1H. H W Graham's Service Stat'n COMMERCIAL TIRE We can Save yam Monty on Tires tco. See our New SOUTH GARAFRAXA Goodrich Gasoline Saves You Money Can In and let us talk It over If you want to save money. We can’t tell you everything here. And ot courle. we sell that 6000 SHELL GASOLINE and OILS at the regular prleo. I -irtuCnn-heine! Ran- m an.“ the world an iii'triaurrtnrrteirttrte “anon-tot - than all! t"arti%'khetteLttthee: iiriiEiytteher2ett 'ted no 'mttMMebe""""T..."er iGt"iriiiCiipttiE1eeieea" i7uiiri'iF%toe_r""t- you vacation-humu- sea17Gr.tiiEttttgEt'eLtt.t 8GuG"riaiftrlteyetNte: ta""i7trriFirieeeeeee rN7aTirqveetra"e: â€up to. mall-db? G"ak'rLiryir2e2uLPt,'.' "fiiriiiiFieutttet - 0‘ oTa"ria7TiAt.-ee?"""'" manual-0.â€: ' "Ga- My mum- The good tire at the small price. Tho increased cost of Gasoline during the pastfew week hm been ahardship on many people who have not hesitated to tell others about it. Why worry more , If you want cheaper Gasoline- Gasoline that is good and wumnted flrst-grade, then we have it in GOODRICH PRODUCTS which we sell in connection with our rogulur Shell Products. ST. DURHAM Throtmtsmttthommursertherq tafttnandtttaettrtodonttttt, bountiful retort. with "new "ent. " “on lam-nil. main: with the Camry Stumped. which willbohold {unduly mum Two societie- th "rid-vi“ minnhip will hold their om- eiaiotettr-.tttttTrait Rider-o! mmmuuhmhly Mtttto80tt-dtttoXtatt+ of the Cumin necki- from Windmill Pt,t'lN'tg ,rtttmtrtmttt-frftxtrrt3 "thtorut.whers WWII- diau in ther who ottItgg- ,rt1tr-etaat+etttrNt-. Ionian. 'hemnfroorfWe* mmmuwmm “burial-MA“ mun-c. O _., tut, wont-pt gum- courts. is not growing strontrer,-An fact it has reached the proportions of an open truce and this alone will occa- sion unusual election warmth. Any uprisings of this feud come from the Hepburn camp, tor the Dominion pre- mier is as mum " the proverbial or. ster. To what extent Mr. Hepburn will enter the forthcmmng Dominion tray, remains to be seen. A new wine: of the Conservative party is also being foisted, with Hon. Wm. Herrldge, brother-ln-law ot ex- Premier Bennett, as the leader, with a reconstructed platform to please Ely Bath)- lad-u While Premier King will make no announcement as to next election date, all parties are preparing for the tray, by nominating candidates and getting organization under way. The Prime Minister states he will be guided by the turn of events in Eur. ope, but unless war actually breaks out, it is generally expected that the date of voting will be set tor Monday Oct. 23rd or October 30th. " is evident the love between Pre. miers MacKenzIe King and Hepburn On the 21tst inst., the Conservatives! of Grey-Bruce will hold a nominating: convention in Hanover to piece a candidate before the electon of thin riding, for the forthcoming Dominion; election. l H. H. McCauley, of Flesherwn, ex- warden of Grey, who would undoubt- ally make a strong run; Austln Ball, xeeve of Hanover, whose father re- presented this riding for ten years; Dr. L. G. Campbell, Markdale. who three times has unsuccessfully trle'd tried to oust Miss Macphall, once making it close. Campbell Grant, Walkertcn, has been mentioned, but will not contest the nomination. being away on a six weeks' trip to the British isles. Durham prospects are D. B. Jameson, who will probab- ly confine his ambition: to the Pro. vincial House, and Mayor Allan Bell, who has long been an active party worker. Another three-cornered tltrttt in homing up with W. E. Han-is. LPeru al candidate, already in the tuid, and Miss A. C. Macphall M. P. praetiear ly a eertttinty " U.P.O. nominee Ir. the near future. WHO WILL " Who the Conservative candidate will be is as yet a deep, dark mys- tery, but several names are promin. ently memtloned. Among them are P. RANAGI. Mar and Prom“ A FALL ELECTION t THE TORY NOMINEE t THE DURHAM REVIEW I Evidently good progress is being 'made in developing a headlight 'which will eliminate, or at least igreatly reduce, this particular haz- Iand. It is said that an announcement 'ot a revolutionary one-piece, non. |mlare head lamp foreshadowed a l year ago. can be expected before long. The lamp, developed by Getter. [al Electric and now being tested ljointly by the company and the lead- ing auto-makers. consists simply ot In lens and concave glass retlaetor |with Blatttent in the narrow vacu- ;um beween the two. It will be at- Itached directly to the car tender. IOne of the lamp’s most important |teatures is that the the filaments lure placed in position with such Iprecision and permanence " to eliminate the possibility of head. 'light glare. Indications are the Ilamps may be used on many 1944 ,models. the most fastidious. Mr. new is endeavoring to carbine all the dis- contented element. at the old parties I and other smangroups, under his leadership, hot the electors seeming-I ly are not strong for third parties.E We recall the fate of Mon. H. H. Steven. and his Reconstruction party in the last Dominion battle, when his eloquent pleas previous to election, were almost smothered on election day en men .-and women." said a citi. zen who vigited an Ontario town on Dominion Day. In that town are one or two of the so termed bever- age rooms.' Nutt said. All day, non-a on 186 miles on the Georgian Bay as far as Manitoulin island, via C. .R. fhMrtrttip “Assim- boia", on Frid y. July let. Fare 32; children tl, ickets may be secured from Daily tin-Times. Owen Sound, or from M adden‘s Drug Store, But. ham. Motorists are well, - of the unpleasant phase of night driving due to glaring headlight. Sometime! the glue heme no intense that one becomes momentarily blinded, at which time there is they: the danger of striking the pedestrian who is walking along the edge of the highway. or in passing the driv- or may land in the ditch. Columbia Victroln and De Forest Crosley 5 tube Electric radio for sale cheap. Apply at Review OfBee. MAY CLOSE NORMAL SCHOOL AT STRATFORD Reported decision of the Ontario Lepartrnont ot Education to close the Stratfcrd Normal School as part ot the plan to reduce the number of such schools in Ontario has aroused " atom of protest in Stratford. Angus Dickson, M.L.A., admitted that the Government was contem- plating cutting down the number of schools from five to three by clos- ing those at Peterboro and Strat- iord. He said he was opposed to such a plan and, it five school. were too many, then the one " London or other large centres should be closed. The Strattord Normal is more centrally and conveniently Mt. uated to accommodate the students ot Western Ontario MANY PILGRIMAGES To SHRINES THIS SUMMER Arrangements undertaken tor pil. grimage: to shrines in Quebec and Ontario this summer and fall in- dicate that a new peak in travel will be established, according to pas- senger oftieitttts of the Canadian National Railways. Pilgrimages al. ready arranged for contemplate of 12,000 pilgrims and it is anticipated that even that large number Be ex. ceeded as the season advances. Ste. Anne de Beaupre, belovv Quebec. will be the centre of various pilgrimag- age; from Several points in Quebec. while the 300th anniversary ot the Martyrs' Shrine, Old Fort Ste Marie in ancient Huronia. near Midland. Ont., will draw many visitors .to that 1 Registered Durham Cow, 1 Grade Durham 00w. 1 Buck Cow All about due to freshen. HORSES: 1 Black Percheron, 1 Black Clyde, 1 Bay Clyde, all 3 yen- old and broken to work. 1 Black Percheron and 1 Bay Clyde, , yest- old. 3Yeerllngl. ' good Work hor- ses and , Saddle hence. ' you! old. historic spot. “Havc never seen so many drunk, Phone 140 DURHAM MACHINE SHOP MANIToqu cauuss, $2. NEW AUTO LIGHT. For Sale ',"tt'f"ht,,2'Jd"f, in,†lie Women’s Institute 1 n ol the Id rue I u . 'l',','ll1'lt,,',Ul 'l,",',,,,") m2 Cubic al, Amman TORONTO 3 Zion Brunch " the Women's [nul- tute eetetrrated the Mth anniversary on Wednesday, July 5th It the home of In W. J. Greenwood. with 120 put and pment member- In unend- ance. The" Zion Branch 1:: 0mm:- I ROCKY SCHOOL JUNE REPORT l Grade VIII to tx-Ei), Miller ton year's work), Freddie Noble (P). Grade VI to VM-Dore Noble (H). Hugh“ Killer (P), Von Value tm, Layman Ritchie (F). We " to V Junie Item-unu- (it's work) H,Don- gum Killer (a). Buddy has trr, I Mrs. Wm. Cnidwell of Nornunby.| ( Mr Wesley Stone'y, Magnet, Maude 'Eleanor and Jim of Durham, visited " the home of W. J. Greenwood oni Tuesdny evening. I I Congratulations to Phyllis Vaughan? on passing her Entrance exam. with honors, and taking the Dr, Junieeoni medal tor highest. marks in South ,Grey. Well done.' i i "tttsent-Marion Patterson.) 1 Highest standing during the year obtained by Dell Chapman. Greatest nmprovement shown in year by Helen Marsala. of Durham u embers. In J. J. Pesrt was the timt Prat, In W', J. Greenwood. Vice-Prom, and Mrs 1.0. Greenwood, Buy-Trees. Mrs W. J. Ritchie [eve the address of welcome, and Ilse lsrnret Me. Girr sue an address and ttrvuttttt greetings from the Dublin Branch. Roll call of sll members in the put 25 years was Well responded to, war which a minute’s silence was observ- ed in memory of those passed swsy. Miss Clara Jack prepared and read the history or the Branch. Other numbers onthe program were: read ing by Mrs J. C. Cook: recitation: by Mrs Albert McNaiiy and Clara Jsck: duet by Mrs W. G. Firth and Jean', music by Mrs Arthur McNally and Mona: community singing. Vernon loom (P), Melvin VOI- eie (Rem). Grade It to Mb-atar Noble trear's Wart) oo. Kuhleen huh, Tm. ed July 6, 1914 It the home of at". R. T, Edwards with Mist, Prawn of Nmnee and In. mtg-Jet New" After the sinzing ot the Netionni Anthem, refreshments were served on the lawn from a able decorated with pink and white roses in sliver vases, and centered with n four-stor- ey birthday cske with white icing and M pink csndles. The coke was made by Mrs. Thos. Glencross nnd Miss Bets iced it. Mrs. J. J. Pent. Mrs W. J. Greenwood. Mrs W. J. Cook and Mrs Henry Benton poured tea; Mrs J, R. Edwards, Mrs. Howard Ritchie, Mrs Arthur Robinson and Mrs J. C. Cook out the ices: Mrs R. T. Edwards placed the knife in the cake and Mrs. T. Glencross cut the cake. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon Miss Florence Greenwood ot Tor. onto was a weekend guest. with "It. and Mrs. Percy Greenwood. Mr and gm E. Brown and Helen and Mr Johnston of Detroit, no vult- ing for I. few days " the home of Geneva Pratt 79, Dixon Weir 75.i Charlie Pratt 74, Newman Pratt "ie,, Clarence Atkinson TS, Inn Isl-ales, 71, Stanley Mamie: To, nary law. rence 69, Lloyd Home» as. I Mr and Mrs W. J. Greenwood. Mr and Mrs Percy Greenwood and John, spent Monday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Blrks Robertson, at Greenock. Grace Robertson returned with them tor some holidays. Mrs Manary and family of Durham are vialting for a couple ot weeks with Mm. Jae. McNally. Grade 7 to 8 --Ctatenee Atkinson (provisionally). Grade 6 to T-Mary Lawrence, Newman Pratt, Stanley Marsales, Ivan Marsala. Grade 5 to 6-Cttarlea Pratt. Geneva Pratt, Dixon Weir, Lloyd McFadden (provlalonal- ly). Grade 4 to 6---Vera Hal-sales, Velma Marsalea'. Grade T-Dell Chap- man, Helen Mar-sales, Joyce Jacques, Alex Talbot. Grade 2--wnnaee Pratt Ruth Bell. Grade 1-WMmer Marsal- es, AnnaMary Lindsay. Donald Brown John Patterson. . Miss Elsie May: of Guelph ls spend- ing her holidays with her parents, Mr and Mm Ben Mays. Mrs Donald Nelson of near Toron- to, la spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Win. Payton Results of School Garden Contact: PROMOTION EXAMS. s. s. NO. 9, GLENELG 50.0 FIVE§ Morris Matthews, Teacher ‘ng rum memories linger - 'ur lava-mu You, ennui; “(LIL ii:- 1 Remembrance keep- hor neu- lry Mun, may at; M. iiidiii"i. T l --- gun. It! “not “.80: e My. it? ton' mu Uh: unbound I: 'rt-dint-tsee "se. Kr. Planer. m Moe. Pt. u few weeks ln Huston. Bile II myâ€; u (Jam, who he. “.50. J. m the Camila Ice-wick Cantonm- B In“ -a.- ‘--“ ----, . attmsdettarth-thhrtttuee. th lanthanum-mum's. with the farmer's ttl Mrs Wm. McCullocll. Mr and In Frau up“ - children of nun-Io. were recent vul- tora with Mr and In Wilfred Alex- under . Mr Goo. Brown, or UIIIllrllll. w.- I gun at the home ot his sister. Mr Ind In Jon. My. Mr and In Elmer Mr and daughter Milne ot Humver. were guests the ttrat of the week with Mr and Mrs H. Rear. bearers in the person- of ileum John Brown. Dough“ McDonald, Ed- wnrd Redford, Archie Mignon, John Poknndt sud George Wier- ruler. The my bettutitttt nonl No but.“ were curried by Thou Adieu, cure-n My. Cliitonl Adieu, Wm. Bailey, Arthur MUtttoat Ind Bobbie Minion. The mm of flowers included the following: the immediate funny. Mr and In. Arthur Lunney. Rom. and George Hinton. in John Picker- ing. Mr end In Win. Daley end Min bout: lighten. John and MR8. IRWIN CROWN I ROCKY SAUGEEN (intended for last week) Mrs tttwin BIO“, . - 01-. The U.F.W.0. Club mtit “a their teamed resident of thin JJiiinimnri".,'e'.'f.'e, -etinq " the home of Mrtt all her life passed any in Hanover'Frm on May "teeqtqtttt thin week. hospital early TWA, ;'iiii'ii) - to bur Mr Cheater “In" met June 29th, from pieutxrpnetutorrh, in with . ver, Wm accident while Ott her Mth yur. Iii, boat. lie is now in Iidlund hos. The deceased who maiden me pin! and willbe there six weeks. We was Emily fe. night.†w“ m minnows†hope he will nuke I com. Bentinck Township and was the std. mete WWW. est daughter of Mr 1nd Mm ttr) Mr and his mum: chechnie um Mightdn of the 7 Can. of Bentlnck. In J. W. checlmk spent I day Thirtrtive years ago she wu nur- recently u Wang: Beech. ried to [win Brown and they took} Visitors with Mr and In "mes up home making on not " Con. 7 Crutchley this week were In James which has since been the ttsrsi1r,udinsUm and two Ion- George uni The funeral hock plsce on Sundsy afternoon from her lute residence and was attended by s very lsrge crowd or friends and neighbors. Services were conducted It the house and grave by her Putor Rev. C. N. Saunders of Unlock Baptist Church assisted by s former pastor Rev. H. CNekiugtott. During the services. Miss Boyd sang: s beastl- iul solo entitled "No Dissppoint- menu in Heaven. Interment wu made In the tun- ily plot In the Durham cemetery. Six neighbors elm-hung u pull Rennie, Mr sad Hrs Hilton Rennle‘ Voucher No. daughter Velms, Walter's Nita: Mr. sheet 8350- ' and Mrs Morley Atkins, New: H. IcConmoI Mr and Mrs C. swan. Mr Sun Smith Lamb. my she snd daughter Merv. Pert 'llhein: Mr sheet “.80: end In Ivan Edwards, Marlon Ken. M8.60; E. I nedy, Shelhnrne. I. Born, my Hr. Brown snd ttttttiN have the my sheet 815 deepest sympathy of the church end my sheet .5; Muslim. IMIJO; l. Po Nothing on ever Me “my P. Kramer . The love . heart holds deter aiii7d - If and In Geo. Funk and Km. - in. iiid .. -c. Rranddattettter luv Ann hunk». we 'i,llllded'i' In. Go "on Datum mom-m mm the “may“; Leon and mu- 'ttf, “(helm-e MNrandtres Mu,mvuu.ou . ' Sharpe. Etttrrtttre) tsLiiraiiiiri I-sa, an. bright. um. an In- P""itratlt"iGTid"ii'7U2"2',; attend out “In! “In Mee. m m “a. ".-- ' 'Ne- _ ‘u‘A‘. -l m . home. She was a woman of a quiet and obiigins disposition, a initJui'nll wife and mother who wu nun ready to help in the ume of tet) Surviving besides Mr Brown In! two sons 1nd one daughter, Geo. of Lamb-h, Maurice " home nttd (Mil-l dred) Mm.' Arthur Lunacy, Crichton. Suit. Two brothers and one sister also survive. Robert and George or' Muloe? (Mildred) lira John Picker. im'. Hamilton. I Besides mlny friend: from Run- over, Durham, Elwood Ind Chel- ley, there were some from I gutter diam“: Mr. Geo. Brown. Oukluld, carom“; Mr and In John Pick- lay, there were some from I gnu." distance: Mr. Geo. Brown. Oukluld. Caller-nil; Mr and In John Pick- nlnx. lawman; Mr and In Hugh Mr Geo. Brown, Br., Mr and In Pttrvis, 0'10 It“ Geo. Mixhton, Br., Mr and Mr- Ed- one "I960 80: D. ward Bailey, In Ilium Rennie Ind ttttem' ‘3: C. P. 1 and daughter Velma, Mr and In 'shoots 33: 3ctttt Me Morley Atkins, Mr and Mrs Thou. sheep tr, Thuer'n Mlun. when and ouch!- of 88.75; W. I. All": Bentlnck council. Baptist Church 337-50: WI. 1. MI: Ladles' Aid. ,lem “.20: J. R Besides may friend: from Rum-all"- tttttttr: $90'. over, Durham, Emmet! cud Chou: Rollo! accounts: lay, there were some from I tgreater licine " Fred disunm: Mr. 000. Brown, Oakland, $7.61: John Cloud: Mr and- " Hr the MULOCK linger - 'ur 'e -.- _--' - mu, tgrand necunoeh and a bewtl-|"Hopk anpolnt-| half-ya tented. I the tum-I Hook cemetery. ---A, my plan and wlll In n ii/tttree have etd. plea noovery. aâ€. l Mr and In 1 nck. In J. W. It nur- moenuy It " wok} Visitor: with Mr I“ " "ee - you!†In men. Mrs 809Vâ€. all - “I“. mm a mm. “In!!! for t tow an but can! with her ulster, - Iumy - and Round m, - an" the my to en. Joy the cruise up â€all“. Pod Me, Nlcholl, and the “If Shrine on “madly of can wash. The U.F.W.0. Club artit hold their monthly been“ " the home of Mn Fritz on mu dun-noon um week. Sorry to bur Mr Chester Killer met with . very with“ accident while on the boat. He is now In 3“de hos. smiley. Domeeh, Mr and In Witt Greenwood and Ir and In Perry Greenwood 1nd my. Zion. Mr and Mrs Mel choown, Sulli- van, were meant - wlth Mr and In Bryce Dot-uni. Inter Haul-lee Me6euth II spend. a few do" with Mr Cam. Henson. Mr and Mr Hartley Thomson. To mute spent, a tew "r. recently with Mr and In Clarence Thompson. In J. W. Hemline went a day may at Wm Beach. Visitors with Ir and In Jumes cmhley this week were In James Mr and In June- Mttter with Mr and In Brut-o. Hch were visitors the tlrtrt of the week In Kldlnnd with the farmer'- son Chester who Is a patient than. l one why of this Otttutett beer. landed to our cone-no. Irwin Brown In his recent bereavement. Carried. Met on Monday, July 8, with mom bers att pro-eat. Hopkins-- Livingstone: That tho halt-yearly rem of wdlmn be no- Hotrkirtr-uvt-te,. That an n- counu Includlng Voucher No. 7, be $2.60: In Gertrude Tnlond, des. troying do: wr; In Gertrude Trail- on]. one mtr mum! by dog. $10.00; John Plcken. two lamb- 810; John Win “mm, work $te; Orr “11011031. nay. summe- “.88: Cash and M0 Voucher No. T: P. mum. on " u (Jam, who has. “.50; J. b. “that. Vin [out 812.“: Mr. “an. qrteq (on. 'tl; W, I. Me. JULY 18, 1989 '. “wet my chm n: :. my aha sun: R. '. That the ttin. Hm. pa .v FOR SALE -rv Ifls Rewarrb’ T 7 MOUTH) (:uRN MM]: m (â€m THEY 11mm" :-~ this ancient mm til mm“. “I'M and Callouxec LI To do“ Q Esuu- Par on the West bide of Count JACK-olf- Survey of the Durham. “mom rm: [NI-p. Ole-(hm! an non- of PUB mu: mu). , RE Rrwitstervd ncmn. Good Review 0mm- m vacuum (Salve W"! and kootr, Hum mum and mum» , ptieation. Pm ml. "' We have no I Until he's 1; Should we no: We knou th have not " Thr old in u. “(is WP may “are any to My own shonm m faults m '0 lot an all V " dander tr,1 iqlige of the h. do. " [how Ber I Mb!" 0mm Ottr chlokvm lav: then not " In making , Prow dtti't Remember th Shuld avid 'thttrittrr, a» All the void": nmh tl" l And when-Wm 1 Down ite 14;, M I. that ol: v----.-.--- - TEACHER WANT} teacher I! s s A '0! t$MAll--PotetT M. engine. new “It. Complete PM, "75. Appl Bttt talk m Titt beatnik! l And from t Telephonr t we experience Ind “Jury “use: "up", Son-Urn» Prkaevme, Out. The Jame: " CAREFL‘A I'm" FARM FOR SALE OH R Small Ad Prize. " S “at Bob M00 Band Big A! EVERY The Durha LR Vi a mu 601mm Con-unity an THE comm ETS’ (y)i0llill received by Durham thr HMO!" Dorset D PM", RR Kathi (Fm Appty: , JULY 13, 19; FOR SALE tht In! for Pram: McFadden Apply tr Common OLD T fr In hi) w H ' ham M