West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1939, p. 4

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M if L h. Mr and Mrs Campbell Grunt of of Walkerlon tert on Friday on . six weelm‘ voyage to the British Isles. Mr Grant's grandfather was a fun- ous piper on tho Highlands of Scot land, and had the distincticn ot play- in: for the trtte Queen Victoria. Quite naturally, Mr Grant feel: an urn to visit the land ot the ttettther.--Miur may Gnae.tto. The Review to New Subscribers to Jan. I, 1940, only 75e Gel? has assum- ed nun-h im- portant propor- tions ia the rrtykw r9 I. - .__.-,,,, _ count- at St. Andrews-b - tho-80.. N.B.; id,S,S%W.i Dig». N.B.: and Ysrmouth, N. . nil in cosmetic: with the conpny'n Moll. Quebec City In tro fly" ts"Pfhft?.P Cit in I" I!“ cunt-w. - - -r.-.'__rH-'V'--_-----e"" _ (lug doting heck to 1874. I"--'-"'".'"-'"';'."",'..".-,'--,.'--"'.,----".----"------""-" named hen the oldeet club in Cumin, the Royel nomad. founded in 1878. which todar bouts two chu- o-hl' "hole cm. Other Clube nre numerous and Fr1',h Toronto, too bu unruly excellent links, 1elSl'l?lll, the Md York Golf Club. when guest- " the Raye! ark Hotel hnve pleyln‘P VN-. Outer-lo “aunt In -.. ell don; the Conduit "eiile'. linen. Baal" can” " We like! and Kenorn (me el the - have warty “role eons-for their ttat Throughout the Pride Produce. gel! in My.» et ell the - entree, while the an! and}; otel Golf ammo is anon; the beet in the country riraiiiiJuiuieeeAett?i_i1tettr: mun mtcmmtmmaumcmo-namumud saw “my nothing ol the hum -. vino!- who pk, it eneh mm. Vancouver and Victoria mm...” fr.h'ie',a' t'ttlttg t'gfa'gtt','g,trg'tdigitt2,',' golf ftit,ihlNN.h'tgtt",NttlTd t ' our-um or . . en Cup. "I by the Candie. Poem: “my. being " commuting teeture of the all calender. y u Ii FetR SALE A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE Golf ls Goif From Coast 'To Coast A request that cattle be tested Will be forwarded to Hon Earl Rowe, ae. P. tor Dutierin-Slmcoe, to be present Hi to the Federal Government. Be- muse Dulferin has been apprcved as a restricted area, rattle owners do not want the counties of Simcoe, Grey, Wellington and Peel to be test. ed before r9ufterin, and thus isolate that County. F. W. MOON Durham When Reeve D. J. MacDonald of Bentinck trot a phone call the other day frrm his brother, Ronald, of Marshfield, Oregon, a distance ot about 2,200 miles, the call came through the Hanover and Allan Park cent- rals As our Allan Park correspond- ent pointed out, the night rate to Oregon is $4, plus 25e tax. We ask- ed Miss Gertrude Payne, who is in charge of the Bell oMee here, wheth. or such calls were common, and she tells us that the local office has handled so many to Western Canada that it is no longer a novelty. They have also had calls from California “id as far out " Alberta, and many calls have gone through the local of- fice to Winnipeg....People seen to be becoming quite accustomed to long distance. We recall how they used to remark on being able to hear a party in Toronto or Hamilton as At the Brodie vs. Gardiner police court trial here Friday, when Rev. Mr Brodie was injured and his car damaged avoiding a collision, Magis- trate Spereman asked Brodie what make ot car he was driving. "A '27 Chev," was the reply. Gardiner was asked as to his car, and it brought the same reply, "a 27 Chev." "No wonder it was a near collision." re- marked a listener, "it was just two old friends who hadn't seen each oth- pr for a long time, anxious to meet." A record wheat crop equal to the history-making yield of 550,000,000 bushels produced in 1928 is predicted for Western Canada. It Is said there is not a real bad spot tor wheat on whole prairie carpet. - 3.1!: Batman: 31etsistts P. RAMAGE. Editor and Proprietor THE DURHAM REVIEW 1 Registered Durham Cow, 1 Grade Durham Cow. 1 Black Cow All about due to freshen. HORSES.. 1 Buck Percheron. 1 Black Clyde, 1 Bay Clyde, all , yen old and broken to work. 1 Black Percheron and 1 Bay Clyde, , years old. 3Yearllngl. 8 good Work hor. ses end 2 Saddle horses. ' your old. clearly as if the person! were stand. ing beside them. The other day the oMee " Kincardine got a. all for Rev S M Scott. " was from MIJOI' Ken. neth MeCritntnon, and where do you think he was speaking from t Rio de Janiero, Brazil.... Arid over in Col. lingwood, Samuel Russ had not seen his sister for 28 years, so he called her up. She was in Palermo Sicily. only ahcut 5,000 miles away, and re- ception was trood.--Post. This season seems to have develop. ed an epidemic of new dance pavil- lens. A new one was opened last week at Ayton on the banks ot the Saugeen River and another new one is en the way at Teviotdale. We some- times wonder where all the money comes from to keep these dance halls going. and again we wonder how long they may be in fashion. We're not criticising dancing at all. in tact we've spent many a happy hour dancing ourselves and we haven't any regrets to think over either. But it was different in our dancing days. We didn't have to have a car to take the best girl to dance. We mostly walked and another ditterenee was that most or the dances at that time were private and didn't cost us any- thing except some sleep. We're glad that the dances were more reason- able at that time, as we wouldn't. have had the price of even a gallon of gas, let alone the price of admit" sion. Sometimes we wonder where all the money comes from tor these " fairs in these so-called hard times. Maybe you do too,--). The bride is a niece of the late James Ledinghmn, of Durham. Following is a toast in poetry writ- ten to Queen Elizabeth by Mrs E. C. Tibbits of the Marpole-Rlchmond Review published at Eburne, B. C. TO QUEEN ELIZABETH Queenly, yet a little shy, Gracious, friendly, passing by, Sympathetic tender grace Shining from her lovely tace- Queen Elizabeth, you came, Saw and conquered, and the flame or your warming smile has lit Candles in our hearts-a bit Brighter. gladder gleams the day Since? you chose to pass our way- Kindlier, more tender, true All the world-ttinte we saw you. The marriage of Charolette Fla-l peth Ledlngham. daughter ot Mrs Ledingham, Weston, and the late. Rev. Robert B. Ledinghnm, to Mr Grant Sanderson Hall, son of Mr and Mrs. Norman D. Hall, Elora, "T place in Weston Presbyterian Chum“. Saturday evening. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Currie tereetman/ assisted by Rev. W M. MacKay. I The bride, who entered the church? with her uncle, Mr James Leighton of Winnipers, was gowned in white: sheer marqulsette over white satin.‘ made on princess lines with long train and trimmed with satin bowsi She wore a veil caught with a cap or iiiy-of-the-valley, and carried a white; Bible with streamers ot the "e flowers. She was attended by her, sister. Margaret, maid of honor, who were a long aeongetie gown; Miss Jean McLelland, Kincardine, and Miss Jean Ledintrham, her sister. bridesmaids, the former gowned in fuchsia and the latter in turquoise georgette. with ftower hats to match. The groom was attended by his bro. ther, Mr Gordon Hall of Timmins,' Miss lssbelle Anderson, Toronto, pre. sided at the organ and Miss Jean Wright song during the singing of the register. A reception followed at the home of the bride's mother, 38 Queen's Drive, where the mothers of the hrllde and grrom received. For their motor trip to Sault Ste Marie and Northern Ontario, the bride wore a gown of Queen”! blue sheer, with with matehinq turban. They will live in Stratford. A TOAST TO QUEEN ELIZABETH Phone 140 hllueihgum Nuptials DURHAM MACHINE SHOP DANCE HALLS - MONEY? For Sale RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , CRAWFORD Y. P. U. The CA’.P.U. met on Sunday even- ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Campbell with Cameron McDougnil in the chair. The scripture lesson was read by Alma Anderson. During the business period, plans were made for the picnic, to be held July 29th at Mr Will Andertrott's. A splendid program :cvnslsting of the following numbers nvas given: readings by Ruth Wall ‘nnd Florence MacDonald: poem read by Mrs, D. A. MacDonald. Duncan ‘McDouzali and Beverley Boyce; and a musical number by several young ‘men. The Y.P. benediction brought lthe meeting to a close. Bitt tmndte of old mu. only Fe, " Review tttttee. Just the thing for Mr. end Mrs. 660.11. Torry and diameter: of Victor: spent Sunny with Mr and Mrs D. A. MacDonald. Mr and Mrs Freak Tvmiey, Mur- ray and Marjorie visited Mr and Mrs Metyoektin of Zion on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Pearloua Sheri: and family and Mr Erie Anderson visited with Mr and Mrs Geo. Harvey nem- Owen Sound the first of the week. Miss Mary McKechnie. Mics Kate Brown and Mr. Gordon Kramer spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Penner, Denboro. Miss .Kate McPherson of Detroit v. as the guest of her friend Mrs J. McDothrrvall for a. few dnyn recently. Guests of Mr and Mrs W. Ander- son on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Boas Smith and children of Eugenia and Mrs M. McMullen of Fevershun. Mr and Mrs Elmer Fisher, son Jack of Pittsburg, Penn. are spending a couple of weeks with the former's parents here. t Mrs Andrew Rude. Mrs Doug. Hastie and Mrs John Kaufman visit- ed recently with Mr and Mrs Dick Bailey, near Chesley. Hustle Mrs G. Tumbull Miss E. Henderson holidaying " her home Mrs. Bill Low, New Jersey, In spending two week with her parents. Mr and Mrs Robt Lawson. _ Mrs. Simpson, Edmonton, is holldny~ ing with her aunt Mrs J W Mekeeh. nie Hastie Family Miss Verna mehley is holldlying with her aunt Mrs Alt Hlncku, Toron- A number of boys of this neighbor. hood wended their way to Midland on Sunday to visit, Mr Cheater Miller. Pleased to report Chester is get- ting along nicely after his accident. Mr and Mrs Andy Heyburn end family of Singhampton were week end visitors with her parents Mr and Mrs Levi Pallieter. Mr and Mrs. George Simpson and family Waterloo were weekend visi- tom with Mr ’and In Harold we- Kechme. Most of the farmers will Brtitrtt hay- ing this week and in a few days will be busy cutting fall wheat. Misses Joyce and June Pickard, lngersoll are visitors this week with Misses [Ilene and Maxine Dargawel. Mrs Wm Gruby, Durham is spend- ing a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Malcolm McKechnie. ROCKY SAUGEEN Henderson of Toronto is Reunion Held A pretty sad attncuve wedding was :uemnlsed mt Wednesday, July " at the home of the bride’l parents when Miss Elvira llry Ellnbeth on. ty daughter of Mr and In Osborne Hickllng was united in marriage to Mr George Henry Helmbecker ot Mildmny by the Rev. Hugh menu... of Hanover. The youthful bride becomingly gown- ed in pink chiffon and carrying I sheaf of pink sweetheart roses and term was given “my by her father while her bridesmaid Mitts Elude Heimbecker of Clifford was dressed in ttowerod chllon um curried red and white macs. Mr. Arnold melt. ling of Wilkerion, brother or me bride supported the mom. The supper decoration! were in pink and white with a three nary wedding cake in pink end white trimmings, the work of the bride’s mother. graced the centre of the table where twelve cover: were mo and served try the bride'l comm, MN Harvey Scheunndt of Klllyth and friend Miss Leolo Kruezer ot Wattrers Netty um Illl‘cuvu "9."e.-"'_ ranked mt Wednesday, July lz'enu Mr end In C. A 1e home of the bride's parents! mm mm" with l Miss Elvira “If! Elizabeth on. Mr. J. my were Rev. “later of Mr and In Ogbortte Chauworul and Dr. , ling Wu united In marriage mgromm the lira Mort George Henry Helmbecker or, Hm Honky ot Durham mae bv the Rev. Hugh Cleghorn‘den and son or Tomnu "Et-ttOtt-o'"""' - - W a Tormtto t spam hf -ttttrt wlttt her Fs' on“ It and In C. A. Merntyre wt Villain with Mr and ll: In J. I” won Rev. 8.1!, com”. Chmworul and Dr. Wittrtttetxter" , ml» also In Hartley. Miss 1. “no Honky of Durham 1nd Mrs ll, den and non of Toronto. In T. K. Dome, and film“) ", ec-riot' by Mr and Mrs J '. noble, nod two childmn of Low are MIMI”)! It Mrs noble-'5 summ Column View. and De Fan-u Grader 6 tube Electric radio for sai,. chem. My at Review OtBee. No HIV, are mending purl CM tl;' vmuon with Chealey friends. Mr and Mm ’ll. Swaeney "'.' daumhter of Detroit are visluuz v.'.' In I. Sweeney. and brothers. Blanche any Ind luster Hui JULY so, 1989 of th, s25 Reward! _ con NOLATPH CORN MINI-t nu} orcullow THEY Cttitttot n-u this emr-ient new scivntitir, d “rm and Canon... u “and" "eminent (Salve .1 minnows and keeps them aw 'tmtettimts and relioer “uh put-(Ion. For sale at 1 Review (N 1urtttie Mall: N I the mum NB SALE PM pr this Irm lion ntsldom " item tl" miss iags hr “ inc: ill pomier To close m r on the West Md Juno“? am Durham. three M, one-[hind Fort ."ALF ten). 2 R, MEN-Hid TEACHER WAY use." a Rs rum ox '11va and nlar, up... Hooper, Mg 'i't Prtewville, 0m Tom. engine nut. Con prim. 817.1, Dace. was llhmwx TeV phm The ttattwa.v, Toronto ha been app-Hum [Inger (it-pan”. "do district ot m. We” at 'l a " LET'S HAVE THOSE IT FARM FOR SALE OR Robert Nlvvn Mr apt-n Small Ad Hm Bob Mo STREET D Prizes " Band Big A EVERY M M The Durha an). con-sanity Park, Comp) Rt Sn ll received by Durham Co Promoted pt FOR SALE JULY 20, l Mcruaen'. mi for Pm: Commm "

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