West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1939, p. 4

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, i t V V "i."_eleleBl_liq- I 4 -'-""""-"-"c=rt'-="---P-eP-'P-"e.','.'..tee t I' _ _ q "rl “arm; - . . d. ' MB. 1: ugéfiggfjjj' - " , , " 'ms . .. ' " . a MMlilllMiiillll , I .liiilll LOl _ g";- rr ', it 'ilil Ll J ilgaBlili/r5"it " 23%;? ie . 32:21.. - = il _ M " fan. i I I: j N - 'iliMlilt. Wail. - I y 1 3 ' . ’5', s, SNiMm E ( ' ' "il RBM B' -. - " t ' . ‘2’ I " 'adn, Egiela " JlltM!ltlN If» 3 " ' ililit Till ' b ' 3’¢&. _e_r_> gXlgr m... MiNlil 'tiv, '. r , alllllllll ' i t ' B' . .9 . . t8Nk _ " . ' A - I 'tlla. . . t b ' a; ., at; , 1,5» Mer . IIB' Bl llltll?% , ;,.; I t ' a' ’ y JM age-SB-rl _ - 'ttri" v I L f '.'i53Jg kid ' ' " °W4W¢V it-E . tlg ' .u” .. 'ir "SSa"f'e'i'.'samgg1 " 1gl8NImi" Pt W tl vr _'" " " d, _ C -- Iii' b - 41 Lou [SK “1301 an: E r C I 's, t w in 'lut'A mum»: Ltr/lx,;",, _ "rrA4"tastllt'i, - as, "um... Ari, rg' ,4 F.2) ,\ autism: T, ‘ fa r"r b . 0 x I t, r “(I - K - a 'iii"t"i) Ell " . ttt L, A $tti r' i ' I ' wh',',' iv',] . h' Iilt ‘ (In DESIQN Foil. mm], ? p., a,“ a" V . Zlus, snow" on NEAR. NN h" s . " “is MM? " gamg. 's% 'Cl.! r. I 4 we “Pith "non . 4 53““: sfAeise. op, A Jew. ramming"?- IIUV AN§ SIIH- _ A "‘0‘"- “NWL op A wGikkt"s "a2'r"kA'1trd'l/ " “I. 150 B.e, now m A wf surf thorn-.11 Imqumu mun. 41min" sum FLAMES m BUININQ IN MttggtatM L .UILDH‘QS. H- um 'Mmmmm. - may all "all... to 2.9.91” I._wm III the "e"" mpg " in? Gi Bull. 3850 of the Gunman heme not!" power tteet - “IF-(mined Hudson type, Inn-lb». word in locomotive -tmettt--oritt in] the Ron! - In. Quebec to Vancouver II " MI Paetne engineers, out “9‘!" In. record and my, will in "In handle the km W the coast-to-coaat I. he. the “In. the royal min have. that» City May 16 mm tt In“. in Vancouver May = the - will proud. an m [or the trip of nor. than on. than! gnu,- m Gi) “humus-5' iuaarc nun-Hm “in“ "‘3' It: 1 m 10m whom. 'tttthet- an!“ "5.40" "'31.” 71376; “In.“ " Sal!!!“ Drug Ctere pm a. tsiirni Royal Engine for Record Run 7 '" m in"! AS In can a! - on an m 'Ph'8'2,1'M Tools" I 'ao so but“. " ml to... I my; NS "g'M'.f,tg1'ttetgr I lines, and an equal number select- ed with equal core will handle the Pilot Train which he: been pro- vided for uwspnpennen, police and necompnnylng oiliciele. The honor of being tint engineer to pilot the locomotive of the train bearing Their Male-tin Kin; George VI end Queen Elizabeth when they vlelt Canada, however. ‘xoee to Bum Leclerc. (inlet) quiet-spoken French-Cumin lo- comotive engineer who hne " yeere' mice with the Canadian Pacific Rniiwny. Nearly " yenre ego when the lete King George V end Queen Mary, then Duke Ind Dneheee of Cornwall end York, Vieited Canada. Eugene bolero wee tire-inn on their min from Quebec City to Hatred. .fhie the he will he engineer tor the --- ie----. p...- "' '_..." gferg. ttttlo tour our eunu- locomotive 2860 is one of the new "mi-streamlined and». ‘bullt Int your for the emu Patric Railway Company. It "In: 388,900 pounds. more than tour than as much u the annual mow-pound engine, and has A tmtlvo effort of 57,000 pounds " compared to the 13.400 pounds of old Mo. No. 3850 u boll. an- tPt any for tty tttr and will No. Mo, which powered the royal train on the 1901 tour, and which wu one or the but in mice " that time, Ihowl the great strides nude in engineering in the put four decades. T it Grief counts the seconds; happi- ness forgets the hours. the ancient relic was found. Many of the older residents ot that vicinity claim that adjacent to Clarksburg are two sites of old In. dian villages. It was near them that he has approached, who ale suppos- ed to be acquainted with Indian lore. _ several large and wall stone tskin. ning knives, Indian pipes and Bint arrowheads, but is at a loss to un- derstand to what purpose his latest tInd waq used, nor has anyone else FINDS ANCIENT INDIAN RELIc NEAR CLARKSBURG Mr Winn. Wheeler, a resident of that vicinity, while cultivating on the farm of his son, Gordon, discovered. near a large slough not far from the Beaver River, an ancient Indian rel. ic which was a smooth, hard.aurfaee hand shaped stone made by Indians. i tn spraying potatoes. the poison V,',',: always be mixed with Bor. death as this material is .not only a valuable fungicide but repe'a the at- tacks of destructive insects like tr." ttea beetle and leafhopper. Two or thine applications in a season should alive mtmeient protection from all insects when applied thoroughly and " s time when the new damn: tlrst becomes evident. in spraying. cov- er both the upper and lower sumac»; es of the leaves and use an abunzl-i ance of material. When the plantsl are small. 50 to " gallons per acre. and when fully grown 100 to 120 gal- lons per acre Is not too much u each application. -Dmninion Dept. of Agriculture bulletin. her of these have botched l. the Quins toJotae the Irst opplicotlon of the poison spray. The beat sud "chespest poison to use. state. Alon io. Button. Division of Entomology _Dorninion Department ot Agriculture, is calcium menu st the rate of ionic and s haltto two pounds in 40 pe, of Bordeaux mixture (copper Isulphate it tb., lime 4 tb., water 40, .gsllons). if the poison i s used ml fwater slone, add two to three pohu, ie! hydrated lime to esch IO gallons. ‘Shculd arsenste of lead or Paria‘ ggreen be preferred as s poison, two i to three pounds of the former and a Pair to one pound of the Witter may be substituted in each 40 gallon _ barter, of spray. I _ Growers who prefer to apply the poi-a son in powder form should use a dust composed of one part of arsenaie‘ of lead to six parts of hydrated; lime. In dusting, beat results will be; secured it the application is made in! early morning or late evening when ‘ the vines are wet with d-cw and the, air calm. W we Mr Wheeler has In his rpossesslon ' Potato beetles m mull, found in ot potatoes 1: up. They by their eggs on the under lide of the leav- can in yellow mean. When a num- POISON "RAY. may be as good " we please please to be good. FOR POTATO BEETLE! THE DURHAM REVIEW the. We are emboldened to address you In these respectful but uneop. ventional terms. beam we believe that both by your ehort royal experi- ence end hr the long-developed itt. stinct of the greet an!!!» to wttftth, you etch belong. roe ere not unskill- ed In reading beneath the ouch! Knee:- to the loud "I!” of i'i'c'i'ci feel!" that llee below lt. We mum» um. that the. cheere end the lea-we'll. of be. the, millions ot the mun. people who, I For ourselves, we shall be content ‘to stand along your line ot march Gad wave our little tiam, and cheer our little eheets--whieh collectivel'v Iwill make quite a good flag-waving ond quite a noisy cheerintr,--or even. if we are too tar from your line of march, to cheer in imagination as we think of you passing by, it may be two or three hundred miles away“ and yet nearer to Ill than any kin? and queen ot Great Britain and of Canaan he. ever been before. l And one other tiller, Your Mues- And BO, Your Majesties, for the ’next three weeks we rerun you. not without our deepest sympathy, Into 1the hands ot otheial Canada, which “ill see to it that you meet only the Best People-some of whom are very good and some not so good, but ttllcfwhorn can be relied upon not to think out of the finger-bowls nor tn slap you on the back and call you "Old Pat." . l We know that it wu not poaslhle lthat these thins- should be done, though we know also that you would have liked to have them done if it had been poulble; but we think they would have helped you to do what you are coming to Canada for. namely, to know and understand your Canadian people. What can they know of Canada. who only " fieial Canada km? the little Canadian Clubs, any in the tea may have come from the charming 'Okanagan Valley. We think it would Fiji islands. Britiah thttana, the West lbe nice it you could spend a day up Indies, South Africa or Australia: f in a ttrwrxuttrer'ts tower near the B. V917 large proportion ot the “I!" F-acid boundary, and just look we use comes from the sugar cane, over ten thounand square miles ot although there is a growing “will? mountain forest with not a mayor or; tion ot the beet BMtbr production. i a provincial minister or a telegraph} India and Arabia were the only, operator-and scarcely a human be. known sugar producing countries otl lug-tttSturt. than twelve miles away. the ancient world. Early clauionl And we should have liked you to writers referred to sugar u Indian drop in for ten minute. at the meet. salt or "honey containedin the reed.”| in: of the United Church Ladiee' The can was later carried te; Aid Society oi'--- Saskatchewan. mm “a rm... a..- -_.-..__.-._- er knows the tricks of her baby son. We wish you could take tea with the young wife of a doctor up in the young Peace River country, We wish you could attend a meeting of one the little Canadian Clubs, my in the Okanagan Valley. We think it would We wish you could go tor a night C,,,',' with the chop who driven the fastest motor truck beween London and Toronto. We wish you could have a lunch with the girl who does the tsecretariat work tor old -- of the - Manufacturing company: you will meet him, but he won't tell you that he couldn't run the show without her assistance. We wish you could go to the bottom of the - Mine with Old Charlie, who saved at; least tortlr men from pretty certain death became he knows the tricks of the old hole-in-th-outta as a moth. era, they are still the bsckbone of this country, even it the backbone is a bit bent with shouldering the national debt), I. printer's tereman an automobile mechanic, 1 corner grocer. a telephone switchboard op; erator, s professor ot swine husban- dry, and the than who mends the breaks in the Nisan-s transmission cables. I ‘Trne. we shell not be presented 'to you; our 'ttttttet-hi) ere Jones and Maedonald end O'nggins and ‘Hebert and Johsnseen and Schnei- der and Strong and 'eatvattsre---aim not be registered in the otBeiat diary of your tour, nor on the tablets of your retentive loyal memory. Never. lthelese we are the people whom you; Pr. visiting-we, and not the three hundred guests with whom you will [dine at Rideau Hell or the five tum. dred " Mart House. These we know have been picked for you by the ot. ilciels according to the rules of the Mme. We are not jealous ot them, tor we know that you would math rather have dined with us --or, since there are rather too many of us, with a tutvobttttrmine sample of us, say a farmer or two (yes. we sre shit sorry you are going to be short on farm. Wm af the tuna, tr,'",,,',',"',',:',',";,,'.",',',,',',:',',',',',': :3: l People in their' Matias tttl. tttttteel tthet that we know. and are grateful, M it in we. and not the grout Ind mish- ty of this land. when you have come to visit. We, the ordinary, manor-{u- den people of Canada, - to greet. you. We desire to welcome you to our country - which in tho, your country because we are your people We desire shove m to ulure you (By B. K. Suave“ In the Toronto "Sammy Night") ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ,........-. nu. Impurities. Today we use mlmnl understand charcoal for refining purpose: Ind tor What can this reason India has only recently“- , only " came a. purchaser of sun refined in this war, having refused it in the n, for the put because ot religious predudlcea. 317,860.30! . who reartr um no wind. Ut sugar Per m In Vulcan tam. was in Bent-ch of IMO: Ind spice and the wealth of the ladies. n; 1494 the Sunni-h and Portuguese had planted sugar one In Ban Dctnlnm and " the beginning of the mu can tum it had beén introduced In the West Indies and South American, ut. er the 1mm Fallen of 8m Domin- go sent the an: and llnm n. The desire tor sugar grew slowlv but steadily. The Venntlans sent s shipment to Landau in 1319 in ex. change tor wool but It remained a rare luxury. Marco Polo and the Crusaders told stories shout tho: wonderful sweet they had found: In 1842 the Moe of um um ',.'dti a pound. The new mute " Int"- The earliest use of sugar was as a medicine, particularly in Egypt, and not as a food, and for centuries the Egyptians were looked upon as the cleverest physicians. Even today there is a Spanish saying "like an apothecnry without sugar." The Moors introduced the sugar came tn Spain (where it was cultivated as early as the Rth century). which the inhabitants accepted along with arithmetic and soap. I wrltere referred to anger as Indian “It or "honey MMnedln the reed." The one was Inter curled into Egypt and China. The 1'nterpruirttt Egytluu taught the world how to refine at“ through the use ot uh- ea A later method of refining was to, dleeolve the auger In lime water and then add the blood of hullocke. The. blood coaguhted and drew out the impurities. Today we use enlmel Most Canadians are familiar with the tact that practically speaking all of our raw sugar imports come from British Empire countries. That sug- ar is refined in the Dominion by an industry which receive. a great im, petus during the you: of the Great War. There is a world of romance in knowing the sugar we put in our Among " of theae patient; not Improved by dilmtin, the tstandard treatment of phenobarbital wu " ded in mdutlly increasing dose: with the result six have remained free of seizures for two month- or more and six other. were improved. Dr. Pratt reveeled date“. of test. mode " Woodetock with the recent- ly discovered moment. He eeld " patients who had not been ebletocon- trot their mixtures through the use of any other treatment were tented. Seizure- of six patient; but: been controlled tor the put two month: or longer end 11 have been Improved greatly, he reported. annual meeting of the Ontario Neutxr. ttttttMod approval of dlhntln " a treatment for epilepsy W given In a paper by Dr. C. H. Pratt, mut- ant superintendent ot the Ontario “capital " Woodstock. before the Psychiatric Association It Whitby (Dr. Ch... Pratt, referred to helm, ig s brother of Mr Ed I. Pratt, can ot Durham.) 'ttti-tttrat-twet-st .SrrttttB- m atom - - TMF-.'-'- t1eat,ofthe-tttesandtttotder- mucus-madam. I tnen,theurthetraaaxdthe_xtnai - W Ifi-lm 'e and the bowl- of am. weekend with her Ma at I». We are the poop]. who .111 do the “worth. I Milli! hr mm” men' In A. D. mm Win need. to be denuded by 'ttgee ot Toronto recently. "NI. We ere the mother. who will Mr and In J. J. 'tttbeet- Matt. brtng up the nest “notation of your ed recently In undue. CanadtaattteoputtnFtortrtrtter. ,t-tvuttoesartthMtand the son- and - to IMF throne. We WI. with were Mr and In Gill-- are the men and women whine brain line of Vancouver, and Mr. and In] end brawn keep the lite of this your Lee. um. I Called; will let us. We ere the people you hove come to visit. We welcome you to your THE ROMANCE OF SUGAR NEW. DRUG BEING USED To TREAT EPILEPTUOS A FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA MN,8gg mud- Mr Wu 82.50 mute to India tl, Drrnoch Women's Institute held , their monthly meetint " the home [of was Morence Roberuon on Pri. "day June 16. The null call was tut. I' swered by an item on the Royal /Pamity. The annual school triettie _3will be held in Harrison Park on ,' Friday June 23rd. l, The programme was taken over by "those in charge: Mrs Wm. Du'idoon‘ and Mrs Rrbt. Moniey. Mrs E. lie-l lntosh gave a report on the Dietrich Annual in Durham. Mrs Davidson Cave an interesting detnomrtrntioe, on different ways of serving rhubarb 'namely: conserves, pioklea, jams. ,‘jellies and deserts. An account on 1“Summnrv Day in Durhun" was] xiv-j rm ty Mrs H. McCrscken. the pring ‘clnal tool-w bean "meet Cooking": {and “Quilts." Mrs. A. R. Robert-on} Idemonstrated funcy eahqr natural ’A contest put on hr Mrs. Robert“ ’Mortiey wt. won by!” Bryce Dell level. The meeting cloned with the 'rates," of God Save the King. . Auntylwuwu‘ mum hostess and her uni-tum. Next meeting will he held “the II.- oi "as Bryce Dun-uni on July It. uuuuo. tonic out III-ml union. mm In... The Sunnyvlew Women's Institute met at the home of In Howard um. nm.. June 15th with thirty-two members and Walton pm- Visitors at the home of “In Adr nan-ks were Mr and Ill-a James Bunk: of Proton, Rev. Mr Prosper o' Cavitation: Mr Ind In Amen MH. dleton Ind Mr and Mr- Jack Mum. ton ttnd Beverley of Darkly. Mr and Mrs Roy Bmun, In M MoClement 1nd Junk Nolan, spam Tuesdzy evening with Mr and Mr" Hugh Vaughn. Mr and In Joe Keller. Mr sud In Jack Barry Ind In Nonr- spent 1 dny recently with Mr and Mr- John Kennedy of Chester. hie. Mr and Mr: Ed Huber and daugh- ter June of Kitchener, and Mr and In Fisher of Zurich. are spending I. week with Mr and In WleMey Mr and In Kenneth Damn.- of Oshawa spent the weekend with her parents. Mr 3nd In J. Mektett. Fewer, lichnel Keller ot North Bar went I tew den recently with Mr and In Joe Keller and funny. In E. Kenny and nephew, Dougla- Bownun end Mr E. let-an spent the weekend In Tomato. ' [ ': Member the when Made an be ,held In Mr Joe IleCulloch'o north Ian. Thomas M and. Stanley Haber returned to Toronto on Sun- day, after I. plenum two. wooh' nation It the home ttf Mr at! In George Tunbull. Audrey remained 1 few an. Kenn Ernie nudge, John Ander- It nad In John chquId and dame” Mis. Audrey of lawman were weekend ttuetrta " the home of the tome“ winter. Mr and In Harry A. Rear Ind bully. In“ oolINOCI-l . - Mr c. n. Incl-nah. M. P. - out. of In: W - - nun mm- John-III! the', weekend with her m!- " ‘0'" “worth. l In A. D. was MN tn I Tomato recently. ' ( Mr and In J. J. m mn- SUNNVVIEW W. INSTITUTE GLENROADEN m taken ever by I Wm. Davidson W- Mrs E. Mc. on the District Mrs, Davidson with Mr Donald IcKechnIc and dun shter Mary, tho It” can. Bram. In Wand!” I. spending a plea ant holiday with her friend, Mrs. Clark Torry. I" a. mum on Sunday were Mr and In And. Fulton and funny and sister. In: Noll Helen: and tamirv Hessn Bill and Joe mehky wen- In attendance at the has reunion in Granville on Saturday. Mr Ind In W. KcKedmiq- visual with friend: at Alltn Park W. Bye", In My at! dumber.» Ur and In Bum" mu. an! - of um “and menu at “Donate - the home or M Mu. lay Muir R.N., And Mrs Electric Washer I“ Iltetm Klein" and bad) (“and of (3|th visits] over th, md, with In and in E tt and. the trip In their comfonabL be“: with tmiter ud ull equip - m. a” CI, "Impdvn my wake up and have I Minion an - your hunt lu qttota ot old I'm-Mom.- renewing the may pieac an: M of any: Roe" by. [In Velma Duds ll visiting Ir dun I'll-n. Mr youngest son, Jo wu left In clam while the family m mull; all ma, old tummy place- and all m. havim- who.” left all. mum: mwmwmmaocuea ft m. M. M they operate c, t _ - ”3 (Mae " former year who no“ In an: locality we hzu‘ the pleasure of -ttrttt Int wow; Mr and In [Judah Kamila". duugh ter Haul. Ion Robert and In MT “not. In" M. It In some 2.; Mr and In C... Kitchen. Ha.mil Mr and In Hugh -U(‘Anlnn RUTH MYLES Beauty Shoppe "of'Nrv SAUGEEI mill-ado um- -ttHtMtt-rnrhtdtottmetr nauwdmmumnn- new“. Gunman-mm. “your but. You willlook Mt. you will fuel dithr. -t,rrrearttrUed"m"mt. YOUR NEW WAVE $69.50 WM!” Brand New It's M0!!! ', and M rs , visited with his Mr momlihlc nnnl M tttt mfre do now Tent china [ Wt loci-3 The dew l Kind war thr world .e?rts. Good but “(WNW Crthrt 1'0" SI'MMHR FOR "LFr--Pet M. "Wm". l work. Comm "tteAmnt, mm from ( MI or m M or new filet. like!" “thin: hour to P. Rama: Qua Ho FOR "tar-- um. , Rrszi Rut-urea l, J. A. Campl Price. tlt ' To close a) on the Went I Jackson's " Durham. Um pump, one-um The unm- Ravi Tel! plum. Ay u Ana" Prizes ml Bai Big l EVE) FARM FOR The o Comm: Pat “~33 lean "up recE l)ur M Ven III II Soho I"! My

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