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Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1939, p. 8

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Al N s'il I?! ‘:__...; - 174W- THE REVIEW, DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Fares. Train Sauce and Into "nation from Agents. T166A I...¢ALDER, Town Monk-Phones DURHAM 8TATNm-Pttotte " To all Town. on lines of T. & N.0. Railway, Niplaslng beau-ll Rm., and heyond Cochran on C. N. Rlys. to Kapuskulng and Hearst. C‘ANADIAN NATIONAI: Rail Travel Bargains August fth From DURHAM We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices Equally Low Fares Ina: all adjacent C. N. R. Stations hk Voluntary Inspection “MR. MOTORIST” TM: Safety Campaign it immoral by the Genoa Opera. tore Association of Onurio. - to up. It. In”. thmqqts Coma-Involunta- -mm-mu comp-humus“. "mums-mun, B.tAmrnrfth-rmithnn thunk-Mutant": I Rbrqr$ttrvrMghp- ummmmhm “winch-Mush; a" ylthitholum If - Numbered Safety Stick". to ahcw the Police Ofrteers and the Vina-Id at large that your car, at halt, I. safe, are available The Garage Operators' Madam»: of Ontario has made available qualified mechanic; eertifUtt by the Department of Labour, to impact you: can T'lfg',t2llh"C"e,Q,iglti “Icon-hunts“ One Headlight glaring into oncoming tram: many accidents and many death. mmuammmu ae3trtrittternrtttmia -r-hteetrertr$Pthmmats " " of can imputed had WV ”all mechanical deteet that rendered the car Ion-aft. Do not delay. Have your car impacted today. The average can of adjuument wan trifting WI" you -rate Ind help to rid Imus from last you". 8:qu Inspection th'owed that e Your Local Member of this Association TthatMrwhiettwtttattmet the who that " "Ithtt a. -'-" m. or e "re-ed-Bt-retort nimytohndh. Experienced ae6'hetrrrbttrR,artderitotairtit men and!“ of the beautiful mnormeblgnmovhlchu hunt! in such large numbers; they will any mull-o Im- Iolu and a Inns-up Pow-wow " the and of the trip. Thou outings hvo been. so popular that In” Ancien- Nan their holl- lmn at nut! smu- new. cu. m m. mm. or any of the --teteqtinirtth the Highway. of ha. caused rod. the Mercury-Irma, who "idthath-tathereittttr. may now when In tho not! leaving the Butt Spring: no“! t.rrthaota?toepte weakly”. tritttirpnyiaidarti7iie"i'G treatoattrtttamooththetrtr,srh1io arrangements In well under I” "on now for the Trail “on to find u coulomb]. - on! o wamoneatwaitirsttatttt-dog each this ride. Two night: will tt-ntatonerotttter-- the on must to the but fishing and moot Imlu' loom. Mrs Kalle Miller and Mr Lloyd Hoo- per ot Toronto, were week end guests with the farmer's sister-Invlaw Mrs D. Allan. Miss Vera Allan. who has been visiting with her aunt Mrs Robertson, returned home with them. Mr and Mrs McGuire were at Amos Church on Sunday for both services and spent the day with their old friends and neighbors, Miss May Ferguson and brother Jim. Mrs W. J. Robertson and son Allan 1 Visitors with Mr and Mrs C. Mc- Millan over the week end were Mr. and Mrs R. McRae and son Corwan of Fort Erie and niehes. Lepho and Fern Matthews of San Angelo, Texas Mrs. 'McRae is a sister or Mr. Me. Millan. These two nieces of Mr. McMillan are over twenty, and had never seen potatoes grown before. They enjoyed their visit very much The foliage on the trees and the scenery of this country Impressed them immensely. Having travelled through Texas State, we know there is a vast difference from Ontario, as to climate and soil. In that state. the heat is terrific and very dry. Cacti growing in many places and not any grass as we have here There are tufts of grass like our beaver meadows, coarse and wiry. Much of the country is desert and sand dunes. The cacti in bloom is‘ beautiful. ( Mr and Mrs Dean, Mr W. Clark and daughter Lillian of Toronto, ‘spent Sunday in the same Lane. Mina William: of Warwick, great aunt. of Mr N. McGuire. also Mr and Mrs mum and son of Warwick, spent Tuesday with the McGuire fa mily. Mrs Hilton is a second cousin of Mr. McGuire. Miss Margaret McKenzie of Tor. onto, and her nephew, Mr. Morrison Smith of Peterborough, were suesu of Mrs Allan and family on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Hetherington spent the week end in stntford. Mr and Mrs Stuart Fender ot To. ronto; Mrs Allan Weaver and dau. ghters Corinne and Jeanette ot Tor. onto. were visitors with Mr end Mrs Bryson Morlock the end of the week. Mrs Fender In a. sister of Mr Morlock Mr and Mrs. C. A. Spllsbury ot Ransomvllle, New York, spent the week end with Miss Morrison. Recent guests with Mrs R. Tre, leaven were Mrs Remington and daughter Barbara of Palmerston and Min Ada Stevens at Toronto. HOLSTE‘IN LEADER WW9“; LOCAL AN D PERSONAL THE DURHAM REVIEW lingers, We cannot (one! the past. But we know amid the lhldOWl. That God's way I: ever beat. - ---H __- -'"' w“ Pork: Home Blankets: Bet hungr pr, " . , ' ' ' , c in Mt. Forest last week ! Quantity ot Lumber: Ion; Bag --_--. Truck; Forks, Shovels d other or- tlclel too numerous to non in. l I m MEMORIAM eluding u lot of Goat T . In loving memory of Archie Menon. Some HOUSEHOLD WU“, old who we: killed " Verna] on and STANDING CROP. I July 22nd 1385. ( THE FARM, of 100 rec, with "Years have pulsed but memory good hulldlnu, Will he 'ermt mr “users, Eula at the same time, I loot to a We cannot (one! the nut. [reserve bid. Miss Clara Hoenin enjoyed a tnp to tho. Manitoulin lellnd Int week. Quite a number [rem here entor. ed the Tattoo end the Lione' Club Frolic in Mt. Forest last week. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Crane and young daughter of Guelph ore en. joying their holidays with In Wm. Dickson. . Miss Muriel Nelson and friend of Arthur visited an Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Nelson. Mr and Mrs Art Poole and family of Toronto, spent. the week end with Mr and Mrs R. Finder. Master Bobbie in remaining for a longer visit. Misses Ruth and Jean McPherson accompanied by Miss Mable Orchard of Mt. Forest spent last Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Pete Cornish. Mngnd Mrs Roy Dickson and hun. ily ot Toronto visited over the week end with the Dickson families. Mr and Mrs Robert Carmmmt visited with their son Nelson and Mrs Carrnount, Galt recently. There will be no church for the next two weeks as cur minister Rev Mr Mercer is on his vacation. A football match, Drcmore vs Hope. ville, is planned for No. " Egre- mom Reunion next Monday, Aug. 7th, With a musical and reminiscent program in afternoon. and dancing? in evening, it will be a day of friendship, profit and pleasure.. Those winning at the Janey on Tuesday night in Holstein were: lat Gordon Long. Mrs W. Aitken, Mrs Habermehi, B. Ecclea; .2nd, Mrs. Geo. Brawn. Mrs B. Eccles, W. Att- ken, Bud Buller. Congratulations to Mr. Habermehl who won lat prize at the mixed do, bles tournament in Mount Forest. Dr. Ellis has at his home a beau.. tiful Newfoundland dog. He sold the dog when it was three months cld to a nurse, Miss Ina Simpson. who had a Government position " Tim. mins. She used the (log to carry her supplies while visiting her dir trict, sometimes travelling titteen miles on foot, this deg Being her sole companion. She Is now in To. ronto, and she asked the Dr. to keep the dog for her until she needs him. He is a beautiful animal. Quite a number fran the village attended the supper at Amos Mon. day night, also the play "Here comes the Prince" Ind all report tt good P?" and an Immense crowd. Those ‘who heard Mr Bennie on Sunday en- Joyed both of the lemons. There was a full home at these services. Mrs Jchn Sharp and son Billy ot Durham. visited with the farmer's sitter, Mrs John Leith on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. Keevil and Irene Ellis, of Toronto, were visitors with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Ellis. Mrs Glenister and son George Who have been spending the last two weeks with Mr and Mrs Geo. Bur. rows, returned home on Sunday with Mr Glenlster, who came for them on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Elliott and Mrs Elliott Br. of Kenitworth and the former's son were recent visitors with Dr W. P. and Mrs. Ellis. Visitors with Mrs. Tuck recently were Mrs. Corbett .of Vinelnnd Ind Mrs. Douay of Mount Forest. Mrs. Hustle attended anniversary services at Amos and spent the day with her son Allan. Mr and Mrs C. Fenton also attended the aervlces, and spent the day with Mr and Mrs Ralph Lamont. Olive McGuire, with some ot her friends, in Durham, took In the an curslcn from Owen Sound to Midland on Tuesday. Mr. and Mm. Tuden end Chris. tcne have been spending part of their holiday: in Multan. The Mines Edith and Frances Hagerman listen of Mrs. Tilden, have been vie- itlng them there for the put two weeks, Dorothy Bridge and Shirley Moore are guests of their Mint, In R.Tre, Ieaven " present. Mr & M. Home In: IIIO a. guest over the weekend with his sister. Mm. Treleuen. Lmitgi, ORCHARD TORONTO comes the Prince.' " wu well re. waived. The proceeds of the night were tiM. partying on the organ. Mr. Maintain ayoung man from Dundelk. rendered a solo at each service, “Open the Gate: of the Temple" being one of them, in excellent voice. The prevailing damp weather had not the demeaning elect on attend- ance as in old buggy days. In! 'old time members and friends of earlier days were met with, and old associations renewed with each other g Monday evening a crowd of soo enjoyed a bountiful supper. thence] crowded the specious sheet, where the WhMeld troupe. from neer Shelhurne. presented their play 'Here Mr and Mrs All“ Althea and rhlldren or Holstein were Walton-s on Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Bert Watson. Mr and Mr: Ed. Smith of Toron to .visited on Sunday with "shaves A number ot the boys from Knox had a pleasant motor trip to Niag- ara Falls over the weekend. We have much to thank God tor these days, and we are at present gaining strength at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs David Marshall after spending ten days in the Durham Hospital. We appreciate very much the many visits we had from friends, over 30 in " and sev- eral ct these more then once, also tiowert, and fruit. We were very pleased to have among our visitors Rev. Mr. and Mrs Honeyman or town and Rev Mr and Mm. Kaye of Drotnore. though Mr Kaye is not fully recovered from his illness yet. Visitors with Mr and Mrs D. Marshall on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdeln and children or Flesherton and Mr and Mrs Irwin} Ferguson and family of Emmet“. I morning nervlce. tn the evening all sent: were taken up by on lnterelted audience, who [um-ed to two the forceful sermons by the Rev. R. I. Bennie at Acton, on old one Mend of our popular motor, Rev. H. Kaye who introduced him. Music was nupplled by A late local choir of my new voices, who sang an anthem a each service, in good voice and harmony, on an. occasion, Mrs R. Drlnunle wooin- presented. The chum van a! enmity, with churn In the I gallery and veetllmle tuted " proved a decided succeu In point ot numbers, the ulster mutation ot Knox, Norman», u well u tht Bur. KNOX CORNERS (Arrived too lute for Int week) The Anniversary Services of Anna ROBT. TAYLOR, Clerk. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer ---_----- AUCTIQN SALE at hos Anniversary To the who! that you m at: For though you've my.“ a... And met my Decal. tot, Yo the laasd of your btrthrhese. Later the newly wed: left by no- tor not Chicago and other points. The bride donned a - frock ot grey amall plaid Imported shark- skln with zrey top coat and none:- sories In white. They will reside In Hanover. acted as ushers. The - wane anurtly adorned with white how: and tern. The weddingdlnner mone- ceptlon was held " the Union Hotel owing to the illneu M the bride's The all (air bride entered the church with her elder brother Wil. liam Ford, who later gave her in marriage. She was charmingly [recited in white sheer in ttttor. length, fashioned in Bolero style, her tInger tip silk tulle veil was cought about her head with cum buds in a halo shape. She curled no arm bouguet of red Better The race: and valley lilliee. Her mutron of honor Mrr Donald Bell of Olln- wa, sister ot the groom was lovely In a (rock of turquoiue blue in ttmtg'. length and a doll Bowemd hat in metching tones, and she carried pink Premier roses. Donald Bell support- ed the groom. Hours Herold and them son of In Robert Imam:- und the late Mr Mathew- of Ver- ney. Rev. Willlun Blown otBeiausd. The brldnl choral we! Mngod try “in R. Vlckemn ot Durham, and during the slgnlng of the register Mm M. Killer ot Durham all! very "eeuveir, “I Love You Truly." Mr Ford of "mover was mind In A profusion of Men JOHN ECCLES. on tit my Reunion MON AY, AUG. 7 BM V -- - v - -- whether living {A1116 Secticn or outside of it. PROGRAM in Michal S. tok t3, Egremont "ATTHEwtb--FtNttt EVERYIBODY WELCOME Join with us in greeting old friends, teachers and upilu. At 100 p m madman sol-loot) looking torwnrd PM um ff"' Fear "et'hteate “I a Vargetrre llll: W: “W "IILV IUNOAV THURG.. Fttt Loude: and I The pmpery will be Mend sub Sect tat I reserve bid and the man conditions of ale. Diced " Durham an. 26th dat July. 1939. duly: without interest. Meal-“emu 10% of the purchase mice of tht. ml estate In to be mid down fhrt There will also be “and for Baie a then-u.- ttme and place the lacuna "ttss-trut-ee-ut,, 31 West Side of In. Stud, Village of Holdalls. On this may i. I Imu- house and fume We. Diningmom Table, I \plntnuoom Chain, 4 Pnrbr curs, shun Tab “up. , Couches, Pedestal. mt Bari: and Mirror. 8 Beds. , Springs, and M touring on, 7% con!- me dry wood, I cord dry wood. m gar- Inc. Writing Desk 1ltAet., mi. Beneath It the one we love. And the one e could not sue. --tHdV mind ' kahuna line-r In Ewing of our dear brother, W Wu. who passed away at " ton, July 80th, 1937. You wlll uny- manta um. 80 " I glad all IBM an. You’ll be having have anther. Where " our tteetds roman-r From am a? very near. AND ON Your Terms of Elle: All "ff-do Windo' “ROXY I, E. Duncan, Auctioneer ‘Swiss Miss‘ MOUNT FOREST -ia--- New Ptartne ROOT. TAYLOR. Sec'y EXECUTOR'S SALE LAUREL I: “mm". a. no» THE SAME PROGRAM ', WA Cuban! In Ttata down Or', slain: Amway: MAM than ever be: I... Contact: within m: ct ', "trio . The Cm ”Him a! the [mn- imae - Wodereasdaty “as w-r) la ;.\ M. Rev. tl. W. "inh- \ m M, when! by Rev. Mr of M. “his, Ind Rev. I Mm of Shakespmrr. lnlvrnu 400k m In Durham oomph-r3. l Patt Dunn helm: Ikwmw Jnmld Wm. I'll“. Rob! Sauna-1's. M Be4frr, " N“. Hun! Pratt. " ~10" All-I. Camp. Mcrartert NW Nauru! tioral mm an!!! ttmn "lfo Ind c'lllldu-u' l “0-. all"; lurdovk lunnlly_ I aim (Wu an“. Hum-um PM mun; “no and 0mm- mm, M. IMP; [£0.00 - of Hanover and} 3 din-mid; K.K. Power' Com, Fol ”NW. Mum; "tttttrio Hydtw wlric CA., Terrain: (mm HI Rural Hydro: Hydra FYec Co m bananas; tttMt. New Publir Ht mu. Mn: Mr and Mrs. Hat/ "on”. Newlhmburx; In and! A.L. and [Ash Ild‘nmh: Mr 1 Mrs as. Ptetter, tlotMtuttuptou: t and In .061 "mum-k and Ge "I Hill-I“: In New. and Mr 1 -\1ru not! Hum: Mr and Mrs an“ Thu-m and family; Mr Rob! ll Int-u all (anally; Mr and Mr. w 'I, “may, Owen Round: Mr and MM It Luna-n: It“ Kilt-4m “all 'I'H'KWM: Bernot tho Hahn 1”": M" In‘ In mum Cation and I c-Imv: Mr E. Rowen CII'IL MI Mrs H. Candy; III and Mrs d me: In! Vern Mountain Tani hater “lily. “'Jndum and [M Mr and In c. G. MeN;iittxtay 1 tt I. Sandi-rs: MI um! M's w) Moran and fully: Mr and Mrs. “w-uhn" Buoohridmu Mr and Jul)" Willi; Mr and Mrs F' Moon. Our. Mr and Mn R Mo'. Mr I.“ In Wm. Wilson: Mr [mu-rd was a peculiar ymuu: m in II: tut year. He was born hum. thr - non of Mr a Mrs. (mm mm». Me was nu 'io-d Ave yum m in lHum‘ln- . "r-k. daughter of Mr and Mn J l Murdock, who "WNW-.- tsith v Leonard McComb Fa when Pole A slwrkinx accident betel [roam Awhlbald “(Calm hydro ltttettttttt )‘.nlmm, when he Wu Men-ed in tl we by a splinter Inn: It broken H um pole. early Sunday men-"inn .‘umm Forest, dying in mum." e1 wn hours ul‘wrwnnls. The atom Sunni-y nix!!! had!" h-n down four hydm pun. llwre ll W In one or an Pt8terReqtl new“! can! tas up." the line and I 'lite Inner. which was thus em I With I te%rw worker, he Mm n'yu In renew a 6mm pole. When 1 "an.“ I hand cumming: polo ‘II 'et-et. the no motion, ftved but and - by when. “a" M and n nut-tar t% inch»: thick on WW“! " And h In l'r,‘wd to I Pom! Mal, whrtw thr moeettt MW. Ht no hopes www out mined for In: ”wry cod his “(it are, and l mm Inches tttto thr brain ritiidevtt.. Terry. WI "nu-yours Mar; Inn, IN um and u half "esidey the rarely ban-sum! um- xmmmu. a stator and two hm": My moan: In. rumba-mu I ther) of Tomato; um”- ot “In." mid Gordon " "Mr. The W utwr sell»! a...“ "tttttFd u a Bell Telephone- I nun, “In the [In (an years. Ian M wttA the Hydro Com. A man”. M We") A few month Hurt... than [our yum a! Run ~41!th to live in [indium VOL. LXII, NO. Tc HM"- “r "It! Mrs Ciiff "No! and If! Chtta, Zillilu; Mr I lr. R. Intent: Ind fuming Mrs WM McGowan: My Man Hawk. Mr and Mrs A Those who n-ndu-r it um.- man on the lime-worn trick In all trade, but in ("VIN SHVICE create a tit-mum! I: tt. Irma-9am: uvoid [In-mu If. - " PATTI! 50!. In Spool-III! In Eye Exammau Milli”. Vet-may. lug. 23: Appointment: 1-r30 pm Reliable Service at C. Stracy's Slow Win. 'or Nathan!) "av-4'"! gut-Imam t. I. . wd to I Al M

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