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Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1939, p. 4

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N I, it Mrs Jessie Walker, Mrs John Me. nraith and son John and Mr and Mrs Goo lac-knot and daughter trom l‘oronto. vitdteid recently with Mr. and Mrs Ben (‘oults and also Mr. Herb McClure and girl friend (rem Lon-Ion. nephew of Mrs Cont”. They all not-reel over to Markdale and spent a most enjoyable any at the home of Mr and Mrs Contta' clnwhter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wethg, Mr and Mrs Peter Mar and son Hubert. of Inn-ham. were recent winters arith Mr Ind Mrs Harry Rear. Range": song by in Geo. Mlgmon Jr: was "The Little Brown i'hurch"; song by In Wm. New]. loch; non: 'Tramp, Tramp. Tramp'. , 60ch lunch was served by the homes.- and ”Mutants. Septem- ber mating will be held at the home of Mrs Jon Rely. Thou on lunch ocI-meo being:--- sandwich es. Mrs Geo. Tumbull. Mrs John Andrews. Mrs Willred Alennder: can, In WI). Hammock. Mrs Joe lit-Gullah. Mrs. G. H. Torry. In 39- Comm mm a for days Mat wool with her daughter Mrs A. Wells of "Mickie. We are sorry Little Agnes and Robert Knlsley of Rob Roy, spent an afternoon last week with Sadie My. (Intended for last week) The Al's-at mulls of the u. P. W. o. not at the bone of Mrs G. H. Terry with a good attendance. Rott mil was answered by "F'trtgt Aid Hints." A letter of appreciation “as rend trim Mrs Joe. Porter. An ttttrt""', si:rit. Hi“ be held at the or. tor meeting. A short program tot. h ' coon-ting M a reading by F' I. R. Torry which was t mot t 'Iow ) Big Amateur Night} EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT "a '61-] W" aauGiaa “â€" -."-eV MVA1l)NS -rGriGa io' it; “at by 2 - - be - in also.“ Aro The W .qqttt'hA88t" " In?!” by conga“ 3 Prizes of $2.00 each Entries will be Come and hear Dr. C. C. Ross on 'Cancer and its Control in Canada' "5.40 The Durham Business Men's Ass'n Con-unity Path, receiVed by Arthur Adlam. Manager of the Durham Co-Operative Store. Sponsored by SATURDAY, AUG. 19 Commencing 8 p. m. to 900 pm A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE "tni' “3.05 ’8.” DURHAM At the home of his daughter. Mrs ROM. Brigham. Hanover, Mr George Kress, for moat of his life resident here. died on August 22nd, after a paralytic stroke a couple of days before. He was in his "rd year. and came to Durham from Eden Mills near Guelph. when a boy. A carpenter by trade, he built many buildings in town. He was a town councillor in 1917 and 1918. and also served on school board and Hydro Com. Two years ago he was pre- sented with tt “Hear Jewel lor con- tlnuous membership in the Masonic Order Mr and Mrs John MacDonald and daughter Audrey returned to Hamil. ton Monday, after atWo weeks' holi- day in and around here. His rite. formerly Catherine Dav- is, died " years Mo. Two daugh- ters and a son survive: Mrs R. Brigham (Eleanor) Hanover: Miss Vina Krona of Ruthie: Harry Krens of Chatsworth. Funeral services were held Saturday from the home in Hanover and Trinity church. Dur ham. under Masonic auspices, and interment made in Trinity cemetery. BORN ToMLtNr"ON-. In Women's College “capital, Toronto . on Satan-(by August Sth, to Mr and Mrs Blake Tomlinson (nee Anne Arnett) a ttOtt, John Lawrence. to my Mrs Coulis is not rocuperat in: as fast as her friends would wish. I Messrs John Sutton. John Ander- so. Ernie Doidge, and Thos. Paton. ot Toronto, spent the week and with Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull the latter two remaining we: tor a couple of weeks. Mrs Ostrander from the West is holidaying with Mr and Mrs Geo. Mighton and other friends in this vicinity. F. W. ”00" Durban GEORGE KRESS Mr E. Blodgen of Glenelg with Dav- his brother Walter and Mrs Biod- laugh- gen, also his deter Mrs Ell Herring. rs R. with Mr Herring and son Wesley, Miss all of Sherhrooke, Quebec. spent the Kress Brst of the week at Wang; Beach. when They will return the end ot this home week. Dur Mr: T. M. McFadden and Miss i and Kathleen. with their guest, Mrs etery. Chilton of landon, are holidaying at‘Wasaga Beach for a couple __ weeks. Mr Arthur McNally. Gland; had his barn struck by lightning on Bat. urday and the rods carried oft the bolt. The cnly casualty was the dog tied near the barn which was killed Instantly. Mrs J. Thorns who bu been via!- ing her son in Bentineh, friends and relatives in town tett tor her home in Detroit. Quite a lame number or members ot the Black Knights attended the Derry Day parade in Dundalk on Saturday. Mr Thomas Binnie and daughters Muriel and Margaret ot Erin were weekend visitors with Mrs Thomas McGirr and Mr T. V. Bell and fam- ily. Mrs Jan. A udmglnm spent the weekend in Ingersoll with her niece and family Mr and Mrs A. Mem. tomb. Mrs Hanna and daughter Adeline, Mount Forest. visited the tirtrt of the week with the fcrnter's sister, Mrs Matthew Davis, Gieneig. Mr and Mrs Dane, Fort Lauder. date. Florida, are visiting Mrs Dana's brother, Mr John Henry and Mrs Henry. Rev. J. E. Bell. Mrs. Bell, Mary Elizabeth, Gordcn.. lan and Donald were. guests ct the tormer's aunt Mrs T McGirr on Sunday. They re. turned to Owen Sound where Mrs Bell and children will spend the weekend with her parents. Mr and J. S. Mellralth and Mr Bell will spend the week with his brothers in (ilenelz. They leave Saturday for Toronto enroute to their home in St John's, Newfoundland. Miss Beulah Stoneouse was a visi- l‘r with her parents, Mr and Mrs B Sioneouae Dr T, H Snenth and Mrs Sneath spent the ttrat of the week with the former's sister at Shanty Bay. Mrs Archie Hunter and daughters Margaret and Winnie of Vancouver arrived Tuesday to spend the week with Miss Margaret L. Hunter. Miss Laura Whitmore, Toronto, was a recent visitor with her moth. er, Mr and Mrs William Biankstein. Essex. visited Friday and Saturday with Mr and Mrs W. H. Cross and were guests at the marriage service ot Dorothy Pickering and Stuart Bol- ton. Misses, Mabel and Reta Wilson, Markdale. were Sunday visitors with the Milne and Hay families. Mr and Mrs N. Horton and Joan of Guelph, Miss Gladys Alexander, Toronto. were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs G. Alexander. Miss Helen Gerrie lugersoll. was a visitor with Misa M. J. McGlrr. Miss Ruth Myles and Miss Flor- ence MacDonald are on a holiday mctor zip. Miss June Dodda. Toronto, 13 visi- ting her cousin, Miss Mary Firth. Miss Elsie Ledinghun is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Collingwcod. Miss Helen MacDonald ls visiting friends ht Hamilton. . Mrs John Klnsella and daughter or Toronto were guests in the home of Mr and Mrs W. o, Ritchie. Miss Dorothy Robinson, Reg. N., leturned to Owen Bound after her vacation and was accompanied by her mother. Mrs D. Robinson and Mr and Mrs Cecil Mottat and Ruth and Helen. Mr J. R. McNichol, M. P. Toron- to, was a holiday visitor with John McFadyen and sisters. Bobble and Muriel Blanch Ray are holidaying with Jessie lam and Franklin Moran. W. Andrews of Windsor, is holiday. ing In the home of Mr and Mrs Ar. thur Ritchie. THE DURHAM REVIEW _ I Visitors with In John Bryon are Mrs E. G. Smith and little dach- a ter Dorothy of Tomato also the Mines Agnes and Mttrtraret Telling 15'- or Verdun, Quebec. in Weston Pretrtrrurtan Chic]: on August twenty-amt. The engagement is announced of Margaret Helen Ledlngham, daugh- ter ot Mrs Ledlngham. Weston. and the late Rev. Robert B. Ledlnglum, to Mr William um, Beam“. B. Be, ot Kirkland Luke, non of Dr and In William C Redmond, of Edmon- ton. The marriage will his we. Was held at the home of Mrs Robt Mortley on Wednesday. August 9th, with the president, Mrs Cutts pre- siding. Roll call was answered by "My favorite icing recipe." The program was taken over by those in rharge. Mrs A. Livingstone and Mrs B. Dargavel. Everyone Joined in community singing, followed by a solo by Miss Norma Gagnon, with Miss Helen Renwick scccmpanylnz. The guest speaker for the afternoon “as Mr Clen Rowe who gave a very interesting and educational talk on “Laws pertaining to women." Miss Helen Renwick then played an in. strumental. Aeontest put on by Mrs B. Darznvel was won by Miss B. Campbell. A daintv lunch was ser- ved by the hostess and hertursiatants Rev. C. J. and Mrs Queen of Princeton, who In" been holidaying in Durham and vicinity this month have gone to Quebec for a visit. Mr and Mrs J. W. Turner Orange. ville visited Mr end Mn J. H. Herding lent Week. _ Mr Robt. Angu- of Aurora. 111., Mr and Mm same: or indium owl Mia: Beale Reid of Ayr were guests last week of Mrs D. math. Mr and Mrs Howard Middleton and family were in Tara on Sun- day attending the funeral of his mother, who died last Friday sud- denly. while tying her shoes, with a heart attack. Rev. and Mrs W. H. Smith, with son-imlaw and daughter, Mr and Mrs J. J. Bowden of Petrolia. are on a motor trip to Quebec Province and the New England States. Mr and Mrs Harold Bernese of Petrolia visited his mother here after taking in the World's Fair at New York in early part of weeK. Rev and Mrs W. H. Hill and two daughters of Dundee. lliinoia, are hoidaying .three weeks with her mother, Mrs Richard Barber. Mr and Mrs Don. McQueen and family spent Tuesday with his hm ther Alex, holidaying at Wasaga Beach for a. couple of weeks. Miss Bessie Campbell In holidaying with her niece, Min P. Robertson. Mr and Mrs C. Buscmen and little daughter, Karen, were weekend visi- tors with Mr and Mrs Wen. Smith. Mr and Mrs Benny tad little son ot Owen Bound were recent visitors with "and": here. Mr tad Mr: Alex. Robertson visited recently with Mrs Robert. son‘s parents at Berkeley. (intended for but Week) Miss Mildred and Master Vincent Bolen of Kenilworth spent a week with their sister, Mrs M. A. Vuey. Min Fiona Dorie of Toronto is is visiting at her home.. Mr Anus McKelvie. of New Luk. eard was a welcome caller at the Review omee last week en route to Reunion at his old school, No. 13, Egremont. Mr and Mrs T. Glencross. Reta und Myrtle were recent visitors in Meatord. Mr and Mrs J. L. .Stedman. sons Leslie and Thomas, Mrs Stedman, Sn. renewed old acquaintances In town on the holiday. Misses Aileen and Maxine Dar- gavel are visiting tor two week‘s with theh conning, the Pic-Ma at Ingersoll. Miss Catherine Dyer. of Kitchen- .er spent a week with her mother and sister here. Mrs John Fallaise has returned to her home in Tcronto after a visit with Mr and Mrs Archie Beaton and other relatives. Rev. B. D. Armstrong and Mrs Armstrong were guests ot Mrs Wit. Hum Calder: when in town tor the Btr1ton--piekerimr wedding. Miss Belle MacAnthur and Cather. ine McLean. Toronto, were sues“ of Mrs P. McPherson. Mr and Mrs John Morrison. Misses Julia and Christen». McLean and Kathleen Smith left on a motor trip to friends in Michigan. Mr Charles McClocklin accompani- ed his brother Fred ot Toronto on a tisit to Northern Ontario to visit their brother James. Miss Marlon Gotttttt of Toronto is spending twc weeks in the parental home. DORNOOH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE DORNOCH giddletoT Mr and Mr: Alex Knuley Inc on Sun- family visited on Sunglny eveninc of his with Mr and an anon! mm; “a Idny Bud. family ot Mount “rest. I, with it (intended tor Int week) l Miss Margaret end John McFar- ith, with lane ot Toronto spent the holiday at Mr and the Muhrlnne home. “in. tue' Mr and Mrs lament, and - pmvmce of Egremont visited on Sundtsr with as. Mr nnd Mrs Cecil Bryant. maze of Mrs Cecil Bryant is mining in ter here the hcme of Mr Pic-ward Horsburg of p," " Wremont. Mr and Mrs John Drlmmle of Rgremont visited on Sunduy with with Mr and am, Cecil Bryant. Miss Margaret McCcll, B. A. of Petrolia and of the teaching sum ot Port Arthur, Miss Franck Cant.- "Hello Jim, I was hoping ymAl call!" "I wonder if Jim will call tonight?' TORONTO And Jim says: "Only 6Sg t" 'xhF/0ti abook seriomly Limi Ti my touch your heart. LONG DISTANCE 0 People who nee Long Distance service are always surprised how little it really com. Rankin; with smaller budget item like movies, cigarettes, laundry and shoe repairs. Long Distance telePlaone _u|le flon't tough yoga - . in the evénings? Mo When uomebody f: like Jim i. in . distant town and seem. ten Iimel as far away as he really is? And then the telephone bell ri-- and there's Jim! -aasit rave it by uUttiiiGiJ. you feel radii] tiiirtiGUT, still pop a who will alum you raua--rkean " a" u. but 'mr-tar jun-mm costs so little! Jim's all cou only 6fe and it travelled more than 200 and... By using low Ith,', Run swim“ M- Ar Sun; ROB ROY Fltm the telephone Do you darlheattt n there ever u Riga ylnelgchoery minimum-m in not welcome ilmnootlrlllwm "uTaL Patterson in spendingh-Mch it was noted." They decided a holiday with her Mater: and bro-I for “a, member to Wt in an entry the" at Nlrkdl'e- lot a home made work noron tor the I Mr and Mrs Vertton Whiteley. mr'IClub exhibit at the Durham Full ire. accomonnied by lire E. Burnett- Fur. In - gave a humorous Hanover and lies Innet BurnetLI needing entitled "Mtnt Am. " the ;V.0.N. of Kitchener were 'ee"tt,Tetmrtsone." In Harm Ritchie " (visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard‘w hnd . splendid reading. Mos Geo. McCallum- Tumbull of Allen Park cm gave ! The August meeting of the Dwain. . well PM up“. "l,,, our ‘Aid was held It the home of '"_orrusr," “a wttleh we All ettMyed Archie McLean with a good attend. very much. airs Nelson Hunt a,” ance. The meeting opened in the “H'lducted . mm drop contest with Mrs uni manner by tttttttttttr “d Ttd""') Heft winning the prile. " was cf “:1 't'/,',21r."At,'l1'1 Mindful! decided to hold our meeting I week WV ttettt' . 3 program o . later next month at the home of towed consisting of readings by Mr: Tom Ming“. The members to J,:','.,'),.?,"',",':,', a": fist..""": raft." entertain the Hold an Club at this '7‘“ . " amen 4W nr, I ue y meeting TMrs Allan Boyd and Mra e',"'?,"',","; (intended (a, lest week) f, beautifully rendered solo by In "N Win. m an d daugrtrter ISaunders. The meeting closed try Mi Sadi llama,“ red i . ""wirtr and repeating Lord's Pray- f n th I e . 'll' 'te mom I'.'. pr in unison. A aoclnl half hour' or er home a fe'. It, followed during which the hostess spending . m" ot wee" with and assistants served a dainty relative: here. lunch. I Mr Ind In Duncan Town and Mrs Manley of Che-lay Ind Miss Fortune of Southampton are visit- their ulster, In W. Bolton. Mr Edward McDougnll ct Hun"- ton In spending a few days with ttin parent: here. In Wlll Cunpbell and son Glen spent pm of Int week With her pur- enu In Glands. Mr and Mn (JIM “In: of " lnn Park MN m the W- In. Norman Mandy ot Toronto, and Mrs E. Mandy of ielington were guests of the Fritz and Kraft mm. llies n few den int week. Mr: “we in in Toronto thew days caring tor In Garfield Meta. Ber. who has recently been operated upon for appendicitis. Mr. end Mrs. George Ptetter were recent visitor: with their daugh. ler " Mt. Forest. Mu H. Benton. Mr and Ira Gott Hermon eiid Indy friends of Hnnover spent n any re. with Mr and In Noah Newer Little Bernice letnger who he- been spending the holidays " the home of her grandparents, returned to Toronto Inst week end Wedding Belle are ringing! , (Intended for Int week) Mr Fred MLCIocan of Toronto spent oart of Int Week with his niece: Mrs W. Campbell and In F rank Twnmley. In A. lichen visited with her friend In Will“. a Huover never- nl day! last week. Mus A. David-on of Inndon wu a holiday visitor with her cousin Mn E. o. HIckllng. Mr and Mn Fred Home and tam. ily of Elmira spent. 3 by recently at the home of Mr Ind In Noah longer. well of Port Arthur and Illa Mr Wilfred and “In Nellie An.' I" u. Iowan " “who!“ . tew demon together with Mrs, June: few at" with her dnmtttter Mrs Byers and daughter Nellie visited Art "chm” and ttmttr u Inger- with friends In Fergus curly in the Bott. week. l Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs numbering over 35. were recent u.- iton at home of Mr and In many alumnus. when n enjoythle after. noon was spent. utter which I boun- Mr and Mr Thou. Hancock of To. ronto and Miss ”argue! Watson. ot Fergus spent Civic Holiday " the Maples. the home ot Mr Wilfred and was Nellie Anderson. Mr and Mrs John uldlnw of Pitts. burg., Penn.. were all!“ on old friends in this loamy last week. Quite a number ot our local sports attended the rte-union held in Teen- water the beginning of last week. Misses Betty um union Byers spent last week In Tomato. Members cf the CRAWFORD HAMPDEN JJ." " “jamm- iaeiiil “Flam exhibit. It the nun-m nu ueu. Fur. In lander gave a humorous “a” reading entitled “In Arri- n the mrnt,retetststyne." In Hurray nimble " "rd so had I splendid lending. In Geo. 'lrruiiai of Allan Park Club, Rave ““11: a well prepued paper on om “T's-nu." and which we all enjoyed end. very much. am, Nelson Hunt con- "",etucted I cum drop contest with Mrs ; Mr and In Jill Ruth and noth- Ier In D. Clark of but... new ISundny with Mr 1nd In not Mr, I!" Dom Cox motored to Owen Is-Jund Sunday Add. “Clicked In Eur. l (IntenM'tor Inst Week) In Win. Manon nnd daughter Mitsts Suite left Thurldny moman .for their home In Chicago “In spending a. couple ot ween with relative: here. I Mr and In Dunn Town and Annuity or omn- were holidny vbi, l In L. noun In spending . few for dam with her daughter Mrs I Mr and In Dunn Town and Jammy of Orlllln were holidcy vitti, lmrl with their puma, Mr and Mrs very much. In nelson nun; con- Iducted a gun drop contact with Mrs J. Heft winning the MIC. It was decided to hold our meeting a week later next month " the home of Mrs Tom Ming-"In. The members to eutertain the Hold Full Club It this meeting Mr And In Wilfred 'rttittttetttwaite of Tenn“) went a week with Mr. ard Mrs W. Bowman. [In In new at W " . ”my visitor with her mun, Mimi brother. Mr David Watson. After the haw storm, with bail and run. the ow crop In badly down and will be him to harvest. Some Iclnwah. Innouoll. Hr Hen liner In unending I few days In Harlin. Kr and In Inloolm Ickechnin and ttautthter. [In Joan were Hul- Mr Fred - is spending this week with his daughter In D Town Noble of Durham. Kr h A. new w“ a weekend vinltor with Hamilton “a Tomato In L. Bhlldmdl. Chedey visited this week with rehtivel "and tho mu Georgie Miner, Owen Bound will a “slur at her Mme here or. In“ lube" [AV-OB. Tomato is holidaying with her parents, Mr Mr W. I. Wanna and “My of not!) visited this week with his TORONTO EXHIBITION mum W. "I. " And l Iwrv-h " take immv have an) o-rrm noted um-ordm ht appeal In day of August mud fhis n "" . NOTICE TO Citr'rlr1 Round Tri 1 from DUB ml all-I agatirrst Mu KIM “CKNhniv, In sale with the mm but” the 25th (in) I' t .119 turn“ ", in I of the provlm-vs ol I "thug“ and Aib.uit Mnclrl no" durum- hy (Pm-tin: "HIM“. Inc can. Thero >1 Width In. 4 In M “It! unde- to the. I Notice is hvl‘vl “lulled “uh Um. Lilith A mind up an m} Durham an th" t "" the list ot , In vote in tio. Jn ”II-laud o-lwlu tut ”Kiln (“I'M CLERK'S NOTICE OF [5 Mimi; ()f VOTt’R\ Data! at Durham 'I Am, 1039. VOTEII' LISTt 1939 m, WV OF TOWNSHIP m (LG. COUNTY or at mm and relirt pllcnuon. For snlo FARM FOR SALE on m Th Juno: mum.» ', 00.. Mr, Egrummw tr," V Rel“. Good buil‘lmu at. Its Reward! noun-D can s m [ an. elicient ttpp Fr fr _ ' '0'“ and Callouses *htqtdqat treatment rSa‘u renown and keep, 23.. m "LE--Poter, u rl M. engine, new P., Fin! min from 'In " n In "thte Paw a a Wqgt Bide oCitri I; ”3 thtrvey of In. We three-room flan.» m, Ono-(MM " am- of I Aw": r " M Durham, Take Notice. that M. Complete " who, "75. Apply I m “IE-(At lor I. ' (a). , Watered 1501.4 WM “CHEVY It“... J. A. CmpwaL Hit" l Tickets not good " All Canadian PM All Dominon l N. WI.” and “.1me Y. M. McFAhhl-ZX tVoters' Li I." Now, SOON“ pom! have NO" Brunmurk pm! CANADI Clerl tt Small Adv Ottawa 8.65 To the Mar Salient" f MMiettor tor the VI?! M. P. Wairsh THEY Nun be" FOR SALE Cottttt y o w McFadden’s D roan . II, HE M'RHAN " RETURN L " all (min: I STE. A AUGUS "

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