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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1939, p. 8

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" " it'll" ”I? TH E REVIEW, DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Frmn Grade vu to Grade VIII - Clan Barfooe " % Honors, Robert Weir" " " Honors. Prom Grade VI to Grade vit-Mer-tee Love. " H. Statph "irttairno " H, Lorne Bar- 1000 To, Frank Wheeler' 66, Robert Grimes (alum for exams). From NO. ll, EUREMONT (FAIRBAIRN) CAN IT BE DONE? = syn-yore- 'r-sth-thut-et-We-Inlet-ere-ers-e PROMOTION EXAMS. 'iiwiaii-it - - We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices 'Pt,'athett,',',tu'Par2 Ttatt-tetheCaatnAtan mm mm m ais-rhitty.te,ttPotte mummies“ mdmmmam Mum-Mann mobs-m "itGFitk--rAm_ aiiiii"ue$,tA"te3.eee: mow rah- ti. -K-t.eri-errre- I-dmw of"?! Invade The Golden Eagle’s Domain Grade m to Grade Iv-Ru-tl love3 "Its H, Jas Wheeler" 69. From Grade ll to Grade IH-Dough" Hopklna‘ " H, Marjorie \Vilson‘ 69. Grade I- Eunice Green' 85 H, Flora Green 52. Primer - Fauna Barloot', TWort; Green", Edward Wheeler, Geraldine McLean. . denotes regular attendance unless ill. Honors or H, denotes over 75%. humminvlrmm, mudmm,m uh ellnbhg. or bum: in the cumin-om lacunae-11 by tho 'g-gttatitt- potter-oi wwwmm The Tull mom will I.” mwmmm. mutmlthouylhnuwu th.ee-kButtunettrMeteat" uAetegtAeWatkrttetheTe. mammalian“ durum-Vacuum mnaiiumm "'-'c-'-"r'ryyy"r", rrrrwr , ""'"T""""rteee??ry_"CC't'-vC' m~r~v~yy¢”""""-'WIW1II _ 1 a I _ _ 'Jr:' '?i, 'ir, 'Cf.?;; fl.» 'cTit. . Cfyk:e.'j1r, '-C. : ", y,. V _ T _ _ ,-', vi: l ( y _ "‘32: ”f'f‘5:;.>;,.§gg"i P, _ 'ii'"Lr'rsiir'rr,', _ " I ' Mary M. Barber, teacher 'ursotortM-tmirwro. oetrsdenthtrainatSenttrbrmttmr lover. all out movorllduulu from the tube at bulld- _riehtrtath-tnrr,3.rLtNb. "rbTmd'ortrtatteritgt- my od ti. cm - "toarid LCG uranium“. IhothergoriMrr_dqrsar- "mat-trat-tnt-ttttrt" Pt+nn Valley north of mo yogi-0.71mi: 4-7, m - The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church met " the home or Mrs Jan. Smith on Tuesdsy afternoon with a good attendance. The president, Mre Geo. Aitken, presided. After prayer by the pres., and responszve reading of scripture from Matt. 5: biH, a pleasing duet was given by Blanche Reid and Lyla Smith. Miss Marie Aitken read a chapter from Dr, Go. torth's book. Mrs John Alles read trom the study book on 'India'. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants . Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cockburn, who were married on July lat, and have Just returned from their honeymoon to Hamilton, Niag. ara Falls and other points. . Rev. Mr Taylor of Toronto space on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church on behalf of the Bible society. in 1804 the bible was translated into 68 languages; today it is translated into 1033 languages, .111 languages for Canada alone. Rev. H. Reid was the first ordained minister in the township cf Egremont. He was the Methodist minister who preached at the log church on the corner ot the farm which Mrs James Smith now owns. His daughter is in Asia and her husband was the Brat to trans- late the bible into the language as we have it. Her son is agent for the Bible Society in Constantinople. The Rev. Mr. Taylor is a cousin of Mrs. T. J. Reid and spent the evening with her. He was born on the form now owned by Mr Jag. Nicholson. Mr and Mrs Milne and daughter of Toronto, ore visiting with Mrs Geo. Aitken and Mrs John Wllaon. Mrs Howse and Miss Howse ot Mt Forest visited the tirgt of the week with Mrs Pike The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid met " the home of In Bert Eccles on Thursday afternoon with a good ab tendance. The roll call was answered with 'my favorite Mann.' Miss Marie Aitken gave a paper on "How hymns got their names." Mrs Jag. Nicholson read an interesting paper. After buts. iness, refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants. .Mr. Joe Troiuven of Toronto is spending this week at the home of his parents, M?nnd Mrs R.Treteaven Pour carioads of Indies from Hol- stein went to the W. I. picnic on Russel Drimmle's lawn on Wednesday afternoon. There was a good crowd 65 ladies and 20 children were there. Everyone reports a good time. Mr and In. L. B. Nicholson of Tcronto spent Wednesday with the latter’a sister, Mrs A. Brown. Mr R. Nicholsoh ot Walker-ton we: use I visitor at the same home. Mr and Mrs Hartley Allingham of Sarnia, Mr Bill Leddie ot Brampton, Mr and Mrs Scott Eccles and family of Mount Forest, visited Mr and Mn W. Aitken and Mr and Mrs Bert Ec. cns over the week end. i LOCAL AND Penman. HOLSTEIN LEADER THE DURHAM REVIEW ettMdrmstmmttsvttqdtot6o.gNgrw tit LEADER wont picnic to play with", No. 11 school winning by 3 runs. No. ' Melee-else-ll-See-E-ge-ee- altered 1 bunch.“ glove u . prueto s) Gladys Kit-punch of Mt. ntretrt is the winners, which No. 11 scholar: i spending holidays with her gum. hire J"'"' proud to entry home. 1 George Althea. _ ----_---- f, Min Dubai Brown of Begin, in V ' a visiting her who". In A. Brown. ALLAN S CORNERS ci, mum: Numm of Tnvlltock, u Quite . number ttf orausgemen or I , spending holldnys with In J. Wilson this locality attended Divine Servtce l mu Doreen Crawford of Anentom in the Baptist Church in Durham on I who has been visiting the Fenton m. cn Sunday int. f Inlly, has returned to her home. Congratulations to Mae Merlin“. a The decorating ot the Agricultnrni who Wu ”1009qu in passing her 1- Hall will soon be Bnuhed and it is Entrance Ruminations. (t expected the opening will be held on Mr and Mm Ir. Long with Mr and Y Aug]. Further particulars next week Mn Met. 1atng were recent ‘viaitors cine. NOVICE Illa IMO. MY. You an ttttil m an, we” “Nit Dodds prom-ed: I - vote of breeds. m Int - "" batch.- that” to the tucker. an. Burner, are now In lamb-Non. Act Stil,'d for the enjoyable durum and to 1'lhllf.'-'t mm}! 'tlt.'" Srl', the Indie: for the.aoUnditt picnic um. Atrgttrt We: to orderonly. lunch. All Joined In the school home} in mm. mm m. - . [Holstein Ore-may Next dar MG 80, No. " M5100]. I.’u.'.. $htt. ram school Beetion, No. II., ',','i','L':"e,'i'.i.'eit'ra, ',iiii' duiidi. .Egremont. held its annual “no” pic- ent for horses and cattle. Two wires nie on the school grounds on June 29. are considered preferable tor Dig! It rained most ot the day until three and sheep. Barbed wire is more suit- o'etoek. About four. a goodly nuar able than smooth wire although the her gathered and parents. pupils and latter can be used where barbed teacher enjoyed a. few tsocial hours wire is especially objectionable. The together until seven o'clock. Rev. Mr wire can be supported by porcelain Dodds, _who was visiting at the home insulators on 2 inch by 2 inch stakes ot Mr Wm. Dodds, made a spiendid set in the ground 30 to 40 feet a- chairman. Being a former puptt or part. this school some years ago, he gave Animals as a rule need a little an interesting and humorous talk. training to keep them “if from tite The program consisted or: opening charged fence. Observations at the chorus by the school; recitation Dy sl.,':',',',',"";',',.,. 5x",,ee,'le'e'at Thirties: Ralph Fairbairn; solo b Rhea Ples- tr'Wr " ent ' ter; speech by home Biri'oot, Grade surprisingly quickly and keep awe." Vi; duet by Marie and Irene Love: trom the fence for long periods evpn recitation by MaNorieWnson; som 'Avh,e3nctueehw:tt','gi,ry"utt,,el:r'Cl; 'gd,l',ru2eov"i, 'r,',',',',',',',,",:",',':,'. the electric fence. was operated ' ' throughout the summer months to" by Mrand Mrs Chas. McDonald; duet patrturins't'attF The cattle were well by Marie and Irene Love; trpeeeh by controlled, nr harm was done to eith» Rev. Johnston ot Holstein and Fair- cr cattle or tho attendant snd the bnirn Pres. congregations. He made battery was tstill charged at the and special mention at the nice display or ot the Betuutn. the school children’s york in crafts,, ----.--------"'- writing, social studies and art. The 1 examination marks end results were l) l read to the parents by 0. Grade VI [1“ [(454545 gal] pupil, lame Bertoot. The program closed with a chorus by the school.- EW' Afterwards Rev. Johnston conduct-1 Av I ed the noes and outdoor men. A, rt Av ”(then game we- enjoyed. and at P L' close of the sports. the indies served, 'P=a eau. aagtthrieh and me' Rev. VIII an mm and III-Iv phlok- In ”I. Mr and Mrs Archie Wilson of Dur- ham visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Wells Sunday last A meeting of the Section will be held on Monday night, 17th at Fr. S. No " School. "Don't mrget"---reuni. on business. Mr John Scott went to North Bay last Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ernie Cletttittgott. Mrs Fred Kerajfeaki, Miiverlon. at- tended the funeral ot the late Adela- Me Wilson the tlrtst of the week. Mr Wm. Ferguson has started painting No. 18 School this week. Mrs Bell ot Oshawa spent. over the weekend at Milford Matthews. L. o. L. No 861 are at Arthur this Wednesday celebrating the 12th. We regret to state as We are send- ing in our budget today. that John Scott who was returning home from Mus .Reddom of Brighton is visit- ing with Mrs Roy Tucker at pm:- ent. Mr Sam Watson from the West vis- ited his bmther Mr Donald Watson last week. It is 31 years since Sam was in this burg. a visit with his daughter at North Bar met with a car accident 100 miles this side at North Bay near Bracebridge and was badly hurt. with fractured hip. His sister, Mrs Mr J. M. Findlay of Toronto was injured by shock and bruises. Mr and Mrs John McKenzie visited " Mr Harold Euru's of Mt. Forest on Sunday last. Master David Lawrence son of Mr and Mrs Farr Lawrence arrived home from the hospital hit week and in doing nicely ", Mr and Mr Reg. Rama“ visited " Mr Chas. McDouan's. Holstein, the tirat of the week. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Clarence Moore on the arrlva I of a troy on Monday in Durham hospital. Mr and Mrs Habermehl visited the Irwin family " Elmwood the unto! the week. Misses Mavis and Daisy Eamon or Toronto waited the Fenton funny on Saturdny. The Jltney held on the bowling green on Tue-day evening wen u pleasant affair. Those winning prizes were Marie Altken, Gordon Long. R. Treleaven, Geo. Bye, W. Phllp. Mrs. K. Allen. w. Altken and Geo. Brown Fairbaim School Picnic NORTH EGREMONT into Afti:siii7Eii TORONTO n. The Preacher takes a Vacation." Mists its were Ruby Scarf was appointed convenor irade VI ada’ws AM lo! Mower Committee tor July. program fig Visiting committee were as follows: school. (”It lam Roy Lunches. Mn Wilson. In conduct. Av I Mather, In Tumor. men. A I? PAY, I The next meeting will an the and " AL"rai form of I picnic " an War. I sen-van come " the like on Amt In. " Rev. You can still get Bray chick. in meat Can " leave Queen at. Church It vote of breeds. Prterrtauur_it8' butche- 2.” o'clock. Animals as a rule need a little training to keep them away from the charged fence. Observations at the Dominion Experimental Station at Swift Current show that they learn surprisingly quickly and keep away trom the fence for long periods even when such a fence is not charged. A 13 plate wet battery was used and the electric fence was operated throughout the summer months for paeturi'w cattle. The cattle were well controlled, no harm was done to eith- er cattle or the attendant 1nd thr battery was still churned " the ehd ot the union. T .' Direct electric current. ct six volts'; may b e supplied to the battery} operated types try either tour dry; cells, a hot shot battery, or a Wet storage battery. The fence control' equipment increases the pressure trf, the current from six volts to a range” ot 350 to 30,000 volts. This high vol-l tage ls delivered to the fence wire " u very low volume ot horn 10 to 151 millismperes at regular intervals oil 50 to 60 times per minute. The in-i termittent application of electric cur-; rent conserves the battery iiiU2C) This intermittent curlent. togetherl with the very low smperuze are ex-| cellent provisions tor ssfety. HUttl voltages applied at smperazes iai) er than 15 to 20 milliampefes are re: garded as dangerous to both: humsns and animus and eompetent' advice is recommended where any: doubt exists. l As a rule. one or two wires are used for the electric fence to carry electric current. One wire is summ- ent for horses and cattle. Two wires The introduction of the electric fence into Canada has been received with much interest and it is gradual- ly becoming more widely adapted tor fencing pastures. It has many advantages but caution is necessary} in establahing the equipment. The six volt direct current battery type' is considered the safest device to, to use. i who wu niece-sin] in pining her Entrance Humane". Mr and Mrs Ir. long with Mr and Mrs Mel. Long were recent visitors with the Gordon (wily. . the President and business followed. His Honor Judge G.W. Morley tttta The ladies sre engaged muting s handed down an interesting Jud? quilt which will be quilted " meeting ment in the use Freak unmet tV later on. lunch ms served by the gnlnst Messrs Greening sud WV hostess. The meeting was brought bell. trustees tor the Season Fishing to a close by the benediction try the Club. The case Wu tried in lsrkdsle Rector, Rev M. H. Wrr. IDivision Court. Meagher sued the The next meeting will be in mo'Club for :35 sent for s stresln in form at s picnic held st the Rectory. Artemesin Township for futtigtg in Durham on the attagattttn " Ang. rights tor the sesson of 1939. The 4th. The members ttd the Guild defendants, claimed. salons other sre all cordisliy invited to sttend things, that trees m been cut tt hm“; 21 rout?! “k 3': down snd bunches Ind slssh 0 ave I n n e . me r. ship tee to do so before this meeting. t.'IC? '.'ff.ft'. .t"t'lU'i?,l't it: lunch. The [Adioe' Guild or St. Pears Church met " the home of Mrs Car. mnn Humve on Friday afternoon of Int week. The meeting was opened by devotional exercises conducted by the President and business followed. Quite a number or Orangemen or this locality attended Divine Service in the man Church in Durham on an Sunday Int. baby Larry of Durham visited on gm” Sunday with Mr and Mn mm ioyed NW8. [the d Mr Tho: Gordon Its engaged mm- ence in: in the fun duties with Mr early mule! Kerr. 1 Mr A FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA ELECTRIC FENCES to bring "qr. I THE ROLL CALL at the home ct Mr E. Wells, can”, ;North Epremcnt, where she had mow led out. with her son-in-lew and daugh- iter. Mr and Mrs Arthur WleIle [mm 1Durham three weeks ego. She we: able to be at the table tor her meals :ihe day she died. Her hem gave :oui and she passed away in her chair. I Deceased was born on let 6, con. I20, Emmout. n daughter of the late |George and Harriet Wilm. lad (spent all her life in the loamy, ex- ‘cepung the past twenty yen-n in Dur- iham. She ind tt cheer!“ (Ii-minor: gum! was a good neighbor. One Ile- "er In Wilder of Mnredate survives, 'also her daughter, In A. Well- end (ici' grandchildren. Eddie and Audrey _Wethe, Mama tum“, the-nun chunk Mwwum n Home“: on “and” July 'Ott. “when: '0"me... The visiting committee for June re- ported " calls nude. Mrs Chum gave I splendid reading entitled. "The Preacher ulna a Vacation." It“ Ruby Surf was appointed convent of Mower Committee tor July. The regular monthly meeting cf the W. A. met in Queen Street parlors on Tuesday evening with " members present. Mrs Wilson can; a lovely MiloI "In the Garden of My Dreams." preached a ccmfortlng sermon, tah. hls text from Eccleslutu 12:5 "Ru. [can to Ms long home." The pul- bearers were Joe Lawrence, Wm. Moore. Abe Hooper. John hula-Jule. Joe Wilson, Wm. Wells. Burttu took place in Trinity Church cemetery, Durham. . We extend empathy tc the bereaved it was held that while the deten- dant could not obtain' any relief for breach ot covennnt, the plaintiil had substantially interfered with the convenient occupation nnd enjoy- ment of the stream in question, can permitted the defcudcnts to counter. claim for damage: for nulunce and trespus. The counterclaim of the defendant was accordingly Allowed tor the full amount of the rent. the net result being that the action was dismissed with costs. The funeral service was ttetd Mon day at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev, Anemia Town-Mp for fiahigtg rights tor the union of 1089. The defendants, claimed. mg other things, that tree: ha been cut thrown into the man since In! amen, there by rendering the ash- lnx pond uncle“. ADELAIDE WILSON (By our North Ezremom corr.) 0n Saturdly last, July flth, tho death of Adelaide Wilson took place There Inc I tair crow! In - noon and a banner crowd at night tor the maul tr.r.0. picnic in Lam-um grove here Int Thur-any. For the afternoon pron-III, Joe Crumhley, was (eh-8mm, and speed!- es were given by Mitm Agile! Ele- mll M.P., and F. R. Oliver I.P.P. The Tom Hamilton Concert Co. pro vided anplendld vocal and Instrument tat entertaittmettt both afternoon and evening. En the Mterttoon sports. Willi-nu- ford beat Arnett 5 to 4 In men's soft- ball and Markdale defeated Durham girls " to 11. The crowd " night en- Action for Rent Dismissed " Cost: toyed themselves utter pron-m, on the dance platform, to music by Flor- ence Bauer'r Orchestra, until the early mornlng hours. . KNOX WOMEN’I ASSOCIATION AMONG THE CHURCHES A bumper crowd at night "“" “"“"'--v annual U.F.0. picnic in trod andeeV grove here Int Thumhy. jmk“ bearers. "erttottet ploy-um, “cf!" garr4ed " In: chairman, and weed». Ion an", Non liven by was Agnes Inc- em lanmu _ AA“ h...“ Haqrotm 1 The funeral of the In. It and; I $teeas m an My W was . _ (tttfr attended with (our nephews, :de in after. Ttttte Derby, Th0! ”M. Ir., Wit- - . h__...._._ and“ Iron. Wit- 2.7.1.; mum mu. Mr and In mu neu- (tlid of the Golden Wesl' GRAY akiriiiiiii' “an -- MM! to “in no» 12.50 p... c tag p... b ‘The um. PrinEuWI‘ .Billy the Kid Returns' NEXT: trod 0mm. “m Brer% wu- trod m, and an man u “out mm. 11.. m mum were curried by Dr CW0 Ander- m Bye". Nor-II m. nnd an” em noun-cm- W m m“ ttia SUNDAY MIDNITE IMS, II” Men. TUE... WED., JULV 16, tr, IO, " Your 'emee, Uthlm Jeanette McDONALD Hum EDDY [Jule Due Whitney“ com-med a few of her Mend. MRI-y after. noon. July hm, it being - cove-nth Inrthdny. Mr and In Thomas W. of Toronto visited with Mr And In M. W. Byers ot Bonnie View on lend-y afternoon. " In some thirtHlve years ago since Mr Richard: wu wound afternoon to daughter. -, Mr and In Wm. metherl, Mr and In In.“ BFers, Mr and In J. Henry. and Mr. and In Wm. lexical-ton. Misses Barbara. and Bella Byers. Mr Hudson Bye". mu Don (Snowmen. Mes-rs Wm. and waived methera. Ill from Mum on the Lake; Dr. Albert and In Cm1beu of Toron- to; Mr and In Walter Lime and I: m! In Wm. Little of Blur, Water- loo Co.; In J. K. Links, Ayr; Mr and In Wilfred Little of Boston, thu. Br, u m the WI are. Rev. L. Picked“ of 'ua-er visi- ted In this locality Int hilly _ Where Nve,never hear your footsteps Or we yhur culling face. As we lov you, no we lulu you, In our Jimmy you In our. Ohio; In Henry Wolfe of Arr, to- arker with other. from Durham and Hmover . Born to Mr ad in Andrew Weld- nul on June 21rd a hunter. Com tor I few weeks. THOR., FRI, MT., JULY 18, u. " Alice Faye Mm loam Wedding Bell- ue will. Mr Allister Dawn of AM "is " waded the com-m tor man: the AND ON THE all: PROGRAM by Roger. Mary Mart with “my lam Bringing can! . BNatt tear. .-sadtr Iued: Ethel and Lamp Mr mu! In ttageiehd longer and The your people of the Y.P.t' 8.41 ---ROary The TIE]: "“.."_.!'Ruu 'TAti.tgtsttit' Now Playing ROYAL VWIT PIC] DUKES smaLev T2MPLE JULY“. 1909 . . dint-we Included "“0- . o " 5 tt D.- Joan Duos b. E. C. Drury, at VOLUME L.\'\'I Fun-shy Com All In ott "eittg ll "sat'ot'd a nd pun! if run-rs and bush The future of the any I in» Illuminating sworn I l lmnry, [mar Premise-r vitt "vealed Ink “Home etorertnthmt, and human- sf (W. plan! um Then 1hr Ptxwistre' IN If 'equsturte (rm-s. up he idea - born. the min: crumv-Ik‘n. I "' hoe-mo Pttatier, int-o should be the ttite Riemann)", Mp with the 00mm Main the land. um TI Among (In 'or Lulu-he ttvit' (he his on Wed I‘Oll 1: Met' a rut n I" out Iway w Inch-mun”) III a law In mun erwed ll! [archer In 20.08") whil-v , M was mun-r. 1 md In m- nhudr su folk Count Auricultm We H At lwir st I!" w ide {It ndim most beatnik Water Mom Bt. tr 4 . 1t's tite m mum-Nu tl rt-ver MIMI!” " Mort-x! bim- ite y MW blow "mowed In rugged hills North Emmi the aplvndh‘ tt at nunwrlvu I in an (Nd trr m ttw lulu " tr, " ly . " mini Inns-d a sink (Hm an [damn lion hm from “rum wn'i ma t"teemet Difficult of in“ NO wager run-1 l ruuuol'tm eye exttt In In“. Problems the! tbe' imgrd "nu-Wham otrtted a m easily moived bt msxT alumni! I dull-ea in the 00"" ttMoet “was. ('omul w: PITTER 0mm! (rams on” ide Count " Milli". Wand”. Jul Appointments Ina] mun In Kye M Wilde, ihllo ty ll that others in . All we 1 I In " Ot prey-n1 at c. s trner's ided or” n '8tt'trt m. " timbet fio In MIt - wanna up to mo a-ly mud" in! utw to "w co" l ‘ml m he" inlmv m tl Inc-3 " I'I'III We n dot M summ- ttt talo ilk-0 tor an KN) mu. " tt [All M in"! " " tttth, II \\ the m up I'll ll K M ‘ht [MM M In H null tnt HM ot

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