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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1939, p. 2

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'tl a! F. summit-any stolen. Swallowell ms arrested alter he emerged trom . washroom where be was making vain attempt to wash oft the flood-rod stains which were spread- In over " hands Ind on to his than. The powder. according to elm-ms, can”: the main to spread avidly and attempt. to wash it off mate the coior more pronounced John SwallowelL 19. a s'xippiuu curt at the plant. has pleaded ttuD u to the theft ot articles vaiued at {mu "OO, His capture was rottght about by the nae ot "drag ”Mood." which detectives had [pinned on lock: and cabinets from when the goods were being A secret powder has used by london. on. detectives to capture the thief who over a period ot two years was stealing goods trom Pen. Inn's Limited. Secret Powder Used By Lon. don, On... Detectives to Nab car“ of Two Years-Un.. able to Wash Out Stain "Dragon Blood" Captures Thief Fiche.unvn an! farmers mar Belle. ville, Ont.. have prorated to the R.C.A.F. after a "smoke bomb" allegedly landed near their homes. The bomb is alleged to have been released by an R.C.A.P. plane dur- ing a bombing test. The head of that is said to be the bomb and gone fragments of the shell are shown here being held by George Daugherty. anions in ll but damn: immrasurut trrttt of our 'o, Dr. Morgan was admitted to the honorary degree of Doom: ot Luvs. Dr. Morgan said that when he 'iniahcd rollogp it halt~ccrnury ago. “we belt like won-armed soldiers who should become lords of the earth." Today the situation has Human! and "we hope to betomo Canada's (mm-o is imperiiim! un- less its citizens reconcile their in- dividual Interests with the conser- vation of the country's natural MF sources. Dr. Harcourt A. Morgan. chairman ot the Tennessee Valley Authority. said at the annual con- mcniion oxercises ot University of “[99th Ontario. A native of Strathroy, out. and a graduato of University of Toron- Save Ryources, Dr. H. A. Morgan. TVA Head, Urges Citizens of Dominion Bccome Aware of the Need For Conservation rmsonable cam and can be kept on the ordinary farm Mods. More orn'u'lo farmers can well allow] to in"; a "talt Cock of good commer. I-i’sl sheep." Dr. Christie said that a recent mrvey showed the average number a! ewes on tarms ta Central and Wratern Ontario was 12.2 and the urn-age number of lambs 17.3. The “wage lamb price was $7.58 and the average gross income per ewe. with Lamb and wool “winded. "1.83. Farm (locks. while not "large Huey-makers" are proving a satin- tactory part ot a. "good farm plan." the Ontario Sheep Breeders Assoc. mim was told by Dr. G. 1. Christie the president of the Ontario Agri. rnltnral College. Canada Advised hazing cf Them In sans}; y q. I. Christie Adviser, emmla. tolerant of the I I in which We find nurse dammed that they will surubly improved “ban 'rotest Bombing Yield Profits piscs he coo recent he MW. Charles Miner. of Agin- mun. Unt., decided the best way tn stop Worrying about her hus- band when he was painting steep- M‘s was to get up there beside him. Which is one of the reasons why the petite, blonde matron was high up on the steeple of Knox United Chuteh last month dabbing away with a paint brush. . “I like it better than washing dishes," said Mrs. Miner before starting her work. "i'd sooner work up there than do lots of jobs on the ground." 64 Front F, Easy to operate'. Reasonably priced. You can make money xherever there are logs to be rut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co. Limited Worry h, Ended For Woman Steeple jack with Saw. CUT woop FOR PROFIT (x - _ _ -'- --"u Eng muscles. "Look at these arms,” he said. They \"erc certainly in good condition. His colleagues put it down to rowing. but Jones wither, ed than with scorn. "Rowing be hanged," he snort- "ip, Two motorists were heading to- wer-j Toronto. They were zipping alone the highway at some eighty or ninety miles an hour when a policeman ap cared from nowhere un'l fumed tg’cm over to the run-h "What's they naked Crvilization is that state of affairs in which money is col. ieeted from women who make up their face. and tint their nails, in order to sex-2d mission. shes abroad to teach the sav- agn nut to do the “me, , 'C"ur-I acrobat of Quebec Once twisted bi. legs round his neck. Like a fool he forgot How to loosen the knot--. Am! new be]. a oositive, unri- Leaving Sussex 'ones came beck from his fort. You've Noticed That when a motorist atom, Moi: and listens, thero is remaking wrong with his en- gine. --.-- Have Yd: Heard 3" in were hugliday proud of his" bulg. Wide Portable Drag be Hanged," he snort- them pulling tish up." he'a I positive wreck? them over to the curb. the matter, "meer?" "Were we driving too answered sareastically ttying too Pow.” Sussex. NJL. Their Majestios are picurcd here on the rear platform of the royal train as they waved farewell Their Mic-ties Wave A Royal Farewell t The United States' cotton crop is four times as tig as its second agricultural cvop--wheat. “One hundred and titty miles an hour on tt properly constructed highway can easily be safer than is 50 miles an hou- on many roads where that speed is legal today." cur; automatic speed changing and a relative decrease in the amount nf lubricating oil used. Motors in the Rear William S. Canning, another Philadephia engiiwor envisioned er rnzttni mmtt-uctim: or 1i5Wmile.an. hour highways cutting through big cities on elevated structures. accel- erating and decelerating lanes for cars to enter or leave the high speed t-hnnnels in suburban or in. ter-city centres. and eventually open roadways screened on both sides by evergreen hedges to pre- vent the attention of drivers being diverted to tho scenery i He asserted automobile makers could build cars tlow that Would travel at that speed but said pro- duction necessarily must await de- telcpnwnt ot suitable highways. Suitable Highways Needed As probable changes in auto. mobiles the next decade. (Hayden listed higher cylindt r impression which would call tor an increase in the anti-knock quality ot {4:150 lino; the building of motors into tho rear instead ot the from of the "ii," I. T , ww‘ H o as "t a /(i'ii, iiijl' c. "(a _ "'/: I I 'v,) f _-. (i)' 'lli* ' _ -" " 'i,. a V r 'illllllIl “3’ @ , ,. , LI rl I ' HM tl I li.' /i' tl) " k .. t B, W t) l L “it: w A. Ludlow Clayden. Philadelphia engineer, told the World Automo. bile Engineering Congress at San Francisco he expected to "live to the time when speeds ot 200 miles an hour on rails and 1.50 miles on automobile highways “in be com. monplaee." TireҤt3'n$ CHAMPION m- new angry-Lock cord; are helm advanced method of Gun-Dipping. It grater aren’t}: no“: - safety. mun! approval. Car cheniwerywherc aiGuiiTit "ii"". Tai, kind of tin with I combination of safety feature: never before offered. Look at than “Inning”: The Only Tin Mad. with In New Safety-l _ _ - ”and Boar-Grip Tread iyetyrtrrort, 5-}â€" Engineer Predicts 200 M.P.H. on Rails and 150 on Roads Soon Pouible Greater Auto Speeds ill 'tere', cam-Quin I durum: with Safety-Lock Cord Body Gear-Grip Tread cords are locked together by a new and Run-Dipping. It adds 35% "reogth--and nun-lg- -e-- Clifford Chambers Max, claimed to be the biggest bull in Brimin, weighs 1% tons, and is owned by Mrs. Graham Race-Mom; of Strat- ford-on-Avon. an aftermath ot tender. nutritious herbage. Live stock will consume the mown grass it it I, left lying on the ficld, although they do not relish this coarse material before it is cut. age in as palatable and nutritious a condition as possible. close graz- ing to prevent worse growth is es- sential. Under eastern climatic cot> tiitions the rate ot growth of ms- ture herb” , is not uniform throughou‘ the growing SOQSOIL Fol- lowing a rapid rate of growth front early Spring; to about the middle ot Juno, there is'usually A decided decline and relatively slow growth through midsummer. with a slight recovery In the early Pall. The method of " 'uriu': optimum utiliz- ation of heebagi under these com ditions depgnds on ‘the, number of stock carried. Where there is in- sufficient stock to graze the Spring growth ot herbage uniformly. mow- ing the pasture is advisable to pre. rent a coarse stand ot mature plants. Mowing when. the, grasses are Just heading out will promote Close Grazing to P r e v e n t Coarse Growth Is Essen- Keeping Pasture Herbage Edible 6.-Use the vsahlérfrériyus the in- vitation. This rule applies to any invitation. -f.-Sorv.e:imes the gifts are shown only to relatives and close Iriemls, a few days before the wedding. Others, however, let all the guests at the reception view the gifts, a special room being set aside for displaying them. 2.-- "Thunk you," is sufficient. ll.-. Yes, at least one dish should be hot. 4.---No, According to the old proverb, "Go into the country to hear what news is in town," it would seem that there is more gossip in the county. 6.---it is a cookery term meaning, fried lightly and quickly in a little hot fat, while being frequently turn- ed. Pronounce so-ta, o as in so. a as'in take, accent last syllable. In order to mop pasture h 5.---What does the French word saute mean? t;.--What farm should one use to acknowledge a garden party imitation? 4.--isn't it true that there is less gossip among country people than in_1he city? 3.--Should one 5crve hot dish- es at a summer luncheon. 2.--When one has illness in the family and a'friend says, "I am sorry," what response should be made? 1.-What ruiis applies to a bride displaying her wedding gifts? ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Answer: tial a“ MRS. P. DARRELL. CHOIR" bee. bought 101 Bray Chle Spring. She Mill har, IM. "hick:- no the kind that Min and men on tiv!nr. Watch"): Ttf, John Street. Hamilton. orttnrio. my mu Y HIGH - --__- .....n-rnur IT “HICI‘.q Fast growth, early maturity. rou- piptent layers. The kind of which: that will mnke money tor you. Bray Hntohery, 130 John Street. North. Hamutlh-6ntdiii'. .m ounce ants. Heavy Breeds 39.25. Pullers 813.45. Cookers]: 39.00. Leghnrns "mt. Pullets $18.45. Old. " pullers. Panama, Prompt 'tenv. ery. Baden Eleetrio Phiok Han-h- ery, Limited, Baden, Ontario. ,__...,..,....c neul. I1 88.45. 9" per rent. Pullers "rrekerco 88.00. Leghorn: Pullrts $14.M, Corkeret. tto Egg Quality hatched from 30 ounce FEES. Heavy Bread: [an QUALITY GOVERNMENT Approved which: from bloodtesC rd hrstders at rock bottom prices, effevtive July tth, Standard qual- ity Barred Rocks. White Rockn. Nuv Hampshire Reds Hybrids "V "tt nu- ---» " .. - _ WWW-m. “an. l‘ullots 816.75. L'uckmeis 83.00 Extra Pro. (It Grade the kind that weigh two pound. per hundred more. Heavy Breeds 310.95, Pullets $15.90. Cookers]! 89.00. Lezhorns 81015. Pulletn 319.90. Ask about our three week old anneal. and older pallets. Twaddle Chick Hutcherlen. Limited. Fergus. Ont. "_-----, A ST unTFitTs-7-; V 7.. ‘l»nlll‘ l novernmnm Approved Chicks at rock bottom priccv. Grade A Bar. rrd Rooks. New Hampshire Rede, White lint-ks. Hybrids $8.M, M {wr rent. Pultetk 812.75. Cooker- "le sum Leghorn:- 88.45. Pulleu $16.75. L‘uckmeis $3.00. Extra I'ro- tlt Grade tho m...- J“ _ ' I‘USlTlVELY “mow: these In rm.- montlt rum: dull}; t HELP FOR CROSSED EYES Por years, doctors have treated Victims of sim'iismus (cross-eyes or wail-eyes) by strengthening the imbalanced muscles responsible for their condition. A new exercising device tor the cross-eyed in now on the market - the stereo orth~ optic, which gives the affected eyes a notrttttigtting workout by the use of sureoscopic images and a com- piimted rigging of lights, rum-02's and Imus ,V ....,u. lullull mmnhs old June delivery Send ,\'nur order to--r, I'm-Nu Farm, Weln "to... 0-1. M '_'.N. 'FR-rr" "CF$rTorn Ct'0yh, P.trvdc, rum any old corkvrrls Imrrcd “(mks run) Rock lcghorn wrusS "reeds. 1500 March In [Ian-led Pullout. Large Type White Leghorn! mix- rd under ideal conditions. 4 mnnHm r.I.I '---» . ‘- Jul“: tlte?. kind you‘re looking tor this Mme of JPUP, Excollcnt tor both (mm and mm: production. 4 use!“ old mallet. nor. ug. horny and Rock Leghorn crows Brads: also day old corkvrels rim-red Hanks and Rock lcghorn “his: lum‘n‘. “ H At'.. “LA‘ I\HI‘IAD~'. PIMI'IJ'J~ A nur: TYPE WHITE LEGHORNS. 7:: ruling, 15c: Rock Leghorn t'l'rr.trs hrvody. Iiv; Pullers loc.. Bar. ted Rock. T:. 2 weeks old chicks, . A.) A . -". . v. - "tun-1 UNI CHIC will 4-'. "on: beginn- (rou “reed (Illa “Wt tltr: kind youve looking I thire Mme of 30.112 Exam-m r CHIPS] Hr. Wilda G. Pentield ot Mont- real NorologicaI Institute last week told ot curing epilepsy. com- monly known as 'tits" by surgery: iiiiii 'cu, :. '39 WAR ON VIRUS DISEASES Scientific investigate” trom all parts ot America are preparing to virus diseases which plague manki launch a united attack on the kind. Meeting in Harvard's School ot Public Health last week they pooled all the available informa- tion on smallpox. yellow (ever and infantile paralysis. and the closely allied "rickettsial" diseases. Tho Tints vl':seases--distiitguish- rd from those caused by bactcu0-- are 51056 for \Vhivh there is no known cure The only hope is to be able to perfect ulccitlts with “hit-h to malt" trcman bcings and pnintals immune from them. NIH“ CURE EPILEPSY BY SURGERY Erban and Vanguard The Ontario report said there wns’a "tremetMioug" demand for (Than and vangulurd oats varieties this may. ily nun} Ct".cryrtr,, I'l ”Mn Overproductlon ot registered sec-d wheat in Alberta [all year had brought hardships to seed grower- of that province but reports from other branches including Quebec. Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. indicated more satisfactory conditions although wet weather spoiled seed crops in Eastern Can. mm. Oat growing in Western and Cen. tral Ontario was reported to be pu- sing through a transition period with farmers switching to rust re. sistam varieties, according to a re port presented to the Canadian Seed Growers' Assoelatlon convex» tion in Victoria. last week. Ontario Farmers Changing Oats They’te Switching to the Rust.. Resistant Varieties What Science is gs Doing , ‘lrn r-Skin PRICE P, 0:1th G, --- KTRA-PROFIT “HICKS .... ..._...N . - ,__ "'_".. V. n- " 101 Bray Chicks this e wttit ha. IM. Bray ' the kind that arriv» Web on tiv!nr. Bray Ttf, John Street. North. .._..,.1‘ "nu crttrrisi rent. Pullers 311.45. O. Leghorn: 87.95, Corkeret. $3.00. Bin I'Wttf...rrdrit th to Fr IUARANTEED TO unsightly blemishes rosin“: only a few icitptific double-no- rroutAtGii,Go'v'i nnklet. Clea r~Skin Victoria. Itc. HIGH 9 r? MTV Luke! lo " In Exec". are- Io. --_- NU2W AND REBUILT MA of every d.eetiotiG22i; 'lu,ri.nes-electA7, (non unic'n teolt-rbettiU,J.' larger: machinery house can The A. It. Williams I ~.'ompany. lumited, a. 1 West, Toronto. START ANYTHIE WITH lO-dute system. Govern onsed. Free Information Barber School. H2 Que East, Toronto. ---- CREPE-TEX BATHING SUITE " Cum 35c. posmnld. Red, White. and Canary. Send for rataluxue. vanes. rubber sundries Ray Bald. Wm, Marlin. Untnrlo. k HACIIINEIll UNI-J MONTH ONLY wry offer. M1001”: every order, Roll 'ight prints. Ropri Send order, when thirty you)". Mull AMAZING OFFER -. Would you like a " tail Value Made to absolutely free tor of your ware time! for full details. The puny. handle Bldg" 'i"----."-;..'-"""-'?", ,‘fi FREE ENLARGEMENT WIT] my roll him developed and mm: glass prints 25c. 3 en punts 25c. Reprints Same lirightlinu Studio. 29A Incl m. East. Toronto. Classified...... Advertising.- V. ....‘.--‘.u|. Ill" (nurty cents. Mull order depart- ment. Cruphil‘ Film Servilce. 247% Damian kt.. London. Ont. Enab- llshad 1920. A'o'TidttN MIN' “nut, dark r and unit val; Forms Point, . 00/1va 1ii?tkratdiue'it,it For quick relief from itching d on... timpltr, Ids- my. foot, talc-I. scabies, "ahee and tthue 'txtermllr causal dun "whim use world-hum. coolxu. anu- u-mie, In uid D. D. D. Preemption. Grey-lens. thanks. 100611- irritation uni auicklv Ihml mum. nun“. we mm mule proves“. or mom- . buck. Ark tow am today " 'Ehh".'r"r'Gu1%dll, skunks. Boome- irrituuiiiGirafr' au7iiiiiiiii7, 1tyas_15ttr'tltmut wore-itermx lat-9k m Dentists will hold the spotlight in public health improvement dur. ing the next 10 years. Dr. Eudora Dubeau, dean of the faculty of den. tistry or the University ot New tx-eal told the Association des Chir. urgiena Dcnlistes de Langue Frau- caise de 1'Amcvique du Nord con. wmion In Montreal. Dr. Dubeau welcomed 400 den- tists from Canada and United States to the three-day convention. "The importance ot good teeth is bcyond the public'a belief." Dr. Dubeuu stated. "The appalling neg- ligence which has marked the care ot teeth in the past 10 years will people's health have disastrous Dentists Will Hold Spotlight In Public Health Improvement During the Next Ten Years, It is Predicted The Boy Scouts of Saskatoon have been given the responsibil- ity this summer of protecting the trees on the city's boulevards from damage suffered in previous years. It is'expected that the are given the trees by the Boy Scout: will have a desirable educational (fleet upon the younger children who have been largely responsible for the damage done. Boy Scout circles are waiting with some concern to learn wheth- er General Franco will dish-rid the Boy Scouts of‘Spain, " his been done in other dictator coun- tries. Representative Boy Scouts from all parts of the British Isles to the number of 1,000 gathered at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. on St. Georee's Day, for the an- nual ceremony of re-M1rmintt their Scout Premise, They were reviewed by the King and Queen in the castle quadrangle. ”may MRI-name "We could not feel that this grout exposition-international in character " it is. Ind represent- ing all the social and economic needs of our country-would be complete if we did not have this Scout camp," declared President Grover Whalen of the New York World's Fair at the opening of the fair's Boy Scout camp site. Rover Scouts will this summer supervise the playground. nation of the new Central Park " m. Thomas. In return the Rovers will have the use of 1 park build- ing as a "Rover Dem" .u.\ il',l"'h--t'Ito0UCE'.Ht; OF t, dark pelts. Write for prices unit values. Herbert Sears, H. PM... “L... n -- FILMS "Fn 'lotto H. ...‘ ...- system. Government lic- F'ree Information. Modern School. H2 Queen Street )rnn'n Ft 'ahtti "r" l-IIAH'L‘H 'FRR'R' sun FIIEBL'ILT MACHINERY [lupin-501'».- L Pm hint. Shem; ea ”EFF“ 4m; ".llrPir-v.esyrrcrri:TtT; FOR gnu: DIN IZLUI'INL a SHIN. " pen - ..-_n‘. " nu: or Williams Machinny "ted. N Front bi, " It‘s ONLY, INTRODUC- 10 enlargement. wlth Roll dexeloped and Itt'printe 10 prints. advertisement and ‘39.” order depart- t a"ryptfe-ter"it'e1 to Measure Ell" .et.o.t.t.ir.) mue "--t"tHert, Ind [no to ru~mech. ar. l ‘unudn'. house; _W rite or " WP“; iiiii; ' Hudson Com. " Montreal." results upon the mm In; Ind my" 8 enlarged AN UP. ne Itrit?ese. Richmond 'Mt '..N stir . um nun; Nhnt FUL'NULANIJ STAMPS. 4n ten-M We. catalogue \uluc I Price Inu- tttrrtirheir.Licu. 's' men, lhn‘ond, Newfuuudlnnd "="a=r=.eEeHaa"ac.t'.v-'i"Lrr, PURE Bill-II) GREAT I.InnÂ¥ tB-___.. w mu} “an WV _..V.- n... unnl'h l-‘Ult .my car or truck. 950 (-116 up. livery tire xuuuuueed. U-I lac gallon and up. 1ttstterirk. etc. new. on united. Write for tree hur- xuln price Hum order:- mum-4. Buy with eytttidence, from mm- ud-‘n Ina-cent rein-den. Norm-k Tire Company. no: “I. Ill-128 Kin. Wes't. "autumn. unmade. tF YOU WANT Me romantic "WWW. write: -ho,lti.yLtojliii%, wu y 11"tryt mun , , "-.ri"'r_""----.-----. , . T _ _ ' Qt.” T0Bau'ctA MN”- F, LAMLL iy.tttttetiGTi.' Home nemedy. Tea- Umonlnlu. Guanine“. Advice fret. mun“..- "-- . .-. _ tritseedii " L l Ontario. Malaw- T_-----.- -‘ mu ARE INTERESTED IN A good renewed piano at A bargain price write tor delvrmu‘vo In” with prion. forwarded tree on re?. Iwelt. Huntsman und Co., 195 Lolita tltreet Torn-"'- HAY FEVER - od Sun". Ple "Nieves all Ct H A Y t 7,-...-.._.... was. 1.1M) "Arm. Anlucid Tablet!" for quick rend. 85c box, I buxcu $1.00.“ Arm. Producu. 3159 Oxford Are,, Montreal. Que. The pains and stittnesc ot" . autism we often caused by acid crystal- in the masclvs joints. The numerous salts, Kruschen assist in 1timulatin, internal organs to heaithy , hr activity. and help than t iminate excess uric acid. - -eV - "u... ..',., citation. Heartburn. liars, "Arm. Artteeid Tatum." r., - ._.-........ "".rNUTee free. nullen'l. 80! l by Knuchen Here is a noteworthy "ls. run- of the manner in whieh damp wr'. ther an ntreet the joints of m.- who is subject to rheumatic man "t had been trutfering from rl" la. matism very badly," a 1mm tvr"ttoc "and had such pains in my Fini, that I could hardly bear It. m. " wet day especially.' It plum-d m. terribly to use my arms, and I was hardly able to “ark. I mu! two dilferent remedies, but I m.»- still as bud after the treatment "Then I was told to try laun- chen Salts. which quickly brought relief. So of course I have in” on with it, tutd I am n-nv .qu h better and have never nl lit) w for years. I used to feel FJ um ample and sluggish, but Du“ H ', 4lt1tY-tMutruotrsoe Tu CHIXIFL from. Many wllb Ina-mm. Funn- ertf daughters. Widow. mm Property. l’lrlleuiurn the. con- Menthl. no: 128 Comer). AV he”... ,,_, V. _'..06l in: mushrooms tor us lites hpuwn. Pree spa "oxen. Information I: and instrur,tions um. Drodype. Aipatytian P,:, Mica. Hole A lmpnrrm. " Rheumatic Pains Re.sievc,..', AY FEVER. R0853 l-‘l3\ lull rerun. Money Back If. randy. Canada Herb co.. ““01!qu tarlo. ARMS USELESS ()!)l h WET DAY Dr. Robert her, Hitler's tut-total Labour Front leader, has told 3,000 Civil Servants at Frankfox t. ott..Win that "Germany is a pals. dire and the German wonk- Lin Choir of Angels." _-""""------ TIRES AND HETHHAIRV FUR Elf an- »...,.L an y9NTyitw [PW M- _.__.,,..,... w. Insure to be able to a» u"... . 1tGiiiuF%11%, .00" maul nu Pt " Hm nemumnn and (in 5"er Toronto. --..'-==2 " and! a gtgtttttttt silky chum. tobacco, this Men's Fine Cut, The kind thath out to roll right and to smoke right. was. mo. your-mvm chm Oodcn's and they pick the but papers too -, "Vega." or "Cttarttsctor". ruse} um“: Hitler’s Angels "rst"tooN_ "'a “Pi "Ell MIN A t. l “E“. E A "I Fo" Ill-B " El)“ ' Al. AN AFifbtCTto.N. trqettuurt, um. Mary Let. "Ir-o, pron! DALE r DAM: mi.' lem " Female-- Bank. Ateomu, (In ARD> Ail! D INDL 1vuriiifeir", " I'll"- c “550; wor M Take tx u ttrt 'It Tra

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