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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1939, p. 5

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JUNE 22nd. 1939 CTii" ,_ .:.c:=o-=‘ It's Time for 1TH MYLES anvil Shoppe F." V s' Il lawn ARBOUR UR NEW WAVE HAMPDEN , Out. OCK 50 asher Y's faster, the Beatty " selling zhout nu Smith And 20d "(really we of M. n! daughter -hem for ." ' the tasatMty old familiar "rs. having romlomblo all equip- " Handel; and ha! i over the Mrs B. o. y type d do it y“ hivh comes nd authen- Ilt'Kenhnlo make you will I“ "el dilu- 'nrnt. Mr.trthnr. with Mr eire. Io the whiny ms M widen a reunion on or old My tttears by. mum: In “is with ter - y TOt had as! week dl, daugh- Mrs MU. l some " ,perate . T $.00. ,olitiar. rs Att Siam ml Mr M Hamil for " will Wed. Imlh part for on, Joe ited with Mr Mr an in more nd of ark his .-.l-, 'S2iWNE22nd,1sm differ. resolve to love, unite to nerve. He who loves goodness harbors “unis. revere: reverence, and lives mm God. differ, Temperance In the preservation 3f ulvina order in the body. (man-clung and humming are not compatible with good work. A rule of social conduct: Agree to do Kmd words are the music of the the world. What you have to do tomorrow. do (may; what you have to do today. The The James Rangoon hm. lot 15. ton. 15, Eamon, containing too arms. Good buildings. Apply to RM'mw 0M. 'ariCiuiruividcVriGa_r,rim. oha anus-M lab: Mr- a. - We»: of the ”592193: ad-uri-it-do-rats-area-Kofi' SI mn SALE---P.tort, toP <I'NIMER COTTAGES TO RENT - Lukv-Iront, at Wang: Beach. (48 nub-s from Durham). by week, fort. mghl or month. Special rate. tr) .wek or week-end in Mar. June and) sun. Electrically outlined. Splendld‘ mulling beach in front. Artotr will run ."ALE-tAt lot 6, can. 10, Pro 't m, 2 Regutered Dorset Rm. 5 fit-zislered Dorset Ewes “thumbs. " A. Campbdl, RR.1, Proton St'n. Trl phone 129. r bt, Dundalk. To close . Estate l n the West . o! .hrkson's irngre y 01 Durham, three. rump, Menard u Taro. engine, new, will do harm work. Complete with too", but Nico. 3175. Apply Durham Review Cttrtee. Rgiew Small Adi. BrfifiesTITts' 'q... Prizes " " and SI. Entries will be received by Arthur Adh m, Ma anger of the Durham Co-Operative Store. Sponsored by Band Concert and Big Amateur Night EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FARM row SALE on RENT The Durham Business Men's Ass'n community Parts, Q Street Dance Thurmlight. June " ot companion la a tear. rd: are the music of the Commencing 8 p. m. to 930 pm {'08 SALE NURSES GRADUATE AT COLLINGWOOD W "tte am of B. wash but. I Walking Tractor. ', will do Murrow DURHAM Hath conquwed self, and rightly wins a place, Among the Great Hearts of the human race. nnd deed, V Obey: Her word, which truly is Di, Yea, taste Her Joys. kneel " Her lowly Shrine: And he who, try each daily thought To wisda out heed; that ttttttw- - -- Perchmce destroy-ttteh, righteous prize md goal. unul they dotseerate, beyond control, The Male virtues that forever are A mighty bulwark 'trainat the lust: One'g pesos, invade thy breast; such "In debar Lest haply they should grow, roll upon roll, Until they desecrate. beyond control. Oh man. be true! yea bravely guard thy soul , MANLINESS (By Rev. W. Scott Galbmlth, Wood, teenth day of July, A. D; 1 which date the Eaute I' tributed having regard _ claims ot which the shall then have had notice. Dated at Durham, this Nini June, A.D. 1939. IN THE ESTATE . GEORGE McKECHNlE. Demand All persons hum: cl has yet the estate ot George I echnle. late of.ttte Town of Durham, Jn the Court, ti; " Grey, Gentleman ' deceased. who died on or about t ‘Seventh any of Mar, A. D. ms. re reqtiired toitile moot of the with the undersigned on or beta . thm an, NOTICE 19 935017033 never let the h, voice always give earn- J. H. Mettu I Durham. o Ho. Solicitor for the ox um AND OTHER; hum; cl in): n We at echnle. Durham, Jn the 1 f.'1'lt,',tt tteee ' ttbout t ‘Ran Bing of life that I0inttt “that QKechnle, late 1. Hill the Coun- I ' donned. l',, ‘Seventh tutor. Mrs T. Nichol returned home Sunday after spending 2 week, with friends with friends at Collingwood and. McIntyre. Many were planed to meet at St Andrew's Church on Sunday Mr and Mrs Henry Pntterson, Mr and Mrs. Mitchell of Ceylon. Mr: Angus MncCannell and Mr War. Hay of Swinton Park were vial. tors on Friday at the home of A. L Hincks. Mr and Mrs Chas. Morrel and daughter Eleanor. of Allkaton, Misses Jean and Beth Hincks. of Lisle and Atwood spent the weekend at W. J. mtttAtr. Mr Ratt McLeod and his mother Miss Donalda McLeod, and Mrs Bill Mekeehnie, spent a day in Toronto last week. Mrs Hazel Hedging. Mrs John Par. ker. Miss Margaret Scott and friend of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr Ed. Everlst's. With the Bible Society meeting on Tuesday evening, Rev. A.R. Muir and probably others, will have a busy weok. “Hotter war, sooner peace." Mr and Mrs Thos. Harrison and daughter Edna are busy painting, pa- perlng and otherwise remodelling their house. recently purchased. St. Columba. church Sunday was graced by the presence ot two amia- ble former residents, Miss Mary Run. ciman, now of Toronto, and Miss Bo. mera, Meatord, teacher hemlaat year i This play was given in the Agrie't in" Thursday night to a fair-sized audience considering other restric- tions and coming events. It was well perfumed: any not heard, could be easily messed. The new Junior band from F'iesherton with three of this town's boys in it, did very well con. sidering their youth, and but two months' formation. Master Benny Bellamy and Miss Dlmcan each gave a solo on their diner-eat instruments creditably well. Among the many from here who saw their Majesties. were P. R, Oll- ver M.P.P. and Mrs Oliver, who had the addition] pleasure and honor of shaking hands with the Royal couple. The play “Second awry Peggy” by our young people, will be given at Mt Zion on Wednesday evening and at Flesherton on Friday evening, with our " garden party and strawberry festival sandwiched in between on Thursday. kin ring" (whatever that is). The visitor sang a Welsh song. Mm Harpy Richardson and family ot Toronto, we were also pleased to meet at church, mm a week's visit to her mother. She left for home yesterday. . new. very tnmhly. The, are invit. ed to Mt. Zion and Manhattan, and phyed here on June Mth. q '. Mrs A. B. McDonald (nee Mamie Helena) together with a. noted solo “new In ' church choir. in Toronto, and In the "Metstritut," spent a pleas'. ant musical evening at her mothers here on Wednesday. Our own Mrs. H; B. McLean was present, and 'we can We" believe "they made the wel. kin ring" (whniovnr or... an "L PRIGEVILLE $112”. MIN team. than a...“ DIM annulus "ll', Uqrer miter“. IMHO“. No mu u “out. ”long an th'miaone"httthemrttmst and Aiming. revoronqy and as much " you can with your blue-t There in virtue In driving on though dark days " your honest Some regard a. supernatural faith as the essence of all mares-on. With faithfulness comes the uplrlt nm ot but but at a sound mind. Genuine pity is the spring of peace of mind. Passions qught to be our malls not our mum. Our muons are determined by the whole trend of lite. To be ignorant of their ignorance is the malady ot the ignorant. Statesman see dangers unknown to observers. It is late before the brave despair. That only ls disgrace which In de.. served. It was with the jaw-bone of an ass that Samson new a. thouund men', and In all Iltemture In there A stranger blcture than the one Ezekiel gives us of the valley of dry bones, which came together and atocd , ex. which came together and stood, an exceeding great army '.-Ex. In all our history there are few scenes more pathetic and few words more familiar than Wlolaey'. greet. ing as he arrived by torehiittht It the gate of Leicester Abbey. “Either the said), I m come to-leave my bones among you." In the buccaneerlng days pirates sailed the Spanish Main With the skull and cross-boon overhead: and even today quamisome people will say they have a bone to pick with us. No from a saint. but in our own land churches were built for Incl-ed relics. In more superstitious days the bones of saints were treasured as relics, and for centurion pilgrim. tra. veiled far to kiss them, or pray be- fore them, in the belief that mir- acles could be wrought. Not only in Asia. were temples And pattodas mu. ed above a bone traid to have come To the ancient mun bones were his weapon and tools. Fish bones were his needles, and the leg bones ot large aninmnls the handles of his clubs. Bones are still uhed in many ways. but perhaps their great. est use in recent years has been in the form of manure. -- __.--. """"_' In: I‘LIH’IIOSU our knowledge of the distant put is to her home after spending the win. derived from bones found buried in ter months in Flesherton and a few the so" or in the beds of rivers, in weeks in Durham with Mrs. T. E. cliffs and Pita and mines, and in Blair. caves which were once the den: ot Congratulations to Mr end Mr: wild beasts and the homes of men. The McNally in the birth of I. non Nothing could be more thrilling than born in Durham Red Cross Hospital coming upon a cave and tinding the one day last week. bones of the tion," hyena, hitrpopota. (intended for last week) mus, elephant, or mammoth, all Miss Adeline Manlly returned showing that these animals must home from Hamilton one day last once have been very diil'erent from week. what they are now. Mr and Mrs Albert Mommy and Much of the early history ot min. kind la told by old bones. Much ot Just as we were about to have "ten winks" or cracked our shin bone with or against me object without thinking plenty about bones. Haw. ever we seldom realize the sigma ance connecting bones and history. How often have we heard that pesky Junkmun blowing a mourntul note of his horn as his rickety old wagon wabbled down the alley while he in a cranking v'olce serene, "Any raga, any bottles. any bones today t" Mr and Mm Neil Mont-lane visit- ed on Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Walter Ewing.. Mr and Mrs. Albert Bryant, Doris Vera and Harold and friend '0! To, Toronto visited on Sunday with the farmer’s niece and nephew, Mr and Mrs Cecil Bryant. Mr and Mrs William Brown and son and Mr Chit-lie McFarlane visi- ted on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Seismr, neur Wul-kerton. umood. I Then was mum In Zion church l" and Mm Edgar Patterson and Sunday on woman of the univers- Harold and Gordon Nichol visited try unice- inrrtsozehmeh, Durham. Saturday with friends at Coiling-1 The Zlon convent!” wa- weu re. nlng to take in the Peony Show at Guelph on may, June 23rd. It Is also Funnel-10' week " Guelph. Mm John Me6gtaete and little son, of Toronto are bond-yin; mm: her parents and other friend: here. Mr and In D. LchArthur and Elinor, Mr Ind In J. A. Nichol vlslted Sunday with friend: at Cor, THE DURHAM REVIEW Holdfut v.r.w.b. "ANY BONES TO-DAY t" ROB ROY VICIII'IY '..-- . I Mrudxu Wrn.oreuedottaa. 'i"""-'------".-'--:,, Dunno! noun: ladle: of the “mat mm with In m In Jot Mb are Nan. MeNattr. Ind Mr and in Than. are family attended the McNally reunion a held in Harrison Park, Owen Sound, es last Friday. of The annual Zion Sunday School in picnic will be held July in in the tt. Edwards and Part grove. Come in and have a good time. family.' The meeting cloud with thaRattoetrtt anthem and m, alter which In Part and mutant: nerv- ed lunch. Next meeting will be at the home ot In Arthur Magnum ladle- oordlnlly Invited to “and. Mrand?"t'AiBeo-ab n, of Eel-imam we/e - My with Mr and In Juno. Pout. '; J. Greenwood I paper on ‘Thoir In. jewel visit to Cumin: Community singing m enjoyed. Roll call: Toll something “have“ about them out ttowerp.' Mrs Clarence Robinson. Miss Jean Wrth w" present and gave a trtthrndid report of the Glrln' Conlerence " lama Colleke, Guelph. In Hugh Immun- gave. humorous mdlng. In W. G. and Min Jenn Firth n duet, and In W. conveners. Motto "An Institute with. out girls would be like agarden with- W..J. Ritchie presiding. During the business part of the meeting, it was decided to celebrate the 25th Inni- veraary of this, Branch, wlth In J. The monthly meeting of the Mon Branch of the w.1. was held Thurtr day afternoon at the home of Mrs J. J. Peart with: good attendance, Mrs Mr Wilfred Barbour ot Durham was a guest with Mr and Mrs Oren Peart on Sunday. ing and spent the Afternoon with Mr and Mr: Nelson McGuire. A number from here attended Dec- oration Service in the Trinity Church cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mrs Geo. Jelfrier. of Markdale spent. I. few dun with her parents, Mr and Mr 3 Wm. Paylor. Members of the Junior “may and institute from here etttoretd on outing to inverhuron going in a truck driven tir Mr Henderson. After enjoying the anemoon at the lake they 'etttmed to Ohmic and were 'rttteNained by Mr and In s. Jack- son for the evening. Mr George Ritchie and sheer Jone Mr end In Howard Ritchie, Donald and Cameron attended annivemry service in Roman lut Sunday morn- Mrs Arthur Lee of Egremc-nt is spending a few days this week with her father, Mr Geo. Ritchie and aunt Jane Ritchie. 1 Mr and Mrs Ju Penn and Doro sthy were guests with Mm R. Ill- .burn Sunday and attended Inni- Hemry services In Knox Church I Durham . to her home after spending the win ter months in Metstterton and a te, weeks in Durham with Mrs. T. E Blair. Mr. Thou Glencmu 1nd Ion Bill. Mr: Arthur Robinson and Mrs Pent Intended the Pal-Hum and Orchard reunion held In the Purl: It Guelph last Wbdneuday. Mr and Mrs Chas McClocklln and Arthur were out home Mr Frank Twamley of Crawford Sunday. Mr. Twalnley returned home the latter part of the week from Toronto Gen- eral Hospital where he underwent a serious operation. We are pleased to hear he Ia getting along to well. Miss Ethel Anderson and sister Aggie. of Toronto spent Sundny with their parents, Mr and Mrs A. Att. demon. Mr I. C. Cook visited with Mr and Mrs John Baker, Edge mn, %nday afternoon. . Mrs M. Smith visited and Mrs. Ben Maya the week. Miss Ethel Anderson nun unuue, It! Will. Tmmln- were meat: with Mr and Mrs In Ellison mounted in Durham Church Sunny. Mr and Mrs Thou Timing and Mr and In The.» Glam» were sup-u of In, A. Hooper the Amt or with It l Mr Geo. Ritchie and and Kr and In Hal . Timing has returned 1e after spending the win. Mrs W. T. Greenwool, nth visited with Mr Maya the first of the McNally and the utter Men. No doubt. none of the tttonto Gen- Hmpden to“: ladies "e-,ottld enjoy underwent " cub ride. no pleased Mr Walter ucAlIwer has 1 fine stove“. "triver and has purchased a new d too am, busy. look out girls! I ‘Mrs Pout Holltcln Corr: Hours Robert and d Orchard Wm. Althea have Installed the tele-i n Guelph phone into their home- during the/ litter June ‘ July I ' IO3O Low nu. “I” Between all polnu In Cumin m to Sequin destitmtttttts in United sum I FARE AND WWARTCR _ for the "In“ my T. M. left”. MI W Ticket. and can. any time Friday. June I, an“) no . In. Canny. July 2, mo. RETURN LIMIT a have Mutton no! later than midnight, MONDAY, July t, 1030. Thu than an “M" lawman WM. nut: 80 D O M I NION DAY 'tto PLACES FOR’ Imam: ”can. FA": in M "Helm It. uy Amt. an: mum School mm“. auilii, are writing this week. [rom- Drumgn Viol: Cameron and label Reid are I n Durham tor the test and m Band. Florence and Wiltie Hun Mt Nest. ; The aims of enmlmtion drum ls new with nanny ot our studems white some have already tlnhshed. Last week, writing on the Lower Entrance to Normal exams. wro. Reta Roberts, Irene Rice, Earl Hunt. er and Ctinton Main and next week Bert Eccles writes Upper School Nor, mal entrance and Perry Ross. on! tranee to the mu ot tatumtiarn.l Mr John Manny's livery barn has been entirely mum after the ttre ot last winter and Int week he moved his horse: and equipment to former to Mr C. Melanin, Institute of Yeo. vll.who on Sunday Int celebrated his 70th birthday and to nut the event [muck of a splendid birthday cake. Mar he spend many more years of put week . North-East Normanby Corr: Mr Guy Kumey of town passed by our corner one day recently en route to ,f""BVNaWV. ' -".~ - 11o9ipp'touii"i"iihr. a. ', " 1_.'a's1tte',lt4a'etii/i'5i,"r.i'i'i (tum m w. .1... Mt, "14) 'dM1ttthhEEieiEi"iiiii7t' I but Pete-tv-calf/glued':,'.'."','.', um“ m(mmM) m Mills!" "I hold r"1PyeetttiiCGi"iVtrii1"a"l/ " hmoflrmxobb,mmnlleu=lltb-I='l::mflalmap autumn» 9mm. m- " museum. mmuusxml ww'mm expect there will. be another omI Mr Jim .Gny, of Portage " Prune. tor, ia a mat of Na Mater, Ira John McGowan. He was a dele, gate to the General Aaaeinbb' at Woodstock from hia home church. Dr. Arch.. W. Hunter of Vancouver non of Mr and In A. 8. Hunter. has recently been appointed by the C. P. R. " their aurgeon for the city of Vancouver. We congratulate our young friend on securing this past; Juat another example of Dur. ham boya coming to the front. Dornoch Corr: Mr. Wm. O'Hara haa pumha-sedal'ord automobile from C. Smith. Timon are looking up In gm DAYS OF minim tmd Gru. the (tuner, who” Stat Job It was. John Momn‘ud Thoe. Glau- der were mould. tor the' n and the nee was very exciting, der wlnning by only M second- thin; wen together well and new splendidly II I tribute to Harry under the who]. be... That ever}:- We tender hearty eetatgratttutiotr.s HOW To GATHER E663 ONTARIO ARCHIVES 9tte Drum!" “and am [or any c.” lReld are Sula-mum“ and Hummus "P'e at among, h, [anon mum. a...“ --.- I ”my... PY 'usa-tm, “an. a... I: In.Hounlme.n. MIMI tad Phyuou cum. in“ Cour-e for “and pupils, mm Hand Culture and Ar- cana... l. 0mm & Dominio- “I. In“ Rammed Pme-emt 'ttnet- no. and on. M ' ---- in Mr loo-I m, C. B. All! BESSE WILLOW! B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. O -. ICC... 0......” “HUI-ICC“ .00... I“ a... "q"h-" - - ' an no on. Ill. I " “I. “I. m can: " "-. Fromm. courteou- t Ml out. DURHAM a NOLITIIN X RAY Honor Graduate Tomato (him, Grunt. Rom ecu. Dental In»... 0M “can: FumttEttttn.otts.tai J. L. sums. no, ommm: we. mama-mama.- omm:.ung.-.,1g.‘ “"MM'CUMW " W . 'ue*ahttts--otmeeee.i No.IOAK-Irer; gm... 1"1P"t.8tru-evnnLu- Teddor: anthem“... III-humor. "ttnu-rote. ferent “In any other louder a“... t'"'ventotreattrmt-ses. We also bundle may Bins. my Truck: and Stable Equip-”um E an an Elm once: um some. mung, on. L F. mat. 0.05.. ms. Veterinary “an.“ “m" an. M... , to o b... Phone no GEORGE E. DUICAI magnum F. . EAGLES" 0mm“: “mum: - ' tt. MAME. In. T. ll. SNEATII. M. tt. : om. no"! and: Dam. W. PIERCE ELLIS ---- Luau... "can..- rut-nu

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