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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1939, p. 2

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ll (u 'tee-roped-i-aes. com-t your Jewellery and scrap containing 3.512 ounces of gold were received I! the Royal Canadian lint dun is the Brst three months of the "The coat for each individual', irstrnetion in reducing the illiter- at, nu was only five cents in Maori“: money." said the educa- tion director ot the Young Men's Christian Association in China. can that Chinese illiteracy has- been nduced from 80 per cent. to " per centrin the _ltttt " years. Dr. Daniel C. Fa. who helped “streamline" the Chinese alphabet in. 40.009 ftraettrs to 1,000, Chinese "literacy Cut 30 Per Cent Butter. which has a low melting point. is easily digestible. Lard ciao has a low melting point. but beef fat 3nd mutton fat have high aching points ttnd are not. there- fore, easily digested. Fits are digested mast slowly of all foods. The long time required for their digestion is responsible for the taet that hunger does not follow soo- after I meal contain- ing a good deal of fat. It is not wise. therefore. to have too much ht in a meal. The presence of a lot of fat will delay the digestion of the proteins through decreas- ine the gastric juice whirl my mm in contact with the proteins. Clruydrah Help. Thom For this reason fat meats. such as those lrom pork and from the goose. are not considered easily digestible. The eating of a certain amount of carbohydrate food with the fats helps their digestion. This is the reason for the pitting " apple sauce with roast pork as 3 regular 'elationehip in the diet. Of All FMiThey Are Hardest Says Fats Digest The Most Slowly Joseph Willard, 21, of St. Marys, OIL. sailed July 7 for Europe, where he will represent Ontario Older Boys' Parliament, of whieh he is premier, at the Christian Youth Congress in Amsterdam. After that he will tour Germany an a motorcyt'lv to study the Nazi economy. to use it (as the majority}! iiur, ntready Inn's). Last year we have 6'ttt over forty tons of blackened. carbonir mi trash taken from a single mow where the best possible .rop of " falfa was improperly stored. No tire occurred! Lucky attain. This year the owner of the useless mass of what was in the field the best possible crop is going to cure his hay in tho field before storing it In the barn. " no burns were burned the kisses from spoiled hay alone are appalling. The good lound common sense of the care- less Onurin farmer will ultimately xolve this problem after he begins 8. " lumping it in the mow. pack it u uniformly as possible and please do not leave the one tough hay fork fall surrounded by some lightly packed dry properly cured hay. This is the best pm- sible setting for your barn fire this year. A cotton mop dipped in linseed oil, if left lying on the table for three or four hours. will without any addition heat from outside upontaneously (of itself) be com- pletely burned. duels": Professor Blachood of the 0.A.C.. Guelph. The same ehemieal action is - ing on in a hay-mow fut or slow- Ir, but just as surely. and we have ouch your appeals for help Ind advice. usually too late, as to how these losses can be avoided. 1. Cure the hay in thVii,u not in the mow. it Barn Fires: How -- To Prevent Them 2. Swen! it in the mm and salt Goes To Amsterdam may rm" -- “new GTi ,, “a- --__ - an“: UIIVH oil Into them. Make the applica- tion before retiring so that the oil can remain on as long " possible. 1l.-9ow can I fatten thin hands? A.--wttsh the hands in hot water, dry, and rub a little nliva A.--Apply several coats of co- pal varnish to the soles and vamps. Shoes treated in this way will gel. dom have to be half-soled. This it particularly good for children's shoes that receive such hard wear. tt.--aow can I clean a white. painted article "eetivelrt A.--Try using water in which two or three onions have been boiled, and see how readily the dirt is removed. A.--Borax water in place of starch for stiffening volles. dimity, Ind sheer, fine collars and jabots. Use three tablespoonfuls of sugar in a gallon of water for organdie, weak cum Irabic solution for silk and crepe, and bran waiter or rice water for eretonne and figured cottons or linens. Q.--How can I prolong the wear of shoes? Q.--What are some of the starch substitutes? A.-Don't cook them in too much water. Cauliflower, cab- bage, spinach, 1nd string beans need no more than a fourth to a half cup ogwater to start steam. ine and releasing their juices. 2.--How can I keep thi. itawrr and vitymlts in vegetables? Ac-Mix two parts sulphate of manganese, one part hunpblaek, {our parts sugar (all in powder form). Then make a paste by ad- ding a little water. 1l.-How can I make an indel- ible stencil ink? The protoplasmic jelly fills the thread-shaped cells that link to- gether to form the "sinews" or bundles of muscles. This jelly vi- brates to cause the well-known contraction and expansion of mus- cles in action. Dr. Carey has map- ped on 25,000 slices of muscles, about l/l,000th of an inch thick. This discovery was described to the American Association for the Advancement of Science try Dr. Eben J. Carey, a recognized au- thority on muscles, nerves and bones. Vibration of a J/oiGilLii. Jelly inside the "sinews" of mus- rlcs is the secret of strength. "I-rr. SECRET OF STRENGTH The problem of bread mold, pn, haneed in the last two decades by development of the sliced, wrap- ped loaf and the demand for a moist loaf, has been solved through discovery that propionic acid in salt form delays mold for, mation from two days to two weeks. The acid does not advers- ely affect the "vor or texiurr " the bread. LENSES FOR NEAR-BLIND A new type of spectacle lens with a maenifieation of 300 per cent., brings now hope to the pane ly Mind. Dr. William Foinhluom, of New York, said that seven chil- dred in institutions for the Mind had already horn returned to pub- lic. sr'h’ml, through L'R.. of the lrur. ACID CH ECKS MOLD What Science is ' Doing , “(13qu a mm 0158 Picturesque Display Will Advertise Cumin At World’s Poultry cdG2 "Yassir," gulped the negro. "Boss, after dat teller been talk- in' to me five minutes I knowed one of us was crazy. and now I've found out it's him. l'se so reliev ed-ao relieved!” face." A patient, escaped from an in- sane asylum, was at last diseow ered in earnest conversation with a coloured guard at a military en- campment. By moms of signs be- hind the maniac’s back, the attend- ants were at last able to capture him. Then one of them happened to glance toward the guard and de- manded in "toniahment.. "Why, man, wiatlihe matter with you? You’re trembling and the sweat is pouring " your "Dires it?" said the sweet young thing. "I suppose you're minding it while they're away." "This," he said, pointing to a flower, "belong, to the petunia family." The amateur gardener was showing the beauties of his green- house. Little Ihry--"t think you should any, 'The cow and the horse is in the stable'." 'reaeher---"Why?" Little Boy-idle-s first." The teacher wrote on the black- board: "The horse and the cow is in the stable." "Now," she said to a little boy, "what is wrong with that sen. tence?" The line plans to use only the IN” liners on the weekly run ite Mead of the present three ships necessary to maintain the schedule. "Waiter, - bring mu ' dealt like this nglin.” “Why not. sir?" “Yell. " simply isn't done.‘ The 1,0,'u4oot Ctur'r, of an 6.51”"- mated 85.000 gross tonnage, will be put into regular sen-vim between New York, Cherbourg and South- ampton along with tlte liner Queen: Mary. At present, the Queer: Many holds all records tor speedy transatlantic crossings but expected to he even greater is the speed of the Queen Elizabeth, named after and christ- ened by Queen Elizabeth at Clyde bank, Scotland, last September. 77¢.) ’3 _ n. I <-,,)A‘v.... "That follow." said . cot. lege professor of a certain union. “puts up u good Half but there is nothing to him. Open the front door and you if. in " buck-yard." The Old _ Have hi, Heard the R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, will sail from Southampton April M, of 1940, on her maiden voyage to New York, it is announced from the Lon. don affirm ot Cunarrl While Star Line, R. M. s. Queen Elizabeth, Larg- est Ship Ever Constructed, Will Set Out On Her Maiden Voyage Huge New Liner Sails Next April Largest ship ever Tonnage 85.000 1'" [Eye you constructed. . ""'-hr""q" urn-mu 'l'IX"2 Skin trouble: You can obtain Moon's merald Oil in the origiqal bottles at any mpdern drug store. It..is aafe to oe-and failure in an of the anlmcnu now than in an indeedy Here in a dean. stainless antiseptic oil 'ttttr dispensed by chemiata It wtril.titie coat. that will do more to help you get rid at you: trnuhlc than anything you've ever med. It: action is up powerfully penetrating that the itching n instantly ral and in a short time you are rid " t. " bother some. fiery enema. The lune u true oi Barber’s Itch. Salt Rheum, Itching Toes Ind F'eet--otrd/ irritating tantrum-19y that Within You can obtain “A...“ --__s= A“ _ Fiery, Itching Toes and Feel given by her cows by playing to them music while milking. Jap. anese experts, delihted by Mrs. Shiina's discovery. advise the 185 stock farmers in Tokyo to instal radio sets." Domci, Japanese news agency. seasoned its report of events in China last week with an account cf how a Japanese dairywoman in- creased her herd's milk output. "Mrs. Shiina", the Domei despatch said, "has succeeded in increasing by from 10 to 20 percent. the milk Music Increases Milk Production "an: it . Mean, Horace Heidt had been engaged, too, but Mr. Hughes released him trom his contract when he later arranged a Irng-term lucrative ett. gagcmezt in Hollywood. The Ex- hibition promises some innovations in the dance r~~vllion this your. my Dorsey and Guy hoist-mac:- stage . screen radio ensembles. F'ivo of America's foremost dance bands. "swing" and "sweet", have been announce? tor the Canadian National Exhibition by General Manager Elwood A, Hughes. It the dance "ans want to "go Jittery" or it they prefer the more stately and measured tread they may make their selection between Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Glen Gray. Tom- F ive Top Bands Coming To Ex. I. Yes. Of course his duties are entirely different, but it is Just as important that he do his part in being hospitable. 2. If there is no cheek room, place them on a va- cant chair. If the restaurant is crowded, place the packages under your chair. 3. Never; it always makes her very conspicuous, and calls forth unkind comments among her friends. 4. No; the bride and groom, maid of honor, and bridesmaids are the only ones to stand in the receiving line. 5. Pronounce neg-li-zha, c " in egg, i as in it unstressed, a as in day, principal accent on last syl- lahle. 6. At the left of the forks. 3. Should a woman ever wear I beautiful gown when it is not ap- propriate foe the occasion? 4. Should the best man and the ushers stand in the receiving line at a wedding reception? G. What is the correct pronun~ ciation of "nesdigee"t 6. Where should the napkin be laid if the first course of a dinner is placed on the table before the guests are seated? Answers 1. Yes. Of course his duties are 2. When one enters a restaur- ant, carrying several packages, where should these bundles be placed? _ I. Is the host as much respons~ ible for the entertainment of guests as the hostess? TORONTO _ C.=c="_------.- l SED CORRESPONDENCE OR Home Study Courses bought and sold; Can-dam [Argent dealer: his price. mid for old books. Send ten cents lump: or coin foor' "It. Economy Distributing Company. Learnington. Ontario. "EST. 'E!iyv.'tt-atopis Ji-C-"""""----.. THERE'S MONEY IN OFF-SEASON Broilers. Bray Leghorn-Wynn- dotte cross will do the trick tor you. White feathered. quick grow- ing, premium finish. Order well In advance. Write for prices. Buy Hatchery, 180 John Street North. Hamilton. Ontario. BUY DRAY frmcKs-rrrte, KIND with the vitality to live we", grow fut. lay early and make fine. meaty broilers and routers. Better order right away. any Hutchery. 130 John Street North, Hamilton. Outer-to. END oy THE SEASON A SALE "Ink r...._tt.,. ... . _ no . 1:1:qu VTt5-RoLtg, DEVEL- oped with Melon deckled edged Prints-tge. Reprints " Bautlful enlargement free. Prompt nervlce. Excel Photos, 1266 Lnnsdowne Ave., Toronto. $21.51!": SAM: DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICK bargains Standard Quality Lex- horn Pullcts IO day old 815.90: two week old 816.90: three weekl 820.90. Murred Rock Mixed ten day old $9.45: two week old $10.45; three weak old 814.45. Barred Rock Puitets " day old 812.15: two “ruck old 812.45: thrce week old 817.45. Barred Rock Cockerell ten day old 88.75; two week old $9.75: three week old 813.75. Day Old Leghorn: $6.95: Barred Rock: 31.45. New Hampshire Reds ”.25 Big Ego; Quullty add one cent. Ex- tra Select add two cents. Prompt frlivery. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery. Limited. Baden. Ont. .----, EXCHANGE or our onUrfd, For quick relic! from l tr, Eisiii7t I'd: Ewan- I fill - hiiiUV7tre" I an “out! lack For iekreli I mi . of . III- illA"Jl, afielhlnhmufirmuthhflly cured Ihn tron a. M world-luau. cooling. nth lei?. htd Din-.0. herrittirf. Grey-h. tttN mum "ELM" 'IIT. u I I . I . we. " you: Ll'gl my 'ld'T."d.ht Mh'lrti,tlt. -. --..4 uunnu.‘ SALE OF High Quality Chicks from blood- teated breeders. standard Quality White Leghorns 6590: 90% l’ulletn Pie; Barred Mocks, $6.95: Pallet- 39.95; Cockereis 6590; New Hamp- .uhire Reds $7.93; Pallets 810.45; Cookerels like. Large Egg Quullty hatched from his 6858. add one cent. Bigger Profit, Add two cenu. Prompt delivery. Will ship C.0.D. Top Notch Uttlckeriey, Guelph. Ontario. Dr. W. J. Stephen or the crop weeds and seeds branch ot the Ott. tarlo Government. stated at Kit. chener recently that the purchue ot $700 chemical weed killer would definitely establlsh weed control in Waterloo County. It was oosting' Ontario about $300,000 annually for cutting weeds along the sides of the highways L'MMHP. SALE 01" TWEDDIJ; Chicks. Grade A Loghorns 81.50; Barred Itoeks 87.95: Reds, White Rocks. Hybrids $8.45. M per cent. Punt-ts Itarred Rocks $10.95; Reds. White lfllcks. Hybrids $11.15; Leu- horns $14.95: Cockcretri, Leghorn» $3.00. Heavy breeds 86.75. Extra Profit Grade add one vent. Prompt delivery. Will ship C'.0.lt, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergua, Ontario. Orttrio Ggyernmenl Official "The duties of man's eyes thus have been increased from merely seeing a large piece of farm equip- ment or an animal at the end of the pasture, to seeing minute ob. jects within arm's length." Weed Killer Dr. Charles Sheard, director and professor of biophysical reselrch at the Rochester, Minn., Mayo Foundation, told the American Academy of Optometry many ere faults were due to the movement of persons from farms into cities. '. Says Office can Show-Be Brief An expert in visual diseases told his colleagues last week that "modern man is living at the end of his ttttse-ttttd his eyes object." Eve Defects Blamed On Scenic Changes Hint to the man who has a wo- man caller: Rise when she enters the room, Just as you would at home. Don't try to bluff your way past the reception desk. It you have a legitimate reason to get into In office you’ll be admitted. Once you've tried to bluff, however, you have closed the door against fu. ture calls. For reeeptiortists, like elephants, never forget. Don't hesitate to shake hands. That's an old omce custom. er: When you converse, make your remain brief and to the point. Do not nub through the interview as if you had to unite a train, but lstate your use quickly and plain- y. If you find the person. on when you in calling, is busy, let him ttttish what he's doing. OMee calls, whether they're for business or pleasure, should be brief, is I first rule far business omen. Tut'soneottuFimtRleto Menu Big sa, Other don'ts for the oMee call- DEVELOPING "A " " (‘lllt‘K3 Costs Little "ft " a', or e-iz-rt"'-------.- SAVE 20% OR MORE ON NEW Furniture. Our lute tive-ttoo. warehouse In stocked with con- nlete home furnishing» By selling direct from our WAREHOUSE we save an uvernze of 20% and put this his nuns on to you. Term. urrnnzed. Freight unpaid. ‘erte he, to-dny. Valuable pren- uln- - ._- 1.- __ le? man New AND 50 cu.tostsuptmx" nun- Irteegt for 'tertfytriiGuGa7i to u. Helen»: Flmltnro Co., United, 526 Bay Street, Toronto.' cuppa-Tux ~ --e'i. ...-..., and Instruction: D‘l’odyce. Georgian 1 A A_ -- - _ - _ -rT_""----. ONE MONTH ONLY. 1NTttouuc. tory otter. 8:10 enlargement. with every order. Roll developed and eight will“. Reprint: " prlnu. Send order, Mv_ertltteeierrt" and tttirty cents. Mail order den-rt- ment, Graphic Fllm Servllcc. "m Dundu tit., London. Ont. L‘uub- ll-hed ”20. uAcmNmT r0 MONTHLY UPWARDS. GROW.. lng Imuhrooul tor u. tram peat- grel spawn. Free mum um! ul- 1'.'9e'1. 91fot.matioti tree. Servlr- Classified....... ttytlttrtrsinsr. --- AE FEVER - mull-hm Medicat- ed Snuff. Plenum. Convenient. Relieve. all cues. 50c and [1.0. all”. Sole Agent. G. B. Producll. Importers. Box 515. Torn-no EW AND REBUILT MACHINERY or every 1eyty.itrtioncGirepi and etttti.rtea--eieetrii; motor-tees. anic's 1oolerbeoti. Cunadu'u Inge-t machinery hon-e. Writ. or cull The A. R. WllIlum- Machinery (fonmny. Limited, 64 From tit., West, Toronto., ---- HOSSIBRED. FOXHOUND. moon. hound. make best Fox. Coon, Lynx and Bur dons. Femaleu. three months. 85.00: Mun-s, tt.00. Train.. ed Fox and Deer Hounds, guaran- teed No. I. Jack llcusberk. Yun- kleek Hill. Ontario. "UPS-TEX BATHING SUITS Cum 35c, postpuld. Red, WI and Ututary. Send tor “mum ca_pea_._rubber swarm. n... u _wiit " was becnuse at this coast-any increasing coat that the gown- meat ha- been looking (ovum cheaper methods ot weed eradica- running through the province and only " per cent of the highways were receiving this treatment. H ,_._-. ...._ "" en. Information tree. Servlce Instruction: unnamed Io tree. Georgian Bay Produce Box 515. Toronto. taunt-E ,. -.--.u nu ("HUI I, rubber Butrdrfts ltrty Merlin. Unlnrlo. not , ".6 "on IAlala‘ b'".'" “ICVHLDI‘I-Ill ICIIIRWIS IEUIOAL NI "tar - -. .-. . my 515. Total-Ia sum- " I'l'lnl If. -"--. .. nus. tor cataloguol ... .. - Ts " While. Bind. lum» run-:9 ir GOOD USED FURNITURE: C PIEC- iliniug suite 815.00; '-rtysrtcrrieid sullen ‘20.00: Chesterfield I!“ Suite "9.50: Studio Couches no... 8-plece Dining Suites. like new. $49.50; Druid-n. suite: 320.00. Hundred- ot other articles. Writ. III tor your requirements. for. "ruined " nom........ - -- "unis um men-Lu; mm x "gy In". ,‘ “INK OV HIGH GRADE qu, Special “I: during: July In as! at. priccu tar below r Every animal will be pen 'e.te.cuaFrife% filled in re Write lu-dly. I. A, Joneu. 11 hot street. tit, Tho-um tb' You 500 E IF You WANT AN AFFECTION- ttte romantic gunman. with money. write: “my Lee. “5-0. ROIII. Illumnurl QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFI‘. EMILI. !trooeotvitr.' “on. re'iit.dy. Toa- “Mull“. (tuna-wooed. Ann. tree, Human. 801 t, Winning. u- I'or your recall-emu: arranged " account): Furniture Co.. United. Hun-l. Torpmo. - --"-t-- "tttit-tmotte- TXt cum trom. “any with menu. Fur-- eu‘ daughter; Widow. I“. Property. Particular-10c. Com Menu-l so: an Canary. Ad. on“. w. v“ ouusAN'l'EED USED Frees; Bicycle» 810.00 up. Writ. for bnrxun price Mu. Toronto Tire. "o Dundul We". Toronto. =t--esualuacLl'L"it1 LT==Trrffr- - (“an " INI'l'l I” WI ---- - r__-...u.u-u IN I Rood renewed piano at I but“. price writs tor #eycriptiG “It. with price», torwurded tree on N- man-I. Huntsman and Co" "5 house Street. Toronto) Rt 8LIGHTLY Us} Rinks. Closets. l'lpu. Extinguisher... also I Plumbing. " Craig real 1tkii_iOeGiiia. tion and experiment has now new onltruted that chemical weed km- or Applied try I nor-yer Inn-lune not all eEtertttittateg the growth but doe- It " a can representing a saving over the Ion ettitFtt practice of weed cutting. PLt HUI " " Ppea I ll ARE INTERESTED IN III‘lml-‘ _:.,., _ "ra: or In“: ”Axons can... orr. also new. u'aG% 15: Cum Wert, Moul- PM“ I“ I A L WE qUAUTr. July and A“- below few-r. be when“! led u receive Jouer. 1" Tu. :En urn“, '. Bunny’s, rm Dr. Dude, i" r- ".n‘ri_ believes that rating M» “a; much of a Lalut. and “all" too murh "prvpitisi Mk have fury-1;. -i~.~:w *titr of their app-M I" " 3mm! their eating Mt. Destroyed Milk, sour or fresh, cry- uuu, minute. applw. i. Potato“. carols and p4 a.- " to muss evorythiusr tl led“ tor . balum‘cd dict “I”! were (any to gym Pd Ell”! due-p “tough, shn a “If We cbuld at man ' and If“ armed goods, Wr be I 1ralthier rvatiam tw Ca-d You‘ll: Alt“ " In“ ptoducrd ", “I. eoncoitionr" hat has. starvation m ma " they haw cone but“ up romance " DP. cum M. DIM}, lk “II-Incl“ child nun- it, told “I! [’0de So Mark " - Foods--- Doctor Scores Modern I IUD“ (51 I‘ve ttl, In“! 130, nun in In of fol-hm and a half way. The " said " than Hm I of mm vim r ed tr, and Clad! "(ed "M (I (retina I". Premier [Manda to HI m Deposits In N Curio Developed In an Plan Mining In " In d q We Desire Propu- I Dr, Thai-ll of Tom c6ees-Buiid Atom Milk Should B Basic In " tit wi, thr. ht, I“: " 'y 'ood All Men Pret A Square . dun under Hem" " id hi t, q Akmas 7.2: “My Likes Steak m It Th dep Id In ll tio um m "ll " Mo Dietetic A Emit " Bri m

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