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Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1939, p. 2

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The man who cannot wonder, who does not habitually wonder oaatirsmhipy.-tiytrsIt_rs hir d Wh- behind which there in no Ere. --Them" Carly). The Championships down for settlement include the Halt Mile Senior, One Mile Senior, Five Mile Senior, Ten Mile Senior and One Mile for Junior Boys under seven- teen you: of age on Sept. 9th. There will also be a One Mile No- vice Race, Open to riders who have never won an Open Race ttnd . M Mile Clue B, Miss and Out lace, open to riders who have The Ontario Dirt Track Bicy- de Champions are scheduled for Emmy afternoon and Waning, September 9th in front of the Grand Stand at the Canadian Na.. tional Exhibition. - - 7..” -v- "v,“ -llu “Illa. The Decorated Doll Carriage Con- test has been extended to include Decorated Floats. The eompeti- tions have been divided into four classes, with a 1940 Gendron Eng- lish Style Doll Pram for first, a Shirley Temple Doll for second and other dolls for third and fourth prizes. Two new features last year, the Decorated Doll Carriage Contest and the Freckle Faced Kids com- petition are attain included on the Children's Day Programme at the Canadian National Exhibition on August 28, and indications point that they will be more popular than last year. The Prizes for the Freckle Faced Kids competi- tion include a varied assortment of clothing for boys and girls. all parts of Ontario coming to match their speed. The finals will be contested in the evening, start. lag at 6 o'cloek. Freckle Faced MATCH SPEED In front of the Grandstand the Junior Athletic Meet will be held with boy and girl runners from DOG DERBY An additional Water Front fea, here on Children's Day. and con- tmuing on Tuesday and Wednes- day, will he the Toronto Star Dog Swimming Derby. More than 100 dliffi are oxpectcd to rompt'tc in a swim of races which will start curb evening at fwe o’clork. The does will swim from one quarter to a half mile. As a Children', Day feature, the Star have includ- ed a Special Rove for boys and girl owners, under 16 years of are. The youthful owners will have to do all the handling them.. selves during the race. ONTARIO BOYS AND GIRLS There will be a breath-taking display of water ski-ine and aqua- planing, featuring the youthful Norma Macintosh and her two young brothers. Russell, age " and Alec, age 16. '3 tlying to Toronto from Holly- wood. Hailed as the greatest diver in the world, Smith has been granted leave for the duration of the Exhibition by the Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer Studios, for whom he has starred in several aquatic pie. tufts. DIVER "DUTCH" SMITH In the afternoon and evening there will be a thrilling display of high divine by the World's Cham- pion, Harold "Dutch" Smith, who Children's Day, Monday, August 28, will be a banner one at the Canadian National Exhibition 'here a full programme of aeti- vity will be provided throughout the day. MODEL YACHT REGATTA Starting at 9 o’clock at the Water Front there will be a Model Yacht Regatta. Last year the Re- gatta attracted fifty smart model yachts and the expert manner in which their young handlers sail- ed the boats brought much favor- able commendation from veteran sailors who watched. Children', Day, The animal world is an important spot at the C.N.E., with the annual championship dog and cat shows. Bicycle Races Dog and Cat Shows WATER SKI-INC Kids Compete August 28th or Sir Hrrnry Pellutt million dollar Cas- tle-on-thc-HHI. Spudinu Road. Tor- onto. Hunt's tour thro' Castle, tow- er, tunnel. stables, art galleries, and coronnunn room special exhibits and souvenirs. See "The Fall of Nine- veh." (the king and his wives), painted by order of late Emperor Joseph ot Austria-has " life size fitruren on a canvas. 28 feetxlt feet, and the Vimy Memorial. Open M) 3.11:. (in , pan. Adults, 2i5c-LCttud. ren 15c. Sundays, 25 cents. On Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4th, the Canadian National Exhibi. tion Junior Championships, for boys and girls under seventeen years of age, are expected to draw capacity entries as these races af- ford an opportunity for swimmers of every grade to win. will have a chance to see the Maple Leaf: in the al League gums: Amateur swimming and diving will play a very prominent part in the Sport Programme at the Ca- nadian National Exhibition. Sev- eral Ontario Championships will be decided on Saturday, Sept. 2nd together with the Barker Gold Trophy Races for the One Mile Amateur Championship for women and the Two Mile Amateur Swim. mine Championship for men. 233 Yong. St. North of Queen trt, IIIENI. BLANKB'I'S, TARTAN! Formerly the John Calla Co., Ltd. PROGRAM, CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, I939 Friday, August 25th "C""'""""'"'-------.----....-... Opening Day Saturday. August 26th w----.-.---...-..-...-.)),," Day Monday, August 28th ...- w--.--.----......--...))? Day Tuesday, August 29th .--..-.---..--.Automotive Day Wednosdny. August 30th ....................Food Products and Merchants' Day Thursday, August 3Ist .-......-e...etttt-.te--e .-Women's, Music and Art Day Friday. Sentcmbcr 1st F'".."-...-....----..-.-....--..-.... 'w'r.t--'_ .U.............Press Day Saturday, September 2nd ............Munufacturers’, Athletic and Inoral Day Monday, September 4th ."tm.t_.'"'.t.t._.._.-.-me--w. _.-.-...-...-......), Day Tuesday, September 5th _-.--...-----..--)-" Day Wednesday, September 13th '-.----r-trt... .. .m...V...r...i.........Amiculturists’ Day Thursday, September 7th, Transportation & Commercial Travellers' Day Friday, September 8th e--rt-__ _-....-............-..)" Stock Review Day Saturday, September 9th w-.-....-......--......-...."-' Dar Following private previews of the new low-priced models, which me reported to embody revolution- NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Possibility that the much-dis- cussed new farm traclors, which have intrigued automotive and ag- ricultural interests recently, may be unveiled publicly at the Cana. dian National Exhibition, has been indicated by rumours prevalent as the opening date of the exhibition “Gill's. The old style exhibit, with a counter and I definite impression that something was being offered for sale, has been displaced, " vertising experts state, by displays which have plenty of movement, and which revealyhat the modern producer does to provide better products at lower prices. For this reason, they state, this year's ex- hibition will offer a more intrigu- ing and interesting study for visi- tors who look over the commercial, as Well as' the feature, exhibits. WHEN IN TORONTO SEE CASA LOMA INDUSTRY Action in displays, with a deilrs ite trend towards exhibits which tell the story behind a product, appears to be the picture which visitors to the Canadian National Exhibition will see this year, ac- cording to omcials who have been close to the preparations being made by many industries. M l I, f St di BASEBALL 'J'el'ifiG'N'itt T' EXHIBITEON VISITORS well as the past and present. In the National Industries' Building there will be both a complete television studio in operation and de- monstrations of facsimile broadcasting. In a completely new Pavil- ion of Industrial Chemistry there will be puppet shows staged tell- ing the story of the way in which scientists of today may use agri- cultural products of today to create scores of new materials not yet known to men. Swimming and Diving well a: This my. Canath National ExhibEn will look to the future a The World's Largest Annual Exposition Opens August 25th THE chl)Ih0LuCljLitr0l)j0ira" EXHIBITION “'50- l- Toronto. ‘1." Donald Maclean', SPECIALTY SHOP AUGUST W, 18, tthte - JERSEY CITY AUGUST M, " - BUFFALO AUGUST St - MONTREAL SEPTEMBER t, " - MONTREAL SEPTEMBER 4-4 PM., S. S - ROCHESTER SEPTEMBER h S. '" - BUFFALO NIGHT GAMES EVERY DAY EXCEPT LABOR DAY TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YEAR D........Focd Products and Merchants' Day W.wtte.temtr .-Wornen's, Music and Art Day "'-e.mm_ert.ti-t.-..tt "'_.tt-'. -..._..d'ress Day Manufacturers', Athletic and Floral Day ..e.__...-_-m-t. 'P-"........"'- .,......v.......Labor Day y...........‘.....W......7........International Day ree.... .. “.7.“r...,‘............Agriculturists’ Day portation & Commercial Travellers' Day e-............-.)" Stock Review Day o-........--.............-.))' Day Archérs from all overvgh; iiiiit. ed States and Canada will com- pete. Archery, for years a very M.. tractive sport, will again be in- eluded at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Canadian Cham- pionships being scheduled for Aug. 28, 29, M, 81 and Sept. I. The Archery range at the Exhibition is to the West of the Government Building near the Rose Gardens. For the first time in the history of the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, a team of swimmers will compete from the Bahama Is- lands. A group of thirteen is scheduled to leave Nassau soon, arriving in "Toronto in tn1lficient time to permit them to become ac- climatized to the fresh water. At Nassau they swim in warm salt water. On Saturday, Sept. hh, the Wrigley Trophy Races for the Ontario One Mile Swimming Championships for men and wo- men will be the feature. Tater, who has starred in sever- al movies built around his show and who lectures on safe driving, will repeat his demonstrations of one-hand driving of a car which plunges over obstacles, driving a car over a ramp which is wreath- ed in flames, jumping a car over a truck and rolling a car end, over-end a half dozen times. His show will include the full crew of 58 drivers and mechanics who carry with them a fully-equipped rcpair shop, body-straightening equipment and welding shop. LUCKY TETER AND HIS DRIVING DAREDEVILS For a longer visit than they have ever paid to Canada before, Lucky Teter and his Congress of Daredevils will come to the Cana- dian National Exhibition this year to stage their sensational display of hair-raising driving of motor. cars and motorcycles. The show will be staged daily in front of the grandstand, with a two-hour program of stunts. ary advancements in design which permit very close small-scale op- eraunns, one manufacturer at least has reserved much larger space than in previous years. Ite. cently, it has been stated, one oth- er manufacturer also plans to present the new model produced by his firm. Archers To Compete following 1nterr.p,yorc Our display at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition is of unusual interest to many thousands of music lovers. We would like you to come and visit us. The acceptance of this invitation involves no obligation whatever. May we look forward to seeing you.' Turn right. Main entrance (opp. Fountain) to Manufacturer! Building. or visor-like. Tiny ostnicii "iriiiie'i and fiat wings are the most papa- Ittr ornamentation. Softness is the keynote of the new millinery. Many hats have tsemi-fitted high crowns which are softly draped or manipulated. Turbans are intricately wrapped. Berets, which shoot high, are tuck- ed or shirred. Brims are narrow The detachment will be accom- panied by the first brigade of pip. ers ever assembled in Canada. This brigade will be made up of the Toronto Scottish, the 48th Highlanders, the Royal Irish Regi- ment, the Seaforth Highlanders, the Saskatoon Girls' and the fam- ous Dagenham (England) Girls' pipe bands. The parade will be held at noon, August 24, the day before the Exhibition opens, and will introduce the guest band of honour, His Majesty's Royal Ma. rines of Plymouth who will de. posit a wreath on the chic cent). taph. And the very best Used Can 1009 BAY ST. MI. 3571 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE TO PARAFAL For the first time in il.; lengthy history, Canada's famous pox-e force, the Royal Canadian Mount. ed Police, will stage the first par- ade of a full detachment through the streets of Toronto when they inaugurate the opening of the Ca. nadian National Exhibition by rid- ing to the City Hall. The detach- ment will be made up of the men who acted as special guard of hon- our to the King and Queen during Their Maiessties' visit to the New York World's Fair. NEW STUDEBAKER CARS Heintzman & Co, Ware Rooms 195 Yonge St., Toronto The page shown in front of the National Industries Building is carrying the largest test tube yet produced, six feet in length, for installation in the new Pavilion of Industrial Chemistry. O’Donnell-Mackie, iii. An invitation to visit Us At the Exhibition Duplicate Stock at our Distributor: for in Toronto Cali at AU. 51m, um" In; us'aBm Visit our Showrooms 145 FRONT sr. EAST .J.6cJ.'l'AYLlJR Lumen .IP'MIOéAEE WORKS WHILE IN TORON1'6 Largest Test Tube In World Downtown Dealers for 28 years Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Zephyr It» ADELAIDE E., It Jarvi- ELgln "tw-Tort-o (In!) 880 DAY 51%. at GEO-velar “Adolph lMROl‘l‘O "" body, rtiiiuiGGC ttngrte nu .............. CHEVIIOLE'I‘ K In panel 1934 a tell bars-II "" tor ..r.r......__, WILIA s Panel [or 1936 economy In deut- I cry work ."".r-......... 1934 IVY 2_ lop. " In! The Canadian Weight Lifting Championships will be contested at the Canadian National Exhibi.. tion on Saturday. Sentember 2nd and Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 4th. Outstanding United States' Champions will again make an at- tempt to retain for the United United States the majority of the Canadian titles. Ila-y ("hen .1 Equal VII-e Full lllk of [My wltl each sale I!!! 1|qu ROI .... MAPLE LISA!“ It." 1935 wheelbase, 0 tool “like body. a: x It the» dull “95 nu . . - _ _ -___- cry. This trmei-ii; rettt lime 'r............. -__V “human. ale-d' tt' TGT. (on. bod). 32 x It tteen gum ""' an and cab, with a In: x 8 hot lulu.- holy. 'l'hl- [ruck In: been and lean “on 5” $725 mlleu .................... l 936 M A PLH LEAF. DIOPO 1938 {igla‘ttivhm bein- Clout. 1939 fl"" l""Prr 1.5 to- CI..- 1937 MA PLF, LEAF lung “heel- bane, M "ot make $795 body. 34:7 tire-s. dual "If 1937 Poll!) 2 to. long- wheel- bane, " foot “Ike $725 body, 32x8 ttre, dual rear. REAL BARGAINS Gross Machinery & Supplies INI‘ZI) MAI'IIINIGI!" AN" '0au'C'rruCar, PXtt II'DIHN'I' Agunts for new Amlvo Pumpsr, including 'iurnr-vrurirut,rat, gear- oi, piston. no. _ TOR-tttt Fruit <1. Ens! {I little 0' Canadian Weight Lifting Champion:hips IN FULLY RECONDITIONED USED TRUCKS TORONTO MOTOR CAR “"th In Taro-lo. Whut t of St. Laid-hi} mu. $325 $595 nuke real BEE HIVE Offers The Canadian Champions, Att. brey Ireland, Jr. and Terry Evans will attempt to make it three Cas usdinn Championship: by winning. Last yen, seventy pnin of cl- noeists made a most imposing light as they paddled fifteen miles in front of the Water Front Grand sand " Exhibition Park. The Canadian Fifteen Mile Tandem Canoe Marathon Champ- ionship will be contested on Set- urdpy afternoon, August 26, at the Water Front at the Canadian Nntional Exhibition. gun his climb to international run dio fame in Ontnrio. When the lumOus Pellatt castle on Toronto's hill was first turned into n public building and became, briefly, a ho- tel, a group of youngsters arrived to provide the music. This same group, now older, now celebrated as smooth experts in slippery tem- po, come back again carrying the Can Lama name still, souvenir of the engagement that started them to the heights. iuiinat Exhibition at one of the five famous modern-music aggre- gations to by heard this year! be. Glen Gray who bring: his Cass Loma orehestra to the Canadign Tandem Canoe Marathon Glen Guy FOR FALL PLOUGHING The goods are tight, and so are out prices. We manufacture in ('lll‘ .ryteuorits--Hatmese, Horse t‘ullars, Sweat Pads. Horse Blankets and Leather Travelling Goods. sumo Brand gives satisfaction. Made only by Samuel Trees Company, Ltd. Factory and Showroom WRITE FOR CATALOGUE " Wellington St. East, Toronto HARNESS AND COLLARS Cumin, Argentine. and Austra, lin provide the bulk of the wheat entering world trade. l-prorla from the United States, the Soviet Union, end the Dnnubinn countries show wide Mctuetions but are oft. en lubmtinl. Glen Gray who returns to Toronto with his Cu: Lona Orchestra and "king of Swing" Goodman with " chrinet. 0mm New Union “anon “nth I.“ Minion Lathes Delta Motor-Driven Took lac-l Lawnmower Sharpener: at”. "our. mung. Pulleys. Vines, anemia Drills, Lathe Took. Chucks, Wrenches. Machlnlu’n Tools - EVERYTHING FOR THE MILL -SHOP - OR FACTORY New and Rebuilt Machinery Large Stocks . Prompt Shipmcnt mo FRONT sr. WEST, TORONTO “an. 23:1 Farmers Attention! WHEN IN TORONTO Canal-'3 “Machinery and Sunny Home Invite. you to not them It their Ton-om showrooms. directly THE A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO., LTD. Music linqhe Call To See Our - Frocks for Office Or The Veram The air! Inn 0'7 - has tte {not and new Weather and th of her budget 1 Ct. leaves ve GM ennui. Sh IR M-weuthm and. In mind. the light side " not as dead with which to lei. These troH priate for W001 If. “Oahu! m occuiou. Ono of 6.0.” he dual tra 1Aitttt m bmgrunu et; would duel In l) tho "om;- 0r Chou” one of )1 navy on widow: Cm. New Gowns “no“ A mm the h Girls Who Go To Business Must Choose Wisdy no Simple BI d F " (Ill "u U FIJI] BF. u iTh "N h he an» I aunts ah its Call f rim dr. an: St It itt, " Mr d tt “In tough. Pl I wittt " drone. and d ok

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