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Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1939, p. 2

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i (, 2 'tii, Rd W Now a few sale rules. Make sim- ple“, the innate . . remember Ila! the most charming attacks are - Maple. no colorml. try all “no. but in a rental way. Avoid too vlolent contrasts . . ”vocally between wallpaper and woodwork. Where possible have lieu toning. Beware of too ornate News. particularly la small rooms. " your abode ls small. ll in a good plan to have walla of the pale lone throughout, especially all on one noon " that when doors on loll "tr, there lo a pleasing - of continuity Instead of a ter. rlu chopped-op hello " color. These shades appear to give add- ed (Ii-callous to a room. So do the I‘M shades of blue but. of coune, Ito green. they ask tor a sunny up the highlights ot your color when. in the most eontsiderate war. Wallpaper is all-important and therefore must not be chosen em ttrety on Its own merit but as the background which is going to show up the 'ttrrtisttitttri, of a room to the Beet advantage. Cowsle and pale III-hula shad". tor Instance, show Colors are so important to the nuns ot a happy home, since they create that atmosphere ot Bots "it, which sends us out feeling at peace with ourselves and our "world and welcomes us back with the sale friendliness. But having found that glorious shade ot red or omxo or vivid green, so easy with it. Use it as an effective touch here and there of colortnl originality . . a wastepaper basket. a cushion, candles. a quaint jug or bowl. Over. do the touch and tho effect is gaudy. restless, tiresome to live with. Which You Live A Happy 'dau Interior Im- portant In You Home Point a, tonic on the anvil of The Place In _-"-'--'-- --., u- t, Ping pong. tennis, badminton. and twin-mung are the 'avortte sport: of Judy Gnu-land. Rho plays all very well and mum mm» gamma tor he: con- ditioning; exerelses. . _ V) " your own? " you do remember new childish tears and so forth you will be a better father and mother! It there things happened to you when you were young, will you but them In mind, ln all their lurld colon, now that you have children Did you wait, with beating heart. lot lather to come home and wish that mother had done the punish- Ing.' Didn’t yon Dong to be able to loll your not: tint? noon!" and a handshake? Did You Long To Main Real Noise? Did you long to make a real noise without (ear ot being told to bob." every two or three sec- onds? Didn't you sigh tor some place. be it ever so plain and Double, when you could make . also? Did you halo havmg to his: cer- tain relatives and wish that 'ttur parents and the relatives would be Batlsned with a polite "Good after- Didn't you hate having to clothes that were out down te and looked it? Did you lathe eating certain be... such " green, and yet be ready to eat Just a little without protest it only that would satisfy the 'N"rertrthatoreret Did you tell . mm He oeeaaion. nny and then teal terribly rainy no wish that your parent: wouldn't to cross at you confused no got n on your mind? Did you feel that no one in the house um being sympgthetic en- ough thou! your homework, and that you'd be dellrlously happy It only one penon would be nice “on: it 1nd help In a really prac- tical manner? nave-Mum with. “If-Mm? KEEPING FIT TH THE STARS Look Back! for wear . you l‘no Kelly. ot Crtarlotte:own, star with the Detroit Red Wings in the National Hockey League, success- fully defended his ttolfintt crown during the New Brunswick-Prince Edward Island championships on the Algonquin Country Club links at St. Andrews-br-tfe-tbei,' N.B. Kelly had a gross of 309 and net of 281 for " holes to lead the Beld of Maritime golf Irie: Swimming at Katy’s Cove an par- ties at the Algonquin Hotel added to the hm of the tournament at the famous inert. Detroit Red Wings’ Star ls Golf Champ. To prevent the formation of I black sulphur line between the yolk and white, the egg should be shelled while still hot and plu'nged immediately into cold water. The Bible, bound in satin- smooth leather with solid gold clasps, has been returned to the British and Foreign Bible Society, which gave it to the Czar for his Coronation in May, 1806. The family Bible of the late Czar Nicholas II of Imperial Rus. sia has been found in a second- hand bookstore in London. a. dramatic and concrete assertion that men can and will overthrow a government with which they are dissatisfied. To most or us Bastille Day h A much more significance than Just as National holiday. To Frenchmen and to the rest ot the world it is a memorial to the “principles of 1776 and 1789". to ideas common to Western democracy, When W5 think of the storming of tho Bast- ille we realize that it was an act ot detiance against vested authority, marked the 150th anniversary of the tall ot the Bastille. The Pele. bration took the form of a tremen- docs military pageant this year and not since recent war scares has France seen such a gay, salt-conti- dent and Joyous Bastille Day, prompting observers to note that in the war ot m-rves the Republic has won a great victory. 150TH BASTILLE DAY: July 14th BRITAIN: CANNV MOVE: When Britain decided to extend credits totalling $300,000,000 to her poten- tial allies tor the purchase ot mun- itions and other war materials she made a canny move. Moro potent than threats ot force is the threat at economic resistance to fascist plans of conquest. While relative military strength has been debat- able-England and France are un- beatable in the field ot finance-. and Hitler knows it. Thus th more important result ot the British de- cision is its moral etteet-tor Brit. ish credits are more convincing evi- dence of future intentions than British promises. NEW FARMING UNIT: ln Dear. born, Michigan, Henry Ford exhib- ited before 400 ttewBpapermtrtt and agricultural exports recently a new mechanized farming unit which he predicted would revolutionize agri- culture and “make draft animals economically obsolete." Bald he: Nt will displace the horse on the tarm Just as the automobile displac- ed him on the road." Mr. Ford's ttorsedisplaeer consists of a small lightweight tractor with detachable implements embodying new tricks of coupling and operation develop- ed by an Irish engineer named Har. ry Ferguson . The Ford-Ferguson tractor unit has many revolution- ary virtues and costs about $li85, ROYAL AIR FORCE: On the anni- versary of Louis Blerlot'a history- maklng tlight across the English Channel thirty year. ago, Britain lent 240 of her most modern bomb. ing pines roaring over France last week. It was the blunt war-teat flight over nude in hitter} and we: an Impressive demonstration of the progreu In aviation Ilnce Bleriot made the crossing three decades ago. NEWS PARADE G UNIT: In Dear. Henry Ford exhib- ttewBpapermtrtt and arts recently a new night "a me , the Axis p01 doubt now ; power in the at significant on the day of 'as suffering {I merely powers the air mt to of this t from vice. Many go through life as rivers go to the sea, taking the easiest course. REG'LAR FELLERS-The Expert In the shoot-oi! the Saskatoon men outshot their rivals by . single point otter posting a score of 242 out of Mi). The Medicine Hat team fell to second place among the other three entries from Cal. gary, Edmonton and Saskatoon who represented the 26 registered gun clubs in the Mid-Western Zone. The other tour trap zone win- ners were: Dartmouth, N.S., Rod Ind Gun Club, Grand Trunk River. Ilde Gun Club of Montreal, Bun. nlngdale Gun Club ot London, Ont. mad the Vancouver Gun Club. l N.B., in 1029. For trap shooters the competition marks only the second time that a national trap title has been at stake since Jack Trotter, old-time Winnipeg marksman, in- vented the clay-pigeon more than 60 years ago. Dominion Skeet Championship Defending the Canadian Skeet Championship in the Dominion tin- als held at the end of July is the York Skeet Club team from Toron- to. This team posted tho highest score among tho skeet zone final- ists. The Toronto team scored 236 out ot a possible 250 points to suc- cessfully defend its Central Zone title against " other entries re. presenting Hamilton, Copper Cliff, London, Levack and Toronto. The other skeet zone winners were: St. John Skeet Club, Montreal Skeet Club, Medicine Hat Gun Club and Trail, B.C., Trap and Skeet Club. Dominion Trap Shooting Championships In the trap shooting champion- ships. the defending national title. holders from the Saskatoon Gun Club successfully detended their Mid-Western Zone title after a very thrilling shoot-on against a crack five-man squad from the Medicine Hat Gun Club. The two teams tied in the regain zone shoot with a score of 243 out ot a possible 250. Man must love and be beloved. We must subdue self or ser- The tirgt renewal ot the Domin- ion Marksman national shooting championships, this year's shooting tournament will give some 3,000 skeet marksmen throughout Can. ada their second championship team since the sport was introduc- ed to this country at St. Stephen, SKEET AND TRAP SHOOTING The ten zone winners in the Do- minion Marksmenn 1939 national skeet and trap shooting champion- ships, who emerged victorious over some 400 of the Country's :eading clay-pigeon marksmen competing on 30 skeet teams and 24 trap squads, were announced recently from the headquarters ot the Dom. inion Marksmen headquarters in Montreal. LIFE'; “I (cued a coin to we who lllollld have the large cage, and the parrot loll." _/.‘// r ittiitttt, bij"iiEifff)'ji'2".a, ','s,,'ilg,sj,tt,ii,i,,sts, t"ti8WY'9l, "l?1 'sv7 ‘>//////%/// . Hagan! m - ffj"iit ill , I ”5%: iiiti'" 'a Bip Cf(e 'getairr1CEtith , .- te _At ' tiiiiiiiis1 _gi, “Tl rr iiiiiilli'i'iltliii " ’1 r» at it 'iii'iiil?/' f , a M rr . L [I R, k'le!ea ICE/7:4 B, Kiiitdll (Wumu'manzin h" . T,,'; By VIC 'S LIKE THAT N TAR IO UTDOORS We guarantee that one or all three ot these will prove entertain. ing and wlll leave the reader chuck. ling and refreshed. The third to come to mind at this season is one that is listed among the new books. Dorothy Parker, m, vorite of many has released s new collection ot her short stories entit- led, "Here Lies." Mrs. Parker in all her works shows perfectly, certain situations common to the lives ot millions of human beings ot all classes, races and nationalities. Her wit is at times barbed and again she writes with com- passion but at all times she is pen- etratinx. M.P.. in “Punch" magazine but they should be more familiar with these witty essays. “Small Talk" I: a tonic! One of the beat collections which has not received the attention it deserves is Harold Nicholson's "Small Talk." Many are familiar with the Hon. Harold Nicholson. Among the favorites we have se- lected three to recommend. One is that little masterpiece from the pen of Cornelia Otis Skinner, "Ex. cuse It Please." in which the auth- or carries you along through tt Ber. ies of her amusing experiences, such as meeting old school friends and not having one thing in com- mon with them, and learning to ride a horse. When the mercury rises and our brows bead with the heat of sum- mer we turn to the more amusing in the realms of literature. For summer reading we tind that the shorter stories and human anec- dotes of some ot the popular essay- lsts are delightful. Today, on a sunny day, they are as indispensable as lipstick, and even more useful. An atternoon'a sunbath. without glasses, can un- do all the good that a year's care ever did. An hour's squinting into the sun can produce a finer crop or wrinklca than a damning ot time. Gone are the days when dark glasses were either a. sign ot de. fective sight or an attempt at dis. guise. First, let's be sensible about your eyes. and mix the sense with fun. It’s a common enough impulse to fling protection to the winds, or whatever winds blew before the sunshine came along, but that doesn't do away with the common- sense tact that your eyes new it, your head needs it, and most Cer- tamly your beauty needs it. Protect Them With Dark Glu- m or at Crop of Wrinkles Will Result Don't Get Sun In Your Eyes W "tee.cee.e SUMMER READING TORONTO Asia,” yon learn that the Japanese Prime Minister's salary in 82,592 1 year; a belch following a meal in Nippon is a compliment; on ner- 236 ot 29,000 persons are picked on the streets of Shanghai one-h you, dead of starvation, yet in the ulna city one I 1y dine at reatnnrnnt where a dinner colt- 8600. that Am. erican cigarettes lell " . lower price in India than in the Unlted states. - New York Post. vice in A community. we pinco these at tho top. Their activitie- nre sensible and praetieal, mostly ot a humanitarian character car. ried on without fun or show to re- lieve and give comfort and happi- ness to those less fortunate than themselves. - Bowmanviiie States- man. ot a h tied on lleve m ness to We never lo-e an opportunity to any a good word about Women': lu- ltltutes tor ot all the organizations renderlng public and tsngeitUh ser- Tice In I communlty, we pltco these at the top. Their acllvltlen From FOR HOME AND COUNTRY e at tho top. The! sensible and pract i humanitarian cm on without fun or i and give comfort to those less fort Elli THINGS VOICE PRESS John of the Gunther'l “Inside f that the Japanese , salary is 82,692 . LEARN Here is the last crime solution of PHILO VANCE. one of the greatest detec- tives that ever lived in the mes of fiction . . . the lest west story of that foremost writer of mysteries, I. I. VAN run. The Its: Ith; hes secured the rights to be first in Ill the world to publish this "ot-a thri in; mystery that Involves two murders sad the thett of s {deans collection of emeralds. “WINTER IURDER CAM," by . I. VAN Dill. will - serislly in The Itsr 'l2agixtlir. August 5. If on like mystery. written by s master storyte or. dost lulu s single Lining“ of this , fascinating book to be m min-lul- '.. n- g.-- m . " A teuhable Ipirit in health] whether in e child or one of na- ture years. "A VERY WICKED MAN" A daughter ot Charles Dickens in quoted as saying thet the tumou- nuthor was " very wicked null" and that " until] led the very Dickens of n lilo with him. - The Btrattord Beacon Herald. MARK JUNE BRIDE! Average June bride, “cording to statistics, requirel 828 for her trouueuu. Which wouldn't be no bad it she didn't refuse to we" the same clothes 0. month or so later. -- Sherbrooke Record. . . . to Ger-n hunt: baton. What In In don to Got-n " am beings h disclosed in out by " only“. which the New York Times In: we of German mu satiation. Thus: sum Hitler come to power itt 19:3 cue- ot diphtheria and starlet fever have virtually doubled; of "inat meningml totally troblod. Food troitsottietq can Incl-cued from 1.565 In "" to 8.7“ In 1081. Death ute- between the m- of one and the went up 12.5 per cent. for girl: and " per cent. for Don between 193: and 1036. - Ottaw- Journal. f GERMANY We hear much ttf what Hitler In "done for Germany." We but In. ot what " In. done to may WHAT HITLER HA. ”NI To Br GENE BYRNES gambling. For two tom on car- tainarht-ottthermrteeq wheels is “upended. “In (MIC the customer- . better break ‘l'illel being what they are. Monte Catw- who not give- its inst the heme. Yellow foods, h com. carrots, t'pr',r “min A which is (and eyesight. Greens no rich i in vitamins A, n I Candy Cool With I “rim; t cooked vegetables. m need worry an Mic-w. But it -tanee to rcmnml boiling or prolong dettrete vitamim. Dr. Victor I that pharmacy dun medicine, vice on diet, I simplest way I in: enough vi bright. colour: furnish to it fan in; I lilll soft cloth this with ”Mic. m aetirnte vit The idea for dolicul Mala. Sim; tins of ra tables Grain And. To Feed "" and 1 oat. In" t grains. Thr on! ttals _ [or harm-n other man mm tor c known to: are. are Tht. gram when: F.' We" (pals “Oil. ot thr: ot tho h of I been t ”rt l tor thi It has 'rftect. "tter' comm] culclum these r: IN". Join Urio w mild " Provittee of Or annual cummun Color India Vitamin Eminent American vise: Us to Eat Brit Fooda-Yettow. Vitamin A A. F. & A. IL. an: mom “Our rec "In A. ll. eidetu divis ot Highway ICCMQIIII n tam " l and drunk m PM 9!.ch Ila I'Lckwl Nu m m Little Mist Cause A Roots Arc Te: E Ontario Trat; _. --- Sinai! mm”: (ion Jud eputy t Ion. Outa lt ml- the Ad may ' ear " d " bu ml an th

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