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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1939, p. 8

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it! A] T=ir..r=2L=aFaGama= THE REVIEW, DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS CAN IT BE DONE? - "No, I'm talking from M---. WE HAVE A TELEPHONE "DWI" 'r.roo---fet_?Cr'1t In Gr-ear/ret-rim-au-sit-r" Yar&-am0tt.B-t-trmgeedturrmrnoightroum 'ts.thitimoiooetr-teurhmso--rtetiuoireal “alum. Yotatktertrkad.Hrotm-tho fi.id.-4. a -gtieggeo ,mohoutdhavehadiensg can. Smhmonhan 0' Mrt'etteetee_e" We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices 'iCTai rCEiiie2iie.ii, "a... m M Old Lake . whieh have I... in. bacon. (an!!! ltte - "in -- ----'---" __ in no ammo! Mm d the "GK" HUM" "I Kai Airiuner . Tstu you the ow bur-day ride h Ray Gross I Mr Thome of Semi: spent the weekend in the village renewing old old acquaintances. Mr and Mrs Hetherington, Jean and Joan spent the weekend " Norwich with Mr Hethertmrton'ts parents. Jean and Joan remained tor a two weeks’ holiday. Miss Glndys Kirkpatrick ot Mt. Forest who has been holidaying with her aunt Mrs Geo. Altken and also spent a week with Mrs Hustle and her Sunday School class etuntrirttr.in the Park, returned to her home on Saturday evening. Miss Marion Nuttull of Tavlnock spent the week with the same eampin the Park. She Is spending holidays with her grandmother, Mrs J. Wit. ii6isrEttr LEADER”? 8CD Two rinks of Bowlers went to the Tournamem In Durham on Thursday night. They report a pleasant time. The ladies were Mrs Treleaven. Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs. Hastie, Mrs Me. Guire. The men were Mr McGuire, Gordon Long, Geo. Brown and Mr. Treleaven. Mr Jan. Reid of Cedarville visited his mother, Mrs J. T. Reid on Sun- day. Miss Audrey Brown of Mt Forest visited her mother on Sunday. durrr Long of London is spending holidays with his grandmother, Mrs Jno. Leith. Miss Clara Arnill of Harrtston and some friends were in the village on Thursday and had their supper In the Park. Mr and Mrs R. Arnlll of Harriston were in the village on Sunday renew- ing old acquaintances. will be held from July " to August 2, it',,t'atpg miles through Buff National .t'ft, td Cabrini-y viz: spun! upped o my: and fishirinan, sad t,tl be 'd'M'lll by n 10-day ride at greater nih- Miss Hazel Leith of Toronto is spending her holidays with her par- ents Mr and Mrs Jno. mm. Mr and Mrs McGuire spent Mon. day at Edge Hill visiting the latter'tt father. The Institute meeting was held in the Park on Tuesday instead of 'lhursday our usual day on account of a picnic for that day. The Prem Ment, Mrs Hustle presided. The meeting opened with the Opening Ode folio“ ed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. A paper entitled "Child, Par. ent, Teacher" was read try Mrs Me. Guire and thoroughly enfoyed. Game try Mrs Leith. Paper by Mrs Switzer. "Remodelling a home", which was interesting. Discussion and plans were made for the opening of the Hall after it being redecorated. The meeting closed with the singing ot the National Anthem and a dainty lunch was served. Mr and Mrs Herb Fenton of Port Elgin visited the Fentons on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jas Leeson of Varney visited with Mr and Mrs Bryson Mor- lock on Sunday. Dr and Mrs J. A. Cordick of Paisley and son Frank of Timmins visited the Fentonu on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs McGuire visited the farmer's sister at Wingham on Bun. day. On Tuesday evening there was a Jitner held on the Bowling Green. Those wihnine prizes Were: Mrs Geo. Brown, Bert Dyer, Gordon Long, Marie Aitken, C Penton, Mrs Hustle, K, Allen, Mrs W. Aitken. LOCAL Mb PEROONAI. THE DURHAM REVIEW i, Mr and Mu'Glbson of Owen Bound visited thiiir daughter. Mrs Arthur gBrown the.'_§eginnlng of the week. .Harold Mod for his holidays. Mr Mercer " unending this week on his cottage " Tobermory. In Her- cer, Bryce and Minerva hove spent the last two reek: there. Ln! end his friend motored from Waterford on Saturday and went up with Mr. Mercer on Monday. Lyn is harm; a week's 1101411”?- Mr and mi Scott Orr ot Mt. For est vusitee?tit Intter's date: In R. Trelenven in Tuesday evening. Miss Ruby Kerr of Toronto itt hon. (laying with%er mother, Mrs Jordon also Arthur Kerr and family are holidaying at the same home. ' Mr and Mrs George Burrows and Miss Aura McGuire attended the Bell Telephone picnic at Sprinzbank Park, London on Friday of last week. Mr and Mrs Jatg. Glenlster and sons Bill and George of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs George Burrows over the weekend. Mrs Glenlster and George are remaining for a longer visit. The redecorating of the Agricultur- al Hall is almost finished, and the re- opening is to be Thursday, August 3. A Raspberry Festival will be held in the Park, from 6 to 8. Then to the Hall, where the Shiels family of Mt. Forest will prcvide the prmmun of music and song. Come and enjoy an egeninx's good entertaiment. All roads lead to Holstein for the 3rd ot August. Mr and Mrs McGuire and family visited Belgrave, Blyth and Goderlch friends carer the weekend. Frcrn Grade IX to Grade x-Cr1enn Aberdein, Robert Brown, Keith Mek. son Kathleen Eccles, Olive McGuire, Gerrald Fir/er Norma Smith Clary- on Saively Mary Switzer. Prom Grade X to Grade xi-Rt-el Buller. Vincent Campbell, Andrew Dingwall, Dougal McMillan. Arthur Mathews, Bryce Mercer, William Morrison, Franklyn Finder, Myrle Westervelt. HOLSTEI N CONTINUATION SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Dr. Ina Marsh, New York and sister Mrs. H. H. Mesnard, Hamburg, N.Y. were visitors with Mrs. Allen Thurs- day last. Mrs, McPhadyn and family of Tor. rnto, spent last week with Miss B. Drimmie. Mr. and Mrs John Eccles, tteeom- panied by Mr and Mrs Allan Hastie, spent Sunday with Jas. Bunston and family near Dundalk. Miss Bertha Russell, ot Hamilton. spent a day last week at R. Taylor's. Mrs Arihur Rentcn, Don and Mary- Adele, visited with friends in Town" to on Saturday. Most of the farmers are )tnrough with the hay and the hum of the bin- der is heard cutting wheat which is Mr and Mrs Elgin Balm visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles Hahn of Vamey. Mrs Bert Dickson spent last Friday in Guelph with her mother who under went an operation tor goitre in Guelph Hospital. Miss Marjorie Nelson is spending a weeks holidays with her grandpar- ents of Durham, Mrs Whyte of Yeovil visited on Sunday with her daughter, Mrs R. Finder. my Mr. James Ball went to Toronto last Saturday to visit his wife who is in the General Hospital for treat- ment. We hope for a speedy reeovd Miss Velma Lewis of Mt. Forest spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Charles lawn. Mr and Mrs Charles Lewis. Detpartment of Agriculture officials Mr and Mrw Bert Eva and Glenn from Ottawa were in Fort Erie on visited on Sunday with friends of Tueaday checking can and luggage Hanover. . of United State- tourists tram certain Mr PM Haney had the misfortune New England sum tor signs or the to lose a the horse lust week from Jamnese beetle, which caused million lock it"- of dollars in damage in recent years. Mr ttnd In Walter Rttetiitt and "ees-e-ses-ess-ee-""" children of Milo visited with Miss Wiht PM mm Hoettin teeentir. ( Il.illl-lllrilllllIiIllli.Eee8, Mrs Mn. Wenervelt is spending 1 fcrtnlght with her daughters In To If you should hear my Image not-- u on your radio you bu! better all the autumn and hue the tubes Chant, of Dunlap Observatory. than un't one chutes out of a. million that It wanna-use (rem m. ' DROMORE ORCHARD Geérgo Tilden, Principal 'ARTG ARCHIVES TORONTO WOOD USING INDUSTRIEC I OF CANADA It is illuminating to so carefully over a repcrt on wood using indus- tries of Canada which has been iuu- ed by the Dominion Bureau of su- iistics. It shows how dependent we are upon the forest and it shows that, although may tntttgtitutett are com- ing into being, there is no possibility that wood will ever be entirely dil- We know very well that wood en- ters largely into the construction in- duatry, no we need not dwell upon that. But here is a list of things of our daily life in which wood of vari. ous kinds figures largely. For apart we have squash, tennis, and badminton raequets and shuttle- cocks. baseball bats, billiard tables and cues, boats and canoes, paddles and ours, lawn bowls, alley bowls and pins, croquet sets. golf clubs, hockey sticks, Indian chum, Increase sticks, skils and ski poles, slelxhs. snowshoes, toboggans, Down and ar; rcws, flsttinrv, rods. When we enter life we are given a crib in which to sleep and when we end our days we are given a little wooden home in which to make our long sleep. In between we become familiar with tables and chairs bulb, cts. chests, picture frames, candy sticks, meat skewers, clothes pins, corks, garment hangers, axe handles. rakes, hoops, barrels, kegs, ladders, nurserymen's labels. shoemakers' lasts, ladders, matches. pipes, pumps. wocden heels, radio cabinets, bobbins. pails, wheels, screens, snowshovels, washboards, wheelbarrows and a whole host of things. There is nothing new In this but it is worth thinking about. The wood using industries have 3. output of ov- er $70.000,000 in a year, which may give some idea of the extent. There are over goo factories. We often wonder it our local busi- ness men are not missing an oppor- tunity to increase their business, when they do not make direct appeal weekly to the possible buyers in their trading area. By not drawing atten. tion to the stocks they have to sell, and giving a direct invitation to these pecple to call, they are not be, ing fair to their businesses. In early years before there new: anr; news- papers, hell ringers appeared before churches and other gatherings, and after attracting attention with the bell, made announcement of public sales, meetings and what not. The modern way is to use a newspaper that goes into the inc-mes of all the people of the district. We mean no reflection on any of our business men when we say they are missing many sales by not ringing the bell loudly, Advertising is nothing more or less than a business man's way of tale. ine to the people he desires to inter. est. if some merchants were as care- less in their etrort to talk interesting- ly to the people in whose company they are as they are in preparing their weekly message to their potential customers, people would find them so dull and uninteresting they wouldn't care for their company. Think about the message you want to get across to your people, and make it forceful and interesting, not only in its ap- peal to customers as a bargain, but as a really well written letter. " will increase your business because people yoo least expect witl become inter. eted In you and your bugtnetm.-- Am herstburg Echo. Judge G. W. Morley, at County Ccurt, Owen Sound sentenced John Douglas. a 18 year tld colored boy to 18 months at the Ontario Reformatory. for the theft of a bicycle. TELL IT WELL AND IT WILL SELL WELL if - Show“ mauuwknum “and“ FACT A WEEK ABOUT CANADA I Alone In CHURCHES l GLENELG CENTRE B. M. G. _un - ." The Glenelg Centre ms: Hits. W "htrttt t Mon cum held their My menu “ho mm“ at the home of In an now. At- otntm I‘d“ ter the opening exercise: the roll coll Import ",verml wu wavered " the word Tum." of the” M Mrs Neil Mundane ma mun " tor that mm ma it mu followed " I won or M m“ t prayer. Mrs Henry new need 1 North We”. liver on “Bleacdneu.” A report of world, trttd tt the Baptist Women's “balcony E-Jcl- of It will be I ety Wu read by " Walter Ewing. lune or ttnee tl was Eva Redford gave It very m/ The quarry terenung report of Women's my " raou'.der Q Jubilee Convention held In Toronto. taitt, . WI A hymn and prayer cloud the meet- bottom ot " Ing. Lunch wu served. Where are " leach 60 fee JULY MEETINGS OF KNOX CHURCH, The monthly meetin; M. B. met at the home I The monthly meeting ot the w.' M. B. met at the home ot Mrs Small- man on Wednesday Ifternoon, July 12. The president, In E. C. Wilton was in the chair. The devotions! part ot the meeting w” in charge ot Hrs J. M. Marshall. Regret wee expres- sed that our faithful secretary. was Byers was ill and unable to attend.| It was decided to hold the annual Missionary Quilting on the church grounds on July 26th, to which all ladies of the congregation are invit- ed. Lunch was served try the hasten. at the close of the meeting. l The Young Women's Auxiliary met at the home of Hurlette Wilton on Friday evening July Nth. The pres- Ment, Mrs R. J. Hersh." took charge of the meeting ”slated by Mrs T. M. Wnllnee. Mrs A. C. inr- shall. Irene Petty and H. Wilton. Lunch was served and n noel-l hour sperm. At this meeting the mercury was asked to write a letter to Ilia! I‘vers. one of our members who is m ill in the hospital at present. III III UII' Ilwylw- -- r.,,, Twenty-eight children of the Sun: shine Mission Band of Knox Church .Nonmnbv. under the leadership of Mrs John Marshall. Sr. had I ttie nlc moetlrmr on the church (rounds on Mrnday afternoon. July 17th. The loader was assisted by Helen Hulliv day and Anne Wilton, The Amst meeunr will also Lulua the form of a ninnlc for the children after the study hour. PRESIYTEMAN Y. w. A. I Mrs Win. Derby Jr. was hostess to the Young Women's Auxilinry tor their July meeting on Fridsy evening Mrs A. MeRonnld and Miss Leah Me- Comh had charge ot the devotional period. Mrs N. McRonnld and Miss Mary Tobin gave interesting papers on our work in India. In. Derby and usistsnts served refreshment! when a social time was spent by I" present. PRESBYTERIAN w. M. 8. MET AT HOME or use. JOHN Burmese l The regular monthly meetinr: of the‘ Br Auxiliary wss held " the home oti Mrs John Burgess on Thursday "t noon cf last week. Mrs. B. Pub; terson opened the meeting with) prayer and Mrs John Sharp led alter- natelv in reading the Scripture from 5th Chap. ot Romans. followed tttt prayer by Mrs McPherson. Mer. Sneath gave s reading. "The VIM-w Without Box." The Rail cell with the keyword “Fruit" was answered by several ladies. In Stanley Heed favored the meeting with s solo. "Face to Flee," with Miss L. No- Comb as mommnist. Hrs Meptter. son end Hrs. Honeymsn reported fl mills on sick and shut ins. The stud"! book "Goforth in Chino" I'll read by Mrs Monet, the chapter being "Go. irrth on furlough." Mrs Honeymsn gave I prepared paper on "Our Re- sponsibility to spread the Gospel." Mrs. Lawrence led in prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hos. tess. Mrs. Burgess. DURHAM BAPTIST MISOION Oll- CLE AND LAOIES’ AID On Wednesday. Tut, 6th, the Bap- tist Mission Circle met " the home of Miss Redford, with the president, In G. A. Thompson In the chair. The meetinx opened with the hymn “He Wed: Me" Ind prayer by In Morten. Roll call mu uneven-ed by the Keyword "Give Ye." The scrip- ture lemon, In, Cor. 4, in mad by cloned with shy-In mum-e.- pentlnl the [Ad's Prayer. . 'rtseudtwAidrnetkratet- Echoes” was given br It“ Word lift! " the clue of the Circle. Til-PT'm a, being the annual Mule m um.‘ . '"ft', " Maine“ wu taunted. In John " - mum. cloud the new" m ttttl H“ ”W a er. A verv enjoyable - In the. -"'"--.,., ttetdetasthelet1'te.P-t,'""t “CUM” new“ wilteheldntthh-ed, “In...“ a“. NORMANIV mm’w' “ 'w.-""'""'""" WWW: tor ees-st"" ...‘....MM um - w" - e ”a. ”vow In tbe old III-'2‘ and m poodl- tor In P M" We Import lever-l thou-Ind W'wonn or the“: sum and “m ”an "m -lVh.- can - [or - F...-,, cones {mm the and!" - m North “Valet It II the - In the world, sad the (allot-rm uncrxpuou of It will be (was; to than who nae or have and the oIdIChoolllutm length of the curry " wWI' m of a mile and at the blades: partitie - must nmlle wide. Every gallery ha I name derived either mm I member of bond Penrhyn's [wily or from some outstanding event of public interest " the time the gallery "u cpened; for example Agar Dom or Bonaparte Hoar, Sebaiopol. Pllnceu Mary. etc. The history of Penrlwn 0mm dates back almost 400 you". The and wt: in 1570, when an: uddmsed the Dean of. Ba in: for a “upload of due. At the patent tune I tause powder which bu the etrect of Iooleilinl the M without shu- mring it. M hint my down an)» ihlng up to 500 ton- ot rock Beeord. In: to the glny'l mun-menu. The glue that ll loosened is then rr- moved by manual labour with cum- bars, Chivas and Wm. As soon as the commercially valuable- [mt that III I”? ”on” _ ' Mn. Mate has been separated lubble . it " mm nnrrow - mum,- m “u... . (ml: of two (on: capacity, to mm of the min verucll shafts. when " Is mnveyed to the due-slug mods. " Is of Interest to note that as much u 90 per rent. ot Mt the ma- mm ttuvrted " waste, which to a large extent. Account- for the com- pmtlvely high cost of glue. In mama: to Its use In a mono: material, Penrhyn “we in tho am- manufacturers chnnlcul tstrength ducting properties . mulpment of by "Queen Mary" beth" Includes You can It'll get any chicks In mow broods. But Int mu "" back» are now In lamb-Ion. Act quickly a' you want July and: of famous Bra, r"r'tittr--- sturdy. fist-growing. can? Inyln't. Aunt“. “when no ordoronl, - Holstein Oreamovy laden. Out. 'The Little Princess THutt., FRI. SAT ' JULY an, " Li The Queen ct the f" mean in L, tttst technlooIour triumph! BNIILEV TEMPLE -im-- ”and than mm, was” wen, JULV a, 25. 2e OUNOAY mourn, JULY um The ”mm-eat Mano-Wu o! 19:" 'thwy. Blue and Gold’ --mrtth-. “M - J” ”an!” Time out In: .35.,- '."-"r-=rcar---'" QUARRY.“ M "a" “m 7.” In "nosmtoaamratmaus, ~ROXY “(mm Lau, on: on account of the nut B?" New Pique for Pond-ya Bute or, re- , 1570' wtteet sum Tudur JULY so, 1989 nllrny in ttntrks. The “initial!” l the 8.“.5 F "Queen Blur in. slate nabs “at. Stews. rt M Storm _ Am Mule new cittttartt Penn-wry large a :.ml summed "tiurier: M " (luv) ot Town"). a Hanna)“. Hrs Beatter l was“. The I.“ Ir Fun " MM! m by friend horn qbNI r a wide bttitm' Lindb' Jan. . good m mum of Meeting inn-wily mmly Ilium-d In the u Mulch be In" ntt hir life "in ttttttoat aeolian, Nu. I "tw' Win". their tio" Mums! tth. and dwaad man of ttro gNeqttqttittew mking a ham mum-m in m: Inward with Hum-i] went " " sad hr could The M u en ioy it home TM “no, he Want mun-N t Kinnou, of tiw mum tl Their wedded tite was 1h ttho and I link on Waving an Int-m dun Him months old. HIM t. Fl (flmlnmn. New": Mrct "mow-I. "articular ducal ttrw "th, and tttwt.. Mo nd bl Mint-d." daumtto". “(mused w Win. and um the Orkney Isl on In! H. emu. Watiaca I“!!! tt vitsit to her In!” nd nevonvyurold ITIIO" Him MI “I ulm his home In It bridge lumping; last Wednesday The mineral H's ther tirttiiy inc-u his nephew 'mvoum, Will tter “Ether h M T0L1'm.: LXVI "med to I mum " M Durham " Kay. "nl, half Mot (In homo M the lira " was born 7 his main» tit' Imus fan". Mct'l who with but " ll lnlrrmu-n MRS. JESSE McCLUR Q'I‘IIII " in utherinu of mud it. w “ill mus. CALVIN can: manual hon moon-mg tl [mum hi Ott Maxim: undPr «In: THEROIJ.CALL ill Ion-fun I, IT! of th. “Ill" M n " Sm" burial and ll ot M tbr" Inland JOHN SCOTT Com, rpm-1* Sunni-WI. tte tate Mr. nn4 1. tttte. an. but! Hut 'tttite who ml lit-(TI It IbyR July day lid the "III M Am dnuuhu . mum New": In ooh plum all II hot Mr Jam ottdu cheertut Walla" xiii, Thirty-ttir [III Nun tt " “Rained: lV-IIlIIllI Sun [and ‘0! l the! In: W beet Mu l B‘Ivnl "maul l'ulldlll foul att ll In been "" 0mm Knoll not Hang Ali I‘VUIII lit t' "I JP“

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