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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1939, p. 1

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" "one VON To tll UNES MRI“)! XY met Table ILY SPIN laying A.ttt but SOUND FOREST We I" " Hon. E. C. lharr; Speaker From Grey and Dutferin Counties, and far heyond, 132 delegans enroll- ed on Wednesday for the Brrt Fores- try Field Day at these two counties. All met at Dr. Junieson’s summer Wattage at Wilder‘s Lake, and before luncheon on the grounds there, most of the visitors availed themselves of 'he oppcrtunity to inspect the Doc- tor's trout ponds, and his buffalo and T, ild lite preserves. With ideal weather prevailing, the day was a most successful one, and ‘he large gathering cf representative Iamers and business men bespoke the widespread interest and increas- ing action being taken to rerorest thin most beautiful province. The management cf the Grey Co. xisit was in charge of Reeve John uecsB, Git-new. chairman ot Grey Forestry Committee, and T. R. Coop- 'r, Agricultural Rep., with Dr. Jam- wson as a west courteous host, and a" were attentive in directing and weing that the delegates saw the places ot interest. VOLUME LXVI, NO. 28 Among the visitors was A busload n. .1 iron Brant Camry. 5 orsfrom Nulolk County. several each from Meafor0 and Owen Sound, and nu- merous others from Western Ontario "ttunties. All were enthusiastic ever the rugged hills and lake scenery in 'he North FYreancnt--Gtet" district and the splendid crops m evidence. Lunchecn was served about 1.00 p. n., followed by a program ct addres. ..s, presided over by Grow County Warden, J. A. Davis, of Artemesla. The feature of the day in Grey was the illuminating speech of Hcn. E. C, hrury, former Premier of Ontario, ~..m revealed his intense lnterest m 'eforestation. and imparted a Wealth 'Il' (nets. Peopte were waking up to the need' st' re planting trees, he said. tn 1902. m- idea was born, the primary tsteal, ‘villl: 1nservaticn. In 1919, when‘ wt' tie-rump Premier, he felt the pro-i int-r should be the body to under: ‘rtkv rotorestation, going in partner-I hip nith thy counties: the County to! obtain the land. and the Province to ‘rlillll and administer for 30 years.‘ Then ttse Cottnty could buy out L/ 1rrosinre's', interest, or the Provmce: my tut the County. He believed‘ "cost ('ounties wruhl ultimately Buy) thrir tracts outright. _ At Drona and Midhurst are the urn“ nurseries supplying the trees: :Ius is an old Ontario proposititon. to 'r-sttlro- the balance in proper living t; mum nu. We're nearing the end of Isny; be a demand for. and an in- musing uso' tor wood products. ' Water' conditions and ttood control I :vre iruuvasungly impertant; Europe, "t', insane In some regards, has pre- served its prcper proportion of [meals I'..'," 10339,) while we have not. Alar- vat absottys water, it is deeply porous, Mid in it" shade snow melts tar motel :1: My The supply of ground Intel I'epmh on forests; the speaker in. Mum-rd " here springs had increased Iho-ir ttow with reforestation. " .1eurs planting will restore water con-. r!iticrrc as they used to be and should: lo, In the high lands that ought to In» vetoreurtcti. Large forests Were not Ir-senliul; take 100 acres or more “heron-r suitable: espcinlly catch and retorest blow sand areas before llio)’ become blow and. rum (NH Difficult Cases ho longer exist when a THoROUGH eye examination is made. Problems that the old-[uh- "med "merchant optlclnn" io on ar" easily solved bra COM, PFyrk.NT optometrist who spe- dailies in the correction of tision detects. Consult WI PATTERSON. 3.0. specialist in Eye Examination at C. S nae": Store DURIIH. Wednesday. July 26th Appointments I-6.80 9.13. timber resources; there will pH square miles has been re at First Forestry Field Day l Hon Dr. Jamieson stated he had practised refrrestration in a smalll way. Pines planted 61 years ago (when he started practice) on his lake grounds were now these huge treg. Durham Furniture factory use; 10,000 feet of lumber daily. He has planted 150,oo0 trees, 90% of them‘ still livinq, and hoped his example would stimulate others. 1 l Col. Townsend of Norfolk Co., eh" iprrssted the appreciation of Norfolk's representatives, ot this visit. Airnes Macphail M. P. called it ,"tt delightful party." Many things ‘Mr Drew sttrted were now carried ftn and accepted Sweden owns one- :lhird of its forests, and anyone who cuts down a tree must plant cne. We jshonld take social control over cut. 'tine of forests. We need conserva- ' lion to preserve beauty ot the coun- tvyside landscape should not be de- spoiled bu; old decaying buildings, and. I trbove all We should conserve our [ mum: people, who average two years of unemployment, and keep them busy. planted in Ontaric since 1923, but we've gm tc move faster. He was proud to say 10h0 acres had been planted in Simcoe Co. the past year. Retcrestntion is not a fad; itis an im. nwdiale need. l Malor Richardson, Prov. Forester, Isp'ke briefly, then all motored inure-ugh the new Grey Co. {crest two imiles distant. Not much yet to hr seen here as many youn': trees are 3 hidden by weeds. i, Ott then to Flesherton and through :('reemore to the hufferin Co. F'ormst. M)! which we will relate next week. F. R. Oliver M. P. commended Mr hrury and Dr. Jamieson tri' their wirk in ".tcrestation. He was impr- ostod in individuals taking it up, and consid, rattle remresting had been done on his own and mifacent farms. Dr. Norman Douglas, Owen Sound, left one thouzht. We should promote tho taking over or the Luther swamp either as a Provincial or Federal swamp. Seven prinelpat river sys- tems Bos from it. Blown Family hold The Brown family reunion the first to be held took place on Saturday afternoon in Pratt's Grove at tho home. ot Mr and Mrs Edward. J. ', Pratt, Glenelg. The event was in hon-ll or of Mr and Mrs Samuel Watson Ity I their two daughters, Elsie and Edith/ from Putnam, Sask. The guests pres l ent were descendants ot three J'dt"tl bers of the family of William andl‘ Sarah Brown of Aramazh, ireland,) who came to Canada and settled m "'tltate0' about Th years ago. Flve‘ ’ot‘ their sons settled in Toronto and; tone son and two daughters settled mi I,utenetst and it was the descendants“ lot these tttree-James Brown Sarair, Jane Brcwn Wttttrrn and Esther'; Brown Moore that game-red together on Saturday afternoon. 3 w. R. Watson was imprinted chair- man and called on several guests for rpm-ch69, recitation: and sown.) Those entertaining in stories from memrry were Wallace Pratt, Andrew) Watson. Mary Andrews', Rueben war) son, Mrs E. J. Pratt. Mrs J. An-l drown. Solrs were sung by Geneva Pratt and Melville Harrison. Games and swimming and social chat made Pr time fly quickly and a generals {picnic 'utrrper was much enjoyed. The 'lomeers elected were: president, W. ;R. Watson: vice presidents, James 1nrown and G. A. Watson; see-trea'., HI" J. C. Hamilton; commune, iMrs J. Brown. Mrs H. Firth. Esther 1Moore. Clara Watson, Edward Pratt. 1 Decision was 1 nrxt you. . Frivnds from a distance were siry""f and Mrs Samuel Watson. Mr and Mali?!“ MoCaImon. Mrs. C. Hewitt trom/me' Raskqtettewrttt; Mr and Mrs taons., ren, Toronto: Mrs Irene Harrison and cnte dautthter. Mrs B. Winkleman "iClrhe tron: Mr J. P- Mrnre Marla-1e. AL.“ P mom one hundred guests were prea- and out. P'" iifht B 111mm [Begum made to meet shin first Reunion l The funeral tonk place on Tuesday "afternoon at the home or his son iJarnes, and was attended by a very ‘Inrze number of friends and nonm- ‘bors. The service was mndunted at ithe house and wave by his pastor. IRev. C. N. Saunders of Mulct-k Itam itlst church. Interment was made!" l’l‘rinitv etturrtt cometary. Tho pall wearers were friends and nPlzhbm-s- Mcscrs. Thos. Melosh. Al'nn Brr'd. Him Emson. John Mckerhnie Jon th-Nallv. Joe Melnsh, John Kinzston rand Hectrr Kingston of Mearorst. HAN SR. 1 . o 5- HUGH VAUG ' i, for Reckless Dnnng Mig; (By our Glenroaden corr.) l, - Miss Mr. Hugh Vaughan Sr., a highly Before Magistrate Spereman in with! esteemed resident ct Glenroaden all police court here on Friday, George Mrs his life, passed away in we Durham Gardiner of 14th con. Esremont was Twain hospital on Saturday, July 15th. Mr fined $15 and costs, a. total ot $27.60 in: in Vaughan has been ill fcr a long time. or 10 days in jail on default, on a vicinil He was in his 78th year. “in, two charge of reckless driving, on Monday Mr your}; am) he was married to Mar- July 3rd. It was about 9.30 a. m. and son trarwt Mekenzie of Glenroaden, Who at the intersection of 16th con. Egre torme is left to mourn his lotus, with tour mom and sideroad at lots 25 and 26, Min sons: ilugliie, James and Kenneth, 10 miles east of No, 6 highway. friend and Alex. on the homestead. and one Gardiner on sideroad didn't see Rev. Mia daughter, Mrs. Campbell Dunsmctw and Mrs Brodie of Hopeville in their Isabel of Durham. There are 22 grandchild. car driving West on 16th, until he who l ren and 4 great-grandchildren. Arm was almost at the intersection, and Ieturl surviving are one brother Charlie he failed to stop but drcve through. Mrs Vaughan in the West. and one stBter To avoid collision, Rev. Mr. Brodie Alber Mrs. MeClement of Glenroaden. 1werved his car into ditch, damaging to sp The funeral took place on Tuede it. while he was cut across forehead. at he afternoon at the home of his son requiring five stitches and his wife Mr James. and was attended by 9 very was ahalren up. Maso In" number of friends and mun] Later-Gardiner took the 10 dty.moveek bars. The service was mmlurted at and is now serving his time. Mr the house and grave by his Damon; The Mngistrated stated that the herta Rev. C. N, Saunders of Muir" nandl’rodie car being on the right, had ter, ' tist church. Interment was mndelnlt‘he right away and thought i!_Gar- St., Trinitv churhh cemetery. Tho “'1"!de was tra’velling only 15 miles heto, bearers were friends and neighbors' “ per hour as he stated he cculd haw last 1 Messrs. Thos. Melosh, Allan He'll. _ stopped promptly when saw the west- Mr Jim Ellison. John MoKet-hnie. Jourhuwvul car. C' E Fallis Mt Forest. put Shirt McNallv, Joe Melnsh, John f'?.tt"oni'i,""a' spirited argument for the deft., and and Hectrr Kinmeton of Moarord. land. J‘ F. P. Ilirnie, Crown Attornog' are e l Trr,h.T1"11ff.'rl J,",?,'",',".,",,.,",','?,'," l acted for the crown. 1'ast is left to mourn his loss, with tour mus: Hughie. James and Kenneth, and Alex. on the homestead. and one daughter, Mrs. Campbell Dunsmcor of Durham. There are 22 grandchild. rm and 4 ,rreat-qram1children. Also surviving are one brother Charlie Vaughan in the West. and one mater Mrs. McClement of Glenroaden. l GEORGE THOMAS HUTCHINSON l I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchinsonl» il".."? the sympathy of a large circle! 'rot' friends in the death on Monday" “10min! of their only child, George‘ i?.?.'.?.'.'.'",': aged seven months. The} young lad had not been in the best ; health this past few weeks and _ tock suddenly worse on Saturday and was taken to the children's hospital l in Toronto. He was born in Durham 'rmcrmber Ill, 1933. His mother was ilnnuerly Iva Saunders. in June ho v'.xtrr-ived the rite of baptism at a {morning service in Knox Vnited lie in"! be greatly missed by parents and i, rrandnarents. The beautlrul ttoral tributes were ran-led lw nenhews, John Vauzhnn and Kenneth Dunsmnor. Mrs. Vane- l.an and family have the deepest svmnuthv of the or'nmllnltv. . Manv frinnds from distant T0mm: Mmfme Owrm SNInd, St. Thomas um] Oshawa, attended the funeral. The marriage cf Jessie Elizabeth} Bell, to Mr. Robert Frederick Wannl of Toronto, was solemnlzed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Bell, ot Alvinston, cn Monday, July 17th. Giv. en In marriage by her brother, Dr. A. M. Bell, the bride, gowned in Queen's blue sheer, and carrying it bouquet of rtses and lily or the valley, entered the beautifully decorated living-room. to the strains of the wedding march played by her little nephew, Alex. Bell. ‘The ceremony was performed by Rev. iJobn E. Bell, St. Johns, Newfound- Hand. brother of the bride. Miss Mary Bell was maid of honor and Miss Wilena Binnie was brides»! maid. They wore gowns of dusty V. l rose with corsages of Token roses‘ and detphinium. The ftower gm, lit. th, Jessie Bell. niece or the bride wore yellow organdy with malohinav bonnet. and carried a basket oil-maps and lilies rf the valley. The gel-com was attended by Mr. Jack Shams ot Tironlo. During the signing of the register Mr. Thomas Bell sang "At Dawninw." Mac. A. M. Boll in a gown of pale pink lace, received with the bridal party. 2 Those attending the wedding from inland: were: Mr and Mrs T. v. iBe'J. Ruth, Jr hn and Norman, Mr and 1M” G. A. Bell and daughter, Jeanie. The bride's going-away costume was rf Suez rims. with blue arressories. On their return from a trio in the States. they will reside in Toronto.. \ters, and Eldon Cordlck: also good Witt Enter Mig "WWW- step-danclng try B. Woods and seven Will Mllne’s success u an trust is ttt other numbers. leading him on Into new chunnels ol‘ Wort. Moorhead of Putrtertrtort. who artistry and hell now engaged itt"do. was tr entertain, phoned that he ing" cil painting tt ot his two cttitd. could not be present, but will come ren, Betty Ind Bobby and hopes to next Saturdny nlght. enter them " Toronto Exhibition. The citizens of town and country The canvas on which Miss Betty is painted, measure: 80 by 40 inches and smeared but week on the fumi- ture display window ot W. R. Iii-en. THE ROLL CALL MANN - BELL WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLOTEIN LEADER DURHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 20, Gardiner Fined for Reckless Driving Hazel Williamson of South Norman- by. had charmed his brother-in-taw, Fred Hallway of Robb, with assault, some three weeks ago. Halliday had brought Williamson’s mother back home (in same house as Williamson) after several months' absence. He ordered Hulliday off his place, whereupon the latter struck William- son on the cheek. causing a swclien face and medical attenticn. Haillday claimed he was provoked to it by a- busive language. which Williamson denied. The Magistrate ruled that Huh iiday was guilty of an assault, and fined him no and ‘bcsta, a mm of $24.40, and bad him sign a $100 bond (to keep the. peace tcr one year. Roy (Grant, Mount Forest, appeared tor New, J. F'. P. Birnie tor the Crown I Vernon Noble appeared on a 'rlmrge of intoxication and creating a ‘disturbance at a dance at Orchard. tile was found guilty and fined $5 land costs. a total ot $21.10, which inns paid forthwith. Clan Rowe atv lpeareii for defendant. The action against Dcuglas John. ston of Egremont, charged with rock. less driving when his car, and one driven by Olieda Hahn of Durham collided with slight damage on the the narrow Wilder’s Lake road in North Ezremont, was dismissed. as the Magistrate said that from the the evidence there was no speeding, and he believed one party no more to blame than the other. Knox United Sunday School are 1-iculcing in Holstein Park, today, Thursday and Baptist Sunday School nt Harrison Park, Owen Sound. Splendid Amateur Concert Saturday Another big crowd enjoyed a fino protram at Durham Park Saturday evening, which was well heard by everyone even a block away with tho strong amplifiers. Joe Crutchiey was chairman, and the judges fcr tho night were Mrs. Bert Stoneouse, Mrs Al. Saunders, and Mrs Pollock, iBentinok. With a wealth of good tal- ient, they bad some dimeult decisions. Fi awarded first to Florence Bolger Cor a solo; second to John McGrath, for step-dancing; third to Roy Wig- ‘gine, who proved an unexcelled Parry Lauder entertainer In con- tume. There was also some tine solos ‘nnd duets try girle: meg Lawrence and Sadie McKeewn; the Gomm sil- The citizen: ot town Ind country should remember that these con- certs run from 8 tn ' p. In. each sum-day. Be on hand " ' te enjoy the full program. rest, appeared tor Mrs. David Leith made a misstep 'nie tor the Crown ttt the head of her stairs last week. appeared on a and fell to the bottom with a badly .ion and creating P, sprailwd wrist. While unfortunate dance at Orchard. she “as also fortunate, in that it wnv Miss Lulu Sneath of Toronto, and Miss Plc. Manning, Elmvale. visited with Dr. and Mrs Sneath this week. Mrs. Chas. Hastings (nee Addie Twamley) of Victoria, B.C., is visit- lag her many relatives In town and vicinity. Mr and Mrs J. A. McGirr and son Allie, spent Sunday with the farmer's sister at Gait. Miss Doris Pratt is holidaying with friends in Detroit. Miss M. J. MoGirr and little niece, Isabel McGirr. of Niagara Falls, Ont, who have been visiting at Shelburnn neturned name on Sunday. Mrs Chas McKinnon of Bassano Alberta, arrives today, Wednesday, to spend the balance of the summer at her father‘s. Mr J. P. Hunter. Mr R. E. Richardson is attendinr Masonic Grand Lodge in Tcronto this Mr Thom Matthews of Ponoka, Ar berta, is Eart on a visit to his sis ter, Mrs J. M. Lawrence Lambton St., and brother Robert Giattiiewr Itete. It is thirty years since he was last drwn East. Mrs Jessie McIntyre, daughter," Shirlpv and Betty and son Norman and Mrs McIntyre of Owen Sound ”re onjtying this week and next at Wasaza Beach. Misses Velma myth, Hilda Mekrvh. nie, Borniecn Whitmore. Barbara. An- na and Freda Ritchie returned home after lloildnying tor a week at Port Hlgin Beach. Miss Jean McQueen is holidayiuv this week with her uncle Alex and Mrs McQueen. in Hamilton. Mr and Mrs Donald MoQueen and family will attend the wedding nupti. als of his Nether, Edward and Miss (‘cnstance Richards, at Delhi, this Saturday. Miss Thomasena Byers, Kncx Corn- ers. Normanby, was brought to Dur. ham hospital on Thursday last, where she Is being treated for a heart con- dilion. not mom sericus BORN PFIART---At Durham Ht spital, on Friday, July Nth, to Mr. and Mrs Oren Penn. Zion, a son. --_------ “use “I" uuw punt w. ”an-" ._.v.. I I The Cross Society have can i Mrs James Ford ot Hanover, wish/cette-i the' Pollier.‘ concert, (“ink to les to announce the engagement "router even at that time, 'uutintstead J'er second eldest daughter, ”Miaiwlu hold an Afternoon Tea andBuk Jan, to Mr. John Robert William‘ ine, Sale on t e lawn of In. [mud (Matthews, ycunretrt eott of Mrs ILJ. thwleson, on May ut'terncou, July ip"tht'",N"?le", the wedding toteesttt, at 3.3n p. . Admission 2hc, mince in the Mennonite Church, “on Everybody weirome ".ver, early in Almost. 1 .w< Dr. and Mrs W. Curtis Pickering. Durham, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jessie Dorothy, to Mr Stuart Bolton, son ot Mr and Mrs Nor- man E. Bolton, Toronto. The max-- Huge will take place on August lith. Mr and Mrs Wm. McLeod wish u announce the marriage cf their young est daughter, Sarah Donald: to lie-n ry Ernest Williams. eldest sou of Mr and Mrs. William H. Williams of To. l'onto. The marriage to take plan- in July. camping this week and next at liar when Park, Owen Sound. under tite leadership of Archie Douglas and Robert Milne. Town Clerk B. H. Willie, Mrs Wil- lis and family, are holidaying with their daughter on Manitoulin Island. baring his absence, Constable Sam is on duty at Clerk's ottice. Tho Saureen Trait Rangers are Used Furniture Sale s d Jun BEDROOH FURNITURE ' 1TJ,1,%T" 3 piece Chesterfield Suite...... .......... " tChesterfield almost new .. . . ...... . ' .. 31 Stover, Organs. Radios. in tact almost anything in the Household Futnlturc line Dining Room Suites . . .. .. Phone 41 w BELL lk BENNETT ENGAGEMENTS ONTARIO waves Published Weekly " 32.00 g yen in advance. To Units. States. 82.50 t yen In “men. Peter We. Publisher July 20 " August 5th Bargains Galore We need the room. Durham Ire-com! and dance tor the younu 'people o Greyw-llruw on Thursday. |July 27th " tt.m. to Lou an.) at ”be Balm-49 ’00, on NC. 1 Highway, i.,'uert west of unowr. Muuic by “Frank Banks' i000 orchestra. Thin Us your invhgmon. Mr Mckrthur, 'ill be 1! Mn: Vol- lotte'n Beauty P or on Wednesday, July 26th to do pe nent waving. Make appointment. Th anniversary nerviws ol Arum: Preslmerlan Church. limmove, will be ttetdton Juby 30 and 3m. Ttw Sunday \ervlm will be conducts-d by Rev. R, I... Bennie ILA. of Acton, at It a.m. and TM! p.m.. Monday ivenimr, Supper will be served {mm 6.30 to 8.00 o'ckvk, fol» towed by I [lay "Home mun-s ttto Prince." Adm"tyon: Adults " cents Children, 20c. \ COME EVENIS ........$zsuunp flat-plluil M.P. will hold ..... 325. We deliver 01' " w $9, ”a Ema? Mir. .

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