West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1939, p. 1

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Emil "o Irtrt DAV "In SOUND '0ttt non a let able CALL lit, rail' UNES Wi first Fen " ate 'PP", both equal and both high. The host at Linn-mum was Matthew O'. Fan-tell. of Separate School Section No. m Normanby, taught by Nina Amws Quinlan, and the best Math- Hnatwinn in the Iaspet'tcrate was Phyllia \uughan, the geld medalist and champion pupil of the Inspector- tin-y and "utrerin Counties Agri. cultural and Forestry Devin. are combining in holding a Forestry Field tray next Wednesday, July 19th. to which rural and urban municipal louncils, as well as many representative citizens, have been united. The delegates all meet at Hon. Dr. Jamiesont sum» mer Mme at Wilder's Like at 10.30 a. m., and until 12.00 noon. will inspect his forestry plantation. “uh Smith (any). I The Preacher distinguished be TM “,4, sxrittw in the t,srfe,t1'.2,'"' mum: and (left',, mp? .:h- “a; Ititrit. Fritz. of the Neustadtf ty were new y an neg ry mmw sum] “mum by Mr Roy fellow citlzens, loyal Canadians, and “mun. Nettstudt. The best swllersl'e'zo‘: It'.:',',""::,",',',",',',:.,,',',',"': the '""11 \‘u-l‘o- Hubert H:ty, of the nurhami'"" mung an K ting error. n Putrtir ylrhool. taught by Mr Nobloi‘h" latter :;rfa:enth¢; "tlt,2 CC',,') lim‘tlnn Wricir. tit' V. s, R. No. t.P"'n “ms spr ua: am ere . I u Ah ”mum, taught by Miss ":,eai"t"v'.,t"/ the armour of Truth. meat I'luuuull, and mm Wylie, of No.,LiVInx. Peace on earth, goodwill h Euphzusin, (who wrote at Mark-P""""' men; the shield 'fJ1td mm, and “as taught by Miss '.l1""' all doubts', the helmet of " va. Murray), All of the above otrtainedition; and the sword of the Spirit, run marks. ly wrrd of God. The Preacher said. The best at Grammar are Gordon.“ have recommended old [cushioned “in.” {ml 'do',',','.' Well-n .the In] tuthtinF 'rear, " old fatshioned as the lvr of Hanover, taught by Mr Ma~anuwl or3estta Christ, I,", 1Sr1t,',1 now. both equal and both high. The,“ Hit, femon on hthe i on]: '.... ",'i',t. boa-1 At Literatttro was Matthew o'. as etteetive '"',2f ii Q 'e',,)',',:"',',',',') Farm-IL (If Separate School Section le as Truth. n: S! Cain". error No, In Nurmanby. taught by or,""'!'"'""'!--" p 95 'I',')",',', th b , Aunts Quinlan, and the best Mattt/and . a demonstration” o ru . y ”mun-inn in the 1itsrreetcrate waa,eonststent Godly lives. inspect his forestry plantation. human and deer preserwa and tish hatchery. Lunch will be served In a large tent and with Warden J. A. Davis as chairman, addresses are to be given by Hon. E. C. Drury. ex- premier of Ontario, “on DrJamleaon ms C. Marphail M.P. and P. R. other. M. L. A. . At 1.30 all will leave for an in- spection of Grey County Forest, And at I'..15 for ratfrerin Co. Fkrrest.south of Creemore. At 6.00 p. m. n ham attret wilt be held In Mansfield, to u addressed by Rune“ T. Kelly, wanton: Prof. Coventry of I'm- _ ot Toronto: W. H. Porter. 1-601: and Earl Me, M. P. Anyone wishing to one the tour 1. welcome. Registration fee is " um) entitles the holder to both a. lunch and banquet. The highest standing in the entire Inspectorate was Phyllis Vaughan. n mm thirteen year old girl trom No. r, "hm-Ix. (taught by Miss Elva Horn), who heads the Honour luv, heats the Inspectorate, and wins the "r. Jamieson Gold Medal. A, Hose- mum-run was Phyllis Ron berm. " twolw year old girl trom, No .5 Uspro-y, whc was taught by, Miss Jeanette McNicol. (For exam-l maumn purposes Osprey comes in with South Grey). I From the " townships, Arte- vuesia, Bentineh, Egremont, Glands, Normanby. Proton, a total of Itt'o wore prepared. or this number " were giwn their standing on their year's work, and the other 139 mint». "t those who wrote 66.8 per I'o-nl passe-d and 31 won honors, partly on their year's work and partly on the written examination, cr' [6.7 per cent. l, Prom the six urban centres, Han- over, Neumadt, Durham, Markdale, "tesherton, lmndalk. there were 126 pupils Prepared, of whom 66 obtain- ed their standing in their year's "ore, and the other 60 wrote. Ot lhose who wrote " passed, or 81.16 per Cent.. and 33 candidate won lwnour», partly on their year’s work and partly on the written cumin? ation, or 26.2 per cent. i Ilblil' Sc-llrcl, taught rown. Neustadt. The ere Hubert Hay. ot work. or the other 199, all ot whom! had to write. 142 paused, or Tt.r ver cent. I or; In the South Grey is!" in alt. recent E1 may be Mr Pentland, the Sthools for South I the following "sr-.., Clenelg (lid Wins Dr. Jaaism/s llklsal VOLUME LXVI, NO. 27 nt Entranco Examination, which be interesting to our readers. the entire Inspectorate or h Grey, there were 3It candid- in all. of whom HZ were allow. their atnndinx on their year's mm for South Grey, sends us following information about the m Entruncoi Examination, which Field Day Wednesday Inspector ot The Preacher clcsed with the ex. hertation of Peter: “Sammy the Lerd God in your heart: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is In you with meekness" Miss Iona Cluchey has been tsue. ('esst'ul in passing with honors her Rrade the piano examination, Tcron- to Conservatory of Music. Miss Cluchey is a pupil of Mrs. G. R, Pad. field. Girls“ Ball Club Gives up. "W" "m """"""”‘ ”W“ ‘" "'W' Durham Girls' Halt Clulb has de. Delrreeve Hopkins ot Bentinak tiderd to amp out of Tri-County had enquired what Durham was go- lmzuvue competition, after playing ing to do about keeping up its mm 1mm? only. The team wasuev- share of road on south line Ben- tt' really entered, as no organizatlcn tinck. which borders the southerly had been effected, or omcers elected. limit of the town. Council agreed Swami of the experienced players it would have to be re gravelled. retired, and {or a new team to con- Council instructed the clerk to tinue against experienced clubs, was write tr' Mr. Longworth of the long- out of the qturstion. worth Millinz Co. and tudt what he BORN and smell nuisance to the south end MOOREMIn humani hospital, on ot the town, which he had promised Monday, July Nth, to Mr and Mrs. tr remedy. Clarence Moore, Egremont, a so“. --- -.- llASTlE-ln Durham hospital, July 5th, to Mr and Mrs Alex. Hastie. a Angus Hooper of Gienelg sullen-ed a daughter. serious Ion last week. On Tuesday McDONNBL]. --ln Durham hospital. in a thunder norm early in the even- on Saturday, July Sih, to Mr. and in: one of his horse. m in g Mrs w. McDonnell, I daughter. field not far from the barn was killed RCrHERWmo--an Durham hospital. by lightning. Friday, when working on Thursday. July 6th. to Mr. and in the har. Just on they got to the Mrs 1” Rutherford, . Son. horn with a load one of the tum KNAPP - In Hanover, on Snturdly dropped dead. Death mu conned by July I. to Mr Ind Mrs Norma“ the very mt heat of the dar. The, Knapp (nee Meriet tannin), . loss in more serious owing to the daughter. busy won of the you. 1 After welcoming the Orangemen _‘and briefly sketching the history and Henson for the founding, and tor the _continuance of the Order, Mr Priest lunnounced that his topic was "The 'True Protestant", and chose for his 'text Rphmians 6:1t)-12, “Finally, my Ibrt-thren. be stroll: in the Lord, and iitt the power ot his mi-rght, put on the ;'\'.‘hoin armcur " God, that ye may be :able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against bash and blood, but against princi- palities. against powers. against rut. 4-rs of the darkness of this world" against spiritual wickedness in high places." i The Pastor of the Durham Baptist icrmrch, Rev. J. T. Priest, B. A., !preaehed to a. capacity Church last (Sunday morning. The occasrcn was the visit of the Orangemen of Durham and vicinity. An excellent Fife and Drum Band from Mount Finest with their beautiful banner and brilliant uniforms. led the procession to the Church. Orange Smite Held at Baptist Church Some 12,000 people, and 59 lodges 'paradlng, with several bands also, ‘thronzed Owen Sound Streets on l\\'edneuday for the celebration of "the glorious 12th." Tobermory Lodge won the prize for coming greatest distance-74 miles. Allan Park, Glen- elg, Louise, Swlnton Park and part of Durham Lodge were there, while (them from Durham. also Varney and North Etrrement lodges paraded in Arthur. A vast crowd also packed Arthur's streets, where 33 lodges marched. The parade lasted " hrs. _ Local Orangeman Celeluate Tax Rate for 1939 it, (l. st.1ti. and Mb" Lowered ll Mills (Em itil arltlim tIto itttt Dustlayer applied on unpaveu County link streets was another problem. some ratepayers asking for it. It casts 3c per foot to apply same. Council voted to cooperate tsith property owners who want it on their street, by paying le per foot of cost, and property owners on each side cf street to pay 1c per foot. with minimum charge ot $1.00, Council instructed the clerk to urns» it Mr. Longworth of the Long- worth Milling Co. and ask what he intends " do to abate the smoke and smell nuisance to the south end or the town, which he laid promised tr remedy. Chairman G. McKay of Bd. ot Wcrltg said the grass cutting on the streets had been a heavy prob. lem, with so much rain. Complaints were made about sand on laneway leading back to Murdock's barn be- ing washed dcwn on to sidewalk and pavement. General accounts ot $610.60 were passed, including 8101.50 hospital accounts, also Relief accounts total- ling $90.08. ' M. G. Calder, pres. ot the Bus- iness Men's Assn, asked permis- sion to hold a street dance on July 2", which was granted. The Fire & Light Commission are to arrange with Utilities Com. re lighting, at nc expense to Council. Mr SF. Fingold, manager of Roxy Theatre, Mt. Forest. wrote Council that is he giving up Durham theatre on Wed nights. as it is not a paying venture. As the year's lease is not up until Nov. 30th. Council request- ed Clerk to notify him that he would have to comply with it and pay hall rent for the term. The Clerk was authorized to ord. er copies ot 1938 and 1939 statutes. Robt. Mightcn applied for refund of his dog tax, the dog dying three days after he had paid it. However payment had been a coupie months overdue, and Clerk Is to advise lim taxes cannot be refunded. the through street Residents ot Albert and Elgin Sts. south, petitioned the Council to have a stop sign erected at corner at Albert and Saddler Sta. (one block east of _Pord Garage.) It was referred to the Board of Works, with the recommendation that the, stop Sign be erected there tor It'.) and west tratre, making Albert St. The reduced rate may be credited to the High School; estimates are $1000 lower than in 1938, and a de. benture for the school building, was on June 1Bt all paid up, saving a pay- ment of $1173.40 annually. The two' items mean , htills less on the rate. l “UNCIW " "III” Dr. A. M. and Mrs, Bell, Alvin. ------ . I ston, wish to announce the engage- Striking the 1939 tax rate was theiment of their sister, Jessie Eliza- main item of business before Due' beth Bell, daughter ot the late Mr. ham Council on Monday evenirur.ltPd Mrs. John M. Bell, Glenelg, to After considerable discussion, 49%'Mr. Robert Fteturiek Mann, of Tor. mills was decided upon, which isllgjm‘m, son'ot Mr and Mrs. John Mann mills below 1938 rate. Of this the ot Stafford- Finland, the marriage the Government subsidy this year is,‘ to take place about the middle ot iv; mills, leaving a 48 will rate torHut. i, the town. As the assessment at Miss Elsie McNaughton of Willows: $660,543 is down somewhat, due to Sash, is visiting at the homes ot heri the drastic cut allowed the Stone &'uunt, Mrs John Kerr and her uncle,l Sand .Co., all by-law and fixed ratesI Mr. Wm. McNaughton, and a mmrl 1are up slightly. 'rturCounty Levy her of other near relatives andi (83900) is somewhat lower, requir- friends in the vicinity. Miss Me-l in: a 5.90 rate, Public School emu»! Naughton is a. daughter of the late, ates (86,000) have a 9.08 rate and'Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNaughton. I High School (83500) a 5.32 rate] Mr Wm. Renwick has gone to Chi-f The General rate IS 11.47 mills. 1,,1' htr " nnnnln " man‘s: I WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT,, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1939 Misses Catherine and Ina Milne or Toronto, are visiting with their moth. er here. Mrs. Jas. Turnbull 'entertained a large number of old neighbors and fliends Friday evening in honor ot her 'ron-in-law and daughter, Mrand Mrs David Hustle, who were recently married. “"1" Misa Katharine Baird ot Saskatoon Soak, Miss Evelyn Baird of Toronto, and Mrs A. J. McQueen and little daughter Evelyn Joan, ot Hamilton. are visiting with their mother, Mrs. A. Baird. Miss Maude Storrey, of the local telephone staff, attended a Bell Tele. phone picnic in London Friday last. Miss Mary Whitmore of Toron'vo, is visiting her cousin. Mrs Roy Law- rence this week. Mrs H. E. Langley reterneu to To rcnto Monday after visiting for scme months with her sisters, Mrs. Jack Ray, Dornoch, and Mrs W. J. Moran. Rarrlster and Mrs Campbell Grant of Walkerton, are away on a six weeks' tour of the European contin- ent. During his absence, Barrister Chas MeNab will attend to Mr Grant’s practice. “Bill" Lawson spent the weekend at Lawrum Lodge. Orillia. Rev. P. W. Davis ot Chatsworth. preach in Trinity Church, Durham, next Sunday morning 'and at Bt. Paul's, Egremcnt anniversary, after. noon and evening. Mrs. P. Haygarth and Miss Mar. garet Farr of Windsor: visited over the week end at the Rectory. Miss Elsie McNaughton of Willows Sash, is visiting at the homes ot her aunt, Mrs John Kerr and her uncle, Mr. Wm. McNaughton, and a num- ber of other near relatives and friends in the vicinity. Miss Me- Naughton is a. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNaughton. Mr Wm. Renwick has gone to Ulu. cam for a couple or weeks. i Rev. C. D. Farauharson, B. A., B. D., nephew of the late Rev Dr. "rmtharson, was formally inducted the iiaatorate of Meatord United Church last Thursday evening. the Shop Work, install. and service it after it has been set up. Mr. Domicily is a specialist in High School work, who is in close touch with the Dept. of Education, and knows what is re. quired. All will be in readiness be- fore school reopens. Some new wiring connecting the main part with tho new addition, will also be completed during the next month. The High School Board has gtven the contract to the Jas. T. Donnelly Co. of Toronto, to supply the neces- sary machinery and equipment top Beginning in September, the two new Courses, Shop Work and Dome:- tic Science 'will be taught in Durham High School, thus giving students the benefit of practical work and experi- once along lines that will probably be much more useful to them in after life, than some of the subjects which have been taught on the curriculum. New Equipment for High " Being Installed I ttered wrist and bruises. All were tak. ieu to Braeetrridtre hospital for treat. ment. According to hospital oftleiats IMrs HndIay's condition is not seri- ;ous, but Mr Scott, who was driving [his car, will be an invalid tor weeks. The Emsdale garage man said the collision Jammed the cars togethm so strongly that wrecking crews had a hard job tc separate them. Although a police report was not immediateiyi nvailhle, the garage man said thei collisim occurred when one car got, out of control, struck a guard rail.) and bounced back into the highway‘ in the path of the other. ' _ --- "w"; The news that Mr G. C. Webster, ", Returning from a visit to “shovel manager of the Canadian Hank daughter in North Bay, Mr John“: Commerce, is netirng from bus- Beret ot North Egremont had his ilip‘ iness lite at the end or July, t'Oateti fractured; Angus Houseman ct Pviee. as a surprise to the citizens. Mr. ville, his brother-in-law, his left. leg Webster is yet tt comparatively leg fractured ; while his sister. Mrs young nun, but his eyes have been J. M. Findlay of Toronto, is suffering failing somewhat. And when offered from shcck and bruises, as the result _ retirement now with I comfortable of a head-on crash at Bunnie, north I pension for the balance of In“ life. of Huntsville, on Tuesday. Three To_iu('ccpted it, believing hat a rest mnto youths. aged IR, 17, and 16, in; from perusing books. papers and the other car, escaped with a numledgers shoud beneitt his eyes. He tured wrist and bruises. All were ink-l win trtlil mnside in Durham, hower. en to Bracebridge heapital for treat-i0": as he owns hit, home hem. Att ment. According to hospital omeiasi,"ereurrtreatnuer of the Library Suffered Fractured Hip in Head-on Crash Mr Webster was transierred to Durham from Tee-water eight years ago. During his term here, he has been active In promoting the bank's business and hes been I public-spu- ited citizen. serving on High School Board, and identifying himself with any community Iwelfare movement. The citizens in genernl will congrat- ulate him on a well-earned rest with security. Succeeding Mr Webster here will be Mr. M. A. lnnes, or Market Branch of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto. who comes highly mom- mended as a Mixer of experience. and an ideal type of Cullen. Board. and also of Trinity Church, he will still have local Interests and opportunity to acquire others. The change also "totda him more time to enjoy his summer home at Bruce Beach, near Kincardlne. Commerce Kruger SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Country Store. Highland & Fancy Dancing, Drills, Fortune Telling and Jitney Dancing. The lucky ticket will be drawn for the quilt. Admission, 25 cells. Durham Rink on THURSDAY EVE, JULY 27th Under the auspices of the Red Cross Said}; in lte 'Durham Follies' ONTARIO ARCWVES Pauli-had Weekly " 83.00 I you In Mun-e. To Unit“ States, 82.50 I ymr In “vanes. Peter llama", Publisher 'L Retire ' ir'Stillire lhy i St. PnIEChumh, Egneumm, will ,hold their ulnual garden [any on i'""""? ev In. July mm. Rumm- |served from! to b. l‘mrun [no- ‘semed by th$~\smels [may will bo {new and novel. Everybody welcome». ‘Aduns Mc, dank 15c. Renaming the bout was Tony Gar lento, who mently lost out to chun- pion Joe Louis in a bout tor the heavyweight title. Three curious of {Durham boxing tans went to Tomnin no witneu Jack's victory. The Durham branch Women's In- stitute met on the lawn at the home of Mrs Alex. Smith Thul‘nda'j. Hrs. T. H. Snenth. pmsldent conducted a quiz on "Household Salem," which was very Interesting. Mu. Charlton nave a humorous reading. [miter finisher. O'Suliivnn is climbinu Ligh in mgilisiic rankn, and is In pron-m one ot the bent boxer: in the game. At present rate of magmas. he will in I your or two be up among the top-notchom. He my emu over to England this in" and meet some doughiy European boxem. Boxing in Toronto In! Thursday evening, Durban's white how- in the hvuvyweixhl ranks, .Mck ()‘Suilivau won his bout try a technical knockout in the sixth mund, alumni! Tommy Osborne, British Empire Champion. Osborne had had it High! margin ir. ytovlotts rounds. but Jack proved ttte iaiitlt Round at 8.00 o’clod: I _';', (tiii, Shh a

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