship God at home or in the cat otdoors, but do they do it! oth.. ‘ers claim there is too much hypocri- " among church members, but Jesus knew there were hypocrites in the synagogue too, yet He attended the worship there. There may be at times reasons why we are absent but let us be sure they are such that we can give to God, tor He has promised to bless and be with those who gath- 1 pr in His name, and He also says "Do not forsake the assembling or, yourselves together." ‘ I Mrs J. C. Queen: Directors --Mrs I t Tucker and Mrs W. J. Allan. I The thast meeting will be held at the ., Mine of Mrs Donald Watson, on f Friday, July 21at. The branch Insti- tute was named "Roratttde" in [memory cf their Mair-atlas“ visit to Canada. Mr Jas. Lewis is at present undtw .1he doctor's rare. Hope to hear of his speedy recovery _ Mr J. S. Davey of Aberdeen and the District Sec'y-Treas. Mrs George Sharp of Durham. The eiection of oftierrtr resulted ufoilows: President Mr: Stanley Mead; lat viee.Pres, Mrs. J. Young; 2nd viee-Prea.--Mrs. Pai. Lindsay: '3ertrTreasrurer - Mrs E. Fee; District Renrnsentative - Mrs J. C. Queen: Directors --Mrs On Friday afternoon last a number of ladies of this community met at the home of Mrs Stanley Mead. where a Women's Institute was cr- ammed by the District President. Mr J. S. Davey of Aberdeen and the District Sec'y-Treas. Mrs George Sharp ot Durham. The election of trmerrt, resulted “follows: President Mr Wilfred Barbour of Durham vlaltod on Sunday with his sister, Mrs Elmer tee. D. Davin. Conmtuiatlom to Mr and Mrs The: McNally on the arrival of a son in the Red Cross Hospital. in Durham. q.. In tt. Patterson ot Durham visit- ed recently with her daughter, Mrs Stanley Mead. In - tram the West. hapendinza few week- with her sister, Mrs Wm. Hermon. in Gait. Mr And In W. Kirby of Ordnrd mind on Sunday with her purents Mr and In D. Davis. Mr Chance and In” Clnra Gor- don visited on Sunday with Manda Mr and In Sciwtu of Detroit, waited during [at week " the home of Mn J. Kerr. _ ur x. w. Christie, voucher ot s. P. No. , ha been “ensued with " lacuna In _ In um Barber. who - the winter months with her daughter Mr Alex Eccles was Mr R. W. Christie, anchor l Mrs James Brown or town itom on Friday with Mrnnd x. Mamba". Mrs Leah ac- KNOX CORNERS lem and visited " our Mush.“ Sr. also visit. lurcn members. but Jesus were hypocrites In the o, yet He attended the e. There may be at ' why we are absent but 'e they are such that we iod, for He has pmmlsed ea was engaged on "wing wood for Mr limit-3.1.0?“ Ill-luau: led may.” but Wilt-ow.- I." Mn. grufluummmuumfiowdwm. '"er,eaeherottr.ijorarrudi-r. tuttt-aeg-rt6aMaM" In mnmedwnh! The ml] mm a, War- mrtthrh-t M to "r. g'mu." wu answered by Mum. an an of m. 0mm. Echo": of Detroit/members, In Hem-nu pad a gamer than I." W W h m to . , week " the hmnein "New Life Among the Bull." con-m out " the “thir- _ "err' 3.H. MW,” nu.mntymdumm. - ' Kirtry ot 0mm pared paper on “The m m" “a - was. qtertmrt In hamlet r With her mum Mu Kelli: mu! . we, on 'She M Mn mm: In in: car- Itvig. Glut Awakening." am In ma out or when than we untamed- d mu Clara Gor- Chin." Wu road by In “charms. tne m. The In". and mat badly with friends “Glenna ot 3mm" was the cup no-ulm- “who only In mm ML. The vmtlug committee, In. - bodies, and the applicator: of West. hapendlnzn Hepburn, reported six cult: on sick I thin tttm of petiole“) on on such ' tsister, Mrs Wan. :and shut-1m, short pmer. were plane! In It" and early June will offered by In Hit-tie um! um Hep- destroy oountleu nun-ten at them. a at Durham visit- burn. The meeting closed with 'God " be Badly Watery, ouch work her daughter, Mm save the King' and‘the Lord's Prnver' MM be PM"! 'tuatnod and “r’ mum Church for their “I; _ “TRAIL RANGER." On June Int hour. the M“ a limbo" me was held a the Kieh School grounds. Jock Cation a“; won over Bat Bulthowuua team. After the m . tnesting VII hed umumuam. “th moot-Inc with ma. In“... I I “cent "; The monthly meeting ot Knox " United W.M.S. was held on Thurs. , day in Queen Church, In. M. Mr, ' Girr presiding. The Society has lost P a faithful member in the sudden V death of Mrs N. McKechnie. Miss - McGirr spoke ttttimttr on her life. ' and in her memory, the members , sang the comforting psnlm "Tho , Lord's my Bhepherd." The worship E period use taken by Mrs Rim. a visitor " Mrs T. Banks' from Ham. ; ilton. She spoke on 'Taryattv tr King anerunen" and contrastnl Mn T difference to the "King of HUME" . who had not where to lay his 130:1". : Mrs Mather‘s group. Mrs Geo Yiirs, Mrs A. tiny and Mrs nou.’ Milne, gave tho study period, the, topic being “Should Cumin sdmit r"fugeea T' Questions snd Insurers were based on findings ot the Canadi- an National Committee on refusees 1 and victims of politicsl persecution Sir Samuel Home stated that since [ l933, H000 German Jewa were admit- Ited into the United Kinzdom on con. dition that they would prove them- selves competent to perform tasks tor which no Englishmen were meet ally titted. " s few years these 11,000 Jews were employing 15.000 l Englishmen. The women also sure d their contribution in homenukins., hoe-making, wicker work, etc. I Let us pny that Coland- will not he too long in sdmitting these re- q -___ "'"", n autumn UP - June " at tho home of Ira Mulls“ Fellmmg the Dunne“ period C) _ (By Edith Osborne Thom freshmen“ were served by Mrs Me, Richest crimson. ttateat pink. Gawain and assistants and I soda“? White u winter no". hour followed. Dellute an 'tttttte bloom. -------- l, Sweeter than the rose. T80 upon each leafy sum KNOX tle.M.e. ,) [inch lovely blossom grow: The monthlv mmln- no II__. for"! Pickering had charge of the devotlcnul period. Mrs E. B. Me Ari thur prepared a paper on "Our Mis- sion Fields". which was followed barf one on "An Indian Approval to Ills-i Mons." prepared by Mn Derry, Jr.; The Auxlllam pienie In robe held onI The 1'outur.Woaten's Auxiliary held their June meeting in the home of Mrs Wallace McGowan on Friday evening with I good uttendunrn of members. Misses Dorothy and Mar. for'" Pickering had charge of the devoilcnul period. Mrs E. B. Me Ar, The meeting closed by Imam hr hymn, 614 and repeating the Lord's Payer. The guest speaker for the meet. in: twtur Men, E. P. Rice, who told lie rhildren stories of the children cf Africa. their work and their play. We Were then revered with a sank by four girls, Madeline Cuban, Joyce and June Henry, and Jean McQueen. Mrs Hnmld McKochnle'n were dig. cussed. last meeting. Plum for a picnic meeting the last Saturday in June at ITO-IE LITTLE HELPERI’ MISSION “no The Little Helperl' III-non Band held their Tunkotterimt meeting on Thursday afternoon In Knox'Chumh, the meeting opened with hymn 689 rt'.icwed by prayer by Vera Dewar. Davld Sunder: read the scripture lesson. Pu. 100. Jimmie Morton uni a sclo. “‘me Greeathttd'tt Icy Moan. tains". The secretary called the roll and read the minutes at the China" was read by In Pickering. “Glenn: of Revivu" was the chap. ier.. The visiting committee, In. Hepburn, reported pix all: on sick and shut-ins. Short [amen we“: offered by In Hit-tie and In Hem burn. The meeting closed with 'God save the King' and 'the Lord's Prayer the W.l.8. was hold at the no” ct In ”on mm. In m- oon opened the much: with my". KONG TIE CHURCHES 1'lfi PRESIVTERIAN V won over hams. PRECllY‘I’IRIAI w. a. . 1.; - hr tt. Junta“ : ‘ALGIERQ' I , 3... m: I - In - “King of the Ture l Lou-n hon: you. not cry over the... - h - - "-ua" ‘Betvlco de Latte' New Day“; THUR, FIL, BAY, JUNE 15, 16, " Adolph In!“ Odom cumin: No attainment not. the need of hum help Dew at eve and lion, 0! rurh than and m. gm: 1cm, Were my sweet pen born! Then I breathe I an To the Garden God For His beaker: of m awfully in Mme, W Rose and Malt and lavender. In: Ille- for not“: mung (mm three to live been. A on" of the mmpblet entitled “PM" leas- uro- mm Blood licking Aim, In the Mount" my be ohm-1nd bywm» tng to the Publicity and Extension Divielrn. Dominica Damn-om of when applied an em put cube skin has been (mud to give protest» Each ounce of she Mann ex- Irmt would be equivalent llamas“! to onedtth of a pound of mod Hide mpellnntn an In general nee. among “not. to name onlynlew. m on of cIntmneIIn, aplrlu of W. on ot Invader and all at cedar. " a re- sult ot recent expert-gnu curried out In Ottawa under the dImetIon of the DaInInInn Krstttmtrktgttirt, n repel- lent InIxtIn-e he. been developed thch he proved more ecu-hem and more luau In elect than my ”them In popular use. “In noel- 'erettta-tertrttsrandtttemmuo In onIte nIIane. " In ll follows: Oil or thyme, t am ounce: concentrat- ed kerosene extract of Mum. 2 IluId ounoen: cum M], or olive oil. 6 mm! m. Drag-ed In ttttlet one Inn ~ROXY‘ g1... [cw-WM“. Tut! .Wl Vilma-phrntew launching-urn! ”“59 A GARDEN OF SWEET "" watt-manna and mellow nod. I sun and mug wind, Edith Ouhorne Thompson emu-on. we» pink. on winter shown, " Apple bloom. er than the tone. gtmtiltlith,1t" ”mm "new.“ mune. tad other bit- tttanhfttt pr. yer mu ttbore do Ch was them a weN William Smirk! 1.s manual. Pinned by 1066.] (All? I daily '" er. tt but can“ tty for M RI can! Mn " not forward at II Sl LONDON " MTM MIT“ tl h M mpoh u nu Inspiring for Knox all“! alt of Mu" Lit, I: ninth in the Mr M TI VOLUME Mm At M Ilw. an mm Ill rr thet 150 “on mnhlmlly ' Witt r of ttte an! tn thee In": kink Mile l MN h In "ho' llu his M IN Iii-hon] an! ll the " IH,IIOU Illdll 'mmpuulu Illa"- In! tt Indny " M R Act-ed t tended " " Knox w n Ill out 0min mm It Cit; Ar

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