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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1939, p. 1

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Fymomt - - tmr FOREST AVE DURHAM NE 22nd, Summer ime Table RUMS’ Extra ! News, V'SIT in CI _-----. -- --o.-. COACH LINES OXY ETS' (yhililill tend, 1939 ada PM}? about» Extra "e At the closing nicotine of Lady Gory Rebekah mammal“ This wwk's amateur program will be on Friday, June 80th. as Saturn" " Dominion M. a imblic holidny. Any amateurs wishing to enter should have their mum " once with A. Adina " an CeAhreratire Store. my Pollock for her Saturday night's first amateur pro- "may in the town park, sponsored by the Business Men's Association. drew a big crowd. who enjoyed the dozen numbers of solos and (Melts, orches- tra musir- and tap dancing. inter. spersed with selection: by bum-m Band. J. P. Irwin was ehairmanand the judges. Min Margaret Hunter. Mrs. W. 11.: Krona and P. We. rave Brat, prize to Marjorie ind Edith McDonald for tap mans. second to the Tower orchestra. and third to in view of the tart that the can! . mittee was doing its utmost to knopl "amnw tkfieers Installed well within the arrprotrriation. tttovl ----.-- ' imuostecl that the members of thp Rt. Wor. Bro. J. P. Grant, part Council refrain trmn asking for ex- n. D. G, M. elliciently installed in. expenditures in their respective rthe newlyeleeted omeers, of Durham municipalities. The payment of ear-image A. P. & A. M. on Monday pauses of several of the committen l, waning. These were as follows: I. members on inspection tours am/P. M.-C. MeCdrr; WI. M. --D. w. meetlne frills was tthto ncommend; MrClure: R. W. -c. M. Steinaehet; pd by the report. IJ.w.--w. J. Ritchie: Chaplain-g. ' Grant', Tretuntrer-J. Morrison; ------_-- iseeretarr-C. H. Moffat; FY. D.--J. piggy AMATEUR MGMT IA. Rutherford: J. D. -M. A. Res WAS REAL SUCCESS liens: T. G.-3. R. Steeds: Tyler-- (tr. Greenwood: s. s. -E. R. a........a.... “A“ 4-... "u“..- -l'3ehutz: J. I-ar, D. "M": Tt. r" " for any other reason. the full flow of water was obstructed, the owner would be instnmted to repair the entrance tratisfaetorily, and if this was not done. the county would m'move the entrance or no much of it as was interfering with the Bow of water in the ditch. Pr must Install It and do such other work as was necessary to make his entrance satisfactory. Where there Was an entrance, and by ditching or grading it was destroyed tho county would furnish me fer a new entrance Where an existing on. unprcvinu the roads therein, and, Alter an illness of nearly a year. this tax TOtt, more than double that the last three months of which were uhich was placed on gasoline. [spent'i-n Durham hospital, John Fran- Aiter the council had gone into cis “right died there on Saturday mmrnittee of the whole on the report afterncon m his 72nd year. . 7 . ' l He was born on the North Bea, with Reeve William McGregor in . . . . . when his parents, James, and Mary the chair, considerable discussion iol-I w right. were en route to Glasgow. Iowed on 3mm elarattes of the Ti" Scotland. After his father‘s death he port. seven" principles were “n" came to Canada at the age of seven Bodied in it, having to do with farm with an elder brother, and was plac- entrances. " was stated that where ed inachurch home for a time. Most there had been no previous entrance of his life has been spent on the seas the tand owner must bear the Nn as a sailor. and he had visited most net of maintenance. Where there of the ccuntries of the world. For Witte no previous entrance, and the many years he had been a captain, 'oad ditched by the county. making first on the salt water. then on the an entrance necessary, the county Great Lakes. In 1923 he married would furnish the tile and landmg Miss Kate A. Firth ot town, since er must install it and do such other when his home has been on College work as was necessary to make his street, Durham. Six years ago he entrant-e satisfactory. Where theretxave up sailing. and has since lived I Was an entrance, and by ditching retired. His wife survives him, but i or grading it was destroyed tirottUo brothers and two sisters,noneI t-onnty would furnish tile for a newhre known to be alive. l entrant-e Where an existing en: A private funeral service was held 1 trance became clogged or broken Minn Monday afternoon from his late ', " for any other reason. the full residence. conducted by Rev. M. H. tlow of water was obstructed, the Farr, assisted by his father, Rev, T. owner would be instructed to repair: Parr. Interment was made In Trin. I the entrance satisfactorily, and if lty church cemetery, the pallbearers . being Chas. Kennedy, Thom Whit. this was not done, the county would [ more Duncan Smellie, Chas. Moffat, remove the entrance or so much or ' R ‘T'immons. ' it as was interfering with the llrmmJOhn Dotrney, ex. " 'oad ditched by the county, making an entrance necessary, the county would furnish the tile and landm- me chalr, considerable discusaion fol. lowed on several clauses of the re- port. Several principles were em- bodied in it, having to do with farm entrances. " was stated that where there had been no previous entrance the land owner must bear the full was: of maintenance. Where there was no previews entrance, and the .031) din-lied by the countve making After the council had gone into mmmlttee of the whole on the report with Reeve William McGrexor in’ erly to the base line. The Import also referred to the let. ter from the chief Inspector of gaso- line tax, which stated that the taxon me] oil had been Incleased from 6 to fl cents per gallon from March inst . " was felt that this was a, unfair tax. as all fuel oil used by the} m army was used for the purpose of] unprcvinz the roads therein, and Yhis tax was more than double that which was placed on gasoline. I roads that were in need of remit. The committee had inspected the curve at the west end of Road 14. Glenelg, and had been favorably im, pressed with the request of the reeve ot that township to have this curve assumed as a county road m lieu of the section the curve weat- At Grey County Council in Owen Sound last week, S. M. Patterson, reeve ot lament and chairman ot the County roads committee, ten. dered the report (I that body which told of the work that had been done by it since the last meeting. The commute e had inspected at great many of the eounty's roads in the various townships ' and met and heard the suggestions of several deputation. The report was that the committee had decided against. any extensive construction work this year, but that everything pouihle' would he done to improve thou" roads that were in need at nmlr , little Road Work to be Done in 1939 VOLUME LXI, NO. 25 experienced teem, they made a ered. ltahle ehawlng, but it ls douhttul thy will finish out the seam. Dates have been let for two tame- which were missed when the schedule of the Trl-County Glrle' Softball been” In. orlzlnelly drum up. The lady Great of Owen Sound will play In Durham on July 5. with the return one on 1.21 25 In Owen In tho opening Trl-County leagué game here last Thursday, Human: defeated Durham girls g6--10 in five innings. Durham had only four former players in tuttimtr--ma Bock- ott. Reta Gienholme. Mari. Middle- ton and Ada Becker, the other live being new comers, who have never played before. Against Hunger! Following the installation, the usu- al program of toast: was held. all onjoyinz a repaat of trtrawtterrtetr and cream. ”m C.--0. P. Irwin; Auditors-..). Tttttttttste, H. C. McKeehnie. [are two grandchildren. The late Mrs _:McLachlan was the last surviving member of the Paterson faintly. '. She was a woman who possesseda ‘very sympathetic disposition, was ever a true neighbor and friend, and l, was devoted to her family. She was ,an active member' of Durham Red .Cross Society. and liberal with her [time and talents in philanthropic , work. The funeral service will be private and will be held at the family resi- dence on Bruce St. on Friday, June 30th, at 2.00 p.m. GIRLS LOST TO HARRISTON ll MR8. ALEX. MeLACHLAN I The death of Mrs, Alexander Me. ‘Lachlnn, a native of Durham and a _ life-long resident, toox mace m Dur. ham hospital Wednesday afternoon, after a brief illness with an inward trouble. She was removed to the hcspital only the morning prevtcus. The deceased was Catherine Pater- son, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Peter Paterson. who was born in Durham seventy-two years ago, and has ever since resided here. Fiity- one years ago she married Alexander McLachlan, who conducted agroeery business here, passing away in 1916. S'urviving are one daughter Vida, at [ home and two sons, James of Aber, j dean and Campbell, at home. There I - - a-ru-I-ai. JOHN F. WRIGHT iifht Barnum Review. THEROLLCALI. .-i.-.... Unite for Summer Services ON 70TH BIRTHDAN A delightful surprise was William Lake on his 70th birthday when some 75 relatives and friends gather- ed for a social evening with him and his family. The table was in whi' and green decorations, centred wit' a large birthday cake. Mr Lake has teen an employee in the Durham Funiture plant this past thirty years. WM . LAKE HONORED As a token of our good wishes we, as): you to accept this small am: an Aladdin lamp. and we hope you may be spared to enjoy many more) happy years of wedded life. ! We, your neighbors and friends have gathered with you this evening to celebrate your twenty-fifth anni- versary. More than halt of this time you have lived in our section and we have always found you neighbor- ly and willing to lend a helping hand when needed . ( On Friday evening, June 23rd, over 100 friends and neighbors mtther. ed " the home of Mr and Mrs Willi» am Monto in a surprise party style to celebrate with them on the neon- sion cr their 25th Wedding Anni. versary. They were the reclplentsi of abeautiful Aladdin lamp and also a purse containing a sum of i'd'IC'l from their Hampden friends. The ad- dress reads as follows: i Celebraled Sher Wedding , - ( Mrs. Minnie Boyce; of Emeaton, L A large attendance of oddfelIows Sash, arrived on ttnay. at the F and Rebekahs, as well as ot the cm-l home ot her 'titrterditaw, Mrs Robt. _ zens in general, attended the annuaHTw‘mley ttttd Mr. T'uniey, on an memorial service in Durham cemeW extended visit with "19‘de through- tery on Sunday afternoon. It weak“ Ontario. held by Grey Lodge I.0.0.F. .nd Pe Helen Clark of Toronto Wag Lady Grey Rebekah Lodge and thirty; 'home to see her rather, Mr w. Clark six graves were decorated with now- over the week end, in his serious ers. Durham Band led the "rue/e,".'."',: into the cemetery and played sele:-[ Mr Wm. Lauder 1'"l.dt"urhter ot tions during the service and decora i,',".',?,"'.'?.? are viaitintt his parents Mr tion. Rev. S. W. Hirtle Rave atime-n and Mm T. G. Lauder. I ly address on Jesus' words, found inI Mr Thog. Foley, Incompanied try: John's gospel: "I will raise him up Mrs Harold Grnsby, Ipent a day in at the last day." Past Grand Bert, Durham last week :itlng friends. ( Stoneouse ably gave the Oddfellcwa'; Weekend visitors lo Mrs Walker address, and the chaMain, John C. ) (upper town) were Mt and Mrs S-M-"-! Mekeehnie, offered prayer. JVhirter. Miss Marion Walker. Mr and I. 0.0. F. Lodges Hold Annual Service Signed on behalf of the section WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED DURHAM, on, JUNE29th,1939 l Mr Dun. Firth. teacher ot Glenelg. conducted the services in Ayton Pres. ,byterian church on Sunday. : Miss Jean Firth of South Poreuptno ‘hospltal staff. a daughter ot the lam IAlex. Firth. Tit"uth.,ltet.r, night, Mrs J. Ir'. Wright. from Thursday? to Wea. ‘nesday. Mr. Harry Flrm. herbroth- rer from Windsor, was also here tor 1 the funeral of the late Capt. Wright. Mr, Grace Duggan, Mint, Mich. and Miss Marion Petty, matron ot' Omngevllle hospital, spent the week. end with their parents, Mr and Mrs Charles Petty. They left Monday for a trip to Manitoulin. Mr and Mrs Moore of McIntyre. were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs G. A. Noble. Mr and Mrs Hematock and Mr and Mrs Hall of Hamilton were Sun. day guests of Mr and Mrs J. N. Murdock. Mrs Dan McArthur of town. was' taken sorionslv ill rn Sunday even- ing with a celebral hemorrhage. am' is yet in a critical condition. Her daughter. Mrs Coutts of Ccnn, is; with her. i " Mr Wm. Lauder and daughter or (riiiindi,',' are visiting his parents Mr ,!and Mrs T. G. Lauder. I Mr Thou. Foley, Incompanied by _ Mrs Harold Grnsby. went a day in Durham last week 3mm friends. I ( Weekend visitors th Mrs Walker ; (upper town) were Mt and Mrs B. Me nvhirter, Miss Marion Walker, Mr and [Mrs Ralph Richmond (nee Agnes Wal. lker) with daughter Eleanor and son. IRalph Jr. of Toronto. f 7 , wmrum. wanted the tormerN mother, 'iii'C,tn'.l' TTI,',",',',,,',?'"""' and son] Mm David Robinson. Mrs. Roblnscn 1 Wallace Langley and Miss Bessie, returned to Owen Sound with them. ICiark, of Tomato, were recent visi-' In hrnor ot a popular member o' or: with Mr and Mrs W. J. Moran. the tstatt, Norman Puckett, ttttd his _ Mm Harold McKechnie, Mrs T. P. bride, the former Miss Margaret wu House, Miss M. J. McGirr. and Mrs son of Durham, nbrut 30 your": W. H. smith attended the W.M.s. people of The Sun-Times held a pie- executive meeting in Ptmt United nic at Sauble Beach Thursday even. Church, Owen Sound, on Thursday. ,imz. The presentation of a Norman. Mr Thos Meant ot Owen Emmi, ', dy chimes. clack was the feature (f a patient in Durham hospital at the event. Donald T. Flaming OWNS-g nrenent. His lees are giving out and tted the best wishes of his assoriates he is taking the rest cure. We hope to Mr Puckett and welcomed Mm to see him around ere ions. Puckett. The gm w... nmcnniod x... Ihome‘to see her father, THE. "Duran LEADER “WWW“ "Y: Mr and Mrs Arihur McGowan, pent a day in Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McGowo- ruin; friends. 'and family visited the Breen family in Mm Walker in Aylmer Iaat week. ' and Mrs, fn'e Misses Alma and Dorothy Robin. Walker, Mr and 'nee Agnes Wal- son, Owen Ire and J. McVannel, leaner an d son. Wiarton, visited the farmer's mother, ,Mrs David Robinson. Mrs. Rebinacn " Miss Bessiel returned to Owen Bound with them. ire recent vigil in harm ot a popqu member o' W. 3. Moran. the tstatt, Norman Puckett “a 3.1.. _l, “as spent over the tea 'V. Bell’s group. Three health talks' ,were given by Mrs W. B. Patter', son, Mrs C. W. Amett and Miss Mary S. Bell, R. N., of Toronto who ii, home on holidays. was Jean Firth of the Junlor lnstltute gave.l an interesting review of the girl's conference in Guelph. Mrs. Walter; Ewing gave a tine paper on "Why ll stay on the Farm" Mrs. Nell Mc. Farlane spoke ot the Royal visit. A duet was sung by Mrs T. V. Bell and, Miss Mary S. Bell. Community sing-W ing was enjoyed. Mrs J. Newell prel sided. Visitors were from Sunny-U view Branch. A pleasant half hcuri. I Me at Sauble Beach Thursday even. ,lmz. The presentation of a Norman. ' dy ehimcs. clock was the feature (f r the event. Donald T. Hemlng expres- 1 tted the best wishes of his nanorlates ' to Mr Puckett and welcomed Mm Puckett. The gift was presented by / Harry Watson. After refreshments were served on the beach, the even- ine was concluded In dancing at the' Octagon. ---4%n-'rimets. 1 ___ --_---- jsoum GLENELG w. I. nears AT HOME or Ian M: A A-A----‘ The South Glenelg Women',, luau. lute members and their friends gath- ered in the home of Mrs C. W. Ar. nett Ind enjoyed an esreeNeett pro gram and lunch planned by Mrs T. mr and Mrs J. G, Mnlhoae and Mr: Gritt1n, Toronto, visited Mr and Mrs Andrew Picken. Rev W. H, Hartley and Mrs Ttart, ley. Kinrardtue, were recent visitors with Durham friends. Thursday amending the funeral their cousin. the late Mrs l. Jamleoon formerly Florence " ot Glenelg. Mm Frances- Hay. Brnmptcn, t merly ot Durham , renewed acqua tances in tcwn recently. Mr and Mrs J, " mm...“ - John and Funk Mr P. and son. HOME OF MRS. W. C. ARNETT Shim ia mums his wife 1. Irene in Tomato and his brothers cups. cn, tor. acquain- Vuey MARRIED SAUNDERS - ATKINSON - At the United Church Parsonage, Holland Centre, on Monday June 19th, 1939. by Rev. R. K. Burnside, Minn Maud Atkinson. daughter of Mr and Mrs R T. Edwards, Glenelg Township. to Mr Samuel Saunders, Walters Falls Ontario. . :NGAGEIIENTB I A quiet wedding tcok mum m r...- l The engagement is announced of Anglican rectory. when Rev. M. ll "Anna Jean, daughtel of Mr Hector H. Em oMcinted It the mnmugv R. Malian and the late In; Mat:- of Joule Adeline, niece of Mr and Lean of Pricevllle. to Gulch Jules Urn Arthur lcNdly. and dnugtttov Marshall, Younger non of Mr md In; of the In. Mr uld Mrs Thomas Mr John E. Install, Toronto, the map Natty of Holland, to Ollvor Jumps trim to take oboe quietly early Ill:TOIlI. eldest son at Mr and Mrs Jtthr. {John m or - The bride we: The Gangement ls umounced of attended by her main. Miss Iron" Charlotte Elspeth bedlnxhull, daugh-: ucNally. The mm “as attended ter Mrs minimum of Wesmn and by Ills brother, Harry Tosh. The the late Rev. Ruben B. Udinatuutt,)rride wore pink ttrt over pink MIL to Mr Grant Sanderson Hull, son or"wittt short veil uld carried a butt Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hall, oCquet of white and pink would. *0" Etom, ont., the marriage to lake bridesmaid vul- nttim‘ m mnk w Mme quietly in Weston, July 15. If”, and carried a bouquet of white - _------. (and pink peonier. of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Durham are grateful to Dr D. B. Junieson for the gift of {our altar lights in their church. t A local mixed jltney of eight rinks played Thursday night on the bowt. ling green uni the winner: at the (ml of two games were In; (in Jucksch and Thomas Henderson. j Mr Melbourne McKay of lnwcodl and Mr Ind Mrs Thou. Morton and; dtuagttter of Leann, Saskatchewan are visitors with the farmer’s par- ents, Mr and In Gee. McKay, Ind. with Mrs Morton‘s mother, Mrs [Ll Barber respectively. 1‘ ', David Rottertson, lorltdole, was noted by the Grey County Council to the position ot caretaker for the County Buildings and the North Grey Rey-try Omce. Twenty-six turpiieationa for the poaiticn were rend by the Clerk, Mrs Audrey M. Rutherford, before the ballots were turned in by the council members, eliminating all but tive ot this, field., Mr. Robertson is well-known in, Durham, formerly living on tltr, Thomson form, " Huttcn Hill. Mrs Robertson was formerly Margaret Petty, dwghter of Mr and In: 1115.1 Petty, Nomnby, and before her amnion was on the Cooperative More and here David Robertson Appointed G. Cantata: WI... ONTARIO ARCHlvEs ENGAGE" ENTS HM Putnam Weekly " 82.00 I your In advance. " I)“ sum. 33.50 I year In advance. Peter m, Publish: , PhmosEs'NvAvisc---try Following the mmcny a wedding repast was served at the home or the bride's uncle, Arthur McNally, and 1m Manlly of Glenda. C.P.R. "not Gawain to Midland lad I'm MeN I. leaves Owen Bottnd u 8.30 a. " buck at IO sum. (Sandal tine). “gum: {are $2.00, Secure “out: eulyjmm Daily Sun Times, Owen Sound, or Mohdden's Drug Store, Durham. "sl' Mhur ot Toripto on Friday. Jul) 7th at vo""")""'"" Parlor. All-ur of rorUto P. PM? one-on cams: Yt"t4-MeNALLY Georgian Bay Cruise today. duty HUI, on w“- Mr Me

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