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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1939, p. 5

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f 20, 1989 in advance AW8. omorrow --TODAYt 91852 . 6's: 'IPI M Toronto in ith her por- McIntyre. M "lit, m tor sale Mis and Mr aater ter Bob of theit Jr 1 ionic; nily at Forest m York. ods Hr. an ith " FDR .sedia'tt,'et' Walking Traetor,l Torn. engine, '"", , will do (mum: work. Complet , with took. half ;-ri('v. $175. 'Cl, Durham Review: Union. "a I In close n Estate. Part ot 1att D tlt" Wes side ot Countess Street, 'Ankscn's . rvey of the Town of Wuhan]. th room frame house. Imp, one-th rd " acre of land. pply: J. H. MeQuarrie 1 Durham, Ontario. son/nor for the executor oi ‘. E. P. Walsh name The James Bunntoh lam. lot IS, run l5. Egremont, [naming 100 'I'rv-s. Good bulldln . Apply to ' viii be paid by 25 Rewarw the mtg. ot LLOYD'S THY. MULATED CORN SALVE for any corn nrcaliou-s THEY cannot remove with this emeient new treientitte treatment for Corn. and Callouu. Lloyd's com. binatlon treatment (Salve and Pads) ramovos and keeps them away. De geniuses and relieves with tirat ap- plirmion. For sale at HI-vit-w Office Vatuatirtt season is here. and it brings n steady stream of visitors to the mmmunity, white scores of local ..-sislo=nn are holidaying at other p: int,. from lime to time. Every one _ I these visits is a new. item ot inter. n: to at Ietvst cne ot our waders, and te. "re wry anxious to receive these 1rrmrs'. Send them in. or bring them 'lt ."ALFr---f t lot 6, con. 16, Pro. ". n). 2 Regis rm! Dorset Rams, 5 rmuim-rod no set Ewes with lambs. I A. Campbrt , RR]. Proton St'n. :nlqvhono 129.\r 2-1, Dundalk. 1,_ii,.,li' Band Concert and 'a,),:'", Big Amateur Night 'r', EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT acher a I - _ ', for Program Sat. Night, July 22nd. i Prizes " $2, and " Entries will be I‘ "Peeived by Arthur Adlam, Manager of the .7 Durham Co-Operative Store. Sponsored by tt'HFIR oper ate ex I salar PM me Small Advls. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT LET'S HAVE THOSE ITEMS when Niven. ttatotttatt district '.C' t nun agent. Ctutadiagt Paeintt I can" Toronto, since 1926. who ‘wn appointed general “out. _ "t “or department. for the Ilre. Hf ar Bob Moorhead, Palmersm, llhttrtaia STREET DANCE, Thur. July 20 ~i:.~1rict "ot the Coinpony. with rtsmrlers at Toronto. _ A The Durham Business Men's Ass’n CT,',",",,','"' DU RHAM Commencing 8 p. m.'to 900 pm l Ont. iii, SALE , n Estate. Part ot Lot D as side of Countess Street, . rvey of the Town of th room frame house. nth rd an ten or Ind. pply: J. H. Meomrrte 'i Durham, Ontario. JULY 20, 1989 WANTED. - Protestant S.S. No. IO, Glenelx. vrience. nuartfletttions and expected. Apply, Angus Inc.-Treaa., R. R. No. I, McFadden's Drug Store Misses Marjorie Evens! and Bar- bara McKee of Toronto, are spending their holidays at Ed. Everist’s. Misses Katie and Lizzie ot Montreal, are helidaylng brother's, Dan Campbell. The Holdlnst Club picnic will be held Friday ot this week at the' home ot Mrs Edgar Patterscn. Miss Sadie Cursors, R. N. Toronto is visiting at her parental home and was accompanied home by her nephew, Dickie Pedlar. Mr and Mrs Caleb Marshall, To. ronto, are visiting " her father’s. Congratulations are extended to this young couple who were married re- cently. Miss Marjorie Lane Georgetown, is a visitors with her aunt Mrs Jim Sturrock. Mr and A. L. Blacks. and family Halted Sunday at Mr Jack Calder'ss, Fuirbairn. Mrs Russel Baird (nee Gertie Mae, Cuaig) and 3 children ot Pontiac, Mich are spending a few weeks holidays with members of the Man. Cualg family. Mr and Mrs Donald McKinnon, Mr Dave Hineha and Mary Hincks an. spending a few days in Toronto thin week visiting friends. Lavina Stevens is visiting her aunt Mrs Edgar Patterson. Sunday visitors " Ed. JiNerigt's were Mr and Mrs Sid. Bartlett and daughter Dorine: Mr Bert Wilson of Toronto; Miss Helen McEachern and Miss McCauley of Stayner. Mrs John McFarlane and son re. turned to Toronto Sunday alter a month's holidays at her parents. Mr and Mrs Allie McLean and son Clare spent Sunday in Toronto. Miss Bernice Carson returned home Monday after spending over t weeks at Trenton and Toronto. Services of the two congregations will be held Sunday in St Columbn Church. Last Sabbath tt large crowd was present at St. Andrew's Church. Dorothy Richardson of Swinton Park is holidaying with her grand- parents, Mr and Mrs Carson. A vary prmty wedding was solemn- izml July 15, at the home ot Mr and Mrs Wm J. Hlncks ' Ceylon, Ont, when Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr David Hint-ks, became the bride of Mr Joseph E. Petrie son of Mr and Mrs Allan Petrie o! Atwood. Pgomptly at 2 p. m. the charmim: bride entered an arch of evergreens to the strains of the "Bridal Chorus from Uhenttrtn", rendered by the bride's Slater, Miss Jean Hlncks, arm was given away by her father. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. Taylor, Markdale.. The living room was tastefully de- corated tor the occasion. The bride looked charming in a Mor length gown of pale pink marquisette with tierra to match. She carried a bou- quet oi briar Cliff roses and Baby's Breath. During the signing of the register Mrs Alex Berryhil, sister of the groom song “I Love You Truly." Mrs Wm. Hincks, and Mrs Wm. Howe rereived the guests. The bride led the way to the dining room when ttttr guests enjoyed a. sumptuous wedding dinner. The table was centred with a three storey Wedding cake. Rev. J. E. Taylor act. ed as toastmastter and called on Mr Wm. Howe, who proposed a toast to the bride, which was responded to by the groom. Short speeches were given by Messrs Alt Hincks, Allan PETRIE-HlNCK8 NUPTIALS PRICEVILLE PRICEVILLE Lizzie Campbell at their Petrie and C1ittcrd Hincks after which Mrs A. Bernyhil sang. "Wed. ding Bells” later Mr and Mrs Petrie left amid showers of confetti, and good wish. es tor a motor trip through Northem Ontario. The bride travelled in a dress ct dark rose sheer,. with white coat and matching assessories. On their return they will reside at Atwood, Ont. Mr and Mrs M. Foster, Mt. Forest were visiting with their daughter, Mrs w. R. Scott. Mrs Elizabeth Scott, Preston, spent a few days at the home of Mrs Will Ridden. Mr and Mrs Allan Stewart and fam- Ily moved last Wed. to the McGlad- dery house on Cedarville line, con 6, Mrs J. Hancock and children, my chester, N. Y.. are holiday guests at the home ct her father. Mr Samuel Crawford. Mrs John Plester, New England, who has been very ill " the home of her daughter, Mrs Fred Sageman is slightly improved. Mrs John Russell, Sr. has returned home from a lengthy visit with her daughter, Mrs Alex. Spence. Toronto, and is enjoying the best of health. ( Sally missed by my Mrs Geo. Sturrock and Mrs Will Ridden visited the farmer's daugh- ter Mrs Gordon Ferguson, Woodland who is now making good improve- ment from an attack of pneumonia. Mr and Mrs Fred McLean, Guelph were early in the week visitors at Mr Frank McLean's. Mr George Shand has Been bedfaal the past few days and under the care of Dr. Lianay. Everyone busy in the Park, while we hear of so much unemployment throughout the world. And being busy, we are naturally fairly happy and contented. The weather is just right tor work, play, or sleep. Most of us are well, and for those not en- joying good health, there are many sincere wishes that soon they may be better. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs Herb Anew and family in the sudden pas- sing of her mother, Mrs Fred Hiltz, Kilsyth. Miss Violet Ferris spent the week end with her aunts in Toronto and Woodbridge. Mrs. John Corbin was called on Monday evening to the deathbed ot her father, Mr. Rathwell of Dundalk. Mr Rathweil was an old man, well up in the nineties, and a highly respec- ted resident of Proton before retir. mg to Dundalk. We in the Park were pleased to have a short call from Mr and Mrs. Tom Broughton, from the Peace Riv- er country. Both are enjoying good health, and while they have Buttered reverses in the West, yet they are able to count their many blessings. and thank God for health and a tam. ily of ten sons and daughters, four of whom are school teachers, two are farmers, others in other employment. Tom came especially to see his rath. er, Walter Broughton of Ravenna. who is now in his 94th year. Mrs. Broughton is Mary Wilson. a daugh. ter of the late Wm. John “Wilson of Boothville, so both have many rela- tives and friends here. Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Blakeston of Stratford, are this Tuesday guests at the Hardy home here. ' At Hugh McMillan's for the week and were daughters Jessie and Isabel sister Mrs Ellen Parslow, son Donald and friend, all hom Toronto. Sunday evening, another daughter, Mrs. Chaunt came and is remaining toy some time recuperating after a re. rent illness. Hugh McMillan, in his 75th year, spent a. few days last week on the steep root of Zion United Church in Glenelg. near Haywaxd's Falls. Hugh says the roof is too steep for boys. Congratulations to Mervin Little, teacher, and his class or four glrlsln Grade 9, June Maxwell, Thelma Chla- lett, Annes McMillan and Agnes Har- rison, all of whom passed with non- ours. Well done, girls'. Ton manor-sq rent. In loving me ry of Mrs David, Hincke who opened this Ille.x July 22nd, 1926 l Just when her m was brightest, . Just. when her " were best, l She was called f this world of SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE m MEMORIAM All) VICIII‘IY d and M117. i, Mr and Mrs W. J. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs Percy Greenwood and John, 'visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘mad. Edgar. Gorrie. Mrs Geo. Rob. ertson and Grace Robertson, who spent a couple of weeks here, return. ied home with them.. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Mrs. Alfred Pebb, Arlene. Vivian and Bobbie, of Bay City, Mich are spending a few days with old neighbors and friends in the vicinity. Mr and Mre Philip Harrison and Eilene ct Swinton Park, were guests with Mr and Mrs Howard Ritchie the first of the wrek. Billie Moorhead ot Palmerston Is spending his holidays with his aunt, Mrs W. R. Jack. l ' Mr and Mrs J. C. Cook, and Shirley Mrs E. Cook, Dorothy and Carol, vis- ited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ed, Cook, Waterloo. Mr and Mrs J. R. Edyards and Mrs J. Atkinson were guests with Mrand Mrs Ray McRae. Palmerston, Sunday Mr and Mrs W R. Jack and Clara. aeeotnpanied by Miss Bell of Hanover and Mr Damn: of Ayton, enjoyed a trip to Wasaga Beach on Sunday, re- turning by way, of Collingwood and Mcalord. ; Mr Waudby Baker met with an ac- cident last Saturday. While unload. ing a load of hay, he got his hand caught in the rope when the horses started off, and his hand went into the puller. Three of his flntrertt were ihadly hurt, and the hand also torn. ;He may have to have one finger mm- ; putated. Miss Elsie Mays returned Monday to Guelph, after spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ben Mays. rBortt--Ott July 15th, in Durham hog. pital. to Mr and Mrs Oren Peart, a son. Mr Wm. McNally, Mr Sam'Dyknman Mrs Kellar and daughter Shirley of Grand Rapids, Mich., motored over last Wednesday to spend a week with Mr and Mrs Robert Bryans. Mr Jack McCannei of Proton, who had the contract of shinglimg Zion church, will flttish the Job Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Wan. Crosken and Miss Millie Cook of Toronto. visited with Mr and Mrs Bush McArthur Thurs- day night and called on other friends. The Zion Branch of Women‘s In-i etitute held their July meeting on. Thursday of last week at Mrs Arthur', McNaliv's. with a good attendance.‘ After singing the Ode, the following program was given: Motto: "Lite is, not so short but that there is time enough for eourtesr"--Mrt, A, Ander/ son: a skit put on by the girls "Mak/ inc over of Sadie": music by Mrs.‘ Arthur McNally and Lena. Mrs-Cian ence Robinson and Mrs J. C. Cook, delegates to the District convention, gave a mod report of the convention. Roll call: “Duties of a hostess." A presentation of a cup and saucer was made to Mrs. Tosh (nee Adeline Me. Nelly) from the Institute. After the closing number, Mrs .ficNally and as- sistants served lunch. The next meeting will be held " the home ot Mrs. Thos. Glencross on August 10th. All ladies welcome. Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Wester Bowman were Mr and Mrs. Thomas French and son David of Toronto; Mr and Mrs Ed. Fisher and daughter June of Kitchener: and Mr and Mrs Wilson Kraft and family of Waterloo. . Mr James Heslip met with a very painful accident Sn Thursday, when the team of horses ran away with the rack. He will be laid up for some time. Miss Ada Banks is spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. Vickers of Renfrew. Also Betty McCaliumis visitinz in Toronto with her aunt, Mrs. Pred Abbott. Mrs. R. Kenny and son Michael spent a week in Owen Sound with her daughter Margaret and friends. Mr. Frances Keifter and Dennis spent a day recently in Guelph. Mr George Braun and son Steven and daughter Jessie are spending a week at home, from Vineland. Mr and Mrs L. McCallum and fam- ily ot Detroit are spending a month with her parents, Mr and Mrs Allan Boyd. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Dunlmoor ot Oshawa are spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs Jack Me. Kechnie. Mr Hector Boyce has bought Mr. N. Melosh's farm and u moving on it this fall. On July 27th, the planet Mars wlll crowd the earth until it is I more astronomlcal stone's thow any. It will edge in teal-dull: troubled globe untltl it is only 36,030,000 all” may, .and then It will Mart, It: slow retreut into mother fifteen-year cycle. GLENROADEN IN DAYS OF YORE T ', Holstein Corr: We extend congrat- ‘nlations to our entrance pupil's on their success of the recent extunts,-" I Misses Viola Camcrons, Irene Drum and Mabel Reid, who wrote " Dur. l ham and Florence and Willie Main, : writing at Mount Forest. Viola took Ihonir standing. over " per cent, 1nd tautslde ot Durham town pupils, she on, who killed by a kick from a, horse last Tuesday. Bwinton Park Corr: Sorry to chronicle the death of Mr James Pat- Saugeen Valley Corr'. Glenelg Centre) Party held at the home Ist Mr. Jas. McGilvray. was quite a success The program was very good, the speak- ers being Rev. Hartley, Rev Wyiiie, Mr John Graham and Mr Geo. Bin- nie. who acted as chairman. Mr Bin. nie Miss Winnie, and T. H. sang, ac. companied at the organ by Miss Lizzie. Aquartette from Durham Bap. .tist Church also sang. Miss Janet Wyliie and Miss Annie Graham re. cited and Rev. Wylie favoured the audience with a song. is the only pupil writing " Durban who won honors, and one of the Ihree others in South Grey. Five of the six from Holstein school have thus been successful, a, good record for the pupils and Principal anage. Arthur was the magnet of nttnc- Git" EanhIEF FiAod, Verona on tion last Monday for the Orange. grown. Some soils are better than man of this district and their friend“ Sizer” due to the dilereucel in no. Over 40 lodges were in the parallel In boring . hole with a Boil auger, and the crowd it is estimated num-i the 1e,r,,t,ied.Te, Ind lame soil or: . lint remov ' t en let t e auger an bered at least 6000. Holstein lodgel twist down tor six inches. withdrew had a representation of about 25 in‘ nnd remove sou. Go down the depth the walk and are highly 'trttitffth'1',f', 'it,hthttt",,ttlWttl',,t,', use ' tans ncelo IOEI me. , with their share in the 'r"e"niiii; box-ing- out in the order that Jonty Long winning first for drum- such were removed in order that I mer, and William Garden fltntt NOON" may t"'t'it a: "e xt': . soil c nnges. t a now so for playing the life. The crowd “as shined from a. localised ttoil survey was moat orderly in every respect. -the arm manager_can plan the on. Boothville Corr: Mr Fred Rutter man is putting a stone foundation under his barn and making some oth. " improvements' which will add to [hair utility and convenience. She Chewed Her Gum. A Grey County minister reports that in a recent marriage ceremony which he conducted the bride chewed gum throughout, and her replies to the us- ual questions Indicated that she was chewing a pretty big wad. There is we have been told, a tune and place for everything, but a marriage cere- mony would hardly appear to be the correct time to indulge in this habit. Thou who my u lot don't than no! Baton at!“ clan, be um an E wu intended. A nulon'o mo wodth It“ In the cur near ot In clams. One and: a lot 0' Imngdl to outcome " own Iva-hm. Crime, the noun of maul disorder. " met, card In prim . . . aunot-ttuoatrirnnitutf" flu In - val mud loot. 'a,, FIRES“ pHILosoM .vvhte mm "MIME All! t1tllEll } Nitrogen, in . fertiliser tormuln Is _ expressed " smmonis. phosphorous " phosphoric Acid. and Potassium u _ potssh. For innunce, s 342-. ter- ‘tiliser mixture oontsins t per cent. ‘ummonis, " per cent. phosphoric I scid and six per cent. potssh. A unit ot plant food is 1 per cent. or " pounds per ton. Thus s ton ot 8-124 conisins 3 units ot unwound: units l, ot smmonis. " units of phosphor}? I Do You as" Your use. l, The most relisble nnd eeonomiul method ot securing iniorrnntion con- ‘cerning the soil or n eertain torn can be secured by the taking of n systemic series ot borings over the entire property. Such borings will I show the soll variation: and be s gen- ernl guide to the value ot the true! " n producing form. The akin; ot :soil borings any seem like n lot or A work. but it is well worth while even I it it tnkes . day. which Is surely n short time when we consider that the 'purchsse ot s isrm may tie up n 1 man and his family tor lite. Better l, to know something ot the soil under- L nesth, before handing over the pur- lchnse price and then regretting " l, inter. , Clone observulons have shown tint the potato lenfhopper in the can” og ‘ an Injury that begins " a slight yol- lowlng, unuully " the tip ot n lent. The injury progreues; the leat tum brown, curls upward and dies. The (“new Imelda from the margin to. 'Ide the mid-rio of the lee! mod rapidly during dry, hot weather. Early po'tntoeu any be so checked In loss ot foliage as to reduce all 900- Ilblo chtnce ot 'ro/lt.. -- _ J On the experimental plots " the Ontario Amcultunl College two m- .Ietleo ot “out when have has ”now: " diluent "tee In and: a! Amt _ Martine on August no. I at snowing one woe: between out no dataq of loading. The new mult- Ihoy deem I! the yield. oseid, and 6 unlu ot youth. or to pounds of Autumn“. no pounds at phonyhorlc acid and 120 poundl of potaats.-L. Stevemn, Dept. at El- tenllon, o. A. Colleu. An auger adapted tor Boil boring! an be made from n ordinary car- penter's stand-ma wood bit, by weld- ing n six-toot extension on and then removing the gimiet point. main. lugs, and then tlah-tailing the and of the worm. Over wet IOHI, high water table. and the need tor Brtititttttl drnlnu cu be readily determined with the mil auger. A study ot location. tor (“In structural, welll, pit lion. ete.. can .150 be nude by below write. borlmps, with but little ettort, and mistakes in location prevented. - Bordeaux controls luthopper not preVentI hopperburn. The nor-yin. must be thoroughly done and must be Applied to the underllde ot tho lent. High prenure (150 pound" should be used In order to cover the lawn with 3 the mint. Three onu- utlonl ore neceoury And the “than ot In oriental to the Bordeaux will provide for the dutructlon of the Colorado potato beetle " the an. tttrs-Dept. of Extension. o. A. Col- lege, Guelph. It in well worm while investigstinc the sub-loll; it frequently in not u uniform u the lumen, any chance in char-net quite suddenly and xiv. quit. . ditterent nine to the curiae. nail on which vurioun crow no grown. Some soil; as better than others, due to the dilerencel in sub- rotations and not! management to ndvnntaxe and avoid needles: also taken with their "ttttsea.---" Eleven- son. Dept. ot Extension, o. A. Colic“ m "" (tom the seeding- which took place Inter than September “I. the reduction from Senora»: uh to hunch“ Nth hem 18.6 bushel- por are per “nun. The highest ro- man you ohm-1nd from the need- I.“ of August "a In tour you; Bert-bee In and Ind In two you. mu: uh “a 0th In two "an. mun-eh.» Wht 12 m Lem- gt-etbo-htttqhratqrWhmt. ONTARIO ARCHIVES A mun was (annulus " his her. hole In the small hours ot the morn- ing. A policeman at the dttBrmitr and come to the rescue. "Can 1 help you And the keyhole, Mr " he Ilk- “Thuh " right, old nun," on“ the other cheerfully, “you til-ht III' the house still Ind I an mange- Bay neither too much not too mug Advice In the cheapest kind of holy. Only . Ill“ pm at what I. can with u. Don't than!“ your cool In“. We usually get win: no - Deed- In creator than words. t thou: ha can be greater than both. Tittte aria all tun. Munro provid- ma enough tae most burden. J. L. SHIT“. M.B.. MX.. Guantanamo-co: we. mound [alto-mm otttmtttmtm:atouaaec"0t" "c,ttosr.tottt-+ mum: tut-6...... "itt.0M.aa. Honor Graduate Tomato Hum. Graduate no"! Coll. Donal 8m W. C. PICKERIIG. 008. Ltttt Room: Over Boyd Bunk Durh- nation and Physical cum. - Course for advanced mm. mm Hand (Sultan and Ar- Goucha. I. sumo" I specialty. an. Hour- t no p. ll. It RAY CAI arm. once: um tttmet, 0mm. oma Sula taken on mil. U.- Dates may“ at HMO-co. l.- dulk, also (hm-n Durh- w. 1nd newer-ton Ada-co. a... I. Oniatrio a Dominion tand Mm Registered PtqhAgtnt m Surveys. Report. lid-nun. HI. Telephone St, Ottawa“. Ont Honor Post Graduate All“ 00“.. Pupil. of Parnell Ion-II. A. A. C. o. Prompt, column & each: m DURHAM c HOLITIIN Licenced Auction." (or W 'tm'ettr. B. M. CHARLTON, A. A. O. I ' I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L05. CHIROPRACTIC "a, flRESIDE PHILosomea‘ W. PIERCE ELLIS Veterinary Hulda. “may and C. a. AND J. ll. MARINE. B. A. A .Ull'. 'Itl- COIDUO'CC. GOUVICIIII’. .00... IO. I... mom-u 'INN “I. ' can: no nu- VAII I " LII. "IO no. on" on --- Win-Ilium GEORGE E. DUIGAI T. It. SNEATH. M. I. F, M. EAGLESOI " ALFRED BIO“. BESSIE IcGlLLIVMV H' 957*? a» L'fi') , "ieiicT,i'is_j'ti,i, w , SEE can Y'

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